Art Of Mind Control - Art Of Living

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ART OF MIND CONTROL ~ ART OF LIVING Reproduced from the book ~ " Art of mind control " compiled By Radheshyam Das M. Tech. (IIT) Director, BACE Pune. More books click here -


As we move into the 21st;Century, we see that Science and Technology have reached heights, which could not have been imagined a few hundred years ago. There are so many modern amenities today like air-conditioners, vehicles, 5-star hotels, the finest of vehicles, a communication system due to which the earth has shrunk, etc. The purpose of Sciences is to either eliminate all miseries, or at best to reduce miseries, and thereby bring more and more happiness in the lives of the common people. So what should we expect to find in the technologically most advanced countries? We should expect the most cherished qualities of love, peace and fraternity amongst the citizens. However, the present day scenario is just the opposite.

The world's leading ecogiants, such as the United States of America and Japan, although hundreds of times more scientifically and technologically advanced than India, strangely show the high suicide rates amongst the young and rich citizens! People are somehow 'surviving' in these countries. They are always with anxiety, frustrated and very disturbed. We are not philosophizing — we are just stating facts. The divorce rate in America today is more than 75% in the first three years of marriage and more people (especially of the higher income class in the Western countries)are forced to take sleeping pills in order to sleep at night, and they also visit psychiatrists regularly. People are so terrified they have to screen their guests through a lens on their door, and for better safety they install several security systems. This 'culture' has now invaded Indian cities. People move like robots or zombies with no emotions, or at best false emotions. If one moves out of the house after dusk and comes back alive, successfully escaping the drugs and women-hunting violent criminals, he can be considered exceptionally lucky. WHAT IS MISSING IN OUR MODERN SOCIETY? His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada, the Founder-Acharya of ISKCON, would often give an example, which illustrates the condition of modern society today. If we take a pack of dogs and put them in a locked room, what do you expect to happen? Would they be smiling at one another? Would they develop loving relationships amongst themselves? One would hardly expect that! In fact they would be bark screaming, biting, quarreling and killing one another. A very similar situation can be observed in today's society. If 'Knowledge is power', what are we doing with all our knowledge, we are unable to control the world's situation today? One need not blame the government, politicians, police officials, judiciary etc. for the problems that the world faces today.We are INTERNALLY DIS-TURBED, so we create disturbances for others. We have to evaluate the nature of our mind to understand the ART OF MIND CONTROL

Know Who You Are Before You Know Your Mind (2 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

Am I This Body? Am i This Hair? Am I This Hand? Am I This Nose? /? Am'I This coat? Who Am I ? It Is Easy To Point to Your Eye Or Nose,But Can You Point Yourself

The biggest problem is the identity crisis. Who am I? Am I this body, mind, intelligence, or the head, or the nose? If one can find out one's real identity, then he can workout in achieving lasting happiness. We are not these bodies; we are pure spiritual souls (Atma). The existence of the soul is not based on the blind faith of a group of religious followers, as some people wrongly think. It can be proved through logic and understanding.

ARE YOU A BAG OF FLESH WORTH RS. 110 ONLY? Once a scientist analyzed all the chemicals present in the body and the total "Market Value" of the components of the body was just Rs. 110/-.!!! Anybody who argues that this body is all in all, and that there is nothing as a soul of higher dimension within his body, he has to ask himself whether his parents would sell him off for Rs.110?

If your friend travelling on his bicycle falls off it, what will you do? You will forget the cycle worth Rs.2000/- on the road and rush the body of your friend worth Rs.110/- to the near by hospital. Even if your friend, riding in a Mercedes Benz, faces a (3 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

head-on collision with another car, you'll rush to the hospital with his Rs.110/-body, bothering the least about the Rs 25/-lakh car lying on the road side. So it is not difficult for a sane man to appreciate that there has to be something very special and superior in a living body, which everyone values so much, even though one may not be in knowledge of the eternal soul. The soul is the real eternal personality residing in this temporary body. Yet the entire world, with all its advancement, is only learning to pamper this useless body worth Rs.110/-, which is nothing more than a bag of chemicals. The soul can be compared to a driver and the body to a vehicle. The soul is the spark of life that makes the body appear alive and when the soul leaves the body, we say the person is 'dead'. An analogy of a car can be given in this regard. There are headlights in the car to see the road, you also see with your eyes. The car produces sound with the horn, you also speak. The car has four wheels, you also have two hands and two legs. The car moves from place to place and you also do the same. But once the driver gets down from the car, the car cannot budge one-inch on its own, even after 100 years. Similarly when a man dies, the body is exactly like a car without a driver. The body, which we see, is actually dead. It appears to be alive by the presence of the soul. When the soul leaves the body, the body becomes inactive.

The body is also compared to a cage and the soul is compared to a parrot in the cage. So if someone takes very good care of the cage by polishing it very carefully and keeping it clean, but ignores the needs of the resident parrot, then the whole purpose of keeping the parrot in the cage is defeated. In today's society people are making all possible arrangements only for bodily comforts and luxuries, but spiritually everyone is starving, and hence everyone is unhappy and dissatisfied.

CAUSE OF UNHAPPINESS AND THE FORMULA FOR HAPPINESS The Vedic scriptures explain that the soul is constitutionally a resident of an eternal realm, the spiritual world. It is explained in the Upanishads, 'nityo nityanam, cetanas cetananam, eko bahunam, yo vidadhati kaman' the Supreme Personality of Godhead is one amongst many, many souls who are all subordinate to Him. Every soul is endowed with a minute independence. He can choose either to love and serve God, or to be independent of God and struggle for the so-called illusory enjoyment in this material world. The souls in this world have chosen the second option. BODY-SENSES-MIND-INTELLIGENCE MECHANISM The knowledge about the soul is quite exhaustive is beyond the scope of this book. (You may refer to our pocket book publication :'Can I live forever ?' for further information about the soul). If one can understand the body-senses-mindintelligence mechanism, how it works, then one can learn to control the mind perfectly. The soul, when he comes to this material world, is awarded a gross and subtle covering to acclimatize him to the material surroundings. (4 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

The false ego is the connection or bond between the material body and the soul. Everyone exhibits this as bodily consciousness. Everyone thinks in terms of I and 'mine'. To think 'I am fair', 'I am black', 'I am tall', 'I am short', 'I am a brahman', 'I am an Indian', etc., is false ego. True ego is to realize oneself to be an eternal servant of God. Intelligence is the decision-maker. It is supposed to discriminate between good and bad, and give proper direction and guidance to the mind, to know what to do and what not to do. The mind is the centre of all activities of the senses, and is the reservoir of all ideas of sense enjoyment. The mind is the storehouse of thoughts, unfulfilled desires and previous experiences. The functions of the mind are thinking, feeling and willing. Mind is the storehouse and centre for all knowledge-acquiring senses - eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin. Now we can illustrate with an example how. the body-mind-intelligence mechanism works.When you are walking along the road and you see a gulab jamun in a sweetmeat shop, first your eyes (one of the jnanendriyas) are attracted by the gulab jamuns. This information is passed on to the mind. The mind has two things: the previous experience of the sweet taste of gulab jamun and the input of seeing gulab jamun. The mind consults the intelligence and the intelligence dictates to your hands and legs (karmendriyas) to go to the shop and purchase the gulab jamuns. In this way co-ordination takes place between the jnanendriyas, karmendriyas, the mind and intelligence.

The following analogy can be found in the pages of the Upanishads, which helps one to understand the gross body, mind, intelligence and the soul. It is described in the Vedic literature that the gross material body is like a chariot. The soul is the passenger in the chariot. The intelligence is the driver and the mind is the driving instrument (the reins or ropes). Finally, the senses are the horses. If the senses (horses) are uncontrolled and wild, the body (chariot) will be led in the wrong direction If, however, the intelligence (driver) is strong and resolute, then he can exercise tight control on the mind (the reins), and thus restrain and discipline the senses (horses). The overall purpose of the whole soul-body arrangement can thus be fulfilled only if the senses are controlled. (5 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

Therefore, we can understand that although the mind plays a vital role, above the mind there is the determination of the intelligence. And yet above the intelligence is the soul proper. It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita (3.42): "The working senses are superior to dull body; but mind is higher than the senses; intelligence is still higher than the mind; and he (the soul) is even higher than the intelligence. THE MISERABLE FERRIS WHEEL GAME

The nature of the spirit soul is Sat-Cit-Ananda i.e. the soul is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. In contrast, the body is temporary , full of ignorance and suffering. Because of this incompatibility between the two, the soul, who is meant to be happy in an eternal blissful atmosphere, is never happy in this temporary miserable body. The soul has to repeatedly take birth and undergo old age, disease and death in different bodies. Hence Shankaracarya has sung: punar api jananam punar api maranam, punar api janani jatare sayanam iha samsare bahu dustare kripaya pare pahi murare "O Murari, Lord Krishna, I am repeatedly tossed in the waves of birth and death. I am forced to be born again and again and forced to die again and again. In this way I have been occupying the wombs of millions of mothers. Please kindly shower your merciful glance upon me and deliver me from this ocean of nescience." In this way, the soul sometimes is damned to occupy a dog's body or blessed to get a human body, depending on his past deeds and activities. This cycle of birth and death is like a Ferris wheel where sometimes you are at the top and sometimes at the bottom. Similarly the soul keeps on taking one body after another until he becomes completely purified and becomes a surrendered devotee of God. (6 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

NATURE OF THE MIND The mind (which is part of the subtle body) plays a major role in causing misery to the living beings being conditioned in material existence. So it is very important to know how the mind functions and its nature, its behaviour, and the method of controlling it, in order to utilize it positively. THE JUMPING MONKEY The mind is sometimes compared to a monkey that jumps from one branch to another. The mind never stays stable on one object. It has a nature of thinking about one object at one time and to think of another at the next moment. The mind is also sometimes compared to a child who is very restless and mischievous. Everyone is torn apart completely in trying to satisfy the demands of the mind. The mind is not satiated no matter how many of its desires you try to fulfill. The mind is similar to an unchaste prostitute who wears different color dresses at different times to attract different types of men. Similarly, an uncontrolled mind completely ruins a person.

Even a great personality like Arjuna frankly admitted that the mind is very difficult to control. In the Bhagavad-gita(B. G.6.34) Arjuna says: chancalam hi manah krsna, pramathi balavad drdham tasyaham nigraham manye vayor iva suduskaram "The mind is restless, turbulent, obstinate and very strong, O Krishna, and to subdue it, I think it is more difficult than controlling the wind." Arjuna was such an expert warrior that he thought it could have been possible for him to control the wind with weapons, but in his battle against the mind he felt he had no hope. UNCONTROLLED MIND: WHAT IT CAN DO TO YOU? (7 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

The position of a person whose mind and senses are uncontrolled becomes pitiable. On one side the tongue is pulling him to arrange for tasty food; then thirst drags one to get a suitable drink. Simultaneously, the sex organs clamor for satisfaction, and the sense of touch demands soft, sensuous objects. The belly harasses one until it is filled, the ears demand to hear pleasant sounds, the sense of smell hankers for pleasant aromas, and the fickle eyes clamor for pleasing sights. Thus the senses, organs, and limbs, all desiring satisfaction pull the living entity in many directions. All these senses wander astray in all direcdue to an uncontrolled mind. A foolish man who knows no solution when faced with dangers in life, may fall prey to bad vices like smoking, drinking or suicide, to free himself from suffering; but he is inviting more suffering than ever before. In modern times we can practically see people getting stress, lack of confidence, lack of determination and so on.... due to an uncontrolled mind. 'What profiteth a man who has gained the entire world, but has lost his own soul? — certainly a sensible question. There is no peace and happiness in accumulation of wealth, or possesing bodily beauty, or in display of strength. The real secret of happiness is a controlled mind, which is gradually achieved through a God-conscious way of life. The NECESSITY of MIND CONTROL We all know that, somehow or other, if we can learn to control our mind, then we can accompolish so many things in our life. So naturally, any everyone of us are interested in controlling our mimd . At the same time we are all well aware of the disastrous consequences of an uncontrolled mind. If the mind of a person is uncontrolled, it will make him miserable throughout his life and may harass him so much that he may even go to the extent of committing suicide. Every intelligent person should learn to control his mind and lead a peaceful life. There are many institutions offering courses on Mind Control, but most of them don't go to the root of the problem. They are based on only a superficial knowledge of the mind and the way in which it works. Mind control without proper understanding of oneself, God and the purpose of life is just an eyewash; it can yield no tangible benefit. In this booklet however, we will get a proper understanding of the mind, based on the timeless wisdom of the Vedic philosophical masterpiece, the Bhagavad-gita. The mind frequently causes us a variety of problems. And amateur attempts to tackle these problems are bound to fail since the body-mind mechanism is extremely complex. Therefore the first step in mind control is to understand the answers to the following basic questions: What is this body? Who am I? What is the purpose of this creation? In order to get authentic answers to these questions, the best course of action is to approac the super-intelligent Designer of this body, the Mastermind behind the creation, namely, the Supreme Lord, and ask Him, "Why did You create all these problems?" This approach involves tackling the problems of life by going to their root cause and so it can provide a permanent solution. Just as when we get a disease, we go to a doctor, an expert in that field, to diagnose the root cause of the disease and get it cured, similarly we (8 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

need the help of a guru or a spiritual master, an expert in the knowledge of the essence of life, who can teach us why our mind and body give us so much suffering in this world and the way to permanently get rid of all suffering.

Krishna, the Supreme Lord, is universally acclaimed as the jagat guru or the spiritual master of the whole universe. And He is teaching Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita how to control one's mind and how to lead a pure life. Right at the outset of the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna that we are not these material bodies; we are actually spirit souls. This body is simply like a dress; it is just an external covering. The atma, the eternal being, who is the eternal servant of God, is now trapped in this body exactly like a parrot trapped in a cage. Being trapped in the body we are constantly suffering due to the miseries caused by the body and the mind. It is not that we are suffering only now; our history of suffering dates back to many, many lifetimes. Therefore according to all the scriptures the ultimate goal of life, the only way to lasting happiness, is to liberate oneself from the cycle of birth and death and to achieve the kingof God. That is our original home and it is from there that we have come to this foreign place, the material world. Due to our stay in the material world, our mind has become the storehouse of varieties of thoughts, impressions and unfulfilled desires . These material impressions on the mind drag the atma from one body to another, birth after birth. Until all these material impressions are wiped out from the mind and pure spiritual consciousness is established, there is no possibility of returning back to the kingdom of God. But as long as we are in this material world, we are inescapably stuck up with the body and the mind. And the mind gives us a variety of sufferings. Herein we will try to learn a few tips, which can help us to control the mind. But these tips have to be applied while a person simultaneously engages in cultivating knowledge about God, the ultimate goal of life and about himself. There is no overnight, short cut to control the mind; if it were so easy, modern man would not talk so much about mind control. CAN THE MIND BE OUR FRIEND? Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita (B.G. 6.6): bandhur atmatmanas tasya yenatmaivatmana jitah anatmanas tu satrutve vartetatmaiva satruvat "For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the greatest enemy." Thus the disposition of the mind determines one's happiness or distress. The mind can be compared to a sharpened knife. The sharpened knife is used by miscreants to cause violence, but the same knife is used by an expert surgeon to save one's life. The knife in itself is neither good nor bad. When the mind is controlled one achieves the highest per-fection of life. He voluntarily agrees to abide by the direction of the Personality of Godhead, who is situated within the heart of everyone as the Supersoul. Such a person is unaffected by the dualities of material existence, namely distress and happiness, cold and heat, etc. This state is practical Samadhi, or absorption in the Supreme. (9 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krishna also explains the nature of the uncontrolled mind. Such a mind is always making plans to enjoy the different sense pleasures. Lord Krishna says, "While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops,and from lust anger arises. From anger, complete delusion arises, and from deusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into the material pool." [B.G.2.62-63]. The un-controlled mind is thus the cause of our material existence and all the sufferings we experience in this world. If the mind is controlled the senses will not trouble us. The intelligence of a person must be strong, so that the mind is under its control, and then the senses are automatically subdued. The driver of the chariot must be stout, strong and expert in holding the reins tightly so that the horses are in check. The intelligence must be strengthened by hearing instructions from a superior authority. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.34): tad viddhi pranipatena pari prasnena sevaya upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninas tattva-darsinah 'Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him. The self-realized souls can impart knowledge unto you because they have seen the truth.' By this process the intelligence will become strong and the uncontrolled mind will be sub-dued . Good spiritual instructions are food for the intelligence. They nourish the intelligence and purify the mind. When the intelligence (driver) is strong, then he will be able to conthe mind (reins) tightly, and the soul (paswill have a peaceful journey. But as long as the intelligence is weaker than the mind, there is no possibility of any peace or happiness in our life. MIND CONTROL THROUGH MEDITATION -THE TORTOISE TECHNIQUE To develop good qualities and be really happy in life one must control the mind. Lord Krishna explains this in the Bhagavadgita (BG 2.58): yada samharate cayam kurmo 'nganiva sarvasah indriyhanindriyarthebhyas tasya prajna pratisthita "One who is able to withdraw his senses from sense objects, as the tortoise draws its limbs within the shell, is firmly fixed in perfect conciousness The senses are compared to venomous serpents. They want to act loosely and without restriction. But we must be strong enough to control the serpents - like a snake charmer. We must never allow the senses to act independently There are many injunctions in the revealed scriptures; some of them are do-not's, and some of them are do's. The example of the tortoise given by Lord Krishna is very appropriate. The tortoise can at any moment wind up his senses and exhibit them again at any time for particular purposes. REGULATIVE PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM (10 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

Similarly we must refrain our senses from engaging in activities which only pollute our mind and consciousness. Such activities are primarily meat-eating, gambling, intoxication and illicit sex. These activities must be strictly given up. Most people would say, "Why are you restricting me from doing what I want? I want to be completely free and do what I like." Actually Lord Krishna describes such restrictions as "regulative principles of freedom" One may argue, "What kind of freedom is this? Restriction means no freedom." Such persons do not understand that by cultivating bad habits one becomes a slave of his senses. For example, a smoker may say, "I smoke because I like it and it gives me more concentration in my work. But I smoke out of my own sweet, free will. Whenever I choose to, I can give it up." They say this only because of their inflated ego. In reality such people become slaves of their habits and are never able to give it up throughout their lives. In the Western world in the name of 'freedom' everyone engages in 'free sex', boozing, etc without any restriction and they become addicted to such activities. Their minds, which are never satiated, torture and urge them to engage in these sinful activities more and more. Besides this they suffer terrible diseases like AIDS and cancer and they also clear their royal road to hell. AN IDLE MIND IS A DEVIL'S WORKSHOP You may question, "If you are telling me to refrain from so many things, what should I do? I cannot remain inert and idle. I must DO SOMETHING!!!". It is extremely important to engage the senses in superior spiritual activities. The senses are so strong and impetuous that they forcibly carry away the mind even of a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them. (BG 2.60). So if the mind and senses are not engaged in superior Krishna conscious activities, then they will immediately drag you to material sense enjoyment There are many learned, sages, philosophers and transcendentalists who try to control the senses but, in spite of their endeavors, even the greatest of them sometimes fall victim to material sense enjoyment due to an agitated mind. The great sage Vishvamitra tried to practice mystic yoga with severe penance by strictly controlling the mind and senses. But when he heard the tinkling of the ankle bells of Menaka, all the desires for sense enjoyment in Visvamitra's mind came up to the surface. He forgot all his yoga practices and enjoyed with her. Therefore, it is very difficult to control the mind and senses without experiencing higher taste, and being fully Krishna conscious. Without engaging our mind in Krishna, one cannot cease material activities.


Contrary to Vishvamitra is the story of the great devotee Srila Haridas Thakur. Haridas Thakur absorbed himself completely in mantra meditation in chanting the Holy names on Lord Krishna. He would chant three hundred thousand names of the Lord each day. The body of this extraordinary saint, who was in continous trance, was maintained by spiritual strength from chanting, and he barely slept at all. He was so influential that all the neighbour people offered their respects to him. But a landlord named Ramachandra Khan became envious of Haridas Thakur being respected unable to tolerate the great respect which was offered to Haridas Thakur, he schemed to bring disrespect to him.He sent a beautiful prostitute to allure Haridas in the dead of the night. The prostitute, after dressing herself in a seductive way, went to the cottage of Haridas Thakur. Exposing part of her body to his view, she sat down on the threshold and spoke to him in sweet words. She told him, "My dear Haridas, O great preacher, great devotee, you are so beautifully built, and your youth is just beginning. Who is the woman who could control her mind after seeing you? I am eager to be united with you. My mind is greedy for this." Haridas Thakur replied, "I shall accept you without fail, but you will have to wait until I have finished chanting my regular rounds on my beads. Until that time, please sit and listen to the chanting of the Holy Name. As soon as I am finished, I shall fulfill your desire." When the night came to an end, the prostitute become restless. Seeing this, Haridas said, "I have vowed to chant ten million names of Krishna in one month. I tried my best to chant the Holy name all night, but I still did not finish . Tomorrow I will surely finish, and my vow will be fulfilled. Then it will be possible for me to enjoy with you in full freedom." The prostitute left and she came again that night. The same thing happened. Haridas continued to chant and the prostitute sat nearby waiting for him to finish his vow. This continued for three continuous nights. By her constant hearof Haridas' chanting, the mind of the prostitute changed. She began to cry and fell at the lotus feet of Haridas Thakur and revealed her evil intentions. She begged Haridas, Kindly instruct me in my duty by which I may get relief from material existence." Haridas answered, "Chant the Hare Krishna mantra continuously and render service to Tulasi by watering her and offering prayers to her. In this way you will very soon get the shelter of the lotus feet of Krishna." Haridas Thakur was not the least affected by the prostitute. In fact, he converted her into a great devotee of the Lord. When one engages in devotional service (Krishna consciousness), then automatically material enjoyment becomes distasteful. Krishna explains in the Gita that, besides re-straining the senses from sinful activities, we must engage our mind in His service and thus fix our consciousness on Him. He says in the Bhagavad-gita (B.G.2.61): tani sarvani samyamya yukta asita mat-parah vase hi yasyendriyani tasya prajna pratisthita (12 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

"One who restrains his senses, keeping them under full control, and fixes his consciousness upon Me, is known to be a man of steady wisdom. The sure-shot method of controlling our mind and all our senses is to engage them in positive spiritual activities. In Vedic times the saintly kings would take taxes from the general people and use it to help the devotees to preach Krishna consciousness. They would build temples, which were like universities of Vedic wisdom and culture. These big temples of the Lord were built right in the center of the town so that many people could gather there for spiritual education. These kings would not only help in propagating Krishna consciousness throughout the world but would also strictly practice the principles of bhakti in their own lives. The exemplary standards of devotional service set by the saintly kings were followed by the common people and thus they too would get a chance to progress on the path to the spiritual world -back home, back to Godhead. An excellent example of such a great devotee-king was Ambarisha Maharaja. The king engaged all his senses in the service of the Lord and was able to conquer his desires, as mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam (9.4.18-20). THE PANACEA FOR ALL PROBLEMS When we forget our prime duty of serving God, we are forced to serve the misgivings in our heart such as lust, anger and so on as described previously. Presently, we have forgotten our relationship with God and hence the process of yoga is described in the standard Vedic texts in ordet to revive our loving relation with the Supreme Lord. There are various yogic processes for attaining the Supreme, but in this day and age of Kali Yuga, which is described as the age of quarrel and hypocisy there is only one way i.e. the chanting of the Holy names of the Lord. This is confirmed in the Brhad-Naradiya Purana: harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam kalau nastyva nastyva nastyva gatir anyatha "In this age of Kali Yuga the only process of self-realization is chanting the names of Lord Hari, chanting the names of Lord Hari, chanting the names of Lord Hari, There is no other way, no other way, no other way." HARE KRISHNA MAHAMANTRA: THE GREAT DELIVERER OF THE MIND

The word 'Mantra' means 'deliverer of mind'. 'Maha-mantra' means 'the great deliverer of mind'. No artificial technique can help you except the revival of your dormant God consciousness through the chanting of the Holy names of God. Mantra Meditation is a process of repeated recitation of an authorized name of God. Such a repeated recitation pro-duces spiritual vibrations in the heart of the chanter and vanquishes all the misgivings in the heart and establishes a pure consciousness leading to peace and serenity. There are hundreds of names of God and all of them are very powerful. But the Kali-Santarana Upanisad specifically mentions the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. The Upanisad assures that by chanting this Maha-Mantra (13 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM

regularly, one can destroy all that is undesirable within one's heart. It is further declared that there is no other way of selfrealization from the point of view of all revealed scriptures. When you go to a medical shop, although there are hundreds of medicines available, you only ask for a specific medicine prescribed by your doctor. In the same way, for this parage of Kali yuga, the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is prescribed. The effect of such spiritual sound vibration (as the Holy name of the Lord) is a universal principle, just like the law of gravity or any other law of Physics. It causes transformation within the heart of anyone who sincerely adopts this principle, and gives them higher happiness and confidence. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare PROCESS OF CHANTING HARE KRISHNA MAHA-MANTRA Take the japa - mala in the right hand, hold it between the thumb and the middle finger (see the diagram). The first finger is not used, as it is considered contaminated. Start at the bead next to the head bead. Before chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra, chant the pancha-tatva mantra: sri krishna-caitanya prabhu nityananda sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrinda. Now chant the maha-mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare . Then move onto another bead. After chanting 108 times, you will again reach the head bead and will then have completed one mala or 'round'. Now turn the beads around without crossing the head bead and start another round by again chanting pancha-tatva mantra Chanting is simple but should be performed properly for best results. Chanting should be at least loud enough that a person next to the chanter can hear it. While chanting, concentrate on hearing the maha-mantra. This concentration is mantra meditation and is powerful for cleaning our hearts. It is difficult to stop the mind wandering but as with anything else practice makes perfect. Note that the mantra should be chanted distinctly so that each sylcan be clearly heard. The best time to chant is early , in the, morning(during the brahma-muhurta, the auspicious period before sunrise). One can chant in any situation - on a train, while going to work or walking on the street - but it is best to finish our fixed quota of chanting with full concentration early in the morning, before starting one's routine daily activities. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare (14 of 15)3/13/2009 1:22:19 AM




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