Assertive Discipline Policy What is assertive discipline? This is a discipline system based not only on sanctions for poor behaviour, but also rewards for good behaviour. By rewarding the behaviour we would like in our school and class rooms we encourage students to use those behaviours more often. The system works!
How to implement Assertive Discipline: Students who carry out desirable behaviours (e.g. on time to class, contributing to class room discussion, contributing during group work, homework completed on time) are rewarded via a tick or star chart system. 5 ticks/stars results in a small reward (maybe a couple of sweets) and a certificate 5 certificates result in the student getting a more substantial reward such as a canteen voucher Ticks/stars are able to be accumulated over time - they are NEVER removed The best behaved 3-4 students (those with the most certificates) at the end of the semester get an even more substantial reward (e.g. a book) Students who display undesirable behaviours (e.g. late to class, talking out of turn, not contributing, not completing work, throwing things, leaving rubbish, etc) get their names put up on the whiteboard or some other erasable surface. The first offence (e.g. late to class) gets the student’s name written up with a cross beside it Each offence after that earns the student another cross beside their name 3 crosses means the student gets a sanction (e.g. the written ‘Appropriate Behaviour’ imposition) All students arrive to each lesson with no name up and no crosses (a fresh start each lesson)
Notes. Staff will need to explain the system very carefully to the students. It is likely that ticks/stars will be quite easy for the students to get to begin with. This encourages them to ‘buy into’ the system. This also needs to be explained to the students so the staff are able to make it more difficult as general behaviour improves.
Lateness is a school wide focus. A modified sanction option should be available for repeated lateness to class (e.g. name + cross and a separate sanction such as a written ‘On Time’ imposition).
االنضباط الجازم ماهو االنضباط الجازم؟ هى ّظبً ضجظ الَغزْذ إىً ٍؼبقجخ ٍِ َغٍء اىغيىك فسغت ثو َنبفٍء مزىل ٍِ َغيل عيىمبً زغـــــْبًّ .هذف ٍِ خاله ٍنبفأح ٍِ َغيل عـيىمبً زغـْبً فٍ اىفصو اىذساعٍ أو اىَذسعـخ إىً رشدُغ عالة ٍذسعـزْب ػيً االىزـضاً ثهزا اىْـىع ٍِ اىغيىك ثشنوٍ أمجش ػِ رٌ قجو ٍَب َقىد ثبىزبىٍ إىً ّدبذ اىْظبً منو . كيف نطبق السلوك الجازم؟
َزٌ ٍنبفأح اىغالة اىزَِ َغينىُ اىغـيىك اىسغـــــِ اىَغيىة (مبىقذوً إىً اىصف فٍ اىىقذ اىَسذد ىزىل واىَغبهَخ فٍ اىسىاساد اىزٍ ردشٌ فٍ اىصف وٍشبسمخ اِخشَِ خاله اىؼَو اىدَبػٍ (ػَو اىَدَىػبد) وإّدبص واخجبرهٌ اىَْضىُخ فٍ اىىقذ اىَسذد ىزىل) ٍِ خاله ّظبً ٍخغظ رغزخذً فُه إشبسح √ أو ّدَخ. √ َزٌ ٍنبفأح ٍِ َسصو ػيً خَظ ػالٍبد √ أو خَظ ّدَبد ثدبئضحٍ صغُشح (مقغؼخ شىمىالرخ) وشهـــبدح رقذَــــش . √ َزٌ ٍنبفأح ٍِ َسصو ػيً خَظ شهــبداد رقذَش ثدبئضحٍ أمجش ٍِ عبثقزهب ميىذ ٍِ زيىي اىشىمىالرخ أو قغَُخ عؼبً ٍدبٍّ ٍِ اىَقصف. √ َزٌ ردَُغ ػالٍبد √ أو اىْدَبد ٍغ ٍشوس اىىقذ زُث أّهب الرُضاه ٍِ سصُذ اىغبىت. √ عىف َسصو موٌ ٍِ أفضو ثالثخ أو أسثؼخ عالة ٍِ زُث اىغـــيىك واالّضجـــبط اىؼـــبً (اىزَِ ىذَهٌ أمجش ػذدٍ ٍِ شهبداد اىزقذَش) ػيً خبئضحٍ أفضو ثنثُشٍ ٍِ عبثقبرهب فٍ ّهبَخ اىفصو اىذساعٍ (منزبةٍ ٍثالً ...اىخ). أٍب ثبىْغجخ ىيغالة اىزَِ َْهدىُ ٍغينبً عُئبً وٍخبىفبً ىقىاُِّ اىَذسعخ (مبىزأخش ػِ اىسصخ اىذساعُخ واىخشوج ػِ أداة اىسذَث واالززشاً اىؼبً وػذً اىزؼبوُ واىَغــبهَخ فٍ اىْشبعبد اىزؼيَُُخ وػذً أداء اىىاخت اىَْضىٍ واىزشاٍٍ ثبألدواد وغُشهب وإىقبء اىَخيفبد ػيً األسض )...فغـُزٌ اإلػالُ ػِ عىء عـيىمهٌ ضَِ اىَذسعـخ ٍِ خاله رمش أعـَبئهٌ فٍ عجىسح ثُضبء أو ىىزخ إػالُّخ قبثيخ ىَغر ٍبَنزت ػيُهب . × َزٌ مزبثخ إعٌ اىغبىت ووضغ إشبسح × ثدبّجه ػيً اىيىزخ آّفخ اىزمش فٍ زبه اسرنبثه ىيَخبىفخ اىغــيىمُخ ىيَشح األوىً (مبىزأخش ػِ اىسصخ اىذساعُخ ٍثالً). × َزٌ ثؼذ رىل وضغ إشبسح × ثدبّت اعٌ مو عبىت َشرنت ٍخبىفخ عيىمُخ أخشي . × َزٌ زدض اىغبىت فٍ زبه زصىىه ػيً ثالثخ إشبساد × (قذ َزٌ هْب زدض اىغبىت وإىضاٍه ثنزبثخ ّص اىغـــيىك اىقىٌَ ػذح ٍشاد). * َشنو مو دسط خذَذ ثذاَخ خذَذح ىيغالة رنىُ فُهب أعَبؤهٌ غُش ٍغديخ وػالٍبد × غُش ٍىضىػخ ثدبّجهب. مالحظات : َدت ػيً اىَذسعـُِ شـشذ اىْظــــبً ثىضىذ ودقـخٍ مبٍيُِ ىيغالة .قذ َغـهو ػيً اىغالة اىسصـىه ػيً ػالٍــبد √ أواىْدَبد فٍ ثذاَخ األٍش ٍَب َشدؼهٌ ػيً االّذٍبج فٍ اىْظبً واىزفبػو ٍؼهَ .دت أُ َزٌ ششذ هزا األٍش مزىل ىيغالة ثسُث َزَنِ اىَذسعىُ ٍِ رصؼُجه ٍغ ٍشوس اىىقذ (ثبىزذسَح) ػْذ اىىصىه إىً ٍشزيخٍ َنىُ اىغــيىك واالّضجبط اىؼبً قذ رسغٍْب فُهب. رسظً ٍغـأىخ رأخـش اىغالة ثبهزَـبًٍ ورشمُـض شـذَذَِ ٍِ قجو اىَذسعـخ وىزىل َدت اىزؼبٍو ٍؼهب ثصشاٍـخٍ أمجـش َ .دت رىفُش خُبس ػقىثـخٍ ٍُؼذًه ىيزأخـش فٍ اىقذوً إىً اىفصو ثشـنوٍ ٍزنـشس (مزذوَِ اعـٌ اىغبىت فٍ اىيىزـخ ووضغ إشـبسح × ثدبّجه وإَقبع ػقىثخ ٍؼُْخ ثه مسدضٍ َقضٍ وقزه فٍ مزبثخ ّص (فٍ اىىقذ اىَسذد) ػذح ٍشاد