Basic Pathologies
Wind - Yang in nature - Used as a source for other factors to enter - Arises quickly and changes rapidly - Moves around - Affects upper part of body - Lungs are affected first - Causes itching
Wind Cold
Wind Heat
Cold - Yin in nature - Contracts - Usually invades hands, arms, feet, knees, low back, shoulders
Heat - Yang in nature - Expansive
- Yin excess … or - Yang deficiency … or - Cold Pathogen - Craves warmth, aversion to cold, cold limbs - Pale complexion - Lack of thirst - Loose stool - Clear and profuse urine - Sleepiness - Severe localized pain
- Yang excess … or - Yin deficiency … or - Heat pathogen - High fever, desires cold, aversion to heat, heat sensation - Red face, eyes, complexion - Thirst - Constipation - Scanty, dark yellow urine - Restlessness
Dampness - Yin in nature - From damp environments - Sticky and difficult to get rid of - HEAVY & SLOW - Tens to invade lower body
Dryness - Yang in nature - Usually from very dry weather - Internal Dryness is from Yin Deficiency
Summer Heat - Yang in nature - Only in the summer - Like a heat stroke
- Feeling of heaviness - No appetite - Cloudiness of discharges
- All symptoms are DRY
- Aversion to heat - Sweating - Headache - Scanty dark urine - Dry lips - Thirst - May see delirium, slurred, speech and unconsciousness
- Aversion to cold and/or wind - Sneezing - Cough - Runny nose with white discharge - Slight or no fever - Occipital stiffness and aches - No sweating or thirst
- Aversion to cold - Sneezing - Cough - Runny nose with slight yellow mucus - Slight sweating - Itchy and sore throat - Swollen tonsils - Thirst
Thin, white coat
Yellow coating
Sticky coat
Red on the sides and tip
Floating, tight
Red on tip or sides, thin white coat (will take time) Floating and rapid
White coating
Interior - Refers to location of disorder - Internal organs and bones (incl. Qi and Blood)
Excess (Full) - Refers to strength of either the pathogen, or the body’s substances (qi, blood, fluids, jing, yin, yang, …)
Deficiency (Empty) - Refers to strength of either the pathogen, or the body’s substances (qi, blood, fluids, jing, yin, yang, …)
Yin - Yin is considered deficiency, interior, and cold - Usually patients present with a combination of yin and yang - Yin Deficiency = Blood Def. + Heat Sxs
Yang - Yang is considered excess, exterior, and heat - Usually patients present with a combination of yin and yang - Yang Deficiency = Qi Def. + Cold Sxs
- pathologic factors in the body with no signs of weakened bodily resistance
- Can be due to loss or hypo function of qi, blood, yin, or yang
- Can occur when body’s functions become hyperactive or when there is an accumulation of substances like Qi or blood - Forceful movement - Loud and full voice - Restlessness - Anything aggravated by pressure - Irritability - Heavy breathing - Acute conditions
- Poorly functioning organs can lead to deficiency
- Frail and weak movement - Feeble voice - Listlessness - Anything alleviated by pressure - Shallow breathing - Spontaneous sweating (no stimulus) - Chronic conditions Pale tongue with little or no coating Empty, thin, or weak
- Low grade fever or afternoon fever - 5 center heat sensation - dry throat at night - night sweats - emaciation - floating
Red peeled, dry
Pale and wet
Exterior Excess
Interior Cold
Interior Heat
- Yang Deficiency - (Excess)
- Yin Deficiency - (Excess)
Exterior - Refers to location of disorder - Skin, hair, muscles and channels
- Chills - Fevers - Sore limbs - runny nose - Cough - Aversion to wind, cold or heat
- Changes in stool or urine - High fever with no fear of cold - Fever without chills - Chills without fever - Pain in trunk - Tongue and body changes
Rough, thick coating
Strong, full
Exterior/Interior – Cold/Heat – Excess/Deficiency Exterior Cold Exterior Heat Nature
Exterior Deficiency - Seen as a disharmony between Wei Qi and Ying Qi - Wei Qi is low and Yin Qi is high; Wei Qi cannot contain Ying Qi => sweating
- NO SWEAT - Runny nose with clear or white discharge - Cough with white sputum
- Runny nose with thick yellow discharge - Cough with yellow sputum - Sore throat - Slight sweating
- Sweating - Intolerance to wind
- No sweating - General aching
Chills Cold limbs No thirst Loose stools Clear or profuse urine
Pale with white coat
Chilliness Cold limbs No thirst Desire for hot drinks Loose stools Frequent pale urination
High fever Thirst Irritability Flushed face Constipation Deep yellow, scanty urine
Red with yellow coat
Interior Deficiency
Feeble breathing Apathy Lassitude Dizziness
Pale with thin white coat
Interior Excess
- Cold, heat - Qi stagnation, blood stagnation, food stagnation - Damp retention syndromes - Coarse breathing - Loud voice - Irritability - Fullness in chest - Abdominal distention - Constipation Rough body with thick coat
Floating and tense
Floating and rapid
Floating and moderate
Floating and forceful
Deep and slow
Rapid and forceful
Deep and forceful
Deep and forceful
Qi Disorders
Qi Deficiency Hypo-function of Zang fu organs
- Weakness after a long illness - Improper diet - Emotional stress and depression - Overwork of physical activity - Old age - Lack of physical activity Pale complexion Fatigue Apathy BIG 5 Dizziness Spontaneous sweating LU: No energy to cough Dyspnea Clear and thin sputum Weak voice Aversion to wind Catches cold easily
Qi Sinking - Downward movement of Qi - Difficulty in the holding ability of Qi - Usually occurs in the Middle Burner Same as Qi Deficiency
Qi Stagnation Obstruction of Qi in a certain portion of the body
Qi Rebelling Upward movement of Qi
Same as Qi stagnation
- BIG 5 of Qi Deficiency - Distention and sinking sensation in the abdomen - Organ prolaps - Prolonged diarrhea - Urinary incontinence - Miscarriages (habitual)
Travelling pain Distention
Mental depression Emotional stress Improper diet Pathogenic obstruction
ST: Belching Borborgymus Pain + distention in epigastrum LU: Distention and fullness in chest Cough and asthma
HT: Palpitation Shortness of breath Stifling sensation in chest
LV: Pain and distention in hypochondrium Breast distention Mood swings
LU: Cough Wheeze ST: Hiccups Belching Nausea Vomiting LV: Headache Dizziness Vertigo Syncope Coma Hemoptysis Hematemesis
SP: Poor appetite Abdominal distention Loose stool Edema Emaciation KD: Poor hearing Weakness in knees Frequent and clear urinat’n Dribbling and incontinence Nocturnal emissions Watery + clear leukorrhea Tongue Pulses
Pale with teeth marks and thin white coat Weak
Pale with teeth marks and thin white coat Weak
May appear normal or slight purple Wiry
Depending on presiding factor Depending on presiding factor
Blood Disorders
Tongue Pulses
Blood Deficiency Insufficient blood to nourish Zang fu organs
Blood Stagnation Accumulation of blood in an area resulting in decreased blood circulation Sprain or contusions Hemorrhage Slowing of Qi circulation leading to slow blood flow Qi Deficiency Pathogenic cold or heat
Blood Heat
Blood Cold
Exogenous pathogenic heat Obstruction of LV Qi leading to fire
Pathogenic cold
Pricking or cutting pain Fixed pain that does not like pressure Aggravated at night Purplish discoloration or area Mass in abdomen Dark purple hemorrhage Tarry stools Dark complexion Dry, rough, lustreless skin Purpura on skin Cyanosis in lips and finer Nails Amenorrhea
Hemoptysis (coughing blood) Hematemesis (vomitinng “) Hematochezia (stool “) Epistaxis (nose blood) Menorrhagia (uterine “) Subcutaneous bleeding (skin blood) Irritability Restlessness Delirium Mania Coma 5 center feverish sensation Tremors Opisthotonos Convulsions Yin Sxs: Afternoon fever Night sweats Dry mouth and throat
Pain in hands and feet relieved by warmth Purplish and cold skin Lower abdominal pain Oligomenorrhea Dark purple flow with clots
Dark purple or purpura on tongue Thready and choppy
Deep red with yellow or mirror coating Wiry and rapid
Dark pale with white coat
Fluid Deficiency Lack of moisture and nourishment of the organs and tissues
Edema – Yang Retention of fluid subcutaneously
Edema – Yin Retention of fluid subcutaneously
Phlegm Syndrome Thick and turbid fluid retention between organs, meridians and tissues
- SP and ST deficiency - Fluid Loss from a febrile illness, diarrhea, vomiting, sweating or bleeding - DRY – mouth, throat, lips, skin and stool
Dysfunction of LU Damp living conditions Dysfunction of SP (transform + transport) Acute onset of edema in face and eyelids Lustrous skin Scanty urine Aversion to cold Fever Achy Sore Throat
Overstrain Internal injury and excessive sexual activity Weakness of SP and KI Gradual onset of edema esp. below the waist Pitting edema (bilateral) Poor apetite Distention on chest and abdomen Fatigue Soreness and weakness in low back and knees Cold limbs and aversion to cold
Congential Spleen + Stomach Deficiency Hemorrhages Prolonged disease Over meditating Blood stagnation Intestinal parasites Pale complexion Pale lips 4 Pales Pale finger nails Pale conjunctiva Palpitations Insomnia Poor memory Hypertonic muscles Dizziness Blurring vision Night blindness Tremor of limbs Numbness of extremities Oligomenorrhea Amenorrhea Light colored flow
Pale with white coating (5th pale) Thread and weak
Deep, slow and choppy
Fluid Disorders
Substantial: can be seen Insubstantial: cant be seen External pathogens Emotional disorders Organ problems (esp. SP, LU, KI) Cough and asthma LU Dry: Viscous and turbid sputum Distention on abdomen SP Damp Cold: Anorexia Nausea or vomiting of phlegm Vertigo LV Wind: Plum feeling in throat Numbness of limbs Nodes and masses HT Heat: Mental confusion Coma Epilepsy Depression Mania
Red and dry
Thin white or yellow coat
Rapid and thready
Floating or slipper, and rapid
Pale, flabby body with white moist coat Deep and weak
Sticky coat Slipper
Lung Pathologies Lung Qi Deficiency
Lung Yin Deficiency
Lung Cold
Lung Heat
Lung Dryness
- Chronic cough or asthma - Insufficiency of Qi production
- Prolonged cough - Heat disorders which injure the lung - Prolonged dryness
- Pathogenic cold in the Lung - Wind Cold
- Pathogenic Heat - Pathogenic Cold turning to Pathogenic Heat in the Lung - Wind Heat
- Pathogenic Dryness (stomach yin deficiency) - Wind heat - Wind Dryness
Phlegm Damp Retention in Lung - Pathogenic Wind, Cold & Damp - Prolonged cough or asthma - Spleen dysfunction of transportation - Cough with frothy or white, sticky sputum - Sputum is easy to expectorate - Stuffiness and fullness in the chest – clogged up - Gurgling sound with sputum in the chest - SOB - Dislikes lying down
Phlegm-Heat Obstructing
- Feeble cough or asthma - SOB, worse on exertion - Low and/or hoarse voice - Aversion to cold - Watery or thin/clear sputum - Catches cold easily - Fatigue - Spontaneous sweating - Dizziness - Pale face (last 4 part of big 5)
- Dry cough (with small amounts of sticky sputum; with blood tinged sputum) - Dry mouth and throat - Afternoon fever - Malar flush - Night sweats - Heat sensation in 5 centers (last five found in generalized yin deficiency)
- Cough - Asthma - Thin, white sputum - Absence of thirst - Runny nose with clear mucus or complicated with aversion to cold - Fever - Headache and body aches - Itchy throat - Sneezing (last 4 are wind cold)
- Cough - Asthma - Yellow sticky sputum - Thirst - Sore throat - Aversion to heat - Chest pain - Yellow purulent sputum with blood - Constipation - Scant, concentrated urine
- Dry cough with little sputum - Sputum too sticky to cough up - Dry nose and throat - Chest pain - Dry skin - Thirst - Hoarse voice
Pale tongue with a thin, white coating Weak or empty pulses, especially right cun position
White coat (thin in Wind Cold; thicker in pathogenic cold) Tight
Red body and thin, yellow coat
Red body with a dry coat or little coating and maybe cracks or peeling Rapid and thready
Dry tongue with thin coating
Pale with a white, sticky coat
Red body with a thick, sticky yellow coating
Rapid and thready
Wiry and slippery
Rapid and slippery
LI Heat-Consumption of Fluid - Excessive consumption of hot foods (lamb, beef, alcohol)
Cold Invading LI
LI Dryness
LI Intestinal Abscess
- Chronic exposure to cold weather with abdomen exposed - Sitting on cold, wet surfaces for long periods - Sudden abdominal pain - Diarrhea with pain - Feeling of cold - Cold sensation in the abdomen
- Blood or Yin Deficiency (elderly, women after delivery, late stages of febrile desease) - Dry and warm climates - Dry stools - Constipation - Dry mouth and throat - Yellow, scanty uring
- Irregular diet habits - Cold and heat imbalance in the abdomen - Excess activity soon after eating - Urgent pain the lower right quadrant (Worse with pressure) - Possibly fever
Thick, white coating
Dry, red or pale body without coating Thready
Red body with thick yellow coat Full and Rapid
- Wind-heat invasion - Smoking - Excesses eating of hot and greasy foods
- Breaking cough - Profuse yellow or green sputum that is foul smelling - Asthma - Heavy feeling in the chest - SOB
Large Intestine Pathologies LI Damp Heat Causes
- Excessive consumption of hot and greasy foods - pathogenic summer heat, damp and heat
- Abdominal pain - Tenesmus - Blood and mucus in the stools - Burning sensation in the anus - Diarrhea with yellow watery stools - Offensive stool odor - Thirst with no desire to drink - Scanty, deep yellow urine - Fever - Sweating Red body with yellow, sticky coating Rapid and slipper
Tongue Pulses
- Constipation - Burning sensation in the mouth - Burning and swelling in the anus - Dark, scanty urine
Red body with thick yellow or brown, dry coat Full and rapid
Deep and wiry
Heart Pathologies Heart Qi Deficiency
Heart Yang Deficiency
Heart Blood Deficiency
Heart Yin Deficiency
Heart Fire
- Poor constitution - Prolonged illness or sever diseases - Congenital deficiency or senility - Palpitations (strong; worse on exertion) - SOB (worse on exertion) - Low and/or hoarse voice - Fatigue - Spontaneous sweating - Dizziness - Pale Face - Watery and thin/clear sputum - Catches cold easily
Same as for Qi Deficiency
- Prolonged illness - Hemorrhage - Poor blood production - Emotional issues disturbing the mind - Palpitations - Excessive dreams - Poor memory - Dizziness - Anxiety - Easily startled - Pale lips - Insomnia (inability to fall asleep but once asleep it is uninterrupted)
Same as Heart Blood Deficiency
- Mental depression - External pathogens turning to heat inside body - Interior heat excess
- Heart Blood Deficiency plus … - Malar flush - Low-grade or afternoon fever - Dry mouth and throat - 5 center heat sensation - Night sweats - Insomnia (inability to fall asleep and waking up intermittently but sleeping more than awake)
- Palpitations (strong, not agg. by anything) - Thirst - Mouth and tongue ulcers - Mental restlessness (talkative) - Agitated (manic) - Insomnia (cant sleep; more awake than sleep) - Red face - Dark urine or blood in urine - Bitter taste in mouth only in the morning
Pale tongue with a thin, white coating
Pale, swollen with a white, smooth or wet coating
Pale and thin with a thin, white coat
Weak or empty
Weak and deep, often slow
Weak and thready
- Red body with little or no coat - Red tip with red papules - Deep midline crack extending to tip maybe bifurcating the tip Rapid and thready
- Heart Qi Deficiency plus …. (worse on - Chills - Cold limbs - Chest pain - Bright pale face
Phlegm-Fire harassing the Heart - Mental depression - Phlegm accumulation in the body
Phlegm Misting the Mind
Heart Blood Stagnation
- Congenital in children - Phlegm accumulation in the body
- Insufficiency of Heart Blood and Yang - Mental irritation - Exposure to cold
- Palpitations - Stabbing pain in the heart (may radiate to left arm or shoulder) – if acute, call 911; if chronic, treat - Feeling of constriction in the chest Cyanosis of the lips and nails
Red with redder tip
- Mental restlessness - Palpitations - Bitter taste in the morning - Dream-disturbed sleep - Easily startled - Incoherent speech or aphasia - Muttering to oneself - Mental confusion or depression - Irrational behaviour (above 4: phlegm blocks function of any organ) - Tendency to scold or hit people - Uncontrolled laughter, crying, shouting Red with yellow sticky coat
Thick, sticky coat maybe with a swollen body (no heat)
Dark purple or dark purple spots on tongue
Full and rapid
Wiry and slippery
Slippery often slow
Thready and hesitant or with missed beats
Mental confusion Unconsciousness Lethargic stuper Vomiting Aphasia Staring at walls Introverted manner Rattling sound in throat Muttering to oneself Depression
Small Intestine Pathologies
Tongue Pulses
Full-Heat in SI - Excessive anxiety
- Mental restlessness - Tongue ulcers - Pain in throat - Deafness (SI ends in ear) - Uncomfortable feeling in chest - Abdominal pain (worse with pressure) - Thirst (for cold; better with cold drink) - Scanty and dark urine - Painful urination - Blood in urine (last three are fluid Sxs) Red with redder tip and a yellow coat Rapid and full
SI Qi pain - Excessive consumption of cold and raw foods - Factors which cause Liver Qi stagnation - Lower abdominal twisting pain which may extend to the back - Abdominal distention - Dislikes pressure on abdomen - Borborygmi - Flatulence - Abdominal pain relieved by passing wind - Pain in the testes
SI Deficient & Cold - Excessive consumption of cold and raw foods
White coating
Pale body with white coating
Deep and wiry
Deep, slow, and weak
- Abdominal pain - Desire for hot drinks - Like pressure on abdomen (and warmth) - Borborygmi - Diarrhea - pale and copious urine