2010 Predictions By Phishna

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  • Words: 622
  • Pages: 2
Phishna's 2010 Predictions (see http://phishna2009predictions.blogspot.com/) #1 Deflation Takes Hold, the fear of hyperinflation dissipates as credit implodes, bank stocks plummet, over 10 large banks are taken over by the Feds, Goldman Sachs share price declines to less than $10 a share, share prices are destroyed in 2010 #2 US Government is Forced to Cut Spending, this of course accelerates deflation that is already happening #3 States Forced to Cut Spending, California leads the way and raises taxes and cuts welfare spending which causes riots, California and Arizona forcibly repatriate illegals in order to save money #4 Credit Card Defaults Skyrocket, Fannie and Freddie finish their bankruptcy shares are NOT traded, Sallie Mae stock plummets to less than $1 a share #5 Public Recognizes that we are in another Great Depression, the 2nd Great Depression forces economists and other intellectuals to call for ending the Federal Reserve #6 Pot Growing Skyrockets, pot becomes a parallel currency to dollars in hard hit rural communities, pot trading saves the day, rightwing antidrug Christians start smoking and growing pot, some Christian preachers preach that Jesus smoked pot, pot is smoked in the open in major cities #7

Pension Funds Implode, over 10 state pension funds go into default

#8 Mortgage Defaults Double, recreational real estate declines 90%, struggling mortgage payers throw in the towel when nationwide real estate declines another 40% in 2010, in some areas real estate is off 98% and still no buyers, some homes in Detroit decline to $1 #9 Start of the End of the "Financial Times" the era of manipulated debt based currencies begins to end, magazines like The Economist are despised, everyone starts to see the scam that fiat currencies are a fraud of Jew banksters #10 Fed is Audited and Nationalized, Ron Paul is the new hero, Obama the Fraud is despised, calls of impeachment or assassination are common on talk radio, the more radical the talk show host the more popular the ratings, right wing Christians openly protest that Obama is the Antichrist #11 US Military stages a counter coup against the Jew run government and forces the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and Pakistan, over 100 foreign military bases are abandoned #12 Gun and ammo prices plummet as unprepared rednecks trade their arms for seeds and food, dreams of a shooting revolution dissippate into the reality that a garden and chickens is real and fighting the government is insane, garage sales along highways becomes the new rage #13 Alex Jones popularity peaks, Rush Limbaugh popularity plummets, 5 or more moderate pundits are kicked off the air, those calling for violence popularity spikes and Alex Jones becomes the moderate #14

David Icke is found out to be a deep cover gatekeeper and discovers that he's

under mind control himself #15 Abe Foxman and the ADL are run out of town, the FBI prosecutes over 10 Israeli Mossad spies operating inside the ADL, the ADL proclaims a vast right wing conspiracy and Abe Foxman curses Christianity and spits into the camera #16 Over half of the big newspapers go bankrupt, the New York Times (NYT) and Fox News (NWS) share prices decline to less than $1 a share #17 Many youth are dazed and confused and form packs, quit school, and take over abandoned houses #18 Human souls are speeded up, the time period for manifestation becomes shorter and shorter as 2012 approaches, some report that they have "instant manifestation", many fundamentalists call it the work of Satan #19 The word "Jew" is used more and more, politeness is cast aside, Hitler becomes popular and many think he got a bad rap #20

Sarah Palin poses for Playboy, she quits politics after Israel is nuked

Phishna 24 November 2009

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