Authority In Church Administrative Positions

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Authority in Church Administrative Positions The Kress Collection p. 37 "It is the pleasure of God that Brother A. T. Jones should serve this Conference another year as president. It is His pleasure that A. T. Jones should put away all appearance of a magisterial, domineering, authoritative manner. He is not to think that by virtue of his position as president of the conference, he has arbitrary authority. True, he is to have authority, but it is to be just such an authority as Jesus had, an authority that is hid in the meekness and lowliness of Christ. 9MR 175 Again and again I repeat the warning: Never place as president of a conference [a] man who supposes that such a position gives him the power to dictate and control the consciences of others. It is natural for man to have a large estimate of self; old habits wrestle for the supremacy; but the man who occupies a position of trust should not glorify himself. The worker who daily subordinates his will to the will of Christ will be educated away from such an idea. He will practice the virtues of Christ's character in all meekness and lowliness of mind; and this will give to those whom his ministration is supposed to benefit the precious freedom of the liberty of the children of God. They will be free to act out the grace bestowed upon them that all may understand the precious privileges which the saints possess as members of the body of Christ. The one who is in trust of sacred responsibilities should ever show forth the meekness and wisdom of Christ; for it is thus that he becomes a representative of Christ's character and methods. Never should he usurp authority, or command or threaten, saying, "Unless you do as I say, you will receive no pay from the conference." A man who would speak such words is out of his place as president of a conference. He would make men slaves to his judgment.--<SU Letter <EU 416, 1907, pp. 5,6. LLM p. 311 The authoritative utterances of our brother, in their commands and their forbiddings, bear not the heavenly impress. They are not inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. Unless he becomes thoroughly convinced that his mind is not infallible, his future life will be characterized by a spirit of exalting whomsoever he will, and of hindering those who are not in harmony with him. In his present state of mind, he should not be entrusted with responsibilities that would give him the power to dictate to any church. I have borne the testimony that Brother Reaser should have no control over Bro. Burden. I have borne a testimony, even in the meeting that has just been held here, that the Lord's servants are to seek their counsel from God. It is contrary to God's plan that men shall exercise arbitrary authority over their brethren. God will convince those who have felt called upon to exercise a wrong authority over their brethren, that He has not authorized them to take upon themselves such responsibilities. He has not appointed a man to take the place of God in this Conference. 3T 493 God gave you a precious experience at that time which was of value to you, and which has greatly increased your success as a minister of Christ. Your proud, unyielding will was subdued. You had a genuine conversion. This led to reflection and to your position upon leadership. Your principles in regard to leadership are right, but you do not make the right

application of them. If you should let the power in the church, the voice and judgment of the General Conference, stand in the place you have given my husband, there could then be no fault found with your position. But you greatly err in giving to one man's mind and judgment that authority and influence which God has invested in His church in the judgment and voice of the General Conference. When this power which God has placed in the church is accredited to one man, and he is invested with the authority to be judgment for other minds, then the true Bible order is changed. Satan's efforts upon such a man's mind will be most subtle and sometimes overpowering, because through this mind he thinks he can affect many others. Your position on leadership is correct, if you give to the highest organized authority in the church what you have given to one man. God never designed that His work should bear the stamp of one man's mind and one man's judgment. 18MR p. 66 When a man takes control of any other man's conscience, he is entirely out of his place. The Lord has not delegated to any man the work of ruling his brother. There are times when workers pass through strait places. They are depressed. They want to do the will of God, and they long to clasp a friendly hand. Brethren differ in ideas; for their temperaments are unlike. One is more speculative then practical; another thinks his position gives him authority to say what the next man should and must do, without any argument on the point. "All ye are brethren." Let each resolve that he will not, under any provocation, show a cheapness and littleness of spirit, that he will speak no words in bitterness.

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