Aromatherapy Scents , Candles , Oils

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Aromatherapy Scents for Emotional Balance By Nan Little Specific scents are helpful for different issues; someone who is dealing with depression may need an energizing aroma while an anxious person would benefit from more calming, soothing smells. In some cases, certain scents are indicated for multiple conditions, and these may be a welcome addition for anyone seeking greater overall satisfaction and emotional balance. Aromatherapy Scents for Anxiety/Stress:          

Bergamot: Fresh scent with a mix of citrus and floral notes Lavender: Fresh sweet and floral scent. Patchouli: Pungent and rich woody smell. Ylang-Ylang: A mixture of floral, sweet, and fruity notes. Jasmine: A warm and exotic floral. Juniper Berry: Pungent sweet, crisp smell with fruity hints. Geranium: Fresh floral scent with sweet and fruity notes. Chamomile: Sweet and fruity. Hyssop: Fresh and fruity with woody and sweet notes. Clary Sage: Pungent earthy scent with a slight fruitiness.

Aromatherapy Scents for Depression:       

Clary Sage: Pungent earthy scent with a slight fruitiness. Lavender: Fresh sweet and floral scent. Ylang-Ylang: A mixture of floral, sweet, and fruity notes. Chamomile: Sweet and fruity. Frankincense: Fresh and woody with a slightly spicy, fruity note. Sandalwood: Rich and sweet with a mixture of woody and floral notes. Marjoram: Slightly medicinal and campherous while sweet and woody.

Aromatherapy Scents for Sleep Difficulty:       

Chamomile: Sweet and fruity. Lavender: Fresh sweet and floral scent. Patchouli: Pungent and rich woody smell. Lemon Balm: Citrusy and fresh. Neroli: Exotic blend of citrus, floral, and sweet notes. Sandalwood: Rich and sweet with a mixture of woody and floral notes. Ylang-Ylang: A mixture of floral, sweet, and fruity notes.

Aromatherapy Scents for Mental Clarity and Concentration:     

Bergamot: Fresh scent with a mix of citrus and floral notes Peppermint: Strong minty smell. Grapefruit: Citrusy and fresh with a slight hint of bitter. Lemon: Light, citrus scent. Basil: Sweet with a slightly medicinal smell.


References: The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Calerie, Ann Worwood, Essential Oils A-Z, Candles, Their Colors & Meanings, The Book of Practical Aromatherapy, Creating An Aromatic Environment, Choosing Essential Oils, Scents & Candles. (Some of these books are no longer in publication and were my mothers dating back to 1936) CANDLES, AROMATHERAPY & SCENTS; Through the various workshops and handout sheets we have, this is the most accurate information we have been able to research from books listed below and library books. SCENTS: In this area we compiled scents and their relationship to love, live, psychic abilities and such that we use, as well as researched through various books, and various aromatherapy and essential oil companies from all over the world including various on line Aromatherapy Salts & Candle companies. One such is Tisserand Aromatherapy which we appreciate their assistance. Love, Companionship and Relationship Scents: Apple, Cinnamon, Clove, Copal, Gardenia, Jasmine, Lavender, Musk, Orange, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rain, Rose, Vanilla, White Jasmine, and Ylang Ylang. Goals, Gains, Money and Success Scents: Allspice, Almond, Bergamont, Basil, Cinnamon, Clover, Dill, Honeysuckle, Lemon, Pine, Red Ginger, and Sage. Protection, Harmony and Well Being Scents, Angelica, Basil, Bay, Bayberry, Carnation, Cinnamon, Clove, Coconut, Dill, Dragon's Blood, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Gardenia, Geranium, Heather, Juniper, Lilac, Myrrh, Narcissis, Sandalwood, and Violet.

Inspiration, Psychic Awareness and Intuition Scents: Anise, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Green Tea, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lime, Lotus, Musk, Myrrh, Peppermint, Pine, Rosemary, Sandalwood, and Valerian. Aromatherapy & Candles Their Color Properties: Fragrant Candles. Choose which essential oil to use not only for its fragrance but for its other effects Use relaxing essential oils for that special evening for two, stimulating ones to get the conversation going during the pre-dinner drinks, and soothing ones with the after dinner brandy. Later still you may want to bring out the aromatic candles. All the essential oil candles have a very subtle effect and are not overpowering like the chemical candle fragrances. The ultimate in hostess attentiveness must be coordinating the fragrance of your candles with the color of your candles and decor. Try putting a relaxing candle next to the person who always hogs the conversation and a stimulating one next to the introverted guest. Candles, determined by the color, can used to help to influence a particular emotion, concept and/or personal desire. For your convenience, I have provided a list of colors and the affect they I have used for myself and have recommended my clients to use. White A balance of all colors; Spiritual enlightenment, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking; Rituals involving lunar energy' May be substituted for any color candle. Yellow Activity, Creativity, unity; brings power of concentration and imagination to a ritual; use in rituals where you wish to gain another's confidence or persuade someone, or in rituals that require solar energy. Gold Fosters understanding and attracts the powers of cosmic influences; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or money, or in rituals needing solar energy. Pink Promotes romance, romantic love, friendship; standard color for rituals to draw affections; a color of femininity, honor, service, brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table. Red Health, passion, passionate love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy.

Orange Business goals, ambition, career goals, general success, justice, legal matters, selling, and action. Copper Passion, money goals, professional growth, fertility in business, career maneuvers. Silver Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess. Purple Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideals for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increases Neptune energy. Lavender Encourages honesty, trust, compassion. It is also associated with healing our inner child. Magenta Combination of red and violet that oscillates on a high frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required. Brown Earthly, balanced color; for rituals of material increase; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost. Indigo Color of inertia; stops situations or people; use in rituals that require a deep meditational state; or in rituals that demand Saturn energy. Royal Blue Promotes laughter and joviality; color of loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever an influence needs to be increased. Light Blue Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.

Blue Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance. Turquoise This color is used for healing, cleansing, purifying and balancing. Also used to strengthen any hidden artistic abilities. Emerald Green Important component in Venusian rituals; attracts love, social delights, and fertility. Dark Green Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual. Green Promotes prosperity, fertility, success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, and rejuvenation. Grey Neutral color useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence. Color of ambition, greed, and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual. Black Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditational state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy. ESSENTIAL OILS & THERE USES: PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME ESSENTIAL OILS; Fennel, Rose Bulgar, Rose Maroc, Geranium, Cary-sage, Bergamot, Nutmeg, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Narcissus, Jonquil, Chamomile, Roman VIOLENT/AGGRESSIVE PMS Narcissus, Jonquil, Nutmeg, Bergamot, Geranium, Parsley, Palma rosa, WEEPING/DEPRESSION PMS Rose Bulgar, Rose Maroc, Cary-sage, Bergamont, Geranium, Nutmeg, IRRITABLE/DISAGREEABLE PMS Jonquil, Nutmeg, Begamot, Geranium, Cary-sage, Chamomile, Roman

POSTNATAL DEPRESSION: Bergamot, Neroli, Narcissus, Cary-sage, Grapefruit, Immortelle, Mandarin, Geranium, Rose, Angelica, INSOMNIA: Lavender, Marjoram, Chamomile, Roman, Nutmeg, Benzoin, Carysage, Vetiver, Hops, Valerian, SETTING THE MOOD, SCENT ENHANCERS: RELAXANTS; Geranium, Sandalwood, Cary-sage, Rose, Frankincense, Jasmine, Ylang-yang Hyacinth,, Johquil, Narcissus, STIMULANTS; Grapefruit, Melissa, Mandarin, Orange, Coriander, Cardamom, Ginger, Black Pepper FOR ROMANTIC TOUCHES; Benzoin, Vanilla, Balsam de Peru, Ylang-ylang, Rose. Oakmoss, Tonka bean, Patchouli, Jasmine, References: The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy by Calerie, Ann Worwood, Essential Oils A-Z, Candles, Their Colors & Meanings, The Book of Practical Aromatherapy, Creating An Aromatic Environment, Choosing Essential Oils, Scents & Candles. (Some of these books are no longer in publication and were my mothers dating back to 1936) Aromatherapy is the study of scent using essential oils for physical and emotional health and well being.

Essential Oils by Aroma Thyme Essential Oil Info Essential oils are the fragrant and therapeutic essences distilled from herbs, flowers, leaves and bark. Each essential oil has unique therapeutic properties which have been documented by use throughout history. For centuries essential oils have been considered the most therapeutic and rejuvenating of all botanical extracts. They are highly concentrated, regenerating, oxygenating and contain hormones, vitamins, and antiseptics that work on many levels. They are used in aromatherapy diffusers, aromatherapy lamps,blends, baths, massages and inhalations. Choose the aromatherapy oils that appeal to you and begin to experience the wonderful world of scents and aromatherapy.

Angelica Root Botanical name Angelica archangelica/OR/ select/Root/France For strengthening the mind and spirit. Helpful for anxiety, hoplesness, indecisiveness. Stimulates the immune system. Caution: Photosensitive, do not use before sun or ultra violet light exposure. Balsam Peru Botanical name Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae, Cultivation Method: Harvested from Wild Growing Plants Extraction Method: Steam Distilled Extracted From: Crude balsam, Color: Pale amber/brown, Perfumery Note: Base, Aroma: Rich, sweet, balsamic, vanilla-like scent. Consistency: Viscous liquid. Aromatherapy Properties: Warming, opening, comforting, soothing. Suggested Use: Add to a diffuser for a long-lasting, warm aroma climate. Please note that the balsams are most commonly used in the"background"of an Aromatherapy blend. Blends Well With: Spices, floral and oriental bases, petitgrain, ylang ylang, patchouli, rose etc. Great fixative, that binds other more volatile aromas and makes them last longer. Very nice for scenting soaps,

detergents and body care. Specific Safety Information: No known toxicity with the Essential Oil of Balsam Peru. The balsam itself, however, can cause contact allergies. Basil Sweet Linalol Botanical name Ocimum basillicum /OR/Egypt A top note in aromatherapy Basil is light, fresh, sweet and spicy with balsamic undertones. The rich, penetrating smell of Basil is helpful in combating mental fatigue while increasing concentration and improving memory. Basil promotes a feeling of renewed vitality and decisiveness. It encourages us to take action rather than react to challenges. Basil is unique as it sharpens the mind while steadying the emotions. It helps to calm while elevating the spirits. I find it useful during periods of stress or sadness. For those of you with insomnia due to anxiety with persistent unwanted thoughts, Basil combined with Lavender will help to clear the mind encouraging restful sleep. Useful in massage in LOW doses to strengthen and tone the muscles while invigorating the mind Blends well with Bergamot, Geranium and Lavender. Caution: Avoid in Pregnancy Basil Holy Botanical name Ocimum sanctum (ocimum gratissimum-Eugenol type) Wild, India, Flowers and leaves. The sweet, herbaceous, light scent of Basil is distilled from the flowering tops and leaves of the herb native to tropical Asia. This basil is quite different, not as pungent as the other two, but rather sweet, spicy and round, with notes that are even reminiscent of Clove/Cocoa. Basil has been used as a sacred herb in India and Europe for many centuries. It was said to strengthen faith, compassion and mental clarity.It is planted around doorways to keep evil spirits away. It is also commonly planted around temples. The botanical name “Ocimum” may come from the Greek “to smell”. More recent clinical experience shows that Basil increases blood flow to the brain, relieving mental fatigue, enhancing clear thinking and improving memory. Basil also connects the thought process with speech, enhancing self-expression. How to use it: Apply a few drops to a tissue and inhale or add to a diffuser. This is great to wake up and get your brain cells going. Basil clears the sinuses, promotes digestion and stimulates circulation, especially in the respiratory system. Properties - warm, stimulating, antiseptic, digestive, an insecticide. Blends well with - Eucalyptus, Juniper, Lemon, Neroli, Rosemary and is a top note. Precautions - because it can stimulate bleeding, it should not be used for massage or bath during pregnancy. Basil can be a skin irritant. tic, antineuralgic,a general stimulant. Avoid during pregnancy. Bay Laurel Botanical name Laurus nobilis/Wild/Steam distilled/Crete Spicy, sweet, fresh, balsamic scent.Bay Laurel is an ancient oil dating back to the Greeks and Romans. It is said to be an herb of protection against lightning, evil and disease.Gentle but strengthening. It also has the ability to uplift the mind.Like Rosemary, it may be used for poor concentration and lack of memory.It is also said to help with self esteem, stimulating confidence, inspiration and creativity. Be sure to dilute for use on the skin. Anti-infectious, antiseptic, antineuralgic,a general stimulant. Avoid during pregnancy. Benzoin

Botanical name Styrax benzoin/Laos/Resin Antibacterial, antiseptic.A warm vanilla like scent.Blends well with Orange, Tangerine and Mandarin. NOT recommended for use on the skin.Best used in an aromatherapy lamp. Bergamot Botanical name Citrus aur. bergamia/EF/Italy A top note in aromatherapy this oil is cheerful and uplifting, often used in clinics in Europe to treat depression.Bergamot is second only to Lavender in it's ability to relax brain waves when sniffed.Cooling, refreshing, an anti-depresssant. Calming,helps insomnia, regulates the nervous system, helpful for anxiety and stress relief. Balancing, regulates mood swings. Helpful for nervous indigestion and loss of appetite due to emotional stress. Caution:Photosensitive, Bergamot should not be used on the skin 12 hours prior to sun exposure. Bergamot Mint Botanical name Mentha citrata/OR/USA This unusual oil is actually a mint! It¹s soft with floral notes and touches of citrus. Nice in an aroma lamp...not energizing and stimulating like the other mint oils but gently de-stressing. Similar to Bergamot this oil will brighten your mood and lift your spirits. It's high in linalol and linalyl acetate (like Lavender) and is much safer on the skin than other mint oils. Used in proper dilutions, it is neither irritating, sensitizing, nor photosensitizing, much safer to use than either Bergamot or Peppermint alone. Aromatic Description: Fresh, minty, citrusy, softer than peppermint, about the strength of spearmint. Possible Uses: Possibly similar in therapeutic use to peppermint or spearmint. One of the best uses for this oil is for deodorizing musty closets, cellars, etc. That damp, musty odor most basements get can be safely eliminated with this eo. Great for beach houses, cabins etc. Use in a diffuser or a terra cotta diffuser. Blends well with: All of the Citrus, Juniper, Lavender, Sandalwood, Spearmint, Vetiv Birch Sweet Botanical name Betula Lenta/ USA/F Used in massage oils for muscular aches and pains. Do not use undiluted on the skin! Anelgisic, increases urine flow, eases simple water retention. Invigorating, refreshing. Avoid when pregnant, nursing and with babies and childre,Skin irritant and sensitizer,use highly diluted Black Pepper Botanical name/piper nigrum /Eco Certified (the best)/ Madagascar Black pepper is steam distilled from the black peppercorns. Probably best known for it's pain relieving qualities. May reduce smoking withdrawal symptoms. Black Pepper and Quitting Smoking Helpful for arthritis, rheumatism, muscle aches and pain, sprains, stiffness, poor circulation, and muscle tone. Caution: Use with care in massage, bath or compresses. A possible skin irritant. Fortifying, warming and strengthening. Very stimulating physically and mentally. Aids alertness and

stamina. Blends well with all Citrus, Frankincense, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vetiver. Antiviral, bacteriacide, antispasmodic, analgesic, useful for head colds, sore throats, flu. A powerful digestive stimulant. Helpful for flatulence, nausea, and loss of appetite Blood Orange Botanical name Citrus aurantium/OR/Italy Blood Oranges with their deep red interior color, have a rich orange flavor with undertones of fresh berries. This is one of the most exquisite scents that can melt away tension with a single whiff. Uplifting and refreshing with a delicious citrus bouquet. A top note in aromatherapy, Blood Orange is cold pressed from the peel/rind of the fruit. It helps to reduce tension, anxiety and inspires open communication. It is said to balance the throat chakra and allows us to ask ourselves and others for what we want. It may also benefit the heart chakra as it can help release pain and allow room for love to flow in and out. It may also be used to treat shock, depression and stress. Used in massage it is a effective detoxifier and purifier. Cajeput Botanical name Melaleuca leucadendron / W/Indonesia From the distillation of the leaves. A penetrating, camphor like odor Balancing,antiseptic, a disinfectant, helpful for respiratory congestion, sinusitis, bronchitis, rheumatic pains Cardamom Botanical name Elletaria cardamomum/ECO/CO2/Guatemala Fresh, sweet green, spicy, balsamic. Encourages clarity, concentration, direction, motivation, straightforwardness, enthusiasm, confidence, and courage. Antiseptic, a digestive stimulant, diuretic, antispasmodic, expectorant. Blends well with: Bergamot, Black Pepper, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lemongrass, Mandarin, Orange, Neroli, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang and Jasmine, Carrot Seed Botanical name Daucus carota / EF/ seed/France A woodsy, earthy scent, slightly pungent, dry, woody-rooty odor provides a nice base upon which the top note sits, The woody note has something in common with some of the rich precious notes found in sandalwood. The earthy note has something in common with the odor one detects when smelling rain falling on dry soil. It (the earthy note) is slightly sharp. The combination of the woody-earthy note is very tenacious. Deep into the dryout one can also detect a peppery note which causes the olfactory receptors to pleasantly tingle . Perfume Uses: blends well with citrus oils, costus, cassie and mimosa, fougeres, chypres, geranium, cedarwood. Wonderful for skin care especially dry, mature, aging skin. Stimulates cell renewal and sebaceous gland activity in the skin. A rejuvanating oil it protects the skin from damage

Cedarwood Atlas Botanical name Cedrus atlantica/ Morocco/ W Helpful when dealing with feelings of uncertainty and fear. A fortifying and strengthening oil with a woody. sweet, balsamic, slightly camphoraceous odor. Cedrus means power. This oil is fortifying and strengthening, for immovable strength in times of crisis. To weather turbulent circumstances and make them in the end, productive. Blend this with Bergamot for it's uplifting antidepressive qualities. Anti-infectious and anti-bacterial, it balances, calms, promotes spirituality and courage, very grounding, a base note. A decongesting oil that promotes lymphatic drainage and stimulates breakdown of accumulated fats .A mild diuretic, may be used for excessive weight gain, cellulite and fluid retention. Blend with Sandalwood for meditation. Cedarwood Himalayan Botanical name Cedrus Cedrus deodora/India/ W Also called Tibetan Cedarwood. Try this closet tip to keep moths out. Place tissues with drops of Cedarwood (and Lavender), as well as your empty Cedarwood bottles, in your closet. Aromatherapy Properties: Milder than all other Cedarwoods, yet not less beneficial. Warming, uplifting, and toning. Comforting and reviving. Considered an aphrodisiac in that it is grounding and inspiring at the same time. Confidence building. Long lasting, acts as a fixative (a fixative is a substance that binds other compounds, slowing down their evaporation and thereby making their fragrance last longer). Avoid during pregnancy, although Himalayan Cedarwood is considered the mildest of all Cedarwoods Chamomile German Botanical name Matricaria recuttia M. Chamomilla/ USA/Steam Distilled/OR German Chamomile is more highly prized as an ingredient in body and skin care preperations. Higher Azulene content than Roman Chamomile. Helpful for eczema, dermatitis, sensitive skin, inflamations, and damaged skin. Use for arthritis, inflamed muscles and joints, and rheumatism. A middle note in perfumery Chamomile Roman Botanical name Anthemis nobilis L./ USA/ Certified Organic A most beautiful oil! This is one of the nicest Chamomiles I've experienced.Calming and Soothing A wonderful relaxant, eases anxiety, tension, anger and fear. A mild sedative, Use for insomnia. An antidepressant, relieves moodiness. gives patience. A very versatile oil., helpful for cramps, pms, induces menstruation, regulates cycle, menopausal symptoms Soothes stomach upsets, helps irritable bowel, Analgesic, eases migraines, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle pain, sprains, inflamed joints.

Antiseptic, antibacterial Wonderful for topical use for skin disorders, acne, boils, burns, psoriasis Stimulates production of white corpuscles, helpful for chronic infections. Anti-spasmodic (calms the somatic nervous system). a sedative to the central nervous system, Anti-inflamnatory, eases puffiness, inflamed joints, sprains, broken veins, Children: Helpful for teething pains, temper tantrums, crying, distress, hyperactivity, digestive problems, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, thrush, colic, earache, headache. insect bites, inflamed skin, eczema, sunburn, diaper rash. Dilute for use on the skin! Blends well with: Bergamot, Rose, Geranium, Lavender, Mandarin, Marjoram, Ylang Ylang Avoid in early months of pregnancy. Clementine Botanical name Botanical name: Citrus reticulata/OR/Italy Family: Rutaceae A top to middle note. Like a breath of fresh air, clementine adds zest to your day.From ancient times Clementines have been called the crown jewels of the mandarin family. The clergyman Pierre Clement crossed a mandarin and an orange and this lucky crossing was a seedless mandarin with a looser skin, thus easier to peel. .Clementine calms the mind and is helpful for anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia and restlessness. Aids water retention (increases urine flow), increases lymphatic circulation, aids detoxification. May be helpful for cellulite, stretch marks, menstrual cramps, muscle spasms, PMS, digestion and hiccups.CAUTION: Photosensitive Do not use on the body before sun exposure. Clove Bud Botanical name Eugenia caryophyllata/CO/Steam distilled/Madagascar A hot, penetrating and spicy fragrance. A base note that blends well with lighter fragrances, such as the citrus oils. Clove has a stimulating and uplifting quality. It is said to strengthen the mind, especially the memory.Helps focus concentration. Used in a diffuser it helps to purify the air. Avoid during pregnancy. Not recommended for use in the bath or on the skin. Cypress Botanical name Cupressus sempervirens /Crete/OR Stimulates skin circulation,may be used in massage blends to tone the muscles of the body, from the breasts to the thighs and buttocks. Useful for cellulite, water retention, varicose veins, sore throat, sinusitis, bronchitis, muscle cramps, arthritis, rheumatism, an immune stimulant,stimulates sluggish digestion, induces menstruation(Avoid in Pregnancy), eases painful periods,PMS, nervous tension, stress,lack of concentration. The Cypress was dedicated to Hades (the "unseen") the Greek god of death whose Roman equivalent is Plato.A symbol in astrology of psychological transformation - inner renewal, change, a new direction.

Blends well with: Bergamot, Lime, Lemon, Lavender,Orange, Juniper,Pine Elemi Botanical name Canarium luzonicum / Organic/ resin/Philippines Elemi was one of the aromatics used in ancient Egypt. A light fresh scent, balsamic-spicy, lemon like. Blends well with Myrrh, Frankincense, Lavender, Rosemary. A very grounding oil, a base note in perfumery. Helpful for nervous exhaustion and stress, a general stimulant. Promotes peace and joy, centering, balances upper and lower chakras. Elemi is said to stimulate the Thymus gland and strengthens the immune system, particularly at the beginning of an illness. Fortifys the body. Good for respiratory complaints, bronchitis, unproductive cough, congestion. Very rejuvenating for aged skin and wrinkles. Healing for infected wounds, ulcers. Avoid on sensitive or damaged skin. Avoid in pregnancy and with babies and children. Eucalyptus Lemon Botanical name Eucalyptus citriodora /W/China/Leaves and twigs Eucalyptus Lemon is soothing and calming with a strong sedative effect. Helpful for muscle and joint aches and pains,sprains and injuries.Antiinflammatory,antispasmodic. A powerful antiseptic, use for athletes foot, fungal infections, herpes.Use Eucalyptus Citriodora for Massage and as an Insect Repellant. Sometimes referred to as Lemon Eucalyptus, this oil has a lemony smell with a sweet undertone. It is a mild warming oil without the mucus dissolving properties of the other Eucalyptus species. It is good to use for massage. If you have a client on the massage table who is chilled and on the verge of getting a cold, you can use Eucalyptus Citriodora to warm them up. It is antiseptic, antispasmodic, and fungicidal. Eucalyptus Lemon Botanical name Eucalyptus citriodora /W/China/Leaves and twigs Eucalyptus Lemon is soothing and calming with a strong sedative effect. Helpful for muscle and joint aches and pains,sprains and injuries.Antiinflammatory,antispasmodic. A powerful antiseptic, use for athletes foot, fungal infections, herpes.Use Eucalyptus Citriodora for Massage and as an Insect Repellant. Sometimes referred to as Lemon Eucalyptus, this oil has a lemony smell with a sweet undertone. It is a mild warming oil without the mucus dissolving properties of the other Eucalyptus species. It is good to use for massage. If you have a client on the massage table who is chilled and on the verge of getting a cold, you can use Eucalyptus Citriodora to warm them up. It is antiseptic, antispasmodic, and fungicidal. Eucalyptus Sweet Botanical name Eucalyptus globulus /unrectified / W/Spain A camphorus, woody and sweet oil that is steam distilled from the leaves of the tree. Most Eucalyptus Globulous on the market is rectified which means it has

been adulterated. We do not sell this product because the rectification process eliminates therapeutically important minor constituents. Rectified oil is decongesting but it is harsh on the bronchial muscles, sometimes causing constriction.Our Eucalyptus is not medicinal smelling at all and is much softer than others on the market. The unrectified Eucalyptus Globulus has a softer,nicer scent and is therapeutically superior to the industrially produced rectified oil. Unlike the rectified Eucalyptus, this oil relaxes the bronchial muscles. Diffuse this refreshing, stimulating oil to reduce the swelling of mucus membranes, loosen phlegm, and ease breathing. It also will kill airborne germs and viruses to help reduce the spread of flues and infections. Wonderful for protection during the winter months. Diffused for two hours a day will keep colds and flu away. Used in massage oil Eucalyptus is valuable in all respiratory conditions to ease constricted breathing. Add a few drops to a basin of water or a compress to treat skin infections and ulcers. Properties - anti-bacterial, antiseptic, decongestant, antiviral. Blends well with - Basil, Cedar, Frankincense, Sweet Marjoram, Pine and is a top note. Precautions - although this Eucalyptus is a strong antiviral and antibacterial oil, it is not appropriate for use with babies and small children. It can be toxic if taken internally. For children use Eucalyptus Smithi, Eucalyptus Radiata Botanical name Eucalyptus radiata / W/Australia This variety has a sweet, soft scent and is used for infections higher in the respiratory tract. It is highly effective when used with Ravansara aromatica, against colds, flu and sinusitis.A refreshing camphorus oil with a scent that is lighter than Eucalyptus Globulus. Patricia Davis says this is the most useful Eucalyptus as it has a pleasant smell and is easily assimilated. It has many of the same uses as Eucalyptus Globulus but it is milder in its chemical composition and gentler in action. Despite its mild chemical composition, it is highly antibacterial and anti-viral. Eucalyptus Radiata has been proven effective in laboratory tests against many viruses, including staphylococci. It is also a powerful decongestant: in chronic and acute bronchitis it reduces the swelling of mucus membranes, loosens phlegm and increases the oxygen supply to restricted cells.

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