Policies And Procedures

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 4,775
  • Pages: 27
Winter Sports School Policies & Procedures

WELCOME Welcome to over 70 seasons of organized WSS instruction at Mountain High Resort! I’ve seen many changes over 24+ years as an instructor; however, the one thing that has remained constant is the quality of individual drawn to this occupation. Few organizations attract such a diverse group of dedicated people from all sectors of society committed to such a fulfilling lifestyle. A professional instructor understands that teaching at Winter Sports School transcends the function of employment. They know it’s a passionate lifestyle, providing personal growth and rewards, and they can’t wait to share and inspire their students. My hope for you is that no matter what your background, age, or gender that you will take from your experience here as a Mountain High Ski or Snowboard Instructor a piece of the TEAM SPIRIT, DEDICATION TO YOUR SPORT & PRIDE IN THE ART OF TEACHING! Being the Director means that I am a gatherer and guider of talent; my goal is to provide you with leadership skills to motivate, educate, and inspire. Each of you has the spark within to share the passion you have for your sport. Your influence on your students will create a new skill and love of their own! Let’s be professional, be proud, and give our guests a wonderful lasting recreational experience that they will share for a lifetime with their friends and family! Here we go TEAM and thank you for being here! Sincerely,

Cindy Shippy Director, Mountain High Winter Sports School WELCOME.............................................................................................................................................2 Welcome to over 70 seasons of organized WSS instruction at Mountain High Resort!.............................2

SECTION I ~ POLICIES.......................................................................................................................3 2

Locker Rooms.........................................................................................................................................3 Uniforms..................................................................................................................................................4 SECTION II ~ SERVICE GUIDELINES.............................................................................................5 SECTION III ~ Lessons, Shifts & Schedule Options...........................................................................8 SECTION IV ~ WSS Instructors’ Pay Scales.....................................................................................13 SECTION V ~ Training.......................................................................................................................15 Defining Voluntary & Mandatory, and Free Style Terrain Training................................................15 SECTION VI ~ Lost Student or Guest.................................................................................................18 Injured Student (or Guest)...................................................................................................................19

GENERAL INFORMATION Winter Sports School (WSS) Instructors represent the model of skiing/snowboarding for both guests and coworkers, and are expected to comply with all school and mountain policies and procedures. They offer assistance to resort guests (internal and external), help enforce company safety regulations, and perform various duties and tasks, as assigned.

SECTION I ~ POLICIES Locker Rooms It is important to be considerate of other employees in respect to their space, beliefs and belongings. Locker rooms are provided for the convenience of the instructors and should be regarded as a privilege. All instructors will abide by the following locker room etiquette: • ONLY INSTRUCTORS MAY ENTER THE LOCKER ROOM Any employee abusing this policy will lose locker room privileges • Instructors will take responsibility for the security of the locker rooms; storage of equipment and belongings is at the risk of the instructor •

Do not give the locker room door combination to anyone

Instructors are responsible for keeping the locker room and kitchen clean


• Instructors are encouraged to mark their personal equipment with their name for identification •

Borrowing other instructor’s possessions without their permission is forbidden

Moral and ethical conduct will be of the highest standard

Lewd or offensive behavior in the locker room will not be tolerated

• Negative comments concerning WSS Policies, Management or co-workers, other Resort departments and/or their personnel, will not be tolerated •

Instructors will keep undergarments on while dressing and undressing

Uniforms UNIFORMS MAY ONLY BE WORN WHILE WORKING, TEACHING, LOWERMOUNTAIN STAFF TRAINING, OR ANY GUEST SERVICE PROJECT ASSIGNED BY A SUPERVISOR DURING THEIR SHIFT. IF YOU ARE NOT ASSIGNED A CLASS AT THE LINE UP AREA, AND HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO SKI OR RIDE, YOU MUST CHANGE INTO YOUR OWN JACKET, AS YOU ARE CONSIDERED NOT WORKING, AND THEREFORE “OFF THE CLOCK” AT THAT TIME. Issued uniform pieces are the property of WSS. They are only to be worn during working hours. It is the responsibility of each employee to return clean uniform pieces in a timely manner on separation of employment. While wearing a WSS uniform all instructors will adhere to the following standards: •. Uniforms need to be clean and in good repair; instructors are responsible for cleaning their own uniforms •.......................................Full uniform combinations need to be worn while working •.............................................................................. Nametags will be worn at all times •............................................................Certification pins may be worn on the jacket •. .The official shirts for WSS are either a white or black long sleeved collared polo, or a short sleeved white polo with a Mountain High Logo •......................................................... A white or black turtleneck is also acceptable 4

•........................Music devices and/or headsets may not be used while in uniform •.....Cell phones are not allowed for personal use, by instructors, during classes •............Helmets, goggles, gloves, and other accessories should complement the uniform • Helmets may be any color, but stickers are limited to Mountain High, ski/snowboard manufacturers’, or personal sponsors • Knee, back braces and camelbacks should be worn underneath uniform attire •

Backpacks are not part of the uniform

WSS Director has final approval on all of above

SECTION II ~ SERVICE GUIDELINES Basic Courtesies •............................................................................. Accept all assignments/levels willingly •............................................Consistently display an enthusiastic and positive attitude •....Be flexible and willing to teach any lesson regardless the weather or conditions •. . .Interact positively with other instructors, supervisors, managers, or employees in other departments •........................................................................... Take responsibility for guest feedback •............................................................................................. Help and support supervisors •..........................................................................Voice concerns in a constructive manner •..Be knowledgeable in regards to all Mountain High Resort’s products and services •.................Demonstrate professionalism by contributing ideas, giving and receiving feedback, and being motivated to help when and where needed •.................................................................................................................. Be a team player! •.........................Share terrain and hill space and know what is happening around you 5

•..........Contribute to a brighter work environment in the locker room and at line-up •Know and understand your pay system and keep a record of your daily classes and duties

Communication •

Stay informed

• Current WSS emails are posted on the bulletin board in the locker rooms and on the Winter Sports School Blog. http://mhwintersportsschool.blogspot.com/ •

Communicate questions or concerns to the supervisory staff and/or the Director

Punctuality • Know your schedule • Arrive at work ready to teach • Be on time ~ Repeated tardiness is unacceptable • Demonstrate efficient time management • Start and stop all lessons on time • Monitor workdays wisely • Maintain a positive attitude and emotional well-being

Positive Growth •

Complete all mandatory training

Consider participation in our voluntary PSIA/AASI Certification

Take initiative to test and try new equipment training tools

Keep current of new ski and riding equipment developments

Be proactive in seeking training from experienced instructors


“Meal Break” Options • All shifts over 5½ hours in length will require employees to take a 30-minute unpaid “meal break” • Any employee who requests a schedule where their shifts are always less than 6hours may request an option for a “meal break” waiver, which must be signed and dated by employee and management, and may be rescinded at any time by the employee

WSS ‘Product’ Defined A WSS ‘Product’ is a service provided by Mountain High Resort, to both our internal and external guests. These include: •

Group Lessons

Private Lessons

Team Mountain High, including Coach

Upper-Mountain voluntary PSIA/AASI Clinics, including Clinician and Participants

Lower-Mountain mandatory instructor Clinics, including Clinician and Participants

New Hire Clinics, including Clinician and Participants

Supervisors and Managers

Any Winter Sports School Product may use the School Line Chairlift Etiquette for School Line by WSS Staff • A ll WSS staff using the school line must follow the specific instruction of the lift line attendant 7

Private or Group Lessons are allowed to cut lines

Expect to merge with the general public at all times

Chairlift Procedures •

Insure all guests are acquainted with proper lift usage techniques

Establish lift load and unloading procedures

Emphasize lift safety, organize and control class while in lift lines

Make every attempt to ride with students needing special assistance

SECTION III ~ Lessons, Shifts & Schedule Options BEFORE REQUESTING SHIFTS, SEE “MEAL BREAK” ON PAGE 6 ~ All Advanced Lessons are held at 10:00am & 1:00pm ~ Group lessons (1-hour 45 minutes) are the primary focus of Mountain High WSS. As such: •

Class sizes will vary according to the number of guests visiting the resort

Instructors will take 10 minute break between classes

• Instructors report back to the Line Supervisor no later than five minutes prior to the hour • Instructors will report back for further instruction, at the end of each assignment, until the end of their shift •

Any instructor not reporting back after their shift will NOT get credit for that day

East Resort: Weekends & Holidays: •..................................................................................................... 11:00am & 1:00pm West Resort: 8

Midweek: •.................................................................................... 10:00am, 11:00am & 1:00pm Night School: •

5:00pm (Instructors report at 4pm to cover possible Private Lessons)

Weekends & Holidays: •.......................................................9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am,1:00pm & 2:00pm MDSSA (Midweek School Snowsport’s Adventure): •

3:00pm & 4:00pm (occasional exception at 1pm & 5pm)

ASSA (After School Snowsport’s Adventure): •...................................5:00pm Tue – Fri; extra class held at 6:00pm on Friday

Shift Options Instructors will report to their supervisor 15 minutes before the scheduled shift starts, in uniform, with their equipment ready to work. Tardiness is unacceptable.

BEFORE REQUESTING SHIFTS, SEE “MEAL BREAK” ON PAGE 6 The following shifts will meet an instructor’s requirement for one scheduled day: WEEKDAY SHIFT: Instructors are expected to request a 6-hour shift WEEKEND SHIFT: Instructors are expected to request a 6-hour shift NIGHT SHIFT: Instructors are expected to request a minimum 3-hour shift (4pm-7pm) ASSA (After School Snowsport’s Adventure): Instructors are expected to request a minimum 2-hour shift (6pm-8pm) and are expected to cover private lessons at 4pm MDSSA (Midweek School Snowsport’s Adventure): • MDSSA will continue this season. Midweek instructors will be expected to participate to meet the demands of the school group numbers BLUE ANGELS: Instructors will be expected to request a minimum 8-hour shift (8am 4pm) Saturdays’ Jan.– Mar. (not on President’s Weekend ~ Makeup day, Mar.)


TEAM MOUNTAIN HIGH: Instructors will be expected to request a minimum 7-hour shift (8am–3pm) ADP (Adaptive): Instructors will be expected to request a minimum 6-hour shift (9:30am-3:30pm) SUPERVISORY STAFF: •

DAYSHIFT: 7:30am–4pm


ASSA: 5pm–8pm

Schedule Commitment & Benefit Options In addition to Mountain High Benefits & Privileges offered to mountain-wide employees, per the Employee Manual, WSS employees’ are offered the following benefits, based on their schedule commitment. To qualify for benefits, instructors must attend WSS & Resort Orientations, as well as complete annual mandatory training (pages 15 & 16): MINIMUM 5-DAY PER WEEK COMMITMENT (based on availability ~ see Director): •...........................................................................................................Free Season Pass •...............................Discounted Season Pass for spouse and qualified dependents •.............................................. Priority lesson assignments if qualified and available •...........................................................Two (2) complimentary day passes per month •...............................................................................Secure corner of the locker room MINIMUM 6-DAY PER MONTH COMMITMENT: •...........................................................................................................Free Season Pass •...............................Discounted Season Pass for spouse and qualified dependents 10

•............................................................... One (1) complimentary day pass per month •...................................................................................................Locker room privileges MINIMUM 4-DAY PER MONTH COMMITMENT (limited availability ~ see Director): •...........................................................................................................Free Season Pass •...................................................................................................Locker room privileges PART-TIME COLLEGE BREAK (Minimum 5-day commitment): •

Free Season Pass

One (1) free complimentary day pass

Locker room privileges

PART-TIME HOLIDAY: Commitment: •

Minimum 6 days during Christmas break, and either/both Christmas & New Year’s

Martin Luther King (MLK) Weekend

President’s Day 3-day weekend

Benefits: •

Free Season Pass

Locker room privileges


One day mandatory Blue Angel training

Minimum five (5) Saturday Blue Angel Commitment

Benefit: 11

Free Season Pass

One (1) complimentary day pass for each day worked

Locker room privileges

Commitment Basics •

Instructors may work more than their minimum commitment, if space allows

Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by WSS Management

Teaching Basics •

All lessons will be taught according to Mountain High WSS teaching progressions

Be aware of your student’s comfort and fatigue levels throughout the lesson

Make run choices based on the comfort level of your students

Scheduling The number of instructors needed for each shift is predetermined by WSS Management to provide adequate staffing levels to accommodate guest levels based upon anticipated weather, historical data, peak weekends, holidays and group sales. Ideal staffing levels would allow each instructor to teach two groups and one private per shift. • Shift assignments will be on a first-come, first-served basis •

Priority will be given to returning instructors

Priority will be also be given to instructors based on amount of days committed


http://wssschedule.blogspot.com/ WSS uses ScheduleSource, an online software program that allows instructors Internet access, to request their own shifts. Through ScheduleSource, schedules will become available for shift selection the 1st day of each month, for the following month. • •

The instructor logs on to the system and enters their available days Instructors may go to the online swap board to claim day or night shifts 12

After shift is claimed, any changes would be made by request ‘day off’ function; however, instructor is still responsible for shift until the request is granted, or shift is filled

Recommended Take the tutorial on ScheduleSource via WSS Blogspot Schedule Change Policies •

All requests for schedule shift changes are to be submitted for approval at least 72 hours in advance

In order to not jeopardize Benefits, instructors are expected to work the minimum number of shifts that they committed to work

Failure to comply with WSS schedule change policy will result in Management rescheduling an instructors missed days at their discretion

SECTION IV ~ WSS Instructors’ Pay Scales Asterisk (*) by wages denotes optional base pay incentives outlined below


Cadets: ages 16-17 no teaching - assist only no pay adjustments $8.00 Entry Level $9.00* Pay Cap $15.00

PSIA/AASI Level I $11.00* Pay Cap $20.00

USSA Level 100 & PSIA/AASI Level II $13.00* Pay Cap $22.00

USSA Level 200 & PSIA/AASI Level III $15.00* Pay Cap $25.00 Examiner $16.00* Pay Cap $26.00

WSS Base Pay is based on Documented Instructor Levels, Accreditation, Certification & On-Hill Teaching Hours. All Levels except Cadet, may earn an additional $.50 per hour in base pay, up to Pay Cap. *Base Pay Incentives (yes, they are cumulative): • • •

• • • • •

Membership in PSIA/AASI (Entry Level specific) Each 50 hours of documented on-hill teaching Documented experience teaching children Park and Pipe Accreditation Children’s Accreditation Adaptive Accreditation Senior Accreditation Double Certification Crossover

Any Instructor may advance to the next category during the current season if they pass a PSIA/AASI certification/accreditation exam. Pay increases will be effective upon notification from the qualifying organization.


During requested shifts, and when not teaching on-hill classes, all WSS employees are to check with Supervisors for miscellaneous work assignments, which may fall outside the scope of instructing, but will be paid at employee’s base rate.

Private Lessons & Pay Scale Any Assigned Private upgraded to another private, becomes a Requested Private The Line Supervisors will assign private lessons, unless the guest requests a specific instructor. Every attempt will be made to provide the guest with the requested instructor, but the needs of the group lesson take priority. •

Private lessons are 1-hour to 3-hours in duration

Private lessons may contain one to four guests

A 2-hour Family Private is taught by Certified Instructors at Request Private pay

• Upper-Level Freestyle Privates are taught by Certified Instructors at Request Private pay Assigned Private Lesson pay: •..............All assigned private lessons are paid at instructor’s current base wage Requested Private Lesson pay: •..........................................................1 - 2 Guests: $25.00 + Base wage per hour •......................................................... 3 – 4 Guests: $35.00 + Base wage per hour

SECTION V ~ Training Defining Voluntary & Mandatory, and Free Style Terrain Training The Mountain High Resort WSS training program consists of two categories: 15

•...........PSIA/AASI Certification Voluntary Training (Unpaid, except Clinicians) •.....Instructor Mandatory Clinic Training (paid at current State minimum wage)

Voluntary Certification Training PSIA/AASI Certification training will be offered starting in January. This training is designed to help the instructor prepare for professional certification examinations and to enhance teaching skills and personal development. This training is strictly voluntary and as such, is not paid training or covered under Workers’ Compensation. All information pertaining to certification training will be announced. Training schedules and information will be posted in the locker rooms and on the Winter Sports School blog. http://mhwintersportsschool.blogspot.com/ A Voluntary Clinic card will be signed by Certification participants, that they understand participation is strictly voluntary, understand they are not paid, and thus not covered under Workers’ Compensation. All instructors, supervisors, and/or employees of WSS, are held to these same requirements. Upper-Mountain Clinics: •........................................................These are voluntary PSIA/AASI unpaid clinics •..................................................................................... Usually scheduled in advanced •.............................................................................Only the paid clinician is in uniform •.......................................................................................................Allowed on all chairs •............................................................................ Use chairs 5 & 6 whenever possible

Freestyle Terrain Training


PSIA/AASI and USASA have specialized programs to prepare instructors and coaches. PSIA/AASI has produced a Park and Pipe Instructors’ Guide to address issues specific to the Freestyle Terrain experience. The resort has gone to great lengths to educate our guests in respect to the hazards associated with the use of these terrain features. Instructors are required to adhere to the policy set forth that they are not to take a class through the resort’s Terrain Park before they have Terrain Park clearance and have completed Park and Pipe Training or have PSIA/AASI Certification. Absolutely no instructor can be free riding while in uniform in the Park or on any Terrain Feature.

Definition of Workers’ Compensation Law; 3352(f) “Any person employed by a ski lift operator to work at a snow ski area who is relieved of and not performing any prescribed duties, while participating in recreational activities on his or her own initiative.”

Mandatory ‘Lower Mountain’ Clinic Training Every WSS instructor is required to attend a minimum number of training hours in a resort-held Clinic (see WSS Clinic Criteria, below). Training hours are paid at State of California minimum wage ($8.00 per hour as of 01/01/2008). • Returning Instructors & New Hires with documented teaching experience or PSIA/AASI accreditation: Five (5) hours of Lower Mountain Clinic training •

Entry Level instructors: Thirty (30) hours of Lower Mountain Clinic training

The training curriculum will address topics such as Policies and Procedures, Guest Relations, Terrain Parks, Teaching and Learning Theory and other relevant material.

WSS Clinic Criteria 17

All morning clinics must wait at least 5 minutes after the first general public loads A WSS Director will communicate with the Lift Operations Manager/Supervisor when scheduled clinics are posted. Lower-Mountain Clinics: •............................................................................................. Allowed on chairs 1, 2 & 3 •................................All participants must be in uniform or will have a pass visible Documented Criteria: •......................................................................................................“Level I” Progression •...............................................................................................................Demonstrations •..................................................................................................Skier or Rider Analysis •................................................................................................................. Class Handling •...................................................................................................... Chairlift Procedures •............................................................................ Responsibility Code or Smart Style •............................................................ Two (2) audits, or shadowing two (2) classes •................................. One (1) reverse shadow with certified instructor observing •....................................Class Wrap Up ~ Marketing (up-selling to the next lesson) •............................................ “Level I” Clearance Test: This person can now teach!

SECTION VI ~ Lost Student or Guest At the beginning of a lesson, instructors will set a meeting place, as a precaution, in the event that someone becomes separated from the class. Giving specific instructions to your class, and checking for understanding, should help minimize students becoming lost. 18

•.....Verify the student is lost & then notify a supervisor immediately, provide:  Student information & description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Location and time of last sighting ...........Possible routes or runs lost student might take ..............Location of class emergency meeting place ............Where the class will be continuing the lesson •

Keep the rest of the class together, teaching in the same vicinity

Do not leave your class in an attempt to locate a lost student

Check with other classes in the same vicinity

Sometimes students will accidentally follow another instructor

Proceed to the prearranged emergency meeting place

Releasing Students • Children will never be released anywhere on the hill, or to anyone, except a supervisor, their parent, or the adult who signed them in • If an adult student requests release before the class reaches the bottom of the mountain, make sure they understand they are being released from their lesson •

It is their responsibility for getting safely to the bottom of the hill

Offer advice on an appropriate route for them to take

Make sure other students in the class are witnesses to the “release”

Injured Student (or Guest) If a student is injured in your class, remain calm. No comments should be made concerning the incident. It is important to ask questions and get information from the other students in your class. Gather as much information as possible and follow these guidelines: 19

Place skis or snowboard across the hill far enough above the student that they are visible to skiers and riders from above

Flag down a supervisor or another employee

Make sure the rest of your class waits in a reasonably safe location

Do not attempt to move an injured person

Do not leave an injured student

Ask, “Are you OK?” Or, “Can you tell me what happened?”

If the student insists on continuing to ski or ride, allow them to get up unassisted Attempt to contact Ski Patrol by using one of the following methods:

If you are near a chairlift, have the operator phone Dispatch, who will contact Patrol

Flag down a capable member of the skiing public or, if your class is strong enough, send two students to the nearest lift and instruct them to have the lift operator notify Dispatch with the location of the injured party

The resort has a central dispatch; all employees using a radio should utilize this system

Do not call Ski Patrol directly as incidents are logged

Identify witnesses and collect names, addresses, and home phone numbers

Remain with the student until Ski Patrol arrives

Assist Ski Patrol when requested

Continue with the group lesson after Ski Patrol releases instructor from the scene (Continued on next page)

At the end of the lesson report to Ski Patrol Office

Complete any necessary paperwork required by patrol personnel


Instructors who come across an accident involving a guest that is not in their class should follow the above procedures for making the guest reasonably safe and offer to call Ski Patrol •

Continue with the class after Patrol takes over the situation

Employee Injuries In the event you are injured while performing a duty the following procedures need to be followed: Report your injury IMMEDIATELY to a supervisor, seek initial treatment in the resort’s Patrol Room, and complete all required paperwork. Patrol will contact Risk who will arrange for medical treatment when necessary. DO NOT SEEK TREATMENT ON YOUR OWN. Failure to file an employee’s report of injury may result in a delay in benefits and/or in denial. For additional information or questions please contact the Risk Department (ext. 7865).

Revisions & Amendments This policies and procedures manual summarizes the policies and practices in effect at the time of publication. It supersedes all previously issued manuals and any policy or benefit statements or memoranda that are inconsistent with the policies described here. These guidelines may be revised, or amended at any time. The procedures contained in these guidelines may require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw these practices. Any deviation from the enclosed procedures is to be dictated by the circumstances of each unique situation and by the policies, procedures and protocol of the resort. Your WSS Director will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Children’s Academy Policies & Procedures



CHILDREN’S ACADEMY PROGRAMS Mountain High’s acclaimed Children’s Academy makes winter fun a priority for the kids, & for you, the instructors!

Check-in Procedures •

Supervisors & Room Monitors checkin: 8:00am (Mon-Fri) & 7:30am (Weekends)

• Cadets and Children’s instructors check in at 8:45am for morning safety meeting, class assignments and cadet duties

Children’s Academy General Information & Protocol (all classes) •

Open 8:45am - 3:30pm

Registration 8:45am – 10:00am

On-site sales end at 9am for all day classes

Students register no later than 9:30am

During the busy holiday season, students are accepted as late as 10:30am

All morning classes begin at 10am

On-site sales end at 12pm for afternoon classes

Parent conferences and sign out at 3:00pm out on the snow

Students not picked up by 3:15pm are taken into The Children’s Academy

Children’s Academy closes at 3:30pm

Supervisors will assign all classes

• As classes are assembled, instructors are to fill out class lists with information on students, and reassemble at the yard •

If there is an ability-split in the class, notify a Supervisor

Prior to leaving the yard, fill out lunch times on class cards, return to Supervisor


Lunch & Snack Procedures •..............Classes will eat lunch with their instructor between 11:00am & 1:00pm, as assigned •.....................................................................Lunch will be no more than 30 minutes long •....................................................................................Snacks are available twice per day •....................It is the instructor’s responsibility to clean up after their classes.

Check-out Procedures •.......Classes are to return to the yard, organized and visible, no later than 2:50pm •...................................Summarize the lesson, and fill out progress cards at this time •............... Parent conferences and sign-out procedures will also be held at this time •.............................. A parental signature is required on the class list to release child •......................................... Meet with Supervisor for class picture during your lesson. •.........Instructors and cadets will fill out, and turn in, all paperwork to a supervisor prior to leaving •Instructors are responsible for each student until a parent, or guardian, has signed them out

Safety Protocol •....Important: Teach your students your name & to go to Children’s Academy if lost •..........Sick children should be taken to the Children’s Academy; parents will be paged •........................................... Always instruct students of the “Responsibility Code” •..............All injuries should be reported immediately per the “WSS Policies and Procedures” manual (page 18) •.........Keep classes in an organized fashion on the appropriate terrain for their specific ability level 24

•. If parent brings any helmet, or any other protective gear for their child, the child must wear them

Lift Procedures Lift procedures are established for your protection and safety as well as your students. It is imperative that all procedures for children’s safe use of the lift are observed. The following protocol is mandatory: •............Instruct all students in correct loading and unloading procedures, and lift behavior •.....Children 6 years old and under are required to ride chairlifts with a cadet, an instructor, or competent adult •..................Children 7 years old and older may ride in pairs, or alone when deemed appropriate •.......................... Organize your students in pairs prior to entering the chairlift line •.........When riding with students, they should be seated on the inside next to the operator •. .Prior to loading, inform your students of a designated meeting place away from the unloading zone of the chairlift •............................................................................ Always thank your chairlift operators


CHILDREN’S ACADEMY (ages 4-9): Full Day Session (10am – 3pm) Includes morning and afternoon lessons, 6-hour lift ticket, rentals, snacks, lunch, and progress card •

Afternoon Session (1pm – 3pm)

Includes afternoon lesson, 6-hour lift ticket, rentals and progress card

GROMMET FREESTYLE CAMP (ages 10-12) Separate from the Children’s Academy, the Grommet Freestyle Camp has it’s own onsnow learning area with grommet sized terrain features. •

Kids eat lunch with their team and their coach

•..........Two breaks are allowed during the day at the “Grommet Camp”, which would include snacks and activities Full Day Session (10am – 3pm) •..........Includes morning and afternoon lessons, 6-hour lift ticket, 2 snack, healthy lunch, rentals, and class picture taken Morning Session (10am - 12pm) •............Includes morning lesson, 6-hour lift ticket, rentals and class picture taken Afternoon Session (1pm – 3pm) •.........Includes afternoon lesson, 6-hour lift ticket, rentals and class picture taken

GROMMET FREESTYLE CAMP PROTOCOL •..........Coaching for this program is a privilege, and special training will be required •................................................Supervisors will provide class lists and lunch schedules 26


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