Asanc Policies And Procedures - September 15, 2001

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  • Words: 3,857
  • Pages: 11


Adopted by the Board of Directors September 15, 2001

Table of Contents Topic







Annual Membership Meeting.








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Budget and Legal Issues





















Election of Officers






















Executive Committee.








Line of Authority




























Board of Directors



Membership . Nominations .


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Voting Privileges

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ADVISORS • In addition to the consultant, the Board of Directors may ask other persons to serve as voluntary advisors. Advisors must be approved by a majority vote of the Board. • Standing and Ad hoc Committees may appoint advisors to assist them in their work. Committee advisors must be approved by a majority vote of the Board. 8 Recommended advisors may not be present during a vote on their acceptance. • Advisors may be removed from their position by a majority vote of the Board. • Advisors do not have voting privileges on the committees or the Board. However, they may participate in discussion of issues. The president or chair of the committee may ask advisors to leave the meeting if he/she feels that the advisor is taking over the meeting. • Advisors of local self advocacy groups are welcomed to attend Board and committee meetings with the self advocate from the local group. ANNUAL MEMBERSfflP MEETING • The annual membership meeting shall be held at the annual convention. • A quorum shall consist of those present at the meeting. • The dues shall be approved at the annual membership meeting. • Resolutions may be considered at the annual membership meeting. AWARDS Committee" Composition The immediate past president shall chair the Awards Committee. The president shall appoint two additional members to the committee by October 1. If a member of the Awards Committee is nominated for an award, that person cannot be involved in the selection process and shall be replaced by the President. Types of Awards There shall be awards given in the following categories: Self Advocate of the Year • Is a strong advocate for persons with disabilities Speaks out on behalf of persons with disabilities • Takes a leadership role in helping people with disabilities become better advocates • Has helped to bring about change that has benefited people with disabilities Self Advocacy Group Award for Advocacy • Makes advocacy a priority in what the group does • Works to make the needs of persons with disabilities known • Has brought about change that has benefited people with disabilities Self Advocacy Group Award for Community Service • Makes community service a priority in what the group does • Participates in at least one community service project each year • Shows the community that persons with disabilities can contribute to the well being of the community

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President's Award • Given at the discretion of the President to a self advocate who puts forth extra effort to help ASANC, specifically, or self advocacy, in general. Process Awards nomination information must be sent to the general membership no later than October 15. Information about each award category and a nomination form shall be provided to the membership. BOARD O F DIRECTORS Membership and Voting 9 Any local self advocacy group may have a representative on the Board of Directors,1 • Local self advocacy groups must submit names, addresses and phone numbers of representatives to the Board by April 15 by letter from the President of the group. This may be done at the annual convention. Alternates may also be named in the letter. The coordinator will call all groups that have not submitted a letter naming then representatives within 60 days of the convention. • Only representatives appointed or elected by local self advocacy groups (or designated alternates) may vote at the Board meetings. 9 Only self advocates may vote at Board meetings. Advisors cannot vote, (see Advisors) Board Meetings • Board meetings shall be held at least quarterly beginning in June. A planning retreat shall be held annually in June in order that the board might set goals and for the coming year, revise the budget as approved at the membership meeting (if needed) and determine if more than quarterly meetings of the board is necessary. A schedule of meetings will be determined at the Planning Retreat and set to all Board members within 30 days after the Planning Retreat. • The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the Planning Retreat. • Notices of the Board meetings shall be mailed at least 15 days prior to the Board meeting. • Minutes of board meetings shall be mailed to the Board within 30 days after the Board meeting. 9 Emergency meetings of the Board may be called by the President when determined to be needed by giving a 7 day notice. Board Member Reimbursement 9 The President will be reimbursed for personal expenses (food, travel, lodging, registration) in attending to ASANC business up to the amount set by the Board in its annual budget. This does not include other line items such as postage and telephone. Reimbursement forms (see attached) and receipts must be submitted to the Treasurer to be reimbursed. 9 Board members, upon submission of a reimbursement form, are allowed up to $100 for expenses during the year. This amount may be used for travel, lodging, food, phone expense, etc., in attending to ASANC business. 9 Travel reimbursement shall be at the rate according to the approved budget. 9 Board members must have approval of at least the President and Treasurer prior to any expenditure of funds. Any expenditure by a Board member over $50 must be approved by the Board. BUDGET AND LEGAL ISSUES Audit 9 Responsibility for a review of the financial records shall lie with the Treasurer and the Consultant. Formal review by a qualified accounting professional is required.

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Tax Return 9 Responsibility of tax reports shall lie with Treasurer and the Consultant, with advice from the bookkeeper. Incorporation 9 ASANC was officially incorporated November 1993. Fiscal Procedures 9 The annual budget period shall be from July 1 through June 30. 9 There shall not be a separate convention account. All expenditures shall be incorporated in the overall budget. Advances may be given to cover initial expenses of the convention. 9 The annual budget shall be approved by the membership at its annual meeting and revised by the Board as needed.. 9 Annual dues shall be proposed by the Treasurer and approved by membership at the annual membership meeting. COMMITTEES Standing Committees 9 Standing Committees, according to the Bylaws, are as follows: • Bylaws" - The Bylaws Committee will be responsible for reviewing the bylaws each year to determine if changes in the bylaws are needed. The committee will be responsible for submitting recommended changes to the Board of Directors by December and mailing changes recommended by the Board to the members at least 30 days prior to the annual membership meeting. The Bylaws Committee shall also be responsible for the resolutions at the annual membership meeting (see Resolutions). • Membership - The membership Committee will be responsible for developing strategies to increase membership in the association, recommending changes in membership categories and recommending proposed dues for each category. It shall also assist the Secretary in maintaining an up-to-date membership list. B Legislation - The Legislation Committee will work closely with the President and the Coordinator to monitor state and federal legislation, advocate for or against legislation on behalf of the association, and recommend legislative activities to educate and raise the awareness of state legislators. • Convention - The Convention Committee will be responsible for planning the annual convention each year which includes designing the program, obtaining speakers, and developing a budget. The Vice-president of the association shall chair the Convention Committee • Nominations - The Nominations Committee will be responsible for developing a slate of officers to be proposed at the annual membership meeting held in the odd-numbers years (2001, 2003, 205, etc.). According to the bylaws, the Nominations Committee shall: 1) Consist of a chairperson appointed by the president, two members appointed by the Board of Directors and two members elected by the members at the annual membership meeting/ 2) Be convened at least three months before the annual membership meeting when elections are held (generally December). 3) Notify the members of the individuals nominated for office at least one month before the election (generally February). 4) Conduct the election. 5) Count and record the votes of the election.

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Personnel4 - The Personnel Committee shall consist of a chairperson appointed by the President and two members of the association approved by the Board. (These two members may be members of the Board of Directors.) The Personnel Committee will be responsible for: 1) Interviewing applicants and recommending an applicant to be hired to the Board. 2) Evaluating the j ob performance of employees. 3) Recommending training or other resources to improve performance when needed. 4) Writing commendations upon exceptional work performance. 5) Issuing verbal and written warnings regarding job performance to employees. 6) Recommending to the Board that the employment of an employee be terminated. 7) Developing job descriptions for each employee. The Personnel Committee cannot recommend the hiring of a family member of an officer or of a member of the Personnel Committee. Examples of family members include husband, wife, brother, sister, child, father, mother, aunt, uncle, niece and nephew. Standing committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. The appointment shall be prior to the annual retreat and preferably at the annual convention. Standing committees are encouraged to have an advisor who is not the Consultant. Standing Committee Chairpersons are not automatically members of the Board of Directors. However, the President is encouraged to appoint existing Board members as Standing Committee Chairpersons. Standing Committee Chairpersons are encouraged to attend board meetings. Standing Committee Chairpersons shall submit a written report for the year to be available at the annual business meeting. •


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Ad Hoc Committees • Ad Hoc Committees and their chairpersons shall be appointed by the President, with approval of the Executive Committee, on an as needed basis. " Ad Hoc committee chairpersons are not required to attend Board meetings except when asked to report to the Board by the President. • Ad Hoc committee Chairpersons shall not have voting privileges at board meetings (unless already a designated member of the Board), but will have full discussion privileges. Job Descriptions 9 Job descriptions shall be established for each officer, committee chairperson, employee and consultant and shall be approved by the Board of Directors. 9 Job descriptions shall be provided to each appropriate individual at least 7 days before the planning retreat or in the case of Ad Hoc chairpersons, as appointed. CONVENTION 9 Coordination of the annual convention and annual membership meeting shall be the responsibility of the board through the Convention Committee appointed by the President and approved by the Board. The Vice-president shall serve as chair of the Convention Committee. 9 Awards shall be presented at convention banquet (see Awards for categories and procedures). 9 Resolutions shall be presented during the business session. The By-Laws Committee Chairperson shall have the responsibility of presenting the resolutions. (See Resolutions for procedures). 9 Procedures for voting will be included in convention registration packet. All self advocates who are individual dues-paying members in the Association may vote. Local self advocacy groups that are dues-paying members must designate one representative as a voting member. (See Voting Procedures for details). Page 5

ELECTION OF OFFICERS 9 Elections shall be held every two years on the odd-numbered year (e.g., 2001, 2003, 2005). 9 The proposed slate of officers shall be mailed to the membership at least one month before the annual membership meeting. 9 Nominations from the floor may take place at the annual membership meeting or a called business meeting at the annual convention. Individuals nominated must agree to have their names placed in nomination for office. Completion of a nomination form must take place before the person can be nominated 9 Voting shall be done by secret ballot. 9 The Nominations Committee shall record the votes. EMPLOYEES 9 All applicants for employment shall be interviewed by the Personnel Committee. The Personnel Committee shall recommend an applicant for hiring to the Board. 9 An applicant my be hired only by a majority vote of the Board. 9 All employees shall be evaluated on their job performance by the Personnel Committee as follows: 1) First year of employment or first year after implementation: Quarterly (once every three months) 2) Second and third year of employment or second and third years after implementation: Semiannually (once every six months) 3) Fourth and following years of employment or fourth and following years after implementation: Annually (once a year) 9 The President will provide supervision to all employees and report to the Personnel Committee any issues or problems. The President must receive training in supervision skills during the first three months of his/her term. 9 The Personnel Committee may recommend training or other resources to improve performance when needed. 9 The Personnel Committee may issue written commendations upon exceptional work performance. 9 The Personnel Committee may issue the following warnings regarding job performance: 1) Verbal warning - A verbal warning may be issued by the Personnel Committee after review of the job performance or reported incident. (Incidents include but are not limited to misrepresentation of positions of the Association, acting for the Association without authority from the Board, issuing threats, using vulgar language in meetings, misusing Association resources and lying.) The verbal warning will be recorded in the personnel file up to one year. If a second verbal warning or a written warning is given, the verbal warning will remain permanently in the personnel file. 2) Written warning - A written warning may be issued by the Personnel Committee if a second incident occurs only after a verbal warning is issued. The written warning will be provided to the employee. A copy of the written warning will be placed in the personnel file and provided to the President. 9 The Personnel Committee may recommend to the Board that employment be terminated only if job performance does not improve or inappropriate incidents continue. The recommendation of termination may take place after a verbal warning and at least one written warning have been issued. 9 An employee's employment may be terminated only by a majority vote of the Board. 9 An employee must be given a two-weeks termination notice. However, the Personnel Committee may recommend that the employee leave his/her position immediately if it thinks it is not in the best interest of the association for the employee to continue his/her duties.

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EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 9 The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President. 9 The Executive Committee is empowered to act on behalf of the Board between Board meetings except in hiring and terminating an employee. 9 Notice of Executive Committee meetings must be given in writing or by phone (personal contact, not voice mail) or by e-mail at least 7 days in advance of the meeting. 9 The meeting may be held face-to-face or by teleconference. 9 The Executive Committee may take action only if four of the five members are present. LINE OF AUTHORITY Board of Directors

Executive Committee



Personnel Committee


"Direct Authority •Supervisory • Advisory MEMBERSHIP Membership Period 9 Membership in ASANC shall be for one year beginning April 1. 9 Joining members may pay one-half of the membership fee after October 1, with the full year membership renewable on April 1. Renewals 9 All memberships must be renewed by April 1. Memberships will be automatically renewed for those members who attend the annual convention because the membership fee is included in the registration fee. 9 Only two renewal notices (one by May 1 and the second by July 1) shall be sent to former members whose membership has expired. Membership List • The Secretary, with assistance from the Coordinator, Membership Chairperson and Consultant, shall maintain a current membership list. 9 The membership list shall be updated at least semi-annually by the Secretary. 9 Distribution of membership list shall be approved by Board of Directors. Page 7

Types of Memberships There are three types of memberships: 9 Voting Members: Individuals with developmental disabilities. AH voting members will be allowed one vote at official business meetings of the association. 9 Associate Members: 1) Individuals who do not have disabilities, 2) Individuals who have disabilities other than developmental disabilities, 3) and Organizations, corporations, businesses, etc. Associate members may participate in all activities of the association but cannot vote on actions of the association. 9 Self Advocacy Group Members5: Local self advocacy groups which have at least five members, an elected leader, and which meets at least quarterly. Self advocacy groups may appoint one delegate with voting privileges at the annual membership meeting. Dues 9 Annual dues will be set at the annual convention. The board shall have the option to reduce dues upon request. NOMINATIONS 9 The immediate past president shall serve as the chairperson of the Nominations Committee." 9 The composition of the Nominating Committee shall Consist of a chairperson appointed by the president, two members appointed by the Board of Directors and two members elected by die members at the annual membership meeting.3 9 The membership shall be sent a notice requesting nominations for officers by October 15 prior to the annual membership meeting when the elections are held. 9 A proposed slate of officers shall be mailed to membership no later than one month before annual membership meeting when the elections are held. OFFICERS 9 Individuals eligible to serve as an officer must: 1) have a developmental disability 2) have been a member of the association for at least one year; and 3) have served or be serving as an officer of a local self advocacy group or chairperson of a standing committee. 9 Officers will serve two years. 9 No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. 9 All elected officers shall serve on the Board of Directors. A member of the family of a paid employee cannot serve as an officer or on the Personnel Committee. Examples of family members include husband, wife, brother, sister, child, father, mother, aunt, uncle, niece and nephew. 9 See attachment for job descriptions. PUBLICATIONS 9 All printed materials (brochures, position papers, booklets, etc.) must have board approval regarding content and distribution. 9 The newsletter shall be printed four times annually (Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall). 9 The newsletter may contain a synopsis of important board decisions. 9 Newsletters shall be mailed to all members and others as designated by the board. 9 A publication list and a copy of each publication shall be maintained in the association's permanent files. 9 Printed materials funded by sources other than dues must include reference to the agency or Page 8

organization providing funds for printing. RESOLUTIONS 9 All resolutions submitted prior to the convention will be presented to the membership at the annual business session. All properly submitted resolutions will be presented at the annual membership meeting except in the case where a new resolution may duplicate one already presented. 9 Resolutions received prior to convention, will be included in the convention registration packet. 9 Voting will not occur on non-substantive wording changes of resolutions. 9 All resolutions approved by the general membership at convention will be distributed to all ASANC members. 9 At convention, there will be a limit of five minutes debate per person per resolution, and a limit of two times the person may discuss the issue. 9 f new resolutions are presented on the floor at convention, copies must be available to all members. It will be the responsibility of the resolutions chairperson to ensure the availability of an overhead projector and necessary supplies. The author or designee of the resolution must be present during the appropriate business session. VOTING PRIVILEGES Board Voting Privileges 9 The vice-president, secretary, treasurer and immediate past president shall be voting members of the board. The president shall vote only if there is a tie vote. 9 Each local group may have one representative on the Board. Each representative shall be voting members of the board. If more than one representative attends the Board meetings, which is permissible and welcomed, only the designated representative may vote.1 9 Committee chairpersons and advisors shall have full discussion privileges but will not be voting members of the board. Committee chairpersons may vote if they are the designated representative of a local self advocacy group. Convention Voting Privileges 9 Members must be in attendance at the membership meeting to vote on issues presented. Local self advocacy groups which are dues-paying members may designate a representative to vote. This designation must be presented to secretary before the membership meeting. Self advocacy groups have one vote. 9 An individual may have two votes if he/she is both an individual member and represents a self advocacy group as its official representative.

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Recommended change to the Bylaws

'Membership of the Board of Directors Section 2 The Board shall consist of: a) The elected officers (President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasurer) b) A representative of each local self advocacy group who has paid membership dues to the Association; and c) The immediate past President. 2

Change the name of the Bylaws Committee to the "Bylaws and Resolutions Committee"

"Change the composition of the Nominations Committee to "Shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President, one member appointed by'the President and one member appointed by the Board of Directors." 4

Recommend that the President appoint an ad hoc Personnel Committee to work during 2002. (She/he has authority to do that in the bylaws.) Recommend that the bylaws be changed to include a Personnel Committee at the annual membership meeting in 2002. 5

Change "Local self advocacy groups which have at least five members, an elected leader, and which meets at least quarterly" to "Local self advocacy groups which pay dues to the Association."

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