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  • Words: 493
  • Pages: 5
Instructions to Students: 1. The assessment criteria includes: (a) Content of Work. This includes the amount of research done to provide accurate and credible information necessary for this assignment. (b) Creativity, Originality and Style of Work. This refers to the uniqueness and artistic element of the final assignment. (c) Presentation of the Final Assignment. This refers to the clarity, organization and final project. 2. Independent research on the relevant topic area is encouraged. Work that demonstrates an indepth analysis of the question and that provides a coherent answer will be awarded a higher grade compared to that which simply regurgitates answers from the texts. 3. All work must be submitted for plagiarism check. Work with a plagiarism match rate of 20% and beyond will be penalized. Do not include cover page, question paper when submitting work for plagiarism check. 4. While discussion among students is encouraged, collusion and plagiarism of work will be severely dealt with in accordance to the IA Regulations. 5. The word limit for this assignment is 2,000 words. A minimum of three (3) sources or references are required aside from the textbook of the course. 6. The document must include page number, use Times New Roman Font (Size 12) with top, bottom margins of 1” and right, left margins of 1.25” and with ‘Justify’ alignment and with 1.5 lines spacing. 7.

The assignment should be organized as follows: • Cover Page (found on the first page of this questions paper) (a) Table of Contents (b) Main body of the assignment (This should observe the given word count limit) (c) References • Berko, R., Rosenfeld, L., and Samovar, L. (1997), Connecting, Harcourt Brace & Company, USA. Complete the mark criteria list with your name and id and submit it together in your assignment.


Student should submit the assignment on or before deadline. Late assignment must not be accepted. Assignment must be presented in hard copy with CD well secured in the hardcopy.


Referencing and information from Wikipedia will not be accepted.

Complete your assignment and hand it in by:

T309 B2002_W2007 ASG QPMS

12th October 2009


Page 1

Assignment Questions Question 1 a)

Explain why it is very important for a company to hire the right people [ 15 marks ]


Refer to the enclosed article ( Appendix I ) and comment on the article. [ 5 marks ]

Question 2 a)

Explain one major theory on Motivation.

[ 15 marks ]


Refer to the enclosed article ( Appendix 2 ) and explain the relationship between motivation and self-discipline. [ 10 marks ]

[ 5 marks for reference, neatness, presentation, etc ] [ Total 50 marks ]

T309 B2002_W2007 ASG QPMS

Page 2

Appendix 1: Pick the Right People

Source : Straits Times : Recruits : July 6, 2009

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Page 3

Appendix 2 : Get more out of yourself

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