Assessment Of The Lesson

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 564
  • Pages: 2
Assessment Rubrics of the Lesson Exemplary


Needs Improvement


The lesson is aligned The lesson is partially with the technology aligned with the learning goal and technology learning goal indicator. and indicator. Teaching with Technology Integration The use of technology is The use of technology is appropriate for the grade somewhat appropriate for level and enhances the grade level and to achievement of the some extent furthers the content indicator. achievement of the content indicator. The lesson includes The lesson includes management strategies some management for the implementation of strategies for the technology that support implementation of student mastery of technology that support standards. student mastery of standards. The instructional The instructional strategies are highly strategies are to an engaging and authentic; extent engaging and provide students the authentic; provide opportunity to work with students minimal others; and affirm their opportunity to work with performances. others; and somewhat affirm their performances. The procedures for the The procedures for the lesson are well lesson are partially documented and easy to documented and can be follow. followed. The resources for the The resources for the lesson are appropriate lesson are somewhat and well documented. appropriate and partially documented. Assessment The assessment(s) The assessment(s) measures mastery of measures to some extent standards and has been the standards and has communicated to been communicated to students clearly and students in general

The lesson is not aligned with the technology learning goal and indicator. The use of technology is not appropriate for the grade level and does not support the achievement of the content indicator. The lesson does not include management strategies for the implementation of technology that support student mastery of standards. The instructional strategies are not engaging nor authentic; do not provide students the opportunity to work with others and do not affirm their performances. The procedures for the lesson are not well documented and are difficult to follow. The resources for the lesson are not appropriate and/or are not documented. The assessment(s) does not measure the standards and has not been communicated to students. Students are

explicitly. Students are aware of how they will be evaluated and how it relates to their learning.

terms. Students are somewhat aware of how they will be evaluated and how it relates to their learning. The student product The student product demonstrates a high level demonstrates some of student learning and student learning and proper design techniques. design techniques. Reflection The reflection thoroughly The reflection partially discusses the use of discusses the use of technology in the lesson technology in the lesson and the effectiveness of and the scoring tool. the scoring tool. The reflection The reflection demonstrates a demonstrates a partial thoughtful and complete evaluation of the lesson evaluation of the lesson after teaching. It includes after teaching. It includes only a few minor several excellent suggestions for suggestions to improve improvement in the the lesson in the future. future.

not aware of how they will be evaluated and how it relates to their learning. The student product does not demonstrate student learning nor proper design techniques. The reflection does not discuss the use of technology in the lesson and the effectiveness of the scoring tool. Major components of a thoughtful and complete evaluation of the lesson are missing from the final reflection. No suggestions are included to improve the lesson in the future.

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