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  • Pages: 71
By the Grace of God ATTRACTOR FIELD TECHNIQUE - INTRODUCTION In our ancient past mankind was graced by God with the keys to our health and well being. The form this blessing took was the knowledge of the Acupuncture Meridians detailing the flow of life energy within our beings. Through centuries of study man has only scratched the surface in his understanding of this marvelous gift. The time for more blessings has arrived. Below are detailed instructions which will allow man to free himself from the crippling effects of the addictions as well as emotional and physical ailments. ATTRACTOR FIELD TECHNIQUE (AFT) is an independent outgrowth of the seminal work of David R. Hawkins, MD, Ph.D., author of "Power Vs Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior". In this work, Hawkins presents the results of 25 years of historic research into human consciousness, and provides a wake up call to humanity. In his preface, Hawkins states: "We think that we live by forces we control, but in fact we are governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which we have no control." Hawkins' book, and video tapes provide the background necessary to begin to understand attractor fields, and their influence in our lives. The universe does not work in the ways that we have been taught. It is time to awaken and to learn the truth. Dr. Hawkins embraces Rupert Sheldrake's concept of "M-fields", invisible energy organization patterns which establish the form of various levels of life. Like gravity and magnetic fields, which cannot be seen, these energy forces shape not only our physical beings, but our mental state/context as well. It is these unseen forces that are at the source for the scientifically unexplainable, such as cellular differentiation. This process cannot be explained genetically, since every cell has the same genetic information. How does one cell become brain tissue, and the other part of your big toe? Genes are not what science claims: they do not hold the keys to health. The finding of genetic abnormalities in various "hereditary" disorders is a coincidental occurrence caused by an unseen, and therefore overlooked, attractor field. Similarly, nowhere in the genes can be found the source for the startling psychological and behavioral similarities of twins that have been raised apart since infancy. How can genes possibly predetermine which brand of cologne will be chosen, or clothing taste? 1 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Our scientific technology has failed to live up to its promise of a better world and a better quality of life. We need a new paradigm, one that promotes independence and self sufficiency, rather than fear, despair, apathy, and poverty. We have been misled since the time of Newton. We have all accepted the mistaken idea that cause can be found in the material universe. We have focused our energies for centuries on drawing finer and finer distinctions within the material universe in our quest for the truth. We have been looking in the wrong place. Drawing on Dr. Hawkins' original findings and methodology, meridian energy altering formulas have been developed which allow for the elimination of the energy fields which are at the source of Man's mental and physical disorders. For the first time in Man's history, we have the tools at our disposal to keep at bay the unseen forces that rule our existence. AFT physical treatments work as specified in their instructions removing both the symptoms of disease and the energy field responsible for the particular disorder. Depending on life style choices, ongoing belief structures, values, etc., any disease energy field may be acquired, or reacquired across time. Daily use of LoC formulas for an extended period of time remains the only method of insuring freedom from these unseen forces. The LoC formulas also find value in psychotherapy and personal advancements in consciousness. If you have no need for any of these techniques you are a very rare and fortunate individual. You are encouraged to share what you have found with someone who is less fortunate as they are in the vast majority. -TREATMENT DIRECTIONSAFT treatments are specific techniques for interrupting the energy flow through the Meridians used by acupuncturists. There are no needles and no discomfort at all. There is nothing at all to buy, tapping is free. These treatments must be carried out as exactly as possible . Nothing should be added nor omitted: the formulas are perfect exactly as they are presented. They are not painful, complex, nor distressing in any way. The effect they have is equally gentle. Casual clothing may be worn during treatments; however bulky coats or sweaters and eyeglasses should be removed. Treatment points exist in the same locations on either hand or side of the head and body, and may be used interchangeably. 2 of 71

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While one person can work alone, two people are recommended. This may take the form of one person reading, and the other performing the specific tasks required. The "reader" should tell the person being treated the specific action which should be taken. This action will always involve lightly tapping an exact number of taps to a specific meridian location. If a "reader" reads the area that the person needing treatment should tap, they should indicate the number of taps to be applied. Thus, when the symbol OE appears in an indicated formula, they should say "Tap the outside of the eye 40 (or 60)"; if the symbol were BH they should say "Tap the back of the hand 150 (or 225) times". The more preferred method is for one person to treat the other. This is the ultimate form of caring for your loved ones. The Tapping Instructions later in this manual tell you exactly how to tap. Treatment timing is important. Set a time that you can use to perform your treatment(s) which will be available every day. Do your treatment(s) within one hour of each other on consecutive days; there is a 2 hour window (Last treatment time plus or minus 1 hour) in which the treatment will work. If your treatments are weekly, perform them seven days later, within one hour of the previous treatment time. If the treatment time is missed you must wait until the next day to continue your treatments. If you miss two days in a row, you should start the treatment process over again, just as if you had never begun. The treatments can be expected to work if you do them correctly, and only when you do them correctly. Experience for yourself the gentle Power of AFT versus the force of science.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

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Attractor Field Technique Meridian Locations Number of Tapping Location Tapping Location Taps See below OR = Occipital Ridge (bump) lower back AE = Above either Ear (TE point) on skull of skull BH = Back of either Hand between 3rd RF = Tip of either Ring Finger and Little finger SH = Side of either Hand from edge of C = Chest soft spot below collar bone 1½ palm to include little finger center - 2" from center of Rib cage knuckle CK = Cheek bone below corner of either SL = Side of Larynx (Adam's apple) eye DT = Double Tap (simultaneous AE-TE SN = Side of Nose at cheek where top of points using two fingers) nostril begins to flare outward. EB = End of either Eyebrow by Nose T = Thymus at top center of Rib cage FH = Forehead 1½" above EB point TE = Top of Ear outside edge (not skull) IF = Index Finger inside edge of nail TH = Thumb on inside edge of nail LF = Little Finger inside edge of nail TM = Temple soft spot by hairline LL = Under Lower Lip on center cleft UE = Under center of Eye on bone MF = Middle Finger inside edge of nail UN = Under Nose on center of lip OE = Outside corner of either eye V = Vertex (crown) centered on head

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Instructions Tapping Treatment Formulas The following AFT Formulas rid the body of the energy fields responsible for maintaining the listed physical conditions, addictions, and emotional problems. Illness results from our thoughts becoming manifest. Our view of the universe is that the body and mind are isomorphic; they are different forms of the same thing. The body is just a reflection of the energy of our thoughts. Our experience shows that when the energy of our being shifts, physical matter, the physical body, follows. Because there are both conscious and unconscious thoughts that contribute to the development of illness we can not guarantee the success of our method any more than traditional medicine can. AFT is a method allowing you to change the inadvertent effect of your thought energy on your body. You will find this method different than any other health care alternative treatment system in existence. Our experience is that most are not disappointed with the results of our method. Rather, most people are amazed at the results they achieve with their own effort. There are no side effects to AFT treatments - they simply work, or they do not. All that is required is that you apply the formulas as specified. The AFT approach to illness is completely different than that which is derived from science. Sages and quantum physicists agree that there is no "cause" within the physical world. We set the context of our being. If we do it well, not even the lightening bolts of the physical world will start a fire that the body itself cannot extinguish. Until we learn how to create a healthy context, AFT provides a method for putting out whatever fires may start.

General Directions: Find the formula that applies to your individual condition. The formulas are listed alphabetically, and in simple groupings like "Eyesight problems", "Ear problems", "GI problems", "Joint Pain", "Skin Disorders", etc. If you cannot find your problem listed it is likely that your problem is covered by a more general formula. For example, you will not find "Athletes Foot" listed in this formulary since it is covered by the "Fungal & Yeast" infection formula. The listed Formulas will rid the body of the energy fields responsible for the listed physical conditions and eliminate the symptoms that result from those energy fields. They should minimally be applied as specified. For maximum effectiveness the formulas should be tapped in the following order: First the LoC Formulas then the physical formulas starting with the Energy Field Clearer followed by the Symptom Remover. We recommend that if you are tapping more than one formula at the same LoC level, that you tap the LoC formulas called for, then all of the physical formulas at that same LoC level immediately afterward. This saves the time required to re-tap the LoC formulas for each individual formula of the same LoC level. If you do not obtain satisfactory results, check to make sure that you are applying the necessary Formulas correctly. Try other Formulas that apply to related conditions; you may not have the 5 of 71

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disorder you think (e.g., When you are sneezing, have a fever and runny nose, is it an Allergy, a Common cold, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, or some combination?). Have someone else apply the Formula(s) if you have a physical limitation or problem with correctly tapping. What’s Wrong with me?? We have no idea what is wrong with you, and cannot possibly tell if a Formula you try is correct for the problem that you think you have. It is best to start with a problem that you have been medically diagnosed with and is laboratory confirmed, or else you could waste your time. Our Formulas are very precise; tapping for the "common cold" will have no value on the flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. and visa-versa. The problem with symptoms is that they must be interpreted correctly: medical diagnosis is as much of an art as a science; however, using a common reference “medical dictionary” is the way out. This manual is keyed to the online "Merck Manual - Second Home Edition". Many of the Formulas may have names that you do not recognize. You can find out what they mean in the Merck Manual. You can check your symptoms, and what the various AFT formulas assist with by using this resource: Http:// To save time, as in a "pain emergency", and also as a quick check on the effectiveness of a Formula for your symptoms, the treatment Formula by itself for the disorder can be tapped without first tapping the LoC Formulas that are listed in the bottom left hand corner of the box containing the Formula.

Where to tap: Tapping locations are specific meridian points, shown at the beginning of this manual. Until you become familiar with the tapping locations we suggest that you keep the chart open while you are tapping. All points are tapped a minimum of 40 times except BH (back of the hand, 150 taps), LL (lower lip, 10 taps) and UN (under nose, 10 taps). With the exception of the T (thymus), LL, and UN points you can tap on either side of the body interchangeably and obtain the same results. Tap the number of times specified as exactly as you can. See the instructions below to increase the effectiveness of your treatment. Description of Terms Energy Field Clearer. These formulas provide a method to destabilize the specific energy disturbance that maintains a physical disorder and prevents the body from healing itself. Physical problems or ailments typically have two parts: a specific Energy Field and a separate Symptom Field. Most, but not all, physical problems use an Energy Field Clearer formula. Symptom Remover. These formulas destabilize the specific energy patterns that underlie the specific symptoms associated with the disorder. Your symptoms may be pain, discomfort, or suffering of some kind. As a general rule the Energy Field Clearer and the Symptom Remover formulas should be tapped one right after one another . LoC (Level of Consciousness) indicator. Located in the lower left hand corner of the box 6 of 71

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surrounding the Energy Field Clearer and Symptom Remover formulas, the LoC indicator is a number ranging from 20 through 175, and refers to consciousness levels, as explained by Dr. David Hawkins in his book "Power vs. Force"; these are various ways that we habitually experience and think about life. The LoC of a disorder is the context within which the disorder arises. The context does not "cause" the problem, but without the right context the disorder is not likely or cannot occur, so "normalizing" one's context is a necessary adjunct for healing to occur. The LoC indicator is followed by a series of letter codes, like GV, LV, E, P, or K. There may be anywhere from one to five codes for any particular problem. These letter codes indicate the types thoughts, actions, and emotions that are nonphysical attractors of the disorder. Formulas to destabilize each of the specific aspects of conscious indicated are found starting on page 40 of this manual. Number codes: 1, 2, or 3. These codes refer to the optimum time that the formulas should be applied to derive the maximum benefit from tapping. These time designations relate to the Yin and Yang of disorders as defined by traditional Chinese Acupuncture. The optimum time of the day that the specific disorder can be most effectively neutralized is listed with each formula set. If tapped daily, applications should occur within ±1 hr of the previous day's application for maximal effectiveness. 1 = Dawn to 12:00 o'clock Noon, or Sunset to 2:00AM 2 = Noon to Sunset, or 2:00AM to dawn 3 = Any time Remember: Perform your tapping about the same time each day plus or minus one hour. If your time of tapping is off by more than one hour for two days in a row, start counting the days you have tapped from zero, as if you had never started tapping in the first place. If you incorrectly tap a particular line, i.e. you tap the wrong spot or tap a point too few or too many times, re-tap the line, starting at the beginning of the formula, or after the last "C" point tapped. ALSO REMEMBER: Formulas applied at any time will work; however, they will not be as effective in removing symptoms unless applied according to the above timing "rules".

HOW MANY TIMES SHOULD I TAP? To maximize the effectiveness of symptom remover, tap the meridian points as follows: MINIMAL TAPPING Tap the LL & UN points 10 times each Tap the BH point 150 times Tap all other points 40 times MAXIMUM TAPPING (increases effectiveness 5 times above MINIMAL) 7 of 71

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Tap the LL & UN points 15 times each Tap the BH point 225 times Tap all other points 60 times each. Try to tap as accurately as you possibly can. The more accurately you tap the more effectively the Formulas will work. If you are working with a physical illness other than a pain disorder, remember that it will take time for the body to change after the Formulas are completed, i.e., fungal infected nails will have to grow out, they will not be magically transformed by the Formulas; the biochemical derangement's of organic mental disorders take months to resolve after a Formula is completed, etc. While the cause for illness is NOT in the physical domain, the illness itself IS in the physical domain: it does take time for a disorder to change the body, and it takes time for the body to change back after the illness is gone.

Do not stop medications without your physician's advice. If your symptoms still persist following Formula application according to these instructions it is most likely that you are still actively generating the lifeforce energy field responsible for the disorder with your thoughts, beliefs and/or values. Complete symptom remission requires changing what you believe. This often requires the use of a specific belief change methodology. A very practical alternative is to continue using the Formulas as indicated above and Pray to God, as you know God, for intercession. Before starting to tap, the person being treated should say "In the Name of God, lift this affliction". If someone else is assisting by reading or tapping another, the assistant should speak along with the person they are helping, saying "In the name of God" at the same time. If you find nothing for your particular disorder, or you are interested in the Belief Change technology, please contact the Tree of Life Foundation Headquarters via e-mail using [email protected] or by calling 1-610-664-8053. Another technology developed by the Foundation, beyond the tapping formulas provided freely to all, is the Accutone CD technology. Accutones employ specific frequencies to stimulate acupuncture points in lieu of using manual tapping. Accutone CDs work as effectively as tapping, however offer ease of application, guaranteed accuracy of formula application, and the possibility of continuous 24/7 treatment for chronic or life threatening disorders. The AFT Formulas follow below:

AFT Addiction Elimination Formulas Perform these Formulas to break down the belief structures and their emotional basis which result in substance craving. Begin substance control by first using the addiction belief Formula for your particular addiction, and then performing the Habit Control and Withdrawal Formulas as needed. You only need to do the addiction belief Formulas once, unless you re-addict yourself by continuing substance use. 8 of 71

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UE, V, TH, MF, C, BH, C V, OE, UE, UN, LL, C, BH, C MF, V, SL, C, LF, TH, SH, C BH, C, LF, SL, V, C, BH, C OE, C, V, C, OE, TH, BH, C OE, UE, UN, LL, EB, LL, BH, C MF, SH, TH, LL, BH, C SL, EB, C, SL, TH, C, BH, C TH, LF, SH, C, BH, C SH, IF, LF, SL, C, OE, UN, C BH, C, LL, OE, SL, C BH, C, SL, V, C, BH, C SL, V, V, LL, UN, C TH, UN, OE, EB, UE, C BH, C, TH, IF, MF, LF, SH, C, BH, C BH, C, LF, IF, LL, BH, V, OE, C

Marijuana: BH, C, TH, OE, UE, V, LF, C Music Entrainment: (addiction) Energy Field Clearer: IF, DT, TE, AE, LF, OE, EB, SH, TE, DT, SH, C Perform daily Symptom Remover: TE, AE, TE, LF, IF, TE, AE, TE, SH, TH, EB, OE, T, C Perform 3x daily until all symptoms of addiction gone. Nicotine: C, TH, OE, C , LF, MF, TH, SH, C Opiates: SH, C, LF, BH, OE, TH, MF, LF, C Sexual Addiction: LL, OE, SH, LF, C "Uppers" (street drugs): TH, C, SL, LL, V, UN, C "Downers" (street drugs): UN, IF, SL, TH, SL, OE "Inhalants" UE, LF, V, MF, UN, TH, C (Glue, air fresheners, etc.) "What's Seen" : EB, SL, LL, SL, EB, C (I want whatever I see) This energy field is associated with compulsive shopping/buying behaviors in stores, or from TV. Withdrawal Symptoms: Energy Field Clearer: C, T, DT, FH, AE, DT, LF, IF, TH, C Symptom Remover: DT, FH, AE, TE, OE, UE, EB, LL, SL, C This Formula will reduce the symptoms of withdrawal from any of the substance abuses listed above. It should be used with the Habit Control Formulas listed below. Habit Control: LF, MF, IF, SH, TH, DT, C SH, OE, EB, UN, TH, V, C Use this Formula to reduce the desire for any substance. 9 of 71

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AFT Physical Ailment Formulas Use these Formulas to rid yourself of the physical problems that you have. If your problem has been diagnosed, use the Formula that matches your diagnosis. If your condition has not been diagnosed, it should be. If you not treat the right thing you can waste your time. AFT Formulas are very precise. Tendonitis in the hand or elbow will not be relieved by using the general hand pain or elbow joint pain formulas. You must tap the tendonitis Formula to treat tendonitis symptoms.

Remember: Tap the correct number of taps on each location! Allergies: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: Immediate Symptom Relief: Skin reactions: Eye reactions: Nasal Reactions: Anaphylaxis: LoC: 75 GV, LV, P, K 1 or 2 ALS: (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

LF, T, C, DT, AE, LF, C BH, UN, V, OE, UE, SL, MF, EB, OE, C Apply daily for 14 days to end allergy problems. SH, MF, OE, UN, C BH, C, UE, EB, OE, TH, C UN, UE, TH, UE, LF, C SL, C, UN, SH, SL, LL, C Apply as needed to eliminate unwanted symptoms while you are using the Allergy remover Formulas. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

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Alzheimer's Disease: Early Onset: (Age < 60) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

LoC: 175 GV 1 Alzheimer's Disease: Late Onset: (Age > 60) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 175 GV 1 Anemia (Aplastic) Energy Field Clearer:

FH, DT, AE, FH, OE, EB, UE, LF, T, C SH, OE, EB, TH, UN, LL, EB, UE, C, T, FH, LF, SH, AE, LF, AE, FH, DT, V, OR, OE, UE, EB, DT, AE, TE, FH, DT, AE, TE, FH, TH, T, C Apply both Formulas twice, one week apart to the hour. After second application do all of the Mental Sharpening Formulas

T, FH, AE, FH, AE, FH, LF, SH TH, OE, UE, EB, LF, SH, LF, C TH, OE, V, SH, EB, SH, TH, OE, LF, V, UN, SH, C Apply both Formulas twice, one week apart. After second treatment do all of the Mental Sharpening Formulas. MF, BH, SH, MF, SH, LF, UE, V, FH, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV 1 Anemia (Hemolitic): Energy Field Clearer:

UE, V, FH, V, UE, MF, SH, LF, V, FH, LL, C Apply both formulas daily for 2 months.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV 1 Anorexia Nervosa:

FH, DT, AE, LF, SH, TH, BH, C Apply both formulas daily for 2 months. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

Arm Pain: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV 2

OR, DT, AE, SH, TH, LF, OE, UE, EB, LF, MF, IF, T, C

TH, UE, EB, FH, C Apply once each treatment. SL, SH, LL, TH, SL, C Repeat as needed for maximum pain relief.

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Arrhythmia's: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 K, LV 1 Arteriosclerosis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 GV 1 Arthritis: Osteoarthritis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers: Inflammation: Bone Deformity: Pain: LoC: 100 GV 1 Arthritis: Rheumatoid: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers Inflammation: Bone Deformity:

AE, LF, MF, C Apply one time. SH, LF, IF, OE, UE, SH, BH, C Apply daily for 30 days. DT, SH, TH, BH, C SL, LL, UE, EB, C, SL, MF, IF, C Apply both Formulas once. DT, OE, UE, EB, SH, LF, MF, IF, LF, C C, UE, SL, SH, IF, SL, LL, C V, SH, IF, LL, TH, C OE, IF, TH, LL, C Apply Symptom relief Formulas daily for 6 weeks. LF, IF, C, DT, V, FH, SH, TH, C {Once each treatment.} SH, TH, TE, DT, AE, EB, V, DT, SH, TH, SH, T, C C, SH, TH, LL, SH, TH, OE, UE, C

Pain: LoC: 100 GV 1 Arthritis:Psoriatic Arthritis: Energy Field Clearer:

IF, SH, TH, SH, TH, C, EB, DT, UE, EB, FH, C Apply Symptom relief Formulas daily for 6 weeks.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 125 LV 1 Asbestosis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 50 GV, LV 1

BH, UE, SN, FH, DT, SH, C Apply daily for 14 days.


DT, AE, V, FH, LF, IF, MF, C EB, LF, SL, V, C Apply daily for 30 days.

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Back Pain: Muscle Spasms: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers: Cervical (Neck): Thoracic (Shoulder/ribs): Lumbar (Bottom rib to waist): Sacral (Below waist): LoC: 75 GV, K 1 Back Pain: Disc Injury: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers Cervical (Neck): Thoracic (Shoulder/ribs): Lumbar (Bottom rib to waist): Sacral (Below waist): LoC: 75 GV, K 2 Back Pain: Nerve Root Irritation Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers Cervical (Neck): Thoracic (Shoulder/ribs): Lumbar (Bottom rib to waist):

AE, LF, SH, TH, T, C, AE, FH, SL, C OE, UE, DT, C, LL, IF, SH, C Once each treatment. C , SH, UE, SH, LL, C V, LF, LL, V, TH, C SL, UE, SH, C BH, C , OE, LL, C Read note below for all Back Pain Formula applications. DT, FH, V, OE, LL, C {Once each treatment.} SL, OE, V, TH, C C, UN, C SH, LL, BH, C UN, LL, IF, C, EB, C Read note below for all Back Pain Formula applications.

DT, FH, V, LF, SH, TH, OE, UE, C {Once each treatment.} MF, EB, OE, SL, LL, SH, V, C LL, IF, SL, V, C UN, LL, EB, SH, TH, MF, BH, C, SL, C

Sacral (Below waist): UN, OE, SH, EB, SL, UN, C LoC: 75 GV, K 1 Read note below for all Back Pain Formula applications. The Back pain treatments listed above should be tapped at the MAXIMUM Tapping level for the best pain control. The Back Stiffness treatment may also be necessary. Burning pain is usually associated with nerve root Irritation. Sciatic nerve symptoms are treated with the Nerve Burning Pain Formula. If you do not know which Formula to use, try all of the Formulas for the part of your back that hurts. If another part starts to hurt after treatment, treat the new hurt. It will not take long to rid yourself of the pain. Back Stiffness: Energy Field Clearer: LF, SH, TH, FH, AE, DT, C Apply Formula once each treatment. 13 of 71

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Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, K 1 or 2 Bacterial-Viral: Internal Infections Energy Field Clearer:

OE, SL, C, BH, C Repeat as needed to eliminate stiffness.

Symptom Remover: LoC 75 GV, LV 2 Bacterial-Viral: Skin Infections Energy Field Clearer:

UN, V, OR, EB, UN, DT, C Apply both formulas 3 days in a row.

Symptom Remover:

LoC: 75 GV 2 Baldness: Bell's Palsy: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC 75 LV 2 Bipolar Disorder:

V, UN, DT, UN, OR, EB, V, IF, C

LF, SH, IF, MF, IF, DT, C EB, UN, IF, BH, C Apply both Formulas once. This will work on any bacterial or viral infection, or other organism which is transmitted via physical contact. Stops infection in 24 hours. Helps avoid infection while healing from wounds, eliminates abscesses, etc. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD OR, V, DT, SH, FH, C UE, SH, FH, OR, DT, C Apply both formulas daily until symptoms are gone. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD

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Bleeding (Stop): Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, P, K 1 or 2 Bone Healing:

T, C, T, MF, TH, BH, T, LF, MF, T, C LL, UN, EB, UE, MF, LF, C Use as needed to stop bleeding. Use daily for three weeks to stop Retinal Bleeding. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Apply daily: 42 days for Osteoporosis, 14 days for all fractures, bone tumor damage, etc

Bone Pain: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV 1 Brain Damage: Breast Tissue Reduction: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 30 LV 2 Bronchitis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV 2

LF, BH, IF, V, OR, FH, DT, LL, FH, C LF, IF, IF, BH, V, LL, C Apply as needed Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. T, C, DT, FH, TE, V, SL, SH, IF, UN, TH, MF, C Apply both Formulas once. Over a 3 month period breast size will reduce, as will breast tissue growths outside breast. DT, FH, V, OE, LL, C SH, MF, TH, EB, C Treat daily with both Formulas until symptoms are gone.

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Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Treatment for this is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

Bulimia: Bursitis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, P, K 2 Cancer: (All Forms except Leukemia) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

LoC: 75 LV 1 or 2 Cancer Treatment: Side-effect Eliminator:

IF, SH, TH, LF, MF, SH, MF, IF, C Apply once at start of treatment. two days in a row. SH, BH, C, TH, SL, C Apply daily until healed. Joint overuse re-attracts pain DT, LF, IF, OE, LF, IF, C Apply One time at start of Cancer Treatment. SL, OE, UN, LL, BH, C, BH, C, BH, C, V, TH, C BH, C, V, EB, BH, SL, UN, LL, C, SH, LL, TH EB, SH, C, BH, C, BH, C, TH, UN, V, SL, MF, C SL, UE, V, MF, LL, C, SH, UN, TH, EB, UE, C, EB V, OE, SL, C, EB, SH, OE, SL, C, UE, SL, LL, IF, C BH, C, BH, C, LL, SL, C, V, SL, IF, EB, C Apply daily for 30 days minimum. Positive changes in less than a week. V, SL, UN, LL, UE, OE, IF, LF, C Removes nausea, vomiting, and all other side effects of medical cancer treatments. (Chemotherapy and/or Radiation). Also stops pain associated with the cancer itself. For best results apply Formula no more than one half hour before any medications.

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Cardiomyopathy: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 50 GV 2 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Cerebral Palsy: CFS: (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) Chlamydia: Energy Field Clearer:

LF, IF, TH, SH, DT, C Apply once at start of treatment. MF, LL, SH, TH, SL, UN, SH, SL, C Apply daily for 6 weeks for all forms of Cardiomyopathy. Also do the Arteriosclerosis treatment Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. UE, OR, OE, UN, SH, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV, LV 1 Cholera: Energy Field Clearer:

SH, BH, UN, LL, OE, FH, C Apply both formulas daily for 2 weeks.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV 2 Chorea/Athetosis:

DT, AE, TE, IF, LF, IF, TE, DT, T, C Apply both formulas three days in a row Treatment for this disorder may only be obtained at the Foundation Headquarters. Please email Dr. Ebert at [email protected] information or appointment.

BH, UE, OE, EB, V, OR, FH, LL, FH, SH, LF, C

Colic: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 P 1

BH, UE, SH, UE, CK, MF, UE, T, BH, UE, V, DT, BH, FH, DT, V, UE, C Apply two days in a row

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Colitis: Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Coma/Stupor: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV 1 Common Cold: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV 1 or 2 Conjunctivitis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 LV 2 Constipation:

DT, AE, OE, C SL, UE, TH, V, OE, MF, C Apply using Maximum Tapping Level. Treatment effective within one hour DT, LF, C SL, C, LL, V, C Apply both Formulas once when symptoms appear. Relief occurs within hours DT, AE, FH, C UE, LL, SH, TH, C Apply both Formulas once, effective within 24 hours. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD

Contusions : (Bruises) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 50 LV 2 Cornelia de Lange Syndrome:

DT, FH, TE, FH, C C , LL, SH, OE, TH, UN, SL, C Stops pain, swelling and other discomfort immediately. Repeat both Formulas as necessary to achieve relief Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Corns: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV 1 Crohn's Disease:

DT, OE, AE, C Apply once at start of treatment. C, UN, C, UN, SL, SH, C Apply Symptom Formula daily until gone Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD

Cystic Breast Syndrome: Energy Field Clearer:

SL, V, LL, V, DT, FH, LL, UN, UE, OE, EB, LL, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, E, K 1 Cystitis: Energy Field Clearer:

LL, FH, V, V, SH, LF, C Apply Formulas daily for 3 weeks.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV 2 Cystitis: Interstitial Cystitis:

SL, EB, IF, UN, C Apply both Formulas once. Effective within 2-4 hours. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Apply Energy Field Clearer once, and Symptom Remover Formula for seven days. Spasms, pain, and swelling begin reducing from first application onward. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD

Cystic Fibrosis:


Cysts: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC 100 GV, LV 2

LL. UE. FH, DT. UE, BH, C BH, IF, LF, SH, LL, V, UE, LL, C Apply daily for one week.

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Deep Vein Thrombosis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 30 GV, LV, K 1 Dermatitis Herpetiformus: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC 50 GV, P 2 Diabetes: Mellitus Type 1 (Insulin-dependent) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 30 GV, LV, P, K 1 or 2 Diabetes: Mellitus Type 2 (Non-insulin-dependent) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 30 GV, LV, P, K 1 Diverticulitis:

T, C, OR, V, DT, V, UE, EB, FH, DT, C V, FH, OR, UE, EB, LL, V, C Apply Field Clearer and Symptom Remover together daily for two weeks. DT, FH, OR, TE, V, OE, LF, V, TM, LL, BH, C T, C, LF, BH, LF, OE, V, FH, DT, OR, C Apply all Formulas daily for 2 months minimum.

AE, TE, T, MF, LL, LF, IF, UN, OE, C DT, AE, TE, LF, SH, T, TH, C, FH, TE, FH, T, C Treat daily for 14 days with both Formulas, then continue daily treatments with the Symptom Remover for 4 more weeks. Also treat for Atherosclerosis.

SH, IF, MF, LF, MF LF, SL, V, C Treat daily for 14 days with both Formulas, then continue daily treatments with the Symptom Remover for 4 more weeks. Also treat for Atherosclerosis Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD

Down's Syndrome: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC 50 K 1

DT, OR, DT, V, SN, OR, V, LL, SN, OR, V, OR, DT, BH, C DT, V, SN, LL, OR, SN, OE, EB, UN, C Apply Formulas for 30 days minimum, followed by The Mental Sharpening treatment.

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Dry Eye Syndrome Ear Problems: Ear Aches: (Obits Media) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV 1

Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD

BH, SH, SN, UE, C EB, BH, FH, V, BH, C Perform Energy Clearer and the Symptom Remover to eliminate inner ear pain and open Eustachian tube. Useful for both flying and diving ear pain problems.

Ear pain: Energy Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV 1 Perforated Ear Drum: Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 GV, LV 1 Emphysema:

DT, AE, TE, OE, AE, FH, UN, DT, C OE, DT, LL, FH, V, DT, AE, BH, C Perform Energy Clearer once, and Symptom Remover to eliminate pain in external ear, canal, and ear drum. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD

Endometriosis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC 175 LV, P, K 1 Epilepsy:

IF, OE, EB, UE, V, FH, V, FH, LF, C OE, UN, T, C, LF, OE, V, C Apply Formulas daily for 2 weeks. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Eye Sight Problems: Astigmatism Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV 1 or 2 Near-sightedness Energy Field clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, K 1 or 2 Far-sightedness Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, K 1 or 2 Presbyopia Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

LoC 100 GV, LV, K 1 or 2 Facial Pain: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 LV, P 1 Fatigue: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 GV, LV, K 2 Fibromyalgia: Flatulence: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

SH, FH, UE, EB, OE, C LF, T, LF, OE, EB, UE, C


OE, FH, V, DT, C C, OE, EB, UE, SL

EB, CK, FH, UE, OR, UN, C CK, UE, EB, UE, FH, OR, CK, UN, OE, C Treat daily with the appropriate formulas for 60 consecutive days or until correct level of vision achieved. Presbyopia causes the need for reading glasses in middle age. T, C, DT, FH, C SL, OE, EB, SH, SL, OE, UE, TH, C Apply both Formulas to stop facial pain, including tooth and gum pain, from any source except TMJ (Jaw) problems. Repeat as necessary. T, C, T, C BH, C Apply both Formulas as often as needed. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. AE, TE, FH, LL, UN, T, C Apply once at start of treatment. BH, C, SL, UN, C 22 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

LoC: 150 LV, K 2 Food Poisoning: Botulism: Chemical Poisoning:

Multiple applications may be needed.

Treatment for these disorders are available online as pdf files, mp3 files, or on a CD

Clostridium Perfringens: E-Coli: Salmonella Poisoning: Staphylococcal Poisoning:

Foot Pain: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV 2 Fungal & Yeast Infections: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 50 LV 1 Gallstones: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC 75 GV & LoC 125 LV 1 Gastritis: Energy Field Clearer:

TE, SH, FH, SH, LF, TE, C Apply once each treatment. C, SH, OE, LL, C Repeat as needed for maximum pain relief.

FH, DT, LF, IF, SH, TH, LF, C UN, BH, C, LL, V, UN, TH, V, SL, SH, C Apply both Formulas once to eliminate most infections within 24 hours. Nail infections will take one or more weeks of daily tapping. SH, TH, DT, OR, FH, T, C DT, OR, DT, T, C Apply both Formulas once a day for 8 weeks. Quickly eliminates pain, slowly eliminates stones. AE, TE, SH, TH, OE, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 150 LV, K 2 Gastroenteritis: Energy Field Clearer:

OE, UE, UN, TH, SL, C Apply both Formulas daily for 14 days.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, K 1 or 2

MF, IF, LF, SH, TH, V, DT, FH, LL, C Apply both Formulas two days in a row.

LF, IF, MF, TH, SH, UN, FH, DT, FH, V, OE, C

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Gastrointestinal Upsets: Abdominal Gas: Heartburn: Diarrhea:

Treatment for these disorders are available online as a pdf files, mp3 files, or on a CD

Gonorrhoea: Energy Field Clearer:


Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV 2 Gout: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 LV, P 2 Hand Pain: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 GV, LV 2 Head Pain & Headaches:

LF, IF, V, ,UE, LL, C Apply Formulas 2 days in a row. DT, FH, DT, AE, IF, LF, TH, LF, DT, FH, C Once a week for three weeks in a row. FH, DT, AE, LF, TH, DT, AE, DT, T, C Apply daily for three weeks. DT, T, C SH, LF, MF, TH, SL, V, UN, TH, SL, C Apply both Formulas for immediate pain relief. Symptom Remover may be repeated as needed to reduce pain. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

Hearing Loss: Heart Attack: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 150 GV, LV, K 2 Heart Valve Scarring:

Heat exhaustion : (Heat Stroke) Energy Field Clearer:

FH, OR, OE, EB, OE, UN, V, SH, TH, C DT, V, UE, UN, V, DT, C Apply both Formulas twice a day for 14 days. Opens arteries and reduces heart muscle damage. Also use Cardiomyopathy Formula and instructions. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Apply daily for 7 days. Scarring gone in 6 weeks.


Symptom Remover: LoC: 175 LV 1 or 2 Hemophilia: Energy Field Clearer:

AE, TE, V, C V, SL, V, EB, OE, UE, UN, LL, C Apply both Formulas once when symptoms appear. Effective in one hour. IF, MF, IF, MF, LL, SN, LF, LL, T, C 24 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, E, K 1 Hemorrhoids: Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 LV 2 Hepatitis: (All strains) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, K 1 or 2 Herpes Infections: Oral: Energy Field Clearer:

BH, LF, MF, LF, MF, BH, LL, LL, C Apply daily for three months. SH, IF, LF, DT, FH, DT, OE, LL, C Apply daily for 7 days. T, SH, TH, DT, FH, C SL, TH, UE, C Treat once with the Energy Clearing Formula, and daily for 14 days with the Symptom Remover Formula.


Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV 2 Genital: Energy Field Clearer:

TH, OE, BH, C, UN, LF, TH, C Treat daily for 7 days with both Formulas.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV, LV 1 Hiccups: Energy Field Clearer:

SL, LL, V, SH, OE, C Treat daily for 7 days with both Formulas.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, K 1 HIV-AIDS: Energy Field Clearer:

SL, IF, UN, TH, C Treat as needed with both Formulas.

Symptom Remover:

HIV-AIDS Weight Loss: HIV- AIDS Appetite Loss: LoC: 20 GV 2 Hives: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

AE, LL, FH, OE, C, EB, C

MF, TH, SH, DT, C, T, C

FH, DT, LL, SH, DT, EB, SN, UE, OE, EB, DT, C, DT TH, SH, LF, BH, C, LL, C, EB, TH, LL, C OE, V, MF, LL, C, EB, SL, LL, BH, C Apply both Formulas for 30 days, and then continue with the Symptom Remover Formula only for 60 more days. There will be measurable T-Cell changes in the first week, and you will no longer test HIV positive after treatments are completed. UN, IF, UE, C C, OE, TH, BH, C Apply above Formulas for 14 days if needed. CK, V, DT, V, OR, FH, C UE, UN, UN, V, OR, C 25 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

LoC: 100 LV 1

Apply Formulas as needed for symptom relief.


Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. These Formulas normalize cholesterol and Triglyceride levels within 3-4 months.

Hypertension: (All) Energy Field Clearer:

LL, V, DT, OR, MF, LF, DT, V, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 GV, LV, K 1 Impotence: Energy Field Clearer:

BH, SH, LF, BH, IF, OE, V, C Apply Formulas as specified for 2 weeks

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, P 1 or 2

C, UE, OE, SH, C Apply both Formulas once, and once again in 7 days. Symptoms will be gone 30 days later.

Influenza: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 30 K 2 Intestinal Polyps

T, C, DT, MF, SH, C

AE, TE, FH, V, LF, UN, EB, UE, SL, C Apply both Formulas once. Effective in 24 hours. Works on all flu virus strains incliding H5N1. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

Irritable Bowl Syndrome:

Apply Formulas for 2 months minimum. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

Itching: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV 1

SL, UE, DT, OR, UE, SL, C OE, UE, SL, UN, LL, C Repeat as needed.

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Joint Pain: Upper Limb: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers: Shoulder: Elbow:

TH, AE, TE, TH, DT, LF, DT, IF, FH, T, C DT, FH, C TH, LF, DT, SH, TH, DT, T, C

Wrist: Lower Limb: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers: Hip:

TH, SH, DT, SH, TH, DT, IF, DT, T, C DT, AE, DT, SH, TH, FH, AE, T, C LF, DT, OE, UE, EB, TH, AE, SH, AE


AE, TE, LF, SH, DT, AE, T, C


AE, DT, SH, TH, DT, AE, DT, SH, LF, AE, FH, T, C Apply Energy Field Clearer Formula once, then repeat the Symptom Remover if needed for the painful joint. Pain may return if injured joint is overused. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD,.

LoC: 100 LV, K 2 Keratosis Pilaris:

Kidney Failure:

Apply daily for 3 weeks. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treat once with the Energy Field Clearer, then 30 days with the Symptom Remover. You must also tap for Atherosclerosis. Eliminates the need for dialysis.

Kidney Infection: Energy Field Clearer:

RF, SH, LF, RF, T, C, SN, V, FH, SN, UE, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, P 1

T, C, RF, SH, RF, V, FH, V, FH, UE, C Apply daily for four days.

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Laryngitis: Energy Field Clearer:

DT, LF, FH, OE, V, C, OE, UE, EB, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV 1 Lead (All Heavy Metals) Poisoning: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 LV, K 1 Learning Disabilities: Leg Pain: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, K 1 Leg swelling: Energy Field Clearer:

SL, TH, OE, LF, C Apply once. Effective within 24 hours. UE, FH, MF, DT, FH, C UN, MF, LL, SL, SH, TH, V, UE, TH, C SH, OE, EB, UE, UN, LL, SL, C Treat two days in a row with both Formulas. Also treat each time with the Mental Sharpening Formulas. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. AE, TE, FH, V, SH, IF, LF, C, T, C UN, SL, V, TH, SH, C {Repeat up to 10x} Apply as needed. If "burning pain" is present also apply the Nerve Burning Pain Formula. DT, T, LF, DT, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 LV, K 1 Leprosy: (Hansen's Disease) Energy Field Clearer:

UN, SL, OE, SH, C Apply once. Reduces swelling in 24 hours.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 LV, E 2 Leukemia (All): Energy Field Clearer:

V, OR, V, UE, UN, LL, LF, IF, RF, SH, C Apply daily for 7 weeks.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, K and LoC 20 GV, LV 1

UN, LL, OE, EB, UE, BH, C, SH, TH, MF, C, BH, SH, LF FH, V, MF, DT, FH, DT, C Daily for (3) months.

UE, OR, SH, MF, RF, IF, LL, FH, V, C

DT, AE, TE, T, C, DT, OR, V, DT, DT, OE, T, C

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Limb Stiffness: Energy Field Clearer:

AE, DT, T, DT, SH, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 30 GV, LV, K 2 Lipedema: Energy Field Clearer:

TH, UN, LF, SL, UE, OE, UN, EB, C Apply once. Eliminates muscle stiffness in any limb.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 50 LV 1 or 2 Liver Disease:

SH, DT, C Apply twice daily for 2 weeks Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.


Lyme Disease: Lymphedema: Macular Degeneration: Energy Field Clearer:


Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. MF, UE, V, OR, IF, CK, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 LV, K 1 or 2 Macular Fibrosis: Energy Field Clearer:

EB, UE, C, LL, UE, C Apply for 30 days.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV 1 or 2 Malaria:

SH, OE, EB, UE, C Apply for 30 days minimum. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

T, BH, FH, OR, SH, SN, V, UN, C

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Measles: Energy Field Clearer:

T, IF, T, TH, T, OE, UE, EB, SH, V, FH, LL, C

Symptom Remover: FH, DT, V, DT, OE, UE, EB, LL, C LoC: 75 P 1 or 2 Apply for two days in a row. Memory Problems: (Normal Aging) Energy Field Clearer: DT, FH, TE, TH, C Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 LV 2 Menopause: Energy Field Clearer:

C, UE, SH, TH, C Treat once with the Energy Field Clearer, and Daily for 7 days with the Symptom Remover. AE, TE, LF, IF, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 50 LV, K 1 Menstrual Cramps: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, K 1 Menstrual Irregularity: Energy Field Clearer:

MF, LL, SL, UN, C Apply once.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV Mental Retardation: Energy Field Clearer:

FH, LL, BH, UE, FH, C Apply daily for two weeks.

Symptom Remover: LoC 20 K 1

V, DT, V, OR, OE, DT, V, OE, C Apply daily for 2 months, then do Mental Sharpening.

SH, UN, TH, SL, C Apply once. Repeat as required. T, LF, BH, LL, BH, C

V, OR, DT, FH, OR, V, OE, V, OR, DT, SN, DT, BH, C

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Mental Sharpening: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers: Auditory Misperception:

DT, OE, LF, FH, LF, AE, C EB, V, MF, OE, C

Visual Blurring:

V, OE, EB, UE, C

Visual-Spatial Problems:

OE, V, EB, LL, C

Psychomotor Slowing: Memory Impairment: Movement Difficulties: Balance Difficulties:

UE, SH, OE, SL, C SH, EB, V, SL, C UN, TH, SL, OE, SH, C SH, OE, V, SL, C

Understanding Language:


Speaking/Writing Language:


Attention & Concentration: Awareness of Deficits:

LoC: 75 LV 1 Migraines Headaches:

OE, UE, SH, BH, C, BH, C, LL, TH, SL, UE, V, C UN, LL, UN, OE, UE, EB, TH, OE, SL, SH, C SH, OE, EB, TH, UN, LL, EB, UE, C T, FH, LF, SH, AE, LF, AE, FH, DT, V, OR, OE, UE EB, DT, AE, TE, FH, DT, AE, TE, FH, TH, T, C Apply all Formulas seven days apart. If symptoms are severe do all formulas daily until symptoms are gone. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Apply all Formulas, as specified, two days in a row.

Mitral Valve Prolapse: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV, LV, K 1

LF, MF, SH, LF, C, SH, LL, MF, UN, C Apply once at start of treatment. OE, SL, C, SH, TH, UE, OE, SL, TH, C, UN, BH, C, V Apply daily for 14 days. Problem gone in 90 days.

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Moles (Nevi) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 LV 2 Mononucleosis: Multiple Sclerosis: Muscle Spasms/Cramps: Arms: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: Body: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: Legs: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: Hands: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: Feet: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: Neck: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC 75 GV, LV, K 1 Muscle Twitches: (Fasciculations) Symptom Remover: LoC 100 LV 1 or 2

T, LF, FH, V, DT, V, OR, LL, C T, C, LF, SH, DT, FH, DT, V, C Apply both Formulas as indicated for 5 weeks. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

FH, V, EB, LF, SH, C SH, LF, BH, LF, EB, C DT, FH, OR, DT, EB, LL, C SH, LF, BH, T, C FH, DT, V, FH, EB, OE, SH, LF, C SH, BH, LF, SH, LF, C V, FH, DT, V, CK, LL, SH, BH, C SH, LF, IF, MF, C IF, LF, MF, SH, BH, LF, MF, IF, C UE, EB, SL, SH, BH, LF, C OE, EB, OE, SN, V, FH, V, DT, LL, C FH, OR, FH, DT, UE, OE, MF, V, C Repeat as needed. TH, BH, DT, FH, OE, UE, EB, C Apply as needed. Effects last 12 or more hours.

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Muscular Dystrophy: Myasthenia Gravis: Myoclonus: Nasal / Sinus Polyps: Energy Field Clearer:

Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. V, FH, V, DT, OR, UE, V, DT, OR, C

Symptom Remover: LoC 100 GV, LV, P 1 Nausea: Energy Field Clearer:

V, DT, V, OR, FH, OR, LL, UE, OE, C Apply both Formulas for 2 months.

Symptom Remover: LoC 100 GV, LV 1 Nephritis: Energy Field Clearer:

UE, SN, LL, UE, SN, T, C Use as needed to clear symptoms.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV 1 Nerve Burning Pain: Energy Field Clearer:

UE, OR, FH, DT, BH, C Apply Formulas for 4 days in a row.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 GV 1 or 2

UE, EB, OE, FH, OR, V, LF, IF, SH, C

OE, UE, V, OR, V, DT, TE, C

IF, MF, IF, T, DT, C Apply once at start of treatment. DT, LF, EB, LF, TH, LF, TH, C Works for neck, leg, and Sciatic nerve burning & pains.

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Neurogenic Bladder: Underactive Bladder Energy Field Clearer:


Symptom Remover:

UE, LL, DT, V, FH, C Repeat entire Formula 5 days in a row

Overactive Bladder Energy Field Clearer:

LL, UE, EB, FH, DT, V, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, K 1 or 2 Neurotic Behavior/Affect:

UE, LL, UE, EB, FH, V, LL, UE, FH, DT, C Repeat entire Formula daily for 2 weeks. Click here for the Levels of Consciousness Series and the Miscellaneous Psychological Formulas.

Night Vision Problems: Energy Field Clearer:

OE, FH, OE, UE, OR, V, UN, SH, LF, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, GV, P 1 or 2 Ovarian Cysts:

OE, OR, FH, V, OR, C Apply daily for 6 weeks Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Apply daily for three weeks.

Over Weight: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, K 1 or 2 Parasitic Infections:

LF, T, DT, AE, OE, LF, DT, C Apply once at start of treatment. BH, C, UN, BH, C Apply prior to each meal and continue until desired weight achieved. Results start in 1 week at rate of 1-5 lbs/week. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Apply both Formulas once. Effective against all parasites within 24 hours.

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Parkinson's Disease: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV 1 or 2 Pelvic Pain Energy Field Clearer:

AE, MF, SH, TH, OE, LF, TH, T, DT, LF, IF, C Apply Energy Field Clearer once UN, IF, SL, TH, LF, TH, BH, C LF, OE, TH, UE, SL, SH, EB, C Symptom Remover Formula for 30 consecutive days. OR, FH, DT, MF, SH, LF, SH, C

Symptom Remover: LoC 20 LV, P 1 Periocarditis: Energy Field Clearing:

C, T, FH, AE, OR, TE, FH, C Apply Formulas daily for 3 weeks.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 50 GV 1 Pick's Disease: Energy Field Clearer:

V, DT, V, LL, V, OR, C Repeat daily for 3 weeks

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 K 1 or 2 Pneumonia: Energy Field Clearer:

V, DT, UE, LL, DT, FH, C

OR, V, DT, OR, FH, OE, FH, SN, OR FH, V, DT, V, FH, FH, TM, OE, C V, FH, OR, V, FH, OE, SN, TM, TM, LF V, FH, V, OR, DT, FH, DT, V, C Apply daily for three months followed by Mental Sharpening as needed. BH, SH, SN, UE, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, K 2 Polyps: Energy Field Clearer:

EB, BH, FH, V, BH, C Apply daily for 3 days. Symptoms lessen in minutes.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, P 2

V, DT, V, OR, FH, OR, LL, UE, OE, C Apply daily for two months.

V, FH, V, DT, OR, UE, V, DT, OR, C

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Post Concussion Syndrome: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers: (Accidental) #1:

SH, DT, FH, LF, OE, UN, DT, C EB, BH, C, SL, TH, C

(Intentional) #2:

UN, LL, OE, UN, LL, UN, UN, LL LL, EB, OE, EB, UE, UN, C Apply Energy Field once. Use Formula #1 if you accidentally struck your head, or #2 if you were intentionally (war) struck by another and injured. It is only necessary to do these formulas twice, one week apart, then do the Mental Sharpening formulas as specified. If symptoms are severe do the Mental Sharpening formulas daily rather than weekly.

LoC: 20 GV 2 Pregnancy Problems: Inability to Conceive: Inability to a Carry Child:

Treatment for these conditions are available online as a pdf files, mp3 files, or on a CD.

Progressive Supranuclear Palsy:


Psoriasis: Psychosis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV 1 or 2 Psychotic Sleep Disorder: Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV 1 or 2

Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Apply the Energy Field Clearer once, and the Symptom Remover if needed up to 5 times each day for one week to reduce pain and swelling. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD SH, TE, LF, AE, LF, MF, IF, LL, SH, OE, C OE, TE, SH, FH, LF, C SH, V, OE, BH, C Apply both Formulas for 7 days, then continue with Symptom Remover Formula for another 3-4 weeks. LL, TH, OE, SH, UN, V, SH, OE, C Apply daily along with Psychosis Formula. This will normalize, both excess and lack of sleep, which are characteristic of Psychosis. 36 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Psychotic Voices: Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV 1 or 2 Pulmonary Fibrosis: Energy Field Clearer:

SL, UE, UN, MF, C Apply daily for 14 days, or until "voices" sound like they are "drowning". AE, FH, LF, MF, IF, C

Symptom Remover: V, SH, OE, UE, UN, MF, UE, IF, C LoC: 20 LV 1 Apply once. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Respiratory Synctial Virus: (RSV) Energy Field Clearer: T, UE, V, UE, LL, SN, OE, V, C Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 P 1 or 2 Rickettsial Infections: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV 1 or 2

T, T, SN, FH, UE, EB, LL, V, C Apply for two days. Most common cause of respiratory infections in children. MF, SH, LF, UE, CK, C MF, IF, LF, UE, FH, V, C Apply 2 days in a row to eliminate most diseases from rat, flea, tick, and other rodent bites, droppings, etc.

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Scar Remover: Schizophrenia: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV 1 or 2 Scoliosis: Energy Field Clearer:

Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. LF, DT, LF, C UN, SL, LF, OE, LL, TH, V, UE, UN, LF, TH, C Treat once with the Energy Field Clearer, then 7 days in a row with the Symptom Remover. Treat for psychosis, and psychotic voices, if they are present, at the SAME time. V, DT, FH, TE, V, OE, UN, SN, UN, V, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV, K & 100 LV, E Shingles: (Herpes Zoster) Energy Field Clearer:

OE, DT, FH, V, UN, V, DT, DT, FH, OE, UN, SN, C Apply using Maximum Tapping daily for nine months.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, GV, E 2 Shock & Low Blood Pressure: Energy Field Clearer:

SH, LL, OE, V, LF, FH, C Apply both Formulas two days in a row.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, K 2 Shogun's Syndrome:

V, DT, LL, V, MF, SH, BH, LF, SH, C Treat daily for two days in a row. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

Sickle Cell Anemia: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 150 K 1 Sinusitis:

V, TM, DT, BH, LL, C


T, C, DT, OE, UE, EB, LF, SH, TH, AE, OR, FH, LF, T, C Apply once SH, LF, TH, DT, AE, TE, LF, MF, IF, DT, TE, T, C Daily for one week. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Apply daily for 2 weeks.

Skin Care: Acne: (LoC 100 GV) Energy Field Clearer: Dry Skin: (LoC 100 LV) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

SH, DT, BH, V, MF, FH, C Daily until gone plus Bacterial Skin Infection Formula. LL, V, C, T, LL, C DT, SH, TH, EB, OE, TE, SH, TH, SH, TE, C Perform both Formulas 3 times daily until gone. 38 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Eczema: (LoC 100 GV) Energy Field Clearer:


Symptom Remover:

SH, LF, AE, DT, AE, SH, LF, SH, T, C Perform both Formulas 3 times daily for one week.

Oily Skin: (LoC 100 GV, E) Symptom Remover:

SH, TH, DT, TE, AE, LF, MF, IF, T, C Apply Formula twice in a row, three times daily, until all symptoms are gone.

Rough Hands: (LoC 100 GV) Energy Field Clearer:

SH, IF, UE, V, OR, C

Symptom Remover: DT, TE, AE, SH, LF, MF, IF, LL, SH, T, C LoC: 100 (All) 1 or 2 Apply both formulas 3 times daily for one week. Sleep Disorders: Too much, too little, Snoring, and Apnea. Energy Field Clearer: DT, FH, AE, TE, SH, TH, C Symptom Remover: LoC: 30 GV 2 Sore Throat: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV, K 2

FH, DT, OE, UE, EB, UN, LF, C, TH, UE, LL, SH, C Apply both Formulas daily for 21 days. Normalize any sleep problem. Awaken refreshed and energetic. SH, UN, LL, OE, UE, EB, C Apply once at start of treatment. Eliminates sore throat in hours.

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Sphincter Tightening: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers: Hiatal Hernia: Fecal Incontinence: LoC: 100 LV 2 Sprue:

LF, DT, LF, MF, TE, LL, C V, IF, UN, OE, C V, MF, LL, SH, UN, C Apply all Formulas once. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

Stroke: Energy Field Clearer: LoC: 20 LV 2

FH, DT, MF, OE, UE, C Apply Formula daily followed by Mental Sharpening, until symptoms are gone. Repeat if symptoms return.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome:

Energy Field Clearer:

UN, LF, UE, EB, DT, T, UN, BH, LF, C

Symptom Remover: Loc 75 P 1 Superficial Phlebitis: Energy Field Clearer:

BH, TH, LF, V, DT, FH, OR, UE, FH, BH, C Apply once per month for first 18 months of life.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 30 GV, LV 1 Tardive Dyskinesia:

IF, DT, SH, BH, C Apply daily for one week. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

Tendonitis: Thyroid Dysfunction: Tinnitus: TMJ Pain and Capsule Damage: Tonsillitis: Energy Field Clearer:

IF, V, SH, UE, BH, SN, C


Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 P, K 1 or 2 Tooth & Gum Pain: Energy Field Clearer:

LF, MF, SH, SL, C Apply once. Symptoms gone in one day.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 LV, K 2 Tooth Sensitivity: Symptom Remover:

SL, OE, EB, SH, SL, OE, UE, TH, C Apply once to stop pain. Repeat as necessary.

T, C, DT, FH, C

V, SL, SH, OE, C 40 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

LoC: 100 LV 2 Torticollis: Tourette's Syndrome: Tremors: Essential: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC 100 LV, P, K 1 Intentional: Energy Field Clearer:

Single treatment normally effective, but multiple treatments may be employed. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

T, UE, V, OR, UE, V, DT, T, UE, V, C UE, DT, OR, UE, SN, IF, UE, C UE, SN, V, OR, UN, BH, V, C

Symptom Remover: LoC 100 LV, E 1

V, SN, UE, TM, BH, IF, V, UE, C Apply correct Formulas daily for 3 weeks.

Tuberculosis: (All forms) Energy Field Clearer:


Symptom Remover: LoC: 75 GV, LV, P, K 2 Tumors: (Nonmalignant) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Removers: Bone Tumors: Parotid Tumors: Brain Tumors: Uterine Tumors: Other Tumors:

LoC: 100 GV 1 Ulcerative Colitis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

UE, V, BH, TH, BH, TH, C Apply daily for four weeks. OE, AE, TE, DT, IF, SH, TH, DT, AE TE, OE, UE, EB, DT, AE, DT, T, C SH, TH, IF, SL, V, SL, LL, UN, EB, OE, EB, IF, V, C V, SH, TH, BH, C SH, TH, BH, C, SL, V, C, SL, V, C OE, UN, LL, UN, LL, UN, LL, C UN, LL, SH, TH, DT, FH, DT, LF, MF, DT, T, C IF, V, MF, V, SL, LF, MF, OE, V, IF, TH, C Apply Energy Field Clearer once a day for 2 days, and the Symptom Remover Formula for 14 days. Tumors will be gone within 3 months. LL, UN, OR, V, FH, OE, UN, LL, C OE, FH, V, OR, UN, C 41 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

LoC: 30 LV, K 2 Ulcerative Proctitis: Urinary Incontinence: Energy Field Clearer:

Apply both Formulas, as specified, for one week. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD LF, DT, LF, MF, TE, LL, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV 1 Urinary Tract Stones: Energy Field Clearer:

SH, UN, SH, TH, UN, C Apply once.

Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, GV, P 1 or 2

UE, OE, EB, SH, FH, C Apply daily for 3 weeks. Quickly eliminates pain, slowly eliminates stones. Treat the infecting organism: E-Coli, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, or Herpes Simplex Formulas. If the organism is unknown, treat using them all.


Varicose Veins: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 20 GV, LV, K 1 or 2 Vasculitis: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

LoC: 50 GV 1 Vertigo:


OR, FH, SH, LL, C BH, FH, V, C Treat daily for 21 days in a row. SH, DT, TH, DT, TE, C OE, MF, LL, SL, OE, UE, V, C Apply once to calm the nervous system. Will begin reversing the arterial spastic process within 24 hours. Useful for migraine headaches, Raynaud's Disease & Phenomena, angina, and pulmonary hypertension, acrocyanosis, etc. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD.

Vitiligo: Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Effective in 3-4 months. Voice Loss: Energy Field Clearer:

V, DT, LL, V, OR, V, UE, OE, UE, SL, EB, C

Symptom Remover: LoC: 175 LV, P, E 1

SN, LF, SL, V, SL, OE, UE, V, DT, V, LL, EB, SL, C Apply for three days.

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Warts: (Regular) Energy Field Clearer: Wart Remover: (Plantar) Energy Field Clearer: Wart Remover: LoC: 75 GV, LV, P, K 1 Warts: Genital (Condyloma)

DT, FH, OE, LL, LF, IF, C LL, OE, EB, BH, C, MF, OE, V, MF, UN, SH, EB, C Use daily until gone. DT, IF, DT, TE, OE, UE, C UN, SL, V, OE, UE, EB, UN, SH, C, MF, IF, LF SH, SL, V, C, UN, LL, C, LL, UN, V, SH, TH, C Use daily until gone. Treatment for this disorder is available online as a pdf file, mp3 file, or on a CD. Apply Formulas daily for 2 months.

Weight loss from illness: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV 2 Whooping Cough: (Pertussis) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV 1 Wound Healing: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, LV 1 or 2 Wrinkles: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 LV, K 1 or 2

T, C, DT, C Apply once at start of treatment. C, OE, TH, BH, C Apply prior to each meal to speed weight gain. T, C, T, BH, SH, FH, V, FH, UN, C UE, UN, SH, BH, UE, C Apply daily for one week. V, LF, T, C Apply daily to reduce healing time by over 50%. Useful with any flesh wound, cut, surgery, etc. OE, UE, EB, UN, LL, SH, LF, MF, IF, TH, V, SL, C Apply daily. Noticeable changes in three months. Continue until satisfied, then maintain by treating for 14 days every 3 months.

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Levels Of Consciousness Formulas The LoC formulas Listed on the following pages are designed for the following tasks: 1) Neutralizing the Attractor Fields which open us to various physical ailments; 2) The reduction of emotional distress via the neutralization of specific attractor fields during psychological treatment; and, 3) Increasing the personal Level of Consciousness, or movement toward Salvation and Enlightenment. 1.) Details: When used to assist with the elimination of physical distress, all of the specific formulas at the same numeric value as noted with the physical illness should be performed immediately before applying the illness formulas. To ensure that you do not re-attract the same illness, or another at the same level, the specific LoC formulas at that level should be applied for approximately one year after your physical illness is gone. Make sure that all four formulas for a particular level, i.e., God-View, Life-View, Emotion, and Process are applied. 2.) Details: When used during psychological therapy, the formula(s) needed to surmount a particular problem should be obtained via kinesiologic (muscle) testing. The statement "The energy field underlying this patient's distress is at the 175..150..125..100.. etc. level." should be utilized for this purpose. If desired, the specific formula needed to reduce distress may be obtained via questions such as "This problem is in the patient's God-View, Life-View, etc. Once the level of consciousness of the problem is determined apply all of the formulas, GodView, Life-View, Emotion, and Process, or apply the specific formulas determined via kinesiologic testing. While there is no need for the patient to focus on their problem while being treated, it is useful if they do so. Apply the appropriate formula(s) on the patient 1-3 times. After application, check the SUDS level of the patient's distress. If there is not a satisfactory result, there is another energy field involved. The Miscellaneous Psychological formulas are useful for specific emotional reactions and tendencies. They are used in a manner similar to the LoC's, determining which formulas may be of benefit to the patient via kinesiologic testing. 3.) Details: When used for personal growth, each of the five sets of LoC formulas for a particular LoC level should be applied daily. Perform all five formulas at each LoC level from Shame through Neutrality. Each set of formulas is to be applied in turn for 90 days (3 months). Perform them in the order that they are listed: Emotions, Process, Life-View, GodView, and then Karma. Once you have completed a particular set, you will only need to reapply the formulas in that set once a week to keep yourself clear of the associated Attractor Fields. If you are particularly energetic, and committed, you can perform more than one set on a daily basis. It is possible to complete all of the LoC formulas in as little as threesix months. Some prefer to complete LoC levels 20-100 for three months, then LoC levels 125-250 during the next six months. The personal Level of Consciousness achieved across time is positive, participatory, and beneficial to society. It is what Hawkins calls the "gateway" to higher consciousness. NOTE: All psychological formulas may be used on an "as needed" basis when, or if, the emotion(s) involved return. This may occur during the first 3-6 months. The formulas, when 44 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

used for this purpose, should be performed three times successively for each application. Wait no longer than 5 minutes between each successive treatment. Levels of Consciousness: Emotions Power vs Force Emotion Treatment Formulas Level Transcended Neutrality DT, AE, TE, LF, OE, UE, EB, C Trust (250) LL, TH, SL, EB, SH, C Courage LL, BH, C , SL, UN, C Affirmation (200) Pride DT, TE, AE, T, DT, OE, UE, EB, T, C Scorn (175) Anger DT, T, LF, DT, LF, MF, DT, AE, TE, LF, C Hate (150) V, SL, OE, LL, C Desire LF, MF. IF, SH, TH, DT, C Craving (125) SH, OE, EB, UN, TH, V, C Fear SL, UE, TH, LF, C Anxiety (100) MF, TH, UN, SH, C (Insecurity) Grief FH, LF, AE, LF, SH, TH, MF, C Depression (75) BH, C, SL, LL, OE, TH, C Sorrow Apathy DT, LF, SH, DT, C V, LL, EB, BH, C Despair (50) Guilt FH, DT, FH, OE, TE, AE, FH, Blame (30) FH, DT, IF, FH, DT, AE, TE, C Shame DT, IF, DT, C, LL, TH, C , LF, OE, SL, C Humiliation (20)

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Levels of Consciousness: Psychological Process Power vs Force Level Neutrality (250) Courage (200) Pride (175) Anger (150) Desire (125) Fear (100) Grief (75) Apathy (50) Guilt (30) Shame (20)

Treatment Formulas AE, TE, FH, MF, IF, LF, FH, AE, C TE, DT, T, C, LF, MF, DT, V, C T, SL, V, DT, LL, DT, OE, EB, UE, LL FH, DT, OE, SH, TH, IF, T, C, SH, UE, DT, UN, V SL, V, C

Process Transcended Release Empowerment Inflation Aggression



IF, UE, AE, TE, LL, C, LF, T, UN, SH, C OE, V, LF, C

Withdrawal Despondency



FH, LF, SH, TH, T, FH, C, DT, SN, C




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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Levels of Consciousness: Life-View Power vs Force Level Neutrality (250) Courage (200) Pride (175) Anger (150) Desire (125) Fear (100) Grief (75) Apathy (50) Guilt (30) Shame (20)

Treatment Formulas DT, FH, TE, AE, SH, LF, IF, LL, C SH, TH, LF, IF, SH, TH, C, DT, AE, LL, C LF, SH, TH, FH, DT, AE, TE, LF, SH, TH, T, C LF, TH, V, LF, TH, SH, LF, FH, AE, T, C DT, V, FH, MF, IF, SH, FH, DT, C, LF, SH, TH, MF, IF, TH, DT, FH, AE, TE, OE, UE, EB, C OE, UE, EB, DT, AE, TE, FH, SN, LL, C DT, FH, LF, SH, TH, V, TE, FH, T, C IF, LF, SH, TH, FH, DT, AE, TE, LL, UN, C DT, FH, AE, TE, LL, UN, LF, SH, TH, DT, C TH, SH, LF, MF, IF, DT, AE, TE, OE, EB, UE, C FH, DT, TE, AE, LF, T, C, DT, FH, TE, EB, UE, OE, C SH, TH, LF, MF, IF, SH, TH, C OE, UE, EB, LF, MF, IF, FH, DT, AE, TE, T, C LF, MF, DT, AE, FH, LL, UE, EB, OE, C

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Process Transcended Satisfactory Feasible Demanding Antagonistic Disappointing Frightening Tragic Hopeless Evil Miserable

Levels of Consciousness: God-View Power vs Force Level Neutrality (250) Courage (200) Pride (175) Anger (150) Desire (125) Fear (100) Grief (75) Apathy (50) Guilt (30) Shame (20)

Treatment Formulas LF, DT, LF, IF, TH, C, SH, C LF, SH, TH, DT, AE, TE, C

God-View Transcended Enabling

LF, FH, AE, IF, C, LF, MF, IF, BH, C


LF, AE, FH, LF, C, LF, MF, IF, SH, TH, BH, SH, C


LF, LF, TE, AE, FH, TE, C DT, FH, AE, V, FH, LF, MF, C LF, SH, DT, FH, V, AE, LF, IF, LF, IF, LF, C DT, LF, MF, IF, SH, TH, DT, C LF, SH, LF, DT, FH, V, OE, EB, UE, C DT, LF, MF, IF, SH, TH, T, C LF, DT, LF, SH, BH, C LF, DT, SH, LF, DT, AE, TE, C LF, V, FH, DT, AE, UE, IF, MF, SH, LF, C MF, DT, SH, LF, DT, AE, TE, C LF, MF, IF, SH, TH, DT, AE, TE, OE, C, SH, DT, T, C DT, AE, TE, LF, MF, IF, DT, AE, TE, C LF, IF, SH, IF, LF, DT, V, FH, C LF, MF, IF, SH, TH, DT, AE, TE, OE, C

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Vengeful Denying Punitive Disdainful Condemning Vindictive Despising

Levels of Consciousness: Karmic Influence Power vs Force Level Pride (175) Anger (150) Desire (125) Fear (100) Grief (75) Apathy (50) Guilt (30) Shame (20)

Treatment Formulas V, TM, OR, DT, FH, SN, V, C V, OR, DT, V, OR, FH, OR, CK, C OE, EB, V, FH, OE, DT, OR, C OE, EB, V, DT, OR, FH, C OR, FH, OR, DT, CK, UN, FH, C EB, OR, FH, OR, DT, V, CK, C OR, V, OR, DT, FH, OR, DT, C UE, UN, UE, V, OR, V, OR, C UN, FH, DT, FH, OE, EB, UE, C SN, V, FH, DT, UN, UE, C V, OR, V, DT, FH, FH, V, C UN, V, FH, V, DT, C OR, V, FH, SN, TM, UN, C DT, OR, FH, SN, TM, UN, SN, C UE, SN, OE, EB, V, FH, C LL, UN, SN, V, DT, FH, OR, C

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©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Miscellaneous Psychological Disorders General Rules for Use: Apply Energy Field Clearing Formula and Symptom Remover once a week for 3 weeks. In severe cases, it may be necessary to reapply the Symptom Remover up to 10 repetitions a day, for several days in a row, to relieve symptoms completely. Alienation: Energy Field Clearer: DT, OE, UE, EB, LF, TH, DT, LL, T, C Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 Conduct Disorder: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

UN, IF, LF, SL, V, SL, C OE, MF, LF, OE, TH, OE, UN, IF, C AE, DT, MF, LF, DT, AE, TE, T, C C , SL, V, OE, UE, V, TH, IF, MF, LF, SH, UE, SL, C

LoC: 150 Dependence: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 Dissociative Identity Disorders: DID - Reintegration Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: DID - Fear of Reintegration (Death) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 Gender Identity Disorder: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 Impulse Control: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 150 Inhibited Sexual Desire: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 Malingering:

AE, TE, LF, IF, SH, TH, T, C SH, UE, LF, TH, C

IF, FH, BH, V, IF, DT, T, SH, DT, UE, IF, DT, FH, C TE, EB, MF, LF, TH, V, TE, LF, MF, IF, SL C SH, T, LF, V, BH, UE, MF, T, C LF, C, T, OE, UE, EB, SH, FH, T, C

LL, DT, AE, TE, OE, DT, UE, DT, EB, DT, T, C V, TH, IF, SH, C

UN, LL, DT, AE, UE, TH, LF, T, C TH, SL, SH, OE, V, UN, C

OE, UE, EB, DT, FH, DT, C Apply once at start of treatment. MF, LF, SH, OR, FH, DT, C Apply for 7 days 50 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

OE, TE, UE, SH, TH, LF, TH, LF, TH, C TH, LL, OE, EB, UE, C, SL, SH, LL, BH, C

LoC: 20 Mania: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 175 Manipulativeness: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

DT, OE, C, BH, C SL, SH, OE, C

AE, TE, LF, SH, TH, LF, MF, TH, LF, T, C V, UE, BH, C, OE, TH, C, EB, SL, UE, LF, C

LoC: 20 Narcissism: Energy Field Clearer:

DT, TE, LF, TH, OE, DT, TE, AE, DT, EB, UE, T, C

Symptom Remover:

TH, LL, LF, OE, SL, EB, V, C Effective in reducing symptoms of "entitlement", "exploiting", and reactive sensitivity to criticism, failure, exploitation, etc.

LoC: 175 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: (OCD) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 125 Oppositional Defiant Disorder: (ODD) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

C, C, SH, LF, TH, DT, OE, T, C TH, V, SL, UE, C


LoC: 150 GV

SH, LF, SH, OE, FH, SH, OE, C Perform daily for two months

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: (PTSD) Energy Field Clearer:


Symptom Remover:

EB, LL, FH, DT, LF, ,UE, C

LoC: 100 Rejection: Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

MF, LF, SH, TH, LF, MF, DT, AE, UE, T, C V, UN, OE, UE, EB, TH, LL, C

LoC: 100 51 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Repression: (Retrograde Amnesia) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover: LoC: 100 GV, P, E Trauma: (Acute Reaction) Energy Field Clearer: Symptom Remover:

SH, IF, EB, OE, EB, C EB, SN, EB, SH, IF, IF, EB, OE, EB, C Apply Formulas, then, focus mind on repressed event. Repeat as necessary DT, AE, DT, OE, AE, OE, T, C SH, EB, C

LoC: 100

52 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Alpha Listing of AFT Formulary Acid Reflux Addiction-'WHAT'S SEEN' Addiction-ALCOHOL Addiction-COCAINE Addiction-DOWNERS Addiction-HABIT_DESIRE Addiction-INHALANTS Addiction-MARIJUANA Addiction-MUSIC Addiction-NICOTINE Addiction-OPIATES Addiction-SEX Addiction-UPPERS Addison's Disease (Adrenal Insufficiency) ADD_ADHD Allergic Response - Bee Sting Allergic Response - Corn Allergic Response - Milk Products Allergic Response - Peanuts Allergic Response - Shellfish Allergic Response - Wheat Allergies - Anaphylaxis Allergies - Eye Allergies - Nasal Allergies - Skin ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) Alzheimer's Disease - Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease - Late Onset Anemia-Aplastic Anemia-Hemolitic Aneurisms Arteriosclerosis Arthritis - Psoriatic Arthritis-Osteo Bone Def Arthritis-Osteo Inflamm Arthritis-Osteo PAIN Arthritis-Rheumatiod - PAIN Arthritis-Rheumatoid - Bone Deform Arthritis-Rheumatoid - Inflammation Asbestosis Asthma atherosclerosis Autism 53 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Back Pain Cervical Disc Pain Back Pain Cervical Muscle Spasms Back Pain Cervical Nerve Root Irritation Back Pain Lumbar Disc Pain Back Pain Lumbar Msucle Spasms Back Pain Lumbar Nerve Root Irritation Back Pain Sacral Muscle Spasms Back Pain Sacral Nerve Root Irritation Back Pain Sacral Sacral Disc Pain Back Pain Thoracic Disc Pain Back Pain Thoracic Muscle Spasms Back Pain Thoracic Nerve Root Irritation Back Problems Kyphosis (hump back) Back Problems Scoliosis Back Stiffness Bacterial & Viral Internal Infections Bacterial & Viral Skin Infections Balance & Coordination Problems - Cerebellar Dysfunction Baldness (Male) Bell's Palsey Bleeding (stop) Blepharitis Bone Healing Bone Pain Brain Damage Brain Hemispheric Synchronization Breast Feeding - Low milk supply Breast size normalization Breathing Difficulties-Throat & Palate Bronchitis Burn Healing Burn Pain Burns-Skin Injury Bursitis Buruli Ulcers Cancer TX side effect eliminator Cancer-except Leukemia Cardiomyopathy Cataplexy Cerebral Palsy Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Chlamydia Cholera Chorea & Athetosis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 54 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Coma & Stupo Common Cold Conjunctivitis Contusions Corneal Abrasion Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Corns Crohn's Disease Cyanosis - Low Blood Oxygenation Cystic Breast Syndrome Cystic Fibrosis Cystitis Cystitis-Interstitial Cysts Deep Vein Thrombosis Diabetes-Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes-Mellitus Type 2 Digestion Improver (Gain Wt) Donor-Host Rejection Syndrome Ear Prob-Perforated Drum Ear Problems Hearing Loss Ear Problems Hyperacoustia Ear Problems Tinnitus (PL+FL+UL) Ear Problems-Otitis Media Ear Problems-Pain Emphysema Epilepsy Epstein-Barr Virus Erectile Dysfunction (Viagra Effect) Eye Sight-Astigmatism Eye Sight-Bright spots & Flashes Eye Sight-Cataracts Eye Sight-Dry Eye Syndrome Eye Sight-Floaters Eye Sight-Glaucoma Eye Sight-Keratoconis Eye Sight-Macular Degeneration Eye Sight-Near-sightedness Eye Sight-Night Vision Problems Eye Sight-Optic Neuritis Eye Sight-Presbyopia Eye Sight-Retinal Cupping Eye SIght-Retrobulbar Neuritis Eye Sight-Sjogren's syndrome Eye Sight-Visual Field Problems Facial Pain 55 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Fatigue-Energy Drop Fatigue Fibromuscular Displasia Fibromyalgia Flea & other Bug Bites Food Poisioning-Botulism Food Poisioning-Clost. Perfrinans Food Poisoning- E-Coli Food Poisoning-Chemical Food Poisoning-Mushroom root Food Poisoning-Salmonella. Foot Burning Pain Foot Pain Freidrick's Ataxia Fungal & Yeast Infections Gallstones GI Problems Anorectal Abscess GI Problems Colitis GI Problems Diverticulitis GI Problems Gastritis GI Problems Gastroenteritis GI Problems Intestinal Polyps GI Problems Irritable Bowel Syndrome GI Problems Lactose Intolerance GI Problems Leaky Gut Syndrome GI Problems Rectal Sphincter Tightening GI Problems Sprue GI Problems Stomach Distention GI Problems Ulcerative Proctitis GI Problems Ulcerative Coliti GI Upsets Abdominal Gas GI Upsets Colic GI Upsets Colostridium Difficile GI Upsets Constipation GI Upsets Diarrhea GI Upsets Flatulence GI Upsets Nausea Giant Cell Arteritis Gingival Hyperplasia Gonorrhea Gout Guillian-Barre Hair Thinning - Female Hand Pain Head Pain & Headaches Heart Attack 56 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Heart Block- AV Delay Heart Mitral Valve Prolapse Heart Pericarditis Heart Valve Scarring Hemochromatosis Hemophilia Hepatitis (ALL STRAINS) Herpes Infections-Genital Herpes Infections-Oral Herpes Zoster - Shingles Hiccups HIV-AIDS HIV-Appetite Loss HIV-Weight Loss Hyperlipidemia Hypertension - Essential Hypertension Impotence Influenza Itching Joint Pain - Arthralgia Joint Pain-Ankle Joint Pain-Elbow Joint Pain-Hip Joint Pain-Shoulder Joint Pain-Wrist Kidney Failure Kidney Infection Kidney Nephritis Kidney Poly-Cystic Kidney DIsease Laryngitis Lead Poisoning-Heavy Metal Learning Disabilities Leg Pain Leg Swelling Leprosy-Hansen's Disease Leukemia Ligament Strain & Partial tear Limb Stiffness & Frozen Joints Lingual (tongue) Movement Difficulties Liver Disease Lyme Disease Lymphatic Dysfunction Lymphedema Lymphoma - non-Hodgkin's Malaria 57 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Measles Memory Problems of Normal Aging Menopausal Symptomes & Hormonal Imbalance Menopause Menopause - Reinstate Menses Menstrual Cramps Menstrual Irregularity Menstrual PMS Mental Sharpening Micoplasma Infections Migraine Headaches Moles (Nevi) Mononucleosis Moyamoya Disease MS-Spasicity Multiple Sclerosis Muscle Soreness Muscle Spasms-Arms Muscle Spasms-Body Muscle Spasms-Feet Muscle Spasms-Hands Muscle Spasms-Legs Muscle Spasms-Neck Front & Side Muscle Twitches-Fasciculations Muscular Dystrophy Myasthenia Gravis Nasal-Sinus Polyps Nerve Burning Pain Nerve Regeneration Nervous System Stimulator Neurogenic Bladder-Overactive Bladder Neurogenic Bladder-Underactive Bladder Neuropathy & Polyneuropathy Nicotine Poisoning Ovarian Cysts Paget's Disease (Bone) Parasitic Infections Parkinson's Disease Pelvic Pain Peripheral Vascular Disease Peyronie's Disease Pneumonia Polycythemia (High Red blood cell count) Porphoria (Cutaneous & Acute) Porphyria (Erythropoietic) Post Concussion Syndrome-Accidental injury 58 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Post Concussive Syndrome-Intentional injury Post Polio Paralytic Syndrome Pregnancy - Birth Pain Pregnancy Prob-Preeclampsia Pregnancy-Inability to Carry Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Prostatitus Pulmonary Fibrosis Reactive Airways Disease Receeding Gums Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Respiratory Synctial Virus Rib & Chest Pain Rickettsial Infections Sarcoidosis Sensory Integration Shock & Low Blood Pressure Sickle Cell Anemia Sinusitus Skin Care Vitiligo (PL+SL) Skin Care-Acne Skin Care-Dermatitis Herpeformus Skin Care-Dry Skin Skin Care-Eczema Skin Care-Hives Skin Care-Keloid Growths Skin Care-Keratosis Pilaris Skin care-Lichen Sclerosis Skin Care-Nummular Dermatitis Skin Care-Oily Skin Skin Care-Psoriasis Skin Care-Roscea Skin Care-Rough Hands Skin Care-Scar Removal Skin Care-Scleroderma Skin Care-Wrinkles Skin Elasticity Increaser Sleep Disorders Spinal Injuries-Motor Connections Spinal Injuries-Sensory connections Stroke Symptoms Stuttering Superficial Phlebitis Surgical Pain - Post Face Lift Surgical Pain-Throat Synovitis 59 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Tendinitis-Inflammation Tendinitis-Pain Testosterone Normalization Thrombosis Dissolver Thyroid Antibody Elimination Thyroid Dysfunction Tissue Calcification TMJ Pain-Cap Damage Tonsilitis Tooth & Gum Pain Tooth Sensitivity Torticollis Tourette's Syndrome Toxic Reactions-Physical symptoms Tremor-Essential Tremor-Intentional Trigeminal Neuralgia Tuberculosis Tumors-Nonmaligant-Brain Tumors-Nonmalignant-Bone Tumors-Nonmalignant-Other Tumors-Nonmalignant-Parotid Tumors-Nonmalignant-Uterine Urinary Incontinence Urinary Tract Stones Vaginal Dryness Vaginitis Varicose Veins Vasculitis Vein Weakening Vertigo Voice Loss Warts-Genital-Condyloma Warts-Plantar Warts-Regular Weight Ccontrol-Fat Uptake Inhibitor Weight Control-Carbohydrate Cravings Weight Control-Carbohydrate Uptake Inhibitor Weight Control-Fat Craving Weight Control-Impulse Control Weight Control-Loss of Willpower Weight Control-Metabolic Accelerator Weight Control-Obesity Weight Control-Peanut Butter Cravings Weight Control-Salty Food Cravings 60 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Weight Control-Sweet Craving Weight Control-Toxin Sensitivity (Foods) Weight Loss from Illness Whooping Cough-Pertussis Wilson's Disease

AFT Formulas Sorted by Attractor Field of Origin LoC 20 GV Arrhythmia's Asthma Chlamydia Coma & Stupor Gonorrhea Heart Valve Scarring Herpes Infections-Genital HIV-Appetite Loss HIV-Weight Loss Mitral Valve Prolapse Post Concussion Synd-Accid Post Concussive Synd-Intent Pregnancy-Inab to Carry Pregnancy Prob-Preeclampsia Prostatitus Psychosis Psychotic Sleep Dis Psychotic Voices Schizophrenia Scoliosis Tendonitis-Inflammation Tendonitis-Pain Tissue Calcification Varicose Veins LoC 20 LV Arrhythmia's Congenital Disorders - -Biliary Atresia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-Lyme Look-A-Like Chlamydia Cystitis-Interstitial Herpes Infections-Genital Lead Poisoning-Heavy Metal Leprosy-Hansen's Disease Memory Problems of Normal Aging 61 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Mitral Valve Prolapse Pelvic Pain Pregnancy-Inab to Conceive Prostatitus Pulmonary Fibrosis Stroke Testosterone Increase Tissue Calcification Varicose Veins Viagra Effect Warts-Genital-Condyloma LoC 30 GV Bipolar Disorder Crohn's Disease Deep Vein Thrombosis Diabetes-Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes-Mellitus Type 2 Learning Dis Limb Stiffness Multiple Sclerosis-Spasticity Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Scar Removal Sleep Disorders Sprue Superficial Phlebitis Torticollis Ulcerative Proctitis LoC 30 LV Bipolar Disorder Breast Tissue Reduction Breathing Diff Throat & Palate Congenital Disorders - -Heart Defects Chronic Fatigue Syndrome-Lyme Look-A-Like Deep Vein Thrombosis Diabetes-Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes-Mellitus Type 2 Limb Stiffness Parasitic Infections Psy-Borderline Personality Disorder Scar Removal Sprue (Celiac Disease) Superficial Phlebitis Ulcerative Colitis Ulcerative Proctitis 62 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

LoC 50 GV Asbestosis Cardiomyopathy Menopause = Reinstate Menses Migraine Headaches Moyamoya Disease Pericarditis RSD Skin Care-Dermatitis Herpeformus Thymus Function Normalization Vasculitis LoC 50 LV Asbestosis Cerebral Palsy Contusions Fungal & Yeast Inf Learning Disabilities Lipedema Menopausal Sym-Hormonal Imbal Menopause Scleroderma Vein Weakening Vitiligo LoC 75 GV Allergic Response - Corn Allergic Response - Milk Products Allergic Response - Peanuts Allergic Response - Shellfish Allergic Response - Wheat Allergies - Anaphylaxis Allergies - EYE Allergies - NASAL Allergies - SKIN Anorectal Abscess Arteriosclerosis Back Pain Bacterial & Viral Skin Infections Bacterial & Viral Internal Infections Blood Oxygenation-Low Diverticulitis Donor-Host Rejection Syndrome Perforated Drum Fatigue 63 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Fibromyalgia Foot Burning Pain Gallstones Hand Pain Hypertension Keloid Growths Kidney Failure Liver Disease Lymphedema Mental Sharpening - ATTN & Concentration Migraine Headaches Muscle Spasms Nerve Burning Pain Respiratory Synctial Virus Rib Pain Skin Care-Acne Spinal Compression Stuttering Trigeminal Neuralgia Tuberculosis Vaginitis Warts LoC 75 LV Allergies - Anaphylaxis Allergies - EYE Allergies - NASAL Allergies - SKIN Bact-Vir Skin Infect Bacterial & Viral Skin Bone Healing Brain Hemispheric Sync Cancer-excp Leuk Cancer Tx Side Effect Elim Donor-Host Rejection Syndrome Ear Prob-Perforated Drum Facial Pain Fatigue Fibromyalgia Foot Burning Pain GI Upsets-Colostridium Difficile Gingival Hyperplasia Gout Hand Pain Hearing Loss Heart Block- AV Delay 64 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Histocytosis X Hypertension Leg Swelling Liver Disease Lymphedema Mental Sharpening Moles Muscle Spasms-Arm Muscle Spasms-Body Muscle Spasms-Hands Muscle Spasms-Legs Muscle Spasms-Feet Muscle Spasms-Neck Fr&Side Nicotine Poisoning Paget's Disease Psy-Grieving Psy-Self-Mutilation Respiratory Synctial Virus Sensory Integration Skin Care-Acne Skin Care-Keratosis Pilaris Skin Care-Nummular Dermatitis Spinal Compression Stuttering Surgical Pain - Post Face Lift Tooth - Gum Pain Trigeminal Neuralgia Tuberculosis Warts LoC 100 GV Anemia-Aplastic Anemia-Hemolitic Aneurisms Anorexia Nervosa Arm Pain Arthritis Atherosclerosis Back Stiffness Bleeding Blepharitis Bulimia Congenital Disorders -ALD Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chorea & Athetosis Corns 65 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Cysts Dry Eye Syndrome Ear Problems-Otitis Media Ear Problems- Ear Pain Emphysema Epilepsy Eye Sight-Astigmatism Eye Sight-Cataracts Eye Sight-Double Vision Eye Sight-Far-sightedness Eye Sight-Floaters Eye Sight-Macular Fibrosis Eye Sight-Near-sightedness Eye Sight-Night Vision Problems Eye Sight-Presbyopia Fatigue-Energy Drop Foot Pain Gastroenteritis GI Upsets-Nausea Head Pain-Headaches Hepatitis Herpes Infections-Oral Hyperlipidemia Intestinal Polyps Irritable Bowel Syndrome Leg Pain Ligament Strain & Partial tear Lyme Disease Menstrual Cramps Menstrual Irregularity Mononucleosis Multiple Sclerosis Muscular Dystrophy Nasal-Sinus Polyps Nephritis Ovarian Cysts Polycystic Ovarian Disease Polyps Post Polio Paralytic Syndrome Psoriasis Rickettsial Infections Shingles-Herpes Zoster Skin Care-Excema Skin Care-Oily Skin Skin Care-Rough Hands Sore Throat 66 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Surgical Pain-Throat Tonsillitis Toxic Reactions-Phys. Tumors-Nonmalig-Bone Tumors-Nonmalig-Brain Tumors-Nonmalig-Other Tumors-Nonmalig-Parotid Tumors-Nonmalig-Uterine Urinary Tract Stones Vertigo Weight Control: -Obesity Weight Loss from Illness Whooping Cough-Pertussis Wound Healing LoC 100 LV Attention Deficit Disorder & Hyper Activity Disorder Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Anemia-Aplastic Anemia-Hemolitic Anemia-Pernicious AneurisMultiple Sclerosis Anorexia Nervosa Appetite Increaser Arm Pain atherosclerosis - Dilate Blood Vessels Atherosclerosis Back Stiffness Balance & Coordination - Cerebellum Bleeding Blepharitis Bone Pain Brain Damage Bronchitis Bulimia Bursitis Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cholera Common Cold Cystic Breast Syndrome Cystitis Cysts Digestion Improver Dry Eye Syndrome Ear Problems-Otitis Media 67 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Ear Problems-Pain Epstein-Barr Virus Eye Sight-Cataracts Eye Sight-Cataracts expanded Eye Sight-Double Vision Eye Sight-Far-sightedness Eye Sight-Near-sightedness Eye Sight-Night Vision Prob Eye Sight-Presbyopia Fatigue-Energy Drop Flea & other Bug Bites Food P-Clost. Perfrin. Food Poisioning-Botulism Food Poisoning- E-Coli Food Poisoning-Chemical Food Poisoning-Mushroom root Food Poisoning-Salmonella Food Poisoning-Staphylococcal Foot Pain Gastroenteritis GI Upsets-Abdominal Gas GI Upsets-Colitis GI Upsets-Diarrhea GI Upsets-Heartburn GI Upsets-Hiatal Hernia GI Upsets-Nausea Head Pain-Headaches Hemophilia Hemorrhoids Hepatitis Herpes Infections-Oral Hiatal Hernia Hiccups Hives Hyperacoustia Hyperlipidemia Impotence Intestinal Polyps Irritable Bowel Syndrome Itching Joint Pain-Ankle Joint Pain-Elbow Joint Pain-Hip Joint Pain-Knee Joint Pain-Shoulder Joint Pain-Wrist 68 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Kidney Infection Lactose Intolerance Laryngitis Leukemia Lyme Disease Menstrual Cramps Multiple Sclerosis-Spasicity Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Remylinization Muscle Soreness Muscle Twitches (Fasciculation's) Muscular Dystrophy Myasthenia Gravis Nasal-Sinus Polyps Nephritis Neurogenic Bladder-Overactive Neurogenic Bladder-Underactive Ovarian Cysts Parkinson's Disease Peripheral Vascular Disease Pneumonia Polycystic Ovarian Disease Polyps Porphoria Pregnancy - Birth Pain Psoriasis Shingles (Herpes Zoster) Shock & Low Blood Pressure Sinusitis Skin Care-Dry Skin Skin Care-Roscea Skin Care-Wrinkles Sore Throat Sphincter Tightening-Fecal Surgical Pain-Throat Synovitis PL Thrombosis Dissolver TMJ Pain-Cap Damage Tooth Sensitivity Tourette's Syndrome Tremor-Essential Tremor-Intention Urinary Incontinence Urinary Tract Stones Vaginal Dryness Viagra Effect 69 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

Weight Control: -Obesity Wound Healing LoC 125 GV Burn Healing Burn Pain Burns-Skin Injury Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Lupis (SLE) Malaria Tinnitus Weight Control LoC 125 LV Appendicitis Arthritis - Psoriatic Baldness Corneal Abrasion Eye Sight-Bright spots & Flashes Guillian-Barre Hair Thinning - Female Lingual Difficulties poly Cystic Kidney DIsease Psy-Obesessive Compulsive Disorder Psy-Rejection Sarcoidosis Skin Elasticity Increaser Thyroid Antibody Elimination Tinnitus Weight Control Wilson's Disease LoC 150 GV Einstein Syndrome Heart Attack LoC 150 LV Anorectal Abscess Cystic Fibrosis Einstein Syndrome Flatulence Gastritis Heart Attack Muscle Strains Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Vertigo 70 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

LoC 175 GV Alzheimer's Disease - Early Onset Alzheimer's Disease - Late Onset Amyloidosis Glaucoma Ocular Pressure Reducer Denial LoC 175 LV Amyloidosis Endometriosis Eye Sight-Eye Irritation Eye Sight-Visual Field Problems Heat Exhaustion Ocular Pressure Reducer Pre Menstrual Syndrome Voice Loss

71 of 71

©1999-2014 R. K. Ebert, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

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