Aur Pyaar Ho Gaya Avi

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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Google Phonebook address facility Google can crawl almost all the phone numbers and help one to find the US telephone numbers. To know the details of a particular number just open Google and type 'Phonebook:' keyword. Keyword can be used as per the users requirement. Eg. using it like below for Bill Gates name gives results for the 'Bill Gates' and respective nos of the people in USA.

Google has provided the facility to remove your own name from this listing as well...

Posted by P Murlidhar at 12:18 AM 0 comments

Monday, August 25, 2008

Adventures of Comics...

Adventures of Tintin - The rejuvenating session i had after i plotted the pdf copies of TinTin and the very moment sat down to copy and reading the pdf as well. In between the lectures I even finished one of the book as well... 'The Calculas Affair'. It reminded me of those old golden days when TinTin and Asterix were mostly read during vacation days. I still remember these were one of the costliest comics. Back to grandmas palce in local library they used to charge twice/thrice to lend these comics... may be to meet their breakeven sooner. Why comics reading was always rejuvenating and refreshing... i think they are made that way only... The best thing is after going for so many places and meeting quite a no. of people when I am reading comics, apart from the usual fun stuff I can see the way the author maintains the connect. For example if we are reading TinTin, you can also see the French connection in the background and people around. In fact the extra funny characters which are included just like that always come with the distinguished characteris which author deliberately wanna portray. The other day Anantha, my project guide was telling me that in IIM they used to do the track of what type of magazines/book are issued from the library in what season and as a part of study they found out that comics are issued throughout the year and the consumption touch the sky high in the exam days... So I think we can say that comics is read in colleges more... and at the same time mostly in B-Schools :)... Other day I found out the article telling how comics can make you better writer - Comics apart from a good time pass, are the source of the knowledge as well. U come to

know about the others culture in better fashion as compared to watching the movies. In/After B-Schools you get the new perspecitve of doing the things and the thought process definitely modify after doing a business program. Same is happening with me as well. The different perspecitve and thought process goes when we read the comics now a days. Long live Comics and all the characters... To read more about the Tin Tin Follow the following Wiki link : The Adventures of Tintin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia _ P Murlidhar Naidu Posted by P Murlidhar at 7:22 PM 0 comments Sunday, August 24, 2008

The day we had tea in classroom at 3:30 am... The snaps shown below are the snaps of about 2:30 am at night, apologies I mean in the morning when Gauthaman came from home and brought two filled tharmas of tea. People flocked as crowd at his desk to collect their part and quickly go back to their respective teams for the assignment part…

The wonderfull way to finish a MBA day is to do the

assignment till say 4.30/5 in the morning and then trying to sleep with the fact that we have to get up for the 8:30 class and ya we have to submit the

assignment as well before that. This do happened a lot when Dr. Rakesh Singh taught us ‘MacroEconomics’. His assignments were always awesome and always came with the aggressive deadlines. When I say aggressive they can be at midnight for the class finishing at 7:30 pm or it can be next days morning 8:00 pm for the class finishing at about 8:30 pm… And as a group of 10 people we used to divide the work among ourselves, assign it that is dissecting the topic and then come again with the homework and consolidate to prepare the assignment report and most of the time a PPT as well to be presented next day. The learning of such case studies and Assignments were far better that those closed classes… Dr. Rakesh Singh always teaches with the grace and specially

the last lecture of the course was so awesome that no one moved from the place for almost 4-4.5 hrs and we all were struck by the depth an length of the knowledge. Lets see how next couse of this prof goes…

{P.S : posting the post from the mail through posterous… lets see how it goes with all the images} Posted by P Murlidhar at 2:11 AM 0 comments Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Posting from ScribeFire... Getting started with ScribeFire - ScribeFire: Fire up your blogging Posting from ScribeFire is very easy. Just configure it once and thats it... everything happens almost automatically ;)... Pls go thru the above link for the details... Posted by P Murlidhar at 10:53 AM 0 comments Sunday, August 17, 2008

SWIM - 2008

SWIM – Successful Women in Management, the one of its kind of event in B Schools celebrating the Success of Women. The first event of the Champions Batch, the Class of 2009 of Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai was carried with the bang today. The event was a huge success and all the guests, speakers, participants and the organisers were rocking for the whole day. The SWIM community, initiated in 2005, works towards identifying and drawing inspiration from successful women from various walks of life. The SWIM is conducted to identify and promote Women who have the traits to assume leadership roles in management. It enables and empowers women to be effective, ethical and socially conscious members of society.

The SWIM this time has the theme ‘Women as Trailblazers -Dreaming, Exploring and Discovering new horizons’. The basic agenda comprised of the Keynote address by the Cheief Guest, MS Anu Aaga, Power Talks by the guests, Panel Discussion moderated by Mr. T N Seshan and post lunch ‘Quiz’. The theme was well justified with the list of Chief guests. Ms Anu Aaga, Director Thermax, was the Chief guest and along with her Padmasri Sudha Raghunathan, Noted Carnatic Vocalist, Ms. Mridula Ramesh of Sundaram Textiles and Ms. Hemu Ramaiah, Founder of Landmark agreed to share the main stage along with beloved Founder and Honorary Dean of Great Lakes Institute of Management, Dr. Bala V. Balachandran and Executive Director of PGPM at Great Lakes Institute of Management, Prof. S. Sriram. All the guests shared their experiences at length with students giving the insight of the corporate world , Women as upcoming entrepreneur and how she maintains the balance of society. Ms. Anu Aga in her opening speech said that it was important to balance professional responsibilities and personal life and emphasized on Vipasana which is the art of living. Ms Sudha Raghunathan talked about her journey to becoming a maestro in classical music. She discussed the challenges faced during her journey, and how she won over them. Ms. Hemu Ramaiah opined that it is important to think out of the box to reach “the other side” and achieve success. She elaborated on the lessons learnt in running an entrepreneurial venture. According to her, entrepreneurs must plan when to start and exit a business plan. Ms. Mridula Ramesh talked about four success enablers for women, namely role models, proving early competence in a language known by competitors, courage, and family support. Power Talks is followed by the launch of the SWIM magazine having the write-ups of the eminent female writers and some Champions. The magazine work is all done by the in-house team of enthusiastic champions i.e members of Gravity team.

The event had a panel discussion on the topic “Educated, Intelligent, energetic, and just in her forties – can she still pursue her career dreams”. The discussion was moderated by Mr. T. N. Seshan, former CEC of India. The panel included Ms. Pushpa Kandaswamy, Noted TV producer, Ms. Indra Subramanyam, MD, Ehrlich Lab, Ms. Lalitha Maheswaran, HR Consultant and Ms. Sarda Ramani, president of C I Global Solutions. Mr. Seshan introduced the theme, and enraptured the audience with his characteristic witty remarks throughout the discussion. Ms Indra Subramanyam stated that desire is what takes women towards their goals. She also said that for a country to prosper, men and women must work together without compromising on domestic life. Ms. Pushpa Kandaswamy said that relations were more important than numbers. She vehemently supported the theme and emphasized that women are adaptable, efficient and capable of multi tasking. According to Ms Sharda, determination and grit are important and even if one were to take a break in professional life, one can still get back as and when one feels like, and make the best out of it. Ms Lalitha, a visiting faculty at Great Lakes, addressed the women in

the audience and advised them to define success for themselves, and not neglect their own selves. She said every decision taken will have its own consequences, it is important to make a choice and live by it. This was followed by an open house session where the audience, comprising of the distinguished guests, students and faculty, posed a variety of questions related to women’s lives and their career orientation. The tasty lunch was followed by the quiz ‘Les Quizerables’ in which almost 46 teams participated from different colleges and corporates. Six of them qualified for the final round and the winners bagged away with the whopping total prize money of 35000 rupees. The SWIM and Gravity teams toiled for almost two months along with the help from Events, BPR and all the champions for the success of the events. It was the best example of the team work and how team work can bring laurels and charm. The media covered the event with full heart and some of the links for the same are as follows : •


The Hindu

Business World

Pagal guy

Cool Avenues

As the dawn comes, the thought process for the next events have already started grabbing the minds of the Champions… Keep looking the space for the upcoming events like Sangamithra, The HR Summit, The Lattitude. Posted by P Murlidhar at 12:13 PM 0 comments Labels: Events, Great Lakes, SWIM Sunday, August 10, 2008

Greatlakers are all geared up for the SWIM 2008 Successful Women in Management (SWIM) is an initiative by the students committee of Great Lakes to equip women with the essential traits to assume leadership roles in different walks of life. It enables and empowers women to be effective, ethical and socially conscious members of society.

SWIM 2008 will have key note speeches delivered by eminent guests such asMs. Anu Aga of Thermax, Padmasri Sudha Raghunathan, Noted Carnatic Vocalist and Ms. Hemu Ramaiah, Founder of Landmark apart from a panel discussion which will be moderated by Mr. T. N. Sheshan and featuring prominent leaders from various walks of life and a corporate quiz between the top B-Schools and Corporates like Infosys, Wipro, TCS, CTS, Satyam. For full details please click here. Posted by P Murlidhar at 9:09 AM 0 comments Friday, June 20, 2008

Different People Assorted Aversions II Seldom it happens that you are complimented for the dresses (atleast for me this is rare phenomena ), so when someone comes to you and specially says something about ur wardrobe you feel elevated. Similar was my reaction when one of the most respected Advt. Bond came to me to tell that you know my hubby did used to have the exact T-Shirt you were wearing… then a big smile… I feel good… oh seems I have got a good T-Shirt dude… and I started appreciating myself… lil did I know that calamity is reserved ahead when she continued that… the day I saw my hubby wearing this T-Shirt I just throw it away… just throw it… again a big smile … I replied… (as I still managed to reply ) why direct throw.. you may have donated it to someone…(see the effects of Karma Yoga are working :D) and again got a candid reply… some things if u don't do it on time then they just don't happen… if I may hve thought of donating it then that T-shirt may have stayed for couple of more days and hence I took the simple step to throw it away… Smile Smile smile… I said (still replying… ya I am a fighter yaar) but it carries the tag of very nice brand… the reply was simple… still that T-shirt was not good… Sometime… when people just don't like things they just don't like… their should not be any reason for it and one should not even try to find it out… Psychology says the Schema works that way and we and our decisions goes as per the schema we set abt something or someone… Life goes on… That T-shirt died but mine has to go a long run… Ya definitely I will avoid wearing it when she will be around :)… (P.S : Submitting the Blog directly form Word 2007… lets see the results) Posted by P Murlidhar at 5:26 PM 6 comments Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ignorance is Bliss... Knowing is Blisser...

At the Chennai Bloggers meet when I told about the, the new society we are coming up for Rich Internet Applications and Rich User Interface users and implementers I got some astounding results. I intoduced myself as Murli from Great Lakes... thats it and after returning from the stage, one of the guy asked me... R u the same Murli whose PG (PagalGuy) id is meetgmat... I said ofcourse... But it just came as a shock for me... I just felt that Dude... I am famous... but how come... I haven't robbed/hacked/beaten any of the fellow Great Laker...Still... Just to take me out from the state of trauma he replied that as I replied on PG to come for PG meet and mentioned the name and coll. name... thats why he remember... Dude... here I got it... its all coll. ke naam ka jaaduu working... Good hain... Secondly this guy must be having very very good memory as well... because remembering someones PG id that also just after one forum interaction... Is like heaven... So Indiblogger meet was fully succesfull as for a moment hi sahi I got the feeling of being celebrity... So... Ignorance is Bliss... Knowing is blisser... If it is making someone famous it is Blissest... Posted by P Murlidhar at 5:11 PM 1 comments Labels: Blogger meet, Great Lakes, indibloger, PG

Glory in borrowing... Hey... Sometime its good to hear from someone that he/she wants to be mentioned on my blog... Gives the feeling that Hey man... My Blog is becoming famous... After Fluffy's Post... Mr SK (nah!!! not ShahRukh Khan) from our class mentioned that I used his charger and still I havent even cared to mention abt that on my Blog... I said... sadde puttar... don't get angry... I will have a separate post for you and will sport the snap

of ur God Blessed Charger as well... :) Sometime when my charger (being brit) disagrees to get coupled with the indian socket then I do search for someone carrying HP or Compaq lappy so that I can lend the charger... and everytime SK was their for me... I mean for my Laptop... The way we all give and take the things in India with utmost casual approach is the best thing... The way we dont care someone borrowing our 'the things' is the best thing... The way we dont expect the 'Thank U' for this big task is the best thing... The way we agree to give and lend the helping hand when needed the most is the best thing... And This rejuvenates the 'Unity and Diversity' feeling... We are the young India... Striving daily to change the India and its perception in the World. We the young India are successful and will be successful in similar fashion in future as well in our goal... The attitude of Young India is one of the key factor to drive the way India is approaching to the glory... We will change the World... with Global Mindset and Indian roots... Posted by P Murlidhar at 4:33 PM 1 comments Labels: GLIM, Great Lakes, humor, India

BlogSpot Unblocked...


BlogSpot unblocked by the insti. firewall. Ultimately the IT department has given an ear to us and agreed to open the Blogspot for the students. Somehow this was blocked at our place right from day one !!! We Bloggers @ Great Lakes were quite furious with that and raised the concern with the IT Dept... And Yes... After all this is the Student Run Institute of one of its kind in India... And With proper reasoning everyone gets convinced... Its as simple as that... Thank U IT Dept. for opening the gates of BlogSpot... I will like to give the link of my coll Bloghere. It is really cool Blog having all the updates of Great Lakes, chennai... :) Keep Blogging... Posted by P Murlidhar at 4:06 PM 2 comments Friday, June 13, 2008

Launch of society at BarCamp Chennai

I am pretty excited for my presentation at Barcamp Chennai. As per suggestion from My guide Mr. Anantharaman (CTO, Heymath) we are starting a new society for RIA (Rich Internet Applications) and (RUI) Rich User Interface. The launch for the same is scheduled today at Barcamp, Chennai. I am excited as people launch new initiatives at BarCamp and it was one of my dream to launch something at BarCamp... and here it comes... Today the day has come when we are also launching something at BarCamp. Barcamp details can be found by clicking on the WiCamp image above. The details in brief are : Theme: Discipline vs Creativity Date: Friday, June 13, 2008 Time: 2 PM till 7 PM Venue: Wipro Technologies- Genesis Hall, 2nd Floor, Recreation Block, Wipro BPO SolutionsCDC 2, 475 A, Old Mahabalipuram High road, Sozhanganallur,Chennai: 6001189 Posted by P Murlidhar at 4:58 AM 1 comments Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Chennai Blogger Meet...

I am all excited for the Chennai Blogger meet being organised by Microsoft and IndiBlogger... However the event date are clashing with my lectures and next day we do have two Final tests... :) Lets see... I will try my best to attend it atleast for last 2 hrs... Renie has sent me the cool poster and I have circulated the same in my class... lets see whether i can generate/rejuvenate the interest :) Following is the link and adjoining is the Poster :

Posted by P Murlidhar at 9:52 PM 1 comments

Different People… Assorted Aversions… Some people do have the intense aversion for the uncleaniness and the perfect example of the same is one of my Study Group mate, Fluffy. Especially when it comes to her all new







single finger print on the same. Neither on the screen neither on the top. May be the no of time she wipes her laoptop with her esteemed handkerchief can be the topic of the ‘impirical

study’ in itself. The way she takes care of the laptop reminds me of the new born child taken care by the sensitive mother :)

I really don’t think this much care is needed however it is best if someone cares the

belongings in this manner. My way of taking care is lil different and it involve minimum maintenance (no wonder I m a lazy pie ). So as far as Laptop is concerned I am just taking care that the plastic came pasted with the top of laptop should not be peeled off. That’s it. Hey if u believe that this is simple task… then beware… You know there are hundreds of disturbing elements in society who periodically attempts to remove as a result of their envy and ecstasy and jealousy. Still for almost an year I have managed and the plastic at the top of my laptop is still intact ( if we ignore the top right corner :D) Long live the plastic on my lappy and finger print less screen/top of Fluffy’s Laptop… Amin !!! Posted by P Murlidhar at 7:28 AM 1 comments Friday, May 30, 2008

Together WE stand, Apart we bland...

All Said and Done...

Today’s Group Test was good (atleast we all group members are feeling so…) Prof. PKV has tried his best to googly us with his challenging and beautiful questions and we all fumbled like the cards however still it was good… I think I am a good team player and should not play the games which don’t involve the teams like giving exams alone and something similar… hey… but I represented my school and coll. in chess as well… kindaa conflicting however I can say that I was a good sole player earlier and then eventually I am converting into a good team player and then next I will be slowly transformed into a Leader … After all this is what called as ‘Transformational Leadership’ (gyaan… just lapeto bhai log Okiee… I was telling about the Group Test psychology. Group Test fundaa is cool as •

Group Performs better that individual

All in the group gets almost equal marks

This is the normal thing isn’t it., so where is the part of psychology. Now if one can observe; in a group even if we get lil low marks we don’t get that much disappointed as we do when we perform and earn lil lower grades alone. Probably one thing to solace here is that as some more people are getting similar marks we go with the ‘its fine’ (Chalta hain) attitude. Good in some cases at the same time not so good in some cases. Sometime even as a group when we fail to perform then it raises questions on the group’s strategy, team work, coordination, communication and most important management skills. Group Activities are the best thing and all exams under MBA should go that way only… I am a firm believer of this after the major accident happened yesterday (those who don’t know can read my yesterdays post). In fact I joined MBA to do all sorts (don’t think too far, come back) of group activities… Luckily I got a very good study group… Fluffy, Kaydee, Polly, Manchow and me Phantom (all our nick names in the group) we all really enjoy working together. Be it PKV’s googlies, Psychology’s Q&A session or Karma Yoga we have enjoyed each and every part of it till date… and I pray and believe that let the bond strengthen as passes the time. After one more exhausting day (was it really, Oh ya my committee meeting converted the simple day in exhaustive) of MBA now I am waiting for my roomies to gather together for the blessed Dinner so that we all can happily return to our den and study (please read sleep) and slog(read internet, chatting and blogging). Logging off… kindaa long one from unusual me ;) Posted by P Murlidhar at 5:00 PM 5 comments Labels: group test, MBA, teamwork

Thursday, May 29, 2008

When exam result comes as a Shock...

What needs to break the hibernation is the big shock or something unusual… I m writing the after long long time… So yes you can speculate that something similar must have happened to me… Yes something bigger than planet hit me today when Results of Mid Term exams of one of our favorite subject ‘Financial Accounting’ were declared… Though my score is not the lowest in class (though I tried my best for that) still this is the lowest in my career… Today I broke all my engg. records… Little introspection for the last 1 month has told me that yes it was me who can be held th culprit… when others were studying I was enjoying reading some Blog or watching IPL or EPL or something similar or reading magazines… I mean I was doing everything else other than studying… I mean everything which is not at all going to contribute for my one year roller coaster ride… This coll. is really providing the best of best and wonderful professors… Fin Accounting Prof. Dr. Suryasekar… was a saint I must say… I haven’t seen the simple and saint like prof like him in my life… And when it comes to Subject Matter we may not have got the better teacher and teaching than this… Thanks to Uncle Bala and Coll. Management for assigning the best prof for one of the most critical subject… I will like to wind it up as for a change I have started studying for tomorrow’s group test of ‘Statistics’ taught by another gem of a person Mr PKV… Signing off with a promise to myself that I need to rejuvenate the blog which is nothing less that S*** at this time… like I haven’t updated anything new from couple of days… I was writing but due to lack of final touches posts are still in

drafted status… will do this regularly now  and complete the unfinished posts as well… Till then… keep studying / reading / analysing as these are the only things which will sail you through tough times  (Gyaaan nothing else)… Posted by P Murlidhar at 4:37 PM 4 comments Labels: exam, MBA, screwed, shock Friday, December 21, 2007

Its a 3-column Blog now... Hurrayyy!!! At last I succesfully converted the 2-column blog to 3-column blog... lil bit tweaking in CSS code of the template and here it goes...If one can notice i have modified the header image as well... Result is in front of u... Now there is serious need to take posting serioulsy... Don't know how and why somehow i postponed the postings from long time... Lets see whether I will take it seriosly hereonwards. ¬ Murli Posted by P Murlidhar at 11:27 PM 1 comments Labels: 3 column blog, advance blog Saturday, November 11, 2006

Jayege hum to Onsiteeeee... Posting something after long long time… it seems that nothing special happening in my life… nah nah its not like that but still haven’t got the chance to post something… sometimes ur procrastination takes over everything… and that’s the way I am… life is going on… If you haven’t bugged up with my notion and motion of “…” yet then continue… I think I somehow started using these notions a lot… they tell most of the things without even making u realise that u have conveyed really a big thing… So long long ago a guy with lots of hope came to onshore with some plans in the mind like : Ø I will join the library at new place and will manage to get some students to whom i can teach Maths… Ø I will post the Blog daily Ø I will enjoy every bit of my onsite part… Ø I will learn everything right from cooking to every aspect of work… even the work beyond

my work… Things don’t go as much as u think… and people like me wo dont believe in doing something as per plan things just never happen... but life goes on… After lil tussle with some good people at homeside (offshore) when I was most desperate to go to onsite, my beloved Manager called me up to tell that u may have to travel after 3-4 weeks. I said it is the week of Diwali and he confirmed tha after Diwali only I will have to fly but at the same time will not be getting much holidays in Diwali, less I was knowing that I will not be getting any holiday apart from the one scheduled as company holiday. I called home to tell the good news, ofsourse I was happy, afterall the thing I was waiting from last one year is going to happen… I talked to my father and told him that I may have to fly after Diwali, atlast company is sending me onsite… then comes the answer which I was expecting the least… (and ofcurse which proved that he is a very Good Manager compared to me) ’So u will not be giving CAT this year” and I realised that my God... in this excitement I totally forgot that I have filled my CAT form this year (also). May be if I may have taken lil effort to open the CAT book, my grey cells must have conveyed this to me... but... chalata hain... My father was happy and I have never heard such joy from him many time, some similar happy hearings were there when I cleared my Engg., First year with First Class, My first job news and now this one… so for me definitely it was very rare incidents… I was feeling like a Proud Son who has brought proud to my family. Mom and Dad both were happy and this time they were happy like never before, after all there only Son was going abroad thru company, the feat which very less people has achieved in my family. So many things started coming in my mind right from my onsite spree to next appraisal… but putting aside everything I started calling my dearest ones… I tried to call Avinash, Naveen, Priya, Roomies, Shrinath (names in alphabetical order J ) to tell them the good news… the news which is good according to me… I called a friend at night and told her that I wanna tell u something special and we are meeting tomorrow for the same… to my surprise she guessed it perfect just after few seconds… so as usual mere surprise ka popat ho gaya… Everyone was happy… Priya once told me that Avinash ke aane ke baad hi jaana… and it is happening almost that way… All were happy as they know how important onsite was for me at that time. And I was really at peak of happiness, it is not big achievement but yes it was like the thing which u deserve and want and still got delayed due to some reasons… I haven’t slept the whole night (the same way as I haven’t slept the night when I got my first promotion in TechM) it was really thrilling feeling… cant be expressed… Posted by P Murlidhar at 2:27 AM 1 comments Monday, August 21, 2006

Cubicles... Cubicles…

Pechane Pehchane se cubicle khali najar aate hain

Sabhi dost onsite ya nayi company mein najar aate hain Mil baith ke coffee piya karte the kabhi Sahara deta hain bus yeh mobile phone abhi Kabhi movie, kabhi natak dekh liya karte the, Saath mein hum log kaafi mauj kiya karte the Weeknd pe kaafi baar hua karti thi trekking Ab saath mein kar pate hain sirf chatting Jhagada aur jhol to bahoot kiya karte the sabhi par dor nahi tooti nayab dosti ki kabhi Aisa nahin hain ki aaj bhi bilkul nahin mil pate hain Har roj koi na koi sapane mein dastak de jaate hain Aur kitne utar chadhave dikhayegi yeh jindagi Itna jyada to main jindagi mein kabhi hara bhi nahi Bhagwan aur manager abhi bhi discuss hi kar rahe hain Aur hum to abhi bhi offshore se hi support kar rahe hain Aayega voh bhi din jub hum mil baithege sabke saath Hoga doston, London aur New York ke logo ka saath Ummid to aaj bhi hain ki hum bhi milege unhe vidhesh mein Vahi dekhege movie, play aur wax museum aish mein ¬ P Murlidhar Naidu.

Posted by P Murlidhar at 3:12 PM 4 comments Thursday, July 20, 2006

Me, Movies and Ragging Days… While returning to home from Office in Office bus miraculously for the first time bus conductor switched on the TV and started the movie KKHH (Kuch Kuch Hota Hain). Watching KKHH again after so many days reminded me golden old days of college first year. Those were the ragging days and we were not used in fact not allowed to go outside neither to watch movie nor for hotelling. Ragging used to come in different form for everyone. Me being lil shy and introvert type person (at that time) haven’t went thru the hard core ragging. But most of my colleagues used to get tough treatment. One of my very good friend Amol Talkikar and his room mates have written the full lyrics of all the songs of KKHH

this was the linen link between KKHH and my first year coll. days. I think due to such type of ragging only he successfully got admission in IIMA similar is the story of all Hostel janata all of whom are perfectly placed/settled in their lives. Life used to be cool even with all this ragging and hoopla around. Specially those days when I, roomies and all freshers toiled hard for Ganesh Pooja decoration, all arrangement right from day -3 to day 11. Similar was the enthu when I got selected as Mess Secretary and many more small events which were big for us at that time. We were doing everything… Sports … Mess management… Hostel Management… Self Management… Managing the lecture bunks…but the best part we successfully managed is not to study a single word for whole year…and in my case it continued even in PL days. Then the way I cleared my papers is still mystery and all Hostel guys believed that there must be some terrible mistake from university side. They should not be blamed for this as it was rare scene with me that I got first class and all subjects cleared in first attempt in First year. So it came as astonishment, joy and of course agony for some. My movie spree actually begun after Hostel Day. The day for which every fresher waits eagerly, as this is the last day of all restrictions and rules for freshers. After that we get equal rights as seniors like watching all programs on TV, reading newspaper, freely roaming in and around hostel, watching movies in Theatres, boozing. The day after which no senior ever expected the salute or wish, no shirt-ins in hostel, no saying “Sir” to seniors and of course many more which even cant be told in BLOG. The best thing abt hostel ragging days we are not kept apart from sports. All the interested and enthusiastic janata used to play vis-à-vis with seniors and some used to give a good fight also. The best part used to be inter hostel matches in which we always used to win whether its Cricket or Soccer. Coming back to movie spree from hardly one or two movies an year(ya its true 1 or 2 movies per year) this hostel guys have converted me in fully equipped movie buff. The low rates and popularity of movies in that city added fuel to this. We started watching movies almost every Fridays and Sundays. Any movie and we used to have the tickets. The spree went to such levels that hostel mates started coming to mine and adjacent room for asking the reviews. We even used to have our own rating chart for movie in our rooms which hostel janata used to refer. In second year first semester I may have watched almost 30 movies in theatres. This figure is apart from the movies which we used to enjoy in hostel. I really wonder how we hated to miss a single movie program on doordarshan be it ChayaGeet or Fridays Movie. I was also part of an elite group of 5-6 people who did not used to miss the Regional Movie on Sunday night. There used to special seat for me in strategic position whenver we used to bring the movies to hostel. Gone are the golden days. However even today that movie love has not went off. We i.e me and my roomies not miss the Sunday/Saturday movie. We do bring 2/3 movies to watch at home. At my room u can always find the CD/DVD’s from library and sometime janata returns them even before I watch it. So the condition is reverse now. With all this work stuff me not getting enough time for movies but yes I just don’t miss a single chance to what one.

That’s it for today… I generally don’t BLOG on weekdays but the special bus event I told above initiated the thought for this BLOG. Chalo then… Looking forward to meet at some Theatre buying / waiting for movie. Posted by P Murlidhar at 7:32 AM 3 comments Saturday, July 08, 2006

Telepathy Exist … Today was one of the best Saturdays for me. I spent whole day at home with my roomies apart from the lunch, hospital and movie time. This is the rare scene at least for the guy like me who don’t believe in staying fulltime at flat on holidays. This week something special happened and hence I was at home…so called full time. I got up with a cold stroke, harsh and irritating throat and uncontrollable cough on Friday. I suddenly realized that I was in a deep sh!t. May be something to do with last Sunday’s intimate encounter with the Rain. Luckily I got the chance to see the doctor and got some medicines. So I was in the position to talk and walk today. Morning went away with lil surfing and more sleeping. In afternoon I was busy with lunch, ortho visit, left knee X-Ray (for those who don’t know left knee story clickhere) and recently released movie ‘Corporate’. Evening again at room. Now here comes the event somewhat related to the heading. I was just wondering and trying to find one of 4th class friend on Orkut and Hi5 but haven’t got any success. Then I even had a talk regarding the same with my room partners that I was not finding this very old frined of mine from lots of days even after gr8 effort. And then after some time phone rang and it was from my home. Dad just had a chat which we almost have twice daily and after that he told me that one of my class four classmate has came to home and her name is followed by her first name. I invigorated in joy to convey the full name of hers. The immediate reply was “Ohhhh!!! U even remembers the full name…That’s gr8…have a talk with her.” And he handed over the phone to her. I talked with her for sometime to reveal that she is working in the same city after completing her MBBS. We had good chat. I asked for her no. and stored it so that we can communicate in future with the help of this mobile technology. She was the same friend abt whom I was talking with my room partners just couples of minuetes ago. Hushhhhhhhhh…………..So Telepathy exists and it works some time very perfectly. Secondly it’s a small world. U will definitely find ur friends somewhere somehow after a small effort. The way world is shrinking to be a global village, even border lines are dissolving fast. So in short a gr8 Saturday for me to find one more old friend J. Ended the day with dinner at flat, shared the tiffin with roomie and after that combined show at flat only of a good bollywood movie “Mr and Mrs Iyer”. I will be sleeping after posting this blog. Posted by P Murlidhar at 9:37 PM 0 comments

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Trendz Setting and Unsetting… Today I broke all my trends I set or developed in the tenure of last few weeks. So this Friday was trend breaking day for me. I went to office in time… Actually I caught the bus in time, as I left my bike at office on the previous day (so no option) Everything in time… Right from Lunch, Work, Meetings, Code Deliveries even returning to home, then meeting my friend and then again sleeping at night with some resolutions for next day... Everything was done perfectly and in time. It feels gr8 to have such fun-tastic day time bound day. And next day was even surprising. I got up at 6.00 am in the morning (I still cant believe it). I went on morning walk and small trek near my home with my friend. So everything was going ideal. But I was not knowing that this so called " " ideal thing will come to end shortly. While coming down I noticed that left leg's knee was paining lil bit and realised that from last 13-14 months I haven’t went on major trek or walk spree. After some more time by the time I was almost at the starting point I noticed that nah... something majorly wrong with this knee. I took no time to recollect that this leg suffered a lot during my last accident on bike. Thought left let was not directly involved but as injury was on right leg, and due to all that limping this leg started behaving differently. It survived some 2 more lil accidents after that first accident but lil bit injuries were there. I thought all these is coming collectively and effectively and its time to see some expert in Ortho. Ortho expert said nothing to worry, just have these medicines and do come next week but ya no treks and jogging. What else a laxy guy like me needed, now i got doc's approval for not jogging... Neway there is end to everything and my so called ideals hours came to end just in one day. Next day again the same routine followed as I got up at 11.00 am as I enjoyed Godfather DVD a night before :) Life goes on but ya that one day getting up at 6.00 has proved that > I can get up early > I can go for walk/jog > Its not easy to achieve ideal things... Life is b..e..a..utiful and u must know how to enjoy it. Monday, March 27, 2006

Mohabbat... Unhoune dekha to najakat hain Hamane dekha to shararat hain Unhoune kaha to adab hain Hamane kaha to sabab hain

Unka propose propose hain Hamara propose oppose hain Unhoune chaha to pyaar hain Hamane chaha to bekaar hain Unhoune cheda to ikraar hain Hamane cheda to takrar hain Unka comment deep hain Hamara comment cheap hain Kya kaare yahi to mohabbat hain Par for a change is baar yehi hakikat hain Ab yahi hamari sabse keemti amanat hain jisko sambhalte sambhalte hi kayamat hain ~ P Murlidhar Naidu Sunday, June 12, 2005

Parag's Party

It all began after i posted the party's mail to everyone on friday. Parag may hv cursed me that why me myself and murli is posting which he was supposed to post. But i waited for his mail upto 6.30 pm and then started drafting the mail after he havent picked up the phone. I called Parag at 11.00 pm (he may hv cursed me again... after all is this the time to call a recently married beautiful couple) He said we will decide abt the venue tomorrow after having a talk with all. Here came the next day. Parag started preparation. Me and Vivek decided some 3 venues : Jazz at Esquares, Garden Court or Ambrosia. Then couple of calls and lots of confusion. Then again some calls. Ultimately i told Parag to call Prashant as he always have some venue concerns, ask him and decide abt the venue and call everyone as everyone is saying it is Parag's party and why the hell is this bloody Murli conveying everything to everyone. Parag said calling all will be problem but then I convinced him. Then Parag maharaj havent called up upto 4.30 pm I called at his home and he was not there. Thankfully, Prashant revealed everyhting abt the venue. I started sms'ing (is this word correct! ) people abt the venue. There by the time Vivek also came to know abt the venue and timings and he also started floating sms's but his msg was not having the venue and time.

So the plan ultimately formed was : Veneu - Hotel Riverside. and it can be called as one khopcha of Koregaon Park. I will pick mannu from Corporation. Avi will be obviously coming with his bet-ter half Priya. And Vivek decided to come in car with Abhijits ( Kawre and Choudhary ). Aarti denied to come as she was tired (after working upto 4 am in morning she went for the presentation at 10 am. Sorry boss i may have gien a shot and taken a full day boss. How can people manage all this things.) But vivek a.k.a "the guy with guts" convinced her. As usual me and Mannu reached the venue before time (though mannu came to Corporation 20 min before our decided time and I reached Corporation 20 mins after deicded time, still we managed to reach venue before time - Pulsar is a paisa vasool bike boss.) It was almost 7.15pm by now. Then as no one except some mischievous couples. (Hey Mannu do u remember those couples) came out from that bushes. We enjoyed the sight. But after say 15 mins they also got some good idea and moved. So again leaving Me and Mannu outside hotel (with the darkness around becoming even darker) alone. We decided to take ride around Koregaon Park. We came back after half and hour. Still no one in the hotel... So we decided to have a seat and then i plotted the ravishing lady and our own hero, the couple of millenium-> Parag and Renu. Parag all equipped with his cam and Renu's Saree mindblowingly superb(I mean to say that apart from Renu her Saree is also superb). After that everything happened is history. The guys or gals who were not there have missed a lot of things right from Vodka shots to some hilarious incidednts of mauritius naratted by Parag. Then one by one guest started coming. I think Prashant was the first person to come(after all this place was suggested by him), then Vivek, Abhijit both kaore and chaudhary, Aarti and then another couple Avi and entrancing Priya. The alluring chemistry between both the couples was tempting. So once and all all were set for the dinner. Starters started flowing in along with the boozing material. Some courageous ladies also decided to give a try for some new types of drinks. So that’s the way it went. Some tequila shots, Vodka, Beer started flowing like never before. Then comes the starters (please don’t ask the whole exact menu as there were so many items flowing in and as all know we care to eat and eat only). And then second round of booz flowed in. And then main course. So that’s the way it went, The most important thing is that we all enjoyed it very much. Thank U Parag from the bottomest part of the bottom of …. What ?!?!? ofcourse Heart yaar. Then we handed over the Parag’s Gift (in the form of cheque) and then as usual Tata Bye Bye. Areeeeeee wait we even spent some time a a Ice cream parlour where everyone praised after havingt Vivek ke pasan ki icecream. It was some fruit mix and specially tubbed in Mango. It was also fabulous. After that everyone started for home. Parag and Renu Thank U very much. I m still waiting for the day when Renu will call all of us at home for dinner as 2nd Party (this is what she commited on that

day). Posted by P Murlidhar at 10:03 PM

1 comments: Shrinath Ramamoorthy said... Hey Murli, Your discription about the party is great, seems i missed lots of action bro...You guys are rocking in Pune. I dont know how many more parties I would be missing .. jio dost 10:58 AM

Saturday, June 04, 2005

A Poem - Pehla Pyaar. My Poem on First Love...

Pehla Pyaar Pehla Pyaar jivan mein bahaar Khooshiyon ki fuhar Magar ho jaate hai mala mal Koi jaata hai bar Agar hoti hai taqrar Life ho jaati hai taar taar Jiski hoti hai naiyaa paar Voh ban jata hai star Ho jata hai alikhit karar Phir bhi, Kabhi kabhi hoti hai war Lekin kabhi nahi aati darar Kisiko padti hai maar To Koi hota hai in qatar To phir bhaiyaan, thoda ghoomao radar kam se kam ek baar to Lao jivan mein bahaar

Ajmai lo kaisa hota hai pyaar Aur kya kahe Pehla Pyaar… Aisa hi hota hai yaar Bus Aisa hi hota hai yaar _ P Murlidhar Naidu. Posted by P Murlidhar at 10:00 PM

1 comments: Pradeep Rathi (Thakur) said... Kton murli Ye kya chal raha hai... bhai tumhe pehla pyaar ho gaya aur saale humein bataaya bhi nahi... From your poem, I can remeber the famous ad jingle.. "Pehle Pyar... Laye Jeevan mein Bahar" 5:37 AM

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