August 25 , 2009 - A

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  • Pages: 29
August 25 , 2009 - A th

Sit down at your assigned seat.  Focus: get out your daybook and begin numbering the pages in the top outside edge of the corners of each paper. 

1.Open your agenda to this week. Copy down the week in preview (on the back board) for this week. Write down EVERYTHING that is on the board for that day. I will come around and initial it when you’re done. 2.Falcon Handbook –

Classroom Rules   

Come prepared for class. Treat each other with respect. Follow directions the first time they are asked of you. Keep your hands, feet, objects and negative/off-topic comments to yourself.

Consequences  

 

Warning (verbal and /or written) Office referral for In School Detention (ISD) and parent contact After School Detention (ASD) and parent contact. Student – Team –CounselorAdministrator conference. Parent conference Office referral with intent for suspension.

In School Detention 

ISD is assigned by an administrator and is held during 4th period or during a student’s encore class. ISD is designed to give consequences for inappropriate behavior that has not become a pattern. Parents are informed when their child has earned an ISD. After 2 ISDs, students are then assigned ASD.

After School Detention 

After School Detentions (ASD) are held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 2:20 – 3:20. Students must arrange for transportation at 3:20. If a student cannot attend ASD, alternative arrangements must be made prior to that day. If a student does not show for ASD, they will be referred to an administrator for further disciplinary action.

Team Rewards 

Talons  Students

will receive positive consequence for doing the right thing!  Each Falcon teacher has a set of “talons”, small tickets that students can earn for doing good things.  These “talons” are put into the “Falcon Talon Box” . Every Friday several names are drawn for a chance to win small prizes.

Voice Levels  

0 = no sounds 1= whisper so that only those around you can hear 2 = normal voice so the entire class can hear you 3= how loud a TEACHER speaks to address the entire class 4= outside voice

Procedures for Entering Room 

 

Each student will enter the classroom prepared and ready to learn. Each student will go immediately to his or her desk. Each student will read the objectives for the day on the board. Each student will begin the focus. No student will be out of his or her desk without permission. Students will be at Voice Level “O” by the time the bell rings.

Procedures – Hallway Passes 

Students MUST get their planners signed in order to be in the hallway, no matter what.

Students may NOT ask for a pass:  During

class instruction  During class discussion  Any time that interrupts the learning environment 

Students may ask for a pass:  Before 

class begins

Procedures – Locker Visits 

Students may visit their lockers: 1st period  Before 4th period  At the end of the day

 Before

Locker privileges may be taken away You are not allowed to carry backpacks around the building. You may carry your things in a STRING BAG, and ladies must fit their purses

Procedures – Drinks/Water Fountain 

NO outside drinks, bottles, or other beverage holders are permitted on our team. Any bottles or holders discovered will be confiscated. AT NO TIME will students interrupt class for a pass to get water unless they are ill.

Procedures – Pencil sharpener 

Students are expected to sharpen pencils before class starts. If a pencil breaks during class, students may sharpen pencils with permission. At no time will students interrupt classroom instruction to run the pencil sharpener. Students are strongly encouraged to bring a hand-held pencil sharpener or to bring mechanical pencils with lead

Procedures - Job Chart  

Each classroom has assigned helpers Helpers are expected to help out when needed and asked.

Procedures - Working Working Cooperatively

Working Alone: 

When working individually, students are at voice level “0”. Students are focused on work. Students are not distracting others.

When working together students are at voice level 1-2. Students are focused on the task, not distracting others. Students will sometimes choose groups, sometimes be assigned groups.

Procedures - Participation 

It is the teacher’s responsibility to monitor students’ understanding. A large part of informal assessment is done through in-class participation. Students may be called upon at random to participate when needed. Students are expected to do so willingly, and to the best of their ability.

Procedures – Signal for Student Attention  

There will be times during group projects, labs, Etc. that the teacher will need to call the classroom to attention. This will be done by counting down from 6.

 

5-4 = help your neighbor hear the teacher. 3 = stop talking 2 = face the teacher 1 = listen for instructions

Procedures – Classroom Dismissal 

The bell does not dismiss the class, the teacher does. To be dismissed, the class must show they are ready to leave. To show this: Students are in assigned seats.  Each students’ area is trash-free and materials are picked up.  The class is quiet. 

Procedures – End of Day Dismissal 

Bus riders will be dismissed to their lockers at 1:53 and must be back in the room to hear announcements. Car riders will be dismissed to their lockers after 7th grade bus riders are dismissed from the building. Walkers/Athletes will be dismissed to their lockers after car riders have been dismissed from the building.

Absent/Tardy Procedures 

If you are tardy to school, you must get a tardy slip from the office before going to class. You will not be admitted without one.

Every third tardy to school will deduct 1 percentage point from the first period class, as per the Kannapolis City Schools policy. You will receive two warnings when coming tardy to any class throughout the day. On your third tardy, you will receive ASD from the teacher. If tardiness becomes a pattern, the student will be referred to the office for Saturday School If you have missed school, turn in your excuse to your homeroom teacher.

Student Work Posting assignments 

All work is posted in each room.

Assignments will also be posted on the Falcons website.

Student Work Class work Every class will have work assigned in class and expected to be completed in class. Do not doodle on assignments that are going to be handed in. Write legibly, If we can’t read it, we can’t grade it. Homework Homework not complete by the beginning of class is considered late. You may not work on other classes homework during class. Anonymous Work No name = no credit A folder will be kept in the front of the room containing papers with no name. You may claim your paper and turn it in for late credit.

Student Work Late work 

Any work turned in past the collection and /or due date will be considered late. 5% is deducted from the final grade of any work handed in late After receiving a missing task report you will have one week in which to hand in any missing work. After that week is up, you may not make up the work at all.

Student Work

 

Absences / Missed work When absent from class, all missed work will be placed in the makeup work folder. Each class has a folder labeled with its class period. Work will have your individual name on it. It is the students responsibility to locate missed work when returning from an absence. Students will have the amount of days missed + 1 to make up missing work, according to KMS policy.

Grading Procedures Grade marks Your paper will be scored with one of the following: A check means that you have received effort credit for this assignment. A percentage score 

Exchanging papers Occasionally you will exchange papers in class and grade someone else’s. When doing this, you will write your name on the bottom of the paper you are checking. You will receive credit for checking your peers paper correctly. If you purposely score a peers paper higher or lower than it’s actual score, you will receive a 0 on your

Grading Procedures Weighted grades Your grades are counted as follows: Focuses = score counts once (1). Class work/Homework = score counts once (1). Quizzes = score counts once and a half (1.5). Tests / Projects = score counts twice (2).

Missing Task Reports and Progress Reports 

Missing task reports and progress reports will be sent home with you Take Home Tuesday folders throughout each quarter, approximately every 2 weeks. Progress Reports from every teacher are sent home half way through each quarter. These dates can be found on the school website as well as the team website.

Take Home Tuesday 

You will be given a “Take Home Tuesday” folder to be taken home every Tuesday and returned to your homeroom teacher every Wednesday. Take home Tuesday folders contain important information about upcoming events at the school and in our classrooms.

1. Are you the missing piece? 2. Partner clock 3. Daybooks: a. Table of Contents b. Daybook Pledge c. Glue in partner clock d. This week in L.A.

8.Tonight’s homework: A. Write and acrostic poem of your first name that tells a little bit about yourself. Example:

B. Complete the sheet “Would you

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