Attitudes 1.1

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ATTITUDES 1.1 Revision 1 - Oct ober 20th 2000

Another Thano Terra Inspired Totally Unauthorized Dead Earth Sourcebook


© 2000 Ambient Inc

READ THIS OR ELSE ATTITUDES is a fan-produced supplement series for the deadEarth RPG published by Anarchy inK. ATTITUDES is supported by and based at the Dread Gazebo thanoTerra website ( All material appearing i n this product is copyright 2000, Am bient Inc. If y ou would like your own house rules and original game material for deadEarth to appear in future issues of ATTITUDES, please send them along with appropriate copyright information to [email protected]. Each i ssue of ATTI TUDES deals with one particular elem ent of the gam e (ie: Combat, Firearms, Radiati ons, Character Creation) and includes new house rules and examples for t hat item. Upcom ing issues include a new combat system and revised firearms listing, alternate (more detailed) character creation guidelines and so on. We always welcom e submissions deali ng with the topics we wi ll be covering in future issues. This issue of ATTITUDES (1.1) introduces a new Radiation Table with 200 new radiations. These can be added to your game the same way you add the radiations f rom the off icial RTS supplem ents. This document makes ref erences to the 1000 radiations in the printed 1 st edition Players Hand Book as well as the first two Radiation Table Supplements (all available from We will not be releasing a production and release schedule for ATTI TUDES , as each issue will be finished when it s good and done and not before. For the latest issues of ATTITUDES, drop by the Dread Gazebo thanoTerra website CREDITS Author: Writers: Cover Art:

Jason Parent Denise Robinson Jason Parent Jason Parent

ATTITUDES i s yours, free of charge, to dupli cate and distribute in any for mat as long as (a) all distributi ons include the ENTIRET Y of the text of the document includi ng this page and (b) you do not seek monetary recompense for distribution. If you payed for a copy of ATTITUDES, you have been ripped off.

deadEarth is copyright Anarchy Ink. O riginal deadEarth m aterial is copyright 1994 - 2000 Anarchy i nK. All use of deadEarth within these documents is done without permission of the copyright holders. Any use of Anarchy inK s copyrighted material or trademarks in this document should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

TT001 : PHOENIX Add both (104) Supernova and (101) Second Chance to your list of radiati ons. When you die, roll 1D6, on a 6 you are reborn with (TT001) Phoenix, otherwise you are reborn as per (101) Sec ond Chance without any radiations. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary TT002 : THIRD EYE You grow a third eye in the middle of your forehead. This looks significantl y freaky and has the foll owing addition effect (rol l 1D6) 1. Elevated Eye: you can meditate, f ocusing on something with your third eye and gain the ability of (930) Elevated Consciou sness 2. Gentle Eye: Those whom you look on in pity with your third eye can be healed of any radiat ions that cause Pustules (931), Skin Cancer, Festering Wounds (913), Lesions (896), Boils (939) and other skin di seases for 10 Sk ill Point s. 3. Eye of Battle: Y ou can stare down people in Hand To Hand combat by using 2 Action Poi nts to open the third eye and get their attention. If they don't make a difficult Resolve roll they must cease all hostilities unless attacked again. If used while attacking them, t hey still lose half t heir action points this round. 4. Eye of Darkness: As long as your eye is open, gain (578) Night Vision 5. Eye of the Sentinel: As long as your eye is open, gain (848) Sentinel 6. All Seeing Eye: Gain 1D6 Senses from all the eye can see. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary TT003 : NEW MUTANT Until you get rid of TT003, you must roll for all future Radiations on tables of radiations f rom i nternet sourc es, ignoring the table in the Players HandBook. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary

TT006 : UNLAWFUL CARNAL KNOWLEDGE You gain +2D6 Guile when used to coerce others into inti mate encounters. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Cumulative TT007 : YOU GOT TA HAVE HEART You sprout a multiple-redundency system for your central cardio-vascular pump. (You grew two additional hearts!). On your hit location table, area 72-73 is now Heart Number 2 and area 74-75 is now Heart Number 3. Each has 2 hit points. Unitl all three of your hearts are destroyed in combat, the heart i s not considered to be a critical area. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary TT008 : BODY DISMORPHIA Your radiations have given you an extreme obsessive-compulsiv e disorder regarding a part of your body that you consider mutated and abhorrent. Rol l on the hit location tabl e and re-roll all results of T ORSO and HEART. Unless you personally remov e that part of your body (or have it rem oved for you) you wil l forev er feel that it is disgusting and abhorrent and you will suff er from (569) Lost Hope. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary TT009 : CORTICAL SCRUB (Sounds nice and hygienic, doesn't it?) The radi ation has gone straight to your brain, and has erased certain key parts of your cerebellum . Select D6 skills at random from your record sheet and reduce them to 0D6. (These skills cannot be Bemuse or Memory). T his means you can NEVER succeed at these skills again, and can never improve them - the actual parts of your brain dealing with these subjects have been scrubbed clean for all t ime. The up-side is that you gain +1D6 Memory because of all the shiny new storage space i n your brain and +1D6 Bemuse when you occasionall y trip over these same new gaps. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Permanent

TT004 : STIGMATEYE You have an eyeball i n the palm of each hand. Using these eyes you can see around corners without exposing your head to injury, but all future damage to your hands incurs +2 stun damage from the shock. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary

TT010 : REAL GEEK (not (423) Geek) You are a throwback to the circus geeks of days long past. You can subsist only on a diet of li ving insects and small animal s which you must bite the heads off of while they are still aliv e. These habits are not very endearing to the average cit izen. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary

TT005 : SAVAGE GENITALIA Your nether regions are now a weapon! If you hav e (898) Freudian, immediately gain High Self Esteem. Men's genitals grow up to 2 feet long and are now adorned with nasty claws, blades and a savage, tearing mouth, and can now be used in combat using a "bite and gore" attack (3 APs, 4 Stun, 2 Damage). W omen's genitals are now significantl y larger and protrude somewhat and are full of razor-sharp hooked teeth and can be used in combat using a "straddle and chew" attack (6 APs, 2 Stun, 6 Damage). John Bobbit beware! Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary

TT011 : THE QUICKENING Gain +3 Mov es, and ignore any future eff ects of aging. Should someone ever kill you by loping off your head with a sharp weapon, a massive lightening blast will ensue (dealing 10 stun and 4 damage to every one within 20 feet). The person who killed you will then gain +1D6 in all skills that you had at a higher lev el than him, as well as gaining radiation (TT011) The Quickening. You immedi ately know when another person with the quickening is within 1km of your position (and that person will obviously know of your presence also). Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Cumulative

TT012 : HYMN OF DESPAIR By spending 3 AP each turn, you can sing a strange, disheartening ululating song that causes all opponents to fight you at -1D6 on all their actions. Cost: 1 Skill Point. Range: 20ft. Effect: Binary

TT013 : BEER GOGGLES You see all persons of your prefered sex as being incredibly sexually arousing and beautiful / handsome. All their actions and gestures will seem erotic and alluring. Be afraid, be v ery afraid! Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary TT014 : EYES OF THE DEEP O NE Your eyes grow and expand (think of the decompression scenes in Total Recall until they are large and frog-li ke. These bizarre protuberances give you an uncanny appearance akin to some strange frog hybrid. Any helmets you wear will have to re-evaluated for fit, and goggles will be impossible to wear. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary TT015 : CROWN OF FLESH You have dev eloped a ring of fl eshy protuberances around your head. Wit h these you will be unable to wear most helmets and headgear. Roll a D6 t o determine what kind of protuberances these are: 1. Fingers - a ring of a dozen or so fingers surround your head 2. Ears - a solid ring of ears (lobes and all) surround your head giving you + 1 on all senses rolls and allowing you to wear many, many earrings. 3. Noses - "My mutant has 14 noses!" "How does he smell?" "Awful!" 4. Tongues - Now this is rude! Lick away! 5. Eyestalks - A ring of stalks with eyes at the end watch ev erything.. . and gi ves you +2D6 senses. 6. Toes - Toe-jam city! Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Cumulative

TT018 : LORD OF THE FLIES You are constantly surrounded by a cloud of insects. Dependi ng on your cli mate they m ay include butterfli es, mosquitos, deer f lies, bees, hornets, etc. T his act s as a constant distraction for you and all those around you (-2 on all your rolls, -4 on others). These penalti es can be halved by procuring and wearing bug repell ent (Cumulativ e, so if you AND those close to you are wearing repellent, you get -1 on all rolls (1/2 of -2) and they get -1 on all rolls (1/2 of -4 f or your repellent, 1/2 of that for their's)) Cost: none. Range: 15 feet Effect: Cumulative TT019 : BEAN POLE You sprout up in height by 2D6 inches, and halv e your weight. Adjust your stats accordingly. Cost: None Range: Self Effect: Cumulative The following radiations (TT020-TT053 & T T054-TT063) are some suggested radiations that can be gained from cross-mutating with plants (063 Vegetativ e Hybrid, 349 Vegetation, 463 Bloom, 554 Plant, 621 Disfigured Mutant, 721 Double cross-mutation, 746 Absolved of Humanity) TT020 : LEAF All your body hairs are replaced with leaves. Leaves help you stay cool in the heat if they are not cov ered. Choose what style, size, and colour of your leav es and pray your fellow mutants don't decide to determine if you're smokable. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT021 : JAZZ You are part guarano berry, part coca bean. Your v eins run with almost pure caff eine. Gain (352) Wired, and anyone biting you (and dealing at least one point of damage through your armour) will gain (352) Wired for d6 minutes. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary

TT016 : JOY BUZZER You can produce a shocking jolt of el ectricty conducted through your hand. This increases stun damage from bare-hand attacks by 4. Cost: 1 Skill Point. Range: touch Effect: Binary

TT022 : EDIBLE You are now edible. For every hi t point of damage you take (as people take a bite out of you), t hey gain one point of resiliency. Much to your chagrin, three hit points is considered a full meal. Cost: 1hp Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT017 : PIED PIPER You attract animal s. Every tim e you enter an environm ent where these animals exist they will be drawn to you. I hope you don't have (388) Animality. Roll to see what you attract. 1. Rodents (rats, mice, etc) 2. Avi ans (pigeons, v ultur es) 3. Feli nes (cat s, lions, ti gers) 4. Canines (dogs, wolv es, dingos) 5. Reptiles (iguanas, komodos) 6. Fish (salmon, tune, sharks) Cost: none. Range: 200ft. Effect: Binary

TT023 : FRUIT-BEARING You now sprout one piece of fruit f or each point of resiliency you hav e. These grow from random body locations (re-roll heart l ocations), and can be picked (costing you one point of resiliency) and then eaten up to one week later (a month later if properly dried, a year later if canned, pickled or preserved) to gain one resiliency. Although you still regain resil iency at the normal rat e, your fruit only grow back a m onth after they are picked. "Wow, this jelly goes really great with roast VimDawg. What did you call it again? Joe-toe-jam?" Cost: 1 res. Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT024 : FRUIT Add (TT022) Edible to your list of radiat ions. In addition to being edible, you now carry a seed in your chest. When you die, should these seeds be planted in d6 months and nurtured (soil, water, sun) for nine m onths, an exact replica with full memories as per (976) Triple Helix will burst forth from the earth, hydroponic lab, etc. to continue your legacy. This act of rebirth is worth 1 Renown. The seeds in your chest will be destroyed if you heart is destroyed. If you hav e (316) Heart Of Stone, and someone chips the seeds out of your dead heart, the seeds will grow into a statue of yourself, stil l worth 1 renown, but forever a m ute symbol of your death. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary TT025 : POISONOUS Your f lesh and blood are now toxi c. Anyone foolish enough to attempt to bite you or eat you must make a Running roll on the fol lowing table: Roll Result <6 Instant Death 6 1 dmg to each location/round 9 1 dmg to each location and unconsciousness for d6 hours 15 1 dmg to each location and 10d6 stun 24 5d6 stun 36 d6 stun 51 no effect If you use (490) Purge, you will die as your body systematically rejects itself. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary TT026 : DECIDUOUS In the fall all your body hair (and/ or leaves, quills, feathers, etc) changes colour and gradually falls out until you have (353) Bald which will last throughout the winter season unt il spring when your body hair gradually grows back. Cost: None Range: Self Effect: Binary TT027 : THORNS Hard, spiky protuberances sprout all over y our body conferring you one extra dam age from bare-handed or bare-footed attacks. Grappli ng someone or being grappled deals d6 damage to your opponent. Be prepared to shred a lot of clothes. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT028 : T ASTY SAP Your blood has been replaced with a slightly sweet sap which, when boiled down produces a delicious syrup that goes remarkably well ov er pancakes. Whenev er you "bleed", gain (TT018) Lo rd of the Flies until the flow is staunched and sap washed from your body. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT029 : ST ICKY SAP Your blood has been replaced with a highly v iscous and adhesive sap. Due to your slow "bloodflow", add (883) Languid to your list of radiat ions. If an edged weapon should cause damage to you, the wielder must mak e an average weight-traini ng roll to dislodge the weapon from your body. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT030 : BURL Whenever someone or something breaks your skin, roll a d6 when the wound heals. On a 1-5, you get a raised (keloid) nasty-looking scar. If any of these scars are visible, gain d6 on Intimidat ion rolls. On a 6, you gain a d6 pound burl growing from the wound location, and roll again next week to see if it keeps burling. If you should try to cut of f a bur l, it is guaranteed to regrow to at least the same size plus d6 pounds and start the cycle again. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT031 : SELF-POLLINATI NG You are now capable of a-sexual reproduction. You are a complete hermaphrodite. Any offspring produced in this manner will be an exact genet ic duplicate of you, with a 50% chance of each radiation being passed along as well. If you have (976) Triple Helix, this duplicate will be exactly as described in said radiati on. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT032 : PETALS You grow a crown or mane of petals around your head(s). Persons remembering The Tick will refer to you as "El Seed". Playing She-Loves-Me-She-Loves-Me-Not will cause 1 point of damage. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT033 : STINGING NETTLES Your skin is covered in small hairs that secrete an irritant, contact poison when broken. Anyone touching you with bare skin areas takes d6 stun per exposed area. Cost: none Range: Touch Effect: Binary TT034 : PHOTOSYNTHETIC Your skin pulses with chloroplasts. Turn green and gain the ability to gain energy from the sun. W ith the wan sunlight available on deadEarth, you can reduce your daily food requirements by half . Find a tropical, sunny or bright location and you might not need food at all although you would need to keep watered and ingest vitami ns and minerals. Your lungs still work with oxygen, but your skin "inhales" carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT035 : PHOTOTROPIC Bright lights. Big city. You have the subconscious compulsion to m ove towards the sun and/or other bright lights. Make an av erage Reason roll to consciously resist this. Whenever you are bored or unoccupied you will tend to wander off in the direction of the bri ghtest lights visibl e. even cli mbing trees or buildings to approach the moon at night. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT036 : CELL WALLS You gain cellulose-based cell walls beyond your cell membranes. While reducing your flexibility, this considerably increases your durabili ty. Roll d6. Decrease your Moves by this amount and increase your Resiliency by three times this amount. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT037 : CACTUS You have cross-mutated with a hardy desert plant. Gain (TT027) Thorns and (550) Hump. Cost: none. Range: Self. Effect: Binary TT038 : VE NUS FL Y TRAP Gain (TT039) Attractor and (TT010) Real G eek. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT039 : ATTRACTOR Your plant cross-mutation has given you a reproductive mechanism that produces an odour or colour that birds and insects (and those cross-mutated with them) fi nd particularly attractive. Characters with bird or insect cross-m utati ons ((060) Avian Hybrid, (061) Insectivora Hybrid, (106) Bird, (278) Insect, (546) Impending Swarm, (551) Aves, (586) Airborne Fog, (591) Insecta) and/or (088) Animal Instincts, (130) Enhanced Smell and (248) Bond with Natu re must make an av erage Reason roll to resist wanting to be near you. Cancels (TT040) Repulsor Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT040 : REPULSOR Your pl ant cross-mutation has given you a sel f-defense mechanism that produces an odour or colour that birds, insects and small mammals (and those cross-mutated with them) find repulsive. Characters with bird or insect cross-m utati ons ((060) Avian Hybrid, (061) Insectivora Hybrid, (106) Bird, (278) Insect, (546) Impending Swarm, (551) Aves, (586) Airborne Fog, (591) Insecta) and/or (088) Animal Instincts, (130) Enhanced Smell and (248) Bond with Natu re must make an av erage Reason roll t o resist avoiding you. Cancel s (TT039) Attractor Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT041 : GRAFT "So there Joe and I were at a communal bath when Joe starts fumbling for his knife and screaming 'I want me THAT one!' and runs after this huge Asian Elephant cross-mutation in the corner. He lops of the poor freak's privates and- get this, this is the REALLY sick part - slices off his OWN Johnson and sticks the other guys ' package on. I seen some unnatural shit in my life, but that just ain't right." You can replace your own limbs and digits with those of other animals, incl uding "humans". Replacement limbs and digits must be freshly cultivated within the past hour. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT042 : DORMANT IN WINTER During winter months, gain (027) Torpid and (664) Hibernation. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT043 : LILY PAD Green patagia-like f laps grow from under your arms. Add (872) Buoyant to your list of radiat ions and get +2d6 Guile and Charisma when dealing with characters with amphibian cross-mutations ( (066) Amphibious Hybrid, (467) Amphibia, (565) Covering Slime, (624) Amphibian) Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT044 : CORN'S GOT EARS Grow d6 ears on randomly-determined body parts (excluding the heart). Gain d6 Senses. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT045 : POTATO'S GOT EYES Grow d6 eyes on randomly-determined body parts (excluding the heart). Gain d6 Senses. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT046 : BARK Your skin is now coated in a hard, woody protective layer. Gain one armour point to each body l ocation. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT047 : VINES Your triple in length as they tur n into spindly vi nes. Lose 1 Strength, gain 2 Mov es and add (699) Wall Walker to your list of radiations. Wrestling is now a natural ability. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT048 : ROOTS Your feet grow roots, enabling you to gain nourishm ent and water from the earth when barefoot. T his halves your needed rations in a day if you spend at least 6 hours rooted down, and allows you to live without rati ons completely i f rooted down for 24 hours a day (as long as the soil is good). Add (693) Rough Shod and (532) Athlete's Foot to your list of radiati ons. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT049 : ROOTED TO SPOT The radiation causes your feet to plunge deep int o the earth, toes spreading and growing into a fine network of roots making it im possible to move, al though you may be transplanted up to once a week provided a large enough earth ball is brought with you. Add (TT048) Roots to your list of radiations. If your roots are cut, you will slowly die of dehydration and starv ation. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT050 : BAMBOO Grow 2D6 inches weekly and adjust your stats accordingly. Gain 2d6 Charisma when dealing with charac ters cross-mutated with pandas. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT051 : EUCALYPTUS Ever seen a koala with a racking chest cough? When rubbed, your skin ex udes a pervasive, pungent odour. This scent is particularly repul sive to insects and helps clear up chest infections and colds. Add (107) Stink and (TT053) Aromatherapeutic to your list of radiat ions and be treated as though you have (TT040) Repulsor when deal ing with nuisance insects (mosquitoes, blackflies, etc.) and characters cross-mutated with them, and be treated as though you have (TT017) Pi ed Piper when dealing with small bears. Gain 2d6 Charism a when deali ng with charac ters cross-mutated with koalas. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT052 : ME DICINAL Most great medicines were derived from plants. So are you. Roll a d6 and determine your effects as per the table below. Anyone taking a bite of you (deal ing at least one damage) will gain the benef its described. Roll Properties 1 Cures headaches, reduces the blood's ability to clot, alleviates the symptoms of circulatory disorders 2 Cures colds and alleviates the symptoms of more serious respiratory infections 3 Cures frostbite, stimul ates bloodflow and alleviates the symptoms of circulatory disorders 4 Cures heartburn and alleviat es the symptoms of stomach, intestinal and digestive disorders 5 Reduces scarring, heals minor burns, cures acne and allevi ates the symptoms of skin disorders and major burns 6 Cures insomnia, reduces stress and alleviates the symptoms of psychologi cal and neurological disorders Cost: 1 damage Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT053 : AROMATHERAPEUTIC The v ery smell of you has healing ef fect s upon those around you. When your skin is rubbed or broken, the oils or blood released has special properties when inhaled or rubbed into the skin. Roll a d6 and determ ine your healing properties. Roll Properties 1 You smell really good. Act as a natural anti-persperant and add d6 to Charisma and Influence v ersus anyone who catches a whiff of you 2 Cures colds and alleviates the symptoms of more serious respiratory infections 3 Cures frostbite, stimul ates bloodflow and alleviates the symptoms of circulatory disorders 4 Cures heartburn and alleviat es the symptoms of stomach, intestinal and digestive disorders 5 Reduces scarring, heals minor burns, cures acne and alleviates the symptoms of skin disorders 6 Cures insomnia, reduces stress and alleviates the symptoms of nerve and neurological disorders Cost: none Range: 5m Effect: Binary TT054 : MYCOLOGICAL MAJESTY You and everyone within 20 feet of you (at this moment) have cross-mutated with a f ungus. Each adds Mycological Majesty to their list of radiations. Each person takes one attribute from a fungus of their choice and adds it to their character. Cost: none. Range: 20 feet Effect: Cumulative The following radiations (TT055-TT063) are some suggested radiations that can be gained from cross-mutating with fungus (063 Vegetat ive Hybrid, 349 Vegetation, 463 Bloom, 554 Plant, 621 Disfigured Mutant, 721 Double cross-mutation, 746 Absolved of Humanity, TT054 Mycological Majesty) TT055 : PSYCHEDELIC Anyone licking you or bit ing you begins to hallucinate f or D6 hours. They are allowed to roll Resolv e or Running (best of) to resist the worst of it. If the roll is less than a 15 they are completely incapacitated by the hall ucinations for the duration. If the roll is greater than 15 they receive -2D6 on all rolls, and -4D6 to senses. If the roll is greater than a 24 they receive -1D6 on all rolls, and -2D6 to senses. If they roll greater than a 36 they receive -1D6 senses and with a roll greater than a 51 they suffer no adverse ef fect s. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT056 : NECROPHAGE You can subsist off the dead, but ONLY of f the dead. Your food must be rotting bef ore you can digest it - anything less makes you violently ill. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT057 : SPORE CLOUD You can generate a 10' by 10' cloud of spores directed as you wish up to once an hour. All caught within it who are not wearing breathing apparatus take 2D6 stun. Cost: 5 Ski ll Points Range: 10 feet Effect: Binary TT058 : SLIME MOULD You are devolving into a slime mould. Each week convert 1 move i nto 2 resiliency AND remov e one hit point from each location on your arms and legs and mov e all but 2 of them to your torso. Div ide the remaining two between your head and neck. Once your mov es have been reduced by half (round down), the devol ution ends. If any locati ons are reduced to zero hit points by this process they are completely dissolved into your slimy mass. You can still extend pseudopods of slime as hands or legs, but only with 1/2 your normal strength. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT059 : PALLID COMPLEXION You gain the pallor of a toadstool . This radiation rem oves ANY other radiations that change your skin tone (al though not skin texture and format). Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT060: PHOSPHORESCENT You now glow in the dark. For every point of resilience you have, you emi t a glow that illum inates a 6" radius from your body. You are cl early visibl e from a distance, and reduce your Stealth rolls by 1D6 per 4 points of resilience you have. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT061: REAL BIG HEAD Your head enlarges and takes on a mushroom-shape. Those remembering the sight of mushroom-clouds may find your appearance disturbing. Add (025) Capitate to your list of radiations. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT062 : PENICILLIN Add (TT022) Edible to your list of radiat ions. Persons ingesting you when ill are allowed to make a running roll (dif:15 to 36, at G Ms discretion) to be cured of diseases they may be carrying or suffering from. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT063 : FLY AGARIC You are deadly poison to those who attempt to ingest you. Those partaking of your fl esh or blood should roll Running diffi culty 24 to prevent death, diff iculty 51 to prev ent hallucinations. Hallucinations cause a reduction of 2D6 to all rolls and 4D6 f rom senses. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT064 : RITE OF GROWTH Like any plant, you continue to grow as you age. Every year you gain 1" in height and D4 pounds in weight (recheck your stats on the height / weight tabl es). You also sprout up during favourable growing seasons - every time you gain a point of renown, increase your height by D3 inches and your weight by 2D6 pounds (again, recheck your stats on the height / weight tables). Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT065: GANGREL DEVOLUTION You are slowly losing your humanity. Every time you kill (whether it's one person or an army) gain a physical animal cross-mutation (has to have visible effects, should have few game ef fect s - things like digitigrade l egs, tails, hair, animal ears), and agai n do so every time you increase your renown (whether by one point or by 20). Keep track of the cross-mutations you've gained this way. For every three, r educe your Charisma, Guil e or Reason by 1D6. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT066: ACE VENTURA With a polog ies to Will iam S Burrou ghs, R IP You now have the ability to speak through your asshole. Should you have (RTS1-38) Double Rosebuds this can make for an int eresting "chorus" effect. Rol l 1D6 every m onth - on a 1 your asshole gets tired of talking FOR you and begins to talk for itself . It has a Guile and Charisma of 5D6, and Outright Lie of 4D6. Ev ery month thereaft er roll 1D6 - on a 1 your asshole gets fed up with you running the show and begins to challenge you for control of your body. Ev ery morning roll resolve difficulty 15 - if you fail the asshole is in control for the day. I f it gains control f or three days in a row, it manages to kill of f your brain and take ov er forever. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT067 : SPARE ASS ANNIE With a polog ies to Will iam S Burrou ghs, R IP Add (RTS1-38) Double Rosebuds to your list of radiations - except your auxiliary asshole is in the middle of your forehead, like a painful, brown eye. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT068 : BAIT Persons wi th Fish cross-mutations ( such as (062) Icthy Hybrid, (281) Fish, (412) Osteichthyes and (559) Ickthy rain) find you irresistibl e. You gain +4D6 to Guil e and Influence towards them, and a +2D6 bonus to Fishing skill. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT069: STRICT CARNIVORE Your dietary needs have changed and now you can ONLY eat meat (the fresher the better). Eating anything el se requires a resolve roll (difficulty 15 to eat it, difficulty 24 to hold it down) and makes you feel seriously ill (-2 on all rolls for 2D6 hours). Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT070: STRICT HERBIVORE Your dietary needs have changed and now you can ONLY eat v egetable matter. Eati ng anything else requires a resolve roll (difficulty 15 to eat it, difficulty 24 to hold it down) and make syou feel seriously ill (-2 on all rolls for 2D6 hours). Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT071 : CANNIBAL You have an obsessive need to eat "flesh of your flesh". If you have any cross-mutations thi s need can be contained by eating the animals with which you hav e cross mutated (at least for a while). Ev ery chance you get to eat human flesh you must make a resolv e roll to keep yourself f rom this heinous act. (difficulty equal to the number of days since you last ate human fl esh, or half that if you've been eating anim als with which you hav e cross-mutated at least twice a week). Once the difficulty climbs to 15 or higher, you will begin to consider ways of "harv esting" fresh meat (ie: killing people purely to eat them). Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT072: SYNAPTIC ACCELERATION The nerves along your spine and inside the brain are lengthened, reducing the amount of time required for a signal to transfer from one location to another. This giv es you +2 Moves Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT073 : ENDOSKELETAL REBUILD In a painful wrench, your body rebuil ds it's the skeletal anchor points (where the ligaments link your muscles to your bone structure). This mov es the anchoring points of your muscles further away from the joints, giv ing you better leverage and theref ore strength, but it also giv es you an awkward "long limbed" appearance and makes your limbs more awkward to manoeuv er. Roll D6 and add it to your Strength, and reduce your m oves by half that amount. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT074: REINFORCED SKULL The bones of your skull fuse together and thic ken, further reinforcing the al ready excellent natural armour there. Increase hit points, stress and shock ratings of your skull each by one. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT075: HARDWIRED REFLEXES Your reflexes are honed to an incredible degree. If you are surprised by anything (ambush, backstab, balloon popping, surprise birthday party) you must m ake a dif 24 reason roll to prevent yourself from launchi ng into an immedi ate attack (1-4 on D6) or defence (5-6 on D6). Add (092) Rite of Deceit and (009) Vigilance to your list of radiations. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT076 : NEO-MYELIN SHEATHING Standard myelin i s a protein compound that blankets your nerve cells and prev ents interference with the neural impulses travel ing through them. Neo-m yelin does the same thing, only better! Your mutated sheathing increases transmission effic iency, and cuts down on bio-electrical i nterference. You only take 1/ 4 damage from Stun Guns and Tasers and add (TT072) Synaptic Acceleration to your list of radiati ons. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT077: SYMBIOTIC DIGESTOR Your body wastes a significant portion of t he food you eat because it's not designed to digest it, but with the mut ant enzyme that has grown in your digestiv e tract. you'll be squeezi ng ev ery last bit of energy from your meals! These enzymes convert indigestible cellulose and protein compounds into a form readily absorbed into your bloodstream. You only require hal f the normal f ood intake, and gain +1D6 running. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT078: LIGHT T ORSO ENDOARMOUR Torso endoarmor protects your chest and upper abdomen by remolding your ribc age with an internal shield of flexible bone plates sheathed in calcified cartilage. This provides your upper torso with the equivalent of hard plastic armour (60% of torso hits from the front or side will strike your enhanced rib-cage) Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT079: HEAVY TORSO ENDOARMOUR Heav y torso endoarmor protects your entir e torso ( chest and abdomen) by remolding your r ibcage with into an internal shield of f lexible bone plates sheathed in calc ified cartilage that ext ends down to your pelvis. This prov ides your entire torso with the equivalent of hard plastic armor, but reduces your flexibi lity (reduce running by 2D6 and moves by 2). On t he upside, it also supports you better when lifting and carrying and you are incredibly unlikely to ever suffer from a hernia (+2D6 W eight Training). Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT080 : CALCIFICATION Your bone structure is absorbing too much calcium and other minerals and is growing bigger and tougher. This gives you +2 resili ency and +1 hit point to ev ery location, but bone spurs make much of your m ovement pai nful and awkward (-1D6 running, -2D6 acrobatics), alm ost debilitatingl y so if you are wearing heavy arm or (any armor heavi er than rubber imposes a -2 mov es and -2 on all rolls from the discomfort). Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT081: BRAIN EATER You now have the ability to gain strange nourishment from the brains of other sentients. Unfortunately this DOES require that you crack open their skull s and ingest some or all of the contents thereof. Every time you do so, you gain 20 Skill Points. "Send more paramedics!" Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT082: ZOMBIFIED Infected by the "strange green radiation from space", when you die, you will come back shortly t hereafter as one of the walking dead. At that t ime, reduce your senses by 4D6, charisma and guile by 2D6, m oves by 50%, and increase your strength by +2 and add (TT081) Brain Eater to your list of m utations Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Permanent TT083: THALIDOMIDE Your arms shrink away until your hands are attached to your shoulders directly. Decrease your W eight Training by 2D6. You can't use two-handed items unless they've been specialy modif ied for your use. Hit locat ion rolls to your upper arms now strike your t orso, whi le forearm hits m iss you completely. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT084 : HELMET HEAD Your head takes the shape of a classic metal helm et (see the illustration of the chick with the sword by squidhead on pinacotheka). Add (TT074) Reinforced Skull to your list of radiations. The new skull shape does however interfere with vision and hearing (-3D6 senses) and makes eating difficult (small bites only). Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT085 : BRUJAH'S FURY Add (254) Frenzy to your list of radiat ions. Whenev er you are insulted, attacked or provoked you must roll resolve diffi culty 9 to 24 (at DM's discretion based on the circumstances) to av oid attacking the source of the annoyance. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary TT086: BURNING UP Gain +1 to Strength. Y ou are hot to the touch (about 40 degrees Celsius) while at rest, and grow hotter as you exert yourself. Af ter four rounds of combat or similar activity you are so hat that you scorch cloth and cause +2 stun damage in bare-hand combat. Af ter 2 more rounds you begin to take damage from your inner heat. Make a running roll each round at a dif ficulty equal to the number of rounds of activity or you burst into flames and die horribly. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT089: FERTILE ESS ENCE You have been infested with l ife-giv ing essence, to the peril of anyone who knows you. If anyone drinks from the same glass as you, bathes in the same pool or even handles your clothing or utensils, they can hav e children who will resemble you. Ev en people who are sterile or barren might become pregnant because of you. This can become annoying and cause some serious misunderstandings. Cost: none Range: 20feet Effect: Binary TT090: WATER SCENT With a senses roll you can find the nearest water source (within 1 mile - di f 6, within 5 mi les - dif 9, within 10 m iles - dif 15, within 20 m iles - dif 24). If you roll a result one diffi culty lev el higher than needed you also know how contaminated the water is. Cost: 3 skill points Range: 20 miles Effect: Binary TT091: SHEDDING FUR You are now covered with fur if you weren t before. By quickly shedding it, you can escape an enemy s grasp, or lower the diffi culty to escape from r estraints. Wi th the expenditure of 5 skil l points you can add 4D6 to escape or automatically escape from any maneuver. Cost: 5 skill points Range: Self Effect: Binary TT092: WEBBED FEET Your toes elongate and grow webbing between them. You can no longer wear boots, but gain 2D6 to swimming Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT093: USELESS TAIL You grow a tail that you have little / no control over. Locations 89-90 and 77-78 (as well as all groin shots from behind) now hit your tail, which has 3 hit points. Your tail makes wearing clot hing awkward (+ 50% cost for pants / codpieces). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT094: AIR SACKS You can swell up air sacks on your neck and abdomen, making yourself look much larger (+1D6 to intimidate). When inf lated you are also unsinkable (even i f you can t swim). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT087: CORPSE Add (TT059) Pallid Complexion, (RTS2-41) Skin and Skulls and (336) Radiation Weigh t Loss to your list of radiations. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Permanent

TT095: GECKO PADS Sticky pads on your hands and feet allow you to climb almost any surface that can support your weight. +3D6 climbing and +1D6 Hork. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT088: DIGITAL SURPLUS Grow D3 extra fingers or toes (roll to see what foot or hand they appear on). Throw away your current boots or gloves (as appropriate). Pay double f rom now on to new gloves or boots for the afflicted extremity (unless the digits are amputated). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Permanent

TT096: HOLLOW BONES Your bones are hollow, reducing your weight by 20%. Gain +2 Moves, +1D6 Acr obats and -2 hit points to all arm and leg hi t locations. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT097: BO NEHEAD Your Skull is particul arly dense. The good side is you add (TT074) Reinforced Skull to your list of radiat ions, twice. You also make Reason, Intuition and Mem ory natural inabi lities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT098: NECK FRILL You hav e an arm oured shield of bone like a tri ceratops. This reduces head movem ent (-1D6 to senses, -1 Move) but provides Stress 6 Stun 4 armour to y our neck and head. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT099: NICTATING MEMBRANES You have a second set of transparent eyelids which all ow you to see normally in sandstorms, tear gas or underwater, and so on. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT100: SNORKEL Your nose becomes strangely flat and your nostrils move to the top of your head. This allows you to breath when all but the very top of your head is underwater, and makes the act of using cocaine appear very comical. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT101: TEMPERATURE CONTROL You can control your body temperatur e. You will never suffer from fever, heat exhaustion, heatstroke or hypothermia except in the most extreme conditions. With concentration and a diff iculty 15 resolv e roll you can fool heat sensors and infravision. Your temperature will remain between 110 and 65 degrees F. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT102: COLD BLOODED You have no natural abil ity to regulate your body temperature. In warm weather, you get + 1 moves, but after each hour of exertion you must rest or cool yourself (such as with water) or take D6+1 damage. In extremely hot temperatures the clim ate alone will hav e this effect on you. In cold weather you suffer -1 moves and -1D6 to reason and resolve rolls. In ext remely cold weather (below freezing), you take D6 dam age per hour. After a number of hours equal to ½ your resilience you wil l die. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT103: SCAVENGER Your dietary needs have changed and now you can only eat decaying meat. Eati ng anything else requires a resolve roll (difficulty 15 to eat it, difficulty 24 to hold it down) and makes you feel seriously ill (-2 on all rolls for 2D6 hours). You have bad breath (-1D6 to Charisma, Influence and Guil e) and are generally unwelcome at parties and feasts. On the good side, any decaying fl esh, no matter how far gone, is healthy and nutri tious to you. Cost: none. Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT104: WALL EYE Your eyes move to the sides of your head, disallowing any form of binocular vi sion. You must turn your head to the side in order to look at something. You get -1D6 on all rolls invol ving depth percepti on or visual-based senses rolls. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT105: TROGL ODYTE STENCH You can excrete a v ery foul stench when stressed. Anyone not accustomed to this reek must make a resolve roll, difficulty 15, to continue fighting you. If they do, it requires a running roll, dif ficulty 15, to keep from retchi ng (½ moves, -1D6 on all rolls Cost: 7 Ski ll Points Range: 12 feet Effect: Binary TT106: NO EARS Your ears are replaced by a thin mem brane. You get -1 on all senses rolls because you don t have the scoop shape of the ear to direct sound to your eardrum. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT107: SCALES Your body is covered in lizard-like scales. Roll 1D6 1-3 Light Scales - visual effect only 4-5 Heavy Scales - 1 pt arm our, 1 pt stun armour 6 Very Heavy Scal es - 2 pts armour, 1 pt stun armour, -1 move Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT108: DI STENDABLE JAW You can open your mouth big enough to swallow an object roughly the size of your head. This looks creepy. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT109: COMBAT TAIL You grow a tail which you have significant control over, although it is not articulated enough to be used as an extra grasping limb. It is however quite useful in combat. Roll a D6 1-3 Whip Tai l - 1 damage, D6 stun, 2 Mov es 4-5 Club Tail - Str+ 1 damage, Str+D6 stun, 3 m oves 6 Spiked Tail - Str +2 damage, Str+1 stun, 3 m oves Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT110: TENDER UNDERBELLY Your resilience never applies to blows against the front (underside) of your torso and any radiation-induced natural armours do not protect their either. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT111: REPELLENT SKIN Your skin is resistant to penetration by acids, oils, alkalis and even DMSO. Ef fectiv ely, you take no damage f rom being splashed with or immersed in acids, etc. Washing is also m ore difficult to you as your skin at tempts to push away the cleansing agents. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT112: NAVEL CAVITY You have a small space (about the size of a large marbl e, 1" dia) in your abdomen that i s accessible through your navel. This can be used to hide marbles, dice, small containers, etc. It would require a difficulty 36 search roll to discover the cavity when full, diff iculty 51 when empty. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT113: OPTIC SHIFT You gain the ability t o change your eye colour on demand. The actual process takes D6+1 minutes, and you hav e the full spect rum of normal human eye colours t o choose from. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT114: COWL The back of your head has calcif ied and hardened into a mass of ugly warped bone structure. You no longer grow hair on your head except perhaps some wispy remnants. The back of your head gains Stress 4 Shock 2 armour and your head gains 1 additional hit point.. The bone structure extends down to your neck as well, giving your neck 1 additional hit point and the back of your neck gains Stress 2 Shock 1 armour. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT115: MUSCLE MASS EXPLOSION Your muscle mass increases dramatically with every radiation you gain. Im mediately add 20 pounds to your weight and one inch to your height, and do so again for every additi onal radiation you add to your li st from now on. When checking your height / weight on the tables to determine changes in your stats, ignore any reductions to your resilience that the new changes provide. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT116: CHRONOHEME Your red blood cells have been altered, and can hold incredibly greater stores of oxygen and therefore need to be aerated less frequently. You can hold your breath f or one minute per point of resilience. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT117: ILEOCECAL SIPHON You have grown an artifi cial siphon that coils around the large intestine and helps reduce flui d wastes by drawing 80% of the water from your body s solid wastes. In fact it recycles liquids so well that you can function normally without water for 48 hours in temperate cl imates, and 24 hours in arid or hot c onditions. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT118: GOTTA HAVE GUTS You have gained a second stomach. This allows you to eat and store an extra day s food inside your second stomach to be digested tom orrow. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT119: ENHANCED MITOCHONDRIA The mitochondria are what provide your cells with energy. Yours have been improved by the radiation and this provides you with greater endurance. Add 1D6 to runni ng and make it a natural ability. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT120: MUTANT MITOCHONDRIA Your mitochondria no longer react properly with the cells in which they reside. You quickly run out of energy when the ging gets tough. Reduce running by 1D6 and make it a natural inability. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT121: FLIPPERS Your hands and ar ms dev olv e into a set of fli ppers, excellent for swimming but little else. Gain + 2D6 swimming, but you can no longer grasp and hold tool s and weapons. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT122: MERMAN / MERMAID Your legs come together and devolv e into a fish-tail, much like the fantastic tails of the merfolk of legend. While this is excellent f or swimming (+2D6 swimm ing), it sucks for trying to be mobil e on land. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT123: TYSON Add Brawling: Biting special ization to your character sheet and make it a natural abil ity. Also make Box ing a natural ability. Get -1D6 reason and make Reason a natural inability. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Permanent TT124: DOCSHOG Add (652) Extra Limb to your list of radiations (and make it an extra arm ) and make Cybernetic Engineeri ng and Medic natural abilities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Permanent TT125: SOMATOTROPIN IRREGULARITY Radiation has played havoc with your Somatotropin levels and secretion rate from the anterior pituitary gland. Every time you add a radiati on to your list, roll a D6. 1 You lose 4D6 pounds and 1 inch of height. 2 You lose 2D6 pounds 3-4 No changes 5 You gain 2D6 pounds 6 You gain 4D6 pounds and 1 inch of height Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Permanent TT126: ME LANOCYTE OVERLOAD Your melanocyte-stimulating hormone levels are completely out of whack because of radiation damage to your anterior pituitary gland. Your skin tone changes drastically - caucasians get black skin, whil e negros get while skin. Everyone with T T126 will gain a skin tone of one extreme or the other, nev er something in between. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Permanent

TT127: COURIER Drive SailCar becomes a natural ability. Gain +1D6 Running. Add (142) Punk to your list of radiati ons. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Permanent TT128: BIG KNUCKS Your fists have had a massive structural increase, with thicker, stronger knuckles and denser bone-mass. You deal +1 damage with bare-hand punching attacks and both hands gain 2 additional hit points. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT129: MEGASPLEEN The reticuloendotheli al macrophages of the spleen sinusoids have been massivel y improv ed by your radiation exposure. Your spleen now is an incredibl e microorganism screen, removi ng any nasty microorganism hat m ay be causing you any malady. (This renders you immune to diseases that are bacterial in source). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT130: TEFLON BRAIN Strange talking and acting j ust slips on past you without you ev er noti cing. You get a bonus of 4D6 on rolls t o resist Bemuse. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT131: ACAPNIA You can now feign death completel y for 5 minut es per point of resilience. You don t breathe during this tim e, and your heartbeat almost com pletely halts also. For the duration it will tak e an opposed Medic or Medical Doctor roll against your Resolv e for someone to determi ne that you are still aliv e. You cannot act in any way during the time of y our Acapnia. After f inishing a use of this radiation you cannot use it again until the am outn of tim e it was used for has passed. Cost: 5 skill points Range: Self Effect: Binary TT132: ALTERED BLOOD CONT ENT Your blood content has changed, roll 1D6 1 Actinium This is a radioactiv e element. Anyone you bleed on has a 25% chance to roll on the radiations table. 2 Arsenic Your bl ood is whi te and v ery poi sonous. Someone ingesting it m ust make a running roll dif ficulty equal to your resilience +10 or die. 3 Copper Your blood is green. 4 Lead Your blood is black and thick. Every time you enter a stressful situat ion there is a 1% chance of having a minor heart attack dealing D3 damage 5 Mercury Your blood is silver. Treat as Arsenic blood. 6 Silicon Your blood is blue and acts as a glue at high temperatures. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT133: ANTI-NECROBIOSIS The natural death of tissues caused by wear and aging are at an extremely reduced rate in your body. Ev ery year that passes is the equivalent of 2 months for you, so you will lose stats very slowly from t he aging tabl e. You will also decompose very slowly when you die. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT134: GENETIC TRANSFUSION Wi th a sim ple ex change of bodily f luids, you can now pass on one or more of your radiati ons (D4) selected at random to the person with whom you have exchanged f luids with. Cost: none Range: Touch Effect: Binary TT135: GENIUS CAPABILITY - MECHANICAL Gain +1D6 to Jim my Lock, Mechanics and Mechanic al Engineering, as well as making all three natural abilities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT136: GENIUS CAPABILITY - MILITARY Gain +1D6 to Arm our Penetration, Demol itions and your choice of WS Rifle or WS Pistol, as well as making all three natural abilities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT137: GENIUS CAPABILITY - ELECTRONIC Gain +1D6 to Electr onics, Electronic Engi neering, Robotics and Robotic Engineering, as well as making all four natural abilities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT138: GENIUS CAPABILITY - ZOO LOGICAL Gain +1D6 to Beast Ride, Beast Lore and Beast Handling, as well as making al l three natural abilities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT139: GENIUS CAPABILITY - SOCIAL Gain +1D6 to Charisma, Influence and Command, as well as making al l three natural abilities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT140: GENIUS CAPABILITY - ECONOMIC Gain +1D6 to Business, Haggle and Gambl e, as well as maki ng all three natural abilities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT141: GENIUS CAPABILITY - MEDI CAL Gain +1D6 to First Aid, Medic and Medical Doctor, as well as making al l three natural abilities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect Binary TT142: SEVENTH SENSE Gain +2D6 to Senses and Intuition and m ake both natural abilities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT143: GAMMA EYES Your eyes turn milky white and bli nd from all the radiation they ve absorbed. You find it very painful to open them, but when you do stare at someone with them (even though you can t see them) there is a 50% chance that they will have t o roll on the radiations table. Cost: 10 Skill Point s Range: 20 feet Effect: Binary TT144: SUPERDENSE Your body is so saturated with heavy particles that y our body density is significantl y increased. Increase your weight by 50% without modify ing your height or build, you are just denser. Gain +1 Strength & +1 Resil ience beyond what the height / weight tables indicate. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT145: BALSABOY Your body is much lower density than it should be. Decrease your weight by 33% without modifyi ng your height or build. Your bones are brittl e, decreasing the number of hit poi nts in each body location by 1. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT146: CUNNING LINGUIST Due to latent psychic abili ties you are able to master new languages with only 24 hours of imm ersion in that language. You actually pick up the meanings and usages from the nati ve speakers minds. You are treated as having the appropriate spoken language at 1D6 proficiency per 4 hours up to a m ax of 8D6. Cost: 20 ski ll points Range: 20 feet Effect: Binary TT147: LEGGY Your legs grow disproportionately larger. You gain 2D6 inches of height and three tim es that in weight (all in your legs). Gain +1D6 Running and Acrobatics. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Permanent TT148: ACCELERATED NECROBIOSIS Your tissues wear and age at an accelerated rate. Every month is now equal to a year f or aging effect s accelerated decrepitude is com ing to get you. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT149: BRAIN LEAK Whenever you are struck a blow to the head a thick fluid leaks from your ears and you lose 2D6 from a randomly selected skill (choose a skill at random that is at 3D6 or greater, skills cannot be reduced below 1D6 in this manner) Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT150: BULLET-TIME You have an uncanny ability to avoid being shot. This works better at longer ranges or when you are already running, but it s always better to be harder to hit. W hen you trigger bullet-time anyone shooting at you that you are aware of is at one diffi culty lev el higher to hit as you quickly side-step, dodge, veer and turn out of harm s way. Cost: 4 skill points Range: Self Effect: Cumulative

TT151: MR SELF-DESTRUCT Make Demoliti ons a natural ability. You can detonate y our body by force of will . Doing so deals 1D6 damage and stun per three hit points remaining on your record sheet. You can even detonate parts of your body t hat are no longer attached to you separately from the rest of you, allowing you to use severed lim bs as grenades (so a hand would do 1D6 damage, your whole arm would do 4D6 damage). Damage and Stun is reduced by 1D6 f or every met er a person is from the centre of the explosion. (So your arm would do 2D6 damage to someone 2m from the blast). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT152: DAMAGED PINEAL GLAND Get a penalty of -2D6 to I ntuition, and make i t a natural inability Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT153: LIMITED PARANOIA Make Senses, Spot Trap, Intuition and Resolve into natural abi lities. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT154: POTENCE As long as you have Potence you may spend skill points to improve your Strength statistic. It costs 150 Skill Points per point of Strength. Cost: 150 Skill Point s Range: Self Effect: Binary TT155: FORTIT UDE As long as you have Fortitude you may spend skill points to improve your Resiliency statistic. It costs 100 Skill Points per point of Resiliency. Cost: 100 Skill Point s Range: Self Effect: Binary TT156: CELERITY As long as you have Celerity you may spend skill points to improv e your Moves statistic. I t costs 150 Skill Points per point of Moves. Cost: 150 Skill Point s Range: Self Effect: Binary TT157: FORKED TONGUE Gain +1D6 Guile and -1D6 Chari sma. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT158: DUAL BRAIN You brain has divided into two distinct segments. Gain one additional radiation from the Psychic PMRA table (from the GM HB). You can now make two mental attacks (using offensiv e mental mutat ions) at a time, allowing each part of your brain t o handle one of the attacks. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT159: RAPID REGENERATION You regain lost hit points at a rate of 1 per 2 hours, and lost resiliency at a rate of 1 per 5 minutes. Add (157) Metabolism to your list of radiati ons. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT160: HIGHLY FLAMMABLE If you ever take damage from fire, roll a D6. On a 4+ you have caught fi re and will take the same amount of damage to that location each turn until the fire is extinguished. Extinguishing the fire takes whatever roll is appropriate (WS Thrown for someone to throw water on it, Acrobats to stop, drop & roll, etc) at di fficul ty 9. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT161: ILLUMINATED Gain +2D6 Influence and make it a natural ability. Cost: none Rage: Self Effect: Cumulative TT162: BROKEN YOKE Your shoulders are misshapen and broken. You cannot fire shoulder arms (rifles or other weapons requiring a stock) or wear a backpack. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT163: BONE DRY Your joints are sore and hard to move. -2D6 Acrobatics, 1D6 Running, -2 Mov es. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT164: SKIN MELT Your skin is very sensitive and non-distilled water is treated as an ac id dealing D4 dam age each turn y our flesh is exposed to it. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT165: FORCE OF WILL With the expenditure of 10 skill points, you can double your resolve dice or the ef fect or duration of one of your mental radiations once per 24 hours. (For exampl e, (658) Itch will cause the loss of 2D6 mov es for D6 turns or of D6 moves for 2D6 turns when augmented by Force Of Will ). Cost: 10 Skill Point s Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT166: MIND BOMB With t he expenditure of 30 skil l points and a successful opposed Resolve roll, you can cause D6 damage to a person s head directly, not protected by their Resiliency. This also causes D2 damage to your head directly (again ignoring resiliency). Cost: 30 Skill Poi nts, D2 Damage Range: 30 feet Effect: Binary TT167: TOT AL HEALING You can accelerate your healing process to heal yourself in one turn. Spend 24 skill points, m ake a running roll, and heal that much damage. This only works once per week, but also adds 2D6 to any intimidation rolls against people hostile to you who just saw you heal yourself right in f ront of them. Cost: 24 Skill Point s Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT168: THOUGHT IMITATION You can attempt to im itate any mental at tack directed at you in the last 24 hours. Add the skill Thought Imitat ion to your skill list at 4D6. With a successful T hought Imitati on roll (diff iculty 15) you can recreate a m ental attack you were the vict im of. I f you successfully resisted the mental attack i n question, the diff iculty of t he roll rises to 20. You can the use that attack for the nex t 24 hours as if you had the radiati on in question (so imitati ng a (TT166) Mind Bomb still costs 30 skill points), but i f the radiation calls for a Resolv e roll on your part, you roll Thought Imitati on instead. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT169: MENTAL MULTIPLIER You can add 4D6 to an ally s Memory, Reason or Resolve as long as you concentrate on it, they are within range, and you do nothing else. Subconsciously you add +2 to all your friend s Memory, Reason and Resolve roll s when they are within range, and reduce percei ved enemies rolls of those skills by -2. Cost: none Range: 20 feet Effect: Binary TT170: MENTAL CLOUD You project an aura of ment al confusion about yourself at all times. Everyone within this area reduce all Memory, Reason, Resolve and Senses rolls by D6 (including yourself). Cost: none Range: 30 feet Effect: Binary TT171: IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT Whenev er you spend any time in cold and wet weather or environm ents without suitable and ample protecti on, you must make a running roll (difficulty 24) or catch a cold (see the Game Master s Handbook, page 81). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT172: HEBEPHRENIA You are subject to uncontrolled silliness, inappropriate emotional reacti ons and delusions. Roll Resolve (dif 24) when under stress to not react in laughter and giggles at the least, or absolute hooting laughter at the worst. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT173: POSITIVE HELIOTAXIS In daylight you grow larger. During the daylight hours (if you venture out-doors) you gain 3D6 inches of height, and 2 times that much weight. (This is lost at night as you return to your nomal size.) The size change is the same every day, so just record your daytime and night-time stats. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT174: NEGATIVE HELIOTAXIS In the dark you grow smaller. During night time or when indoors without windows, you lose 3D6 inches of height and 3 times that much weight. (This is regained in the sun as you return to your normal size.) The size c hange is the same every day, so just record your daytime and nighttim e stats. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative

TT175: GUMPTION Your drive and initiative give you a bonus of 1D6 to Resolve and to your highest skill. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT176: GUNCOTTON Your heart will explode quite messily should it ever take damage. The end result will be a crater where your chest was, and everyone within 20 feet of you will take 1D6 damage and 4D6 stun and be covered in gore. You will , of course, be dead. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT177: GURU Anyone watching you as you do something with a skill that you have at 6D6 or higher will gain 1 skill point just f or watching. Cost: none Range: 20 feet Effect: Binary TT178: INSIDIOUS INSINUATION Gain +2D6 Guile, +1D6 Influence. Gain 5 skill points whenever you make someone doubt another s good intentions. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT179: LARVAL When next y ou lose more than half your hi t points or after D6 months (whi chev er com es first), you wil l go comatose and enter a chrysalis stage, growing a strange, hard cocoon around your body. The cocoon acts as 10 stress, 10 shock armour. In D3+1 weeks you will emerge f rom the cocoon fully healed, with D6 radiations remov ed at random from your list of radiati ons (as well as TT179 being remov ed), and with D6 new radiations added to your list. You also gain +2 Moves, Strength and Resiliency when you emerge from your cocoon. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT180: PHTHISIS You have contracted a strange wasting disease similar to tuberculosis of the lungs. Ev ery D6 days lose 1 Strength, Resiliency and Mov es. When resiliency is reduced to 0 you die. A doctor can save you with a difficulty 24 roll. Wi th a difficulty 36 roll you will ev en recover your lost stats at one point per month. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT181: PROTOTROPHIC Your dietary needs have changed and now you can ONLY gain sustenance from inorganic m aterials. This means you get your minerals by eating dirt and sands. Unfortunately, there isn t a lot of life-sustai ning content to these foods, so you will be almost constantly eat ing - luckily f or you your foodstuff s occur naturally everywhere, and a bad harv est for most crops means ev en easier access to your food. Eating anything organic requires a resolve roll (difficulty 15 to eat it, dif ficulty 24 t o hold it down) and makes you feel seriously ill (-2 on all rolls for 2D6 hours). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT182: RECESSIVE PSYCHOSIS Whenev er you are alone with someone you must make a reason roll (diff iculty 6) to av oid attempting t o kill the person (preferably in a method t hat will not get you caught). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT183: ACTIVE PSYCHOSIS Whenev er you are alone with someone you must make a reason roll (diff iculty 15) to av oid attempting t o kill the person (preferably in a method t hat will not get you caught). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT184: REGNANT Gain +2D6 Command, +1D6 Charisma and +1D6 Influence. Gai n -2D6 Guile. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT185: PROJECTOR When you throw an object, you can give it an extra telekinetic push, accelerat ing the object to much great er speeds. Thrown objects of yours have double normal range in this way, in addition to dealing an additional D6 damage. Cost: 4 skill points Range: Special Effect: Cumulative TT186: RUBIGINOUS Not only is the planet of deadEart h a dull rusty colour, you are too! Your haemoglobin mutated and you are left with rust-coloured skin and almost brown blood. The iron ox ide content in your body increases your weight by 3D6 pounds, and your rusty skin tone may be useful if you need to hide somewhere where there is lots of rusted metal or garbage (+1D6 Stealth or Hide in appropriate circumstances). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT187: SALACIOUS Your rude, lewd behaviour earns you -1D6 Charisma and Influence, but +1D6 T roubadour (from raunchy stories and bawdy songs). Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT188: SAND-BLASTED Your skin looks red and flayed, lose 2 resiliency. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Cumulative TT189: MENTAL CLARITY Remove al l radiations from your list that giv e you mental attack form s or that negatively affect your Reason or Resolve. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Temporary

TT190: SAPROGENIC You make things rot. Rations on your person are only good for a day at most before t hey go bad, those on your travelling companions may last up to a week at best. Whil e cloth seems unaffect ed, leather is not imm une. Each week leat her loses a point of S tun arm our rat ing - so in two weeks most leat her arm our falls off you, whi le most thinner leather clothes (such as belts) only last the week. Also, you are recommended not t o be the one in charge of dragging your dead companions back to camp. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT191: CHEST RIPPER You think you have (570) Vengeance, but you don t. You will insist on eating dead opponents hearts if you think they have higher Strengt h, Moves or Resiliency t han you. After each such meal, roll Reason (difficulty 24) to realize that it s not working and remove Chest Ripper f rom your list of radiati ons, otherwise you keep trying! Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT192: SECATEURS One of your hands has twisted and mutated until it resembles a set of large (1' long) shears made up of warped bone. (Cross-mutate with Garden Tools?!) Y ou can no longer use equipment with that hand, but you can attack with it, dealing D6+Strength additional damage to any punch attack or dry gulch . Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT193: UNWORTHY You have been judged. Compare you list of radiations to your current renown. If you hav e more radiations than renown, reduce your renown by the difference. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Temporary TT194: KLAZOMANIA You have to yell at the top of your lungs all t he time. The thought of being v erbally quiet is incom prehensible to you, and what you consider to be a whisper is just a slightly reduced shout. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT195: LIGHT SLEEPER Anything can disturb your sleep. W hile asleep you can make senses rolls as if you were awake to detect events in your surroundings. If you succeed at these rolls you awaken immediately. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT196: WELLSPRING OF VIOL ENCE Once per game session the GM can indicate to y ou that you must commenc e a fight with a stranger. This will often be at a bar or other good brawling location, but if nothing else is availabl e, the local mi litary barracks will suf fice. Needless to say, your existence will be exciting, but short. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

TT197: CATAPLEXY Whenever you are struck, you must make a running roll against the stun damage as if it had ex ceeded your resilience, regardless of whether it did. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT198: CAUDAL FIN You have a shark-like fin on your back, making it quite diffi cult to design armour to f it you (double price of armour vests), although it does look qui te intimi dating when you are swimming! Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT199: CHILBLAIN When exposed to the col d (temperatures under 10 degrees Celcius), your hands and feet begin to inf lame, itch and get sore. For the next 2D6 days you are at -1D6 on all skill roll s that require your hands and -2D6 running. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary TT200: CI MMERIAN You always seem to be shrouded in darkness if it is at all possibl e in the location where you are. Shadows almost bend to help cover you and make you look sinister. Gain +1D6 Intimi date and Stealth. Cost: none Range: Self Effect: Binary

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