Assisted Reproduction Technology And Artificial Insemination, In Vitro Fertilisation In

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Assisted reproduction technology and artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation In the 6th April 2009 the Human and Embryology Act 2008 was created, the act allowed lesbian couples that are not in a civil partnership to share the same roles and responsibility for a child that was born as a result of IVF, not just the birth mother only, also the same date lesbian couples were to have both of their names placed on the same birth certificate. Civil unions, partners Before the civil partnership act the greater London authority had a London partnerships register for straight and gay married couples there were not married, the register allowed there partnership to be registered but one of the partners had to live in London and pay a fee of £85, other cities soon followed such as Manchester city, Birmingham city and Liverpool city. Courts and tribunals A High Court judge claimed that gay people had the same rights as heterosexuals and were to be treated as “nearest relatives” when their partners were sent for treatment under the mental health act. Discrimination Gay Anglican Priests are also allowed to register their relationships through Britain’s new civil partnerships act, this was backed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, but they are still banned from consummating their relationships. National An Equality Bill was passed that imposed quality duty on public and private bodies, this meant that consideration of needs to be taken into places for people who use a service this is due to take place in Autumn 2010, the bill was mentioned in the queens speech in December 2008. Employment On the 2nd December 2003, the anti-discrimination laws were extended so that they covered discrimination over employment and training based on someone’s sexual orientation. This meant that unless the employer could prove having a gay or lesbian worker would be against the companies’ religious beliefs, discrimination based on sexual orientation was unfair. The word homosexual was replaced and got rid of in a move by the government to promote equality in places of work. Good and Services In March 2007 a vote was taken in the House of Lords that gave support of new goods and services protection. The made in unlawful to discriminate based on someone’s sexual orientation when supplying goods or services, this meant that more services such as fostering, hospitals and health clinics were now more easily usable for gays and lesbians, the law came in to place on the 20th April 2007 Insurance In 2003 the association of British insurers was trying to prevent insurers from making assumptions about applicants ‘risk of HIV/Aids or sexuality as a result of their occupation.

Police New guidelines were published by the Police complaints commission in 2003 that dealt with the dealing of allegations of discriminatory behaviour or homophobia. Schools In 2003a vote was taken in the House of Lords remove section 28 of the local government act that banned schools from teaching or promoting homosexuality in schools. Hate Crimes On the 8th May 2008 a chapter in the criminal justice and immigration bill meant that hatred towards someone based on their sexual orientation was now an offence, as before there was no hate crime law in Britain. Homosexuality and Sodomy Homosexuality was not legalised until 1967 at the age of 21. In 2003 the government said that any gay man that had wrongly been placed on the sex offenders register will be removed. At present gay men who are convicted or cautioned due to offences of gross indecency where one participant is aged 16 to 18, are made to register as a sex offender. Inheritance A court of Appeal ruling now means that homosexuals have the same eights as straight people when it comes to taking over tenancies of a spouse that has died. Marriage The UK has no law permitting same sex couples to marry, this was clarified by the Matrimonial Act 1973, which stated that marriage partners have to be male and female. Military In February 2005 the Royal Navy was the first section of the British Military that said they would welcome gay and lesbian personnel into family quarters once they have registered their partnership. They were also granted the same rights when it came to claiming for the loss of a partner in conflict.

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