Artifact Download 2

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 311
  • Pages: 2
Lesson 6 - Thanking Community Helpers  Curriculum Area: ​Social Studies 

Approximate Time: ​30-45 minutes 

Standard:  Standard 2 ​(Citizenship): Students will recognize and practice civic responsibility in the  community, state, and nation.   Objective 2 - ​Identify individuals within the school community and how they contribute  to the school's success.  b. Demonstrate respect for the school and the school community.   Essential Questions:  ● What is a community helper?  ● Who are community helpers in our  schools?  ● What do they do for our  community?  ● How can we show appreciation and  respect to community helpers? 

Objectives:  ● Students will show appreciation  and respect for community helpers  within the school and community by  writing thank you notes to them.  ● Students will understand the  importance of thanking community  helpers. 

Vocabulary:  Community helpers  Activities:  Materials:   ● Colorful cardstock  ● Write thank you cards to  ● Markers  community helpers within Highland    Park (custodian, lunch ladies, front  desk secretaries, crossing guard,  librarian, Mary Jane)  Accommodations:  ● Graphic organizer to help students organize their thoughts and understand the  structure of a thank you card.    ● Review with students and ask them “What community helpers do we have in our  school?” and “How do they help our community/school?”  ○ Ms. Brenda Sherwood in the front office  ○ Ms. Barbara ​Pecoraro-Mcdonnell​ in the cafeteria  ○ Mr. Beau Bishop the head custodian  ○ Ms. Mary Jane Moore the school counselor  ○ Ms. Cluff the principal 

● ● ● ● ●

○ Ms. Clayton the librarian  ○ Crossing guards (Mike, Louise)  Write down how each person helps the school and contributes to the community.  Teach students how to write a thank you note.  Tell students to think of one person on the list to write a thank you note to.   Have students write a rough draft.  When the rough draft is checked off, have them write their “final draft” in their  card. 

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