Asian Paradigms Of Administration

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  • Words: 1,222
  • Pages: 11

• Emerging Markets, Organizational culture , Innovations and, Government and Business nexus • Far East Bubble burst , Myth or Reality. Learning organizations and Chinese Philosophy ( QUANXI)

• US Philosophy penetration: TQM, Value chain, Zero defect, Six sigma etc • Confucius, Sun Tzu, Islamic Management, Bhuddist Model. • New models and emerging in pursuit of Globalization. • New interpretations needed in contemporary times.

CONFUCIUS MODEL • Moral order in society : A system of person as a social being, interconnected to society through a system of moral and social ethics • An anthrop cosmic perspective : great triad of heaven -a guiding force, earth and humans, • 2. An organic holism where the universe is seen as unified, interconnected to everything for interpretation. • 3. A dynamic vitalism (Chi): the material energy force of the universe, which creates reciprocity between man and nature and is the substance of life responsible for continuing process of change in the universe • 4. Ethics embracing man and nature.

• “ Education enriches individual and society and history is moral reflection of learning, and Those who want to be a leader or ruler have to have their own house in order.”

Confucius model Contdd.. • Harmony admist Change, self interest and altruism NOT mutually Exclusive • Relationships extend from Family to Government

• 05 inner virtues; Integrity, Righteousness, Loyalty, Reciprocity and Human-heartedness • Guanxi; “a focus on relationships with a shared history, respect for the past, a value that many. • TAO ( Way of life), REN ( Love and Kindness), Li ( Rituals and reverence), Zhi (wisdom and ability to apply the above virtues ) Xin ( trustworthiness to safeguard the mission of the organization). Later Peter Drucker used these ideas in Modern Management.  If not applied properly then : Lack of profit, ideas can degenerate into nepotism, corruption and Authoritarianism

THE WAR (SUN TZU ) PARADIGM • STRATEGY : Achieving victory by outthinking and outfighting the enemy with the best tools at one’s disposal. • Gain advantage by minimum fighting or winning without war. • Winning whole: resources and objectives intact

• Deception: keep intentions secret . All warfare is based on it. Foreknowledge is the key which comes though network of people. • Energy : Energy or applying force effectively and efficiently Capabilities : finding the best path to achieve an objective; Initiative : how to take advantage and capitalize upon an emerging opportunity in a conflict • Difference between achievement or non achievement of victory is LEVEL OF TRAINING.


• Thorough planning is necessary; Avoid if possible direct competition against competitors • Emulate and Build your strengths where your competitors are weak; Ensure you have a planned exit strategy if necessary;

Know your competitors and yourself well, your success is certain

• Good Leadership is a powerful and indispensable for the motivation of followers (wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage, strictness); • Be formless like water (DIVINE SUCCESS) : modify tactics according to the enemy’s situation.

• A combination of benevolence and strictness is the key to guaranteeing loyalty of your staff; • Be transparent in your reward and punishment systems so employees know what they will receive

BUDDHIST PARADIGM • Metaphysics and Consciousness ( Feelings) Human existence is interwoven with everything else. No past, no present , no future. Universe and individuals are transient. ( Fana) • Suffering through life is the basic Truth . Desire for objects and permanence in the world as the source of all suffering. • If we extinguish our Attachment, we reduce our suffering; • Eightfold Path’ consists of right understanding, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort. • Right intention involves resistance to desire, anger, aversion, cruelty to others, or aggression. • Right action involves the body as a means of expression, and deeds that involve bodily actions. Right livelihood is about earning a living in a righteous way.

BUDDHIST PARADIGM Contdd.. • Right concentration ( Consciousness), Right effort ( Honesty) • Western models already had eight fold paths. Team work, Learning organization, System thinking ( Forces are interrelated to create indivisible whole), personal mastery Shared vision. • Team learning – is the ability of the group to rid themselves of their assumptions and begin to think together.

• Misguided effort leads one into delusion and negative Karma and confusion • Right mindfulness is both part of our perceptions and thoughts, to see beyond our stereotyped impressions and existing biases and patterning.

ISLAMIC PARADIGM • Quran and Teaching of Prophet MUHAMMAD (May peace be upon him) : Attributes of GOD in Human . • TAWHID: Central concept. Spirit and matter together. . • Nature of Man : Great spiritual heights or degeneration based on his deeds. Ibadah ( Follow God’s Will) is submission to HIS Laws. • Amoral society: Society when laspse into immorality becomes degenerative. Spirit and matter are in harmony. • Underdeveloped society of Muslims. Low GDP, Poverty and other crimes. • Ad-din : material and spiritual pursuits inseparable, where one’s whole life is concerned with the needs of humankind here on earth to secure a comfortable life in the Hereafter • Strive Hard to earn your living Ethically and help Mankind

ISLAMIC PARADIGM Contdd.. • Tawhid fall into two categories: fard’ain which is an individual’s obligation to perform his or her religious • duties and fard kifayah, which is an obligation for man to serve the entire community, through services to each other, necessary for the community to live safely and comfortably. To improve Mankind with right deeds is obligation. • Al- Iman based on Al –Ilm ( spiritual, scientific knowledge and wisdom) must consummate into Al-Amal ( Deeds / Actions). • Mudarabah: Partnership where one manages the partnership and another supplies the financial support, • b) Shirkah: where two or more individuals pool financial resources and share profit and loss on an agreed ratio and held liable to the extent of their capital,

ISLAMIC PARADIGM Contdd • Syari’ah: each partner is able to operate other businesses, independent of the principal business • Halal means lawful or permitted for Muslims.

• Toyyibaan means clean and pure. Also mean that agriculture must be undertaken within sustainable practices, and in business that things are done with good intentions • God equipped man with the faculties of understanding right and wrong, so that he may obtain a bright destiny. • Man has a free choice in what he chooses. Wrong deeds are Satanic acts.

• Shura is total organizational community participation in decision making

COUCLUSION ( Islamic Paradigm) • Covey’s first book The Seven Habits of Highly Effeective people • Be proactive as this will develop the ability to control one’s environment ( Knowledge) •

Begin tasks with the end result in mind, avoid distractions and concentrate (Taqwah)

• Organize correctly and undertake the most important tasks first in a step by step approach. ( Balance) • Look for win-win strategies so that all benefit; (UMMAH) • Listen to people first and understand them before you try to make them understand you, which will assist in maintaining positive relationships with people; (SHURA) • The concepts of Halal/Toyyibaan in Malaysia and Far east. y (hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP), and good manufacturing practices (GMP))

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