Asian Med - Important Points

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 14
The Lung Meridian Point Type Well

Point Lu 11


Lu 10


Lu 9


Lu 8


Lu 5

Back Shu

UB 13

Back Shu-emotions Front Mu

UB 42 – corporeal soul-po Lu 1

Source Connecting

Lu 9 Lu 7 (LI 6)



Lu 9 - vessels Lu 7 – head and posterior neck Lu 6

Window of the Sky

Lu 3


Location Radial side of thumb, 0.1 cun posterior to nail corner Radial aspect of midpoint of first metacarpal bone @ junction of red and white skin Radial end of transverse wrist crease on lat side of radial A 1 cun above transverse wrist crease in depression on lateral side of radial artery Cubital crease in depression on radial side of biceps tendon (sl. flex elbow) 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of T3 3 cun lateral to lower border of T3 1 cun below lu 2 at first IC space, 6 cun lateral to midline (Lu2=@ infraclavicular fossa, 6 cun lat to midline) See above - place index finger above styloid process in hand shaking manner See above

Angle Perp 0.1” or prick to bleed

See above

See above

Palmar forearm, 7 cun above transverse wrist crease (b/w lu 9 and lu 5) Medial upper arm, 3 cun below end of axillary fold on radial side of biceps

Perp 0.5-1”

Perp 0.5-0.8”

Perp 0.2-0.3” Perp 0.1-0.3”

Perp 0.5-1.0”

Oblique lateral, 0.5-0.7” Oblique lateral 0.3-0.5” Oblique lat, 0.5-0.8”

See above Pinch skin, obliquely up, 0.3-0.5” See above

Perp 0.5-1”

The Large Intestine Meridian Point Type Well

Point LI 1


LI 2


LI 3


LI 5


LI 11

Back Shu

UB 25

Front Mu

St 25


LI 4 *CI in pg


LI 6 (Lu 7)

Command Xi-cleft

LI 4 - face and mouth LI 7

Window of the Sky

LI 18

Location Radial side of index finger, 0.i cun posterior to corner of nail Radial side of index finger distal to 2nd MCP joint at junction of red and white skin (sl. Flex finger) Loose fist, radial side of index finger in depression proximal to head of 2nd met bone Radial side of wrist, tilt thumb upwards - in anatomical snuffbox Elbow flexed, in depression lateral to end of transverse cubital crease 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of L4 2 cun lateral to center of umbilicus Hand dorsum b/w 1st and 2nd met bones in the middle of 2nd met bone on radial side Elbow flexed and radial side of arm up, 3 cun above wrist crease b/w LI 5 and LI 11 See above

Angle Perp 0.1” or prick to bleed

Elbow flexed and radial arm up, 5 cun above wrist crease b/w 5 and 11 Lateral neck, level with tip of adam’s appleb/w 2 heads of SCM

Perp 0.5-1.0”

Perp 0.2-0.3”

Perp 0.5-0.8”

Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 1.0-1.5”

Perp 0.8-1.2” Perp 0.7-1.2” Perp 0.5-1”

Perp or oblique 0.5-0.8”

See above

Perp 0.3-0.5”

The Spleen Meridian Point Type Well

Point Sp 1


Sp 2


Sp 3


Sp 5


Sp 9

Back Shu

UB 20

Back Shu – emotions Front Mu

UB 49 - intellect (worry, guilt) Lv 13

Source Connecting

Sp 3 Sp 4 (St 40)


Sp 8

Location Medial side of big toe, 0.1 cun posterior to nail corner Medial side of big toe, distal and inferior to first MTP joint @ junction of red and white skin Proximal and inferior to head of first Met bone @ r/w junction Depression distal and inferior to the medial malleolus midway b/w tuberosity of navicular bone and tip of m.m. Lower border of medial condyle of tibia in depression posterior and inferior to medial condyle 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of T11 3 cun lateral to lower border of T11 On lateral side of abdomen below free end of rib 11 See above Depression distal and inferior to base of first met bone @ r/w junction 3 cun below Sp 9 b/w 9 and m.m.

Angle Perp O.1” Perp 0.1-0.3”

Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp, 0.2-0.3”

Perp 0.5-1”

Oblique, 0.5-0.7” Oblique 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.5-0.8” See above Perp 0.5-0.8” Perp 0.5-1”

The Stomach meridian Point Type Well

Point St 45


St 44


St 43


St 41



Back Shu

UB 21

Front Mu

CV 12


St 42


St 40 (Sp 4)


St 36 - abdomen St 34


Location Lateral side of 2nd toe, 0.1 cun posterior to nail corner Proximal to web margin b/w 2nd and 3rd toes Depression distal to the junction of the 2nd and 3rd met bones Foot dorsum @ midpt of transverse ankle crease in depression b/w tendons of EDL and hallucis longus 3 cun below St 35(lateral knee eye) one finger from tibial border 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of T12 Anterior midline, 4 cun above umbilicus Highest point on foot dorsum, b/w 2nd and 3rd met bones and cuneiform bone 8 cun superior to tip of lateral malleolus 2 finger breadths lateral to tibial border See above

Angle Subcut 0.1”

Knee flexed, 2 cun above laterosuperior border of patella

Perp 0.5-1”

Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.5-0.7”

Perp 0.5-1.2” Oblique 0.5-0.8” Perp 0.5-1.2” Perp 0.3-0.5” (avoid dorsal foot a.) Perp 0.5-1.0”

See above

The Heart Meridian Point Type Well

Point Ht 9


Ht 8


Ht 7


Ht 4


Ht 3

Back Shu

UB 15

Back shu – emotions Front Mu

UB 44 - shen CV 14

Source Connecting

Ht 7 Ht 5 (SI 7)


Ht 6

Location On the radial side of little finger, 0.1 cun posterior to the nail corner Palm faces up, b/w 4th and 5th met bones, where tip of little finger rests when fist is made At ulnar end of transverse wrist crease in depression on radial side of tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) Palm up, radial side of FCU 1.5 cun above wrist crease Elbow flexed, midpoint of line connecting medial end of cubital crease and medial epicondyle of humerus 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of T5 3 cun lateral to lower border of T5 On anterior midline, 6 cun above umbilicus See above Palm up, radial side of tendon of FCU1 cun above wrist crease Palm faces up, radial side of tendon of FCU, 0.5 cun above wrist crease

Angle Subcut, 0.1 cun or prick to bleed Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.5-1”

Oblique lat 0.5-0.7” Oblique lat 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.3-0.8” See above Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.3-0.5”

The Small Intestine Meridian Point Type Well

Point SI 1


SI 2


SI 3


SI 5


SI 8

Back Shu

UB 27

Front Mu

CV 4


SI 4


SI 7 (Ht 5)


SI 6

Window of the Sky

SI 16

SI 17

Location Ulnar side of little finger, 0.1 cun posterior to nail corner Loose fist, ulnar end of crease distal to MCP jt of little finger @ r/w junction Loose fist, ulnar end of distal palmar crease, proximal to 5th MCP jt @ end of transverse crease and @ r/w junction Ulnar end of transverse crease on dorsal wrist in depression b/w styloid process of ulna and triquetral bone Elbow flexed, in depression b/w olecranon and medial epicondyle of humerus 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of S1 Anterior midline, 3 cun below umb, 2 cun above pubic symphysis Ulnar side of palm in depression b/w base of 5th met bone & hamate bone (distal to base of 5th met bone) 5 cun above SI 5 on dorsal wrist crease in line b/w 5 and 8 Palm on chest, in bony cleft on radial side of styloid process of ulna (on dorsal hand) Lateral neck, posterior to SCM, posterosuperior to LI 18 Posterior to angle of mandible in depression on the anterior border of SCM

Angle Subcut, 0.1” or prick to bleed Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.5-0.7”

Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp, 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.8-1.2” Perp 0.8-1.2” Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.5-0.8” Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.3-0.7”

Perp, 0.5-0.7”

The Kidney Meridian Point Type Well

Point Kd 1


Kd 2


Kd 3


Kd 7


Kd 10

Back Shu

UB 23

Back shu - emotions Front Mu

UB 52 - will power GB 25

Source Connecting

Kd 3 Kd 4 (UB 58)


Kd 5

Location Foot sole @ junction of ant 1/3 and post 2/3 of sole Distal and inf to med malleolus in depression on lower border of tuberosity of navicular bone B/w tip of medial malleolus and Achilles tendon @ level with tip of m.m. 2 cun above kd 3 on ant border of Achilles Knee flexed, medial side of popliteal fossa b/w tendons of ms semimembranosus and semitendinosus 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of L2 3 cun lateral to the lower border of L2 Lateral abdomen, lower border of free end of rib 12 See above Post and inferior to m.m. in depression medial to the attachment of Achilles tendon (0.5 cun post to midline of line b/w 3 and 5) 1 cun directly below kd 3 in depression on medial side of insertion of Achilles tendon into calcaneus

Angle Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.5-0.7” Perp 0.8-1.0”

Perp 1-1.2” Perp 0.5-1” Perp 0.3-0.5” See above Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.3-0.5”

The Urinary Bladder Meridian Point Type Well

Point UB 67


UB 66


UB 65


UB 60


UB 40

Back Shu

UB 28

Front Mu

CV 3


UB 64


UB 58 (kd 4)


UB 11 - bones

Location Lateral side of small toe, 0.1 cun post to nail corner Ant to 5th MTP jt @ r/w junction Prox to 5th MTP jt at r/w junction B/w lat malleolus tip and Achilles tendon Midpoint of transverse crease of popliteal fossa 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of S2 ant midline, 4 cun below umb (1 cun above pubic symphysis) Below tuberosity of 5th met bone @ r/w junction 7 cun above UB 60 on post border of fibula 1.5 cun lateral to lower border to T1

Angle Superficial 0.1” Perp 0.2-0.3” Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp, 0.5-1” Perp, 0.5-1” Perp 0.8-1.2” Perp, 0.5-1” Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.7-1” Oblique lateral, 0.5-0.7” Oblique lateral, 0.5-0.7”


UB 17 - blood UB 40 - upper and lower back UB 63

Window of the Sky

UB 10


Back shu points UB 13 (emot-UB 42-corporeal) UB 14 UB 15 (emot – UB 44 – shen) UB 18 (emot – UB 47 – ethereal) UB 19 UB 20 (emot – UB 49 – intellect) UB 21 UB 22 UB 23 (emot–UB 52–will power) UB 25 UB 27

Lung Pericardium Heart Liver Gall bladder Spleen Stomach TW Kidney LI SI

1.5 cun lateral to lower border of T7 See above On lateral foot, below anterior border of lat malleolus on lower cuboid bone, ant and inf to UB 62 (62 = directly below lat malleolus) 1.3 cun lateral to midpoint of posterior hairline, lateral to trap m.

See above Perp, 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.5-0.8”

1.5 cun lat to lower border of T3 T4 T5 T9 T10 T11 T12 L1 L2 L4 S1

UB 28



The Pericardium Meridian Point Type Well

Point P9









Back Shu

UB 14

Front Mu

CV 17

Source Connecting

P7 P 6 (TW 5)



Window of the Sky


Location Center of tip of middle finger Palm center at part where tip of middle finger reaches when fist is made Middle of transverse wrist crease b/w palmaris longus and FCR 3 cun above transverse wrist crease b/w tendons of palmaris longus and FCR Transverse cubital crease, ulnar side of biceps tendon 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of T4 Midway b/w nipples, @ 4th IC space at midline See above 2 cun above transverse wrist crease b/w palmaris longus and FCR 5 cun above transverse wrist crease on line connecting 3 and 7 b/w tendons of palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis 4th IC space, 1 cun lateral to nipple and 5 cun lat to ant midline

Angle Superficially 0.1” or prick to bleed Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.5-1”

Perp, 0.5-0.7” Oblique 0.5-0.7” Subcut 0.3-0.5” See above Perp, 0.5-0.8”

Perp 0.5-0.7”

Oblique lat, 0.2-0.4”

The triple warmer meridian Point Type Well

Point TW 1


TW 2


TW 3


TW 6


TW 10

Back Shu

UB 22

Front Mu

CV 5


TW 4


TW 5 (P 6)


TW 7

Window of the Sky

TW 16

Location Lateral ring finger, 0.1 cun posterior to nail corner Clenched fist, depression proximal to web margin b/w ring and small fingers @ r/w junction Fist clenched, hand dorsum b/w 4th and 5th met bones prox to MCP jt 3 cun prox to dorsal wrist crease on line connecting 4 and olecranon tip b/w radius and ulna Elbow flexed, 1 cun sup to olecranon 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of L1 2 cun below umbilicus, on ant midline (3 cun above pubic symphysis) Transverse crease of wrist dorsum, lateral to extensor digiti minimi 2 cun prox to dorsal wrist crease b/w 4 and olecranon tip b/w radius and ulna At level of 6 (3 cun above dorsal wrist crease b/w 4 and olec tip b/w r & u), 1 finger lateral on radial side of ulna Lateral neck below post border of mastoid at level of angle of mandible on post border of SCM

Angle Superficial, 0.1” or prick Oblique 0.3-0.5” toward met bone intersace

Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.5-1” Perp 0.5-1” Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.5-1”

Perp 0.5-1”

Perp 0.3-0.5”

The Liver Meridian Point Type Well

Point Lv 1


Lv 2


Lv 3


Lv 4


Lv 8

Back Shu

UB 18

Back shu – emotions Front Mu

UB 47 - ethereal soul-hun (suppressed anger) Lv 14

Source Connecting

Lv 3 Lv 5 (GB 37)


Lv 13 - zang organs Lv 6


Location Lat side of dorsum of terminal phalynx of great toe, 0.1 cun from nail corner Dorsum of foot b/w 1st and 2nd toe 0.5 cun proximal to web margin Foot dorsum in depression distal to junction of 1st and 2nd met bones 1 cun ant to med malleolus in depression on medial side of tendon of tibialis anterior Flexed knee, superior to medial end of popliteal crease in depression ant to tendons of ms semitendinosus and semimembranosus 1.5 cun lateral to lower border of T9 3 cun lateral to lower border of T9

Angle Subcut 0.1-0.2”

Directly below nipple in 6th IC space, 4 cun lateral to anterior midline See above 5 cun above tip of medial malleolus on midline of medial surface of tibia Lateral abdomen below free end of 11th rib 7 cun above medial malleolus tip on midline of medial surface of tibia

Oblique lateral 0.3-0.5”

Oblique up 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.5-0.8”

Oblique lateral 0.5-0.7” Oblique lateral 0.3-0.5”

See above Subcut 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.5-0.8” Subcut 0.5-0.8”

The Gall bladder Meridian Point Type Well

Point GB 44


GB 43


GB 41


GB 38


GB 34

Back Shu

UB 19

Front Mu

GB 24


GB 40


GB 37 (Lv 5)


GB 34 - sinews GB 39 - marrow


GB 36

Location Lat side of 4th toe, 0.1 cun post to nail corner Foot dorsum b/w 4th and 5th toe, proximal to web margin @ r/w junction Distal to junction of 4th and 5th met bones on lat side of ext digiti minimi 4 cun above tip of lat malleolus ant to ant border of fibula b/w ms extensor digitorum longus and peroneus brevis Depression anterior and inf to head of fibula 1.5 cun lat to lower border of T10 SP Directly below nipple in 7th IC space, 4 cun lat to midline Ant and inf to lat mall, in depression on lat side of m. extensor digitorum longus 5 cun above lat malleolus tip on ant border of fibula See above

Angle Sup, 0.1”

- 3 cun above tip of lat malleolus b/w post border of fibula and tendons of peroneus longus and brevis 7 cun above lat malleolus tip on ant border of fibula

Perp 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.5-0.7”

Perp 0.8-1.2” Oblique lat 0.5-0.8” Oblique lat 0.3-0.5” Perp 0.5-0.8”

Perp 0.7-1” See above

Perp 0.5-0.8”

The Conception Vessel meridian Point Type Influential

Window of the sky

Point CV 12 - fu organs

Location 4 cun above umb at ant midline

CV 17 - Qi CV 22

- b/w nipples @ 4th IC space Center of suprasternal fossa, 0.5 cun superior to suprasternal notch

Front Mu points – all on ant midline CV 3 UB CV 4 SI CV 5 TW CV 12 St CV 14 Heart CV 17 Pericardium

Angle Subcut 0.3-0.5”

Perp 0.2” and then needle downwards 0.51”

4 cun below umb 3 cun below umb 2 cun below umb 4 cun above umb 6 cun above umb B/w nipples @ 4th IC space

The Governing Vessel Meridian Point Type Window of the sky

Point GV 16

Location 1 cun directly above midpoint of post hairline, directly below EOP, below SP of C1

Angle Perp 0.5-0.8”

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