As-syifa' 02200933 (pdf) 3

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By : tranquility11

Assalamualaikum wbt. We hope all our readers are in best condition, always smiling and thankful to Allah. Alhamdulillah, this year we will bring you a brand new edition of AsSyifa‟ that will be bigger, thicker and better, only this time it will be produced only two or three times in one semester InsyaAllah. The editorial board hopes everyone will benefit from As-Shifa‟. Insya-Allah.

Editor in Chief daunhijau Writer akumaru88 neonate daunhijau prodigy89 tranquility11


Editor in Chief


Designer Mohd. Hakim Jamil Cartoonist Ferdy Surya Effendi Publisher Nur Amalina Mohamad Khair

3 5


6 7


8 9


Gaza Crisis

11 12


How I came to Islam



“bigger, thicker and better” Edition 02/2009 1st April 2009 MSOC Publication International Medical University Kuala Lumpur


su Palestin, ia kisah perjuangan panjang suatu umat yang menuntut pengorbanan ribuan nyawa, kehidupan, keluarga, harta benda dan tanahair. Hari ini, atas nama kemanusiaan dan keamanan isu ini telah mendapat perhatian seluruh dunia, Baik Muslim mahupun bukan Muslim, semua pihak bangkit memberi pandangan, mengutuk serangan dan menghulurkan bantuan demi menzahirkan kebencian ke atas kezaliman Zionis. Tetapi adakah tindakan ini lahir hanya dari simpati atau atas dasar persamaan aqidah saudara seIslam? Silap jika kita hanya bersimpati! Jika kita tersentuh pun, menung hanya seketika. Jika air mata kita mengalir pun, hangatnya cuma seketika, keinsafan yang timbul tumpul kembali dengan satu kesatan. Sekadar simpati, apa gunanya pada mereka? Lontarkan persoalanpersoalan ini pada diri kita- Adakah kita benar-benar faham perjuangan mereka? Kaitan isu bumi wakaf umat Islam ini dan aqidah kita? Sejauh mana kesedaran ini menggerakkan hati-hati kita untuk mendalami sejarah Palestin, Al-Aqsa dan perkara semasa yang berlaku di sana? Atau kita sekadar buatbuat tak tahu dan masih merasakan ianya konflik orang-orang Arab? Jika kesedaran tidak lahir, kita akan merasakan isu Palestin ini hanya sebuah misi ke a ma na n d a n b u ka n l ah ta n g gunggjawab kita untuk bersama-sama berjuang menuntut kembali hak kita ke

atas Baitul Maqdis dan seluruh bumi Barakah (diberkati) itu. Bayangkan jika golongan kufar memasuki masjid kita, merampasnya dan menghinanya dengan „sembahyang cara mereka‟. Sensitiviti kita tentunya terusik. Mengapa kita „double standard‟; buat tak kisah tatkala tempat ketiga paling suci di muka bumi dirampas? Tidakkah kita semua mengimpikan agar satu hari nanti kita dapat solat berjemaah di Masjid Al-Aqsa, qiblat pertama umat Is-

perjalanan ke langit menaiki Buraq? Umat Islam semua tinggal dengan aman di dalam sebuah negara Islam sama seperti yang pernah dibina Rasulullah dahulu? Tidakkah kita menyimpan satu hasrat yang sama? Tidakkah kita merasakan bumi ini sangat dekat dengan hati kita? Perjuangan mereka adalah perjuangan kita. Pesan kekasih kita, Muhammad ibn Abdullah saw “Sesungguhnya Muslimin itu bersaudara,” apa maknanya pada kita?

Kita semua mempunyai pilihan samada untuk terus berada di ta...Kita semua kuk di mana kita berada sekarang; membisu dan mempunyai pilihan samada untuk terus tidak berkesedaran. terus berada di takuk di mana kita Tetapi ingat, setiap piliberada sekarang; membisu dan han akan dipersoalkan terus tidak berkesedaran. Tetapi oleh Allah kelak. Mereka akan bangkit ingat, setiap pilihan akan dipermenuntut di atas kelesoalkan oleh Allah kelak... suan dan kebisuan kita. Di manakah kita di saat mereka bertaruh nyawa, bahkan kanak-kanak mereka membaling batu dan wanita pun mengangkat l a m , senjata? Mereka tidak akan lari dan genmasjid kedua dibina di atas muka tar kerana mereka yakin Allah telah bumi dan masjid ketiga suci umat memilih mereka yang berada di Palestin Islam? Bebas masuk ke bumi para untuk berjihad menentang musuh Allah anbiya‟(nabi-nabi) ini untuk menyakdan mempertahankan bumi Islam dan sikan sendiri kesan-kesan perjuangan Masjid Al-Aqsa. Bahkan syahid adalah sejak dari zaman Nabi Ibrahim? matlamat utama kehidupan mereka kerMenziarahi bumi Isra‟ dan Mikraj ana bagi mereka, apa yang diimpikan yang pernah dilawati baginda Rasuadalah syurga balasan Allah. Kerana lullah yang sangat kita cintai dalam

And when some of them said; “Why do you preach to a people whom Allah will destroy or to punish with terrible 4 punishment?” They said; “To discharge our duty to your Lord (Allah) and so that they may fear Allah.” [7;164]


FOCUS syurga Allah bukanlah boleh dibeli dengan harga yang murah, tetapi dibayar mereka dengan nyawa dan darah. Layakkah kita ke tempat yang sama dengan mereka? Mereka tidak rugi, tetapi yang rugi adalah kita selagi kita tidak bangkit memikul tanggungjawab yang sepatutnya dipikul setiap daripada kita. Oleh itu, bermulalah sekarang. Berikrar dengan diri kita untuk menjadi-

kan perjuangan Palestin ini perjuangan kita juga, keperitan mereka keperitan kita juga. Kita membantu atas dasar Lailahaillah yang kita imani bersama, demi mengejar syurga yang kita impikan bersama. Lakukan peranan kita, sedaya dan sepadan dengan kemampuan kita. Semoga Allah mengira usaha kita ini dan memberatkan timbangan amalan kita di akhirat kelak. Akhir

Quran & Sunnah

kalam, mari kita ambil peringatan dari fatwa yang telah dikeluarkan Syeikh Yusuf Qardawi yang berbunyi “Setiap dari kita adalah wajib, wajib ke atas umat khususnya yang mampu dari timur & barat, utara & selatan menghulurkan tangan membantu”.

Apayang boleh aku lakukan? 1 Berdoa di setiap solat fardhu & bila– bila masa memohon pertolongan Allah. Semoga Allah memberi kemenangan ke atas umat Islam dan menghancurkan Zionis laknatullah.

2 Boikot produk Yahudi. Beralih kepada barangan keluaran umat Islam & produk tempatan. Kita telah mempunyai banyak produk-produk alternatif, kenapa masih memilih barangan mereka yang masih diragui suci dan halalnya?

3 Memberi kefahaman kepada diri sendiri tentang isu Palestin dengan membaca buku & melayari internet & berikan kesedaran kepada Muslim di sekeliling kita tentang isu-isu semasa yang berlaku di Palestin. Caranya;

i. Hantar SMS! Sebarkan info terkini tentang apa yang berlaku di Palestin atau sempena memperingati hari Al-Quds. ii. Kutipan dana untuk Palestin. Mendermalah di akaun NGO yang terlibat & sediakan tabung Palestin 1 tabung 1 rumah. Janakan tabungan seperti RM1 seminggu setiap orang termasuk anak-anak agar mereka lebih bersyukur terhadap nikmat keamanan yang kita kecapi kini. iii. Photostat & edarkan fliers tentang isu Palestin. iv. Anjurkan ceramah, minggu Al-Quds, tayangan video & pemeran Palestin di tempat anda untuk Muslim dan juga bukan Muslim. v. Kibar bendera Palestin tanda hati kita bersama mereka. Hasilkan bendera mini & edarkan percuma. Ramai yang tidak kenal bendera Palestin. vi. Pakai badge atau tampal sticker dan poster Palestin di tempat anda. Sticker, badge, poster boleh didapatkan dengan meluas dari NGO yang terlibat seperti Aman Palestin.

4 Peka tentang apa terkini di Palestin. Tiada kos, hanya layari internet. Kumpul info & sebarkan. Jadikan ianya laman web di ruang „favourite‟ yang akan dilayari setiap kali online sama seperti wajibnya membuka mail atau facebook. Antara laman web yang boleh dilawati-

1) 2) 3)

5 Berusaha menjadi Muslim sebenar! Berpegang teguh pada al-Quran & Sunnah, cinta Allah & Rasul, ibadah yang menyeluruh/syumul dan tepat, profesional, menghargai masa, amanah, memuliakan maruah sesama manusia, kasih sayang atas dasar aqidah dan sebagainya. Isu Palestin adalah manifestasi kepada jauhnya majoriti Muslimin seluruh dunia (termasuk aku dan kamu) dari Islam; lemah, gagal bersatu dan menjadi peneraju dunia; khalifah. Kita akan kekal begini, sehingga kita berubah; itu janji Allah

“Setiap kita adalah wajib, wajib ke atas umat khususnya yang mampu dari timur & barat, utara & 5 selatan menghulurkan tangan membantu” -Syeikh Yusuf Qardawi

A small child looked out the window, seeing the hasty busty city life through his windowsill. His long, curious gaze fell on a group of people, clutching heavy books all along. “Students perhaps”, he thought. Among them there are a few Muslim students, he guessed again. Their Malaysian Muslim appearances at least give a clue that they are not non-muslim. “Oh thanks my Lord! The article I saw on daddy‟s table almost make me believe that Muslim professional-to-be is so sparse. It said that throughout worldwide Muslim population, only 2% complete their tertiary studies, compared to that of Christian which is about 40%. Yup, statistic always a debatable thing but this one does indicate something right?” he reiterated. “I wonder why it is so...” “Muslim and professional, professional and Muslim; any similarity? As far as my childish mind can think, professionals must live up to a certain expectation – from their colleges, their bosses, the society. They must behave, think and work professionally to distinguish them from non-professional people. Can i extrapolate that theory to define a Muslim?” “What does a Muslim literally means ya?” That naive, yet thoughtful


By: Neonate

boy climbed down his chair near the window, walking out from his room to his brother‟s. “Do you mind to look up the meaning of Muslim in your dictionary my dear brother?”

ents, carry out metabolism, dispose wastes, reproduce themselves and grow”. (Marieb, 7th Edition, page 4) Is it? Is it only that? Then how can we become special if we just do follow that very cycle? The small boy then when out of his room to ask his mum. “Mum, what make a Muslim so special? I would love to be special” “Well, actually Allah give us the opportunity to choose either we want to be a true Muslim or not. And if we choose to be one, and try hard to live up to Islamic values, then Allah‟s love is ours. And He will reward us for every single thing we do, every single thing”, replied the blissful mother. The boy ran happily to his room, climbed back his chair and looked through his window again. H i s „exploration‟ that day made him so happy, that he now knew who he is. “But do my hectic brothers and sisters over there know they are special? Yes, i am certain they know. Yes, they should know that, much early then me. But, but what if they don‟t know? Ah, they are university student, they are excellent people. As much as they are willing to find an answer regarding their assignment, they must be more willingful to find the biggest quest of human being; why am I created, what I am looking for and where I am heading to? They should already known, where to look for the answers. They surely do.” “Ya, life is indeed a choice,” he boy when asleep.

….Ah, they are university student, they are excellent people. As much as they are willing to find an answer regarding their assignment, they must be more willingful to find the biggest quest of human being; ….


“Oh,ok. Muslim literally means a person whose religion is Islam”. “So what does Islam mean then brother”? “Literally Islam means „total submission‟, which means every breath and work of ours is dedicated for Islam and our Lord. And that make us, the Muslim special among human being”. The small boy went back to his room. Just now, while is his brother‟s room, he peeped through his textbook and the wordings really ruffled him. The wording goes, “What does this highly organised human body do? Like all complex animals, human beings maintain their boundaries, move, respond to environmental changes, take and digest nutri-

Demi jiwa serta penyempurnaan (ciptaan) Nya, maka Dia mengilhamkan kepadanya (jalan) kejahatan dan 6 ketaqwaannya, sungguh beruntung orang yang menyucikannya (jiwa itu), dan sungguh rugi orang yang mengotorinya. [as-syams:8-10 ]

Islam & Medicine Medicine is not just one field of jobs; it is a pledge and commitment that you have made to yourselves that you will help the people in need of your knowledge and skills. The knowledge and skills that you have is of a lifesaver, by ALLAH‟s Will. "...We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people. And if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people...." (Qur'an 5:32) ALLAH has said that when you help to save one life, it is like you have save the whole population of mankind. It is how Islam views any profession that save lives, such as the medical practitioners, whether they are doctors, pharmacists, psychologist, or any other field that we are involved in. Medicine nowadays is much more complex than it was used to be, not just in the practice, but also on its guidelines, procedures, drugs and management where most of them are very vague and uncertain whether it is permitted or not in Islam. Some are those practice are originally considered as „haram‟ and thus it is not allowed but the Islamic scholars has made it tolerable because it is in the case of „darurah‟. But how could we as practitioners know that the procedures is not allowed, permissible or anywhere in between? It is by using the very method that is used in the Islamic law or syariah, the scholars apply this method in the field of medicine.

By: Akumaru88

In Islam, there is a method that is used to consider any Islamic Laws. It is to ensure that the Law is applied correctly in the right time, situation and place. It is called legal maxim. For example, two of the related maxims are “harm must be eliminated” and “necessity renders prohibited things permissible”. It is not that we can apply any law that is useful to us and neglect other laws on our own free will but by ALLAH‟s Mercy, some of those laws can be loosen a bit if these two conditions meet together; there is a need to the extend that it can cause harm if the need is not fulfilled and it must be under the situation of „darurah‟. For instances, we know that pork is absolutely „haram‟ in Islam. But when a Muslim does not have anything to eat (including leaf, earthworm, garden snail, grass & other halal „food‟) but pork (darurah), and he is in the condition that if he does not eat he will die (need that leads to harm), then it is permissible for him to eat that pork, but just enough for him to withstand his hunger and not until his is full, in others words, just enough to eliminate the harm and thus the below maxim takes place where it says, “ when a prohibition is removed the thing to which such prohibition attaches reverts to its former status of legality”. Other example, which is medically and Islamically related is the exposing of the patients‟ aurah. As a Muslim, we know that to cover your aurah is a compulsory and thus exposing it to other than your family members is not allowed. But, if there is need and darurah, then it is allowed but only to the specific areas only. There are other related maxims that can be used in the field of medicine such as choosing the lesser of two evil, necessity does not invalidate the right of another, harm is to be removed as far as possible, and harm cannot be removed by similar harm. Thus, as medicine is considered to be a job of life and death, these maxims have to be used


with knowledge and sincere heart by the medical practitioners in accessing any kind of medical decision in their profession for the benefit of their patient in accordance to the Islamic Law. But, please bear in mind that all these legal maxims are based on the Quran, Sunnah, Qiyas by the Companion, and the Ijtihad of the Muslim scholars. Therefore, at least the medical practitioners must have learned these from the appropriate teachers, scholars or any knowledgeable individuals on this method to make certain that the implementation of such maxim is correct and legal on Islamic standpoint. In conclusion, the legal maxim is a method that is used by Islamic scholars to d e t e r m i n e wh e t h e r any medicine is considered to be a job of life and death, these maxims have to be used with knowledge and sincere heart...

medical related decision making is legal and permissible in the Islamic Law. As medical practitioners, we should at least know these legal maxims and if possible, learn them from individuals that have knowledge and expertise on these methods so that although as doctors, pharmacist or any related professions, our decision is still under the influence and judgement as a Muslim and may ALLAH guide us with right decision making for the benefit of the patients and ourselves on the day where ALLAH‟s judgement is absolute.

Wahai anak cucu Adam! Pakailah pakaianmu yang bagus pada setiap (memasuki) masjid, makan dan mi7 31] numlah, tetapi jangan berlebihan. Sungguh, Dia (Allah) tidak menyukai orang yang berlebih-lebihan. [7;


7 By: tranquility11

Ya Allah, salahkah aku mencintai hambaMu? Allah Taala itu cantik dan suka kepada kecantikan. Cinta itu hakikatnya indah dan cantik. Jadi, kalau cinta kepada CINTA bererti cinta kepada Tuhan. Jadi cinta itu bukan dosa malah suatu pengabdian. Dengan mengenali cinta, makrifah (pengetahuan) kepada Tuhan sepatutnya semakin mendalam kerana cinta kepada makhlukNya bererti cinta kepada Penciptanya juga.


INTA. Ianya suatu fitrah dan naluri semua insan. Kamus cinta itu sangat luas, sempitnya fikiran kita jika hanya memandang cinta dari aspek hubungan lelaki dan perempuan sahaja. Kerana cinta, lahir sebuah persahabatan, sebuah ikatan perkahwinan, sebuah pengorbanan ibubapa demi anak-anak dan sebuah kehidupan yang penuh bermakna. Cinta yang agung tentunya pada Allah yang menciptakan kita dan mengurniakan kita naluri dan perasaan cinta. Namun satu hakikat yang kita tidak boleh lari daripadanya ialah lelaki dan perempuan diciptakanNya untuk saling mencintai. Sering terbit rasa gusar di hati ini, apakah cinta yang diberi kepada makhuk ciptaanNya melebihi cinta kepada sang Pencipta? Kadangkala terfikir juga apakah cinta yang lahir untuk makhlukNya itu cinta sejati? Hubungan bagaimana yang dikatakan berlandaskan cinta sejati? Untuk menjawabnya, kita perlu kembali kepada firman Allah s.w.t: “Sudah pastilah kecintaanKu itu terhad ap o ran g - o ra ng yan g zia ra h menziarahi keranaKu: Sudah pastilah kecintaanKu itu terhadap orang-orang yang cinta-mencintai keranaKu. Sudah pastilah kecintaanKu itu terhadap orang -orang yang bersusah payah keranaKu. Dan sudah pastilah kecintaanKu itu terhadap orang-orang yang tolong-

menolong keranaKu”. Allah mengganjarkan cintaNya untuk mereka yang mencipta cinta keranaNya. Allah menjadikan cinta sejati sebagai anugerah hanya kepada orangorang yang mencintai makhlukNya keranaNya. Cinta yang sebenar hanya lahir apabila kita benar-benar mencintai Sang Pencipta Cinta. Ia tidak dibuat-buat atau dinodai nafsu kerana ia didasarkan kepada Allah semata-mata. Dengannya baru lahir cinta sesama makhluk;

...Yang pasti jika semua orang sedar hakikat ini, cinta itu tidaklah semudah untuk dilafazkan. Takkan ramai yang berani bermain api cinta, takkanlah ada ungkapan lirik demi cinta lautan api direnangi...

ibubapa, kebat, anak-anak

luaraga, sahadan suami isteri.

Jadi bagaimana kita mahu mengukur sejauh mana cinta kita itu disandarkan kepada Allah? Ambil contoh yang ini; Saya menyayangi guru saya kerana menerusi dia, saya memperolehi ilmu pengetahuan yang akan menjadikan saya insan yang berjaya di dunia dan juga dapat memperbaiki amalan saya agar saya turut mendapat kebaikan di akhirat. Jelas, tujuan utama dari menuntut ilmu ialah keselamatan di dunia dan akhirat. Ia merupakan cinta yang dituntut. Juga, jika seseorang itu menikahi seorang wanita yang dicintainya untuk melindungi dirinya dari godaan syaitan, serta memelihara agamanya, dan mengharapkan zuriat yang soleh daripada perkahwinannya, maka dia adalah seorang pencinta kerana Allah Ta‟ala. Oleh itu, jika kita mencintai seseorang untuk memilikinya secara

halal, ia tidak ditegah sama sekali selagi mana patuh kepada garis panduanNya; yang sering kali dicampak tepi oleh para pencinta manusia. Hubungan lelaki dan perempuan selain daripada tujuan itu dibimbangi dapat menjerumus ke arah maksiat. Sebagai golongan dewasa berintelek, kita seharusnya dapat menimbang cinta apakah yang dikatakan berlandaskan syariat. Mungkin juga bosan jika mahu dihurai satu persatu. Cinta yang terbit dari naluri ini, harus juga lahir dari sandaran rasional dan kesedaran bahawa cinta itu satu tanggungjawab. Dengan menzahirkan cinta, kita sepatutnya memikirkan kesan yang bakal lahir daripadanya. Apakah yang lahir itu satu tuntutan dalam Islam dan mendekatkan kita denganNya atau menjauhkan diri kita daripadaNya? Yang pasti jika semua orang sedar hakikat ini, cinta itu tidaklah semudah untuk dilafazkan. Takkan ramai yang berani bermain api cinta, takkanlah ada ungkapan lirik demi cinta lautan api direnangi dan ombak badai diredahi..Itu semua bukan cinta sejati, ianya cinta murahan. Namun, ramai yang lari dari hakikat cinta yang suci ini dan memilih definisi cinta mereka sendiri. Memilih cinta murahan dari yang tulen dek kabur dengan keindahan cinta nafsu. Memang diakui, ia sesuatu yang diidamkan oleh semua insan but love is also blind. Jadi, berhati-hatilah dalam memilih cinta. Ingatlah, Allah telah menjanjikan cinta sejati buat mereka yang mencintaiNya. Sabarlah bagi mereka yang sentiasa berusaha mengejar cinta Allah kerana Allah tidak pernah memungkiri janji bahkan telah menyediakan cinta sejati untuk mereka.

“Ya Allah, Engkau pandulah hatiku ini mencari cinta insan yang hanya mengharapkan cintaMu. Ya Allah, kurniakanku insan yang mencintaiMu dan mencintaiku dan Engkau juga mencintainya.Ameen”.

Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them; And who believe in the8Revelation sent to thee, and sent before thy time, and (in their hearts) have the assurance of the Hereafter.” [2:2-3]



Muslim Scholar

By: Ferdy

I have been thinking... Buddha in Buddhism...

MY EARLY RELIGIOUS UPBRINGING I was brought up in the modern world of all the luxury and the high life of show business. I was born in a Christian home, but we know that every child is born in his original nature - it is only his parents that turn him to this or that religion I was taught that God exists, but there was no direct contact with God, so we had to make contact with Him through Jesus - he was in fact the door to God. This was more or less accepted by me, but I did not swallow it all. I looked at some of the statues of Jesus; they were just stones with no life. And when they said that God is there, I was puzzled even more but could not argue. I more or less believed it, because I had to have respect for the faith of my parents. POP STAR Gradually I became alienated from this religious upbringing. I started making music. All those things I saw in the films and on the media took hold of me, and perhaps I thought this was my God, the goal of making money. I decided then that this was the life for me; to make a lot of money, have a 'great life.' So what happened was that I became very famous.I wanted to live larger than life and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated (with liquor and drugs).

But, Allah is nowhere to be seen with our eyes. Thus, as a muslim, is that a reason not to remain faithful?

IN HOSPITAL After a year of financial success and 'high' living, I became very ill, contracted TB and had to be hospitalized. I started to think: What was to happen to me? Was I just a body, and my goal in life was merely to satisfy this body? I realized now that this calamity was a blessing given to me by Allah, a chance to open my eyes - "Why am I here? Why am I in bed?" - and I started looking for some of the answers. Then I realized I had a will, a God-given gift:

Prophet Muhammad pbuh. said, "[Ihsan is] to worship God as though you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees you." (Al-Bukhari and Al-Muslim).

By: Prodigy89

“How I Came to Islam”

Shiva, one of the Hinduism’s deities...

Jesus on the crucifix in Christianity...

... are materialised, so the worshipers can see them with their eyes, feel their presence, and have faith in them.




Cat Stevens

follow the will of God. I was fascinated an atmosphere of peace and tranquilby the new terminology I was learning lity prevailed. in the Eastern religion. By now I was fed up with Christianity. I started making music again and this time I started THE QUR'AN reflecting my own thoughts I also wrote When he came to London he brought a song, "The Way to Find God Out." I back a translation of the Qur'an, really had a difficult time because I was which he gave to me. And when I regetting rich and even more famous, and ceived the book, a guidat the same time, I was ance that would sincerely searching explain everyfor the Truth. Then ...I tried Zen and Ching, thing to me I came to a stage who I was; where I decided numerology, tarot cards what was the that Buddhism is and astrology. I tried to purpose of all right and nolife; what was ble, but I was not look back into the Bible the reality and ready to leave and could not find anywhat would be the world. I was the reality; too attached to thing. At this time I did and where I the world and not know anything came from - I was not prepared realized that to become a about Islam,... this was the true monk and to isoreligion; religion late myself from not in the sense the society. I tried Zen and West understands it, not the type for Ching, numerology, tarot cards and only your old age. In the West, whoever astrology. I tried to look back into the wishes to embrace a religion and make Bible and could not find anything. At it his only way of life is deemed a fathis time I did not know anything about natic. I was not a fanatic, I was at first Islam, and then, what I regarded as a confused between the body and the miracle occurred. My brother had vissoul. Then I realized that the body and ited the mosque in Jerusalem and soul are not apart and you don't have was greatly impressed that while on to go to the mountain to be religious. the one hand it throbbed with life We must follow the will of God. Then (unlike the churches and synagogues we can rise higher than the angels. The which were empty), on the other hand,


Muslim Figure first thing I wanted to do now was to be a Muslim. I realized that everything belongs to God, that slumber does not overtake Him. He created everything. At this point I began to lose the pride in me, because hereto I had thought the reason I was here was because of my own greatness. But I realized that I did not create myself, and the whole purpose of my being here was to submit to the teaching that has been perfected by the religion we know as AlIslam. At this point I started discovering my faith. I felt I was a Muslim. On reading the Qur'an, I now realized that all the Prophets sent by God brought the same message. Why then were the Jews and Christians different? I know now how the Jews did not accept Jesus as the Messiah and that they had changed His Word. Even the Christians misunderstand God's Word and called Jesus the son of God. Everything made so much sense. This is the beauty of the Qur'an; it asks you to reflect and

reason, and not to worship the sun or moon but the One Who has created everything. When I read the Qur'an further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a Muslim yet, but I felt that the only answer for me was the Qur'an, and God had sent it to me, and I kept it a secret. But the Qur'an also speaks on different levels. I began to understand it on another level, where the Qur'an says, "Those who believe do not take disbelievers for friends and the believers are brothers." Thus at this point I wished to meet my Muslim brothers. CONVERSION Then I decided to journey to Jerusalem (as my brother had done). At Jerusalem, I went to the mosque and sat down. I then joined the prayer, though not so successfully. Back in London, I wanted to embrace Islam, this was about one and a half years after I received the

Upcoming activities...



By: tranquility11


Qur'an. Now I realized that I must get rid of my pride, get rid of Iblis, and face one direction. So on a Friday, after Jumma' I went to the Imam and declared my faith (the Kalima Syahadah) at this hands. You have before you someone who had achieved fame and fortune. But guidance was something that eluded me, no matter how hard I tried, until I was shown the Qur'an.

Muslim Society

International Medical University


Rahimi b. Mohd Ariff

Finally I wish to say that everything I do is for the pleasure of Allah and pray that you gain some inspirations from my experiences. Islam is perfect, and if we imitate the conduct of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) we will be successful. May Allah give us guidance to follow the path of the ummah of Muhammad (SAW). A m e e n !

Vice President 1

Vice Presicet 2

Luqman Faiz b. Mohd

Hasni Haryanti bt. Hamdan


Vice Secretary

Johari b. Talep

Nur Amalina bt. Mohd Khair


Vice Treasurer

Abdul Karim b. Jamaludin

Nusaibah bt. Zainuddin

SYU’BAH SPORTS & RECRETATIONAL Akmal Hisham bin Ab Azit Nadhirah bt Nawam

SYU’BAH ECONOMY & LOGISTIC Akmal b. Damanhuri Nurul Aifaa bt. Hj Rahman

SYU’BAH TARBIYAH Muhammad Nadawi b. Zamauri Wan Ruwaida bt. Wan Mokhtar Aimi Hamizah bt. Kamarul Zaman Nurul Faeza bt. Mohd Salleh

SYU’BAH MULTIMEDIA Mohd Hakim b. Jamil Nur Syafiqa bt. Amri Sakinah bt. Abas

Special Task

Aishah bt. Aminuddin

-- Yusuf Islam (formerly Cat Stevens)



1) MSOC has to cut down on its activities during


this month since IT’S THE EXAM



a week later, 18/5..Big month..ganbatte and study hard to all

1)MSOC welcomes P109 to IMU. And it’s also a sad goodbye to our dearest M206.

1) M109 join IMU and MSOC family.

Fiqh Travelers. For seniors or even juniors who choose PMS option and will further their clinical years oversea, this course is worth going.


Annual MSOC Camping!! It’s the most awaiting and happening event every year. We haven’t come up with a suitable date yet but we promise that this year’s camping will be one of the best memory you will ever treasured in


MONTH!! EOS2 begins 11/2 and EOS5 begins

2) Gaza Talk- On 26th of February, SRC organize GAZA talk condemning the latest Israeli attack on Gaza. MSOC involved with Palestine booth and exhibition in Atrium.



IMU is Top 5!


Alhamdulillah! Last 14th March 2009, IMU Nasyid representatif, Luqman Faiz (lead vocals), Izat (vocals and harmony), Hakim (3rd voice), Kamal (bass), Azam (bass) & Karim (bass) had won the 5th place of Malam Inspirasi Seni, which was an intervarsity Nasyid competition, held as one of the activities of ‘Heart for Islam Campaign’ in University Teknologi Petronas (UTP). Despite last minute practice and training (less than 2 weeks), they managed to attract the judges’ and audiences’ attention; and even scored the highest mark for their first song! Congratulations! IMU BOLEH! The competition was participated by 10 IPTs.

Talk by Prof Rashid, PPIM President on 3rd of March held in SR1. Thanks to Prof.Rashid for a meaningful sharing on Islamic Medicine. 2)

Recruitment drive for the junior batches held on 10th of March in Atrium.


Malam Inspirasi Seni in UTP. Dear sem5, Luqman Faiz Mohd and friends that represent IMU.



Talk on Islamic Medicine-

Inter Religious Forum (IRF)- MSOC in collaboration with Buddhist Society, Christian Fellowship and Catholic Group plan to organize a forum to discuss about Science and Religion. Please come on 27th of March at the Atrium. Show our solidarity as Muslim and support us. 12


By: daunhijau


…itu lebih teruk dari zina

Wahai orang-orang yg beriman, bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah dan tinggalkanlah sisa baki riba sekiranya kamu benar-benar beriman, sekiranya kamu tidak meniggalkannya, isytiharkanlah perang dengan Allah dan RasulNya…. (al-Baqarah: 278) akan dikatakan kepada pemakan riba di hari kiamat “ambillah senjata kamu untuk berperang dengan Allah SWT” - Ibn Abbas

Riba mempunya 72 pintu. Riba yg paling ringan (dosanya) seperti seorang lelaki berzina dengan ibunya. (Hadis riwayat At-Tabrani dan al-Hakim)


-dalil di atas (dan banyak lagi) jelas menunjukkan keseriusan haramnya riba yang kerap kali tidak dipedulikan oleh Muslimin, bahkan isuisu seperti Muslim mengusap anjing dan memeluk khinzir lebih terkesan di hati kita. Riba yang dikelaskan oleh sebahagian ulama‟ sebagai dosa kedua terbesar selepas syirik kurang pula popularitinya. Mengapa ya? Artkel kali ini hanya mampu menyetuh isu riba secara ringkas sahaja. Riba terjadi dalam urusan pinjaman (adduyun) & jual beli barang ribawi (albuyu‟). Dalam keluaran kali ini, saya sekadar ingin mengfokuskan riba adduyun. Riba ad-duyun umumnya tebahagi kepada dua iaitu al-qardh dan aljahilyyah. Riba al-qardh adalah kadar atau manfaat tambahan yang disyaratkan semasa awal kontrak pinjaman. Contohnya apabila si A meminjam motor si B dan disyaratkan supaya si A mengisi minyak penuh ke dalam motor apabila memulangkannya sedangkan kuantiti asal minyak di dalam motor kurang dari itu. Riba al-jahiliyyah pula adalah kadar atau manfaat tambahan yang dikenakan kerana peminjam lambat memulangkan pinjaman & disyaratkan semasa awal kontrak pinjaman. Contohnya agak serupa dengan contoh di atas, cuma kali ini si B mensyaratkan si A mengisi minyak penuh jika lambat memulangkan motornya berbanding waktu yang telah dipersetujui. Dalam konteks semasa, riba adduyun jelas diamalkan di bank-bank konvensional. Pinjaman perumahan dan kereta, kad kredit serta akaun simpanan wang dan akaun deposit tetap yang

mempunyai kadar faedah/interest merurasanya jika seorang jurutera mempertipakan jenayah riba yang dianggap biasa kaikan pandangan seorang dktor pakar oleh masyarakat. dalam bidang perubatan. Bertambah Riba dalam urusan pinjaman pelik jika seorang awam yang kurang rasanya sudah jelas. Peminjam perlu pengetahuan tentang perbankan dan membayar lebih mengikut peratusan undang-undang berkaitan serta ilmu yang ditetapkan atas pinjaman dan caj feqah kewangan mempertikaikan fatwa tambahan dikenakan jika lewat bayar. Dalam kon-fatwa hasil perteks akaun bincangan ulama'simpanan ulama' sedunia wang pula, ...“Perbankan Islam (PI) yang pakar dalam pihak bank hanya bersalin kulit dan isu kewangan dan d i k i r a menukar nama kepada feqah muamalat meminjam yang berijtihad wang dari- lebih Islamiah”?.. pada pelangmenggunakan gan untuk Oh, sudah tentu tidak!... dalil-dalil sahih. melabur dan Namun, mereka perlu tak dapat dinafimemberi kan, usia PI masih riba/faedah kira-kira 0.1% dari jumlah muda berbanding perbankan konvensimpanan pelanggan. Dalam kebanyakkan kes, bank memperolehi keuntungan sional yang berusia ratusan tahun. PI berlipat kali ganda hasil menggunakan bukanlah boleh naik sekelip mata, ia wang pelangan dan pelanggan pastinya memerlukan proses kematangan. rugi di sini. Jika bank rugi, mereka maKetika bertatih ini, sudah tentu sekalisih perlu membayar faedah kepada pesekala terjatuh. Kesilapan boleh saja langgan seterunya memburukkan lagi berlaku.Yang penting, jatuhnya ke hakeadaan kewangan bank. 0.1% mungkin dapan, bukan mengundur ke belakang. kecil bagi kita, namun bagi bank yang mempunyai ratusan ribu pelanggan den& sebagai pengguna kita perlu faham gan jumlah simpanan mencecah berbilmasalah akar umbi PI agar tidak terpenion ringgit, 0.1% daripadanya dalam garuh dengan pandangan yang salah. keadaan kewangan yang mendesak tentu saja amat menyakitkan. …yang demikian itu kerana mereka Bank-bank belandaskan syariat mengatakan jual beli itu sama dengan sudah banyak kini di Malaysia. Gunariba. Padahal Allah menghalakan jualkanlah. “Perbankan Islam (PI) hanya bersalin kulit dan menukar nama kepada beli dan mengharamkan riba… allebih Islamiah”?.. Oh, sudah tentu tidak! Baqarah, 275 Terlampau banyak hujah yang ada utntuk menyangkalnya. Pelik

Maka adakah kamu sangka bahawa Kami menciptakan kamu main-main (tanpa hikmat/ tujuan) dan kamu tidak akan dikembalikan kepada Kami? [al-Mukminun;115 ] 13

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