Attitude (anamika Sharma)

  • Uploaded by: Anamika Sharma
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 432
  • Pages: 23
Consumer Behavior

Factors influencing Consumer Behavior ❚ Psychological variables ❚ Problem-solving processes ❚ Social influences

Psychological Variables ❚ Motivation ❚ Needs ❚ Wants ❚ Drives

Psychological Variables ❚ Learning ❚ Behavioral learning ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙

drive cue response reinforcement

Psychological Variables ❚ Learning (cont’d) ❚ Cognitive learning ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙ ❙

problem identification information search evaluation of alternatives purchase postpurchase evaluation

Psychological Variables

❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚

❚ Perception Selective exposure Selective distortion Selective retention Perceived risk Just noticeable difference

Psychological Variables ❚ Evaluating alternatives ❚ Evaluative criteria ❚ Evoked set

Psychological Variables ❚ Beliefs vs attitudes ❚ Beliefs ❙ What a person thinks about something ❙ Relatively easy to change

Psychological Variables ❚ Beliefs vs. attitudes (cont’d) ❚ Attitudes ❙ enduring points of view ❙ slow to change ❙ formed by: ❘ a consumer’s beliefs about product attributes ❘ the importance the consumer attaches to those attributes

Psychological Variables ❚ Beliefs vs. attitudes (cont’d) ❚ Brand loyalty ❙ favorable attitude toward and consistent purchase of a brand over time

Psychological Variables ❚ Lifestyles ❙ activities ❙ interests ❙ opinions

Problem-Solving Processes ❚ Involvement ❚ High ❚ Low

Problem-Solving Processes Significant differences between brands

Few differences between brands

Complex Buying Behavior

Variety-seeking buying behavior

Dissonancereducing Buying Behavior

Habitual Buying Behavior

High Involvement

Low Involvement

Problem Solving Processes ❚ Complex Buying Behavior ❚ Beliefs ❚ Attitudes ❚ Purchase Decision

Problem Solving Processes (cont’d) ❚ Dissonance-Reducing Behavior ❚ Purchase ❚ Dissonance ❚ New Beliefs ❚ Attitude

Problem-Solving Processes (cont’d) ❚ Habitual Buying Behavior ❚ beliefs ❚ passive learning ❚ purchase behavior ❚ evaluation (sometimes)

Problem-Solving Processes ❚ Variety-seeking buying behavior

Problem-Solving Processes ❚ Relationship between involvement, learning, and buying behavior ❚ High involvement ❙ cognitive learning ❙ complex buying behavior ❙ dissonance-reducing buying behavior

Problem-Solving Processes ❚ Relationship between involvement, learning, and buying behavior (cont’d) ❚ Low involvement ❙ behavioral learning ❙ habitual buying behavior ❙ variety-seeking buying behavior

Problem-Solving Processes ❚ Strategic Implications ❚ To sell products under conditions of complex buying behavior and dissonance-reducing buying behavior: ❙ present fact-based information ❙ use rational arguments

Problem-Solving Processes ❚ Strategic Implications (cont’d) ❚ To sell products under conditions of habitual buying behavior, increase involvement by: ❙ high repetition of messages ❙ focus on an involving issue (bad breath, dandruff) ❙ use strong emotions in messages

Problem-Solving Processes ❚ Strategic Implications (cont’d) ❚ To sell products under conditions of variety-seeking buying behavior: ❙ offer multiple brands ❙ use sales promotions to encourage switching

Social Influences ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚

Word-of-mouth communication Family influences Social class Reference groups Opinion leadership Culture

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