August '08

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FAY FOOTPRINTS Lutheran Bible Translators

Getting Back to the Basics By Kory Growing up in the booming metropolis of Topeka, Kansas, I never had to think about where the water that I drank came from or worry if it would be there when I needed it. I didn’t have to worry about using too much electricity when watching TV or reheating a meal in the microwave. I didn’t even have to worry about where all of our waste (and I’m not talking about trash) went after disposing of it. Now, as we prepare for our time in Cameroon, we do have to think about it, and frankly, I don’t have too much experience in wiring a home or drilling a well. Thankfully, Pioneer Bible Translators (another Bible translation organization) offered a class in Dallas, teaching how to deal with some of the challenges of setting up and maintaining a home overseas. Throughout this course, we began with introductory lectures on topics such as AC and DC electricity and solar power and then put them into practice. Some of the hands-on projects included setting up a solar powered electrical system which powered a light bulb,

soldering ends onto electrical wires, repairing lawn mowers (as part of the small engine repair unit), examining the ins and outs of motorcycle maintenance, and getting lots of practice at using the multi-meter. We also were introduced to canning (did you know you could can butter or cheese?), needs for the bush kitchen, how to maintain lanterns, how and where to drill a well, and how and where to place a disposal place for human waste (always put your well uphill from your septic system). After taking this course, I would like to say that I am not an expert now in all of these fields, but I will settle with saying that when the time comes to build or repair something in our home in Cameroon, I won’t be totally clueless.

If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you.

Praise God for the incredible support we have received from family, friends, and strangers alike!

Praise Him for two wonderful years of marriage!

Pray for us as we travel, that we would be patient with one another and that we would be joyful and open to serving Him even when we are weary.

Pray that we would follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance as we speak to groups both small and large.

Pray for open hearts and ears on the part of those who will hear us speak.

A snapshot of our speaking schedule during this month and next: -August 2-3 Peace Lutheran in Fremont, IN -August 6

John 13:14-15

August 2008

Pray For Us...

Volume 1, Issue 4

St. Lorenz Lutheran in Frankenmuth, MI

-August 10 Grace Lutheran Fellowship in Romeo, MI -August 17-September 7 Our Shepherd Lutheran in Indianapolis, IN

In His Time... Attend IDIOM (orientation to LBT) in May ‘06 LBT application (‘06-’07)

Appointment as LBT missionaries (Jan ‘08)

Partnership Development (Prayer and Financial support) July ‘08-July ‘09

Classes at GIAL in TX (July ‘07—June ‘08)

Depart for Chambéry, France, for French study August ‘09

Depart for field assignment in Cameroon January ‘11

as he moves and doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, yet, but his facial expressions and body language make You may have noticed that our timeline below has changed. We rethings perfectly clear, most of the This is really going to be more of a cently found out that we will be atSam update because the rest of the time. tending IFALPES, a French school newsletter covers pretty well what in Chambéry, France, for our the adults in the family have been doing! Sam keeps very busy. He We want to say a HUGE thank you French study in preparation for our prefers running over walking as it is to all of you for praying for us, pro- time in Cameroon (pictured below). faster. His favorite toys of the viding the occasional place to stay or For more info, check out month would include spoons, pupmeal to eat, and giving to our minis- and click on the Britpies (living ones, especially), the try. We are still very much newbies ish flag (unless you happen to know hose, and baseball bats (plastic ones, at this whole partnership developFrench)! mind you). He is becoming more ment thing but we have felt your social by the minute. He has prayers as we have travelled and developed a “social laugh” which prepared for the months ahead. We sounds a little bit like a donkey and are not kidding when we say we uses it when he notices everyone else could not do this without you! is laughing but isn’t quite sure why. He’s pretty sure that he’s the center of the universe and is very confused when people don’t pay attention to him. Lastly, he talks about as fast The last few months have been very -Attending a two-week workshop busy and yet relaxing with LBT in Aurora, IL: hearing the stories of LBT missionaries (past and for our family all in present), learning more about our the same fell swoop. Here are just a few of assignment in Cameroon (more to the things we’ve been come!), working on our presentation that we will do in churches/Bible up to: studies/etc., and getting to know the -Visiting family and staff and volunteers at the Service friends, many of Center. whom we have not seen in over a year! -Settling into Cara’s parents’ house where The mission of we will be living for LBT is to help the next few months bring people to Family enjoying a carousel ride at Gage Park in Topeka faith in Jesus Christ by making the Word of God Write to us at: Send financial support to: available to those Kory, Cara, and Samuel Fay Lutheran Bible Translators who do not yet 848 Balroyal Ct. P.O. Box 2050 have it in the lanIndianapolis, IN 46234 Aurora, IL 60507-2050 guage of their [email protected] (Make checks out to Lutheran hearts. For more Bible Translators and designate information on Fay ministry or Fay Household LBT go to Setup)

Following the Family


Thank you!

Resting and Preparing

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