August 25

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The chickens have slowed down considerably….winding down for the year I think. Martha’s going to have

August 25, 2009


t’s 6:53 a.m. and Hudson and Denton are here. We are in the play room with Matilda, Coco, Maybelline and three Malaysian Serama chickens. It seems to be a bit overcast and alittle warmer than yesterday. Perhaps it’s because there is no breeze; the temperature is in the 60s and the high today should be around 90. Joel comes in this evening so I think I’ll cook…maybe stir-fry. It’s really turning out to be a beautiful day. The boys played in the sand pile for a while and Matilda helped with the digging.

to settle for one dozen eggs instead of four, but Lilly will have the privilege of breaking that news. It’s almost time to pick up Sandra and head for the pond. Sue won’t be back for another week so Sandra Tayler is still at the helm. Yesterday Sherian Reedhad surgery. Tumors on one ovary were found to be malignant and the cancer had spread. Pathology report will be back on Friday. We all hope and pray for the best for Sherian and Woody. Well, I cooked the stirfry only to discoverthat we are supposed to meet Kermit and Cheryl at Cow Punchers for supper. Guess what we are having for lunch tomorrow. Well I’d better finish feeding the animals and get ready for bar-bque. Ran into Marcia and Rick Hardy at Cow Punchers and we all shared a

table and good conversation. It was nice to spend time with Marcia again. She no longer has birds and will give me her cage for my Malaysian Suramas. Can’t wait.

The rose bush was beautiful this spring; full of pink flowers. I’m hoping it will run over the gate and onto the fence on the south side.

August 26, 2009 Well, it’s 67degrees this morning and partly cloudy. Should be another nice day. That’s good because there are some things that I need to do outside after I get home from the gym.

Had a good workout and upon returning home I tied up the rose bush on the east fence of the pen where Abraham and Sara, my first Malaysian Suramas, and

Adam cooked a roast and brought it over to share. It was delicious. After supper Josh and Hudson and Denton went into the kitchen. Denton came back to the table and announced, “He panked my little Hudson.” Oh well.

Everything returned to normal and the day ended with the twins picking muscadines

Magic and Fluffy, two of the rabbits, live.

and going for a walk in the clouds with Papa.

So today I’m making it a point to see each moment as a gift to open, hold and relish.

August 27, 2009 The earth seems to be spinning faster. Maybe it’s because we stay so busy. Maybe it’s because God has stepped on some celestial accelerator causing one season to suddenly stumble upon the next and times and people to transform before our eyes. Nothing stays the same for very long and as it disappears from sight there comes the realization that time was never taken to enjoy it. God gives us each moment as a unique gift that so often is never opened, held or relished. The thought of how that must sadden Him moves me to repentance.

At 6:15 it was 68 degrees on the thermometer that I hung outside. It’s been getting a little warmer each day since Sunday, but that’s o.k. because fall is on the way.

Hudson and Denton are here this morning and are spending time with Maw Maw in the play room while we are fixing lunch.

Joel is going to give the garden spot a good tilling so that we can go ahead and start planting.

Currently the Malaysian Surama

chicks and

Maybelline are sharing the play room with the boys.

August 28, 2009


oday is overcast and there have been some occasional sprinkles. We’ve been talking about putting in a fall garden, although we’ve waited a little late for some things. If the rain holds off, and we need rain,

For some reason the duck population at Adam’s has dwindled to two, so today I ordered a dozen day old mallards. I will keep them in the chicken/rabbit pen since it has a smallpond. They will stay there until they are able to fly. I cleaned the goat stall and raked out the turkey pen. The turkeys had molted earlier in the summer and the pen was strewn with feathers. Willie came today. She was Mama’s sitter. It was so good to visit with her. We looked at pictures, rode the cart, visited all the animals and picked muscadines. We decided that soon we would meet in town for ice cream.

About 3:15 I heard Sara cackling to beat the band. I thought that she was announcing the arrival of today’s egg, but when I got to

going you will be wearing them. This morning I watched this spider eat a yellow jacket for breakfast…..seems a bit spicy for that early in the morning.

the pen I found a garter snake eating tadpoles. It looked like he had already scarffed a few down. I have seen that snake around that little pond before, but I never guessed that he was just out to lunch. All in all it’s been a good day; can’t wait till tomorrow.

August 29, 2009

They’re back and that means that fall is almost here. These spiders position their multilayered webs between two trees in such a way that if you don’t look where you’re

The muscadines are starting to get ripe. I think that Georgie is going to pick enough to make a batch of jelly.

Joel was able to till the garden spot yesterday. The ground is so dry that this morning we decided toturn the sprinklers on before we till it one final time and make rows. I have a feeling that we are going to have to fence in each end to keep the rabbits out.We went

to Petrus and bought seeds and plants, some of which are herbs for an herb garden that I plan to make closer to the house.

Let my television be the night sky and my entertainment a circular story that never grows old. There are no commercial breaks interrupt the steadily moving plot. Entertainment, history, prophecy, it’s all there. The show starts as the crtain of darkness begins to lower and lasts till dawn. A marathon of God stories – a gift too wonderful to miss.

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