Aprils Guided Tour Webliography

  • October 2019
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A Guided Tour of European Medieval Society (April Hughes) Grade Level: High School (9-12) GPS Topic: SSWH7 The student will analyze European medieval society with regard to culture, politics, society and economics. Site #1 Site Title: Middle Ages Site URL: http://www.learner.org/exhibits/middleages/ Annotation: This website is a very general overview of the Middle Ages and medieval life. The site is very easy to navigate and creatively designed to present the information in a way that students will find entertaining. The site surveys feudal life, giving insight into the society’s culture, such as religion, town life, and entertainment. Activity 1: Enter the website and explore the seven aspects of medieval life that are listed on the right side of the webpage. Read each section to get an idea of how individuals interacted and survived in this society. As you enter each subtopic make sure to click on the “Jester face” to complete the short activities and quizzes available. There are activities to complete on the “religion,” “art,” “medicine,” and “clothing” webpages. When you are finished write a short summary of what you have learned about one aspect of feudal life. Explain how exploring this site has allowed you to better understand the culture of the Middle Ages. Turn your summary in when you have completed it.

Site #2 Site Title: The Middle Ages Site URL: http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/history/middleages/ Annotation: This website is very interesting in that it shows medieval society through the lives of different types of townspeople. The site does not look into each lifestyle extensively; however, it does provide a very clear view of how lives differed greatly depending on your trade and class. The information is presented in an interesting way, which is very important for me as I strive to teach my class. Activity 1: Chose one of the four “realms” and write an essay about your day to day duties and experiences. Describe your life to us and

one interesting fact or point about yourself and your chosen profession. Turn in your work when you have completed the assignment.

Site #3 Site Title: Dominion and Domain of the Gentle Sex: The Lives of Medieval Women Site URL: http://library.thinkquest.org/12834/ Annotation: This website very thoroughly covers the roles of women during the middle ages. The site allows you to “enter the village” to find a detailed description of the average women along with some of the more unique roles women played during the era. There is also information about many influential women of the time, such as Joan of Arc or Christine de Pisan. Located on the website as well is a quiz that you can take to test your knowledge of medieval women. Activity 1: Take time to explore the links “visit the city” and “biographies.” Take note of the many different roles women played in medieval society. Also become familiar with the famous women of this time. After you have finished exploring the site be sure to click on the “Inquisition” link in order to take the short quiz of the websites information. When you have completed the quiz be sure to print it out in order to get credit for your work. Site #4 Site Title: Medieval Society: Guilds Site URL: http://history.boisestate.edu/westciv/medsoc/24.shtml Annotation: This website was created by a professor at Boise State University. The information on this website in not arranged in the most original format, however, this material is essential to understanding medieval society. I wanted to make sure that the information was clear so that my students fully understand the idea of medieval guilds. I think website is useful for this purpose. Activity 1: Answer the following questions. (1) What roles do guilds play in the economy of the medieval society? (2) What do all guilds have in common?

Site #5 Site Title: MedievalTechnology Site URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_technology Annotation: This website is part of a well-known online encyclopedia that is filled with great material. Not only is there an overview of medieval technology, but also a list of technological advices made during the Middle Ages chronological order. Click on the word of the invention or advancement to research further into each individual medieval technology. Activity 1: Choose a medieval technology listed in the timeline and discuss in small groups the value of these new advances during the Middle Ages. After your discussion complete a brief summary of what you as a group has learned through this website. Site #6 Site Title: Creating French Culture: Monarchs and Monasaries Site URL: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/bnf/bnf0003.html Annotation: This website explains the connection to religion and the political power of the monarchy in France during the Middle Ages. The strong relationship between the Church and monarchial rule is a crucial concept to learn when studying the Middle Ages. This site does a great job of explaining this topic. There are also pictures and description of religious artifacts relevant to the period. Activity 1: Choose one of the paintings, manuscripts, or religious artifacts. Using the website, grasp a general understanding of the object and its relevancy to the era. Then, search on www.google.com to find additional websites with information on your chosen object. Then present an informal and brief synopsis of the object and its importance to the era in front of the class.

Site #7 Site Title: Medieval Life: Feudalism Site URL: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Medieval_Life/feudalism.htm Annotation:This site focuses on the feudalism in the Middle Ages, and I really think that it presents the material in an organized way. By clicking on the yellow text boxes, you can look at each of the different individuals who played an influential role in the program of feudalism.

Activity 1: Research the information on this website. Briefly explain the roles of kings, barrons, knights, and villains in feudalism. Print out the word search located at the bottom of the site, and turn in when completed. Site #8 Site Title: Medieval Life Site URL: http://www.medieval-life.net/clothing.htm Annotation: I feel that this website is a great way to end my guided website tour. This site is fun and full of interesting cultural insight into the middle Ages. Making cultural connections between your society and societies in past eras helps the students understand what they are learning. Activity 1: Choose one of the subtopics listed on the left side. Once you have chosen a topic, explore the sites available information, and research other sites for images of items and examples relating to your topic. (An example would be to choose the topic of “clothing” and then search for images of medieval outfits.) Print them out and share them with the class.

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