Atp Zeta Program - Summary

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6

Dr. Michael Tait The ATP Zeta Program sets out to offset the effects that the environment and lifestyle have in causing human illness. The results point to the deficiency of oxygen and hydrogen; soil depletion which leads to nutrient deficiency in food; the weakening of the immune system - which is subject to severe and constant stress; the highly toxic nature of the body combined with imperfect elimination and the fact that the chemical process involved in the proper functioning of our cells have been compromised. The five elements of the ATP Zeta Program have been formulated to ensure the maximum contribution for the existence of the human cell at the highest possible level. There are more than three hundred trillion cells in the human body, which work together to perform the myriad of operations necessary to sustain life. Each cell contains about 1,200 mitochondria and science now recognizes that these mitochondria are separate entities with their own DNA, separate from the DNA of the body. The business of the mitochondria is to convert the nutrients from digested food into the basic energy, which enables the cell to be alive. This basic energy consists of one adenine molecule with three phosphate molecules, which form a primordial triangle of essential energy for the cell. The energy is called ATP - Adenine Tri-Phosphate and this function, directed by the mitochondria DNA, is known as 'aerobic respiration'. As a result of this tremendous energy production by the mitochondria, they are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell. The term "Zeta Potential" refers to the electrical charge on a particle. When the problems listed above, in relation to environment, food and bodily functions have been engaged seriously by appropriate remedies, the human cell has a chance to regain its proper Zeta Potential charge and can then function at maximum capacity to produce radiant health.

The higher the Zeta Potential, the greater the stability of the substance, and the greater the ability of it to be assimilated in the body. Why? Because if a substance has a high Zeta Potential it has a greater tendency to be repelled by another substance and therefore will not tend to adhere, clump, or coagulate with them. Obviously the body cannot as readily assimilate substances, which tend to clump together because of their low Zeta Potential. The ATP Zeta Program is in five parts, each of which is unique with regards to it's own beneficial effects at a cellular level. The combined synergistic effect of the five parts is also unique and these cumulative effects, with regard to total cellular health, are enormous. The five parts of the program are as follows: ATP 1: A Total Nutrient Package ATP 2: A Unique Contribution of H2 and O2 ATP 3: Ionic Magnesium & Calcium ATP 4: Essential Fatty Acids ATP 5: A Powerful Immunostimulant

ATP 1: The three ingredients used in Survivor - ATP 1 come from the remote regions of North Western Australia, one of the most pristine places remaining on the earth's surface. 1. Survivor - is a unique combination of rare Australian Bush Fruits and Flowers, such as Lillpili, Rosella, Kakadu Plum and Kujara. They contain compounds that have been shown to be anti-carcinogenic and that work against the formation of abnormal organisms and abnormal mutations. 2. Survivor - is cultivated organic Wheatgrass Sprouts, which contain 98 out of the 102 earth elements and is 70% crude chlorophyll. It is a complete food and contains all the ingredients necessary to sustain life. 3. Survivor - is rare Australian Super Bee Pollen that is one of the world's richest sources of amino acids and contains every enzyme, vitamin and mineral necessary to sustain life, while its protein is in the form of free amino acids, which can be assimilated immediately by the body. ATP 1 has been called "the rarest, finest, whole food on earth" and it contains one of the highest spectra of vitamins, minerals and enzymes of any food.

Testing on Vibration Frequency Machines in Japan, ATP 1 displays a frequency reading far beyond that of any other food substance ever tested.

ATP 2: OH100 - ATP 2 contains a rare potent combination of 3 precious ingredients Colloidal Gold, Platinum and Germanium. It utilises a unique water splitting property to create "Free Spinning" oxygen and important hydrogen in the body. Many scientists agree that most disease and infection is caused by oxygen starvation at the cellular level. ATP 2 helps to generate more oxygen. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other pathogens that contribute to disease are anaerobic and cannot live in high levels of oxygen. 1. Colloidal Gold - is very subtle, though powerful pain reliever, which helps in the treatment of Arthritis and Rheumatism. 2. Platinum - is being tested in the treatment of cancer and they are having miraculous results. Platinum has also been shown to be effective for cold feet, circulatory problems and low energy levels. 3. Germanium - is highly efficient as an intracellular electrical impulse initiator. It helps correct distortions in the electrical aggregate of the human body and is a metallic co-factor for oxygen utilisation. This element is amazing as it raises the level of activity of various organs by enabling them to attract more oxygen. It is responsible for providing more oxygen to the body as well as expelling harmful pollutants and pathogens or rendering them harmless. Severely reduced immune status, arthritis, osteoporosis and low energy typify Germanium deficiencies. ATP 2 - OH100 helps the cells in your body to rebuild, at a greater rate, then if they were unaided. Think of how healthy your body could become if you gave it all the proper building blocks: all the water, oxygen and hydrogen; all the major and trace minerals; plus all the enzymes, amino acids, electrolytes, and nutrients it needs for optimal functioning.

ATP 3 : Supreme Body Complex - ATP 3 is a state of the art natural product designed to be added to foods and beverages. Supreme Body Complex contains a complex of apple cider, Calcium and Magnesium. The ingredients work synergistically to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects. When added to hot water it is transformed into an ionised state.

Magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body. Magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient. The major problem with Magnesium has been the inability of the body to absorb it, but this has been solved by ionising the Magnesium. Therefore it can be rapidly transferred to the cells without any other function following absorption from the bowel. Through the manufacturing process, the ingredients become synergistic and highly absorbable. The synergism of ingredients demonstrate the following: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Induces a more relaxed persona Generates a great improvement in sleep pattern Rids the body of muscle cramping and restless legs Increases the ability of the body to grow bone Gives better teeth, gums and skin Increases DNA function of the body Increase membrane integrity and therefore improves control of membrane permeability to all minerals Increases the ability of the body to coagulate blood Acts as a second or third messenger for the transmission of many hormone functions on the receptor site of cell membranes Increases cell division Increases egg fertilization Effects chromosome movement

ATP 4: Cell Essence - ATP 4. Fatty acids are nutritional components contained in fats and oils found in the human diet. Fatty acids come in four forms; saturated, unsaturated, essential and necessary. An essential fatty acid is always polyunsaturated and is one that the body requires but can not produce itself. Only 2 fatty acids are essential to human health. They include the following: 1. Cell Essence 6 series - Linoleic acid. Found abundantly in polyunsaturated safflower oil, sunflower oil, sesame oil, cotton seed oil, soybean oil, peanut oil and grape seed oils. Gamma-linolenic acid - Found in evening primrose, borage oil, blackcurrant oil. Vegetables and legumes.

2. Cell Essence 3 series - Lpha-linolenic acid - Found abundantly in linseed oil, canola oil, walnut oil, soybean oil, vegetables, legumes, watercress and seaweeds. The body uses the Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) to: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Provide energy Maintain structure and function of membranes Modulate cell division processes Enhance and maintain inflammation processes Modulate transport and oxidation of cholesterol Act as precursors of prostaglandins, which act as regulators of the heart, kidney, liver, lungs, brain, nerves and the immune system Modulate hormone receptor function Maintain body temperature Insulate the nerves and regulate neurotransmitter function Maintain skin permeability

ATP5: Beta Maxx - ATP 5 is derived from the cell wall of Bakers yeast as a purified Long Chain Beta-1, 3-glucan supplement. Developed in Germany, it is the finest Beta-glucan available in the market place today and is the only plant derived Beta-1, 3-glucan, which has been shown to significantly activate macrophage. Macrophages are one of the principal blood cells that attack and destroy invading bacteria, viruses, and other injurious agents. Numerous scientific studies from Tulane University and Harvard University exist to attest to the immuno-activating and protective effects of Beta-1, 3-glucan derived from yeast cell walls. On the other hand Beta-glucans derived from barley, oats, or other grains have been shown to be ineffective with regard to macrophage activity. The benefits of using ATP 5 are as follows: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

It activates macrophages dramatically and sets off a cascade of events which stimulates immune function in several areas Oral Beta glucan has been found from research to be as effective as intravenous infusions It is very adaptable and can be used as an adjuvant in medical applications to boost the effectiveness of antibiotic treatments It also has a direct stimulatory action on B lymphocytes and T cells It is at least 100 times more active than Mannan (Aloe Vera base)


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It is effective as a broad anti-infective agent and it enhances the effects of many antibiotics and cholesterol lowering. Plus it has not been shown to have any drug interactions It is a superior wound healing agent It demonstrates anti-tumor activity People who are allergic to yeast are not allergic to Beta-1, 3 glucan, because it is a pure isolate and does not contain any yeast protein or living yeast It has no known toxic effects

Conclusion: Good health is becoming more of a myth every day and good health requires knowledge, management, and direction. In reality there is no magic solution, no elixir of life. We have to take a practical approach based on the knowledge and evidence obtained from the research outlined in this paper. Then we have to treat our bodies from a cellular level out, with a view to obtaining maximum harmony and wellness. We need to find out what is wrong, what caused it, how we can correct it . This can be achieved by anyone who adapts the ATP Zeta Program and understands the principles. Our reward will be that our lives will be changed forever.

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