Astrobix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


2010 Rashiphal Published by 76/2 1st Floor Garhi Iskon Temple Road East of Kailash New Delhi-110065 Website :

Dec 2009

Price Rs.50.

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


What is Rashiphala? The Rashifala (Moon sign Predictions) is a prediction system in Vedic astrology that makes use of the Moon sign to predict the events in one’s life. We often confuse our Rashi with the Sun sign. But there is a huge difference. Most of the predictions found in newspapers and magazines are based on Sun sign (western astrology) unless otherwise specified. The Rashiphal is based on the Moon sign. Sun transits and changes its position from one sign to another roughly in a month. Moon changes its position from one sign to another in every 2 1/4th days. Your Moon sign reveals the key personality traits and major trends that will govern your life. Vedic astrology considers the position of Moon a very strong factor in your life and destiny and that’s why all daily and transit predictions in Vedic astrology are made considering Moon’s position and not Sun’s. Thus in Vedic astrology the Moon sign is more relevant than Sun sign. Rashiphal is the Vedic system of Astrology which is nearly 7000 years old. It gives accurate and detailed predictions. Rashiphal uses the Nirayana position of Moon while Western astrology uses Sayan system. The predictions made using the Sun sign are not made with Vedic astrology. Only the Rashiphala (Moon sign based predictions) are made using Vedic astrology. If you don’t know your Moon sign you can find it free from q Aries Moon Sign – Mesha Rashi q Taurus Moon Sign – Vrish Rashi q Gemini Moon Sign - Mithun Rashi q Cancer Moon Sign – Karka Rashi q Leo Moon Sign – Simha Rashi q Virgo Moon Sign – Kanya Rashi q Libra Moon Sign – Tula Rashi q Scorpio Moon Sign -Vrischik Rashi q Sagittarius Moon Sign – Dhanu Rashi q Capricorn Moon Sign – Makar Rashi q Aquarius Moon Sign – Kumbha Rashi q Pisces Moon Sign – Meena Rashi


AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Aries Sign First Quarter- January to March 2010 The first quarter of the year 2010 will be very favorable for your business. Your luck will favor your growth. Your income will be high and you will accumulate wealth. This period is very auspicious and there are chances of your promotion and progress. Possibilities of you gaining from communication sector are high. This quarter is also very good for students. They will be able to concentrate and do well in their studies. God will bless couples waiting to enjoy parenthood and those waiting to tie the marital knot will get married. Devote some time to God and spirituality. It will benefit you and will give you peace of mind. However, this quarter is not good for any plans related to land and property. Postpone these projects for some time otherwise you may get involved in conflicts. These difficulties may take a toll on your health. You may feel weak and exhausted. Try not to get involved in any argument or dispute. Time may not support you. Keep a check on your temper and maintain a sweet relationship with your family members to get their support. Also take care of your and your mother’s health. This period may give some health troubles to both of you. You may suffer from blood related problems and cough. There may be some ups and downs in your marital life after 15th January. Spend some quality time with your spouse to revive love and affection in your relationship. The end of this quarter will bring some happy times in the family. There may be an auspicious occasion in your family. On the flip-side, you may not be able to save money and your enemies may attempt to create problems for you.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 The month of April is not good for legal matters. So do not get involved in any legal proceedings as the results might not be favorable for you. On the professional front, your seniors might not agree with you and there may be a difference of opinion.

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


A change of job is on the cards, which may influence your prestige and respect in the society. This period is also not good for your married life. Be patient and try to understand your spouse for a better relationship. Your love and affection will bridge all gaps in your relationship. May will bring favorable times for you. All your pending and new projects will get completed successfully. You will travel a lot during this period. These trips will be very beneficial for you but your expenses will increase. This quarter is very good for therapists and people related to the writing and publishing sector. All these professionals will make good money. There are chances of you travelling to any foreign destination in the month of June and your foreign relations will be profitable for you. You will also be inclined towards spirituality and will like to spend money in religious pursuits. This will bring you peace and happiness. This period is also very good for students. They will do well in their studies. Enmity among opponents will also reduce. This quarter will give you new opportunities of earning money. Your sources of income and material comforts will increase. You can successfully start new plans and projects. This period is favorable for you. You will get parental property due to the positive impact of Mars. In September generally your health will be good but you may become very anxious and temperamental.

Third Quarter - July to September 2010 This quarter is very good for your business. Your earnings will increase and your business will grow. You will have enough savings to lend money to others. You will also benefit from the government sector. Your enemies will not be able to harm you. You will always have an upper hand on them. On the other hand your faith in God may lessen. There may be conflicts among family members. Your luck may also not favor you. You must pay attention to your health. Otherwise you may face various skin related problems. Your brothers and sisters may also not keep good health. Your expenses will be high till 23rd July. This period is not good for legal matters, so try not to get involved in any court proceedings. There may be some ups and downs in your marital life. Be patient and deal with love and affection to sweeten your relationship. This time is also not good for students. They may lack interest in their studies and may not be


AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

able to concentrate. Conditions will be favorable for students after 23rd July. Their hard work will be rewarded and they will do good in competitive exams. Students will achieve their goals with sincerity and dedication towards their studies.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 You will have to control your expenses during the last quarter of 2010 if you want to avoid any financial problems in future. There may be some problems related to your children. Your children may not support you. Conditions will improve after mid-November and you will get favorable results after this time. Your loan application, if any, will also get sanctioned and you will get the finance you need. You will make money from your foreign trips. Students will have to work hard and study with dedication to do well in their exams. Devote time to spiritual and religious pursuits to get benefic results. There are chances of your promotion in the month of December. This quarter is also very good for your business, but your business related expenses may increase.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


Year 2010 for Taurus Sign First Quarter- January to March 2010 The first quarter of the year 2010 will bring you professional gain. You will get the support of your family and you will also earn good money. You will add to your wealth and savings. Your focus will be on making more and more money. You will get the blessings of your mother and you will also be the property and house-owner. You may have to struggle a bit for all this but you will achieve what you want. You will also get to hear some good news during this period and may also get promoted to your desired post. New opportunities and new sources of income will come your way. But this time is not auspicious for legal matters. Avoid getting involved in any legal proceedings. Also take care of your health to avoid any problems. Students must pay attention to their studies to do well in their exams. They might not be able to concentrate on their studies but they must work hard to achieve their aims. You may face some conflicts in your family at the end of this quarter. Guidance of your seniors will be very benefic for you. Follow it with sincerity and do not ignore it. Also keep away from any disputes and arguments. The time is not good for you to get involved in any conflict. People will have to work very hard at the end of March to be successful. But enemies will not be able to harm you. You need to devote some time to your father to improve your relationship. Be patient and try to understand him. This period is favorable for your business. Women will be lucky for you and will bring you benefic results.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 This quarter is very good for your children, education and wealth. You will get the opportunity to travel a lot and these trips will also be very beneficial for you. Your business will prosper and means of communication will help getting your work done at the right time. This period is very auspicious for students. Students will be able to


AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

concentrate on their studies and achieve their aims. You will also get happiness from your children. Your family members will support you. This time is very good for your father as well. A change of your job is possible and this change will bring you promotion and an increment in salary. Your marital life will become more pleasant after June. There will be love and support in your relationship. Your leadership skills will shine and you will succeed after overcoming all obstacles. You will get honor and respect in the society. There may be some property or land expenses. You may get your house renovated. People may face some financial problems at the end of this quarter. They will have to work really hard to be successful. They may feel mental stress, anger and anxiety during this period. Do not get involved in any dispute with your kinsmen and always keep an eye on your enemies. There may be some ups and downs in your health. Pay attention to your health to avoid any problems.

Third Quarter - July to September 2010 The third quarter of 2010 will increase your expenses and there may be some ups and downs in your income. You will spend mostly on your children and spouse. This expenditure may give you some mental stress. Working for charity during this period will be benefic for you. Time is very favorable for partnership business. Businessmen will get a chance to develop their foreign relations and benefit from them at the end of this quarter. There are possibilities of some unexpected gain during this time. Your luck will favor your business. There are chances of a theft by the end of July. Be alert and careful with your money and other valuables. You may also go for pilgrimage but pay attention to your health. Eat healthy and hygienic food otherwise you may suffer from various health troubles during your journey. Your siblings may also not keep good health. This period is also not favorable for students. They may face troubles in their education. Students will have to work hard and with sincerity to achieve their goals. Parents must treat their children will love and affection. Anger and strictness is not the solution at this time. People may face troubles in their jobs at the end of this quarter.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 You and your mother may face some health troubles at the start of

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


October. There may be some professional problems which will give you mental stress. People may have to face loss in their business. Students will also find it difficult to concentrate and pay attention to their studies. You will be more inclined towards charity and social work to get mental peace and happiness. Your business and earnings will improve after 18th November. The end of this quarter will be favorable for you and you will get fruitful results. All hurdles in the path of education will be removed. Your income will be stable and you will be able to save money. On the flip side, your marital life may be upset during this period. Try to understand your spouse and deal with sweetness. Your love and affection can only bridge the gaps in your relationship.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Gemini Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 Students might not be able to concentrate on their studies during this period. People will have to work harder to achieve their goals. It will be difficult for you to trust others. Later in the period you will be able to reach your pending targets and will find it easier to move ahead in your profession or business. The positive impact of Jupiter will help students move ahead in their studies. You will gain wealth and will have a sound health during this quarter. You will feel confident and there will be suitable increase in earnings and you may also discover fresh sources of income. There may be an expansion in your business if you are a businessperson. This period create some obstacles and there may be a delay in finishing your pending work. Do not get involved in legal matters because you might find it hard to win. Try and devote some time to religious pursuits and spirituality. While you will get support from your parents, there is a scope of some conflict in your family. So keep a check on your temper and maintain a sweet relationship with your family members. Your younger siblings will support you.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 This quarter is very good for your financial status. You will add to your savings and will pay off all debts. Getting new loans will also be easier. There will be happiness and peace in your family. You will feel confident and your enemies will not be able to harm you. You will share a special relationship with your maternal uncle. You will get happiness from your children. This period is also favorable for investing in property and land. On the opposite side, this time is not good for the health of your father. Your suspicious nature may upset your marital life. Trust your spouse and maintain love in your relationship.

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


You will make good money at the beginning of June but you might not be able to put this money to proper use. You will gain from your friends. Control your anger and deal with patience otherwise you may face troubles. You may face some financial crisis at the end of this quarter but conditions will improve afterwards. Your friends will support you during this period. You will be successful in professional matters.

Third Quarter - July to September 2010 This quarter will bring you favorable results. Students will do well in competitive exams. People will earn good money and add to their savings. You will be very successful in business of land and property or fields related to the things we get from land. Your luck will favor you. Your professional life will be good and your enemies will also not be able to harm you. Students can go abroad for education. However, you will not get the support of your father. Period after 23rd July will not be very auspicious. Your children may trouble you and you may also suffer loss in business due to some wrong guidance and decisions. Maintain love and affection towards your spouse to have a pleasant married life. You may have to spend money on your children and spouse and your spouse may not keep sound health during this period. You may also suffer from skin related problems. You will love to spend time with your friends, but stay away from bad company. It will be a wastage of both time and money for you. Students may face some troubles in their studies but things will get better later. You may also like to write and travel during this quarter.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 You may travel a lot at the start of this quarter. But a foreign visit will not be beneficial for you at this time. You will gain from the communication sector. You will be interested in writing. Sources of entertainment will attract you and you will spend time in various activities of interest. On the flip side, your children may trouble you and give you mental stress. Your expenses will increase and your financial condition will not improve until the start of November.

The month of November will be difficult for your finances. Foreign visits


AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

do not seem to be favorable at this time. Your tensions about your children will not evade until the end of this month. Your hard work and dedication will bring some good news in business at the end of November and your earnings will improve. Time will be favorable for students as well.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


Year 2010 for Cancer Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 Your confidence and courage will bring you professional success in the first quarter of the year 2010. Your earnings will increase and your financial condition will improve. You will spend money on things of comfort. You may also buy a vehicle. There are possibilities of you going on a foreign visit. Some unexpected enemies may trouble you. Your relationships with your relatives may get bitter during this period. You will loose your faith in God. However, this time is very good for students. They will take interest in their studies and will do well in their exams. There may be some ups and downs in your income in the month of February. You will be mentally stressed due to this. Try to understand your father and maintain sweetness in your relationship. Otherwise you may not get his blessings and support. Your impatient attitude may also upset your married life. Your love and affection can only strength your relationship with your spouse. Some unexpected expenses may come your way. People may have to change their job due to their temperamental and aggressive behavior. Keep a check on your attitude for a smooth professional life. You may also go for long journeys during this period. You will become more irritated by the end of this quarter. You may have to spend money on your health. Be careful on road as there are chances of you meeting an accident.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 This quarter will be very stressful and tiring for you. You will have to work really hard to be successful in your work. Your health will improve after mid-April. You will be confident and your enemies will not be able to harm you. Your strength and manhood will bring you professional success. Your economic condition will improve and you will take interest in religious pursuits. You will also get happiness from your children. Couples waiting to be parents will be blessed with healthy children. This quarter is also very favorable for students. They will get the opportunity to study abroad.


AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Your life partner will support you and you will make good money with his/ her assistance. Do not put your money in any lottery or bet otherwise you may loose your valuable assets.

Third Quarter - July to September 2010 You are very practical and take your decisions with sensibility and wisdom. Your emotions do not come in the way of your judgement. Your brothers and sisters will support you during this period. You will earn good income and you will also get the opportunity to progress. Your luck will favor you. You will not have to work hard and success will easily come your way. You will also get your money back that you might have lent to someone. Your association with educational institutions will be fruitful for you. You will get the guidance of your teachers and Gurus. There will be many happy and auspicious occasions. Your confidence and courage will help you overpower your enemies. People will admire and will benefit from your advice. People will spend time with their religious Gurus. You will get professional success and your brothers will also support you. You will also own a vehicle. Students will get many new educational opportunities. You may not take wise business decisions at the end of this quarter. Do not act in a hurry and deal with patience otherwise your professional expenses may increase. Your profits may also lessen. There are chances of loss in your business. You may also have to move away from your home.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 The month of October will boost your luck. You will get money and your pending projects will get completed successfully. Women will be lucky for you and will aid your professional success. People will also benefit from matters related to property and land. They will take interest in spiritual and religious works and their honor and respect in the society will also increase. Be careful on road as there are chances of your accident. Little negligence on your part may cost you heavy. Your marital life will be very pleasant and blissful after the middle of this quarter. People will have to work harder to achieve their goals. Conditions will improve at the end of November. You will earn money and chances of promotion and progress will also be there. You will be

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


inclined towards God and spirituality. There will be an increase in your material comforts at the end of this quarter. You will spend money in auspicious works. People will go on long distance journeys but may not keep good health. There will be some ups and downs in your business and you will get partial success in your projects. Your foreign ventures will be fruitful.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Leo Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 This quarter is not good due to the impact of the last spell of Shani’s Sadesati. Leos will be under lots of mental stress. But conditions will improve later. People will invest their money in business and education at the start of this month. You may begin new projects during this period. You will also spend some time with your loved ones due to the influence of Jupiter. Your business will prosper and you will also keep good health. There may be some conflicts in your family after mid-March. Some differences may arise among brothers and sisters. Your savings will reduce but the period after the end of March will be favorable for you. Your earnings will increase and you will also keep good health. However your spouse may have some health problems.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 This quarter is very good for the sale and purchase of property and land. People can buy their own homes or get their homes renovated during this period. You will get all material pleasures and will be successful on the basis of your courage and confidence. Your enthusiasm and spirit will take you places. You will complete all your works successfully. You will get some unexpected wealth in this quarter. Your savings will increase and you will also spend money in religious pursuits. You will get things of comfort in your home. There are chances of you getting constant capital and property by will. There may be some lack of support from your siblings. The month of June will bring you the support of your seniors.

Third Quarter - July to September 2010 People will be very enthusiastic and energetic at the start of this quarter. You will be able to complete all your projects with your hard work and honesty. You will get more authority and your discipline at work will give you new opportunities of success. Your determined efforts will take on the path of progress.

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


You will have sweetness in your voice and you will also work to maintain peace and happiness in the family. You will take interest in creative arts. Any trips during this period will also be fruitful. This quarter is very favorable for vehicle dealers. Communication and transport sectors will also do well. There are chances of gain from abroad. You will earn money and add to your savings. There will be ups and downs in your expenses. There may some familial problems at the end of this quarter.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 Period from October to 18th December will be very favorable for health matters. But people may face some troubles in doing their daily works. They may loose interest in intellectual works and may use their brains in wrong activities. Control your tongue otherwise some inappropriate words may upset the peace of your family life. Your children may not keep sound health and your expenses will also increase. This period is also not good for students. They might not be able to concentrate on their studies. Conditions will improve after 8th November and your health will also be good. Your earnings will improve and you will also like to travel during this period. You may go for pilgrimage. You will spend some time in vehicle race and other activities of interest.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Virgo Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 This year may start with some sour experiences for Virgos. You may face some obstacles in your projects in the first few days of this year. You might not be able to implement your plans and ideas. People may struggle for fruitful results in their business or jobs. There may be some ups and downs in your profits as well. There may be some sudden trips during this period which will be very troublesome for you. Your familial problems will increase due to the placement of Mercury in debilitated sign. Your family life may be upset. You may not get the support of your spouse, children and friends. Your bothers will also not be by your side. Maintain sweetness in your relationships for peace and happiness. Your expenses may exceed your earning and you may have to take loan to balance your finances. Do not share your plans and projects with someone. Some senior will help in your promotion at work after 15th March.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 The second quarter of this year will be very stressful. People will have to work really hard to accomplish their tasks. They will also face troubles in their journeys. Control your anger otherwise you may have to repent later. Students might also find it difficult to concentrate on their studies. They must pay attention to their studies to achieve their goals. Conditions will improve after mid-May and you will get financial gain after some struggle. You will get the support of your seniors at work. Your spouse will also be by your side. You will get some good news and there will some auspicious occasion in your family. Spend money wisely to control your expenses.

The month of June will be very good for your finances. You will add to your savings and do well in your profession. There will be new opportunities of success. Your family life will also be filled with love and happi-


AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


Third Quarter - July to September 2010 There are chances of journeys during this quarter. People will be very excited and be successful in their profession. There may be some unneeded expenses. Your business will grow and prosper during this period. Your enemies will not be able to trouble you. This quarter is also very good for students and they will do well in competitive exams. On the flip side, you may suffer from headaches. You must control your temper for mental peace. Your earnings will reduce and expenses will increase after 20th July. There may be some obstacles in any auspicious work of yours. Your projects may not get completed. Your family life may also be upset and lack love and happiness. Control your aggression for peace at home. People will have to work harder to accomplish their tasks at the end of this quarter. You will spend more time in religious pursuits.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 You will get the support of your family at the start of this quarter. You will also make good money and add to your savings. Funds will flow freely and there will be many happy occasions in your family. On the other hand, there may be some disturbances in your marital life and you may also suffer from health troubles. Y our relationship with your spouse will improve after 18th November. There will be ups and downs in your earnings. You may spend money in journeys. This period is very favorable for buying property and land. The end of this year will bring peace and happiness in your family life. You will celebrate some happy occasions at your home. There are chances of your promotion and some unanticipated gain in this quarter.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Libra Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 Your enemies may trouble you at the start of this year. They may pose hurdles in the path of your success. Be careful in professional matters and do not trust everybody. You may be cheated by the people you trust. Your pending works will get completed by the end of January. Be confident and have faith in your abilities. There may be some disturbances in your marital life during this period. Spend some quality time with your spouse and shower your love and affection to improve your relationship. Your family may also not lend its support to you. Anger and aggression are not good for you instead try to maintain sweetness in your relationship.

Your projects and plans will be successful after mid-March and your opponents will be defeated. Do not get involved in any conflicts and disputes. This will only bitter your relationships. Your brothers may not support you and your health may be affected due to stress and tensions.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 You will get some financial gain at the start of this quarter but your expenses will also be high. You may be mentally stressed due to this. You may be temperamental and stay upset during this period. There may be a lack of support and understanding in your relationships with your brothers and friends. You will be inclined towards God and spirituality and spend some money in auspicious works. There may be some disturbances in your marital life. Deal with patience and revive love and affection in your relationship. Time will be favorable by the end of this quarter. All your pending projects will get completed and there will be many opportunities of profits and progress. You will be able to defeat your enemies. Your family life will also improve but your brothers and friends may not extend their support to you. Students might go abroad for studies. People will also keep sound health during this quarter.

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


Third Quarter - July to September 2010 People will get to drive some excellent vehicles at the start of this month. This quarter will reward your hard work with success. All your projects will get completed and will give you fruitful results. Your professional life will prosper due to your capacity and confidence. Your seniors will guide you and you will gain from their experience. Students may find it difficult to concentrate on their studies. They may not prepare well for their competitive exams. It is very important to work hard to be successful. You will slowly add to your savings in the month of August. Journeys will benefit you during this period. Your health may be upset at the end of this month. There may be an increase in your familial problems and expenses. You will spend money in buying vehicle and other things of comfort. Your foreign relations will bring you profits in the month of September. You will accomplish your tasks with your strength and manhood. People will resort to entertainment for peace of mind.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 There may be some disturbances in your married life in the first month of this quarter. Your income may lessen but your pending projects will get completed during this period. People will hear some good news in their family and will spend some quality time with their friends but their expenses will also increase. They may spend money on the renovation of their house. They may also not keep good health. After mid-November you will get profits in business and your business will grow. But your relationship with your spouse may lack love and affection. You will spend money on some auspicious works and you will also travel a lot. Partnership business will offer more chances of success. You will begin new projects and plans but you may also have to face some obstacles in your path. The end of this quarter is very favorable for buying and selling vehicles.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Scorpio Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 You will be very confident in the first month of the first quarter of 2010. There are chances of some compromise with your opponents. You will get respect in the society due to your efficiency. You will also get the support and blessings of your father. This period is also very good for your marital life and you will share a loving bond with your spouse. All your works related to your children will get completed. However headaches may trouble you. Control your emotions during the period after the middle of this quarter otherwise you may loose money. Ups and downs in your business will give you mental stress. You will be determined and work hard to achieve your goals. All your pending projects will get completed. Take care of your health during this quarter.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 People will be mentally stressed during this quarter due to familial and financial problems. You will earn money after some struggle. You may also waste your hard earned money in useless things. There may be some conflicts in your family and your relationships with your brothers and friends may also be upset. You may face some obstacles in your professional life at the end of this month. Your strength and capability will open new doors of success for you. You will get new opportunities of making money and progress in life. But you will have to work harder to achieve your goals. You will be more confident and enthusiastic by the end of this month. All your pending projects will get completed in the month of June.

Third Quarter - July to September 2010 Be patient and confident to be successful during this period. You will not lack material comforts and money in your life. You will also get happiness from your children. You will be inclined towards spirituality. This quarter is also good for students. They will take interest in their studies and do well in exams. After July people will gain money but they will also have to struggle for this.

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


Do not let negative thoughts influence your mind and be optimistic. Your colleagues at work are not trustworthy. Do not have blind trust on them to avoid any problems. Your journeys during this period will be beneficial. Students may not be able to concentrate on their studies later in this quarter. Take care of yourself, there are chances of you getting hurt.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 People may not keep good health during the last quarter of the year 2010. It is best to take care of your health and take proper rest. You will spend money on your health and other matters related to your children and spouse. Your marital life may also be upset during this period. Conditions will improve after 18th November and people will get financial gain and happiness and support from their children. This period is also very good for students. You will be more inclined towards adventure. You will make money with your confidence and courage and progress in life. You will get more temperamental and your relationship with your father may lack love and affection. Your mother may suffer from various health problems. So take care of the health of your mother and maintain a sweet relationship with your father. You will get honor and respect in the month of December and there will be an auspicious occasion in your family. New sources of income will come your way with your intelligence and wisdom.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Sagittarius Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 The first month of this quarter will be very favorable for you. People will achieve professional success with their intelligence and hard work. Your business will do well and there will be some happy occasions in your family. You will help your friends in need. Your health may be upset at the end of January and you may also have some disagreements with your friends. Your seniors may not support you. You will get some new sources of income in the month of February. Your luck will boost and you will be property and home owner. You will sincerely fulfil all your family responsibilities in the mid of this quarter and your luck will also favor you. You will be very busy in your work. Your relationship with your spouse may lack love and sweetness. Spend some quality with your life partner to revive your relationship. Try to avoid financial transactions at the end of this quarter otherwise you may face problems.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 You will get mixed results in the month of April. You will spend more time in religious pursuits and this will give you favorable results. There will an auspicious occasion in your family. You will get partial success in your projects. You will do well in government works but try to avoid getting involved in any conflicts otherwise you may face problems. People may suffer from abdominal problems and headache during this period. People should try hard to get jobs and their efforts will be fruitful. They will get promotion and increment in their jobs. Keep control over your tongue or you may loose your respect and honor in the society. Your expenses will increase during this period and a member of your family may not keep good health. You will be tensed due to this. You will travel at the end of this month and will get favorable results. All your pending projects will get completed by the end of this quarter. There are possibilities of your promotion and financial gain. You may also travel abroad but some people

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


may try to pose hurdles in your path.

Third Quarter - July to September 2010 You may loose your confidence in this quarter. Spend some quality time with your spouse to revive love and affection in your relationship. Be patient and understanding to maintain sweetness in your marital life. You will spend money in travelling but your income will also be good. You will add to your savings and will get all material comforts in life. Modern means of communication will be handy in getting your work done at the right time. You will achieve an important goal in mid-August. You will also get favorable results in legal matters but if you are in government job then there are chances of your transfer. Your children may give you troubles. Some of your conflicts will get resolved. You will start new projects in this month and they will also be successful. Avoid financial transactions in the last month of this quarter. Also do not lend or borrow money during this period. Your journeys will be fruitful and you may also travel abroad. There may be some obstacles in your path.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 Your income will be good in the first month of the last quarter of this year and you will get the chance to travel. This quarter is also very good for students. They will be able to concentrate on their studies. They will also get opportunities to study abroad but their expenses will increase. Students will achieve academic goals. You will benefit from partnership business and you may also begin new projects during this period. People will spend money on the renovation of their home after the mid of this quarter. You will get financial profits in the end of this year and your marital life will also improve. You may sell and purchase vehicles during this period. You may face some obstacles in starting new projects in the last month of this quarter but these hurdles will be removed after the mid of this month. Overexertion at work may take a oll on your health. You may suffer various health problems but your friends will always support you. You will get some good news from your children. This period is also very good for investments.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Capricorn Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 You may doubt your capability and loose confidence in the first month of the first quarter of the year 2010 but your enemies will get strong. You will have to spend money on health problems of your family members. You will also spend on things of comfort but your financial condition may not allow this and you may face lack of funds. Results of legal matters may not be favorable for you during this period and your worries will increase. You will hear some good news in the middle of this month and there will be an environment of happiness in your family. All your pending projects will get completed in the month of February. You will support your friends and defeat your enemies. But do not underestimate your opponents and be careful. People will put their 100 percent efforts in work and will be successful. Their financial problems will also get reduced. Conditions will improve at the end of this quarter.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 The second quarter of this year will be very favorable for your business but you will have to work harder to start any new projects. People will get positive results in government works and their hard work will bring new opportunities of success. Many problems will get resolved during this period but familial and personal problems will increase. There may be some conflicts among family members. You can be cheated and may suffer financial loss at the end of this month.

Your family and friends may go against you in the next month of this quarter and your financial problems will also increase. Take care of your health and diet otherwise you may suffer various health problems. This time is also very auspicious for students. You will like to spend the time after the middle of this month in some recreational activities with your friends. You may loose money in journeys during this period. Singles waiting to get married will tie the knot in this quarter.

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


Third Quarter - July to September 2010 Your income will increase in this quarter and you will overcome all difficulties. Your profits will increase with your confidence and efforts. Risky ventures will be fruitful for you and you will get happiness from your near and dear ones. But there may be some disturbances in your family life. This period is very good for students and they will do well in their studies. You will not achieve the objectives of your journeys after the middle of this month. So avoid travelling in this period as there are also chances of you getting hurt. You may face some problems in your works but your luck will help you complete them. Maintain a sweet relationship with your children by the end of August and do not pressurize them unnecessarily. You may go for pilgrimage for mental peace and happiness.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 People will have to work harder to gain in business in the first month of this quarter. There are chances of your promotion at the end of this month. Be careful in financial transactions as there are possibilities of mistakes. Your familial problems may also increase during this period. You will hear some good news at the start of November. Your court cases may end in your favor and you will also get the chance to meet your old friends. You will spend money on luxurious things. Make most of this time and your hard work will give you success. Keep a check on your words. You will maintain a balance with your seniors. There may be conflicts in your family and your marital life may also be upset. You will be mentally stressed due to this. It is best to keep away from disputes as they may bitter your relationships. Maintain an understanding and supportive relationship with your father. Students will not be able to concentrate on their studies and they will be tensed about their exams. Your expenses will increase at the end of this year. Improve your relationships with your friends and brothers. There are possibilities of a happy occasion in your family. Your foreign relations will be profitable for you. Your earnings will improve and your savings will increase.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Aquarius Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 All your important pending projects will get completed in the first month of the year 2010. There will be many opportunities of success and achievements. Your new associations will be very beneficial. Avoid long distance journeys and legal matters during this period. Getting involved in any legal proceedings will not be favorable for you. Your marital life may be upset and your relationships with your friends and relatives may also get bitter. So keep a check on your temper and maintain a sweet relationship with your near and dear ones. Next month of this quarter will bring new opportunities for you. You will successfully and efficiently complete all your tasks and you can also have a big deal during this period. You will gain respect in the society and be confident and you will also win someone’s trust by the end of this month. Students will achieve their goals. People will accomplish their tasks with courage and strength. Your family life will be very pleasant and you will also get the chance to meet your teachers.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 All your pending projects will get completed by the end of the first month of this quarter. You will get financial gain and progress in your professional life. Your family life will also be filled with peace and happiness. You will spend time and money in spiritual and religious pursuits. There are chances of you getting cheated by a close relative so do not trust anybody blindly. You may not keep good health during this period and your marital life may also be upset. You will spend money on things of comfort. You will take good career and professional decisions in the month of May. This time is very auspicious for these sections of your life, so make the most of this period. You will get a chance to work on a new project. Your financial problems will get resolved. You will also get the support of your friends and they will aid in your success. You will get confident but may postpone a project at the end of this month.

Third Quarter - July to September 2010

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


You will get professional success in the month of July. You will complete all your tasks with enthusiasm. Your efforts will be appreciated by your seniors at work but you will be tensed due to your children. There will be some auspicious and happy occasion in your family. You will be successful in matters related to land and property. Your family life may be tensed at the end of August and your savings may also lessen. You will spend more money on the women of your family. Keep a check on your temper otherwise some conflicts may arise among family members. Your income will lessen and your expenses will increase and you will be mentally tensed due to this until September. But the month of September will also bring some financial gain. People in business will get financial gain and people in job will get promoted. You will successfully put your plans into action and will get very busy during this period of growth. You will get some relaxation at the end of this quarter but this time is not good for any marriage plans.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 People will have to work harder in the first month of this quarter to overcome difficulties in their work. There will be many familial and professional tensions. Your journeys will also not give you fruitful results. But your foreign projects will be successful and your sources of income will increase. You and your mother may not keep good health during this period. You will get the chance to participate in assemblies. Sectors related to media will do well in this period. You will make good money and be successful with your intelligence and wits. You will make most of the opportunities. This quarter is very good for people in jobs. Unemployed will get jobs and already employed will get promotion and increment. Your luck will boost in the month of December and you will get all material comforts in life. You will also take interest in spiritual and religious pursuits. However, students may find it hard to concentrate on their studies. People will get professional success and an increase in their earnings with their hard work. You will get the chance to show your calibre at work. Take care of your health to avoid any problems.

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AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions

Year 2010 for Pisces Sign First Quarter - January to March 2010 Your faithfulness and hard work will be appreciated by your seniors. Every plan that you start in this month will give you fruitful results. You will have to work harder to achieve success and deal with the financial barriers that may pose hurdles in your path. Your opponents may try to harm you and raise buried issues. Lovers will get married. Do not trust any new relationship blindly. You may have some differences with your associates at the end of this month. You can start new projects and they will be successful. This period is also very good for your children. All your pending works will get successfully completed after February. There will some happy occasion in your family and you will get to meet your friends. Your trips will also be beneficial. You will spend some money on things of material comforts and you will also take some time for your relaxation and rejuvenation.

Second Quarter- April to June 2010 This month will give you mixed results. You may face some troubles in your works but they will be successful later in the period. People will share cordial relations with their seniors at work. You may also plan a change or expansion of your business. Your hard work will reward you with success. You will get honor, respect and financial gain during this period. Students will get good results in their studies. The month of May will be very auspicious for you. You will get many opportunities of success and will also get to hear some good news. Over exertion at work may give you health problems. Some elder member of your family may not keep good health. You will work on an important project at the end of this month and it will give you favorable results. Your financial problems will get resolved. Unemployed will get jobs at the end of this quarter. Keep faith in God and stay away from any disputes.

Third Quarter - July to September 2010 People will be mentally stressed and get temperamental in the month of July. Your projects will be completed with the help of your friends but your luck may not favor you. This quarter will be very profitable for your father. But your mother may not keep sound health. All your planning will

AstroBix 2010 Rashiphal - Moon Sign Predictions


be successful this year. You will get financial profit after the month of July. Be careful with your driving otherwise you may get hurt. There are chances of some conflicts in your family and your enemies may also try to harm you. You will get to spend some time with your brothers and friends. You may suffer from health problems at the end of August. You will be more focused on your goals at the end of this quarter and your business will do well. But there may be an increase in your familial problems.

Last Quarter - October to December 2010 Students might not be able to concentrate on their studies at the start of this quarter and they will have to put more efforts to memorise. People may also face obstacles in their tasks. You will spend more on worldly comforts and your children will bring you respect and happiness. All your works done with sincerity and diligence will be successful. However, you may lose interest in your profession during this period. But the time is very good for developing your relations abroad. People will gain from the communication sector. Your marital life will improve after the end of November and students will also find this period good for their studies. All hurdles in the path of their success will get removed and they will get very good results of their hard work. You will be very successful in your business at the end of this year and you may also enter into an important agreement or compromise. However, you may be tensed due to some troubles from your children. You will also be angry and stressed.

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