Armare Sectiuni Dreptunghiulare La Incovoiere

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 301
  • Pages: 2
Dim a As Double Calcul armare centura de b.a.

Dim b As Integer Dim h As Integer

a [cm]=


Dim Rc As Integer

b [cm]=


Dim Ra As Integer

h [cm]=


Dim Mmax As Double

Rc [kg/cm2]=


Dim ho As Double

Ra [kg/cm ]=

3000 37.92 0.15

Dim m As Double


Mmax [tm]= pmin [%]=

Dim mb As Double Dim xi As Double Dim p As Double Dim pmin As Double

75.5 0.177395728257533 m= mb= 0.4

ho [cm]=

ΞΎ= p [%]= pcalc= Aa [cm ]= 2

Dim Aa As Double Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() a = InputBox("Introduceti a in cm")


TextBox1.Text = a

0.819796903248897 0.819796903248897 18.5683998585875

b = InputBox("Introduceti b in cm") TextBox2.Text = b h = InputBox("Introduceti h in cm") TextBox3.Text = h


Rc = InputBox("Introduceti Rc in kg/cmp")

ing. Daniel Ionita

TextBox4.Text = Rc Ra = InputBox("Introduceti Ra in kg/cmp") TextBox5.Text = Ra Mmax = InputBox("Introduceti Mmax in tm") TextBox6.Text = Mmax mb = InputBox("Introduceti mb:0.42 pt OB37 sau 0.40 pt PC52") TextBox9.Text = mb pmin = InputBox("Introduceti Pmin din tabelul 6A") TextBox12.Text = pmin End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() ho = h - a m = (Mmax * (10 ^ 5)) / (b * (ho ^ 2) * Rc) TextBox7.Text = ho TextBox8.Text = m If m <= mb Then xi = 1 - Sqr(1 - (2 * m)) p = 100 * xi * (Rc / Ra) TextBox10.Text = xi

TextBox11.Text = p If p < pmin Then Aa = (pmin / 100) * b * ho TextBox13.Text = Aa TextBox14.Text = pmin Else Aa = (p / 100) * b * ho TextBox13.Text = Aa TextBox14.Text = p End If Else MsgBox ("Este necesara armarea dubla sau marirea sectiunii de beton") End If

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox8_Change()

End Sub

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