Assign 1

  • November 2019
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CIT 720 Name: Johannah Chuma Student No 28594348 Assignment 1 INDEX CONTENT 1. Conceptual change 2. Modeling 3. Mindtools 4. Purpose of Modeling 5. Modeling • domain knowledge • system • thinking • problem solving • experiences

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6. Limitation of mindtools 7. Reference

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1. Briefly discuss the conceptual change as seen by Jonassen? According to Jonassen (2005), he said, “Conceptual change is a process in which a learner’s prior conceptual knowledge conflicts with the new presentation of phenomena. If the learner cannot accommodate or assimilate new information then one of the two things happens: the learner rejects the new information or restructures their mental model to accommodate the new information. Conceptual change is based on two theories, which is cognitive conflict model that use a modeling tool called Stella and revisionist model.” 2. Briefly explain Jonassen use of the term modeling? Jonassen ( 2005), used the term Modeling as “Building construction or alteration of models using technological based tools that enable the learner to represent and reflect the acquired knowledge as an output/evidence through visual representation, its component, and their interrelationships that indeed meaningful learning did take place”. 3. Briefly discuss the meaning of the word mindtools? Jonassen describe Mindtools as “a way of using a computer application program to engage learners in a constructive, high order critical about the subject they are studying.” He refers to the use of learning environment and types of software (ICT tools) as cognitive tools that engage and support learners in high order thinking as well as problem solving about the task given to learners. Mindtools requires learners to be creative and to think harder about the subject matter being studied by constructions of models meaning that they must use the information to represent what they know in different ways e.g. application of content, re organize, or analyze it to show understanding than receiving information from the educator.(Jo-Anne.E. Davis ,1997) Examples of mindtools are: • • • • • •

Database Spreadsheet Hypermedia Construction Visualization Tools Expert systems Concept maps

4. Briefly state the purpose of modeling? According to Jonassen (2005), “The purpose of modeling is to develop their thinking skills and their reasoning so that they can be able to develop their own personal theories about phenomena. Learners will be able to construct personal representation of phenomena. It provides highest level of conceptual engagement that is required for conceptual change, which leads to conceptual development. It create a sense of belonging in the learner. It support hypothesis testing, inferring and other skills that thinking skills that support conceptual change. It also supports the development of epistemic beliefs and testing our belief in order to be sure of what we know. Learners will be able to use the modeling tools to transcend limitation of their minds. They will be able to be designers of models and learn from the models build”. 5. Briefly discuss the modeling of: • Domain knowledge There are variety of modeling methods that can be used when constructing models of domain knowledge such as concept map, database-cells, and hypermedia Construction. Learners can be given a topic to construct a concept map on people who help us; their concept map will differ in terms of fields, interest, and ideas. When comparing their concept map with other learners it wont be the same and this will result in conceptual change of information and understanding since it differ from each learner and their conceptual development will also differ. • Systems According to Jonassen system, “thinking involves understanding the world as process systems, control systems and living systems and feedback systems therefore the learners must be able to see the interaction of components within any system. Simulation modeling tool like Stella are Mindtools that can be used because they are easy to learn and use.” • Thinking Learners are modeling thinking by building Cognitive Simulations using mindtools for modeling metacognition such as developing an expert system to simulate reasoning and Stella model of motivation. They are required to use high order thinking skills i.e. the last 3 of Bloom taxonomy by promoting reflection in their reasoning and self-regulated learning. • Problem solving Learners must be able to construct a problem space in order to solve problems, by seeking information about that particular problem and its relations. He will

know how to interpret it by using modeling tool such as systems model, spreadsheet, hypermedia, and expert systems. Jonassen (1996 [online] )

• Experiences Learners can support conceptual change by modeling people experiences from the stories collected or heard about different cultures, myth, facts, documentaries, fairy tales, and histories. Learners can model experiences in databases since they enable learners to search or sort on any field. They can analyze their stories using a case-based reasoning method (CBR) According to Jonassen D.H. et al. (2005:72). 6. Briefly discuss the limitation of mindtools There are many limitations in using mindtools such as •

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Lack of capability or inability to use it in problems you are solving. E.g., When a learner is given a task using a spreadsheet to calculate volume of added acid, he must be able to apply their efforts to understand relationships being calculated and represented it graphically on the spreadsheet. Availability of technology - the learners cannot use mindtools without a computer, software used, budget, and personal biases. Purpose of using mindtools - Learners must be willing to engage in all activities and the nature of your classroom. Difficult to develop (requires formal operational reasoning) such as Cognitive Load – Model building requires learners to work hard and they must be willing to learn. Developmental Differences – Models requires intellectual development and learners differ in terms of their development. Fidelity- It has to do with misconception and their beliefs for them to use mindtools. It will depend on the history your background and belief and the school context, educational history on how to use technology to engage and support meaningful learning.

Ref er ence Jonassen, D.H. 2005. Modeling with Technology: Mindtools for Conceptual Change. 3rd Edition.Upper saddle River,NJ: Prentice- Hall, 1-26, xvii. © Copyright 1997, JoAnne E. Davies, [email protected] URL: Last modified: [online] Jonassen, D.H. et al. (1998). Computers as Mind tools for Engaging Learners in Critical Thinking.[online] Jonassen, D.H. (No Date). Personal Web site; Retrieved July. 16, 2008 from[online] Jonassen, D.H. 1995. Computers in the classroom: Mindtools for critical thinking. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

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