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RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Rub-A-Dub-Dub Georgie in the Tub http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Snoopy9318 says: 2 months ago

Wow! Did Wednesday clean up the ship? What happened to all of the postings?!

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Snoopy, Wed does this every month so our page loads faster. Go to the top and you can down load the old ones for each month. Is this cool or what?

Snoopy9318 says: 2 months ago

I was just thinking we needed to have the ship cleaned up, and sure enough... everything was gone! I don't see the March archives, but I'm sure they're on their way!

Snoopy9318 says: 2 months ago

Well, I have to call it a day. I'm waiting for word on a position I interviewed for, so keep your fingers crossed!! Hey! Maybe I could work at Universal?!! LOL!! Take care!! See you tomorrow.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Haha, Rascal, is that the "Caylee Marie"?? Wednesday, thank you for swabbing the decks! Good job!

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Kate, Far from the SS Caylee Marie, that one did not cost 30 thousand but I thought it was cute! CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Hey Snoopy, according to momster you did work at Universal with her and used to be lunch buds. What happend? Also, as stated before I would be willing to bet that not only did momster love getting drunk, getting high, and using X but that Caylee was present during these part of her life which to me is the sign of a sicko! Please let them delay this trial until 2011. Please???? I won't ask for anything else all day, I swear. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Houston cop quits!!! Listen up police forces around this country, use this as a lesson to train and retrain your officers on more than target practice. There is a new captain in town and he goes by that name. No more hiding behind the blue curtain as far as I am concerned. Any problem with this, please drop your note in the suggestion box which is located at the front desk.

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

Judge denies Baez request for private hearing. Posted this link the am but thought I would re-post so peeps wouldn't have to go through archives for today's news. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breaking JMo says: 2 months ago

Oh no....now all my theories are left back on the other page...hmmm. Baez questions Kiomarie Torres Cruz, Caseys friend who says Casey asked her if she wanted to adopt Caylee because she can't have kids of her own. She also testified under oath that she thought Casey was 'bipolar'. Duh, isn't that the obvious???? Well, we can see where Baez is going with this one, huh? Gotta be those mental health records! They are "WELL PROTECTED" believe me and the Dr. can deny Baez the records even if Crazy Casey says give them to him, if they are going to be blown all over the public eye. It's gonna get real sticky!!!! CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Momster's friend who grew up with momster proposed to adopt Caylee. Spinster SINSTER put the kabash on that one real quick. This happend when momster was prego. She told cops that momster wanted to give up Caylee. She was also familiar with the crime scene. She sold her story for 20 large. She also showed up at depo not with a lawyer but with a bodyguard.?? A lot of motive comes from her depo they say! Can anyone get over the fact that Sinster was the one who reported Caylee missing after 31 days and not momster? Does anyone think that momster did NOT do the deed? Not you BOBO, the

people with I.Q.'s... CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Momster Bi-Polar! Momster a sociopath! Momster a baby killer!!!!

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Bo Bo is getting desperate for answers. This was designed by Jo and I hope you all enjoy it! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

Off topic but WTF is going on in the state of Florida? Must be something in the water!! Listen to 911 call. http://www.wesh.com/news/19063789/detail.html Boy says: 2 months ago

Totally RascalBrat!

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

HAHAHAHA ROFL! Thank you to the ship's current comediennes. I hope Baez is not going to use Kiomarie's statement about momster being "bi-polar" as a medical defense...it is, after all, the hip new word kids use to torment each other ("you're bi-polar!") and has taken the place of the old stand-bys such as "looney", "nuts", "whack-job", and "crazier than a s--house rat". Doesn't mean she is mentally not responsible, just means she's not RIGHT in the head. And KT came to the deposition with a BODYGUARD???!!! Has she been getting death threats, too??

Jo, that 911 call was hilarious! At least the poor woman said "I'm sorry" at the end...

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

I love it when Jo and I come up with good ideas! Just call us double trouble for Bo Bo and the Ant family.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Oh, before I forget, my granddaughter is currently twirling around in her new Capn. Steve dance attire which came yesterday...THANK YOU!! It couldn't have come at a better time; they have a dreaded court date coming up and I think she senses something's up. This will help keep her mind off it...again, thank you. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Kate, your welcome! I heard that it is better to give than to receive and I do believe that so so much! I really hope she loves them. I hate it when my kids have to appear in court. Such a negative place for them no matter what occurs. Did I say I hate it?!! Again, your very welcome and let her know she has a friend in California that is there for you guys. Back to Nancy Grace. Be back in a bit. JMo says: 2 months ago

Ok, folks. Weird stuff now......Cruz (friend of Casey's) said that she sold her story about Casey for 20,000.00......burying pets where Caylee was found and that Cindy blocked Casey from letting her adopt Caylee. Conway (representing ANTS) says that selling it makes her story not credible! Baez says No, it doesn't! It only makes her not credible if she changes her story! Soooooooooooo, to me, Baez is wanting Cruz to say this stuff to show that Casey ????? what? is Bipolar? I don't get it. Seems he would want to discredit her, right? You read it and tell me if I am interpreting it wrong or not? http://www.wesh.com/news/19063043/detail.html

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

JMo- This is what Baez said today: Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez said Cruz' decision to sell her story doesn't immediately diminish her credibility. Here's my take on what he said: Baez said this because Momster is selling pics & videos & might even be selling her story in the future. Baez was said to have attempted to get $500 thousand for an interview with Momster, so if selling a story to the media makes a person not credible in a court of law, then the whole Ant farm's testimony is also not credible. What's good for the goose is also good for the gander. Or so they say! Or is Baez going for a mental defense & the crazier his client looks the better. Off topic The US Marshall's office played an April Fool's joke on Bernie Madoff today. They confiscated his West Palm Beach home & boat in Florida. Now that is a boat!! Hey! Georgie, there's something for you to look forward to when your CMA foundation takes off. Bet you can find all kinds of lost children out at sea in something like that.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

You're right, JMo, Baez is really lining up a bunch of GREAT defense witnesses (NOT). I don't get it. Unless he's really trying to prove he's incompetent so she can get a new trial. ?????????????? Steve, I just got a phone call from my granddaughter saying "Thank you very much for my new dancing clothes...I LOVE them!" So I explained to her that they came from a friend of mine named "CAPN STEVE"...don't know if she grasped that but she is REALLY REALLY REALLY happy!! Jo, that's a really good point. I hadn't thought of that but bet you're right about the selling pics.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Kate, I went threw the same thing with my Grand daughter, but it is wonderful to see there eyes light up. Rainah ran right to her bedroom and changed so she could dance around, After raising boys, it so nice to have girls in the family, they are so different. gGve the boys levis and t shirts and they are happy. Little girls are so different.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

You bet, and her favorite color is pink, so.........JACKPOT! She told me she's gonna get really good and she wants us to come to her spring program so we can watch her. Well, I'm heading to bed...on new meds and they knock me out and make me sick...aarrrgggh. Nite all. Hey, did Farmchick get help for her sister? CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

No joke, but about a year ago when my boys and I came home one day we got locked in our apartment. That's right, inside the apartment! Seems as though when my oldest closed the front door something inside the lock mechanism broke and it wouldn't allow us to turn the handle. Lucky for us we are on the first floor and I climbed out the window to get the manager. Talk about something that doesn't happen everyday. Calling 911??? That would have been funny. Also, I think momster is an April Fool. In 30 days she becomes a May Fool. P.S. I have a bad feeling about Haleigh. Didn't that clown Cobra say that something would break by April 2nd? P.S.S. Kate, make sure that they are washed in cold water and NOT put in the dryer. My offer is still alive and well for all shipmates regarding smiles and giggles and even some cute pictures of your loved ones. If anyone wants my info if they did not get it just ask, I am not shy. Dinner time for "the little CAPN's" before a mutiny occurs.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Steve, No mutainy please I am sure you feed them well and they are well taken care of. Have a great dinner.

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

Anybody ready for a road trip to get those new documents? http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr43/jo1031/122

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Jo, I am not pushing LMAO

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Good morning KioMarie's National Enquire Interview Video: Casey's Pet Cemetary http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/kiomaries-natio imacynic2 says: 2 months ago

Ok - I am enraged. There is a P-O-S website out there that is claiming that Caylee killed herself and that Jesus felt it was appropriate because she was a rebel child - it makes allegations about her worshping the Manson family and threatening Casey with murder - writing "helter skelter" on the family fridge - it needs to stop now - I couldn't believe what I was reading - but the real problem is this - the people believe the article - they are posting with sympathetic words for Casey - saying that Caylee needed to be stopped and Casey just did what she needed to do. I know what we need to do - and it is to unbrainwash the people at that site and let them know this isn't true! http://baptistsforbrown2008.wordpress.com/2008/12/ imacynic2 says: 2 months ago

Kiomarie was so close to them that Casey gave Caylee the middle name Marie after Kio????? I'm quite sure Casey gave Caylee the middle name Marie after Casey. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

My comment is awaiting moderation. I doubt they will post it since I basically asked them if the writer needed seconds on the stupid juice! imacynic2 says: 2 months ago

Mine probably is too - I used the name in shock or something like that - I was mortified! losingit says: 2 months ago

I'm quite sure that Cindy gave Caylee the middle name Marie after herself and Casey and that she also gave her the name Caylee after both her children.

Okay, that article was too stupid. It would almost be funny if it wasn't about a real little girl. Don't worry imacynic, nothing like this would be used in court. Cindy would stand up and protest and for once we would agree with her. Ahhh, that just made me angry. How was someone able to sit and write something so awful? imacynic2 says: 2 months ago

I just can't believe that a site like that is allowed to exist!

Snoopy9318 says: 2 months ago

Jo: Loved the squirrel pic!! Capn Steve: Is your information through email? Please let me know. Thanks! Cynic: Wow! I would rather NOT visit that blog again! imacynic2 says: 2 months ago

My comment on that page is posted now . . imacynic2 says: 2 months ago

Hmm - my first comment was posted and now says awaiting moderation again . . . CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Snoopy: It is not. It is right here and right now. KMG America 13351-D Riverside Dr. #664 Sherman Oaks, CA. 91423 Let me know the age and the address that a UPS box can go to and consider it done. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

My post was just put on. These idiots did more drugs than momster! Maybe we now uncovered who her dealer was? imacynic2 says: 2 months ago

Steve - may I take advantage of that as well - we have birthdays coming up and shortness of cash - they would love dance clothes. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

IMACYNIC2: I would be offended if you didn't!! Looking forward to seeing your envelope in my P.O. Box maybe even before Snoopy's??? Have a great day.

Snoopy9318 says: 2 months ago

Thank you so much in advance Capn Steve!! I sincerely appreciate it.

Snoopy9318 says: 2 months ago

http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19075077/detail.h More depos by bobo and the time they're scheduled. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Octomomma about to sign a reality show deal. Someone explain to this lune that this is exactly what exploitation of your kids is all about. And you said what to Dr. Phil? I vote to go into our slush fund and buy her a Websters Dictionary with the word exploit underlined. Show is about her raising (and I laugh when typing that) her brood while trying to find love. I got 2 words for her..... flavor flav!!! losingit says: 2 months ago

Steve, lets fly a noisy airplane over the set of the show trailing a banner with the definition. Any guesses what the show will be called? "Fourteen- for now" "Gestation for Exploitation" "Womb for More" ??? imacynic2 says: 2 months ago

Hmm my posts from that page were deleted. . . go figure - Steve - I think you were deleted too JMo says: 2 months ago

Womb for more.....now that's funny. Anyway, AVOID those sites all together. Those people are fanatical hyper-religious lunatics. No one will ever give that crazy stuff any credit. As far as KioMarie,...to her credit, Casey may of "told her she was naming Caylee after her" as part of her usual lying and manipulation, so Kio may of been stupid enough to believe it. Now, maybe Baez is cooking up a bombshell over it.....such as (ready?)...............KioMarie was angry that Cindy wouldn't let her have the baby (especially since it was named after her). She badgered Casey over it constantly and said she wanted to at least keep her for a while. Casey let Kio keep Caylee. She had her cousin (named Zanny) pick her up from Casey. Kio told Casey, don't worry, just go party and fun with your friends. I will take Caylee off your hands. So, for 30 nights and 31 days, Casey partied. Up till the time Cindy demanded to know where is Caylee. Well, Casey really gave Caylee away. She didn't want to tell the truth about giving her to another family, but did say she handed her off to Zanny. Kio killed Caylee because she felt Casey didn't deserve her. Then she put her in Casey's trunk. Casey

thought it was a bag of rotting pizza, so she threw it out in the park and kept on partying. Oh geez, you guys make up the rest of that whacky story, because NOTHING ADDS UP....only that CASEY MURDERED CAYLEE. No one else did this. In a way, I feel sorry for Kio that she was manipulated by Casey into truly believing that she named Caylee (Marie) after her. This is part of Casey's sickness. She plays on peoples minds and emotions. And she obviously is successful at it. JMo says: 2 months ago

Jo, maybe you can check this out for us....on one of the sites, it says that BoBo is no longer wearing his gold wedding band....says he is always trying to hide and cover his left hand. Hmmmm...pics? stories? They said it was a gold band and now is gone.

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

Cynic- Prophetess Debbie is just another Internet fool trying to attract attention to herself & probably make money. That post was disgusting to say the least. She is hiding behind WordPress so I couldn't find out who it really is. This person is no different than the person with the Nancy Grace must die site. I did find out who was behind it though. The site is registered to a Gerald Johnson & Ian Dasky in Langley, BC. If you google the name Ian Dasky, you will see this person is just trying to make money off anything he can by spouting bull shit all over the net.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Imacynic and Steve, that is the stupidest website I have ever seen. Smells of idiot neo-nazi to me. I won't be going back THERE! Thanks, Jo; glad it's not for real. losingit says: 2 months ago

Jmo, I've always thought the defense will somehow be along these lines. The defense needs to present reasonable doubt that Casey did not put Caylee in the trunk. They will bring up everyone (Kio was upset, she could have done it), (Grund was upset, he could have done it), (boyfriend didn't want kids, he could have done it). They don't have to prove who killed Caylee, just convince the jury that Casey might not have. And they only have to convince one juror. Casey won't have to answer any questions as to why she lied. If the evidence is strong enough to tie her to the duct taping thing, well, she panicked and tried to make it look like something it wasn't. Bobo said at one point that this would be like the Fugitive thing. I doubt it. I figure he'll stand up there like a blubbering idiot and try to blame everyone. Oh, and now he might even try to say Caylee committed suicide. Good grief.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Here is a pic of Bo Bo at last Court Appearance. When he was wearing Purple Tie to match Casey's Purple Top. He is not wearing his Wedding Band. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Good Job, Rascal! You're a supersleuth... Wonder if his wife believes the rumors? Or knows something?

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

JMo- I hope Baez isn't reading this hub because he might go with the theory that Kiomarie did it. How could anyone believe that someone named their child after them when Marie is a family middle name. This women is not very bright. I also read some comments about Baez not wearing his wedding band. Found this old pic of the day Momster was bailed out by Padilla back in August. He was not wearing it then. Still looking for an older pic of his hand & will post what I find. Here's the pic of him & Momster outside of jail in August. http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr43/jo1031/082

Snoopy9318 says: 2 months ago

bOBO just sickens me!! I've been cheated on in my marriage and I doubt he hasn't "strayed" against his wife. What a sleez! JMo says: 2 months ago

Yikes, then it is true!!! Wonder what is going on there...hmm, Baez and wifey on the rocks? Yes, Baez keeps saying she is "innocent". To me, that means she was not involved in this at all. Maybe he will use this story....Casey was partying and chloroformed Caylee to sleep, so death was an accident,

but her friends came up with the idea of going to her house, try to bury her in the back yard, triple bag and dump in the trunk for 2 days.....ROTF...That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. HOW can he prove innocense? She would of had to be totally disconnected from the entire thing.....stupid on his part!

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

I went threw a lot of Bo Bo's pics, there is a lot with out his ring. Maybe he has been sharing Casey's Cheetos and hands are swollen. The little Blue Pill went to wrong area. lol CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

That picture of Debbie on that kook site (her eyes) tell me to run fast, real fast if you see her coming your way! Talk about I am in the crazy zone like momster tells me that Hitler does have a relative and here she is. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Hey BOBO, here is the problem that even you know any jury is going to have a mighty hard time with. Put the other 7485 things that tell us all who did the deed and answer me this one. Just this one. Does anyone know anyone that would wait 31 days before reporting her own daughter missing and that didn't even happen to the authorities but to her mom. She would still not have reported her to this day if she was not confronted. Bueno suerte with that one since I think your client and her ream team will not sweep that one under any magic carpet.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Genie will not take the Ream Team for a ride. It is the Ream Team that is trying to take the public for a ride.

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

Steve & Cynic- Don't think Despicable Deb like my comment either so I'm going to email Word Press & give them my 2 cents worth on that poster. Your comment is awaiting moderation. April 2, 2009 at 3:01 pm Prophetess Debbie- Is your ouiji board or crystal ball broken? You are way beyond disgusting! Using an innocent child to attract attention to your idiot web site gives you a special place in HELL. I’m

awarding you my ” Moron Post of the Week Award”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Numarama says: 2 months ago

Hi all, just stopping in and catching up... imacynic, wow what a horrible website! I couldn't even finish reading the page *shudder* - that's a poor little murdered child they're talking about. Ugh. Does anyone know if I can find a pic of Bobo's wife? I'm kind of curious to see what she looks like (what kind of woman would marry HIM?). It wouldn't surprise me either if he cheated on his wife either. I agree that KioMarie is stupid if she really thinks Caylee was named after her. Hello? An JMo, when I was reading your fake "bombshell" about blaming Caylee's death on Kio, I had to re-read it to realize it was fake. It is just crazy enough for Bozo to try to pull! I wouldn't be surprised. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

The select few on the lune site probobly think BUSH did one hell of a fine job as well! I doubt they will let that one slide. I am going to hell for sure now!! I think I am going to call them up and pretend to be an interested donor and just keep asking question after question after question to waste their time until they get fed up with me and hang up. However the first thing I will ask is if they take Visa and/ or Master Card so I have them on my hook. I see at the top they have paid memberships. Well gee whiz count me in prophetess Debbie.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

I think Debbie would look great in one of your tutu's, Capn Steve, you know, the kind with the itching powder... CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Kate, forget the itching powder I am going into the sample department right now to develop a special one just for her. The kind that once you put on it melts to your skin. Now I really have done it. They will be calling me Damien by midnight at this rate!! I do not expect to sell too many of this style but what the heck substance over style is my motto.

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

Latest news: Baez deposes 3 more people today. One depo took so long that another depo had to be cancelled. He is claiming that Momster's privacy rights were violated. What a bunch of bs. This guy has no clue & no defense. If you look at the people he is collecting sworn statements from it tells it all. He is grasping at straws. Check out the video of him trying to avoid media questions. When kathi Belich offered a legal opinion, he said "what law school did you go to?" I would have said and this is coming from a person that took 8 years to pass the bar exam. http://www.wftv.com/news/19074734/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

We now have a new crew to get the documents, and if they do their job we will be there faster!!!! Jo is going to get a ticket, and she is not going to hire Bo Bo to defend her. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Man, don't I work hard enough?

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Steve, You are our Capn we half to include you, now do you really expect us girls to push you. We just knew you are such a gentleman and would not have a problem with that, after all Jo and I do not weight that much together. Not like we have Cheeto butts!!! CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

I was even brought up and taught to open the doors for all women. Even if you "guys" are the tougher sex! That having a baby thing puts it over the top in my book!! I am being serious. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

I was even brought up and taught to open the doors for all women. Even if you "guys" are the tougher sex! That having a baby thing puts it over the top in my book!! I am being serious. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

So serious I had to post it twice.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

That is a serious thing, a man should half to do that one time, I have heard kidney stones is the closest they ever get LMAO CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

The next time anyone is on You Tube, type in Did You Know. The very first one that is shown which is almost 5 minutes long will blow your mind for atleast that long if not longer. I didn't know.................

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Steve the one about technology?

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Did You Know, interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIDLIwlzkgY

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

OK, Steve, that did blow my mind, or what's left of it. I had gotten it in an email a couple of weeks ago. Teaching kids to do jobs that haven't been invented yet...?????????

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

So what are they teaching the kids of the future 2x2 = 4, I think the schools need to get it in gear. Something is wrong when other Countries are so far ahead of us. We are so far behind everyone.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

I know, parents are too busy chasing the Gravy Train to pay attention to their kids. NOT our hubbers!!

Nordie says: 2 months ago

Hi all -- let me assure you that the Debbie site people do not have a clue about the Bible. These are the kind of people who have been brain-washed and can no longer think for themselves. It is some type of cult. They mis-quote scripture, spew hatred and their own self-righteousness, etc. I would not even try to write a post -- it wouldn't matter what you wrote, they will try to diminish anyone who doesn't agree. Anyone who thinks the King James Version (old English) is the same language the scriptures were written in and therefore the only true version are beyond talking with. I have studied Hebrew and Aramaic and know that translations are just that. Even in our modern times, language changes. When I was growing up to be gay meant to be happy or joyful. If I went around and said I'm gay today -- well, happy and joyful is not what folks might think.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

I went and looked at that site, talk about someone that is sick. I think the men in white coats are looking for her. I sure hope they take her back where she belongs. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Debbie drank the kool-aid. And didn't leave any for anyone else!! linn says: 2 months ago

Steve, do you carry say a 2T? 2 toddler? She is a year but I want her to start dance early. Seems to work best. She loves fancy things already! Any color would be great, but she looks great in any girlie color...Pink, Purple.. Thank you so much. Funny how after they turn one, you start to see their personalities come out. Even a 3 would be fine. Maybe even better. Thanks so much if you can spare one more.

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

If you see this woman run the other way!!! http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr43/jo1031/thp

linn says: 2 months ago

Choke, spew!! LOL!! OMG STEVE!!! FlAVOR FLAV!!! I totally mess with my daughter telling her all the time I have a new "stepdaddy list" and the one at the top is Flavor Flav!! LOL. I SO WANT A CLOCK!! HAHA. I actually sort of got addicted to that show. No one could believe it.. haha. She cannot stand the "New York" witch, but I said you will just have to learn to love her.. haha. That was too funny. Only laugh I have had all day. Cheers! LOL.. JMo says: 2 months ago

Ok, all this talk about that site....geez. So, I checked it out. If you follow the words and the writings, Phropetess Debbie is the same person as moderator, Tiffany Wellsley, etc, etc. She is Psychotic and Manic (obviously). She rambles on under the personality of other people with no pictures or fake pictures. Pay her no mind. In fact, the only post by Phropehtess Debbie came after Capn Steve told her off.....now that is entertainment. I signed in and told her I had just talked to Jesus myself and he says prophetessdebbie is really the DEVIL. Lets see if that post goes through, ha ha. Seriously though, she needs reported as she really sounds dangerous and could harm someone. Anyway, I guess Baez's no ring thingy is no big deal, I was just curious. OK, so here we go...Hoover now is saying that Dominic C KNEW CAYLEE WAS DEAD and WHERE SHE WAS. He actually testified to those words. This is gonna stir things up for sure. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19075077/detail.h JMo says: 2 months ago

Here is ANOTHER IDIOT that uses the word INNOCENT when trying to convince everyone he has done nothing wrong....even after he is indicted! Go figure! http://ftpcontent.worldnow.com/wand/WAND/finalindi CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

JMo, you are too funny! LUV IT!! I am going to wish her happy dreams now.

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

Jmo- I think D. Casey did know the body was there & was told where to look by someone in the Anthony family. When they went to the abandoned house first, it looked like they were looking for something else. Maybe something incriminating was stashed there. DC has digging with a small garden shovel right up against the side of the home. That is not somewhere that a body would be buried. Maybe they were looking for material that had evidence of chloroform on it. Like the containers she

used when making it. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

I just wished Deborah a nighty nite and let her know that when she awakens from the David Koresh coma that she is in we will know. Until then we are afraid, very afraid! And I let her know that biz is down since her and her best friend stopped going to fusion. I hate momster lovers by the way! Seems as though I got under the prophetess' skin for her to do back to back posts!

Nordie says: 2 months ago

JMo, I looked at the pixs of momster being released from jail the first time and Bozo is not wearing a ring. I don't think I have ever seen him wear one, but I could be wrong. Nite all -- have beautiful dreams! linn says: 2 months ago

something interesting on NG tonight. The day the Ants were told the remains WERE those of Caylee, is the night they spent at the Ritz Carlton. Hoover was there, Mallory, someone named Catlin, Mallory, George, Sindy and Lee. Think that is is. They all ordered crap puffs, sliced steak and appetizers. No big deal until you, or they thought if for me. WHO eats tons of food when just told it was your grandaughter remains that were found? The theory and it makes sense is, they already KNEW Caylee was dead and that she was buried there. The video by Dominic Casey and Hoover proved they knew something was there. Apparently they all had hearty appetites and munched on. Then went to their fancy room. It all makes sense. Even Nancy agreed. The head doctor, lol, can't spell the word, but she was also correct in saying who could eat such an hearty meal minutes/hours after being told your grandaughter was found, dead? THEY KNEW ALREADY SHE WAS DEAD!! And when a reporter asked Sindy if Casey ever thought of giving up Caylee for adoption, she said "NO" not ever. We all know that was a lie. I wonder how much these lies will come to bite them in the ass? I hope every single one of them JMo says: 2 months ago

Maybe Debbie the Phrophetess is really ZANNY....oh no, now I'm really freaked out! I thought the ANTS and crew were at the Ritz on a tip to find Caylee and after they were in the plane on the way back is when they were told about the bones. So, not sure how the story is getting changed, but we will see. I don't know how they could go live it up and eat hearty Period! when they are there to investigate a Caylee sighting....actually, I'm not sure exactly how they were going to do that, now that I think about it. Was someone going to show them where Caylee was? or what? I don't get it!! I was always suspicious that they all were "conviently" out of town when the discovery was made. Thinking of this more, the jury will probably hone in on Cindy's statements about looking for a live Caylee...not sure if that was a game either. What a bunch of filthy low life liars. I hope they all pay dearly for what they did to baby Caylee! I blame them all for this!!!

CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Not one shrink in 9 months has said the ANTfarm is normal. Not one. That makes zero!! Could everyone be wrong? linn says: 2 months ago

They had flown out to California to do some show. Forgot which. They either heard the news before they boarded the plane or on the plane. ABC had flown them to CA to record the show. When they got back to the airport in FL, a limo was waiting to take them to the Ritz Carlton. ABC paid for the penthouse room AND for the expensive meal. Fine for them, but who in their right mind, OK I just gave the reason, but who WITH a mind could then sit down to a fancy dinner, dining on crap puffs, steak, fried green tomatoes and drinks and appetizers? I would be in the hospital in the physc ward puking. This is why they are now saying they think the Ants knew way before the trip the baby was gone. Either Lee told them through Casey, or Casey told Dominic Casey or someone. Even her mother. This tidbit might just really get them. Could also be the reason they were wanting "ammunity"? I also want to thank whomever said to NOT go to the nutso site. Being me, I would have freaked, yet seems to me they delete any comments that do not agree with them. HOW SICK to blame a child. And if they want to believe a 2.9 month old commited suicide, how did she after death bag herself, drive herself to the site, bury herself and yet carry her blankie and toys with her?? This shows you truly how sick some people in this world is. Casey is a sick person for killing her child, but this woman from what I have read, is sicker than Charles Manson.. And that is truly saying something. May she rot in hell.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Linn, I agree about the fine dining after hearing of the remains being found...just too weird. I, for one, would have no appetite whatsoever for days, weeks, months. I don't believe Debbie is any more real than Zanny...I think it's some guy causing alot of hoopla to get hits on his fake website. Whoever it is, they're a moron. JMo says: 2 months ago

Well, if you go back to the jailhouse tapes, Casey keeps telling them "we need to stick together". I guess she meant it....and after all, she's the BOSS.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Yes, JMo, she's calling the shots even from behind bars...I think the whole family is scared to cross her. About the idiot website; wonder if that's the people in Wichita? Sounds EXACTLY like what they say every time they get the chance.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Only The Killer Would've Had Such a Reaction. http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/only-the-killer

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Cindy & George Anthony Still Trying Yo Meet Privately With Casey. http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/cindy-george-an

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Bo Bo Fighting Release Of Jail Video of Accused Murderer Casey Anthony http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/jose-baez-fight

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Good Video of Hoover After Deposition, Hoover Claims Dominic Casey Was Trying To Sell Pictures He Took Of Crime Scene. http://www.wftv.com/video/19080677/index.html

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Thanks, Rascal, for the links. Farmchick, sorry things are not going well for you. I don't understand why your mom doesn't want you to have the pictures. How old is she? Is it possible she is in the beginning stages of dementia? Happened in my family, and the behavioral change was a total shock. Imacynic, if I remember right, Farmchick's sister needs losenges for the chemo sores in her mouth and they cost $1000 for a month's supply; she only had 15 and is about to run out. I don't remember what the meds are called. Sounds like she's in desperate need of them, though.

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

WFTV video of Baez today on his way in to court house to get sworn statements from Roy Kronk's supervisor & 2 sheriff's office investigators that handled Kronk's tips. Kathy Belich asked him "hasn't Casey told you the truth?" & he replied "I want to find out what investigators know. That's part of the story." Another reporter ask him if he had any comment about Hoover telling the media the he owed Dominic Casey $90 thousand dollars. Of course he ducked & ran for cover on that one. http://www.wftv.com/video/19086935/index.html

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

Momster receives more money from out of state. She orders ponytail holders, chips, bottle water,pop tarts & m&m peanuts. Who are these demented fools sending this money? Wonder if it is Prophetess Debbie & her delusional flock of fools. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breaking New docs out on Monday according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Snoopy9318 says: 2 months ago

Wow! It's sounding like we ought to have a good show on Monday!! Take care until then!

jo1031 says: 2 months ago

Land where Caylee's remains found has been sold. Brad Conway said he knows who purchased the property but can not say who it is. He did say that something appropriate would be done with the site. Caylee Daily is saying the Anthony family is behind the purchase. They site a source as giving them the info. No local news is reporting this story at this time. http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/land-where-cayl

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

WHAT??? NO CHEETOS?? Has she been reading our blog again...

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Good afternoon all, been one busy day. Jo we need to get some gas in our little car so Capn Steve does not half to push so hard. We need him in good shape to read. We can not be pulling the Casey thing out of Gas, LOL JMo says: 2 months ago

I bet Lee bought that property...betcha. I am so sick of BradCON that I could puke. He has done nothing but help the ANTS lie and scheme. I hope the BAR investigates him soon too! Him and BoBo need to be in a cell together!!! What really dissappoints me the most is that the Judge is allowing this to get out of hand. He needs to take control and slap orders on all of them. They are all breaking laws left and right, right under his nose. They are making it a circus and making a fool out of the Judge. I hope they all pay for their selfish greed...Especially the ANTS. I would love to tell them both to their face what peices of crap they are!!!!!!!! Anyway, Farmchick, I hate to suggest this to you, but it may be a good source....sometimes when people die, they have a lot of medicine that was never used. Maybe someone knows of a patient who had a supply of those lozenges that recently died. Before the family throws it all out, maybe you could get it???? I know that sounds really weird, but it happens alot. Some people get crap loads of benefits and meds from insurance, etc. and never use the stuff. Then when they die, their cabinets are full of meds. Something to check into at least.

Nordie says: 2 months ago

Farmchick, I know it is difficult to stay calm when you're world seems to be crashing down; however, you will not be able to help your sister if you stay enraged. I am praying for peace for you. There are many agencies to help, so don't let one person or one set of rules derail you from your mission. The social/case workers in the hospital, cancer support groups, the case workers at social services, the city or county health department case workers, the drug companies themselves -- I know it's a complexing process, but there is help. SSI is based on a set of rules, just make sure they received all the correct information. My advise to you on the mother situation is this, if she has something that belongs to you and will not give it back, call the authorities. Let her answer to them as to why she is a thief. Again, you are in my prayers.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

JMo, You are so right, I gave everything to the visiting nurse in hopes that someone could use it. Also Hospice will come in and help your sister with the house,

Nordie says: 2 months ago

Farmchick, Rascal is right -- Hospice will help. They are wonderful! JMo says: 2 months ago

I have to agree, the issue with your mother needs to be 'put on the back burner'. I know the pictures are important to you, but going about getting them this way may be your way of controlling the situation. Sometimes when someone close to us is so ill, we feel an immense 'loss of control'. We can't fix things, we can't make them better, we can't control what is happening. So in turn, we become angry and begin taking control of the things we can. I'm sorry your mother has chose to behave this way, and no one can explain why she is doing this, but to create more riff will not solve anything. Put your sister foremost in your thoughts and take care of yourself. Let the authorities or someone else get what has been taken from you. This situation does nothing but anger you, cause more issues with your mother, and drive a wedge deeper between all of you. This is not a time to be letting hate take control. My suggestion, and you may not like it, is to meet with your mother on civil terms, let her know those pictures are yours and that you will be glad to share a copy with her of which ever ones she may like. This is meeting in middle ground and usually helps put things on simmer. There is no sense in fighting over something such as pictures, no matter how important they are. They are material objects and your sisters life is not. So, I hope you can find peace in this situation and regain focus, for everyone's benefit, especially your sisters. The stress can only harm her more.

Nordie says:

2 months ago

Totally off topic, what is a RSS feed and what is a twitter?

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Nordie, this is Twitter: http://twitter.com/ I don't know about the "RSS" feed...??????????

Nordie says: 2 months ago

Thanks Kate -- the RSS feed is in the info about our wonderful Wednesday. "Join the RSS feed. . ." is twitter like facebook?

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

News' RSS feeds! We're now offering thumbnails of related photos for stories in our RSS feeds, giving you an even richer news experience. (Note: your RSS reader may not support the

Nordie says: 2 months ago

Kate and Rascal, I watched the twitter video -- lol I was calling it in my mind tweeter lol at least now I know what it is --

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Nordie, I know sometimes it is like trying to keep up with teenagers. They have a name for everything.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Nordie, you're one up on me...I haven't watched it yet. I'm having too much fun on YouTube. Rascal, did you get your wireless modem?

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Kate, I sure did, now I can lay in bed and play on the laptop, or take it with me. Ok did you pair your head set yet? LOL

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Haha, yes it was easy like you said. I called my sister on it for her birthday yesterday.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Oh good glad I could help you. I thought about it today when I was in Wal Mart and the Phone rang hit the button and it was Groomer my baby is all pretty. Had my friend with me that is going to be 84, I told her I need a ringer that barks that way I know who it is, CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

I have given my thoughts re. momster obviously flunking the poly that BOBO gave her during last summer and now I say this. Don't you think George pressured her as well to take one with one of his "buddies" to know if she was being truthful? Spinster Sinster no, but George YES!!! They know the truth and now they will do anything to get her out. Put a fork in them cause they are done! Maybe they can start a parenting class when all is done.

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

Rascal, Moxie is jealous, she wants to be pretty too. Steve, I bet you're right about George...being an ex cop of course he would push for a poly! Count me out on the parenting classes, I wouldn't even want them around my dog.

JMo says: 2 months ago

RSS (an abbreviation for Really Simple Syndication) is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.[2] An RSS document (which is called a "feed", "web feed",[3] or "channel") includes full or summarized text, plus metadata such as publishing dates and authorship. Web feeds benefit publishers by letting them syndicate content automatically. They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place. RSS feeds can be read using software called an "RSS reader", "feed reader", or "aggregator", which can be web-based, desktop-based, or mobile-device-based. A standardized XML file format allows the information to be published once and viewed by many different programs. The user subscribes to a feed by entering the feed's URI (often referred to informally as a "URL" (uniform resource locater), although technically the two terms are not exactly synonymous) into the reader or by clicking an RSS icon in a browser that initiates the subscription process. The RSS reader checks the user's subscribed feeds regularly for new work, downloads any updates that it finds, and provides a user interface to monitor and read the feeds. RSS formats are specified using XML, a generic specification for the creation of data formats. Although RSS formats have evolved since March 1999,[4] the RSS icon ("") first gained widespread use between 2005 and 2006.[5]

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

JMo, you rock. Steve, have you and Lil' Debbie made up?

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Well pack Moxie's bag and I will take her to the groomer with Rascal. She even has a pretty bow. And since she ws such a good girl she received a dogie treat when she came home. JMo says: 2 months ago

Maybe Casey and BoBo were twitter-ing on the day of Caylee's funeral when Lee had his computer on the podium???? Do you think that the priests behind him knew what twittering was? You can hide the screen until a little dot changes color to let you know you have a message, then you can hide it again! Plus Sindy and GaGa were crouching around to watch the screen. Plus, do you think they would of known if anyone in there was taking video for Casey or on a web cam through their I-phones. No. There were tons of messages that day for sure. I wouldn't doubt that Baez has snuck her in an I phone. Hmmmm, I wish there was a way to check. Anyway, the twitter probably went like this>>>>>

What Are You Doing? Casey: Wishing I had more cheetos. Lee: I miss you CMA Casey: I miss partying with my friends. Lee: I need you CMA. Casey: I need Sex and Zanax. Lee: I will never forget my promise to you CMA. Casey: I never promise anything to anyone, it's all lies!

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Bo Bo, probabaly had his Web Camera on the Computer,and since it was alive feed she heard and seen it all. I will bet 50 dog biscuts. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Kate, Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You ever heard the saying opposites attract? They do. They attract divorce!! I do not like Debbie Deb at all!!

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

TG Steve, I do not want to put Horns on the Squirrel. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

What BOBO is trying to take an eraser out on is the fact that his conversation with momster was overheard re. the body and now it is out there. Maybe not only my feeling but others as well. Attorney/client privalege I guess = shmivalege. Too bad, so sad!!!

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

JMo, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Steve, maybe Debbie's your ex-wife...never can tell. Rascal, Moxie's sitting in her suitcase waiting for her plane ticket.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Darn I said Groomer not plane ticket, LOL

Kate in MO says: 2 months ago

AAww, c'mon; I hear they're really cheap now...oh never mind; with her "travel phobia" she'd never make it. We'd have to walk.

Nordie says: 2 months ago

JMo - you have provided me my laugh of the day!!!! Thanks for the explanation of the RSS, but I swear, after trying to comprehend (my lack, not yours), I started laughing and all I could think of as I continued to read -- I see your lips moving, but what are you saying. lololololol thanks for trying to educate, but I am hopeless. I am still lololololo

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Rascal loves to travel, she lays down on her blankie and sleeps. She probably has traveld over 6000 miles since she was 10 weeks old.

Nordie says: 2 months ago

Capn, only a total incompetent, which he is, doesn't understand there is no privacy in jail. He thinks

because he is who he thinks he is and momster is who she thinks she is -- the system doesn't apply. My take, we're in for a very long voyage. (Kate, I'm still laughing, I think I will cut and paste it to my word documents and every time I get a little down, I'll just pull it up and read it again lololo)

Nordie says: 2 months ago

Nite all, think I will dream of a new career, a computer wizard or something lolo

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Nite Nordie, sweet dreams. JMo says: 2 months ago

Yes, Casey probably already confessed and told BoBo where the body was. He told the ANTS and BradCON. They all had a little PowWow and ate a big fat dinner of crab puffs. Casey probably figured it was the only way to get messages to the ANTS and the only way for the ANTS to get messages to Casey. BoBo the messenger! Well, you know what they say, everyone wants to kill the messenger, so hopefully he will get the blame for all the jailhouse leaks. I just can't believe that anyone could be that DENSE!!!! Does he really think the public is that stupid??? Put them ALL in front fo a Firing Squad! Let the Devil deal with them and their wickedness! Bless Caylee!

JMo says: 2 months ago

Shock: Anthony Family has "secret" plans for Caylee memorial land ROTF LMFAO! That's nothing new....everything they do is a "secret"!!!!!!!!!!! That whole f'd up bunch are game players and liars and code talkers. What's new! http://www.wesh.com/news/19090460/detail.html Also in tonight: Casey Anthony’s attorney, Jose Baez deposes supervisor of man who found Caylee’s remains http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200

(I think BoBo has lost weight....or it seems in this picture).

JMo says: 2 months ago

Search intensifies for 8-year-old Northern California girl Sandra Cantu This little girl is beautiful. Sad she was 'kissed on the lips' by a 60 yr. old man when she was 6 and who knows what else. People need to really really watch their kids closely. So scarey. Sounds like the police are going all out for her search though. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200

JMo says: 2 months ago

Also wondering, why don't the police 'hypnotize misty' to see what she says about the night Haliegh dissapeared? It's so hard to believe that she knows something and has been questioned this much and no one can figure things out. Maybe her memory is blocking it out? who knows. They really should hypnotize her to find out what she can remember or if she is telling the "whole" truth. That way it will at least give a better focus on where to go with this. I remember here in Colorado, this little girl was abducted from her front yard. There were 3 other little kids playing in the yard with her. They told police they couldn't remember anything. They hypnotized them and got the majority of the license plate # and the color of the car, and that the door handle was broken and swinging loose on the back drivers side door. They ran the plates and checked out the info. Found the guy. He was a young guy, didn't live far from me. He lived in a condo with his girlfriend. They went to the address listed and sure enough, there was the car with the broken handle. They searched the condo. The gf said they were engaged and he was a normal great guy. They went into his back room and found kiddie porno, weird toys and devices, etc. The gf flipped out and said she never knew that stuff was there. It was all secretly hidden away. They arrested him when he came home from work. He denied everything. They found the little girls hair and DNA in the car and locked him up. He wouldn't admit to anything. Then a couple from another state was in the mountains here on a picnic and were leaving for the day. They stopped to empty the trash out of their car and heard what they thought was a 'cat crying'. They were going to just leave, but then began looking around and heard it coming from the porta potty area. They opened the door and heard a kid crying. Called 911. They lifted the little 3 year old from deep down inside the muck. She had stood there for 3 days and nights. When she got tired, she would put her hands down but never sat down or layed down. That F'n freak raped her and then threw her in the porta potty way up in the mountains. Some of you may of heard of her (Lori Poland). The first thing she said was that she wanted a popsicle. She was so lucky because the park was empty for the season and these people from out of state just happened to stop there in that spot and heard her. He was expected to be released from prison 19 years ago, if you can believe that!!!! He only served "6" years for what he did. Lori had her name changed and was brought up in a secret area so no one would know her. She lost most of her feet and hands due to the damage from the

chemicals in the porta potty. Sick story, but really always stuck in my mind that they would of never have found this guy had they not hypnotized these kids.

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Casey is still living in fantasy land even behind bars, she is getting ready for tonights No Clothes Party. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

JMo says: 2 months ago

Any more news on the sale of Casey voodoo dolls. I really want one.

Nordie says: 2 months ago

Rascal, can you tell me how to find out what time the sun will rise on Easter morning? I know I can add about a minute a day, and this morning it was 6:43. We are having a sunrise service and duh! I need to know what time. Thanks.

Nordie says: 2 months ago

Rascal, never mind, I found it (ain't I clever, not!) you don't add silly me you subtract a minute or so. JMo says: 2 months ago

Well, it seems that everyday is a road to recovery for most people. HOWEVER...we need to get back to CASEY in this forum so that Wednesday does not get the hub cancelled due to being off topic. Sooooooooooooooooo, this just in... AMY Huzenga has postponed her deposition and hired an Attorney! http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 JMo says: 2 months ago

There is also a YouTube video that has all the text messages that Casey sent to her.....Yikes. Casey is so fried....haha, we only wish.

JMo says: 2 months ago

This is really chilling, so if you are squeamish, don't watch...it is the survellence video set up outside the trailer park where the little 8 year old Cantu was leaving the day she dissappeared. So sad, to see her all happy and going down the street.......then http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200

Nordie says: 2 months ago

JMo -- those text messages, ugh! what kind of search was that? Somewhere inside of me I think there will eventually be a plea bargain -- maybe an Alford plea or some such nonsense. Farmchick says: 2 months ago

Why would Amy Huzienga need an atty? She did not murder anyone. Boy are the lawyers makin the money off this one.

CarambaCarol says: 2 months ago

OMG No offense to those who have had such experiences with such wonderful families. I know that at times we go off topic in this hub, please forgive me when I say that there has to be a hub for those of you who feel you need to vent about such experiences. If you are in fact comparing notes about who's family is more dysfunctional than the ANTS please make that comment- but in reality isnt the subject of this hub supposed to be "DETAILS CASEY ANTHONY DINT WANT YOU TO KNOW......not DETAILS Farmchick WANTS YOU KNOW ABOUT HER FAMILY. Please, PLEASE do NOT vent about your hard life here- IT IS making me and others very UPSET. I know that there are other hubbers who feel the same as I do and please understand I am not voicing my opinion on their behalf. I am sorry for those whose lives arent what you want it to be right now - there are others on here who are having a hard time too and have chosen to start another hub or go to another area on the internet to vent. Just a suggestion Farmchick- do please start a hub about your experiences right now that way we wont be shut down. I am sure you will have lots of people contributing and you will feel better. Thanks SadieSkye says: 2 months ago

Im sorry guys for the banter.. It was my first message to farmchick..just wanted to let her know ive been reading and sympathize.. ITS All ABOUT MOMSTER NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIL SHES IN THE BIG BIGHOUSE !!!!! TICKTOCK;TICKTOCK;TICKTOCK;TICKTOCK!!!

SadieSkye says: 2 months ago

So thats why many of you have been absent lately... I fully understand and agree.. no offense to anyone but It is very hard not to get severly depressed lately after visiting the ship.. Sorry but true.. and my contributing a bit ago didnt help either.. oops!!

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Casey Anthon;sy Famiy Has Sick Secret Plan For Caylee Memorial Land. http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/casey-anthonys-

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

Casey Anthoney Accused Baby Killer Buys Chips, Candy With Donations http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/casey-anthony-b

Wednesday Morning says: 2 months ago

Good morning. Bad news. The archives from March are "gone". A little mis-hap when I swabbed the deck & can't get them back. Sorry about that.

The crazy loon website, I think it's a prank, possibly a phsych students assignment to see how many people he can find who are NUTS. I don't believe it for a minute. Sorry I haven't chimed in much. Busy around here with work, kids sports & daughters health declining. Just know I do jump on for updates & although I don't always comment, I'm thinking about you all. Capt Steve, How would I go about ordering one of those little dance outfits for a precious little 11 year old? :-) Today's her birthday & she's not feeling very well. Postponed party til tomorrow.

Also, Some of you have e-mailed me asking questions or making requests & when I try to respond to you, the e-mail address says it's incorrect. If you need a reply, please include your e-mail address in the body of the e-mail when you send. I don't know if hubpages scrambles the addy or if it's typos but somethings not working out. One person this morning include her addy but didn't put the .com, .net. info .gov or whatever it was suppose to be & I don't feel like playing that guessing game today. Hope you all have a great weekend & happy spring break!

CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Wednesday, let me know where to send it and she will get a few goodies out of Hanukkah Harry's big bag o fun!! Do you have my P.O. box info from several days ago or my email info which will be quicker. I will speed up delivery for the B-DAY girl! Hope she feels better!! CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Wednesday, I sent you an email JMo says: 2 months ago

GEEEEorge is at it again. He is promo'ing the boat at Caylee's expense! What an ass. He says he is 'going to help others whose child is lost' (duh, Caylee was killed by her psycho mother, not lost) and besides, how can he help anyone....he fell apart and tried to commit suicide! Seems to me that he needs to quit trying to rescue others when he doesn't even know how to rescue his own family!!!! JMO! Anyway, this does nothing but play on the minds of those who don't know the truth about KidFinders! What a circus. http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_tv_

JMo says: 2 months ago

This just in: Winter Park attorney Kirk Kirkconnell is representing Casey Anthony's friend, Amy Huizenga. Jo1031....maybe you can find out about this guy. I wonder if Amy is afraid they will try and twist her words around or find something on her????

JMo says: 2 months ago

Hey, I just remembered about reading this article a while back where News 13 discovered that two men had visited Casey at the jail. One was DOMINIC CASEY. "Casey Dominic, another private investigator for Baez, visited Casey on Aug. 8." I bet that is when Dominic gave messages from the ANTS to Casey and Casey probably told him where Caylee was. Due to the floods and stuff, I bet her body shifted around and he couldn't find her.? Then went looking again in that SAME spot. The selfish ANTS wanted to be the ones to find her and not anyone else. They wanted their time with her, so to speak. They also wanted the spotlight! But mostly, I bet they wanted to cover up evidence, so its a good thing Dominic Casey didn't find her. The other guy that visited was Edward Phlegar, who is an investigator for her attorney Jose Baez's law firm. Now, I don't recall hearing anything about him, do you all? Maybe Casey told him some juicy stuff too and maybe he told someone, who told someone, etc. and maybe kronk overheard it and went there searching too.?? They sure all had a nice crab puff din din on CBS at the Ritz Carlton without blinking an eye. I thought it was weird that Jose showed up to this din din too. Hmmm, it was a meeting between them all....they all f'n knew Caylee was dead and buried somewhere out there, but "obviously relieved" to know that she was finally found by someone in that area (the area they searched many times). Dominic probably had Hoover video tape him as he went out there so it could be shown how he found the body. This 'whole group' totally illuded any police investigations and did their own. Remember Casey saying, "Lee is investigating a few people for me". What he was doing was snooping around to see who might have something on Casey so he could squash it in the dirt. The ANTS must of thought they were their own little investigative police department? "The Hopespring Wannabe PD". Sick. They obstructed Justice with their stupid behavior and have made a complete mockery out of the Florida police dept. (Remember, Cindy hates Kevin Berry, so she was out to get him one way or the other). They have hampered any legal proceedings and destroyed evidence and given false statements and falsified evidence in this entire case. I bet if Cindy had not called the police that day, the "Hopespring Wannabe PD" would of concealed the whole thing, fed Casey cheetos and m&m's till she confessed of bagging little Caylee and tossing her out 31 days before in the pet cemetary so she could go visit her when she wanted, but didn't anticipate that hurricane Katrina would wash her up out of the shallow grave. (that's probably why they couldn't find where Caylee was, because the flood waters had destroyed the grave site from being located). Yep, they would of covered up the whole thing...I truly believe this and would of gotten away with it if they could. I bet Cindy is still kicking herself for making that phone call!!!!!!!!! CAPN STEVE says:

2 months ago

A family that would contact George for help needs mucho help even before making that call. Anyone with half a brain goes for the best in the business and that is Tim. Enough said! George can not even do the right thing with his family and you want to bring him into yours??

JMo says: 2 months ago

Here is the link for that story. http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Local/2008/8/14/paren Also, I guess I wonder too, why when George and Cindy went to the wrecker car to pick it up, and all of them said it smelled like a dead body, did they not call the police then to investigate it? I would not of drove home my car if it smelled like that. But then the "Hopespring Wannabe PD" may of thought to go hide it in the garage, until (according to lee) the entire garage filled up with the smell and it was unbearable. Besides, Cindy had to wash the pants in the back seat (you know, the ones with Caylees body leakage and ground dirt all over them) and clean out the trunk! They knew right then! That was the moment of truth for them.

JMo says: 2 months ago

Just going back and trying to peice this together..... Does anyone have the "transcripts" to the July 25th phone call made to police, the 911 call? My sound is out on my computer. But I do know that Cindy can be heard in the background saying to Casey... "I have given you a month to find Caylee". So, how can that be if she supposedly 'just found out' that Caylee is missing??? This family does not add up and neither do their stories!!!!

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

JMo, Thw Ants stories have never added up, they have twisted everything to try to make Casey look innocent. We that is not flyimg with anyone, I have never seen a family like this one and hope I never do again. This has been a big cover up and false leads, they should all be charged. Wednesday hope you girl is feeling better!

Marie RN says: 2 months ago

JMo says: "Maybe Casey told him some juicy stuff too and maybe he told someone, who told someone, etc. and maybe kronk overheard it and went there searching too.??" According to our friend Leonard Padilla, Kronk's girlfriend works at the jail, so LP thinks that she passed the info she overheard on to Kronk. Also, about the ANTS not reporting the car smell, Cindy told her coworkers at Gentiva about it, and they urged her to call the police, but Cindy said she wanted to give Casey a chance to explain it. CAPN STEVE says: 2 months ago

Give Casey a chance to explain it???????????????????????? That is the funniest fiction novel ever written. The parenting for dummies (it should be by dummies) book just came out and guess who is on the cover?

Marie RN says: 2 months ago

JMo, here is the link to the phone cal transcript you are looking for. At the very end is where Casey says to give her one more day to produce Caylee, and Cindy says, No, I've already given you a month." Who besides me thinks Casey would taken off if given "another day?" http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Sidebar/2008/7/25/tra

Marie RN says: 2 months ago

Here is the transcript of the very first 911 call. http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Sidebar/2008/7/24/tra Cindy and George got the death car back on Jun 30th, but didn't call the cops until they found Casey on July 16. Would any other adult in their right mind not act on that for over 2 weeks!!???

RascalBrat says: 2 months ago

That is because they had no intentions of turning her in, they tried to cover it up. But when Cindy found out about Caylee she called 911. When it smelled like Dan Dead Body she should have a clue call now!

Wednesday Morning says: 2 months ago

JMO, You've got your thinking cap on tonight. You've given me much to ponder, however I don't have much to add. Thanks for the links Marie. You're all amazing at producing whats requested. I do agree that if Casey had been given that "one more day" she would have been shacking up with a delusional gringo in Puerto Rico within 24 hours. Airfare compliments of Amy. CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

The ANTfarm are all guilty of MURDER!! Spinster Sinster, Georgie in da Jungle, Sleezy, and last but not least the momster all are blamed in my book and may they all rot in hell! And yes, there is a hell.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

"When" momster's case is finished, I predict more charges to the ANTs -- I believe they are all going to pay. Course GeorgeduhJungle man can use his SS boat as collateral for bail. Jerks! Headed for bed, I'm going to dream about being a finger-painting artist (thanks Rascal). linn says: 6 weeks ago

JMo and others. Where do you all get your information? Here in CA we get nothing at all on weekends. Gosh, NG was back on her Tot Mom in Jail with Family videos again! ARGHHHHH. I mean she has shown this a dozen times! Even during the week we get just what JVM or NG has to say. I learn more about this case from you all. Do thoes that get all this info live close to FL? They put nothing about the case on our news channel. We have to go to HLN and even then it seems to be inconsistent or news we already heard from this site! So thanks for news I never see! My dying laptop does not play youtube or videos, so if anyone sees something good on them, can you put in down in a few words? Thank you!

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

I think it was the details about private life that was being addresses. If you want to go that deep into your own private life, She was recommending using your e-mail or going to a blog designed for healing. PS) I deleted the original note that I am responding to. I really don't want to be anyone's babysitter, so lets keep it clean folks.

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Linn, try clicking on the suggested reading links at the top of this page. WESH TV and the Orlando Sentinel, have daily, local updates on this case. linn says: 6 weeks ago

I wonder if Casey thinks PRISON will be the same as jail? I have watched those "locked in prison" shows on TV.. lol. The noise! It is deafening all day and night. They can kill you in seconds right in front of a judge. All that is awful, but for me it would be the non stop noise! Not just chatting or laughing, but the nuts screaming, throwing feces, all of it! I truly cannot see Crazy holding up at all. I actually see her when it really hits home, I see her ending her life. She truly seems to feel like she is going to be found innocent. Again being from CA she just might. We all need to be prepared for it as it very well can happen. It takes ONE person. She has almost 500.00 in her jail account from people all over the country that feel sorry for her, and that she is innocent. Again, ONE person. Steve understands I am sure, of my fears that she will be found not guilty. She is pretty, young and I am sure she is being trained like the dog she is, how to act when court time truly comes. The tears, the BUN, all of it. WE KNOW SHE IS GUILTY, but again, all it takes is one and that is what terrifies me. And others. Can I say how much I dislike that Janie person JVM has on her show? It is people like her that can get Casey off with a not guilty plea! We know she is guilty. But it takes just one person to wonder, hmmm, what about this or that? And then either a hung jury and start all over, or a she goes free card. Then she will become a millionaire off the murder of her child. Sick, but it really has me worried. Wonder, if I am allowed, what the jury will come back in the Phil Spector trial? I bet again, he is found not guilty this time. Gosh is he creepy. Truly too, am I allowed to talk about anyone but Crazy and her clan o' nuts? linn says: 6 weeks ago

Thank you Marie! I do some searches on my own, yet you guys are more up to date! I looked last night, but the latest update was the 26 of march! Didn't see the links. PS. I had no idea what a hub was. I just knew blogs where everything goes. So sorry again.

Tomorrow we are supposed to get a ton load of documents! Hope they are not what we already know!

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

I agree, Linn. This case makes you look forward to Mondays! linn says: 6 weeks ago

Wednesday...I guess you deleted my post. I TRULY wanted to know what to respond to, and keep it clean? I am sorry but I didn't say anything mean or nasty. I just truly need to know the questions I asked. I am used to blogging. I don't or well I still don't know the difference between a hub and a blog. I hope you are not implying I didn't keep something clean. I really was asking what was allowed so I would not make the mistake again, yet I do see my question filled post gone. It was truly a post asking questions so I would not make mistakes again. I really don't know why you said "keep it clean".. It had to be directed to me and I have no idea what I said wrong. I was asking what I can talk about and what I can't. Does it have to be just the Anthony case? Not the Cummings case or little Sandra? What was wrong with that. And sorry you felt you had to babysit me. And it had to be me as I just posted the post. I am truly embarassed and why, I have no clue. I really was asking true, legal questions on what I could and could not do. So sorry that was babysitting but I have never been on a hub before. just on blogs. I SO apologize for anything wrong I did. Really! SadieSkye says: 6 weeks ago

linn-- No need to take it personally.. I hope farmchick didnt get her feelings hurt by a few posts this morning.. Im sure that was never the intent...I too was trying to make her feel better.. as most of us have been doing.. I guess what carol was trying to say was.. we cant focus on everybodys problems all the time cuz it takes away from the reason we all came here to begin with.... I felt a little silly after finally sharing some thoughts with farmchick and the very next post was asking us to do the opposite.. But... after my face faded from bright red I understood her point completely...as Im sure you do too... Hope everyone is doing Good today!!! TICKTOCK,,TICKTOCK,,TICKTOCK................................................... linn says: 6 weeks ago

I so agree Marie! Normally I hate Monday's... lol. But now just because of this case I look forward to them. However they said we were supposed to get a ton of papers last week and we got nada. Another thought. If Dominic Casey met with Casey, would he not be taped too? I mean a PI is just a PI.. Not priveledged, and that has to be spelled wrong. But if he visited Casey in jail, would it not be on tape? He is so creepy looking. And it was ABC I think that footed the bill for the Ritz. Can you imagine dining on even WATER after you found out your grand daughter was found? Dead? I would be tossing whatever I had before I found out. That really makes me think they knew.. . The entire family is sick. I

used to feel for George. That feeling has changed. They all should be charged, and IF Mallory is pregnant, she does not look it to me, but if she is she best take off to another state! linn says: 6 weeks ago

Sadie... I was embarassed I admit. Again, i am used to blogs where we discuss the topic, but also other things. i was trying to make someone feel better by them knowing they were not alone. I always get my feelings hurt! LOL. I told you all mom said I had a soft heart. part of that is I am WAYYYYYYYYY to sensitive. I also get over it very fast. I just didn't get the keep it clean part from Wednesday. I don't feel I was mean to anyone, just wanting to know how to make sure I keep on the way to hub correctly. I still wonder if the Cummings case and Sandra are off topic as the hub says the Anthony case. Anyway, I DO understand completely, I just still wanted to know the rules is all. I hate making the same mistake because I am not sure what is allowed. But thank you, I truly do understand. Still not the rules completely, but just not to talk about personal things in our own lives. Still on the fence about other cases. Everyone, I hope this week is super for all, and that we get tons of damning evidence for Crazy!!!

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

I just completed a new hub for anyone wants to partake in it. Here's the link. Feel free to use it if you choose. I wasn't directing the "keep it clean" to Linn specifically. Sorry if it came across that way. No need for any of you to be embarrassed. Truly. No hard feelings here & I hope none of you have hard feelings there. Here's that link to "A Healing Place" ... http://hubpages.com/hub/A-Healing-Place

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

Nordie, I just saw your question from much earlier "what is a twitter?" and nearly choked on my Nutty Bar!

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

I'm puter illiterate -- I thought it was pronounced tweeter. Sorry about your Nutty Bar. And I did save the incredible RSS explanation-- I am still lololo -- maybe I'm too old lolol

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

This video of Bo Bo & Momster is hysterical. Rascal's pic of Bo Bo & Momster sharing licorice is in it. Way to go Rascal your pics are becoming famous. We can all say we knew you when. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJzNUW4TyRw

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Wow, Rascal - can I have your autograph? Your licorice pic has gone viral! (also loved the Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil part.) Farmchick says: 6 weeks ago

Linn, it wasnt u , it was one of my words. Dont worry,it wont happen again.BYE ALL!,

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Marie, Jo and I love doing pics that are funny about Casey and family, We just cannot seem to get any truth from this family so we find a way to deal with them.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

You gals are so funny and soooo talented, that video is a hoot!!!

Nite for real.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Marie- I loved the pic of the monkeys too. My mom has a old paper weight with 3 monkeys. One has his hands over his eyes, one with hands over his ears & the last with hands over his mouth. Woodsong productions has other videos on youtube that are just as well done & very funny. Drama Queen, a poster at the Caylee Daily works with them. Local 6 Orlando did an interview with George & Sindy on Saturday during the maiden voyage of the SS Caylee Marie. Video has not been downloaded yet but was suppose to air at 11p tonight. Maybe we can see it in the morning. Big media event to promote their new business Oh! Sorry meant foundation. This could be a big week. New court docs & George & Sindy's depo by John Morgan on Thursday. Can't wait to see these depos. Knowing Morgan we will be reading or watching by Thursday pm. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Our Rascal is famous! Also, LOL monkeys. I've been keeping up with reading the posts, but not posting too much lately. I won't get into details here, but last week was one of the worst ever. Nearly every aspect of my life was flipped upside down. Things couldn't get any worse. Then, Saturday morning, it stopped snowing, the sun came out and everything suddenly changed. Things aren't the same as they were, everything is better now. A bizarre series of events happened and, well, I'm not even going to question it. Hopefully we'll see some new juicy documents tomorrow. I'm looking forward to Thursday too Jo. Hopefully they've had enough time to get their stories straight. Can't wait to see Cindy squirm. I wonder if one of them will pull some stunt to delay this further. Will their lawyer be there protesting all the questions? I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams everyone.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Yes, the new boat is really something. "The vessel is said to maintain advanced technological

equipment that some police forces do not have". Well good for the "Hopespring Wannabe PD", this puts them right where they want to be.....ahead of the Orlando Police in every investigation of a missing child! What the HELL is wrong with them? Do they not understand that they are NOT the police and to let them do their job??? I think I will now refer to them as the "Three Stooges"! They all certainly fit the part, don't they?

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Jmo- This is the web site for Kirk Kirkconnell: http://www.klsylaw.com/Bio/KirkKirkconnell.asp

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Why does Amy H. need a criminal defense attorney? Kirkconnell's record is very impressive. Momster "absolutely " hired the wrong guy.

CarambaCarol says: 6 weeks ago

I think Amy went and found someone the total opposite of Joseito. Its like telling Casey "IN YOUR FACE BITCH" this also implies that the sorry excuse for a lawyer (Baez) will think twice about messing with Amy.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Cara, I couldn't agree with your more. Very impressive. Part of the sick humor in this is watching Bozo make a public ass of himself when dealing with professionals. Morning everyone!

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Jo, not sure why Amy went with a criminal attorney -- but I think I would've. The Ants are so

dishonest, I would'nt trust them about what day it is, so I assuredly wouldn't go to a depo without representation. I bet the stenographer has glue on her/his lips so she doesn't burst out laughing at Bozo and his incompetance. Not a job for me, I laugh a lot.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Good morning all, Just looked no doc's up yet! I think Amy is smart in getting a Lawyer, and one with a Brain. I look for the Ants to try to blame her for something. Hell they have accused everyone else of something except for Casey who has been framed Casey said they were going to try and pin this on her, I hate to tell Casey this is not Pin The Tail on the Donkey. This is about Lies, Searches, on Computer for Chloroform and Forensics found. This will all come out Casey and your Ass will be pinned to a cell. imacynic2 says: 6 weeks ago

Capt Steve? May I email you my info as well? imacynic2 says: 6 weeks ago

Farmchick and anyone else needing emotional support - I help host at a site which is set up to help people who are suffering from depression or other mental illnesses. We are open 24/7 and there is usually someone around to chat with. The room is, like here, mostly chatters - there are both forums and live chat - and there are hosts to help moderate the room - we are all trained in the resources which are available and can help - providing a listening ear, a number to a local agency or just to encourage you to voice your feelings. We have chatters from countries all over the world and chatters who have been where you are. Please - stop in and see if its something you feel can help. www.depressionhaven.org

HannahsNana says: 6 weeks ago

Farmchick - Don't go away! Wednesday set up a new hub called A Healing Place - we'll all still follow you there and help in anyway we can. And imacynic2 also listed a website that can offer hope and help. No one (JMO) wanted to run you or anyone else off, we just need to keep this hub for Caylee, and Haleigh and the other missing/murdered children.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Here is what is uploaded so far this morning will keep checking for more information.

http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/040609anthony CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

inacynic2, yes you can! Amy better hire someone since I think anyone that was known to hang with the momster is going down if The ANTfarm has any say so. What a bunch of nice, normal, quality folks that they are and they brought their kids up to be!! I have much to do today and court tomorrow so I will be back later!! losingit says: 6 weeks ago

I'm surprised Amy didn't get a lawyer sooner. Cindy told LE that when Casey dearest refered to "The Nanny", she was actually talking about Jesse and Amy. I watched some old NG last night and it showed Lee talking to Casey in jail. In their weird code talk, he asked her if the female Casey talked to before Mom found her (could only be Amy she was driving home from airport) had anything to do with this. Casey replied, "quite possibly". Those probably aren't the exact words, but it was something like that. Lee also told Casey that he had spoken to the two people she had told (Jeff and Juliette). He said, "So they do actually exist". Casey replied, "Well, that's good". WTH? According to Amy's texts, she was one of the people rallying everyone to meet at the Ants for meetings (at Cindy's request) and to hand out flyers. Little did she know that Mrs. Ant had already tried to throw her under the bus. Funny that Cindy would want her around if she thought she had done something.

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

Jo, sorry you had a hard time posting those links. It flagged you as "spam". Not sure why, but I "unflagged" you so all should be good. Also, U-tube video of Jose & Casey was spot on! Hilarious!!

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Wednesday- Thanks! I was going to get my son to check that out for me. I thought it might be the link I was trying to post. According to local 6 we will see the interviews of Kronk & his boss today,LE interviews with officers that responded to his calls, interviews with correction officers who witnessed Momster reaction the day the remains were found & the dvd of Lee & Tony. Documents are being downloaded now.

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Losing it says: "In their weird code talk, he asked her if the female Casey talked to before Mom found her (could only be Amy she was driving home from airport) had anything to do with this. Casey replied, "quite possibly". That explains why Casey was using Amy's checkbook! She wanted to draw Amy out, have Amy call LE, and then when they showed up, Casey could say "she stole Caylee!" Just kidding, of course, but these people take the cake! I just checked on non-profit organizations. There is no Caylee Anthony Foundation registered as a non-profit. The Ants are going to be in serious trouble with income tax if they keep taking donations. They are going to owe tax on all that, including their stupid boat! imacynic2 says: 6 weeks ago

Thanks Steve - I'm an idiot apparnetly about emailing on hubpages and don't know how . . . please advise

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Video of Lee and Tony http://www.wftv.com/video/19105515/index.html

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Link for Saturday's video of big media event for kidfinders & George. The launching of SS Caylee Marie. I want everyone to run & get their check books for the big donations you will want to make after seeing these two in action. Please send money so the Ant farm can pay their bills & support Momster's junk food habit. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19098619/detail.h

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Part 2 Lee and Tony http://www.wftv.com/video/19106026/index.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Part 3 Lee and Tony http://www.wftv.com/video/19106469/index.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Part 4 Lee and Tony http://www.wftv.com/video/19106773/index.html

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

Rascal: Is there anything new on these videos? I don't have sound right now!! Thanks! Does anyone know Cap'n Steve's email address?

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

This is all new stuff released http://www.wftv.com/video/19107079/index.html Part 1 http://www.wftv.com/video/19107107/index.html part 2 http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/19106388/detail personal photos

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Part 3 Casey with Dectives http://www.wftv.com/video/19107331/index.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Evidence Photos http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/19105250/detail

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

The part where George says: "No. 1 is you never give up. You never take no for an answer. Just because a certain law enforcement individual tells you, 'There's nothing we can do today,' don't believe that. There's always something that can be done," George Anthony said" These are the words that will prove that the ANTS started their own "Hopespring Wannabe PD". They interfered where they shouldn't have. They tampered with evidence and should be thrown in jail!!! I don't have sound either.....but I know that the PD would not of put a hidden camera in TL's car to try and catch Lee if they didn't suspect him of something....maybe even trying to 'pose as a detective' which he seemed to like to 'play one' with Casey. They are all sick. All at the expense of Caylee!!! Mainly, Casey is so psycho and manipulative, along with her 'borderline personality' that she has everyone going in circles and pitting one against the other. She is good at it.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

More Personal Photos of Casey


RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Video at jail http://www.wftv.com/video/19107734/index.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Snoopy have Steve email you or get his addy from him. Almost everything is video so far and there is so much hard to explain it all still digging stuff up. I half to leave soon to take older friend to dentist.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

My take on interesting parts of Lee & Tony videos for those who can't get videos to play. Part 1 While Tony is waiting for Lee to show up, Yuri M. calls TL cell & ask what kind of car Lee drives. Why didn't they know this? LE should have been tailing this guy everywhere he went. Lee tells Tony that he has to be choosy with words when talking to Momster in jail as everything is being monitored. Why if she is innocent? Lee tells Tony that he doesn't believe tips that peeps are giving his family because they are not being given to LE too. Lee tells TL that he thinks a computer virus may have destroyed some of Momster's files. Part 2 Lee & Tony discuss where Momster was after the 15th of June. TL says Momster didn't start staying with him till after the day he picked her up at Amscot on the 27th. I was a little confused by this conversation but I think what he meant was that she was only at his apartment at night. Lee says Momster tells "WHITE LIES". Part 3 They talk about the break in at Tony's friends apartment (this person lives in same complex). When I heard about this break in in some of last docs, I thought it was Tony's apartment that was robbed. Lee ask TL if his sister had ever been in his friends apartment. TL says the layout is the same. TL tells Lee that he now wished he had walked up to the car that day at Amscot but he didn't because he was mad that he had run out of gas again. From next part of conversation I get the impression that Momster did talk to him from jail. TL says after I found out everything was a lie. she still insisted she

went to college & worked at Universal. I've read text between TL & Momster from the early morning hours of the 16th. but am not sure if he knew about all the lies before she was arrested. Part 4 Lee tells TL I wanted to tell you to stay away from Casey, that it was in your best interest. Being that Lee hadn't ever met him I don't see how he would have done that. Lee tells TL that MOMSTER & his DAD are SELFISH peeps. There will be fireworks at the Ant farm tonight cause I bet G & C are watching these videos. Lee ask TL to find out from his friend what was taken during the break in. Lee tells TL that phones are being monitored but not his cell#. He said family PI checked the house. At different times during parts 1-4 Lee tells TL about Momster continued relationships with Jessie G. & Ricardo. All this going on after she started seeing him. Betcha he went to Doctor as soon as he got out of there. This sting operation was done sometime in first 2 weeks of August prior to Momster being bailed out of jail by Padilla. This is a whole different version of events than Lee related to John Morgan in his depo. When TL finished convo with Lee he drives car back to LE & gets out of car & says he talks as much as his sister. There was more to the comment that I could not hear. My Take on this evidence is that Lee knew at this time that Momster was the perp. He also knew she was a liar, a thief & slut. He laughs through all of the video at very inappropriate times as he did at depo. I bet John Morgan is sitting at his desk with jaw dropped in total disbelief. Reminds me of the comment he made to Lee during depo after Lee said his sister & he were a lot alike. Morgan said " I can tell". That was too funny!! Clueless Lee didn't even realize that he had just been slammed by Morgan. As they say at Master Charge "priceless"!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

State Releases Interviews after Casey Is Indictment http://www.wftv.com/news/19103711/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

http://www.wftv.com/video/19107430/index.html Dept Cain Interview Part 1 http://www.wftv.com/video/19107232/index.html Dept Cain Part 2

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Snoopy check your sound threw control panel, if it is all on it is probably your sound card. Easy to put

new one in.

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

Thanks for cluing me in, Jo. I really appreciate that! Thanks, Rascal, for the links!

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

Cap'n Steve: I am unable to click on your name to get to email you. Could you please email me? Thank you.

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

Well, I have to go for today! Can't wait for NG tonight! See you all there!! :) JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Thanks Jo. It is so frustrating without sound. I have had my computer checked twice by Dell, and an update "by microsoft" threw a virus in there and wiped out that and some other stuff. I think they should be held accountable. Anyway, have to load all on to external hardrive and dell will redo everything. ARRGGHH. So, it looks like Lee is gonna be guilty of something, eh? He could just try and say that he said all that stuff to 'try and get the truth out of TL'. But, when people arent under the camera (or at least not know they are) they will let their loose lips go.... loose lips, sink ships!

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

JMo- Love that saying! One of my favs. Going to see what else we got today. Will keep you posted on videos. On Lee & TL videos I didn't go into everything that was said as a lot of it was stuff we have heard or known before. I know it look like I posted every word but those were some long videos. I

would love to be a fly on the wall at the Ant Farm tonight. Cindy will be on one because Lee threw Momster under the bus. Probably take Lee out in back yard this time & do to him what she did to that cross. I think George will be silent & watch her do it since he is so SELFISH. Sounds like we should dedicate the song "It's all about me" to George too. Or maybe he will run away from home again.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

sorry double post! oops

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Off to the big city of St. Louis for a book signing by one of my favorite authors, Jane Smiley (A Year at the Races). But I wanted to thank Rascal for diligently posting the important links, and to Jo for posting the synopsis for those of us with poor video on our computers. Yay for Rascal and Jo!

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Wesh site has better sound quality than WFTV site for Casey interview with detectives on Oct. 14th. Here's the link for that interview. Has 3 parts. http://www.wesh.com/video/19105220/index.html Marie- Have fun & be safe. Going to go watch those now & will report back to all. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

What was the phone call thing about in the video? It's good to see everyone back on talking about the case again. I tried to redirect us back to it a few times, but I think it took for Caramba Carol to get blunt about the whole thing. Anyway, it turned out for the best I guess. Also, the link to the 'cell phone pictures'....I tried to look at those and they are blurry and have Fox News stamped across them. Whose cell phone pics are those? I would really like to see what they are.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Caseys Interview with Dectives That Picked Her Up On Stop on Freeway, Day Of Last Arrest http://www.wftv.com/video/19108513/index.html SadieSkye says: 6 weeks ago


RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

State Releases Interview With Jail Medical Supervisor http://www.wftv.com/video/19110078/index.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Medical Release with Medical Superviser, you half to read this, Casey talking about Fottoball after she finds out about Caylee. And Casey Anthony said something startling. "She said, 'This is surreal. This can't be,'" Unser said. "Then she started talking about football


jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

JMO- What video are you talking about? The one of Lee & Tony or the one with Momster at the sheriff's office. Here's a good link for Tony Lazzaro's cell phone pictures. These pics are clear. http://www.wesh.com/slideshow/news/19104541/detail

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Did I miss something? Is part 3 really nothing but the blouse-tugging, fingernail cleaning, gumsmacking momster? Did they ever come back in the room and talk like she said she had wanted to do?

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Nordie, Video 3 they were waiting for Bo Bo and he did not let her talk that was a waist of a tape. You did not miss anything, she was primping for Bo Bo.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Wonder if G & C are making Lee where his special dunce hat tonigh? http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr43/jo1031/148

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Jo-- stop it!!! My sides are hurting from laughing.

Marie, is that your dog? King Charles?

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Nite all -- I'm going to dream about being a sand artist -- I love that video Rascal.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Nite Nordie, I knew you would it is neat! losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Primping for Bobo? Primping for LE? Primping for the camera? I have never seen such a fidgetty person. They left that stack of files and papers in there with her. Why didn't she just read all that info to pass the time? Did she think it would be the wrong thing to do? Like look guyz, I is a murderer, liar and thief, but I are not snoopy. So, let me go. okthnx. linn says: 6 weeks ago

Thank you Wednesday. At the time it did come across to me anyway, the keep it clean comment. I really had to rack my brain as I always try to keep everything clean. I understand now what you all meant. I just truly did not know the difference between what I am used to, blogging, and having to keep just to one subject. Still not sure if we can discuss other missing kids, but will follow the lead if I see it posted. Sorry to everyone as I really was trying to help. Helping to me was discussing how awful it was for me,and how people can so change during trying times. Again I had made the comment on the Ants maybe doing the same thing. I DID wonder at the time last night, but in reading and hearing more about the case again today, I was wrong. The Ants, I believe, were in this almost as deep as crazy is.. Thank you Red :) JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I was referring to the video of Casey when they handed her a cell phone. Jo, you are the one that posted the link with actual cell phone pics. They had fox news stamped across them and were fuzzed out. Whose phone were those from? JMo says: 6 weeks ago

They found a 'black sealed container' of 'substantial size' today in the pond and think it could be little Sandra Cantu. The police are going to open it tomorrow to find out. How sad is that? I hope it is not her. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Sorry, actually opening it tonight. I will see if I can find a story on it. linn says: 6 weeks ago

JMo.. Sorry for offending you and I have apologized over and over as I didn't know the rules. It is hard to redirect a case that had NOTHING new to report. Period. Only starting this week has new stuff come out. Hard to beat a dead horse over and over on ancient news. And truly, for me at least, it was Wednesday that told me or posted how it was supposed to go. I went by her post. I am sorry if Farmchick left due to all this. Again, personally I didn't know it just had to be about the Ants and Casey as there were posts about the Cummings case, people animals, little Sandra, floods.. So that is why I was trying to help Farmchick. I hope she does not leave as I know how she is feeling right now. As for the Ants, I cannot get all excited over her spending her life in jail as I know darn well she could be let out, free as a bird! I mean lets face it. She has total strangers sending her money and letters of support. All it takes to free a person is ONE PERSON out of 12. That is very easy to do and happens constantly. WE know she did it, but when you are in court you have to follow such specific rules that she very well could get off. CA was stunned at the OJ thing. Not one person thought the jury would be back in under 3 hours after a year long trial to say "Not Guilty", but it sure happened. Only good thing is he finally got his for some totally stupid act. The GOD complex. I hope Casey is put away for life... I also have to say, I am not a name caller. So even though I think she is a murderer of her own baby, I just can't get into name calling. I guess because I have 2 young kids her that I tell all the time "no calling names" that I will have to go by what I say. And the 3 monkeys.. They are called "see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil" Right? Well, Casey saw evil, spoke evil, and not only heard evil, but commited evil.. I wish I could view the videos but it ia a no go. I have sound, but always keep it turned off. I rely on you all for your views on the video's! You all have great input and it saves me hours of frustration! Again, thanks for that! JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Linn, I wouldn't worry about Farmchick. I take it that things are 'strict' to the point that you can't make other comments, but it's a different story to go on and on about your personal issues. I was never offended by any of it, but I can see where people could get really hearing about the woe is me stuff all the time and not about Casey, etc. I think it just got to be a little too much, ya know? Anyway, here is the post for little Sandra....it doesn't look good. http://www.sfgate.com/cgibin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/04/06/BAR116U792.DTL As far as Casey, well, she is still GUILTY OF MURDER and nothing has really changed to make that different.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Jmo- That Fox link you are talking about was posted by Rascal 12 hours ago. I just looked at that link. Those are not pics that were released today. Someone at Fox made a mistake when downloading. Those look like old news article photos, some don't even have anything to do with the case. Here's the link I posted earlier for Tony Lazzaro's cell phone pics & some others released today. http://www.wesh.com/slideshow/news/19104541/detail

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Jmo- Thanks for that link. Was just channel surfing trying to find out if they got that container open yet. Wonder if CNN will cover it as soon as they find out. This is not looking good at all. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I hope they report tonight. What a nightmare for that family... Anyway, maybe my questions are not clear....here is what I am asking. This is the link posted that I was asking about the cell phone casey was using…..


This is the link that was posted by Rascal that says: Released April 6 Cell Phone Photos….I can’t tell what they are or whose they are. When you click on the thumbnails, they are blurred out and have FoxNews smudged across them.


RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Jmo,, I posted that and it was the Dectives cell he let her use it to call Bo Bo. She wanted her Attorney. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Ok, thanks. Without sound, I didn't know. Anyway, these photos for evidence labeled Roy Kronk are interesting. I guess they came off of his cell phone too, right? http://media.myfoxorlando.com/photogalleries/04060

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Yes those pics came off Kronks cell. There was also pics off of Casey's on one link.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

JMO - Yes those are from Roy K. cell phone. WESH & WFTV had some of those posted at their site but not all they must of pull some as most are not relevant. I do not go to My Fox much anymore they screw a lot of stuff up. But those they did get right. Found this link for local SF TV station. There is a video on the place that black container was found. Video on right just click on . You don't really need sound. You can see the pics of the pond & the area taken from a helicopter. Think this video is 5p news. http://cbs5.com/local/missing.tracy.girl.2.977699.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Oh noooooooooo - Saundra was found in that suitcase. Sorry, I don't know how to give you the link -- I found it on the San Fransico Chronicle. Also on blinkoncrime. May God have mercy on her soul -- Lord, my heart is breaking!!!!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

This is another sad case, They found Sandra Cantu body. Nordie what is our world coming to so many children killed. http://www.kron4.com/News/ArticleView/tabid/298/sm

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

JMo- Now I get the other part of what you were asking. The WESH site I posted is the video of Casey on the day she was indicted by grand jury. She was calling Baez to come to sheriff's department as she told the detectives she would try to help find Caylee. When Baez showed up & talk to her she changed her mind & was driven to the Jail. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Ok, thanks! I am so sad, this made me cry! That video is the last that family will ever see little Sandra. WTF is wrong with these people who do this!!! I am so angry. I hope if they are reading blogs that they turn themselves in and get help. Better yet, confess and then kill yourself the way you killed that child. Save us the trouble. These people have to know that they are not fit to live in this world. I am so sad, beyond belief. These child pervs once caught should be fried! The end period. There is absolutely NO excuse for any of this. Casey is no better. She needs to go down and go down quickly, and the rest of her family needs to go with her. They are all criminals and they might of as well just killed Caylee themselves the way they have and are acting. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Yep, Casey changed her mind because Baez knew she already screwed things up for herself in her attempts to "help find Caylee" already...taking them to universal studios and to apartments that don't exist. Hellllloooo! Why don't they just hang her and get it over with.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I hope there is DNA in that black box. That leaves them a lot of clues at least. Tire tracks, signs of where it was slipped into the pond, maybe it's someone who knew the schedule of draining and filling and knew no one would go there to find her until now, etc. I hope they catch the low life that did this real soon. That poor family.

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

I can't help but wonder... Are more and more of these crimes happening against children, or is it just that we have instant access to the news with the age of technology?

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Good morning Snoopy, I was thinking the same thing last night. Maybe it is because we are hearing ore threw the news and amber alerts. We have so much access to it faster now days. I just wish these guys would leave children alone, this is senseless to kill little girls or boys. I can not imagine what a family goes threw in these cases. My prayers are with them.

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19115776/detail.h This is a link to the interview with George out on his new fishing boat! What a fool!

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

Hey Rascal!! How are you this morning? I was thinking as far as these sick sob's, why not pick on someone your own size? Then I realized that because of their mentality, they probably are!!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Snoopy, I do not understand why they would want a little child, it had to be for sex, I hope they find the person responsible. I have a cure for them cut the dam thing off.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Video on how they found Little Sandra Cantu

http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/04/07/california.mis losingit says: 6 weeks ago

How absolutely heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers go out to Sandra's family. The killer doesn't seem to be very careful or smart. I'll bet they find this monster very soon. Probably some sick young perv who lives just down the street and drives an old pick-up.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I hope they check and recheck the pervs in that area. Surely they may be able to match the luggage or someone saw someone loading black luggage in their trunk? The DNA must be all over her. I mean if they can find stuff on Caylee after 7 months of being outside in the elements, surely it will be possible on this. She may of just been put in that pond hours before, we don't know. But there are tire tracks and foot prints. Sickening, just sickening.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Good article out this morning. Talks about Prosecutors "mistakenly" releasing jail workers interviews and emails that will nail Casey for the liar she is. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=7272675&pag

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Double post, that's strange. I erased.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Good afternoon all -- it is unfortunately true that abuse of children, women, and yes, even men has been going on for thousands of years. The Bible is filled with verse upon verse about what plundering and pillaging really meant. The Middle Ages were horrible. We just live at a time when information is more available with 24-hour news, 7 days a week from around the world, and assuredly across our nation. There was a time when such villians were killed asap. No longer and it is true that villians have more "protected rights" than their victims or the victims' families. But folks, we are the ones

responsible for that. When the laws have changed through the years, and now I will speak for myself, I have not written the first letter, made the first phone call, etc. in protest to the people who can effectuate change. I am ashamed to admit I would voice my horror, but wouldn't lift my finger or use my brain to stop such changes. If Caylee has taught me anything, and she has taught me a lot, is that I will no longer sit back on my laurels and say it is someone's elses responsibility. It is my responsibility. As an example, Madeline O'Hare was one woman who was so determined to have prayer removed from school. One woman -- and now look. Well I am one woman also, and I am going to get off my butt and start making some noise outside of my four walls. If enough people do the same, there will be change, a change than really matters. Off to take Nordie for his yearly shots. Blessings to all.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Anthony Family P.I Afraid to Speak On Record. Dominic Casey Failed To Show Up For Deposition. http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/anthony-family-

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

George Anthony Working The Media, Casey's A Good Mother. http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/anthony-family-

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Well, I for one admit I was trying to give Dominic Casey the benefit of the doubt, but I still want to see for fact that he really knew something. I think he possibly protecting the ANTS now (especially his lover Cindy). I think he may be hiding the fact that someone told him where the body was and that person was Lee??? I still truly believe that a lot of it is guess work by Hoover (I think he is a snake). But his guess work may bring out the truth? DC may be wise to keep his mouth shut, because I really don't see how any of it can be 'proved' beyond doubt (Gosh,I sound like a defense lawyer, eh?). Anyway, I guess I am sick of all the hoopla and rumors and want to see facts. If I didn't mention this before...I don't like the ANTS and they all need to be in jail or worse.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

In regard to Sandra Cantu, The police say they are moving in on their suspect and should have them in a couple of days! That is so great to hear. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=7275611&page=1

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Here is a 3 yr old that was kidnapped in Calif. and they just found her unharmed. Check out the 22 year old scumbag that took her. At least this was a happy ending. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=6991665&page

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

In my post above, this guy stole her right out from under the family and friends while they were sleeping. They heard her screaming. The Dad tore the place apart looking for her and luckily the Mom heads out the door in time to see this guy driving away with the 3 year old on his lap. If she hadn't of, then they would of had no clue who took her and would still be searching for her. Now, this is why I say that someone could of come and taken Haleigh without anyone knowing. Misty (I think), instinctively woke up due to the kitchen light coming on. Got up, went that direction and to use the bathroom, didnt' notice that little Haleigh wasn't there till she came back after seeing the back door propped open. She probably freaked out. So, no matter the age, people can sneak in and steal kids.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

George Anthony Working the Media, Casey's A Good Mother, sorry not sure why the link came up wrong the first posting http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/george-anthony-

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

What a crock. Who is he trying to fool????? I guess he is being supportive of Casey in his own way, but to say she was a good mother is a slap in the face. He says he is concerned about her being "tried this way". Well hello George....you and that F'd up family of yours is the REASON she is being tried this way. You helped throw this into the media and fuel it with more lies upon lies and obstruction of the investigation. She has you and those 2 kooks you call family to thank for this....of course there is the fact that Casey is a LIAR and MURDERER! He needs to float out to sea and not return. And take Sindy and SleeZY with him.

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

Amen, Jmo! Good mother's aren't known for murdering their children!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

You have that right JMO, now he can run the Caylee foundation and sit on his ass, and watch his favorite cooking channel. They can all collect money from that and not work another day in there life. Maybe they can sit around in the house and lie to each other about who forgot to refill the toilet paper on the roll. They all make me sick. I just wish they would all be charged. Now George wants to help other families, BS they did not try to find Caylee by telling the truth. Who the hell can trust them to help find someone else child. All of a sudden they want to be Goody 2 Shoes, LMAOROF

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Yeah, George, Casey is a GREAT Mother. When Lee and Mallory have thier baby, maybe Casey can get out of jail to babysit your LIVE grandchild. Would you like that?

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Here's a good link for a synopsis of document released yesterday. Scroll down under video box & you can read Orlando Sentinel story. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/orl-casey-anthony-e

What I found interesting was the fact that Momster did not cry the day the remains were found until Baez showed up at the jail. Wonder if he whispered to her ear "your ass it grass now". The other time she was seen crying was in the press conference outside baez office on the day she was indicted for murder. Seems like she can only muster any real emotion when he is around. I hope they found enough evidence in that suitcase to find this scum bag that killed that little girl. Maybe they can trace where the suitcase was bought. If is was purchased recently maybe they can track it down to a person. George is getting on my last nerve promoting his new career & defending his daughter by telling out right lies to the public. Who in they right mind would give money to this bunch. If a person will lie to your face they will have no problem stealing from you. Why didn't they take that boat out to CA when LE was searching bodies of water for little Sandra. I wish someone would shove that boat up his fat butt.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

That boat should have gone to Tim Miller, as least he actually searches for kids. All I seen from the Ants is to put up a stand and sell T-Shirts and Buttons. Never once did they search for Caylee. Let everyone else do it then criticize them. This is truly one dysfunctional family, they do not care about anyone except them self. And they care about making $$$$, that is so shameful to me. There is absolutely no morals in this family.

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Hi all - haven't been here much lately since there hasn't been any Casey news. I love doc release days! Yesterday my internet wasn't working and I was sooo upset! When I saw the evidence photos and saw the first calendar notes page, I thought for a split second"wow, Casey was dumb enough to write down her little 'stories' and the dates she said certain things to keep track of her own lies!" - then, I realized it was the calendar notes the detectives were referrined to during questioning. That burst my bubble a little bit - it would be FANTASTIC to find that sort of evidence (but perhaps the mysterious missing diary pages will pop up someday! That would be great too.) I'm really glad to see Lee on tape admitting that his sister is a liar! Everone saw through his 'I believe my sister' BS from the get go! It's nice to have proof though. I think Casey's behavior in the interrogation video is equally damning. She looks like she has not a care in the world. Equally damning

is talking about football when you're baby's body'd been found. This psycho has the most innapropriate response possible for every situation she finds herself in!! Sick sick sick! Does anyone know what's going on with the jailhouse officer interviews? I realize that they were 'not supposed to be released', but what does that mean? Was it an intentional leak on the prosecution's part? If not, wouldn't that mistake harm the prosecution (especially since Baez likes to whine about all the 'leaks' they've supposedly been part of)??

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

What continues to be haunting as I listen to momster on the tapes -- not once, that I've heard, has she asked what about Caylee. Always focused on how she is being perceived, etc. It is also haunting to me, if I thought my daughter was innocent, I would use ever resource I could to find the "real" killers. Don't the Ants have a clue that their conduct speaks volumes?

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Jo, if Georgeduhjungle man only can find his "purpose" in life because of the death of Caylee -- what is he saying? All of his years of being were meant to come down to the murder of Caylee so he could have a purpose in life? I pray Mr. Morgan, with his gentlemanly manner, chews duh jungle man's . . . "purpose."

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Numarama- RE: Release of audio of correction officers- I don't think it will harm the case as it would have been released eventually. The video of Momster, the day the remains were found is the only thing about that day, the judge refused to release until he rules on it. Could be that the media is mistaken. I can't find any reports saying the state attorney's office said it was not suppose to be released. Have you? Case of the little 8 yr old murdered in CA: LE has gotten a search warrant to search a Baptist Church in CA to look for evidence. Wonder if this is Prophetess Debbie & her group of psychos.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Nordie- The Ant farm is more than dysfunctional, I think they are all sociopaths. Every single one of

them only think about themselves. If I was a psychiatrist I would do a case study on their behavior & write a book. I would make a fortune. Millions of people watching the case can't figure out how people can act this way when a little child has been murdered. That book would be a best seller, if the writer could help us all get some insight into how people get this messed up. I still can't believe her actions in that video from October. Her sitting their with an FBI agent & discussing the grand jury & the media. No questions on the investigation into her daughter's disappearance. We would all be crying & begging him for information. But then again, we would have been screaming for help from day on. Can't wait for Thursday to see George & Cindy get HAMMERED by Morgon. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Jo, I would definately buy the book that could explain what is going on with this family. Cindy jumped the gun when she called 911. Others have stated this as well, and I believe that had she more time to think about the consequences of that call, she never would have made it. George, Cindy and Casey might all just have moved away from any family and friends that would enquire about Caylee.

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

Losingit, that's true, like the recent case in Kansas where their adopted son suddenly "disappeared" and no one called 911 until 10 years later when his sister grew up and did it. Bet Cindy's kicking herself for missing that opportunity. Does anyone remember during the memorial service when Lee was saying "we should all come together in a spirit of forgiveness"??? Is that a freudian slip or what? If she's innocent, why do we need to forgive her? FOR WHAT?? linn says: 6 weeks ago

I understand JMo, but at the time there just wasn't anything to discuss about Casey, and I felt bad for Farmchick. My stuff for the main part is over, well it will always be there you know, but I don' t think about it often or well I would go nuts. I just wanted Farmchick to understand how family changes, and then it just seemed to go from there. Again too, I am used to blogs where everyone is friends and while we discuss cases, we are there for the friends in need too. I just truly did not get the difference between blogs and hubs. I do now and I hope Farmchick gets help, but I will abide by the rules. However, no one has stil said if we can discuss other cases as the title of the HUB is Details Casey Anthony didn't want you to know. So I just want to make sure I can discuss other cases.

Sad thing is. I am SICK of discussing these monsters killing these innocent young kids. I was afraid and actually felt it, that little sandra was gone. How odd to have a church as a crime scene. Or is it?? Lately it seems, men of the cloth are the most evil. I hope this is not the case. I truly cried when I heard her poor mother had to be taken to the hospital. I cannot fathom her pain.

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Jo, no I haven't heard anything directly from the state attorney's office saying that shouldn't have been released. Maybe someone from the defense is whining to the media - that is probably the most likely scenario. I just don't want to throw Bozo any bones, haha! I was just getting worked up over it. I really think the prosecution is doing an excellent job so far (that's why I was surprised to hear that this was a 'mistake'), although I don't understand their methodology of what they are releasing and when! I'm sure there is a reason why things are being released in bits and pieces and in no obvious order. Kate, I do remember Lee saying that during the service and it struck me as odd - I think this is what is called OVERSHADOWING in literary circles!

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Has anyone heard whether the judge signed the contempt of court order on PI Dominic? losingit, you bet Sindy wishes she had held her temper. After all, what did they really need with LE when they are so good at solving cases. I'm sure the bombshell will be when they show up in court with the "real" killers --- NOT! I'm off to dream land -- I think I'll borrow Seabiscuit for another flight -- it's almost full moon so we should have a bright night sun to help us fly away!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Kate, I do remember that, and my first thought was no way will I forgive Casey for killing Caylee. linn says: 6 weeks ago

Just wondering all. Aren't the Ant's supposed to give their depo's this Thursday, the 9th? And can you just no bother to go to a court ordered depo? How was he not under a bench warrent for a no show..

Dominic Casey that is. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Sweet dreams Nordie. Numa, I know what you mean. It's confusing the order the state is releasing the information. Just a couple weeks ago they released pictures we've all seen multiple times before. I agree that the prosecution seems to be doing an excellent job. It doesn't seem like Bobo does any work on his own so maybe they release things in a certain order just to cunfuse him LOL. For example, Casey's pictureslong hair, short hair, blonde hair, dark hair. All Bobo sees is stripper pole, black dress, blue dress, sexy flag and he has no way of knowing what was before or after his client murdered Caylee.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Watching ng, I notice Casey chewing gum like a Cow with her mouth open, Cindy and George also do this.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

This is from today at WFTV on release of jail audio: Prosecutors told Eyewitness News they mistakenly released the recordings of the jail officers who saw Casey on December 11, the day Caylee's remains were found. At the time, it was still unknown if the remains were in fact those of Caylee. Nothing new on contempt of court order at this time. But did notice that they said Dominic Casey could lose his PI license because he gave confidential defense info to investigators during interviews.

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Haha, losingit, wouldn't it be funny if they are doing it strictly to confuse Bobo! ;) if I were a prosecutor in this case I'd be doing everything I could to make that dummy's head spin. You found it, jo! I really hope no one from the prosecution gets slapped with contempt of court or otherwise penalized.

I looked at the 'new photos' late last night and then again today, and I today think they removed one new pic of Casey @ Fusion in the short blue dress. Maybe that photo was a mistake too? In it you could completely see her bare derriere - crack and all. UGHHH! I almost threw up in my mouth. Crack is wack!! Re: Dominic Casey - is it correct to say that he and Jim Hoover have had a falling out (or are on different sides now)? On NG last night Hoover all but called DC a liar! I must have missed this whole side story as it was happening.. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

http://www.dietsinreview.com/diet_column/03/health Rascal, I found this for you. They chew to realease nervous tension. LOLOLOLOLOL And they must have a lot because it looks like they're all hurting the poor gum. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Bon Voyage Georgie http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1212/1272549006_294 Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

Florida Bar launching another investigation into Byeass, looking into allegations that Byeass told Dominick Casey not to call 911 if he finds the body http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19120145/detail.h

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

LOL @ the failboat. George and his 'new career' make me sick! Maybe Casey chews gum to cover the horrendous breath she has from putting all kinds of things in her mouth! G and C probably have stinky breath from kissing Casey's a$$! LOL.. Well, I am off to bed. Night shipmates!

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

But, Numa, don't you remember? When George and Cindy were on Larry King in December, they made reference to those Fusian photos...Casey was WORKING! She was doing publicity shoots! She wasn't having fun, she was bringing home the bacon!! She HAD to smile and giggle and grab another girl...it was in her contract! I dislike her more than ever after watching the last police interview...what a completely self-absorbed, self serving, pretentious little #@*@#* !!

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

Losingit, HAHAHAHA! Loved the gum article...my favorites: Psychiatrists and psychologists suggest that people chew gum for two reasons; one, to relieve boredom and two, to reduce tension.Gum chewing may also help people release nervous energy and provide an outlet for frustration and irritation. Remember how "FRUSTRATED" she was in the jail video?? Hope her commissary account is growing, 'cause she's gonna need a LOT of it... losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Oh yeah Kate, I forgot about that. I'd like to see some pay stubs from that "job". I know, just when you think you can't possibly hate her anyone more, out comes this video showing what a little bitch she is. When she asks if there was a camera in the room and then comments how infuriated Cindy was when she found out her interview had been recorded because boo hoo, no one informed her of this. She certainly didn't act like a worried mother. She didn't even act scared. This just goes to show how she has controlled people her entire life. She tried to do it with LE during the interview. George must have coached her on how to "handle" LE. He probably told her to take control of the situation and don't let them bully her cause she's got rights. I can't wait for the day I hear the guilty verdict. Maybe then that smug ass look will be wiped off her face.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Stopppp, you guys are cracking me up!!! Its all falling apart for everyone of the numbskulls involved in this case!

George must like the smell of the 'damn dead body' so much that he is going out searching to find more of it. What a moron! I love the 'failboat' though, too funny. Gotta love the BAR investigations, but no matter what the issue is, we all know it really is because he is Hispanic. LOL. DC is probably the one that reported 'No Way Jose' to the BAR to get the focus off of himself. Figures. I hope Amy's lawyer brings some professionalism to the table! Sindy is probably thinking of ways to sell tickets for rides on the Caylee Marie. Lee is probably trying to convince Mallory that the child won't turn out like him. She is a dumbass too, if you ask me. Casey, well, what can I say? GUILTY. Bring back the DP!

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

Cindy'll probably hand out free left-over T-shirts to the jury on trial day... WE WANT DP...WE WANT DP...and I don't mean a Dr. Pepper from the commissary. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

"No Way Jose" Haha, I love it. Good night all.

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

Linn, There's really not a set-in-stone rule book for what we can & can not discuss on a hub versus a blog. The point that a few people made was simply that the personal information & history being shared was getting overwhelming & distracting (and a little annoying) I made a new hub for anyone who wants to discuss & heal. The link was posted yesterday.

As far as discussing the cases of the Cummings & the girl from CA. That's fine, discuss. I think those cases are important too. If you guys want me to, I can change the name of the hub to something else. (???) It doesn't matter either way to me. I don't think there's any need to keep dragging things back to "what am I allowed to discuss???" & mentioning that people discuss weather, pets & dance outfits, so why not childhood horrors? It was getting to be too much. Everyone feels badly for people who have been through those situations, but this isn't the place for healing. Farmchic needed to be reigned in a bit on that. I got a few e-mails in the same day asking me to delete her posts, so I did. I know a lot of friendships have been created here in this hub & sometimes people are going to go off-topic, that's expected. Not a huge deal. Don't take offense to this post, I'm just trying to address your repeated question of "what can we discuss?".

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Haha! Kate, thank you for refresing my memory. I forgot that Casey was hard at work at Fusian! She had to look for her imaginary friend Zanny there and spy on her imaginary boss's daughter too. Forgive me for ever doubting you, Casey! *rolling eyes*... Just out of curiousity, does anyone know who the girl is she was grinding with is? I would think she'd be questioned about um, interacting with Casey that evening. Just wondering. I hope Farmchick is ok. I feel for her and everyone else who's had rough times...but it was getting a little dreary around here for awhile. Not that we discuss sunshine and roses here, but we all originally came to this hub to dicuss a particular case and topic that we all feel strongly about. I am not too familiar with the details of the Cummings (and now, tragically, the Cantu case), but the common thread is that little girls are being victimized and the people who are responsible for these crimes should all fry! Ok, enough from me. Goodnight (for real this time :) see you soon!

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Wednesday, you do a GREAT job! I think we are going along fine now and it is really good to have everyone posting again. I love coming here to talk about Casey. Everyone I know thinks I am nuts for worrying about that kook! They say she is locked up, so forget it. But to me, its all still a mystery and it will be interesting to see what happens in the case and what happens to that psycho family of hers. Again, they all need locked up! (IMO). I'm going to go catch up on the Cantu case.....

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

Again, Wednesday, good job...and I don't think there's any need to change the name; that's primarily what everyone discusses here. Well, I'm turning in for the night... Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

I think things may be starting to fall apart in the Anthony camp. I think it's inevitable when so many people are keeping "defence secrets" as Byeass says. I see a domino affect starting. People that are not part of the family, or maybe even those who are, will start looking out for themselves because I still believe LE will still bring charges against those who have obstructed justice. But I am also concerned about the Prosecution making mistakes at this point and blowing the case. I say that because Byeass seems to be able to push the prosecutors buttons. I do want to say since people are speaking out that I sometimes don't feel comfortable posting here so I don't do so often. I feel sometimes that I am not welcome here or that I don't "fit in" I think because I don't get too personally involved with everybody and I don't email you all personally. I did attempt to respond to Carol once on something off topic and it was instantly deleted which was ok but others were still posting about pets and illnesses and so on. Having said that I did feel welcome by a few. JMO and Kate just to name a couple. But I KNOW that I am thin skinned and probably shouldn't be posting at all. But if it's ok I will still like to post some links that you all may not be aware of because I know you all feel the same about Caylee Marie as I do. I'm sorry I didn't mean to rant or whine.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I think you are welcome here. I don't email anyone personally or any of that either, so don't feel singled out. I just figure it doesn't involve me and I talk about Casey or whoever and skip over the other stuff. I would like to see the links you have for Casey, so please do post them.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Up late, can't sleep. Thought I would post something that came to mind....remember when the ghostly image moved in the backyard and was seen behind the ANTS when they wwere being interviewed? (I guess it turned out to be grandma, but that was really eerie). What ever happen to the stories about the pool ladder being left up and the pool gate open? What about the pavers at the grave site that matched those in the ANTS backyard....supposedly the psychic told DC about them. Remember? I haven't heard about those things lately and wonder if they will come out. Also, I started thinking that Casey probably chloroformed caylee, went and partied and got so wasted, she forgot Caylee was in the trunk and left her there in the hot sun all day and she died. Hmmmm, I wonder if that is the excuse she will use? "no way jose' is really trying to call everyone's bluff that he has some big secret defense. I say BS, he hasn't got anything!!! Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, the only thing I've heard lately about pavers is Padilla on NG recently said that there were two sets of 3 pavers and that DC was at the wrong set while looking for Caylee

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Casey's Anthony's Attorney In Hot Water Again!!!!!! http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/caseyanthonysLosingit, The Ants have a reason to be nervious they know they are liars. So they chew the gum like Cows. LOL

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Judge Houtising comments on Anthony discovery. Click on video http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/local/040709j

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

This page has all the links on Haliegh http://www.myfoxorlando.com//subindex/news/cumming

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

Good morning. Great links you all posted last night. Thanks! Deb in Vegas, I'm not sure what post I would have deleted of yours... ? If it was during a time of major off topic stuff I might have just deleted a whole grouping of them. Because this hub gets so many daily comments I have it set up to initially approve all comments. Then all I have to do when I come on is to go through & approve or deny the already posted comments. The only time a post will not get approved by the current settings is if it has characteristics of "spam". Which, honestly, I don't know the criteria for that because Jo was flagged as spam the other day & none of her posts were approved by the system so I had to go in and approve her. Not sure really why it flags some as spam & not others. Possibly is the same link is posted by the same user? Just wanted to explain that so you don't think I singled you out & deleted a post by you. Could have been flagged as spam by the program & I didn't catch it to approve it or I could have accidentally denied it with some other stuff. Have a good day all! Thanks again for the links. I can't wait to get reading & catch up on stuff. * "No Way Jose" cracked me up!

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

They mentioned on NG last night that the pink and white striped shorts Caylee was wearing in some photos with Casey were being closely examined. I believe those were the shorts they found Caylee in, and the shorts she had on at the nursing home. All of which will prove she was killed the night of June 15, not June 16. It is impossible that George saw her on the 16th, or that she drowned after the last time the ants saw her because she was already dead. The red herring about the pool ladder, and George's story about the last time he saw them were typical diversionary tactics by the ants. (If George was so sure he saw them on the 16th, and even what he was watching on TV, why would he say in his initial statement that the last time he saw them was the 9th? What man knows what show he was watching a month ago, and what was discussed on that show? (Anyone who watches a crime show knows that LE uses what was on tv to estimate time a crime occured, a tactic George knows well.) All of this is enough for obstruction of justice charges. off topic: new baby horse at my house this morning!!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Casey Anthony's Death Penalty Lawyer: It's Not Fair. Mr Lenamon there is nothing FAIR about Mother Killing her Child so I Do Not Want To Hear You Whine Like BO BO, Take Your Crocodile Tears And Go Away! http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/casey-anthonys-

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Marie I do not think Georgie seen Casey and Caylee on the 16th either. I think Casey left angry after Cindy choked her took Caylee and killed her that night. Why would you stay in a house where your Mother tried to choke you. There was a video early on where Casey was at a Motel talking on the phone, it was at night. I believe that was the 15th. Yes the shorts were the ones that Caylee was wearing. I truly believe the 15th was when Caylee died. The Ants have tried to set up a story and they can not keep there lies straight, guess that runs in the family, LOL

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Sandra Cantu: Police search Church For Clues http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/sandra-cantu-up

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Here's a link to audio interviews that were released on Monday. I didn't see these on Monday, so maybe it took awhile to download these or I missed them due to all the new stuff being posted at different links. NG's show last night talked about the September audio interview with Jessie Grund with some info I had never heard before. I knew Casey had accused Lee of making inappropriate advances to her but not that she did not want Caylee around him. This link also has Annie Downing interview from January .http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Sidebar/2008/9/27/aud losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Congrats Marie! JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I have no sound! So, you mean SELFISH PEEP Casey didn't want Caylee around Lee? Maybe she knew that he was just as weird as her. Anyway, I can hear Lee now being interrogated by G & A about the secret meeting with TL I am sure he used the infamous code talk garble to explain...... Cindy: Sweetheart, what did you mean when you called daddy a Selfish Peep? Lee: Uh, do you mean when I said what I said when I didn't know what I was saying about you know who? Cindy: Yes Sweetheart, that is what I mean. Lee: Exactly. Absolutely. I know what you mean. Cindy: (begins crying). I am giving the phone to your Father. George: (Smiling). Hello. Lee, lets pretend that our family is a hand. I am the thumb and your mother is the index finger. Casey is the ring finger and Caylee is the pinkie. That son, leaves you as the middle finger! Lee: (laughing inappropriately) George: So, son, do you recall telling TL is was a Selfish Peep? Lee: (still laughing inappropriately) Dad, you know all those videos are nothing but fabications from the public. We need to stick together as a family.

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

Rascal, I agree, I think she was killed on the night of the 15th and it had nothing to do with the swimming pool. After a fight like that, you don't just go back home. And Caylee was found in the same shorts...yeah, George lied. (He was probably told to by you-know-who). Wish we could find that video of her at the motel...

Marie, congrats on the new foal! Deb, I'm new at this stuff so my skin is pretty thin sometimes, too, but I'm getting better. I've learned that just because no one responds to me that doesn't mean anything...they're just focused on putting down their thoughts on this case, which is what we're here for. And it's WAAAAY better than the old place, lol...

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Kate, Been listening to the videos that Jo posted on the link. a lot of good information. I can see the Anthony's trying to throw Jesse under the bus and who ever else they can try to blame. Dam they missed the one armed man, he is stilll out there give them time!

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

I'm still wondering if Georgie ever said anything worth while in his "suicide" note? JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Funny how when Geeeeorge went missing, he got reported to police. Too bad Casey didn't think Caylee was worth enough to even report missing. She "obviously" cared nothing about her. That and that alone should be enough to committ her to 4 concrete walls the rest of her sorry ass life!!! Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

Great point, Jmo!!

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

I think she killed Caylee out of pure spite for her mother, and I think the whole family knows that...it's beyond me how they can continue to support her in light of that. They have never held her accountable for ANYTHING her whole life, so I guess why should this be any different? I hope they all have nightmares of Caylee every night of their lives, or at least until SOMEONE decides to be truthful. Rascal, I'm trying to catch up on things now that my computer will let me watch without crashing, lol.

RascalBrat says:

6 weeks ago

I honestly believe Casey killed Caylee out of spite, after all she even said to Lee she was a Spiteful Bitch her own words. I can see that in her she only cares about herself, what a sorry Ass for a Mother. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I see where one of the attorneys that evaluated the death penalty is spouting off that Casey is not going to get a chance for a fair trial if all of this keeps up! What a F'n moron! He must of went to 'No Way Jose's School of Circus Clowns'. He says that it will become a mistrial because they won't find anyone who thinks she could be innocent...maybe we need to direct him to phrophetess debbies site? or some other psycho fanatic's site? Surely these are the only people who think she is innocent? He blames the public. What???? It is obviously the family who made it a circus, along with the attention seeking attorneys and media. Not to mention lying deceitful casey herself. Why would anyone blame the public for forming opinions about facts in the case? 1. Casey didn't report Caylee missing for 30 days 2. Caseys car smells like a damn dead body and there are traces of chloroform in the trunk which she was searching for on the computer 3. She lied about Caylees whereabouts for 30 days and continues to lie 4. She lied to police about her work, an apt, a babysitter, etc. .....I could go on and on. Why would anyone in their right mind think she is innocent? I just pray that she does not get off like OJ did. Someone would kill her anyway, I think or drive her to kill herself, which is all fine by me. But then again, she is narcissistic like OJ, so she would never harm herself, only a helpless sweet innocent 2 year old baby Caylee.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Blinkoncrime has set up a page to send condolences to Sandra Cantu's family. On there, I'm Sister. Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

JMo you are so funny. You should really consider writing for comedy lol. Thank you Kate, and also Wednesday for explaining that for me. I think Casey is always playing people against each other. Maybe this is to keep different people in her life separated, I don't know. But it's funny how if she wants to blame Jesse for Caylee's death, she sure didn't have a problem going to his house to "take a shower" during this time or calling leaving him a message saying "if my parents try to call you just ignore them, I'll tell you later" (paraphrasing here). She doesn't seem to be afraid of Jesse herself is my point. That day when she took a shower at his house, Jesse says she left the bathroom door open. Maybe wanting him to make a move on her. She may be mad that he didn't want her and is being "a spiteful bitch" again. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Casey was never a mother, much less a good mother. She was an Egg Donor. We just don't know who the Sperm Donor is. Did you all see the story of the mom who shot her son then herself at the firing range. She left a video and audio saying that God had made her the AntiChrist and her death would prevent people from suffering for the next 1000 years. However, she couldn't leave her son Mitchell, so she killed him first so he could go to Heaven and her to Hell. Believe it or not, these people are Psychotic when they committ these crazy acts. Then they can act half way normal afterwards leaving us all to wonder how they could of done such a thing. A lot of times, it is hyperreligous ideation (God told me to kill or God made me the AntiChrist) or delusions of persecution (such as the guy who killed all the people at the state immigration center) and most have a motive of Revenge attached to them...which our miss Casey did. These are all diagnosable, yet treatable illnesses. People are mostly in denial and won't take their meds a lot of times. Look at Dillon Kleibold. His parents actually had the nerve to say it was because he 'went off his meds' and that's what caused it. No, he didn't stay on his meds and they should of been monitoring what he was doing in their house. I feel badly for all the killings going on right now of families and others (all innocent people and a lot of children) by these crazy people with guns. Here is a story in todays news..... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30108899/?GT1=43001

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

On a lighter note, Marie -- is Seabiscuit the parent of your new foal? Is the foal named yet? JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Deb in Vegas, that's too funny. My freinds have tried to talk me into stand up comedy and they say the same thing. I laugh with my friends constantly on the phone over such nonsensical things. However, I am nervous in front of a crowd. Someone said that Sandra's mother was hospitalized in an earlier post. I can't find anything on that. Is she doing ok? Also, does anyone think that Cindy is spending her day diguising herself on blogs and posting in Casey's defense? Then get dinner ready from when Geeeeorge arrives home from a long day out at sea? JMo says: 6 weeks ago

ALERT EVERYONE: This just in.....SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judge Stickland is the one who filed the BAR report on Baez.....You HAVE TO READ this! PLUS....Conway is under investigation by the BAR also. LOTS of legalities and twists.....this is gonna get good! http://www.wftv.com/news/19130417/detail.html JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Capn Steve, sound the alarm so that everyone wakes from their naps and reads the above! This calls for an Onboard Party tonight! The squirrels already said that they will keep a watch for any signs of Geeeeeorge snooping around our boat in the Caylee Marie. So, feel safe to come out. The bartender is making up fusion shots and purple neutered squirrel drinks for everyone! I am cooking the Chili as we speak and will grease up the dance pole. Remember, anything but clothes!!!!!!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, Great find I can hear NG tonight with the Big Boom Shell, LMAOROF They are all in cahoots trying to cover Casey's (__!__) JMo says: 6 weeks ago

So true. All I can think about is: Casey is sooooooo SCREWED! (and not the way she likes). I bet Casey did get mad that Jesse didn't want her skanky ass (she probably just slept with Rico or Tony) and he knew it. Ick. Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

Bill Sheaffer on Judge complaint against Byeass. Also talks about why DC should NOT have called 911 if he found the body http://www.wftv.com/video/19130257/index.html Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

The domino effect has clearly begun. I would love a purple squirrel right now. Cheers!

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Oh gravy train, save me a drink -- I have to leave for a meeting. The attorneys are in trouble now! The Judge has been so patient with Bozo -- he better not ask for a new judge. Folks, this trial will never go off until next year IMO cause Bozo will be in the unemployment line (Rascal, that's an idea for a cartoon :>)

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Nordie, Maybe Bo Bo can get on the Caylee board and make money there!!!

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

Oh indeed the shit HAS hit the fan!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Ricardo Morales, sold pictures of Caylee to the Globe, you can hear it in the interviews that are on CDs, I guess everyone is out for the money so sad. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Oh no, not Rico! These people are all going to go to Hell for how they are dishonoring little Caylee. She has been forgotten by them. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Autopsy is complete on Sandra Cantu. They are waiting for the tissue and toxicology reports to come back to give the official cause of death (could take 4 -8 weeks). So sad. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, That has been the picture from the beginning, how to make money off of Caylee. these people are all sick. the Ant would not know the truth if it bites them in the ass.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

In a newly released transcript and recording of a law enforcement interview with Anthony's ex-fiance Jesse Grund, Grund claims Anthony told him that her brother Lee had made sexual advances towards her. "Uhm, Casey uh, and Lee were at the house alone together and Casey, and Lee attempted to have sex with her," Grund said to investigators on Sept. 8, 2008. "My impression was that somehow he was trying to pressure her into it somehow." Grund said he was told in September 2005, but she didn't say exactly when the incident happened. ______________________________ Well, that may be his impression, but my thoughts would be that Casey was trying to force Lee into it! She is such a sleeze bucket. Maybe she left the bathroom door open for Lee too and then got disappointed when he wouldn't go for it, so she spread rumors that he tried to have sex with her. Poor f'd up, feelng rejected casey. DP for her! JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Also, who refers to their Father as a "peep"? I am still scratching my head over Lee telling TL that 'Casey and George are SELFISH PEEPS'. Is that gang slang or what? Who are these people anyway?

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Definitely from another Planet! JMo, I felt the same way at first but the DP would be over to fast, I think Life in Prison she would suffer every day of her life there. No Screwing around, no parties and no Pole Dancing at Fusion, OMG and no more Target. And everyone's Charge Card and Check Books would be safe. CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

peep is slang for people. Happy Passover!!

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

JMO- I think that Lee said "Casey & my dad are selfish people". Sorry about typing "peeps" but I was typing fast at the time. I just wanted to post info on that video so everyone that couldn't watch the tape would get the 411 ASAP. Good find on the story about Baez & his problems with Judge Strickland.

According to Bill Sheaffer there was nothing unethical about Baez telling DC not to call 911. So what else does the judge know? Would have liked to have been a fly on the wall in Baez's office when this hit the news this afternoon. Bet the state attorneys are partying & high fiving each other tonight. Sheaffer also said that Casey would be making a mistake to have Strickland removed from the case as other Orange County Judges have no patience with Baez. CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

Don't you all remember that little ol film w/ Mr. Heston and Brynner when he says "let my peeps go!!!"

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Peeps are the little Marshmallow Bunnies I love,LOL, Happy Passover to you CAPN STEVE.

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

Interesting... If it turns out to be true that Strickland filed a complaint, I think it could have something to do with this little "closed door meeting" Baez requested last week. Beaz wanted it to be Strickland & Baez ONLY. Not the prosecution. Strickland said "No way Jose!". I wonder if something came out during this request process that caused Strickland to file the complaint?

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

Yes, PEEPS. Those little marshmallow chics that ONLY taste good when you follow the proper protocol. Step 1: Open package. Step 2: Leave on counter for 24 hours. Step 3: Eat & don't share with the kids because they're "stale" & the kids wouldn't like them that way.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Wednesday, OMG I finally found someone that likes them the same as me. To Funny!

Wednesday Morning says:

6 weeks ago

One thing that bugs me... In the LE interview with Jesse Grunde the officer was asking him about Padilla's story about the ANT's trying to pin the murder on Jesse. LE asked Jesse if Padilla told Jesse how he supposedly had killed Caylee. Jesse says Padilla did tell him but he can't recall exactly how he supposedly killed her according to them. LE says "well it's crucial that you recall" so Jesse immediately says "I think they said I drowned her in their pool". What bothers me about this is that... 1) I like Jesse & I believe he had nothing to do with it, so it's pissing me off that he's acting like he's lying. 2) If someone accuses you of drowning a child, You just REMEMBER that! I don't care how long ago it was. You "recall" what they said. 3) He couldn't "recall" then LE says "it's crucial" so NOW all of a sudden he DOES recall. That's not going to look good for him. I KNOW he's not involved, but I don't want him to appear to be shifty. The so called "experts" on Nancy Grace will have a hay day with that.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Deb- JMo cracks me up too. Sometimes I laugh so hard my sides hurt. You're right she needs to be writing for a TV comedy show. JMo - Your latest on the Ant Farm's conversation after Lee's video talking to TL came out, was one of your best. LMAO Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

I think after watching JVM, that maybe this complaint againt Byeass may have to do with the private meeting that Byeass wanted with the Judge alone without the Prosecution. Listening to the Jesse Grund interview, I can understand that one of the reasons that the Ant's don't trust him is because of the seizure she had once at Jesse's house. He says that George pulls him aside and kind of accused him of doing something to cause it. This exact same thing happened to me. I had a fairly new friend that I was hanging out with many years ago. In that time frame I had my very first seizure and even lost 4 days memory after, My Mom accused my friend of doing something to cause it.

Many, many seizures later now that it is obvious that I have a seizure disorder my Mom still hates this women. I love my mom to death, but she is totally wrong about this. My point here is that Casey knows about her parents mistrust of Jesse, she uses this and other things that may have happened and plants the seed in their mind that Jesse is probably involved in Caylee's death. Capn Steve, you know what really bothers me about Debbie/Tiffany is the irresponsibility of the horrendous accusations about Caylee's "evil ways The fact that these "Christians" may be planting seeds in the minds of any deranged, confused, psycho, and use this crap as any phsicotic reasoning to actually hurt a child. This is so scary to me. I know this is America and we have freedom of speech but this is craziness. Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

The Ants are so wrong. They know Casey is mentally ill but yet they will continue to allow somebody else to take this rap. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

LOL, I know that 'peeps' means people, and where I got it wasn't from what you typed Jo. It was from the 'actual transcripts' of Lee and TL's conversation. Lee said to TL, Casey and George are selfish peeps. I just thought that was a strange way for Lee to refer to Casey and George when speaking to TL. Anyway, Annie Downing just said: Casey was a 'chronic liar' (shock) and she wanted to commit herself (shock). http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19131357/detail.h JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Here is the best part of the Annie Downing interview when she says: "If Casey harmed Caylee, she didn't do it alone. I know that for sure. Casey's not that smart," Downing said. Well no shit Annie! And to think that we all thought maybe she was a brilliant criminal! However, I think she absolutely did it alone, that is why she is sitting in jail right now! Because she is so damn dumb to lie about a baby sitter that doesn't exist, dumb enough to lie about a job she doesn't have, dumb enough to drive around with Caylee smelling in the trunk for 2 days, dumb enough to do searches on the computer for chloroform and neck breaking, dumb enough to borrow a shovel from the neighbor, dumb enough to not report Caylee missing and certainly dumb enough to think everyone would believe her lies.

Are these people just ignorant, or what?

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

Well, I leave for a few hours and what do I miss? A rousing discussion of "Peeps"...JMo, I saw that in the transcripts, too; I guess Lee is just one of those "urban chic" kind of guys. I myself prefer the kind that show up at Easter time; just finished a box last week. This case has more twists and turns than a colonoscopy, and I just hope when it all gets condensed into the courtroom version it makes enough sense for the jury to do the right thing. I'm worried about that, and I think No Way Jose is counting on it.

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Hi all. First, JMo - LMAO! Thank you for making me laugh after a really long day. That conversation is priceless! Horray for Bozo and Conway being investigated! If Casey gets a new/meaner judge that would be fab. I've seen Judge Strickland look aggravated with Bozo at times, but generally the man has the patience of a saint. I have never heard of a judge filing a complaint on an attorney. Goes to show how sleazy Bozo really is! I am a little surprised about Brad Conway though - I've never liked the guy but he seemed to be a bit more upstanding than the rest of those clowns! But I guess anyone so deeply involved with the ANTs (and defending them) gets dragged down with them as well. This is the first time I've heard about Casey having a seizure. My younger sister had two seizures (two months apart) several years ago and it was very scary. I saw her seize the first time and it was one of the most terrifying things I've ever seen. And she was obviously terrified as well. So my intention is not to make light of seizure disorders, but my first thought re: Casey's seizure is - I wonder if she faked it to get Jesse's attention? Maybe they'd had a fight or she felt like she was losing her grip on him and decided to pretend she was having one. I would think that anyone can get on WebMD and figure out how to fake one. She probably looked up info about strokes/mini-strokes before she lied to Amy about George having one! I wouldn't put it past her. And as much as I dislike Lee, I doubt he really made sexual advances toward Casey. It wouldn't surprise me if she made that up to get Jesse's attention as well. We haven't heard anything about Casey telling her female friends about Lee's 'advances'!! JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Also the ANTS testimony/depos are to be done tomorrow. We should get to see the transcripts by tomorrow night. Hopefully they are well rested from their journeys out on the Caylee Marie and are now deemed "psychologically stable" enough by CONway. LOL. I can't wait to read their lies. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Funny about the colonoscopy. Only difference is that the bowel is cleaned out prior to the exam. In this case, you can't see through all the mess! Good point about her faking the seizure....strange too about her saying George had a stroke.... Seriously, I still think Casey had planned to kill off George and Sindy. Maybe plant the seed that he had a stroke....then poisen him. Then next came Sindy... Who knows, but I believe that everything that Casey said and did was leading up to a future plan. This is how a manipulative person thinks...its in a backwards sort of motion from normal. They picture the final / ending of a scenario and work backwards to make it happen, making up one lie after the other to cover their other lies. That is why no normal person can figure half of it out or it seems so bizarre that it makes one wonder how such a thing could be real. Casey is good at pulling everyone into that twisted world of hers and getting everyone going in different directions and against each other in suspicions and acusations. That's how she thrives. Its feeding her soul and is a great satisfaction to her. She has no emotion. Tell her about her baby's bones being found in the dirt with plants growing up through them and snakes eating away her babies body, and she begins talking about football. Totally disconnected from reality and extremely dissociative. Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

Annie's comments make my think that she could have been influenced by Cindy at this point. Maybe the "operation frame Jesse" was already in motion at this point and Annie was unfairly influenced because she did spent some time with Casey and Cindy while Casey was out on bail. I mean cause really if Jesse was involved I think he would have sense enough to know that if you tell the police that you dropped Caylee of at the Nanny's house. The police just might actually go to the apartment to confirm that at least the Nanny lived there. This all proves to me that Casey had to of acted alone.

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

Numa I never thought about that...the faking seizure. With that girl, I wouldn't believe anything out of her mouth (incest) or any medical problem unless I had a solid diagnosis from a doctor...and who knows what kind of lollipop she was sucking on the day it happened? Doesn't mean someone else did it to her; she may have done it to herself. Wednesday, I kind of understand where Jesse Grund would act like that...I mean, if I had an idea that a serious crime had been committed and I thought the police were starting to look at me as a suspect, I might be a little slow with my answers, trying to figure out what the heck was going on and how do I protect myself...why are they asking me this...

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Deb, that is interesting about Casey and the open door in Jesse's bathroom. Jesse's dad says he thinks Casey was trying to plant evidence. If Jesse had touched her, she probably would have made sure she had his DNA so she could claim rape. What do you think? Nordie and Rascal, my new baby horse is called Jigsaw. His mother won't say who the father is, only that he is not on the birth certificate, and was killed in a wreck in North Carolina.

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

Marie, keep an eye on that baby, don't let the mother hire any nannies. He's adorable! JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Funny Marie, lol.

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

I'm glad it was a boy, if it were a filly, I woulda had to name her "Zanny the Nanny."

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

It seems that whenever anyone started to press Casey on the identity of Caylee's dad, she killed him off in a car wreck (or chose someone who HAD been killed in a car wreck). I still don't think she knows who it is. linn says: 6 weeks ago

Wednesday. I was trying to find out what to discuss as I was told over and over this hub was about Casey Anthony, yet other things were being discussed during slow times of news I only take offence at the "Childhood horrors".. I was not a child and was trying to help someone in need. I am however sorry it got old for many. As far as I can recall, I did not make tons of posts on it, just replied. Sorry for offending you all, but I really did what to know what was allowed to be discussed as I didn't want to OFFEND anyone else. However, what I was talking about was definately not childhood horrors. All this happened in recent years. I have not been a child in a while. My childhood was quite pleasant. I now understand we can discuss other things regarding children or short clips of our pets and all. I just,

as were many, trying to fill in the non news at the time. Nothing was going on. Nothing on the Ants, the Cummings. It was just down time. I have no problem with the title of the hub now that I know the rules. Sorry to upset you and anyone else. Truly, this all started by me trying to help someone in pain. I still have moments but I have finished all my counseling and am coping fine now. Again, I was just trying to help. I am used to blogs where we are on a subject, yet we are all friends and help each other in real life situations. That is where I went wrong on the subject. I will have to admit to being embarrassed to boring everyone and for it getting old for them. Again, i am truly sorry and never ever meant for that to happen. It certainly will never happen again.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Marie, who's your Daddy? You are so funny. Jigsaw what a cool name! linn says: 6 weeks ago

Richard Grund was on NG tonight. Apparently, the Ants have a posse of people that to this day, are trying to pin this murder not only on Jesse, but his dad AND his mother!!! NOW, if they do this they are screwed, Remember everyone, including lawyers are saying they are pretty much locked into the Nanny did it defense. Jesse passed a lie detector test. As for Sandra, they sort of slipped up when they said they are looking for the "Murder Weapon".. If strangled that would not need a search for a murder weapon. And the suitcase was part of a garage sale, yet another one apparently was stolen from a car? And they searched the church. Found a paper towel, hmmm, and some other stuff. Brain dead right now. Maybe someone can tell me what is going on? Why are so many children being killed?Also, the irrigation ditch where she was found was not a place you would go unless you knew the area. HOWEVER, apparently the murderer did not seem to know that the ditch/pond was flooded out this time every year to water the crops. Big mistake. In CA they tell you nothing! Not like FL. I DO think they know tons more than being released. If anyone has seen the video of Sandra skipping along her street? I told my daughter yesterday it looks like she veers to the middle of the street looking at someone. Well that is exactly what they said today. And someone said the tape of her has be cut. Again, I DO think they know more than we are being told. It was eery to me that I even noticed in the skipping tape she stops skipping and seems to be looking at someone.

I hate to say it, but her dad showed up after not seeing her since she was a baby. All of a sudden she is gone. I hope I am wrong, but I wonder if he was mad? Again, they are looking for a weapon and for some reason, I do not think she will found to have be sexually violated. She was fully dressed down to her sandles. SOOOOO sad. And we get up to date news, finally as it is in CA, but we have not heard if her mother was still hospitilazed... I am sure she is home, heavily medicated. That was her baby. She has older childern and Sandra was her baby. hope the spelling is not too bad but I need new glasses! And to Deb, I don't email anyone either. I am so new to hubbing! Well, tomorrow should be interesting! I hope they release the depo's tomorrow!

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Nite all -- tomorrow should be interesting -- going to dream about a beautiful little foal who doesn't know who he's Daddy is lolol losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Ahhh, he's so cute Marie. I love his name. Linn, I watched NG too. I had heard a long time ago that she showered at Jesse's that day. It seemed very suspicious, but it never dawned on me why. First off, she left the door open as if to invite Jesse to join her. She then could have cried rape or something. Thank goodness Jesse had no part of that. Then, as Mr. Grund stated, she might have looked for something to throw in the bag with Caylee. That never even dawned on me. BUT, the first thing I thought of when Mr. Grund said that is remember the big deal Bobo made about the other hairs found in the trunk? Maybe Casey snatched some from his brush and threw them in there at some point. Maybe Bobo threw them in after the State examined the car but before the the Defense's team did. Do you think Casey would be smart (or stupid) enough to do that?

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

losingit, we think alike! That's what I was thinking when I watched that on NG...I think somethin's rotten in Denmark about Bobo's tactics, how could LE have missed a handfull of hair?? I don't put

anything past him and Henry Lee, and if Casey has watched even a few "Forensic Files" type shows, sure she'd know how to incriminate someone! Maybe this is the big blockbuster that Bobo's always talking about that's gonna change everyone's minds. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Good grief Kate. I'm so glad that the Grund's are speaking up on this now as opposed to just defending themselves at some point in the future. In Jesse's interview with LE, he answered the questions , but initially seemed rather evasive. I don't blame him. If I had heard rumors that I had been implicated in a crime I did not commit, the last thing I would want to do is say too much (like about the pool) and cast any suspicion upon myself. Jesse is probably the only person that ever really cared about what was best for Casey. As far as I know, he never did anything wrong to this family. He seemed to genuinely love a little girl that in all honestly he could have resented. It's sad that they dragged him into this. I hope the jury is as intelligent as all on board here. I see Nordie has gone to bed. I usually follow shortly after, so it must be time for me to hit the hay too. See you all tomorrow. Depo day. It's like Christmas Eve tonight. I hope I'm not too excited to sleep. Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

That's so funny Marie! Whose the daddy? What I'm thinking about Casey trying to get DNA on her from Jesse is that then she would have to contact police right then. I don't know if she was prepared to do that at that time. But who knows with Casey. She maybe just wanted to keep him in her pocket so to speak just like all the rest of the guys she had hanging on a string. Or maybe she was horney that day cause Tony was out of town. lol

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Globe Magazine has another story on "Whose the daddy" http://www.globemagazine.com/story/326 Want to bet this is another fairy tail that Momster told one of her friends. Deb- I'm with you on Casey & her motives for going to Jessie's house that day. She needed him for a back up shack up if TL moved back to NY like he had teased her about. Maybe she also thought she might get the chance to steal from him again if she could get him out of his pants. I don't think on July 1st should would have been looking for something to plant with Caylee. By that day she had already dumped the body.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

If you haven't listen to audio of Cindy Anthony phone message to Sgt. John Allen on Jan 23rd, go to this link & scroll down to "New Audio Released on April 6th. Cindy tells Allen that if he doesn't follow up on a tip she is giving him, she will go to the media & tell them they are not looking for Caylee's kidnapper, but only working on putting a case together against Casey. She tells him she has a picture that shows Caylee in a room that she believes is Zanny's home.She also mentions that Yuri Mellich threaten to send a sheriff's car out to her house if she didn't furnish info to verify the day that Caylee was last seen in the nursing home video. She also goes on & on about how they think she is being uncooperative. This woman is unbelievable. http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Sidebar/2008/9/27/aud

Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

I like the part where she says that Casey didn't act alone no matter what your scenerio is. Slip up?

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Go listen to Cindy on her phone message to Detective on Jan 28,2009. Cindy describes Casey in Blue dress and the color of the curtains behind Caylee. She says this is the Nanny's Apt. http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Sidebar/2008/9/27/aud Then go to the Globe link and the Picture of Caylee is there with the Blue Dress and same Color Curtains behind her. http://www.globemagazine.com/story/326

Then got listen to Ricardo Morales, on Nov 4, 2008, Rico sent this photo to the Globe he was selling pics of Caylee. http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Sidebar/2008/9/27/aud

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

I get it, Rascal - they are trying to implicate Ricardo with that picture. I just can't believe these people. It is probably natural to deny your child did anything so heinous, but to try to frame someone else? The only thing I can think of is that Cindy transferred all of her loving feelings for Caylee onto Casey since Caylee is gone. Cindy, not Casey, is the one who will "lie, cheat and steal" to get her daughter back. Catherine Cryer wrote an excellent psychological assessment of Scott Peterson awhile back. I am sure psychiatrists (probably Keith Ablow) are working on analyzing this case for a book as we type. I will buy that book.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Marie, I never have understood the Ants, they will throw anyone under the bus except the true killer of there Grand Daughter. Casey did not have help she did this on her own this is spite because she did not want Cindy to have Caylee. They are going to come up with all kinds of theory's to trow the spot light off of Casey. How is Jigzaw doing? I seen on born one time and it is so funny to watch them get there see legs under them. Now tell the truth you know who the Daddy is LOL But that was cute!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

I will never buy a book about The Ant family, when this is over I want to forget them, and I will never watch a movie or series on them. They are not worth my time. I hope they go to another planet, the one they came from, they just do not act like humans to me. They all need help they are so dysfunctional.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Marie, this is special for you!

http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra imacynic2 says: 6 weeks ago

Capn Steve? Can I get your email addy? You said I could email you but I don't have an address so it's not working very well . . . losingit says: 6 weeks ago

That's cute Rascal. I hope Jigsaw's Mommy won't kill off all the potential studs in car crashes.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

I bet Marie had the Daddy listed on the paper work, LOL

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Marie- I read that book by Catherine Cryer. It was the best book written about the case. I also read all the other books about Scott Peterson but checked them out of the public library. I refuse to give people like Amber Frey an opportunity to profit over another families loss. Baez & the Anthony's attempts to implicate someone else will all fail. They are just spinning their wheels with that one. Their biggest hurdle is trying to explain to a jury why she never reported her daughter missing. The some other dude did it defense will not work on this one. Richard Grund told NG last night that Camp Crazy had people posting comments on web sites trying to promote reasonable doubt. The Orlando Sentinel comment pages are a prime example of that. I still believe that poster "Cares for Caylee" is Cindy. I think that Baez has those law students of his doing the same thing. JMO

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

JACKSONVILLE -- Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum has filed a lawsuit against the maker of the Caylee Sunshine Doll. According the AG's office, proceeds from the doll were supposed to be going to a non-profit organization and that has not happened. Looks like the Florida Attorney General is keeping an eye on these so called non-profit organizations profiting off of this case. Dennis Milstead & the Anthonys might be next.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

George, Cindy & Brad Conway arrive for depositions. George's depo started this morning & Cindy starts at 1:30p. WFTV will post them as soon as they are available. http://www.wftv.com/news/19135393/detail.html#-

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

This is snipped from the above story. Inside John Morgan's courtroom, Cindy set up her video camera for her own records. OMG! Is she putting together her own movie or is this notes for that book.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Anthony's arrive for their depos! George decided at the last minute to go First! Cindy looks like she has aged 10 years and Geeeeeorge's butt has gotten big. See the video here. http://www.wesh.com/news/19135484/detail.html Also, what I find the saddest (besides Caylees death) is that George and Cindy still continue to be twisted up in Casey's manipulative behavior and lies. My ex friend that I mentioned months ago, is like a Casey twin. Her boyfriend believes everything she says, even when the truth is given to him, he still

stands by her loyally. He told me that he could not handle knowing or thinking about the fact that she was such a horrible liar and chooses to support what she says to keep from feeling the pain it would cause him. I think the ANTS must be doing the same thing, because they are STUPID enough to keep supporting her lies. If they would stop, wake up, and quit enabling Casey to continue with this bizarre behavior, this might be over with. I think they are the only ones who could snap her out of it. As long as they keep playing her games, she will keep on doing what she is doing because she feels safe and supported. I wish they could see that she is only making fools out of them. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Jo, Cindy assumes she is the smartest thing on Earth. She tells George to go first and tapes it. When George is done she can review the tape to help get their stories straight. She can use the tapes to for evidence tonight when she whips George for saying the wrong things. Any 'mistakes' he makes during his depo, she can whitewash during her depo.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

The ANTS are going to be "real busy" defending themselves against all the information Casey put out to everyone!!! I think it is "ironic" since they think she was such a great gal and good mother. BUT, I bet you even after they hear how she told everyone about being choked, approached by her brother sexually, violence in the home, etc, etc. the fools will still stand by her. I can hear Cindy now.....Sweetheart, you didn't really say all those mean things about our close knit family, did you? Everybody is making that stuff up, right? Bottom line, the ANTS will need to decide: Is Casey a pathological liar or not? She can't be telling lies about all those things, but telling the truth about Caylee. It's one way or the other G & C. Sorry, but if she is telling the truth about Caylee, then all the other things are true too.....and vice versa! Time for G & C to face the music. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

So, does anyone think that the Cantu murder could of been tied to revenge from drug cartel? I mean, the Dad has been clean and sober and back in the states. However, maybe the dad is a snitch? It could of been a revengeful act of some sort. Because stuffing the child in a suitcase....isn't that just a bit bizarre? Plus she had no signs of apparent trauma (that info released 5 hours ago). It seems like mafia style stuff to me. But maybe not. They seem to be concentrating on the pervs in the surrounding neighborhood. I hope they get someone soon. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Update on Haleigh....Ron and Misty moved out of the trailer park. No one around there wants to talk about the case anymore. So sad, that child is still gone and now news about her is slowly dying down.....where is she? Why doesn't Geeeeeorge have the Caylee Marie out there seaching those waters?

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

I think until LE gets tough on the Ants and stops coddling their delusions, nothing is ever going to go anywhere. Is Sindy allowed to sit in on Georgie's depo? That seems absurd! He's afraid to pee without her permission. Separate and conquor these idiots. And for gosh sakes, SOMEONE MAKE SINDY QUIT CHEWING HER GUM LIKE A WHITE TRASH COW!!! Good grief! Grow up!

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Losingit and Jo, hopefully they won't let Cindy view George's depo before she gives hers! Also, being videotaped will not allow George to testify even half-way truthfully if he knows Cindy will be watching and rewinding his every word. Rascal, thanks so much for the clever picture of Jigsaw! I'm going to blow it up and print it out, and put it in our saddle club newsletter! My husband got such a good laugh when he saw it. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Jigsaw is so cute. No, they took Cindy in another room while Geeeorge is getting his depo. She is scheduled right after that, so I doubt she will get a chance to review anything. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Maybe Cindy is taping it and watching it live in another room??? Maybe? JMo says: 6 weeks ago

The 93 page transcript is in....seems Geeeeorgy was a bit combative at first with the questions... http://www.newsday.com/iphone/orl-bk-casey-anthony JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Well, well, Geeeeorgy is 'refusing to answer' specific questions.... 1. about the pool ladder and 2. about the gas cans in the trunk incident.

The attorney is going to file to get the Judge to order him to answer!! How sad that he continues to hide things. Will these people ever get the clue to tell the truth for once in their pathetic lives???? I can't wait to read the transcript (a reporter is looking it over now and we should get it soon)!!!!!! Cindy was setting up a camera in her 'own' deposition. She is so damn 'paranoid' that she probably things they will put down something false that she said. I just hate her. Everyone is out to get her, just like they are Casey. Plus, she knows that she is Guilty also and is thinking of how to cover her own ass. I hope she serves time behind bars for what she has done. Stay tuned, eh? JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Casey is scheduled back in court on May 7 to try and block the video of her reaction when she heard that someone had found the bones of Caylee that she thought she had buried so well in the wooded trash dump! Puke.

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

JMo: I thought it was interesting on NG when NG said that Crazy was "Putting on a show" when she doubled over because she had already heard the news on her transistor radio. Put her in general population and get the truth out of her!!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

George did exactly what I thought he would do, Cindy will do the same thing, there is no end to what the Ants will do to protect Casey, I hope the Judge hold them both in contemp and locks there sorry asses up! Marie you are so welcome! JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Yeah, she was probably faking it to get her fix of tranquilizers. Plus, she knows there are cameras in the waiting area! Maybe she thought if she acted shocked, then that would show the public she was surprised. However, they got her on camera when bones were found somewhere else, and she had no reaction then. Uh, can we say Guilty due to bad performance!

Does anyone else think that Casey spent money on a boob job? Could explain why there is nothing to show for the money! Or that maybe she stole money out of Cindy's accounts to give to George to help him pay off his debts? She would owe him big time then, eh? They are asking him questions about what Casey bought for the house when she lived there. And they said that he told them in the depo that 'Casey mentioned a Zanny about a year ago before all this happened'. Geeez, I think Cindy got to him while they had their "psychologically unable" days off to plan these stories together. Geeeeorgy, remember you can go to jail for lying under oath.....

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I meant that "he will owe her big time". And that might be the reason for the cover-up. Too bad they didn't love Caylee as much as they love lying for Casey.

Snoopy9318 says: 6 weeks ago

http://www.wesh.com/download/2009/0409/19139860.pd Transcript of Georgie's lies, uh, I mean, depo!!! READ IT HERE!!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Hope the video is out soon I can not wait to hear the Half Truths.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Here it is Georgies depo now we can read ! Here goes the Half truths! http://www.wftv.com/index.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

OMG this is to Funny Morgan, was pushing up his glasses and George accused him of giving him the bird, LMAOROF. Talk about combative he is something else.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Well, my opinion of the whole thing is that George is Totally Disrespectful to Zenaida. He is so defensive to answering questions. He is just plain stupid for saying lets just cut to the chase and spilling out his own version of stuff. I can't believe he thinks he is too good to "just answer the question". He accuses them of dragging it out 4-5 hours when it was him that was doing it. I don't think he gets it still.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Is it me, or did Conway 'admit' that the ANTHONYS were being investigated for Obstruction? LOL. He was warned not to talk, but I guess he forgot not to do that. MR. CONWAY: It had everything to do with the >Rough Draft - 41 1 fact they were being investigated by the sheriff's 2 office. They were obstructions of -3 MR. MORGAN: You're taking the privilege based 4 on no pending lawsuit. 5 MR. CONWAY: I'm talking about the lawsuit 6 based on pending criminal charges at the time. 7 MR. MORGAN: Against the Anthonys?

8 MR. CONWAY: Yes, sir. 9 MR. MORGAN: George and Cindy? Page 34 GAnthony-rough.txt 10 MR. CONWAY: According to the sheriff's 11 office, they're being investigated and could be 12 charged with obstruction charges. 13 MR. MORGAN: Not now or still? 14 MR. CONWAY: At this point, no, absolutely 15 not. 16 MR. MORGAN: Then you have no privilege. 17 MR. CONWAY: We'll certify it to the judge and 18 deal with the judge on it. 19 MR. MITNIK: I don't want to hear about taking 20 up people's time when we're back here.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, Yes it would be under the Anthony's homeowners policy since Casey lived with them.

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

JMO says: Cindy was setting up a camera in her 'own' deposition. Thanks for clarifying that, JMo! I thought she was taping George, and I was pissed! Now I just think it's cindy being cindy. Also, JMo, I don't know about a boob job, I think probably. She's a little gal to have such big boobs. But I think she DEFINITELY has veneers on her teeth. That is very expensive.

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

What a circus! I wonder if G and C think they're gonna pull that "I'm gonna walk out" stuff when they're testifying in the criminal case???!! If so, they'll both end up in a cell with their daughter. I thought it was interesting that George's was 93 pages, and then when I got to Cindy's it's 140 pages...blahblahblah...doesn't surprise me.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Haven't read Cindy's yet. Well, that "Im gonna walk out" bullshit is exactly the same behavior that Casey has! That's where she gets it from. In other words, "If things don't go the way I want, I aint playing no more"! Its Selfish, Spoiled, Manipulative behavior! Way to teach your child George! He went on with the "All About Me" attitude that everyone needs to be sensitive to him and what about what he has been through, blah blah blah. Did he 'forget' that today was all about Zenaida and what she's been through? Geeeez, does everyone need the F'n spotlight in that family??????? CAPNSTEVE says: 6 weeks ago

The ANTfarm is not guilty......................They are superguilty!!!!!!!!!!!

Numarama says:

6 weeks ago

Hi all. I just tried to post but something went wrong - I apologize in advance if there is a double post! I got halfway through G's depo and had to take a break. So much whining and huffing and puffing. He plays the victim just like his crazy daughter. I love how he's angry about "everyone" harassing his family and making him suffer when the only person he needs to be pissed at is Casey! He is prolonging his own suffering by telling lie after lie after lie. Oops, I mean half-truths. I had a teeny tiny spft spot for George through all of this but not anymore! Casey is such a bitch for not answering the question about "is this the same Zanny" that took Caylee. She doesn't care how many other lives she destroys to try to save herself. I cannot WAIT to see her face when the guilty verdict is read! I really feel for ZFG in this defamation suit - I don't think she is after any money but just wants her name cleared. And I think her lawyers were not asking anything that is 'out of line' or not pertinent to their particular case. The ANTs are the only ones who are dragging anything out! Just a thought on Casey's boobs (haha): I'm 5'4", 110 lbs and a natural D-cup. I think Casey's boobs are too saggy to be fake! There was an underwear photo of her where they were hanging pretty low! LOL. Jmo :)

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Georgies Video, now you can see him get pissed! http://www.wftv.com/video/19140766/index.html

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

I can't wait for Casey's counter-suit...that'll be rich!!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Casey's counter suit haha lmao, I do not look for that to happen.

Kate in MO says: 6 weeks ago

Yeah, I think she'll be too busy for that...

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

I am confused about the countersuit (the one mentioned in George's depo). Is this the one that they referred to today? http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/Casey_Anthony

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

OMG Cindy called the Attorney giving the Depo a Bast--d and walked out of the room! Wait till the Judge hears that.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Numarama- That is the counter-suit they were talking about. Momster has another attorney handling that. It's only a maneuver to keep from answering Morgan's questions. Marie- I think Momster's porn pics paid for her tattoos & veneers. Those teeth have had a lot of work & they are definitely not dentures. Much too horsey looking for that. No offense to Jigsaw, Seabiscuit or Summer. Not sure about the boobs though they are pretty saggy in a lot of photos. I think she wears a push up bra when she is out trolling for suckers. RE: George's depo- Everyone in the family is a sociopath. I lost count of all the lies he told. This depo will be a whole chapter in the Anthony family book of lies. Brad Conway should be working at the Baez law firm as I think he got his law degree out of a box of cracker jacks too. I also lost count of the number of times Mitnik & Morgan warned him about answering for his client. 3 biggest lies George told today: 1) George said he had no knowledge of Momster taking money, not even from the family. I realize that anything Cindy told him is spousal privileged but don't you think Lee told his dad Momster stole from him? Or is he covering for Momster on the credit cards as he did the same thing. 2) George says fight on June 15th. didn't happen.

3) George says he searched 24/7 for Caylee. Where was in looking while in his house, in a 12 pack of beer. Best comment award goes to John Morgon for: Jm said "I don't want to confuse you" GA said "you won't confuse me, sir. I'm on the ball!" JM said " I can tell. Haven't read Cindy's transcript or watched the video yet but just caught part of her on JVM. She looks like she is back on medication again. She told Morgan that "Jessie is the one that first started saying Zanny the Nanny". Cindy had phone numbers for the Zanny!! WTF so why didn't she call it when she was looking for Momster or even give it to LE.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Judge Strickland filed a complaint again Bo Bo and so did Dominic Casey! Maybe Dominic does not want to go under the big Yellow Bus. http://www.wftv.com/news/19130417/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

I can not wait for this to go to trial, if Cindy trys what she did today in Cour,t what she did today she will be in a cell. And it will not be next to Casey, the Judge may have her committed to a Padded Cell. He will have her removed by the men in the White Coats. I swear that woman is on something, there is nothing normal about her behavior. Now I am wondering if this problem she has in inherited by Casey! There is something really wrong with Casey and Cindy.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Anthony P.I filed Complaint http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/anthonys-pi-fil

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Still look for Cindys depos on Video found one set but sound sucks. Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

OMG George says NO this is not the Zenita Gonsalez. The Zenita that kidnapped and murdered my granddaughter was way hotter, she was a 10.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Do we have the transcripts of Cindy yet? I can't get sound for the video's. I am so sick of G & A seeking attention...they act like it is more important that everyone understand that they are greiving, than telling the truth and getting to discovery of the true facts in this case. Unbelievable. I am sick of people saying, Oh poor things, give them a break, they didn't kill Caylee. Well in my mind, they might as well have the way they keep acting. They need to focus on the truth and resolve this issue and put poor little Caylee to rest once and for all. If they don't think Casey did it, WHY aren't they looking for Zanny???? It's so beyond irritating to watch them try and twist things around to be all about them. Casey learned her behavior well. LOCK THEM ALL UP!!!!!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Deb they Will be back for more they refused to answer a lot of questions.

Nordie says:

6 weeks ago

I've read both transcripts -- man, poor GeorgeduhJungle man will be sleeping in Zanny's dog's house -he will be a moon doggie, howling at the moon, cause she going to cut off his "purpose in life." They are so messed up. There was a new clip of them leaving the depos -- what was Sindy yelling at Conway about? How funny was that . . . it ain't no paradise being a liar. Morgan & Morgan have got their number and it ain't unlisted.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, you can go there and read the depos, I am so sorry you can not see the Ants on video. The comment to night on NG said the soil from Casey's shoes match the crime scene! http://www.wftv.com/index.html

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Seriously, they need to get over themselves. It is not about them and the sooner they realize that the better!!! They love to just roll in pity, don't they? Funny part is, they can't see that Casey is still controlling them and probably laughing the entire time....HA HA HA...that's what you get for threatening to take Caylee. Casey told George Zanny was a '10'. Does that strike anyone as "very strange"??? Why would you describe the person that 'supposedly' just kidnapped your child and threatened you, as a '10'. That would be the last thing to come to mind. However, I think that she was describing herself and what she likes in a woman of her other personality (Zanny). What a f'n psycho bitch! And would someone please just bitch slap the crap out of Cindy for me! I can see the video's, I just can't hear them.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Shall we throw a Pitty Party for Cindy, I think not they cause the problem now they can live with it. I guess Casey is still the Boss from behind her bars.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I still do not see written depos of Cindy. ???

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

ok they had them earlier let me try to find the written ones for you, brb Deb In Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

Nordie I would bet that Conway is cursing the day he meet these Anthony's right about now. Ok so how is it gong to be when Cindy takes the stand in the criminal trial. Contempt of court, go to jail, try again, contempt of court, go to jail, try again, contempt of court.....

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Funny how, according to Cindy, "everyone's story about Casey is 'garbage'", and that everyone is making things up about her. Ok, riiiiiigggghhhht Cindy. They are all out to get her and everyone has collaborated to come up with the same lies. It couldn't be that Casey is the liar, could it? Who made up the story about Zanny? about work? and led the police on a wild goose chase? who sent texts saying George had a stroke, who has done nothing but lie to everyone? Hmmmm, let me think,.....oh, I know, I know! Casey, right? Doesn't Cindy remind you all of the mother who is denial when their kid does something in school? I bet she was a nightmare to the teachers! I would love to hear those stories from the school.

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Jo - thanks for clearing that up. I laughed aloud when I read that quote in the deposition. "I'm on the ball." - ok, sure George! LOL.

Rascal - I agree that Casey is still the boss from behind bars. Soooo pathetic! I'll catch up w/ ya'll soon. I'm off to read the rest of G's depo and the check out the rest of the links posted here.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, This site has the written ones, hope this helps you. http://marinadedave.wordpress.com/2009/04/09/see-g

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Nordie- Just found that video of Cindy reading the riot act to George & Brad. She accused them both of not having "hope & faith". She really let George have it for going on TV & saying something like she couldn't pray. George told her to "shut up". One of the reporters tried to ask her "why won't they let you pray?" G & C got on the elevator & left Brad. I wouldn't have got on that elevator with those loons. http://www.wftv.com/video/19142183/index.html losingit says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, I have a friend who is one of the mothers you described. Everyone in the neighborhood, school, rec center, everywhere is out to get her kid. If her son obviously murdered someone, she would be acting just like Cindy. It drives me crazy. Thanks Rascal. I've been looking for Cindy's written depo.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

I am watching George again and he complained about Morgan pushing his glasse's up with his finger. George took offence on what finger Morgan was using, LoL Morgan said I will use my Pinkie, then. Well I hate to tell George that little finger means the little Bird, it is for people that are not worth the Big Bird. Wow George you are not worth it then LMAOROF

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Off to dream land -- still going with Jigsaw tonight. Marie, does he lose his hariy little chin, in my dream, they are so soft in my dreams. linn says: 6 weeks ago

How about Sindy's comment that caylee talked about Zanny's dog? As she said "if there is a dog, there has to be a Zanny"..HUH? I never ever heard them say Caylee said anything about Zanny or a dog. Even George said he would question her. I did tell my daughter who was watching NG tonight with me, wouldn't it be funny if when Sindy was yelling if her wad of gum flew out across the room. Crazy chews her gum the same way Like a cow with cud. She was going to go pray, Sindy, lol. Yeah, right after calling Morgan a bastard. Nice Christian we have here. And if or not if, Lee tried to get Crazy to have sex with him, would they not want to stand up for their son? I mean that is a vile, accusation to say the least. And apparently it was in 2005. He is visably absent from all court room activities. I truly to think he knows she did it, and when he saw what she said about him he said F' u.. And for the Ants to try to throw Jesse, his dad AND mom under the bus? And even Amy? Did they have bodily fluids in their car too? Today was laughable, interesting, yet it really left me feeling sort of sick. That there are such evil, vile people in this world. Sindy has lost at least 50 pounds and it does not look good. As for Casey's boobs, lol, her mother is thin with the same shaped boobs. I do not think those are fake. If she does have veneers, well that is over 20,000 dollars for a full set. What did she do with all the money? I mean she shopped at Target, not Macy's.. I applaud Mr. Morgan. lolol. giving the bird. My daughter was dying as I push up my glasses with my middle finger. I told her to stop me next time! George made a total fool of himself with that comment! I didn't even hear what came next I was laughing so hard. Never been part of a depo, but too bad a judge was not there to shoot the Ants down. They felt they were running the show! CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

My favorite part (lie) was all of it!! You all are 10.5 in my book!! How bout that Georgie??? You can get off the ball now, were done with you, for now! Liar, liar, pants on fire....

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Steve, I will loan you my lighter for the BBQ, light up his life!

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Ok, I'll stop whining,....I found Cindys written depo. My favorite part so far is:

Q: And so all the information you have about Zanny -- ma'am, if I may. All the information you have about Zanny comes from Casey? A: Of course, because Caylee's too little to tell me about it. Helllooo, that the point CindyLouWho! Caylee was beginning to talk, and Casey had to shut her up.....specifically, if I may, with Chloroform and Duct Tape and then Triple Bag Burying!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Casey dug a hole for the Hamster, She just threw Casey out!

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

OMG, I just thought of this......what IF Casey killed off the babysitter? Maybe she did the sitter in for killing Caylee? So, she can't admit to burying Caylee and all the other stuff because then she would have to admit to committing murder to the sitter. Think about it....really bizarre, but could explain a lot of her actions. They better go search back at the airport some more, I have this strange feeling that just came over me. Seriously.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Linn- I'm pretty sure Momster has veneers on her teeth. I've seen older pics of her from high school & her teeth did not look that perfect then. That girl has also spent a lot of money on tattoos. They do not come cheap. No one in that family looks like they know how to dress appropriately. Cindy & George showed up at Morgan's Law Office in jeans. Back in July & August all I saw them in was navy shorts & those Caylee shirts. They always looked like the Bobbsey twins. During Casey's first court appearance for the hearing on the neglect & lying to LE charges, Cindy was wearing a sleeveless tank top in court. I wear reading glasses & I push up my glasses a lot. I never paid attention to the fact I was using my middle finger to do it. This will definitely make me think about it the next time I do that. LOL

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

JMO- Baez might think that is a good idea for his defense Heck it's a lot better than nothing. But if I was a member of the jury, I would be doing a lot of eye rolling on that one. Now if someone had ever actually seen this babysitter or had emergency info for her that was verifiable, Maybe!

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, I'm not getting that feeling. If the sitter killed Caylee and momster killed the sitter, why not confess to that? She could have probably had that reduced to manslaughter, easy, especially with Caylee's pictures, etc. But, it could be, in this case anything could be. It is interesting to me the way they all like to work backwards in telling stuff. Now I'm really off to bed, Nordie wanted to go out one more time. It's warming up.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

FYI - my Mother points with her middle finger, not her pointer. After all these years, I just realized it a couple of weeks ago and starting laughing. Anyway, she's 84 and not changing now lololo CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

This just in... J.M. bet everyone in his family this morning that he would make George upset by flipping him off several times and guess what, winner winner chicken dinner. People will just gamble on anything these days. I love that attorney!!

CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

This just in... J.M. bet everyone in his family this morning that he would make George upset by flipping him off several times and guess what, winner winner chicken dinner. People will just gamble on anything these days. I love that attorney!!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Morgan was very patient with the Ants, and soft spoken. He is more of a Attorney then Bo Bo will ever hope to be. He actually received his Certificate from Law School, not the Local Target! Go Mr. Morgan use that Pinkie next time, LOL

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Cindy: "I'm Sorry, You're Cute, But You're Not A 10" http://www.wftv.com/news/19135393/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Cindy's videos will not be uploaded till tomorrow!

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Steve- You're cracking me up! Don't you think he might have called the state attorney's office to let them get in on the action. Everyone in the Anthony family has two faces. The one peeps see when they kiss their asses & the one they show to peeps that see through their bull shit. I'm still thinking that Lee might also be a cross dresser. What normal male wears eye makeup? George is just a wimp, period. Want to bet that Conway will fly the coop after they showed their asses & Morgan files a complaint with the court on his actions today. Anybody that was still out there feeling sympathy for Cindy had to have lost it today. That women has no class. Making that snide comment about Zenaida not being a "10" was truly uncalled for. My own mother would have slapped my face if I had ever said that to anyone. News flash Cindy, You are a 0 (zero)!!

losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Okay, now I want to see Cindy's list of all the apartments Zanny has lived at and see if any of them allowed dogs. I just spent over an hour reading her depo and she screwed up a few times that I noticed. I'm too tired to go back and find them, but I'm sure the lawyers caught them. JMo, don't make me head spin any more than it does now. It would explain quite a few things, but no no no I can't even go there. LOL I guess it's my time for bed too now. Night all.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I am still trying to get over this one from Cindy today: "Someone touches me, I'm going to file harassment charges that someone's touching me". ............Really, what the hell is wrong with her? I have been in multiple depos and I can honestly say I have never seen a show like the ones the ANTS put on today. Psycho, both of them. Plus, why is Cindy thinking that someone is going to 'touch' her? And did she really under oath say this one:

Q -- Caylee is close? A Yes, and someone probably heard that and put Caylee's body there after the fact. Q What does that mean? Say that again? A What does that mean? She wasn 't there when Dominic was there in November so someone had to put her there............Really Sindy..hmmm, sounds like a planted ALIBI between you and lover Dominic and seems to be the popular theory by the prosecution. Uh oh, you are in trouble now, tsk tsk and to go so far as to lie about it today.

Q How would Casey know that she was close?

A She felt -- "what she meant by that is what she explained to me is that she felt that Zanny was still in the area because Zanny told her she'd bring her back to her in 50 days, which was Caylee's birthday. So don't take stuff out of context and think just because it's said that, you know, that it means anything." .......Really Sindy? When did that conversation take place? Maybe I missed it? I think Sindy was so defensive that she got to the point of just "making shit up" (never had a fight or argument with Casey, Casey never took her credit cards and ran them up, she has Zanny's phone number and addresses, Zanny is really Jesse and Amy, etc. etc. etc.) Man is she in big trouble.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Good Morning, Here is Sindy's Video Depo http://www.wftv.com/video/19145754/index.html

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

Let me make this Crystal F*cking clear Cindy... Your daughter, the ho in question, you know the ONLY murder suspect in this case...well, she's about to fry. Just wanted to clear that up in case you didn't understand the relevancy of Morgan's questions. He's asking you these questions so when your daughter stands before the court claiming she's not guilty, he can object. Hope that clears it up for you Cin!

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

LOVE it that they are asking about W-2's & tax filing status! Sweet!! I had wondered about that myself! If Casey WAS working and not filing taxes, even if she was entitled to a refund, she'll get hit by the IRS. Love this depo! Also, she worked with Lee for ONE day on Superbowl Sunday & Cinster is trying to claim that was a source of income? This woman is a complete whack job! If you guys have been watching the "Lie to me" show, you'll be with me on this one... Notice how Cindy tried to Manipulate the conversation with her hands! Unreal! Hands on her EAR & chin. Hands

are constantly touching her face. On the show "Lie to me" they said that's a dead give away of someone who is lying. They just had this on the show again last week. If you haven't watched the show, you totally should! This is actually FUN to see all the ways Cindy tells us she's lying! It's like a game of how many lies can I find in the deposition!??

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Rascal posted: Cindy: "I'm Sorry, You're Cute, But You're Not A 10" Rascal, If I were there, I would ask Cindy if she thinks Casey is a "10." I think we all know what the answer would be to that. Jo, that is an interesting thought about Lee being a cross-dresser. In a house with overbearing females? probably gives him a feeling of power to dress like a woman. And I stuck up for George through this whole thing. After yesterday, I realize what a mean, bitter, stupid man he is. I would love to see the 4 ants put alone on an island. I predict only one of them would be alive in one year. and not Lee or George. Wednesday, I also watch "Lie To Me," and what I picked up on was Cindy's one sided shoulder shrugs when she was lying. That was in last week's episode also.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Marie, Casey is trash how do you rate that. Hey they finally got the other video up on that link I posted. Talk about slow, like how long does it take them to load them. I found the perfect way to not see the Cow Chew it's Cud, a little tiny sticky note works great over her mouth!

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Rascal, isn't "file 13" the trash can? so I guess Casey is a 13.

Weds, did you find yourself evaluating Cindy's facial expressions? I saw a lot of disdain.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Marie, I will give you the honor of rating Casey. she is not worth my time. I just want to see her convicted for what she did , Casey should never be out of Prison. And I think the rest of the Ants need to do some time for there lies and cover up. losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Okay Jmo, Cindy says that Casey said Caylee was close to home because Zanny was going to return her in 50 days. But, just before this Cindy stated that Casey dropped Caylee off as per usual. She denied the kidnapping in the park thing. (George said he was hearing about it for the first time at the depo.) So that was obviously a lie. Where did the 50 day thing come from? Is the story now that Casey dropped Caylee off outside the apartment with Zanny, the kidnapping in the the park never happened and the 50 days came about by Zanny's internet messages (that there are no records for)? What a couple of liars these two are. They both lied under oath and I'm sure it can be proven. I'll bet Brad quits over this. His job is to defend his clients George and Cindy. How can he do that when they are blatently lying? They are going to make him look like a bad lawyer. He needs to protect his clients and he obviously has no control over them. He should get out while he still can. And, it's quite obvious they run the show and don't need anyone advising them what to say or how to conduct themselves. I say, just let them keep talking as much as they want. They dug themselves a deep hole yesterday. Cindy now needs to study her answers and make sure she sticks to the same ones. Wait until they are in court in front of a judge and try to pull this shit. "You have five more minutes sir and then I'm leaving." "I'm not answering that, it has nothing to do with this case." I truly hope they are both charged with every and anything possible. These two people have been through something straight from nightmares. In the beginning we did feel sympathy for them, but they lost all of that with all the crap they have pulled. Now they try to demand sympathy.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Originally Casey said she dropped Caylee off at Sawgrass Apt for Zienda to baby sit. Then Casey came up with the story of Blanchard Park, that Zienda took her and Zienida's sister put Caylee in Zienda's car, and she was given a script to follow. This was to teach Casey a lesson, but convenietly she list the script. And Caylee would be returned in 50 days. It is all a bunch of BS, losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Hi Rascal. George said in his depo that until right then, he had never heard the Blanchard Park kidnapping scenario. What????

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Lisingit, This family is off in La La Land, there is no way in Hell he never heard that! It was all over the News and the Internet so what doe's that tell you about Georgie.

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

George burried his head in the sand long ago. No wonder he never heard of Blanchard Park kidnapping story. I did notice much distain in Cindy's expressions. I guess Cindy doesn't watch "Lie to me" or she would try to conceal her deception a bit better.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Cindy is as bad of a liar as Casey, I am sure Cindy is making her Mom proud. Just glad Grandma know's how to tell the truth in that family. I can just picture Cindys brother and sisters watching Cindy lie her ass off. She really needs to go get help. There has to be about 3 more videos but they are not loaded yet.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Great slide show Cindy not at her best! LOL http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/19147295/detail

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

A video dedicated to Casey, I think it fits! I appoligize for some of the language in this, so everyone is warned.


jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Momster told Lee the Jay Blanchard Park story when she got out of jail in August. Morgan got that out of him in his depo. Lee even talked about timer 55 & the messages Momster was receiving from the nanny via myspace. George & Cindy had to have known about that fairy tale even if they only heard it from Lee. Morgan & Mitnick knew they were lying through their teeth as they have read LE interviews. George also gives himself away when he lies. He squints his eyes, blinks a lot & gets that silly grin on his face. George must of forgot he told OCSD in this interview that Momster stole the money from Caylee's bank account & her piggy bank. OOPS! In that video of the Anthonys leaving Morgan's law office yesterday, I was wrong she was not chewing out George & Brad. He was blasting Morgan & Mitnik. They were standing in the background behind Brad & George. Sorry about that but when I watched it I though she was pointing to B & G as I did not notice the others in the background. Bet they were ready for several strong drinks last night. Part 4 of Cindy's depo is up at the link Rascal posted.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Here's a good link for those you can't play the videos or don't have sound. It covers a lot of what was covered in the depos yesterday. Headline says Cindy says the body was planted by someone who wanted to frame Momster. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19135790/detail.h CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

Get ready all for the quote"it is hard to remember everything that I have said and done" from the ANTfarm. I see it not far off on the horizon from where I am sitting in the wheelhouse. Happy Friday to all.

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Good morning and Good Friday! Great slide show of Cindy, Rascal - my favorite is pic #9 (Cindy's armpit stain! LOL). The YouTube video gave me the creeps - especially the last shot with the flames. She is soooo psycho. Funny how those 'clever' (not!!) photos and sayings are coming back to bite her now! losigit, I agree that Conway may quit soon after these latest shenanigans. I never liked the guy but he seems to be a bit more upstanding than Bozo and the ANTS. He was telling George to answer certain questions even when G was trying to dodge them - I think he was genuinely trying to be fair to ZFG while protecting his own clients. And isn't there a rule that you cannot knowingly put your client on the stand when you know they are committing perjury? When it's actually time for the ANTs to testify in courst they will need a lawyer who's willing to do that, and Conway seems like he wouldn't take that risk. But who knows, if the price is right... Just a thought on narcissistic personality disorder - I believe Casey is the type of narcissist who thinks she is already physically perfect and wouldn't go get veneers or a boob job (especially since she wasn't exactly rolling in the dough). Children of narcissists (i.e. Cindy) turn out that way themselves sometimes. I think Cindy is the only person that Casey is truly terrified of, and that's why she hates her so much and blames her for everything. In her own mind, she can do no wrong and Cindy is getting what she deserves. Everyone loves Casey so much that they will just have to let her go eventually, she isn't even worried. I can't wait til reality hits her like a ton of bricks! And Cindy, a narcissist herself to a lesser degree, is more worried about what other people think of her and her family than for actually trying to find the truth. How bad would it look for Cindy's parenting skills when her daughter ends up on death row (crossing fingers)..I honestly think she is more worried about what's left of the family's reputation than anything else. That's why she denies the physical alteracation with Casey and stuff that everyone knows already! SAD

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

The Ants are going to be back in Court in front of Judge Strickland, and the Ants will be answering the rest of the questions. They think they are so dam special, and only half to answer what they choose it does not work that way!!!! # 5 video is up on the link I posted earlier. CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

They are playing a sad game of what can they do if we lie. Let me now quote the owl in the tootsie pop commercial...... " Let's find out!" And I do not mean how many licks does it take to get to the center. If

justice is served, let it be well done with a side of veggies.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

LE says the search for Sandra Cantu's killer narrows. Public memorial set for April 16th. at 1P. http://cbs5.com/crime/sandra.cantu.investigation.2

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

OMG I swear Cindy is a Physco, I thought Georgie was bad, Cindy goe's wild. Can not wait for video 6 to be loaded when she attacks Zenaida.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

My very favorite is when Padilla said on NG: about "those brain cells of Cindy's....they are to blame for the way Casey is". That cracked me up! He is right on though. My other favorite part I posted above from Cindy's depo yesterday: "Someone touches me, I'm going to file harassment charges that someone's touching me".

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Cindy was making shit up as she went along. She was so defensive like a little kid being bullied. Sad that they were both so defensive right off the bat. Did she really say that: Zanny was Jesse and Amy? That Zanny said Casey had 50 days? That someone planted the body there

in Nov. while Casey was in jail? How many other things did she just blurt out of pure ignorance and defensive behavior? It reminds me again of the bullied child.....my daddy can beat up your daddy, oh yeah?....well, my daddy is 10 feet tall...well my daddy is 20 feet tall... Her stories just kept getting bigger and Bigger and BIgger and BIGger and BIGGer and BIGGEr and BIGGER! What a moron to say all of that under oath. I hope she gets put in jail!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, I believe it, if you see Cindy the Wild Woman yelling and yelling like she is nuts, she does not want to give any information then she goes off in a rant. You can not help but think she is on something. I am not sure what it is but it must be some pretty good crap. None of them act normal in the Ant family, Georgie and Cindy have very bad tempers. Lee laughs over the smell of decomposition, none of them are normal. I personally fail to find the humor in any of this.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

AMEN Rascal. They are all crazy and I think the public saw them for how they really are last night. Not greiving, sad, grandparents who want to help out this poor lady, but psycho freaks evil eyeing the attorney and calling him a bastard, threatening to walk out, disrespecting zenaida, telling one lie after the other. I wonder if Brad prepared them for this properly or not? If he did and they still acted that way, he needs to bow out of their defense and let someone else get ahold of them. They are just as ill mannered as Casey and inappropriate. They have no respect for the law, the legal system, or court proceedings. If they gave a crap about Caylee, they would not be acting like this.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Jo, one of the best body language things I picked up on was her "wiping her mouth with that hanky". She was cleaning the lies away in my opinion. Did her eyes look intensely piercing to anyone besides me? The woman was in a full blown rage. I guess she forgot she was in a courtroom and not out on the driveway at her house.

CarambaCarol says: 6 weeks ago

Well I dont believe these people! I sat here last night reading thru Gorgie Porgie get all huffy about the questions he was being asked- they both must have thought this was not real. I just want to say that when the trial for that lying POS skanky bitch of a daughter starts -what will happen to people when they start lying like they both have done. Will they like it? I read to page 63 of Gorgie Porgie and then I couldnt take any more. What made it worse was watching the video of him correcting the lawyer about the pronounciation of ZANNY Z-A-N-Y (wouldnt that be pronounced zaynee?) That was too stupid. His attitude of "HEY I could be fishing with my brand new toy (the SS Caylee Marie) instead of sitting here waiting for you to ask me questions you know am gonna lie about. What I got out of it was ::::::I dont have to answer your questions, my mommy wont let me::::::What a maroon! I kwpt waiting for him to hold his breath What was all the attitude about??? At that point (p63) I said no way am going to sit here reading anymore of his lies much less reading WindyCindy's lies. How dare them take this deposition as a waste of time. Oh yeah this could have been over in just five questions. Well the trial for his POS daughter could be over after asking just one question and we all know what that question is.

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

I've only watched parts 1 & 2 so far, but here's a few things that threw up some RED FLAGS for me... 1. She says Casey would always leave phone numbers of who was babysitting Caylee. Attorney asked for the phone number of Zanny. Cindy doesn't know where it is. Then later Cindy says she had no way to get a hold of Jesse or his parents. Then later she says she got one of Casey's friends (can't remember who) phone number out Casey's address book where Casey keeps all of her friends #'s & addresses... Odd that Cindy didn't think of that during those 31 days Caylee was missing huh? 2. She was majorly diverting her eyes downward when she was talking about Jesse. GUILTY conscience if you ask me. 3. Lying about Caylee talking about Zanny's dog: Cindy recalls WHERE in the police station she spoke with someone reporting that Caylee spoke of Zanny's dog, yet there's no record of Cindy reporting it to anyone. All the conversations were recorded without Cindy's knowlege EXCEPT that one. For some CRAZY reason that was the ONE conversation that no one recorded & no one recalls. Is that ironic or what? 4. Hair straightener & movies that Casey said were Zanny's: This sounds to me like Cindy was saying

"Where'd ya get THOSE new things???!!" & Casey, knowing she stole the money to buy them or simply STOLE the items told Cindy Zanny GAVE THEM TO ME. 5. I actually believe Cindy was being truthful, to the best of her knowledge, about the air mattress. I think Casey REALLY did tell her that's what it was used for. I notice Cindy get really animated talking about the air mattress & it's purpose & how she recalled finding it. For you "lie to me" viewers, she used her hands a lot in that part of the depo to show expression. Thought that was interesting. And JMO, I agree with you, Cindy's eyes did look to be piercing. Can you imagine the fights her & Casey must have had over the years??!! Knock down, drag out, dagger throwing, bar brawls.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Ok, what the hell! The myspace page.....July 3rd - my caylee is missing. Cindy: Oh, I meant what I said, but that's not what I meant, if you know what I mean. What a lying ho. She gets the award for worst mother of the year.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Her my space page she wants Casey to be her friend. Duh there was a knock down drag out fight, the neighbors heard it, Lee testified to Cindy choking her, Hey Cindy was that loving hug when you choke someone. After being choked would anyone want to sleep there that night. i would be afraid someone would do it in the middle of the night, how could you sleep. I would get the hell out of Dodge myself.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Carol- You got further than I did in George's depo, I had to stop reading at page 57. When I got to the point where I had my head between my knees, had trouble breathing & got that nasty red rash, I had to quit & look for a zanny. I still am not able to go back there. The only thing I know about Cindy's depo is what I saw on NG show. I'm trying to work up the courage now to finish reading George's statements. As far as Cindy, I'm not sure I can put myself through listening to her drone on for hours.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

I read Georgie's, and after that want to see the videos, I have done both. Then I watch what is out so far on Cindys, There attitude really brings out there true color and it is not looking good. I really think they need to have a Truth O Metor hooked up every time the Ants open there mouth.

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Rascal, yeah, and on that myspace page, she said "my caylee is missing." Clue phone, she wasn't YOUR Caylee. Your claiming her is one reason your daughter killed her. This may be obvious to everyone else, but I think Cindy sent Dominic out to make that video to purposely NOT find Caylee, so they could try to get reasonable doubt with the jurors that Caylee was placed there while Casey was incarcerated. I lived in California, and was used to being called the Crazy capitol of the world, but Florida has way passed California in the crazy department! (although that high speed chase today on the California freeway was interesting.)

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Here's something to lighten the mood. Twisted has a new post up. "No Way Jose"!


RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Marie, I agree even Georg'es has slipped saying his little girl, then quickly changed it to my grand daughter. Caylee did not beloing to them they raised there kids, and that is wrong to take over Casey's child as if it was there's. You can love your grand child with all your heart, but you are not the parent.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

This site has all of Cindy's vVdeos and they are in order http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news/040909cindy_d

CarambaCarol says: 6 weeks ago

So they fired deputy Cain today.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Carol- I just heard on HLN that Deputy Cain was fired too but CF News is saying he was disciplined. It's bad when the media can not even get the story straight. http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Local/2009/4/10/did_b

CarambaCarol says: 6 weeks ago

http://www.wesh.com/tu/5FWh4M6W4.html This is where i got the news about 30 minutes ago.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Well, I would say that Cindy made a fool of herself denying that her and Casey had a fight before she left, especially since the "neighbors heard it" and "her own son Lee testified under oath that it occured and that Cindy choked Casey". That's purjury, isn't it? Can't you be thrown in jail for lying under oath???? WTF is wrong with her? And that smart ass, gum chewing, slouched sideways in her chair attitude. I wanted to smack her the minute I saw her. How disrespectful!!!! She is going to pay for that bs.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Now I know why Padilla said that Casey is the way she is because of Cindy! BINGO!

CarambaCarol says: 6 weeks ago

I think one of the reasons I will not watch WindyCindy its because I am repulsed by her and her chewing gum.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Anthony Attorney: Cindy Doe's Not Believe The Nanny Story. http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/anthony-attorne

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

ALL in ALL, Casey continues to work her majic. She has gotten people to arguing, angry, spiteful, revengeful, hateful, lying, and all other kinds of things....all which are great evidence of a psychotic person with a dissociative, borderline personality. She is good at it. Keep it up Casey....it will all eventually come back to you when these dumbassess figure out that you are the one they need to be angry with, for killing Caylee.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Cindy Anthony Choking Casey http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/cindy-anthony-c

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Witness reports seeing strange man at Tracy Pond where Sandra Cantu was found.


jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Carol- I believe the WESH story you posted is probably the correct version as HLN said the same thing. I hope Cindy went home last night & watched herself on her precious video, maybe that will be a wake up call on how chewing gum like that looks. Zenaida's attorney may call George back for more questions. http://www.wesh.com/news/19146552/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Devtives To Announce "Significant Lead" in Sandra Cantu Murder http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,514042,00.html/us/crime

CarambaCarol says: 6 weeks ago

I am subscribed to all the up to the minute news from Florida and ABC news. Well am off to bed its 11:30pm here and its been a long day. Hope everyone had a good Good Friday and Steve Chag pesach! CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

Carol, thank you. I wish you the best as well. I am fighting off a cold which is my first in 2 years so I think I was due. The sad thing is in 45 min. I have baseball and after that it is me w/ the kids in tow to goee Hannah Montana. SHHHHHHHHHH. Do not let the others know or I will never live it down. Loved the depo action and expected nothing less than what we saw. These people are disfunction junction at its finest. P.S. Sinster Spinster, when you do get angry give us some fair warning so we can prepare.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

I see that Steve my lips are sealed! LOL

losingit says: 6 weeks ago

Haha Captain. Have fun. Hahahahahahaha.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Baez files new motion today seeking more phone records. Baez wants complete records for meter reader Roy Kronk, the man who found Caylee Anthony's remains; Jesse Grund, Anthony's ex-fiance; Tony Lazzaro, the man Anthony was dating when she was arrested in July on charges of child neglect in the disappearance of her daughter; Richard Cain, the deputy who searched the woods where Caylee's body was later found; Anthony's friend Amy Huizinga; private investigators Dominic Casey and Jim Hoover; and the entire Anthony family.

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Legal analyst Bill Sheaffer weighs in on Anthony depos. http://www.wftv.com/news/19150991/detail.html#In reference to the Anthony's belligerent behavior he said " it makes them look like the have something to hide." My favorites were: 1) "Like mother like daughter, like father like daughter." 2) While referring to Casey & Cindy, he said, "they both talk in circles & change their stories." I bet Cindy is out in the back yard tonight beating up something. After her hearing someone on the NG show tonight talking about her gum chewing & Bill Sheaffer telling it like it is, somebody better hide the hammers.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

"This is where she gets her attitude and her ability to lie with impunity and to hurt anyone who is innocent in order to advance her own cause," Sheaffer said. Can we say: ITS ALL ABOUT ME! I'M THE VICTIM HERE!

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Ok, here is Geeeeorgey and Sindy at the dinner table tonight! Cindy: Damn it George, why did you tell them that only you and I watched Caylee? George: Well, I told them the truth. Cindy: But that's not what I instructed you to say. I told you to say that Caylee had many babysitters and that I had all the phone numbers and addresses. George: Will you ever forgive me Sweetheart? Cindy: (choking Geeeeorgey) I can't believe you made me out to be a Liar! Now we have to think of a way to cover those lies. You just tell them that you got mixed up on your information and retract those statements! Or else.....

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

2 things: Did Nancy Grace say at the end of her show last night: THIS just in....Dirt from the crime scene may match the dirt found on the bottom of Caseys shoes found at the ANTS home! (they are waiting for results of that finding). Someone PLEASE tell me I heard that right! That would be the one thing that nails that bitch to the scene of the crime!

Also, guy says he saw a man 40 -50 years old, white baseball cap, blue shirt, beige chevy silverado truck, parked the wrong direction at drainage pond in spot where the lugguge with Sandra in it was found, 3 days before it floated up. Oh, I pray they get that monster soon. Also, some girl is saying that a large peice of her luggage was stolen that week. Yikes!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, yes you heard it right dirt on Caseys shoes match crime scene. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Do they know that for sure???? Remember a couple of months ago, I posted that if they could get that evidence, then they got it 'in the bag' so to speak. She is doomed if that is true. Mommy won't be able to explain that one away for her "Mini Me".

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Gravy train, I just watched the last part of Sindy's interview -- what a mean, evil person she is -- just watch her face. Poor Caylee having to live around these people. They abuse each other for the pure entertainment factor. One upmanship all the time. Well, off to bed for me. Think I'll dream about my new flower bed. Marie, I won't mind if Seabiscuit or Jigsaw eats my flowers -- I'll just plant them more.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Nite nordie. JMo, no I do not know it for sure just told you you heard right on NG JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I think Cindy was trying to paint this picture; Oh, Casey knew alot of people and they all watched Caylee and I never met any of them....notice how she 'over emphasized' tht she 'just met' so and so on the 15th or whatever. This is how she is trying to say it is so reasonable that she never met Zanny. What bullshit. I think she forgot one little thing....... Casey had zillions of pictures of Caylee with her friends and tons of pictures of her friends, etc........but hmmmm, did anyone notice that there are no pictures of Caylee with Zanny? What happened to the 'vacation' pictures, you know, the one that Cindy just got through testifying that Casey was taking a little vacation with Zanny ....hmmm miss camerabug never took her camera on vacation? Cindy, how

fricken stupid do you think everyone is??? Wait, let ME answer that one.......You think that everyone will believe the crap you make up as much as Casey thinks everyone will believe the crap she made up. What a complete moron! Does she really think anyone will believe all of those lies she just told under oath? Brad needs to 'roll away' quickly!

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Do the Anthonys think the rules don't apply to them: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_tv_ linn says: 6 weeks ago

Oh gosh Jo, I was dying at your comments. My daughter pointed out I must always be givingh her the finger, *maybe I was, lol* as I pust my glasses up the same way! As to the poster who said her teeth are different from high school, NO ONE has that perfect teeth unless they are veneers. Even porcelin *sp* has a shade off. They are veneers. Why else the none stop tooth smile? Most people can have really nice teeth, but unless you are 4, they are not that perfect. The boobs, poster who commented on that, I have to say I should hate you.. haha. 5'4 and 110 with a natural D cup. Ok I have to really hate you.. lol. But I don't of course. I am 5'2 and a natural D cup, but NOT 110 pounds. If you look at Crazy's mom, they are shaped alike. Sindy is now ver thin, but still has the Crazy's boobs. Those, even when she was thinner were rather large for her size. So I do think the teeth have veneers, but the boobs are real I got a tattoo in my wild days. A year ago.. lol. An Oriental fan with blossoms. I thought hey, why not! When she was done and said that will be $450.00 I truly tried to be cool. I about died and just finished paying it off. A small one, and mine was not small, would maybe be 100.00. Not much, but a lot to a person with NO JOB.I truly hated Sindy in her depo. She was what I would truly call white trash. I mean, "hold on Sindy to your cross while calling Morgan a bastard and telling your husband to SHUT UP".. yep, go pray for your soul. She even looked evil. The smirk, the way she sort of lunged at Zenida was criminal in my opinon. And the glass man, giving George the bird. hahahahaha. It was not Morgan, but his other attorney. He was on NG tonight showing how he does his glasses. He said in 15 years *I think* he has always done this and no one has ever hinted that he was giving the bird. That is when my daughter laughed and asked if I was really giving the bird to my family as sometimes I push my glasses up this way. NOW, to end this post.. lol. Both Sindy and George said they were going by Crazy's written description of Zenida. OK, George said she was 5"7" about 125 to 130 pounds, straight white teeth and long brown hair. When Sindy was asked she said the description Crazy gave was 5'7" about 140 and long BLACK hair. Hmmmm, neither matched. I remember crazy in jail saying she was about 5'6 or 5'7" with SHOULD length curly hair, BROWN, that she straightened. Shoulder length is not LONG. Both George and Sindy had different descriptions of Zenida that apparently Crazy wrote down. how so!!! Tell me how so Sindy?? LOL. And never ever ever did Crazy say Zanny was a 10. If she was all

George said, who that looked like that would watch a 2 year old for free? And who that supposedly looked like that would have 6 kids? LOL.. IT truly made me feel sick watching Sindy. She had that evil smirk on her face. And I know it was a depo, but are you allowed to act like that? Even George apologized to Zenida. Cindy started to, then almost attacked her saying "you didn't lose your job!!!!!" Well, she did and has proof. They had to pull her away from Zenida. She looked like she was on crack! And yes, George lied. I felt for him on the questiosn of Caylee's remains, but that stopped short. However he was bunny fur compared to his witch of a wife. This is long but bear with me. SAY CRAZY gets off. Don't hit me! lets just play pretend. Say she does. How would the Ants treat her if she came home? With love and respect? LOL. Would she go to her room and pass Caylee's, then want to go out and party? WHO would want to be with her now? I say no one but maybe some horney guy with Obama condoms that would be gone soon after. Would they really let her just walk in the house and hug her? How about Lee? She accused him of trying to have sex with her. Is he going to come over for the big home coming? I say NO. And for Lee, No way do I think he, at 24 or 23 and a good looking guy, would want to have sex with his sister! I bet he hates her for saying that, and I bet he was shocked, embarrassed and stunned to see she said that. IT IS ALL CASEY!!! And truly here, I think Cindy WILL GET CHARGED WITH OBSTRUTION OF JUSTICE. Even George lied though his teeth. Padilla nailed him tonight on NG

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, Cindy seen a lot of the pic of Caylee with Caseys friends on ut or my space what ever it was. They did not care to see what she was doing or how she was acting. If the cared they would not of had there head up there (__!__) JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I could see now where Casey might get sympathy from the jurors. She had to live with this SELF ABSORBED BITCH of a mother and really thought she was saving Caylee from her. Doesn't make it right, but it sure gives the f'n MOTIVE, doesn't it? It also explains why Casey is scared to death of her! Wouldn't you be? This is how it will present in

some people's minds for sure. But then again, some smart folks will see that the NUT didn't fall far from the TREE on this one. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Casey described her self when she described Zanny. Let's put the HAIR STRAIGHTNER in to play that keeps coming into the conversation. Hellllloooo, she is talking about herself!!! Her other personality. ZANNY IS CASEY. imacynic2 says: 6 weeks ago

Capn Steve My email is [email protected] - you said I can email you, but I don 't have your address

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

JMO, you're killing me here! "Conway needs to roll away quick!" LOL Funny shit man. Deb in Vegas says: 6 weeks ago

Picture of Cindy chewing her cud. http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q13/jwi777/stra I have one question. Cindy said that the police did go through the Psychic's phone records and matched the call up with DC's phone records. I never heard that before. Did anyone else hear that? JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Looks just like Cindy indeed.

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Offone of the websites: A great injustice has been served towards Caylee Anthony. Her skeletonized remains were discarded revealing a killing that we will never truly understand. There were many blunders made along the way, especially the delay in finding her body through the inept handling of 911 phone calls and police

investigations. Due to the level of decomposition, an exact cause of death will never be determined. However, what might be an even greater injustice to Caylee Anthony would be the possibility of a mistrial, due to the state releasing vast amounts of evidence without the express permission of the court. What a sad day in the eyes of justice that this has become, don't you guys thinks so?

JMo says: 6 weeks ago

George Anthony, 57, made it clear he was furious to be answering questions under oath. "You guys have torn apart my family so much, every single one of you," he snapped at attorneys. Does that moron really believe that it is everyone else that has tore his family apart....does he truly think it was someone other than that SKANK DAUGHTER OF HIS that did this? What planet is he on? No one had heard of him before Casey pulled this murderous selfish act. They both need to put the blame where it belongs. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Deb in Vegas, that is probably one of the multiple lies that cindy made up in the depo today. anything to twist the truth and get the focus off casey. (or mainly off of herself, because I think she is guilty of giving DC that info. she is just too blatent with other stuff to try and cover those tracks). I think they are on to her though and that's whats got her so pissed right now. Can we say: BUSTED!

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

JMO, you're right, she is busted -- she knew the date and page number of things, but within her tale of lies couldn't remember stuff. She really thought she could trip the lawyers up -- no way lady. I guess she thought that because she's been dealing with Bozo -- it was obvious she had no desire to tell the truth about anything. Just went in with her own agenda. Too bad she called GeorgeduhJungle man and Lee liars in the process -- but I have a feeling she's been doing that for years.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Melissa Huckaby has been charged in the murder of Sandra Cantu. MH is the granddaughter of the pastor of the church, she was a Sunday school teacher.

Marie RN says: 6 weeks ago

Linn, I was laughing at your post. I felt the same way about the poster who has those fabulous dimensions. I could only dream... JMo, that was my first thought that Casey was describing herself, but her ideal taller self, when describing Zenaida. when George was being so combative, I'd like to ask if he thought Casey should just be released and the charges dropped. I'd like to see his expression. Did anyone else catch where George told Cindy to shut up at the end of the depo when she was mouthing off?

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Here's a link to the latest on the arrest in the Sandra Cantu case: http://cbs5.com/crime/sandra.cantu.arrest.2.982515 Sandra was killed by the mother of the little girl she left home to go play with. WTF

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Legal Analyst Reviews Cindy and George http://www.wftv.com/video/19150869/index.html JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Yeah, when Huckaby started trying to cover the fact that the suitcase was hers....I left it on the driveway and someone stole it....wtf? I'm glad the police got their ducks in a row first before booking her. She looks a bit derainged, doesn't she? I am worried about her own 5 year old child now. What went on there? It doesn't make it any better that this was a woman that did this, but my God, if the woman needed mental health treatment, what was she doing home with a 5 year old and not getting help? Why was she teaching sunday school? Who was supposed to be following up on her? This is so angering.

Ok, my theory is this: It was driven by revenge because Huckaby's family (the preacher and his wife) liked her better than Huckaby's daughter? Or Sandra was prettier than her daughter or what ever else Psycho delusional thought process she had. Maybe she is going to say that God told her to kill Sandra. I just can't wait to hear the crazy statement. I be the preacher and his wife feel terrible. What will they tell Huckaby's child? I wonder if they can ship her ass to Florida and put her in as Casey's cellmate! I would donate money to make that happen!!!!!!!!!! Besides, they have something in common: they both loved Target.

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Good afternoon all, What a shock to see this was the Pastors daughter that killed Sandra Cantu, I wish we knew why she did this. CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

Rascal: Much more sadness and madness to add to this sick country of ours. Nothing shocks or surprises me anymore with who might be guilty. What a tragedy. I really hate crimes against children more than anything. I will steer the ship over her head and swing it around for seconds if need be. Hey ANTfarm, do you think the judge is going to feel sorry for you? You must, but he will only feel sorry for your stupidity and if that were a crime you would be on death row!! JMo says: 6 weeks ago

I think the Judge will see their behavior as 'disrespectful to the court' and throw the book at them. They did nothing but create a Circus Atmosphere and now will be wasting more time and money for the Judge to 'order them to answer the questions'. Enough is Enough!

jo1031 says: 6 weeks ago

Blink on Crime seems to think something sinister was going on with Huckabee & the caretaker of the church. She says there was a previous report to LE about another child that this woman took to a park with her child & later showed having drugs in her system. Could this be child porn? http://blinkoncrime.com/2009/04/11/sandra-cantu-mu

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

If Judge Strickland sees the videos he will be outraged at the Ants. the Ants are the ones that turned it in to a Circus. They went in with giant chips on there shoulders, now it is time for it to be knocked off. Whythe hell do they think they can conduct them self in that manner is beyond me. Steve you do a great job steering the ship, I just will never understand a person hurting any one children or adults. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

Yikes Jo 1031, that is some scary ass stuff there!!!! Porn ring, sex predators on children. Too much money and odd stuff floating around there for sure. She looks drugged out with those dreadlocks and those eyes (look like Caseys). This is certainly not a case of a woman who just decided to kill an 8 year old girl. She apparently was on drugs or truly mentally ill when she did this. I am happy though to see this unfolding quickly like it should (instead of like Caseys attention seeking case). Baez needs to come clean with the judge and get this over with. Everyone is sick of the lies and games. Marie RN (at work) says: 6 weeks ago

Rascal says: What a shock to see this was the Pastors daughter that killed Sandra Cantu, I wish we knew why she did this. Yes, Rascal, but I'd be willing to bet the killers parents gave complete, honest, information to LE regarding their daughter's involvement. Unlike other parents we know and don't love. Jo, get out of my head!! The first thing I thought when I found out she was killed by a woman was that it must be child porn. (I think some women get into this to please their boyfriends)

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Marie I am sure they did not try to hide anything, Oh this was the Pastors Grand Daughter she lived with them and her Daughter that was 5. I misstatedsaid daughter. We all want to know why this happened. I did notice Sandra's family is not making any judgements and are letting the Detectives do there job! Thumbs up for them,and God Bless them for there loss.

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Hey ya'll! Haha - I am the poster with the so-called "perfect" dimensions (I definitely don't think I'm perfect at all - I wish I were taller and my boobs were smaller, but hey - I think we all want what we can't have, huh!). I've been asked several times in my life where I got mine "done" and it gets a little

irritating :) Just wanted to point out that I am (physically) a freak of nature like Crazy, and that is the only way that I am even remotely like her! Mentally - she is obviously a freak as well!

OMG - Cindy completely looked off her rocker in the depo video. Her eyes are soooo creepy! You don't see any emotions in them besides anger and hate. What an evil woman who deserves everything that's coming to her. A perfect example of why people should have to undergo a thorough psychological testing, IQ testing and a background check before being allowed to procreate. Then this whole mess wouldn't have happened because Casey wouldn't ever have existed...ahhh, what a lovely thought that is!

I've also thought about what would happen if Crazy is found not guilty - dear God, I hope not - but if so - I agree that Lee is definitely thinking done with trying to defend her after the attempted incest allegations. I agree that he's a good looking guy with a decent job who probably has no problem getting laid. If Casey ever sees the light of day I doubt he will ever speak to her again or help her in any way. That is a horrible thing to make up about someone. Every time I think she can't go any lower, she does!

Very sad about Sandra Cantu - I am glad they have made an arrest so quickly. I was shocked that it's a woman involved! Not to say women don't kill kids (obviously they do!) but as far as I know women tend to kill their own more often than going after other kids...either way it's terrible and I really wonder what possessed this woman to do this.

Have a Happy Easter everyone!

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

Wishing everyone a Happy and Safe Easter CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

A HAPPY AND SAFE EASTER TO ALL!!! Imacynic2, I emailed you. JMo says: 6 weeks ago

If Cindy keeps up her bad behavior, she will be charged with something. And it she is charged with something, then the Florida State Board of Nursing has a duty to look into her nursing license. I asked someone at the Board here where i live. They said most definitely. Plus, they would look into the fact that she is covering up evidence or lying in a murder case. She better watch out, she will lose that

license and then how will she support Geeeeorgey? She will have to live her life out trying to sell stuff on the internet regarding Casey.?

RascalBrat says: 6 weeks ago

JMo, Cindy has no intentions of working she will sit on her ass, and get paid from the Caylee's foundation. None of them will half to work it people are stupid enough to support the foundation! linn says: 6 weeks ago

Numerea.. I still have to hate you. Truly I wish I did not, but whether or not you are a physically perfect "freak of nature or not" it has to be. I am also a freak of nature. I am short, and NOT 110 pounds. i so wish you could try gaining about 100 pounds. We would, or I would be so much happier.. lol.. Really, I am joking, sort of.. haha. No, I am just jealous is all. As for Sandra, I was stunned, yet this is my susicious nature again, when they first interviewed the grandparents in their car, I realy thought the grandfather looked funny. Helooked down and away. You know, just as the ants did, that their daughter had to be off. It just does not just HAPPEN. And even the suitcase. Saying it was for the rummage sale and didn't know whose it was, yet they had to know as their granddaughter lived there, that it was heres. or was that nut woman their daughter. I also thought the grandmother, while saying Sandra was like one of their childrens' children was odd. That was who killed the little girl. I might have my granddaughters and daughters mixed up, but hopefully it makes sense. Also, I could be jaded by th evil Ants.

Nordie says: 6 weeks ago

Well shipmates, time to go to bed so the bunny will leave me jelly beans all around my house. Have a blessed Easter, mine starts before sunrise. There is a tiny part of me that feels sorry for the Ants, sigh! I know . . . but this time last year, they had Caylee with them -- it is so sad they are disgracing her memory with lies, lies, and lies. Caylee was the only thing good about any of them -- she is gone from that den of evil.

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Man Behind Caylee Dolls Faces Lawsuit! http://www.cnn.com/2009/CRIME/04/11/caylee.doll.la why does this not surprise me??

Numarama says: 6 weeks ago

Haha - Linn, if it makes you feel any better - I have to work hard to stay at 110 lbs! Thankfully I live in AZ where it's always nice enough to jog or hike outside. I will probably quit trying so hard after I get married this fall ;) Just wanna fit in my wedding dress! LOL

Anyway, I will catch up with y'all soon, again wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter!

CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

Nordie, I like you!! There was a small part of me that felt sorry for the ANT's too .... but then about an hour ago I flushed it down the toilet! Sorry about the visual. Also let me remind you of a post of mine from many months ago Nurse Sinster Sindy = Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Who would you rather have taking care of you? CAPN STEVE says: 6 weeks ago

Oh yeah Sinster, did you realize George had never heard of Zanny until July 2008? And you??? Don't worry all, the trial will take 99.9% longer than the jury will be out!

Wednesday Morning says: 6 weeks ago

MySpace of Melissa Huckaby http://www.myspace.com/Cinderella888 It's set to private. I assume the investigators logged in on her site since the last log in was 4/11/09. She was arrested on 4/10/09. Her facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Melissa-Huckaby/125

Blog where I got this information: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Happy Easter off to see the kids! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Capn, I like you too! I know -- after watching the Ants make such a mockery out the legal system -with total disrespect, self-righteous attitudes, and pitiful lies -- those idiots were so busy trying to trip up the attorneys, they forgot to stick to their story lines. People who live such dishonest lives sooner or later will have it come and bite then in the butt. This is not new behavior, they are way too good at it. This has taken years of practice. But momster has had a choice for many years, be like them or be a responsible person. The first was so much easier, and that's the path she picked. If their attorney is doing this pro bono, then he is even a bigger fool than he appeared at the dispostions. Of course, I wouldn't put up with their mental/verbal abuse even if they were paying me. Thought it was kinda funny that they didn't even hold the elevator for him after the depos. Hope every one got lots of Easter candy. I'm munching on jelly beans and peeps! What a wonderful sugar fix this is lolo!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

oh, about the nurse option -- just let me die ok? At least Nurse Ratched didn't try and pretend she was nice, she was bad to the bone and proud of it. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Awesome news about the rescue of the "REAL" CAPTAIN!! It is a blessed day. Todays scorecard..... Good Guys 1 - Pirates 0

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Good afternoon all, A wonderful the Captain is safe, what a wonderful gft for family and all. orlandonative says: 5 weeks ago

Hey all - I haven't posted in quite a while but have been reading. The one thing that really stuck out to me in both George and Cindy's depo's was when they were asked about Dominic Casey going to the woods where Caylees' skeleton was eventually found, two to three times in November. Now the Ants were driving everything that went on in the investigation of Caylee's dissappearance, Cindy had a hand in everyone's movements. yet they both said that after the remains were found neither of them talked to Dominic about why he searched those woods so many times in November. Why he called Jim Hoover and said "Come over we are going to get Caylee, a dead Caylee" and they said they never asked him who he was talking to on the phone. THAT IS THE BIGGEST LOAD OF BULL I'VE HEARD THEM SAY. I BET DOMINIC COULDN'T TAKE A LEAK W/O REPORTING TO CINDY. So a month after he was frantically searching those exact same woods, on a "tip" from a "physic" they never thought to ask him about it???????? Man, do they really think everyone just swallows whatever Koolaid they are serving for the day????? And as far as I've seen there hasn't been any reports on the cell phone records of Dominic ? I guess LE in just reporting to Cindy now, even though her daughter is in jail for the crime. Yeah, Guys we found out some new info on the search Dominic did in November, should we send it to the prosectors or to Cindy and George. PLAAAEEEESSE>

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Orlandonative, when the Ants mouth is moving we know they are not telling the truth, Just like George never heard his daughter changed her story about where Caylee was taken from. I truly hope they get them for obstruction, that is what they have done from the beginning. Since we do not drink the Casey Kool aid our minds are clear and they will not brain wash us into believing them. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Happy Easter everyone! It has been a wonderfully blessed day! Well, I guess when Casey said in the jailhouse tapes: They ain't gettin' shit from me! We know exactly where she got that attitude. I wonder what else has gone on in that house with the 'don't ask, don't tell' attitude. Cindy's Mom and Uncle Rick may be the whistleblowers on the whole thing. As far as Lee not having anything more to do with Casey because she said he approached her sexually.....sorry, but I think I believe her on that one!

But once again, this family needs to make up their minds on whether or not Casey is a pathological liar or not. They can't pick and choose which things they think she is telling the truth on and which are a lie.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Here is something for all the 'disbelievers' that someone like Casey could of duct taped her childs mouth and threw her in plastic bags and buried her. (We don't even know if Caylee was dead when she did that, do we??? But I think everyone here has assumed she killed her first with Chloroform or drown her, right?) http://crime.about.com/od/female_offenders/p/death CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

I already know the outcome. It is the same one that George knows as well as Lee. Momster will spend the rest of her lonely life behind bars without friends, family, or anything else except her memories. Count on it! It makes me smile (and sad too) to think of those few times during today that momster thought of Caylee on an Easter egg hunt. God bless you Caylee and all of you that are here!!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Casey is probably buying jelly beans from the commisary. and hoping that she gets 'laid like an easter egg' today. losingit says: 5 weeks ago

God bless you too Steve. A couple of days ago I held a door open for an elderly gentleman in a wheelchair. He passed through, turned to me and said, "God will bless you every day". I instantly bursted into tears. It was just a simple easy gesture for me to do. I did not deserve that big blessing. I roasted a huge turkey today along with all the trimmings. I am pleasantly full and a bit buzzed on wine. I truly hope everyone had a wonderful Easter sunday.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

losingit, IMO it is the little things, which are so easy yet are such a blessings.

I think that is how we should live every day. We are surrounded with signs and glimpses of kindness and joy and we mistake them for the mundane. We taste that sweet honey and we think that it is just that, honey. We feel the comfort of our friend's arms and all we can feel is our friend's greeting. We do not understand that, in that moment God, who became flesh and dwelt among us, is reaching out in love and tenderness. We hear those bird songs or rumbles of thunder and miss God's song of tenderness and devotion. It has been a blessed day and that is my last sermon of the day lolol CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

People are so consumed these days with what they do not have that they lose sight on what they actually do have. That is a shame. My last sermon of the day. Maybe. Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

maybe - lolo -- it's jell-o -- always room for one more lolo -- I totally agree with you -- we are so blessed -- and Steve, I know for you all you have to do is look at your boys and your world comes back in focus very quick -- what a privilege it is to be a father and I can tell you are very good at it and love it as well. linn says: 5 weeks ago

LOL..OK Numerera, I still love you..haha, but THEN if *I jogged in AZ I would be dead of heatstroke! If I jogged to the end of my driveway I would die of a heart attack! I am not the exercise person. I really should, but seems like I always have a kid around. I have a bulldog and they cannot exercise much. Have to be really careful as she is like me.. haha. One reason I got her.. LOL. They have to be kept cool and not sweat. OK, the last part of sweating is me! I HATE to sweat. hate is a strong word, yet not strong enough for how I feel on sweating! And really, I keep forgetting you are getting married. IF I had that special of an occasion coming up, I might jog to the mailbox It is outside the front door.. hee hee linn says: 5 weeks ago

Happy Easter to all. Today, or should I say around 3AM, I was awoke from a sleep I just got to get too. Could not fall asleep! Anyway, I was awoken by my son! Good gosh, he is 25! He wanted to know where I hid my grandson's Easter basket. I was like, huh? *I truly think he wanted to go through it!*.. We have an odd living situation. We have a 3 bedroom townhouse, but 6 people. My son and grandson spend all their time downstairs except at bedtime. Then in the living room on air mattresses. *and you all wonder why I am like I am* lol. Anyway, last night oldest with room did not come home so they stayed downstairs. But to come up at 3Am to look for an Easter basket? I had to even think where I put it. I had hid it up here. So son take it downstairs I guess.. Today I ask Kaleb about his basket. Apparently my son hid it downstairs in the bedroom. Kaleb asked how the bunny knew he was downstairs. I told him the Easter bunny woke up Grandma at 3 in the morning looking for Kaleb! I had to send him downstairs where you were sleeping. Sad this innocence fades and some turn into Caseys'.. He believed me of course. He was not even into his candy, just hiding eggs for over an hour. Upstairs and downstairs. The point

finally, is I DID think of George and Sindy and that video of Caylee in her bunny ears on Easter. I DID feel bad for them today that all they know have is that video. It is sad, and I feel their pain. Then they open their mouths. I would not have traded today for anything. nothing on Easter is as much fun as a 5 year old. Steve will argue.. lol. But really, Easter is so much fun for young kids that believe still in the Easter Bunny. It was a nice day. We had deviled eggs and lasagna. I marinated salmon last night and was brain dead on food. Turkey sounds wonderful! Also had angel food cake, to counteract the deviled eggs, lol, with whipping cream and strawberries. Colored the cake and creme with those neon food colors and got sort ofa pink/purple. With the berries it looked great. My son ate half, then told me it had a little too many berries.. lol and wring his neck. OOPS! A Sindy! I mean, why tell me about too many berries after eating half a cake? Hope everyone had a great day!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Blogger News is really good and right on topic of the Ants!!! http://www.bloggernews.net/

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Richard Grund Myspace page. April 10th he posted about what was going on with his family & the Caylee Anthony case & also talked about the Haleigh Cumming case. http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I like the name I just saw for our friend BoBo, besides No Way Jose. It is:

Baezhole Now that's funny and right on target too!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Ok, don't make me walk the plank, but I read the link above Jo1031, and although I feel sorry for the Grunds and that Casey is trying to pin it on Jesse....Richard Grund is slightly a bit kooky!!! At least from what I just read. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

This just in...momster killed the Easter Bunny when she was 11. Sinster blames one of six of her daughters boyfriends. When will this family learn? Someone alert the North Pole and get Santa into hiding!!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Richard Grund has more morals in his pinkie then the Ants have in any part of their bodies. The Ants have attacked the Grund family and he is trying to clear the air. That family has every right to do this, the Ants are trying to throw anyone under the bus but the killer. And we all know who the killer is!!!!! She is sitting in the Orange County Jail where she belongs, until they move her ass to the big house. Steve, DId the poor Bunny have duct tape on it also! losingit says: 5 weeks ago

Rascal, Shih-Tzu went to the groomers this week and I finally was brave enough to get his hair cut. It's a teddy bear cut. He looks so cute. I am so happy I did this. He is very happy too. Jmo, your No Way Jose is still the best. Linn, you're fortunate to spend Easter with a little one. This was the first Easter in a while it was just adults here. It's just not the same. I didn't hide anything. It was a great weekend- very relaxing, but just missing that excitement from the little ones. Good night everyone.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

JMO- I didn't see anything in his post that made him sound like a kook. I saw a man that is tired of the BS & is trying to defend his family. I believe this whole family truly loved Caylee & if Jessie had been the bio dad maybe she would still be alive today. I don't think they would have stayed together even if he had been the dad but the Grund family would have been involved in Caylee's life as grandparents & would have seen that something was not right. Unlike George & Cindy, who just buried their heads in the sand. OOPs forgot! George is on the ball & Cindy does her homework. HA HA

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Fair enough. I agree he is probably a good guy and wants away from the ANT family and all the accusations. Just something about the way it was written or something makes me think he is different...don't know how to explain it. Anyway, I hope the ANTS slip on the deck of the boat and whack their heads, maybe to their senses and figure out the damage that Casey has, is and will continue to do to everyone if they don't help put a stop to it. Casey is all smug in her little cell there, eating cheetos and putting in her new hair ties, just knowing that her parents believe everything she says. HMMMM....Just thought of this one...I bet she has the transistor radio so she can practice her strip dancing for the guards. Anyone want to place a wager? Believe me, she is bored! What better ways to get an extra bon-bon in the morning for breakfast or a late night sweet? Maybe the guards slip a little something between the bars for her to have fun with, so she will feel right at home.....ICK YUCK!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Tonights news in regard to Sandra Cantu: "It's very unusual for women to be involved in an abduction and murder of a child," said Candice DeLong, a retired FBI profiler based in San Francisco. "Sometimes we see this when the woman is working with a male partner. It does not appear to be the case this time. But this was not a sexually motivated crime."

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Deputy Refuses To Except Firing Over Response To Call! http://www.wftv.com/news/19150728/detail.html

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

George & Cindy to be on Oprah's show in May: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/caylee-a I don't watch Oprah & if I did I wouldn't watch this one. What is that show thinking? Are they paying them or just flying them to Chicago? I guess this is just one more way to taint the jury pool. More lies & talking in circles by the Ant farm.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Here's a link if anyone wants to voice their opinion of Oprah's interview with the Anthonys. You can also pose questions & your email might be read on the show. https://www.oprah.com/ord/plugform.jsp?plugId=215

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Jo, I just emailed Oprah, and gave her my opinion on the Ants for what it is worth!!!

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Rascal- Good for you. I hope others will do the same or maybe come up with questions for her to ask the Anthonys. I would like her to ask the Anthonys if they believe everything their daughter says & when they say they do, I want her to hit them with the fact that Casey told friends that Lee & George made inappropriate advances to her. That would be priceless!

Found this great post at Trials & Tribulations about George & Cindy. Has a lot of links to their past interviews & antics caught on tape by the media. This site also has info on other trials. This article was posted yesterday & it's a great read. It really sums of the Ant farm to a tee. http://sprocket-trials.blogspot.com/2009/04/george

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Jo, that is to funny I asked her the same thing and want to hear Cindy and Georges answer. They will deny she ever said that, just like everything else. Just like she never seen a picture of Zanny. I would love to be there and push my glasses up with my little finger and give them the little bird.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

OMG, are you kidding me, the Oprah Show. How stupid! They are determined to dig Casey a grave, aren't they!!! I like the link and the way it was written. George and Cindy need to STOP! All it will take is for Casey to talk and tell the truth. Obviously this is foreign to this whole family. They need to stop wasting thier time and tell Casey to open her mouth and speak. They obviously want to continue to enable this evil devil child of theirs. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

I always thought that saying was 15 minutes of fame not a lifetime of shame. Guess I was wrong......

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

LOL...lifetime of shame. They have really made fools of themselves. I bet they are the ones who begged Oprah to let them come on the show. Here is what I think: They are doing this so that there won't be anyone left that could give their daughter a fair trial and they hope to get her off on that basis.....Judge Strickland needs to put a CEASE AND DESIST order on them right now. They are the ones making this all crazy.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Oh, and meanwhile, Brad CONway's reputation is going down the tubes right along with them.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

I too e-mailed the Oprah show. I stated I was surprised Oprah would have such liars on her show and referred them to the written statements the Ants have made. I have watched Oprah since her days in Baltimore and one thing I know for sure, she doesn't like being made a fool of or being used. It has happened a couple of times, but when she finds out, whoa! she has at them. If I were the Ants, I'd think twice about this move, but alas! they don't think at all, except for when it comes to money.

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago

This just in State to seek the death penalty for Casey Anthony

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago


RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Carol, my thinking is they have the test back on the dirt on Casey's shoes. They have to have enough evidence to feel they can prove there case. Oh now Bo bo will not be able to sit in first chair, not enough experience. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Oprah and the subject of crimes against children can be very dicey for the ANTfarm. They are making a huge mistake because they will not make it thru the show. They will walk off! I am sure Oprah will have at them and will not do a Today Show type interview. The gloves will be off and look out Cindy, Oprah has followed this case from day one and she has many questions that you will not answer. Mark my words shipmates, this will be Tivo material!! Goahead Oprah, wine and dine them and put them up at the 5 star joint. Then, drop them off the rooftop. Make Nancy Grace seem like Disneyland, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Steve, They must have some good stuff to put the Death Penalty back on the table, Now this will come out when they go on Oprah's show.

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago

Well this changes things again - so that means that blonde bimbo lawyer will take over. Brudder this will take longer now.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Well I guess my posty note can cover the bimbo lawers face, other wise I will never get to eat!!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Spector Guilty 2nd Degree Murder

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I commented on that website for the DP. Oprah will rip them a new one! Anyway, that was my thought, that when they found little Caylee, they "IMMEDIATELY" went to the ANTS to gather evidence. Sure as shit, the dirt found on Casey's shoes at the house most likely is the dirt found at Caylee's grave. What will the ANTS make up about this one? Also, I think the Caylee sightings were 'staged' by someone to send the circus out of town so the real police could do their work....what do you think?

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago

Well the way I see it BBL is planning on rewriting history too. Will Joseito still be orchestrating all the moves and she just follows his orders? Or will she take over and he cant say much?

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Blond Bimbo, will only let him talk when he can not put his big foot in his Big Mouth.

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago

I think it is funny that these idiots (the Ants) think that they can manipulate the police investigators by acting the way they have been. Hello Windy Cindy---wouldnt it be easier to just shut your gob - we dont want to hear anything you have to say. SadieSkye says: 5 weeks ago

CAPN STEVE -- You are 1000% correct!!!!! I totally agree thats how it will go down on The Oprah Show.... which will quickly become the Anthonys show when shes done with them.. The Oprah Winfrey show is run by journalists and writers who WATCH THE NEWS as a religion!!! She wudve had them on wayyy back if this was going to be sweet and caring... Oh it will begin that way...but Oprahknows what an inpact she has on people around the world.. crap..everything she touches turns to gold... except the Antfarm!!!! Im sure everyone on that staff are dying to prosecute casey... They probably have been talking about this case since the beginning amongst themselves.. If we had the platform to hang the anthonys? wudnt we? HELLLLLLL YAAAAAAAA we wud LOLOLOLO!!!!! Yesterday was my Birthday and Easter of course... I turned 41..The age my mom was when she had me... shes 82 now...(of course)as a child It always made me sad that I wudnt get as much time with my parents as my friends wud with theirs since they are all decades younger..i think for that very reason I was very aware of age when i was a child. I have a photo of my mom holding me right when she brought me home from the hospital on Easter Day. I always wondered if thats how i was gonna look at THAT age which I knew was 41.. which is now my age... as of yesterday... The good news is Im a little less weathered..Thanks to the discovery of the importance of scincare and sunscreen over the past quarter century.. but the bad news is. Ive reached that milestone now. the one that indicates that my time with my Mom is limited now, as Ive already lost my Dad. I always knew since i first saw that photo when i was ten that yesterday the day I turned 41 was going to be hard... Well bittersweet is more of the way id describe it... but it wasnt hard like i thought it wud be..it was just bittersweet..

Casey is gonna look like and obese unkept prison whore in a few years and is gonna wanna die anyway!!!as she shud.... so whats the big woop???

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Another thought is that maybe Lee turned on Mobster, and to save his own skin told the truth. After what she said about him who would blame him, throw her ass under the Bus Lee be honest not like the rest of your family. I could even have some respect for you if you did. Mobster is not worth protection for killing your niece.

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago

Belated Happy Birthday Sadie! You must have been in a reflective mood yesterday.

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago

I must be getting tired- anyways - its time for bed here. Lets see what good news brings tomorrow. Good night!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Sleep well Carol. Happy Birthday Sadie.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

This just in: San Joaquin County Deputy District Attorney Robert Himmelblau said Monday that a homicide charge against Huckaby could include the special circumstances of rape with a foreign object, lewd and lacivious conduct with a child and murder in the course of a kidnapping.

Himmelblau wouldn’t provide more details. Huckaby is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Wonder if Casey had her transister radio on when the news came across it!!! CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

If the death penalty is truly back on the table I do NOT think they will go on Oprah. I knew they had stuff that we do not yet know about. Maybe even a neighbor as a witness??Momster is going to need a visitation from her BOBO real quick! I think the ANTfarm should be left alone in the coming weeks to rot and stew and stew and rot. I love bad news when it comes to that family. If that makes me a sorry individual I will gladly take it! CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Someone let BOBO know that 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name!!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Wonder if Casey needs a sedative today after hearing the news. losingit says: 5 weeks ago

Hmmm, What an interesting day. I'll bet you're right Rascal about the dirt matching. Does anyone know or have any ideas about now that the DP is back on, could she now make a deal to tell the truth to remove the DP? Of course I can't imagine she would ever actually confess, but what if maybe?

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

This tells us the time line when the changed there mind, about the Death Penalty and why!! Casey will never tell the truth, that is her story and she is sticking to it!!!! http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/casey-anthony-c

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

losingit, it has gone to far for a deal now, Glad you like the teddy bear cut. they feel so much better that way, and always look like a puppy.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

This site you can vote on how you feel about Mobster getting death penalty, please vote!! http://www.wftv.com/surveyresults/19169578/detail.

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

Woohoo!! DP DP DP! I wonder if Bobo and Crazy both crapped their pants today?? I wonder what put the prosecution over the edge! They must have some very damning evidence - can't wait to see what it is! Its kind of strange that the DP is back only a few days after the ANTs threw a s*&t fit and blatantly lied on camera! Hmmm.. This is almost as good as life w/o parole. Once she is convicted she'll have to sit on Death Row for decades! I do feel for the FL taxpayers for having to pay for a costly DP case and all the APPEALS she will try to make. We all know she will fight this to the "death" and not take a plea deal if offered! Can anyone tell me where to find any articles about the soil samples on Crazy's shoes? If they found the same soil from the dump site on her shoes, wouldn't she be able to say that she was just taking a walk in the area? I know that won't fly with those who know she's guilty, but what if there's that one person on a jury who thinks there's reasonable doubt? I'm sure there is something that we don't know about yet that's even more incriminating. Or Rascal, maybe you're right about Lee being pissed about her saying he tried to have sex with her and going to LE with the truth. I know I would be mad if I was sticking my neck out for someone who turned around and destroyed my reputation. I would have much more respect for him if that were the case. He needs to just tell the truth and move on with his life and distance himself from the family while he still can. Anyway, new TMW posts for April! http://www.twistedmysterywriter.com/x_98_CrazyAnth http://www.twistedmysterywriter.com/x_99_CrazyAnth

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

Haha, Linn, you're funny! I despise exercising too - I figure after the wedding my husband will be stuck with me regardless of my weight :) Then I'll go back to exercising once a week (if that) and eating whatever I want. LOL I am sick to death about the latest on Sandra Cantu. Is this linked to some sort of religious fanaticism? When are people all over the world going to stop committing violence in the name of religion?? I believe in God but this is one of the reasons why I'm not sure about organized religion! Crazy people can interpret religion in so many WRONG ways!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Just some educational stuff for the shipmates: DP is back on the table due to "aggravating circumstances". Aggravating circumstances are: Circumstances that increase the seriousness or outrageousness of a given crime, and that in turn increase the wrongdoer's penalty or punishment. An aggravating circumstance is a kind of attendant circumstance and the opposite of an extenuating or mitigating circumstance, which decreases guilt. Anyway, I sure hope the dirt matches her skanky ass shoes! I also truly believe that they found dirt from the grave site up under the bumper of her car, along with twigs and plants only located in that area. Sorry, but I think Oprah is doing this for "her ratings". Don't get me wrong, she does a lot of wonderful things, but at the same time, she has a purpose to serve and could give a crap less about the ANTS or what happens to them.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Numarama- The info on the soil was on Nancy Grace Show. She has said that there is a match to the area where Caylee was found & Casey's shoes on Friday nights show & also tonight. So far no one else has reported this & there is no evidence from the state to support it yet. I think they got it from a source (maybe within the investigation).

Sadie- Happy belated Birthday!!!! Carol- Linda Baden is not licensed to practice law in Florida as far as I know. I think she had to take second chair to Baez because of that. I'm not positive but I think you have to be licensed in the state as well as have death penalty experience. I will try to find the answer to that question as when I heard today's news, my first thought was who will be lead council. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

I always felt that they had an ace in the hole beside the other 5847 pieces of evidence against momster. I always knew she was a horrible person, mother, friend, grandchild, etc. etc. and on top of that a stupid ass killer if there is such a thing. I hope someone has been laying low with a video of her and the bags. We know Sinster, we know that wasn't her and what does that prove. We know, it was a Hollywood movie man doing a frame job on her. We know. I just want her to sit on "the row" for 30-40 years before her last meal. Speaking of which, my oldest thinks I am the worst cook ever and if I worked the kitchen at Levenworth people would turn down their last supper!!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

I think Cindy was not smart enough to chew her Cud, and hide the shoes at the same time!!! 'Steve, maybe you should watch Georgies favorite cooking show, LMAO Just do not chew gum and drop it in the boys food.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

We did hear there was one of Caseys shirts that had a stain, that could of been decomposition fluid. It could of also been on the boots along with the dirt. The ones that Cindy was not smart enough to hide. We know Cindy did wash Caseys pants to hide evidence.

Kate in MO says: 5 weeks ago

Just dropped in to say "WOOHOO, LE!!!" Bobo's probably crying in his beer tonight...and momster's probably doubling up on the Cheetos (she'll probably get fresh donations after today's news) CAPN STEVE says:

5 weeks ago

Rascal, the only thing George and I have in common is Spongebob. linn says: 5 weeks ago

Losingit. You are right. Easter with no kids is just no fun. He, the 5 year old was fun last year too. Maybe even at 3, but at 5 he is so into the hiding and searching for eggs. Not even so much the candy or his basket. I gave him little candy, but he loves Pepperidge Farms snickerdoodle cookies, so he got his own bag, his own bag of goldfish, some playdough in Easter eggs. Some little candied malt balls. YES, i was a bad grandma and called them bunny "poop".. lol. For some reason that just came out. not that he believed me. I think I was hoping he would not want to eat them and give them to me. No such luck. Libby will be 2 next Easter. She will get her basket, but too young still to hunt for eggs. For Kaleb and me, that was so fun this year. I hope you have little ones next year. i will share if not :) linn says: 5 weeks ago

Losingit. You are right. Easter with no kids is just no fun. He, the 5 year old was fun last year too. Maybe even at 3, but at 5 he is so into the hiding and searching for eggs. Not even so much the candy or his basket. I gave him little candy, but he loves Pepperidge Farms snickerdoodle cookies, so he got his own bag, his own bag of goldfish, some playdough in Easter eggs. Some little candied malt balls. YES, i was a bad grandma and called them bunny "poop".. lol. For some reason that just came out. not that he believed me. I think I was hoping he would not want to eat them and give them to me. No such luck. Libby will be 2 next Easter. She will get her basket, but too young still to hunt for eggs. For Kaleb and me, that was so fun this year. I hope you have little ones next year. i will share if not :)

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Steve, I was trying to help you out with cooking skills, I know you have nothing in common with Georgie. I have watched the cooking shows and I do not like the spicy food they do so they do not interest me at all. I am a good cook and love to feed people and even great on the BBQ. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

You know my favorite thing to make? CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago


RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Ok what is your favorite? Stop anytime you are up this way I will cook you and the boys a awsome dinner.

linn says: 5 weeks ago

Here is my view. All the HLN shows say something about the cases going on. BUT in my little humble opinion, I think NG has some exclusive rights to certain news. i think the Ant case is one. That is why you can watch HLN all day, get the main info, but then watch NG and get more. They DID say the shoes found in Crazys car DO have the same soil samples as those at the crime scene. Funny, but I think they just got that forensic evidence in and the said BINGO, and put the DP back on. I am most likely the one person in the world that cannot stand Oprah! Sorry, but she makes me sick. She does good deeds to further her career. I mean she helps people, yet buys another triple million dollar house for her self. How many 15,000 square feet house's does she need? And not she is in love with the Obama's so she bought another super million dollar house in Washington DC. I DO think she would have them on, just for ratings. And while we and a lot of the world hate the Ants and Crazy, many want to be the ones that stick up for her and feel sorry for the "poor grandparents". I HONESTLY cannot see the Ants going on her show without a list of what cannot be asked. I would expect it to be noterized even. I just don't trust Oprah. many to this day, reallyreallyreally, gag, feel sorry for the Ants. I mean just look at the money going into Crazy's food account! My daughter, lol, asked me today what I would want for my last meal! I told her a puke bucket! Good gosh, who could eat knowing you would be dead with that favorite food in your stomach! Just like the day the Ants came back knowing Caylee's remains were identified! They sat down and ate a huge dinner! I would be home, crying and throwing up. I am not a person that can eat when I am upset. I can and have, gone days... Sorry and don't want to offend, but again, I think Oprah is a pile of billion dollar hot air in it all for her ratings. The Ants will bring huge ratings, and I DO BET she will coddle them. IF they now even go on her show. Finally, lol. Someone called in to NG tonight and asked if they put the DP back on because of the way the Ants acted at the depo. That was sort of funny as I was thinking the same thing! losingit says: 5 weeks ago

http://www.dc.state.fl.us/oth/deathrow/index.html I just sort of stumbled upon this site. Near the bottom of the page you can click to view women. WARNING: this is a site about death row inmates. It describes the cells, daily routines and has info about youngest people to be executed, average time on death row, and many other facts.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

The ANTS will have NO LIFE without Caylee and Casey at home. They seem to have forgotten their son and their NEW grandchild on the way! That has to be a slap in the face to sLEEzy. I think he hides because he is embarrassed by the way the ANTS behave. I can't say that I blame him. However, Casey and Caylee were their entire life. Now they are gone and they are doing everything they can think of to try and save Casey and bring her home. They have gone mad with this mission to say the least. Actually, they may not be getting the 'normal reconcilliation' that most people get when a grandchild dies and this may be what is driving their bizarre behavior. They are determinded to make everyone see that they are hurting, but doing it with anger is not going to get them what they need. Their pain is their own and they need to greive and get counseling. Also, most people with a loss like this, don't have the chance to have the world as a stage to act it out. These people like NG, Oprah, Phil, and Geraldo do nothing but EXPLOIT people for ratings, along with the MEDIA. The ANTS are easy prey for these shows and that is really sad. Also, the state of florida with its laws has misued them to exploit and I don't think that is the reason they were written for. The ANTS need to lie low and greive and let Casey open her mouth and fend for herself. She is not a helpless child like they try to make her out to be.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I can see Casey's mug shot being right there on that site with the rest of them.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

double click I guess, again.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Somebody better email Oprah and tell her not to say the word "REMAINS". Her life could be in danger if she does...lol.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

If I had the chance to ask this question, I would. Is the reason that the state put the death penalty back on the table, to get rid of Baezhole from the case? Seems like a legit reason for me! annie may says: 5 weeks ago

Personally I think it would be funny as hell to just let him go ahead with his, er, 'defense'... How did this guy ever graduate from law school?

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I think one of the ANTS (C
JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Sandra Cantu was raped and molested by Melissa Huckaby in the basement of the church. [[[[They are saying that Melissa Huckaby alone is responsible for the heinous acts that are alleged to have occurred to Sandra. And what we do know is that if these charges are filed Tuesday as far as murder with special circumstances of murder and the commission of sexual acts, Melissa Huckaby might face the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole.]]]] I still say feed Casey to her....they will get along great for years to come.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Bo Bo, We Plan To Make This "Tougher" Now http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/casey-anthony-a

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Copy Of Death Penalty Filing http://www.wftv.com/blank/19169222/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Bo Bo, is now looking in his Cracker Jack Box to see who he can pull for lead Attorney to work for FREE. How if you but that one I will write you a check for a million on a Ice Cube. Amazing how they can all find free Attorneys, they charge to walk threw there door. Now maybe if you drink the Casey Kool Aid you would believe this, like her story of not being guilty. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

2 things will now happen. BOBO will not be the lead (he can not according to the states rules) and this case will be put off another 4-8 months. Does anyone really think that momster is going to plea this? I would be so shocked that I may keel over!!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Maybe she will get a defense lawyer paid by the Oprah show? Or maybe she will get a public defender just like everyother creepy criminal out there. She is no different, even though the ANTS would like to make you think she is.

JMo says:

5 weeks ago

Since little Sandra was raped with a foreign object and murdered in the basement of the church, don't you think they should 'tear down that church'? I would think they would want to after that. I mean how gross to be sitting there for services knowing that she desecrated the place with that act. Sick.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

bummer, I'm going to miss bumbling Bozo. I want to see how he is going to make it tough for the state and why he has waited till "now."

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Steve, I think you are safe Casey will hold her head high and say she did not do it no matter what, she is just that arrogant. And the Ants will be right behind her defending her, we know they are not there for Caylee she is there for Casey. Oprah does help a lot of people, but even Oprah has to be smart enough to see threw this dysfunctional family. Oh we can still make fun of Bo Bo and Casey!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Who will we make fun of? CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, I am surprised someone has not burned it to the ground by now. Let's see, Sunday school teacher.... Any other kids abused? Where is her 5 year old? If someone ever did that to my kid I would be in jail for what I would do. Trust me, I would go so 5150, postal, etc. on that person that momster would seem like normal folk to you all! An eye for an eye wouldn't even be the start of it. Whew.... I feel better now.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

No one has said where the 5 year old was when this all occurred, I would sure like to know. And like you said Steve how many others have been abused by this nut!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

I read that the other grandmother has the littlel girl. I think there is so much more (sicK) stuff that will come out of this story. I don't know if the attorney from California Maccaluso is qualified to be lead or not. But he is in trouble with the Cal bar now. Was suppose to be a hearing on April 8th, but I don't know what happened.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie you are right but is he licensed to practice in Florida, Linda is not. I think we will hear who will take over, but I also look for a delay now.

Snoopy9318 says: 5 weeks ago

Wow!! I have spent two days reading posts and my fellow crew members have done a superb job, as usual!! Thanks for the postings! I LOVE the gum chewing animation! Good work! :) When I heard NG say that the death penalty was back on the table, I could almost hear the party aboard the ship!! The one thing I have never understood is why these criminals would be put on suicide watch? I don't mean to sound callous, but wouldn't that sort of take care of the problem? Also, if the Ants don't want to answer questions because it would lessen crazy's chances at a fair trial, doesn't that alone speak volumes?!! Give me a break! Also, Cap'n Steve:Could you also email me? Thank you.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Here is a pic of Huckaby and a story about her. She defies research. http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_12135576?source=most Also, her 5 year old was on a vacation with her grandma. Also, it was said that Huckaby had some issues and that she was there in the trailer park trying to get her life straightened out/they were helping her. Well, I wonder if she will report that this stuff was done to her when she was little, maybe in that church? Sexual abuse can come from being sexually abused. This case is so odd. They say no one else did this to Sandra, but I have a feeling that some of those men she was with watched it? Sick. I hope they all go to Hell for this.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

They better check her 5 year old out too and see what has been going on with her. I bet they start checking all the kids in that neighborhood, no telling what she has done.....OMG, can you imagine!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Media/reporter gets the credit for cracking the case. Here is out it unfolded. http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_12134745?source=most

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

They just announced on HLN, Bo Bo may even half to leave as Attorney for Casey!!!!!!!!!!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Baezhole may have to leave? Whaaaaa Whaaaaa.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, Yes that is what they said, maybe a new Attorney could talk some sense into Casey. Bo Bo will never let her talk. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Snoopy, let me know the email info and I will today!! BOBO BYE BYE. Also, remember Linemmen (SP) momster's D.P. lawyer? I loved how N.G. treated him the last time he was on with her. Even my 10 year old got a kick out of it. How she was screaming his last name was a Mel Brooks moment for me!! Also, I am waiting for other kids and families to come forward in this nutcases case. Can you imagine if this turns out to be a kiddie porn ring?? Did I mention my intentions? I may have to wait in line.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Well, they think she acted alone. Most likely she was manic / psychotic at the time. To bad they didn't believe her when she said she was incompetent at her theft hearing. However, they ordered her to 3 years of mental health treatment. Someone like that should of not been allowed to just go back home and conduct business as usual. Again, our system does not treat the mentally ill properly. People like to be in denial about it....like the ANTS. No wonder Casey did not get the treatment or care she needed. They just figured they would force her to keep a baby she didn't want and that would make her grow up. I said this before in other posts.....it is not a matter of these kids 'growing up'. They have a serious problem that will only get worse without intervention. Melissa's family probably thought that they could save her by putting her in the nice trailer park, a place to start new and help her out. NO, she is mentally ill and they probably have been in denial of that. Sometimes the church also thinks it is a matter of 'oh they just need to find God'. NO, they are mentally ill. They need medication and treatment, period. No one in their right mind would do this to a child.

Snoopy9318 says: 5 weeks ago

Thanks, Cap'n!! It's [email protected]. I sure appreciate it!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Capn - I think you are right. MH acted alone, however, I believe this is part of something else very sordid. The Macster attorney does not have enough experience to be a lead attorney in this, nor has the Judge

granted his motion to participate. He's got serious problems in California.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

They just showed Bo Bo on TV saying with a smirk on his face they are not going to run him off, and they will not bully Casey. He think they are bluffing. I would love to knock that smirk off his face!!!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Well, looks like Baezhole told Casey about the DP! He spent an hour with her late last night. I wonder when we will find out how she took the news??? I doubt it was videotaped. Maybe they think this will cause her to confess to save her ass from the chair, since she is soooooooooooooo narcissistic. http://www.wesh.com/news/19176124/detail.html

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Rascal, he is such an idiot. Next he will be claiming it is because he is Hispanic again. The ANTS claim bullying too. Are these people just so ignorant that they don't understand this is the LAW!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Just wait till they release the rest of the evidence on Casey, they we will see who has a smirk on there face, LMAO

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

The only one that will have a smirk on their face is Casey, because she could care less!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Marie, check out the hair extensions on these horses..... http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/30191445/?GT1=43001 losingit says: 5 weeks ago

I don't imagine Casey showed any emotion when told of the DP. She probably just shrugged it off. Now I'd be very interested to see how the Ants reacted. I'm sure they were outraged that the State would do this to THEM after all that they've already been through. They are pissed off at ZHG and that lawsuit because ZHG is making their lives difficult. They are mad at LE. They are mad at everyone except for the one person that has caused all this. It was too much of a bother to ever discipline Casey, and they just can't get it through their sculls that anyone else would ever hold her accountable. They just think it's so unfair that Casey is in trouble for this. Just let her out, we promise she'll never do anything like this again. Why is everyone being so mean and making such a big deal about this? Argh, I can't stand them. I really really want to see them all in jail. I've heard that their depos in no way influenced the reinstatement of the DP, but if it's allright with everyone, I'm going to believe they did. Way to go George and Cindy. I'm glad you're on our side now. losingit says: 5 weeks ago

LOL Jmo. Misty horse is very sexy.

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, that is too funny! Some horse owners have too much time on their hands. I have a friend who dyes her horse's tail blonde.

Snoopy9318 says: 5 weeks ago

Have a great day, shipmates!! See you tomorrow!!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Sindy & Georgie, she is not Happy with Georgie http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

rascal, you're so funny. those horses with their do's lolol

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie, I can not imagine getting the horse done like that, it is funny. Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

Hi All. There's something on my mind and I don't know enough about the law to know if I'm spinning my wheels or not. I hope maybe someone can poke holes or back me up so I can stop thinking about. Ok so I'm thinking back now to things that have come up recently for this change of heart by the state. I keep going back to the video. What exactly did DC tell LE after they went off the record. We know he says Byeass told him not to call 911. Then what else did he say? Check the body to see what evidence is still with the remains (whinnie the pooh blanket, laundry bag, heart sticker)? Or did he say call me and stay there untill I get there, so that he could check for evidence himself? Or something else? Why did DC all of a sudden file a complaint on Byeass. He's known since Nov that he told him not to call 911. Did someone say to him, I think you might want to cover your own ass on this one, so he files this complaint. Why else would he do this? Not to mention the judge himself, why would he file on Byeass. Bill Sheaffer tells us that DC is under no obligation to call 911 if he is working on behalf of Byeass. So why would the judge file knowing this? In my opinion DC has told LE something that's really got Byeass in hot water. It might be in Byeass's own best interest now to talk Casey into taking a deal. Because if that was Byeass on the phone with DC that could mean in my opinion that Casey has confessed to him where the body was. And I think but I'm not sure that Byeass is bound by law to tell LE.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Deb, The defence idoes not half to tell where the body is. His job is to defend Casey. From what i understand Bo Bo has never paid Doninic, so that contract should be void. Dominic is not going to hang himself out to dry, he does not want to lie under oath either. I think you are going to see him come clean about his story. I still do not believe he was talking to a Physic that day, he was talking to someone that knew the location of the remains of Caylee. He just did not find the right location. I am sure Casey did tell Bo Bo where the remains were, but he is not going to release client information. Hope this helps you with your question.

Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

Thanks Rascal. I wasn't sure if he was obligated or not. But I still believe that it could of been Byeass on that phone because I don't understand why if he's not obligated to call 911 why would the Judge waste his time with this, if this is the reason that he filed?

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

It was to dam convenient that the Ants just happened to be out of town, looks like this was all set up to me!! Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

I think so too. Rascal do you remember what was going on with the Ants way back in August when Kronk first tried to report the remains? Was this before or after Caylee's birthday? What I keep thinking about is what was the real reason that Casey kept saying that Caylee will be home by her birthday.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Yes Casey has a gut feeling Caylee would be home for her birthday she just knew it. And she kept insisting Caylee was close to home, wish they would have found her then..I think Casey was trying to tell the Ants where he remains were.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

This is sooooooooo twisted. However, one thing you can be sure of is that CASEY knows what happened to Caylee! I think she told someone where Caylee was, but not sure who...maybe Lee? However, I thought it was Judge Strickland that filed on bAeZhole and on CONway. Hoover is the one spilling all the beans on DC.....judge strickland finally filed the charge with the BAR, not DC.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Casey was very strangely 'obsessed' surrounding birthdays. I think Futon Fraggle mentioned this.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Casey was very strangely 'obsessed' surrounding birthdays. I think Futon Fraggle mentioned this.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Dominic Casey and Judge Strickland filed on Bo Bo with the Bar Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

I did hear that Strickland filed on Conway but I can't find anything on it. Why did he file on Conway? Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

Now DC is hiring a lawyer so I

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

OMG....someone tell me that I didn't just come up with this...BUT maybe I did????? Ok, if you take CAYLEE MARIES BIRTHDAY 8-9-05 (which is what she kept coding to the family) and then look up the address of 8905 Suburban Drive....that is where Caylee's body was. sorry, but I don't recall anyone ever mentioning this....do you all? Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

Sorry my computer just went crazy. What I was saying was DC has hired a lawyer so I don't think we will be getting any more info out of him.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

I only heard that Strickland filed on Bo Bo, They I heard Dominic Casey filed on Bo Bo http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/jose-baez-in-tr

JMo, good find

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Ok, now add to the birthday 8-9-05 that "she is close to home"....BINGO...that's exactly where Casey said she was.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Ok, now add to the birthday 8-9-05 that "she is close to home"....BINGO...that's exactly where Casey said she was.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

The code to them! I feel it in my gut she is close to home.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Melissa Huckaby just arraigned! Kidnapping, Murder and Rape! Geeeezzz. At least she is crying in the video and showing emotion, which is more that I can say for cheetoMom. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30189234 That poor family, I can't imagine.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Deb in Vegas- Since both Judge Strickland & DC filed a complaint to the state bar against Baez, I think it has something to do with how DC knew to go to that site & what he told the PI to do. What if Baez said more to him than call me first before you inform LE, that would explain the complaints. I think he

might have asked him to move the body or tamper with evidence when he found it. During DC interview with LE when the tape was stopped, something serious went down.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Sindy Anthony, Why do they not believe me. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, I think you're a genius. That can't just be a coincidence, I think you should email the prosecutor.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

JMO- Great code breaking! I have never seen that mentioned before even at Scared Monkeys. The Fernandez & Gonzalez connections to those 2 houses has been discussed by us & other sites but not the birthday connection. The timer 55 code was also figured out by many others prior to the Jay Blanchard Park story coming out. Casey sure like to play games with peoples heads & these codes had to have taken time to put together. All of these things can't be coincidences. No wonder she didn't have time to work a regular job, she must of spent 24/7 working on how to commit murder, steal from family & friends, & party. I wonder if LE has figured out that about Caylee's birthday & the address connection. Why don't you email them with the info. If they can go into court with all these connections to Casey & the crime scene it would help bolster the prosecution's case. De in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

JMo you are a genius! I knew there was something about Caylee's birthday because I thought it was a strange thing to say. That and when she said we have to find Caylee then we will have all the answers. Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

Jo1031,I agree, there must of been something else besides don't call 911. I'm sure LE next question was "what DID he tell you to do?" Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

OMG!!! There is a picture of "The Nanny"!!!!http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/4882/nanny20one.j

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Deb- If Baez did what I think he did, his law career is over. Not that he would have much business after this case is over. I wouldn't even hire that bozo to defend me in traffic court. Rascal- Loved that pic of Windy Cindy ( as Carol would say). I think I will rename George, Wimpy. Then the Bobbsey twins can be Windy & Wimpy.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

JO, Give Georgie some credit he told Sindy to Shut Up!!!!!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, there was emotion by MH, but I didn't see crying IMO and Bozo would not have had DC call 911 if he felt it would hurt his client. Crazy, but true (pun intended)

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

I'm just now watching NG that I tivo'd. I love the way Pat Brown calls the Ants a "crime family." We can kill one of our own, but we'll take care of it, and nobody else better intrude on our business! Also the recap of questions George wouldn't answer in depo: 1. about the pool ladder, and 2. about the last time he saw Caylee. I am positive he lied about both of these (yes, there was a script, but Cindy wrote it, not Zanny!!) And JMo, I really think that is an important linkage you figured out - I think LE reads here, but just in case, email the prosecutor!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

How would I email the prosecutor?

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

I'm not sure; trying to find an email address now. If all else fails, we can call Leonard Padilla! I'm sure one of the great detectives on this site can find that email, though/

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I just found Linda Burdicks email. It is in some court documents that have email conversations between her and Baez that I had never seen before. Yikes. Well, I guess we will wait and see if she responds. It will probably go right to her junk mail, lol.

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

She may not respond, but I bet she will read it. We'll know when they bring it up in the trial! I'm glad you emailed her. If it is one more piece of evidence that puts the bitch on death row, I will be so happy!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

OMG, you guys are NOT going to believe this! I chanced it and called Leonard Padilla. He ANSWERED THE PHONE! It was spooky. Anyway, I gave him the information and he said that he would 'check it out'. Can you believe it....wow, we all will be famous on this site (well at least in our own minds) if he mentions it at trial or on NG. I told him to Google Map 8950 near the ANTS Home and he will find 8950 Hopespring drive. Oooooh, almost chilling. Wouldn't that be key if Lee admits to that being the way he figured it out and told DC or if that was the way that DC figured it out? Everyone keep a close ear for that information. LP said he had never heard of it before. He thanked me for the information.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

JMO- That is so cool! I tried to post the email addy for the state attorney's office in Tallahassee & my post disappeared twice. Maybe hub pages picked it up as spam. If he ever calls you back, please ask him as many questions as you can.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Hopefully he has caller ID. I didnt leave any information. He was sort of a grump on the phone, just like in real life. Oh well. Also I called the Anthony's the ANTS and he didn't seem to mind.

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, I knew Leonard would talk to you. He is a wonderful, accessible man. And he cares deeply about this case. I think he talks to Nick Savage (FBI) at least weekly about the case. (And you're excited, you mean 8905 Suburban Drive.) You are definitely the only one to figure that out, of the million plus folks who are following this case.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Something to make you all have a good laugh amid these child killings........... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30217529/?GT1=43001

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

Bravo, JMo! Very cool :) Watch out Crazy, JMo is onto you!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Yeah, I meant 8-9-05. I called one of my friends (who thinks im crazy for keeping up with this mess) and she said, hmm, that's nice. LOL, she could care less. Anyway, it will probably be chalked up to another of those 'casey codes'. Linda Burdicks email came back as Blocked by Orange County.

losingit says: 5 weeks ago

OMG Jmo! You're my famous hero tonight. Great job.

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, I think it is a critical piece of evidence. The Ants are saying that Caylee was put there after Casey was in prison. If Casey was using code to say exactly where Caylee was, she was obviously the one who put her there. Remember Cindy saying "she's telling you where she is, but not exactly where she is."?

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Detectives Track Casey Anthony Sleep Patterns, Travel http://www.wftv.com/news/19179078/detail.html

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Good point Marie. I think they pretty much have this little spoiled psycho all figured out. She can play stubborn and rightgeous all she wants. She got away with that behavior all her life with cindy and george but it won't work now. Too bad they didn't prepare her for adulthood, other than forcing her to have an unwanted baby! I really think they are thinking that the DP will scare her back into a confession. If Baezhole would at least be honest with her about all the things they have on her, I bet she would think twice! Him and the ANTS seem very concerned about pampering her and not making her angry at them. WTF????

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

Yes, Casey seems to have this Svengali effect on everyone around her. Leonard never fell for it, and that's why the Ants hated him from the start, even though he bailed her out of jail.

Nordie says:

5 weeks ago

way to go JMo Night shipmates

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

I don't even think the posters at web sleuths caught on to that. If they had they would have called Padilla. Latest News from WFTV: When Baez visited Casey on Monday it was the first time he had been there in a week. State adds the female officer that was with deputy Cain in August when he answered R. Kronk's call to their witness list. This is the first I have heard that there was another officer involved. http://www.wftv.com/news/19179078/detail.html# Scroll down & read or watch video of what legal analyst Bill Sheaffer told Kathi Belich today. New Florida law gives the state more power to seek the death penalty against parents that kill their children. If convicted Casey could be the first person sentenced to death under the new law. Bill Sheaffer says prosecutors usually make the decision once they have all the evidence. He says this could mean the FBI is about done with all of it's work on the case. He also said "It's a strong case. It's a circumstantial evidence case." Sheaffer believes the defense should think about a plea. I love this guy ! He tells it like it is. Baez needs to listen up before he sells his client down the river, all for the sake of money & fame. When she goes off to prison for life or death row, he will be long gone.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

She definitely had that effect on everyone. Go to that site and see all of her sleep patterns mapped out, along with her cell use. The jurors are going to be brain dead by the time this is all over.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

So true Jo. That guy is pretty level headed.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Jmo- Maybe you should still contact the state prosecutors office. Here are some phone numbers. Attorney General Bill McCollum in Tallahassee 850-414-3700 Orlando prosecutor's office 407-245-0893 Or you can google Florida State Prosecutors office. They have an email address for McCollum.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I think if they are going to fire Cain, then they need to fire others too....maybe the 911 callers who blew the whole thing off? I will try those numbers tomorrow and let you know what I find out.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

JMO- Can I say I knew you when? I think the FBI needs to hire you. Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

I'm reading through Byeass's request for phone records. In it it says that sometimes in the course of the defense's investigation it becomes necessary to obtain certain records in which it has a good faith basis of believing it will lead to admissible evidence. I don't know a lot about the law like I've said but it that really all that is required to have these peoples phone records supenoed? It that really all it's gonna take for Byeass to try to build a case around any of these innocent people?


JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Jo, you are too funny. Deb in Vegas, I hope not.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Here is an article about Nancy Grace, Casey and Melissa........it is crazy. Also,look at both of their eyes in these pics. Look the same, eh?

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

JMO- Is this the article you're talking about? http://www.examiner.com/x-7403-Tampa-Crime-Examine This is the part I love: While Nancy Grace was announcing breaking new documents, avid web searchers and Internet crime sleuths looked on with eyes wide open in disbelief, as they saw images, photos, and documents that had been circling the Internet for months. Photobucket and MySpace photo albums contained enough evidence to convict Casey Anthony before a jury of her Internet peers long before the FBI got their hands on them. The Tampa Crime Examiner also knows that internet bloggers know more than the Nancy Grace Show & the FBI. LMAO

JMo says:

5 weeks ago

Yep, that's the one. Also, I truly think there was someone else involved with the Cantu case. There is something this gal is not telling....perhaps protecting someone or someone threatened her little girl if she told. Something doesnt quite add up for me. Women take the fall for guys all the time AND they help commit crimes for men too. I can't wait to hear the facts. Her dad is already claiming that she is innocent.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Huckaby Swallowed Knife Blades Before Her Arrest!!! http://cbs13.com/crime/new.search.warrant.2.985293

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Yikes, that hurts thinking about it.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

One hell of a way to hide evidence, no wonder she was in the hospital.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Got this from another site: Congressman Alan Grayson representing the 8th district of flordia Fiscal year 2010 appropritions. Child is missing program (ACIM) to establish a Caylee Anthony Missing Child Program in Orlando 500 S.E. 17 St. Ft. Lauderdale 33316. $500,000. This funding will boister child and elderly safety programs by assisting law enforcement agencies in the FIRST FEW HOURS a child or elderly adult is reported missing via a telephony technology and satelite mapping system. ETC. Start writing your letter to your Congressmen and say no to this absurd Foundation. Or the tax payer will provide the Anthonys a living for life. His phone number in Washington is 202-225-2176. Do you as a tax payer want to support this Family financially. You bet I am upset this is ridiculous.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie- Where did you see that info? Are the Anthonys directly involved in that program?

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Jo, I saw it on Blinkoncrime.com. I also posted JMo fantastic discovery there as I know she has connections to LE. Also where I got the info on Macster attorney not being qualified to take over as lead chair for momster.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Jo, I know that Sindy has filed to have that foundation, so yes, it is the Ants attempt to live off Caylee. It is disguisting IMO.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

http://blinkoncrime.com/ yeah! rascal -- I love learning!!!!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie, I told you it was easy, I am so proud of you!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

It sounds like a foundation for money for the LE, not the ants. Am I not reading it right?

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

http://itsamysterytome.wordpress.com/2008/10/19/ci shows who signed for the foundation Like Oprah, this congressman is being fooled. There are lots of legit foundations already in existence.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Rascal, I'm might get carried away lolo Headed for a Homeless Board meeting.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie, I love teaching and I am really proud of you! Go for it and have fun posting links.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Wow, the whole fictitious signature thing.....now we know where Casey gets it from for sure. Remember how Cindy was "analyzing" Zanaida's handwriting. Maybe she thinks she is an expert? Or maybe she is more of a psycho bitch than her crazy daughter? Hmmm, I think I will pick door #2 Bob.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, this is one crazy family they think they are smarter then the average Bear! From the beginning they have covered up, hiding evidence. telling people to get off there ass to look for Caylee, never once did they look because they knew from the begging what had happened. Now they want to make money

off Caylees remains. This is one bunch of sickos.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Agreed! Well, looks like the Death Penalty is gonna cost us more! Why can't that Crazy Casey open her mouth and talk. I've never seen a more smug, narcissistic, ass in my life. Shame on G & C for raising her to be like that!!!!! http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/caylee-a

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, Actually they have no Shame, you half to have Morals to have Shame! They are lacking in MORALS and SHAME and how to tell the TRUTH!

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

I cut and pasted this directly from the Anthony's "Caylee is Missing" myspace page: Caylee Marie Foundation – The family is still in the progress of setting the foundation up, as soon as we have information for you we will post it on this site. George and Cindy continue to lend a helping hand to other families of missing children and they encourage everyone to do the same. Please continue spreading the word of those children still missing like Haliegh Cummings and Amber Dubois, the power of awareness can bring the power of positive results. Nordie is right, we should do whatever we can to block this. and their myspace page should be "Caylee was never missing, her mom murdered her!"

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Marie, You have that right!

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

The Caylee Marie Anthony foundation paper work was filed on October 14, 2008 yet there still is nothing official about this. I check their myspace page at least once a week for the updates on it. I think this {child is missing program} is something separate from their foundation, set up to assist LE with funding. I have done a few searches to find more info but some far I have been unsuccessful. Don't know where that poster at blink on crime's site got their info but I will keep looking.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Just found this link. Check it out. http://www.achildismissing.org/ This looks like the program that Congressman Allen Grayson was referring to. They assist law enforcement & a lot of states are involved with it. They also use the same acronym {ACIM}.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

This is a link I found a couple of months ago, this is a Teddy Bear that holds ashes. http://cbs13.com/crime/new.search.warrant.2.985293 This is a pic of the Memorial with a Teddy Bear that Sindy and George has sitting between them, they added a green T Shirt. they carried it up and kissed there hand and held there hand to the Teddy and set it down by Caylee's Picture. This is that they did with Caylee's ashes. And they all have jewelry with part of her ashes. http://cbs13.com/crime/new.search.warrant.2.985293

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Snipped this from Orlando Sentinel web site: U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson wants $500,000 from Congress to establish a missing child program in Orlando named in memory of Caylee Marie Anthony. If granted, the funds would be given to the Ft. Lauderdale-based "A Child is Missing" organization, which helps law-enforcement across the country search for missing children, elderly or disabled people. ACIM uses a rapid-response telephone system to alert communities when someone is missing. The nonprofit can place 1,000 calls in 60 seconds, can process multiple cases simultaneously, and works without jurisdictional boundaries. Grayson's request requires the money be spent in the 8th District, which includes Orange and Lake counties.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra Teddy Bear

Kate in MO says: 5 weeks ago

"a rapid response telephone system to alert communities when someone is missing"???????????????? Kind of ironic, isn't it? Why name THAT after Caylee?? Her mother doesn't believe in rapid response.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra This one is from memorial

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Kate, you are right it takes 31 days to call for help

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Looks like some of us pissed off Prophetess Debbie. Wonder how she knew that we were posters at this site. Any negative feed back from this wacko is all good. MODERATOR’S NOTE: All of you vindictive ghouls at hubpages.com/hub/The-details-CaseyAnthony-didnt-want-you-to-know are like American White Trash Madame LaFarges, sitting in front of your monitors, knitting a cheap sweater and waiting for the warm blood to splatter your excited, heinous faces as the guillotine drops on some stranger you have obsessed over. I will pray for all you blood-thirsty, bored sickos. I’m sure your ilk would have been rolling dice under the cross of our Savior, screaming for His death, too. It’s wrong — it’s shockingly wrong!

Snoopy9318 says: 5 weeks ago

Jo: I don't think we should bother quoting that idiot! I don't even go to her site! She's just stirring up the waters.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Shipmates, Lp now has the pics of the teddy and the memorial where the same teddy is setting, he actually called me back and asked me to forward them to him. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Jo, that would be me. Perhaps it was me letting her know that she was a mix of The Exercist, The Omen, with a touch of Nurse Ratched mixed in. Oopsy daisy................ Or was it that I let her know that she probobly was thinking that Sandra Cantu had it coming to her as well. Or was it that I brought to her attention that she uses the word "masterbation" way too much! Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Sorry Snoopy, but that woman gets on my last nerve. Steve- You were not the only one that got to her but your comments were the best. My comments are posted under "Frank". Not trying to hide anything as I'm not ashamed of what I had to say to her.When I first started posting on the internet, I posted a few comments at wordpress & used that name. And yes she did use that word way too much, for an alleged christian. I've decided that arguing with her is like battling with an unarmed person.

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

This is getting too wierd. That should read Psycho Debbie....there is nothing phrophetess about her except that she can vision her own stupidity. She will probably be the next person we hear about on death row with her satanic thoughts and bizarre behavior. Anyway, glad to see that LP was interested in the Teddy Bear. I gotta run for a while, taking a break for din din and a movie. I will check in later.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Missing-child program named after Caylee Anthony http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/missing-child-p

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Ok, I just wrote an email to [email protected] and said this: Mr. Grayson, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my thoughts on the fund for missing children in honor of Caylee Marie. I will never support anything that is connected to the Anthony's, period. I could list the reasons, but it would take all day. Another point is this: Caylee was NEVER MISSING! She was Murdered! You will have a lot more success with your project if you leave the Anthony's out of it. They are too busy lying to the police and the courts right now and devising more ways to profit from Caylee's name to do any good. I know of many people who will be writing to Congress to try and block this. Please take the time to explore this a little further before you become involved with people who are being investigated. We don't need any more corrupt politicians names in the news, due to who they chose to associate with!!!!!!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Great one JMo!!

Marie RN says: 5 weeks ago

You said that perfectly, JMo!

JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Well, I know from experience that a SURE FIRE way to get to a politician (besides the lining of their pockets) is to be an unhappy constituent! If he for one minute realizes that associating with the ANTS

will tarnish his reputation and decrease his chances for congress, then he will surely second guess it at least. Hopefully he has the common sense to think it through and know that his smoke and mirrors don't work on people who are paying attention.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Jmo- Thanks for that email address. I will email him also. I don't believe the Anthony family or anyone else will profit monetarily from this but it should be named after a child that is or was truly missing. Not a child that was never reported missing by their family or was murdered by a family member because people chose to live in the land of Denial. Why not name it after that poor little boy in South Florida named Adji Desir that hardly got any attention from the media? This child is still missing & so are many others whose families didn't wait 31 days to report it. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago


JMo says: 5 weeks ago

You guys crack me up! Jo, it would be great if we all wrote to him! You are right. It should be in the name of someone like that child, or since it is designated to the 8th district and to Florida, why not name the Foundation something more General?? Like: Beloved Children Foundation or Find A Child Foundation or something like that! Why give the ANTS or psycho chick any more attention than they have already received. Besides, they have already exploited Caylee with their speed boat. Wackos!

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

JMo- I just emailed him & repeated most of my post here. I added this last part to it. The Anthony case had gotten way more than it's fifteen minutes of fame & continues to do so on a daily basis. Let's be fair to these other children & give their cases the attention that the media didn't give them simply because their families have acted appropriately. I do not live in the state of Florida but I'm a Florida native & still have family there. Thank You in advance for taking the time to read this email. I'm sure my email is not the only one you have received in reference to this matter. I just sent a copy of the email to my daughter in Florida with a note to forward it to all of her friends.

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

Hi all. Soooo glad the ANTs are not getting any $$ from the "missing child" foundation if one is named for Caylee. I also agree that Grayson needs to not associate them with his program whatsoever, and there are plently of other kids who are/were really "missing" and not killed by their psycho mother! I am watching NG and she mentioned a report saying that Casey is becoming bulimic in jail in order to stay thin for trial (?!). Has anyone heard this before? Apparently people in the jail have heard/observed her throwing up all night after she pigs out on commisary junk food all day. Maybe this is also proof that all of this is finally getting to her and stressing her out in some way...she is stuck in a cell and the only thing she really has control over these days is her weight! Well, other than the mental control she has over her family..

Kate in MO says: 5 weeks ago

Maybe she's throwing up at the thought of the death penalty...

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

I'll take door number 2, she is sick to death over the thought of the DP. Pun intended. Snipped this from Orlando Sentinel: The attorney for Casey Anthony's parents released a statement today about prosecutors seeking the death penalty against the 23-year-old. "The State's decision to seek the death penalty will not change the support and love the Anthony's have for Casey. Casey Anthony, like all other defendants, is entitled to the presumption of innocence. If the State can overcome that presumption before a jury of 12 of Casey's peers, the Anthonys will then begin to deal with the potential sentence," Brad Conway said in an e-mail to the Orlando Sentinel. If the Anthony family ever learns to deal with anything, now that will be a bombshell.

Kate in MO says: 5 weeks ago


RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Kate, That is what it has been from the beginning, ENABLING and LIES

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

LOL - Maybe...but "knowing" the arrogant little b****, I bet she still thinks she's getting off the DP scot-free! I wouldn't be surprised if she's doing it just to look good/skinny on tv. I don't mean to downplay eating disorders, they often affect otherwise 'normal' people - a friend of mine has battled anorexia for years and has said that it's more about control than vanity. But I still don't think Casey feels any sort of guilt or remorse and is cocky enough to think she will get away with murder - this could be just for vanity's sake in her case!

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

HA! "Support and Love" is definitely code for "Enabling and Lying"! Now I need a barf bag!!

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Or is Casey doing this for attention? She is not getting every ones attention in that cell. She sure did not have trouble stuffing her face for the 31 days Caylee was supposedly missing. Or when she was out of jail.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Maybe Bozo told Crazy he is not crazy about the extra pounds. I just got a mental picture of all those cheetos coming back up & it was not pretty.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Shipmates, no matter what you think of Oprah, please send her an e-mail not to have Ants on her program. "The Staff" of Oprah has written several times for folks to be nice, but people are just voicing their opinions and a whole lot of facts. Last count - 387 e-mails. https://www.oprah.com/ord/plugform.jsp?plugId=215

Kate in MO says: 5 weeks ago

EWWW, JO...thanks, Nordie, for that link. About the bulemia...MAYBE Bobo told her she's being called "Cheeto Butt" on the internet and it didn't sit well (pun intended).

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

It could be for attention, Rascal! We know she is an attention wh*re as well as a wh*re in general. Wouldn't it be funny if Bozo's fat a$$ self is telling her about her nickname - 'Cheeto Butt'? LMAO. Whatever it is, I'm glad that something is causing her to manifest some anxiety. Maybe she will come to her senses and tell the truth and take a plea deal instead of a risking a date with Ol' Sparky! One can dream...

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Bo Bo tell Casey that is funny, that is the Pot calling the Kettle Black, wonder if he ever looks at his Blubber in the mirror.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

does someone know how to e-mail wftv.com? They are always doing polls -- a suggestion for them -Should Congressman Grayson ask for funding for the Caylee Marie Foundation?

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie,I will see if I can find it, only found one for them to send alerts about news.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

PoopPoopress Debbie called me a name and I don't know what it means -- probably just as well.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie- I emailed the Oprah show the day that story came out. My comment was one of the 387 not so nice ones. I'm becoming queen of the emails because of this case. People will start to recognize my addy & send me right to file 13. Kate- You crack me up! Sorry about painting that awful mental pic. Veteran trial attorney says state's decision to seek the DP will mean that both the defense & prosecution will have to start over. This is going to be real spendy for both sides. The defense team will also have to make changes in their attorneys due to requirements to defend a case like this. Judge Strickland is DP qualified so he will most likely remain. Terrance Lenamom is still on the side lines to step in. http://www.cfnews13.com/News/Local/2009/4/14/death

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie, Jo found it here it is. Put attention to Kathi Belich http://www.wftv.com/contact/index.html losingit says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie, I just e-mailed Oprah. Bulimia now hey? Look for bruised scraped knuckles and even rounder puffy face. Bulimia without diet restriction will at best only maintain weight. She needs to stop the binging and instead start exercising in that cell. Does anyone remember that movie (I can only barely remember) where Bette

Midlar was kidnapped and used that time to exercise and workout until she had a body beautiful? If I was in Casey's situation (and I was sooooo sure I would be free soon), I would come out of their looking like a million bucks. Message to George and all the other loonies out there that are sending her money: You are killing her with kindness. Stop sending her money! She is barfing all your money down the loo. And, *wink* I would hate to see her choke all alone in the toilet while the guards slowly turn up their radios to block out the noise.

Kate in MO says: 5 weeks ago

Hey, maybe she's doing it so she'll get a "medical intervention" and get sent to a rehab clinic to wait for her trial...

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

omg Kate that is what I said to Jo about a hour ago, well I have news for her that is not going to fly. I also said maybe she thought the food was better there. Remember she does not like Bologna and slaw.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie- I doubt Prophetless Deb knows what it meant. What did she call you? Losingit- "She is barfing all your money down the loo". Too funny! If I was a guard there & didn't have a radio handy, I would start singing as loud as possible & have a mental block on CPR & the Heimlich maneuver.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

American White Trash Madame LaFarges - I know what American means, White means, Trash means, Madame means, but I don't know who LaFarges is? I tried to e-mail wftv about doing a poll on the Grayson money to the Ants foundation, but it wouldn't take it -- bummer.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

I wonder if the Ants see a red flag now? Incredible, in Sindy's interviews she always talks about red flags. Maybe when this is over she can get a job with the county being a flagman (oh, my, my brain thought of lots of things other than flagman, but I'll be nice lol)

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

LOL! You guys are funny :) Nordie, I think Debbie may mean Madame DeFarge? She is a character in Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities" known for being very bloodthirsty. Yay for my college lit classes finally coming in handy! haha

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

thanks numa -- I was taking journalism and should have been taking lit -- lolo -- at least we're in print -lolo

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie, hmmm can not imagine what else would be red, LMAOROF I will be nice also. Besides if Sindy was holding a flag and told you to go, could you really trust her to go that way, I say hell no.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie- I didn't know who Madame LaFarges was either so I googled it. Lots of links for this loony tune that poisoned her husband. Don't know how that relates to us but Debs mind is a scary place. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9C0 I will try to email WFTV & see what happens.

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie, I wish I would've taken journo instead of lit! lol. oh well. Oh, Jo, there is a Madame Lefarge too?? Interesting...!

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Numarama- There is a Madame DeFarge who was a fictional character in the Tale of Two Cities & a Madame LaFarge that was tried in 1874 for murder. Nordie- Use this email addy: [email protected] I just emailed her & ask her to do a story on the ACIM program & if the Anthony Foundation would benefit. I also gave my opinion on the name that Congressman Grayson was planning on using. I also suggested that WFTV do a poll asking what the public thinks about this program & the Anthony possible involvement. Anyone that has time please email them. If they get enough emails then maybe they will consider it. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Ok, my take on the 'throwing up'........Casey may be pregnant. She could of 'easily' been impregnated by one of the guards. They certainly won't put a death penalty on a pregnant momma, now will they? or will they? Believe me, Casey thinks of everything!!! Besides, maybe the throwing up is from food poisoning. The people in the kitchen are probably getting tired of her bad mouthing the food and getting spoiled on commissary treats. Those people are vindictive, just like her. Hmmmm...no place like home, eh Casey?

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Jo, it's a great article -- she was accused of poisoning her husband, but come to find out, the amount of

poison found in her husband would not have been enough to kill him. The wrong question was asked? How interesting -- about "expert" testimony (of course, I enjoy reading "proper" English). Thanks, I saved a copy!!!!!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

thanks all for e-mailing Oprah. I will e-mail Grayson and wftv tomorrow. My nice warm bed is calling my name. Poor Madame LeFarge, maybe I'll dream about being her attorney and nailing that ole chemist's butt to the wall or making him bunk with cheeto-butt. Sweet dreams all. (Capn, you've not been sending some of your boys' favorite foods to momster have you?) losingit says: 5 weeks ago

Oh, Jmo, you think of everything. Pregnant- maybe? I like the food poisoning idea better though. When I read your post I had visions of the kitchen staff spitting in her food and doing other unspeakable things to it. Oh, dear. LOL JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Yes, I bet they make a special soup for her....tee heeeee. SadieSkye says: 5 weeks ago

I think Casey is puking for the buzz!! sounds crazy I know but my cousin was bulimic..she wud binge on a bunch of crap then stick her finger down her throat. I caught her a few times. When she finally got help she admtted that it gave her a sudden high and euphoric feeling and that was what she was addicted to she tried to say. she wud get sweaty and flushed afterwards and then had a strange sense of calm. It is a control mechanism used especially when ones life feels out of control. Plus it gives her something to focus on.. Crazy is really going crazy.... Oh Darn!!!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Shipmates -- if you want something to make you feel the best -- google Susan Boyle on Britians Idol and watch what happens. Even if you don't like that kind of music -- it is one of the most touching and beautiful things I have seen or heard in years!!!!! she's already received more than 11,000,000 hits on the you-tube -- watch the long one --- 7+minutes. Marie RN (at work) says: 5 weeks ago

Working an extra shift tonight! Nordie, I agree, Susan Boyles sings like an angel! It just goes to show that evil has a pretty face (Casey), but we can often overlook the truly beautiful if we focus on the outside...

I think Casey's throwing up is a control issue (she loves control, and doesn't have a lot of it lately) and a vanity issue.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Marie, yes, beauty is within. This Susan Boyles is so gentile, her throwing kisses, little curtsies, and wow what a voice. momster is trying again to be in control, she misses the attention, etc. She is just plain disgusting. Now I'm going to bed -- think I will dream a dream. Be safe. Does Jigsaw loose his chin whiskers? Still have him as my screen saver. Makes me smile. losingit says: 5 weeks ago

Susan Boyles was on the news here last night. The pretty young girls in the audience were rolling their eyes and laughing at her. When she started singing everyone there rose to their feet and went crazy. She absolutely sings like an angel. Simon wants to immediately sign her to a record deal. Watching that last night was the highlight of my day. Amazing.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Good Morning Shipmates, Nordie I have been at a young age never judge a book by it's cover, that is what the audience did until Susan Boyle opened her mouth to sing. What a joy to listen to her, a voice like a Angel. I wish her the best, and I love her sense of humor. Now we have Mobster, I would not call her beautiful, but look what she has done with her life. Her dad called her beautiful but she is the devil in disguise. When a person acts the way Mobster does only caring for herself, and the hell with others there is not one drop of beauty there. God teaches us to treat others as we want to be treated. She truly forgot that lesson. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Huckaby is now claiming "it was an accident". Hmmmm, how do you 'accidently' rape an 8 yr old, how do you "accidently" stuff her in a suitcase and throw her in an irrigation pond. These people make me SICK! Also, weirder than weird. There is a Melissa Huckaby who is 28 and a Sunday School teacher that lives

14 miles away. She has been targeted by people and is getting death threats and so have her 3 kids. WTF is wrong with people????

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

What It's Really Like on Florida's Death Row! http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/what-it%e2%80%9 JMo says: 5 weeks ago

In news this morning: Dominic Casey never paid by Baez or the Anthonys. However, In December, Caylee's remains were found in the wooded area where Dominic Casey searched. The defense is expected to use D. Casey's search to prove that Caylee's remains were placed there after Casey Anthony was already in jail. Hmmm...lets see now, Baez is calling Dominic a liar in regard to telling him not to call 911, and Baez is calling Dominic a liar about working for him, and Baez is calling Dominic a liar about who told Dominic where the body was...yet there supposedly was no body???? Door # 1: So, does this lead you to believe that the Psychic (who is so smart) actually knew where someone was going to dump the body "before" it was even dumped there? WoW! (making one think it was dumped there while Casey was locked up) OR???????? Door #2: Or was there a body there and Dominic just didn't find it? (making one think that Casey already dumped her there) So which is it Dumbass Baezhole? The guy is a complete fool! It has to be one way or the other! Hmmmmm. now, lets use logic. I think I will go for door #2. Casey murdered Caylee and dumped her like trash! Period. What a bunch of phlooey! They need to kick him in the Baezhole! lol. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Excellent article written by OJ Prosecutor in regard to Melissa Huckaby. It is a Must Read.

http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/200 It puts things in perspective. losingit says: 5 weeks ago

I'll take door #2, with a but. The but being that Zanny wore Casey's shoes and put Caylee there. Casey has described Zanny as her size, same (ish) hair, etc. So even if there is a witness, Bobo can just say it was the perfect 10 Nanny (who looks exactly like Casey). Whatever. In regards to Melissa Huckaby, I am having a very hard time understanding all this. It makes no sense to me.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

JMo - thanks for the link. I'm not a Clark fan, but it was well written, except women do rape boys, this is so incomprehensible because a woman (using term loosely) raped a girl.

Snoopy9318 says: 5 weeks ago

Wow! Another fascinating day, eh? Does anyone think that Baez is puposefully telling Crazy NOT to take a deal if offered? Do you think he lied about a deal and that's why Crazy wrote that she wouldn't take a deal on her affadavit? Things that make me go... Hmmmmm....

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Snoppy, I think you are probably right -- he is so ignorant. But according to the laws in most state, I don't know about Florida, the attorney is suppose to discuss all such things with the client. Remember when the Judge kept asking Bozo if he had discussed "whatever it was" with his client? He asked him about 3 times. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Yep, I bet he goes in there and feeds her a line of crap to make himself look good so she won't fire him.

I imagine their conversations go something like this: Casey: What's the news today lover? Baez: Nothing cupcake, the public is on your side and your parents are giving it their all! You'll be out of here in no time, just be patient with me. Casey: Great! You are doing a wonderful job protecting me! Baez: Wanna share some licorice? So, can you imagine if he told her the truth????????: Casey: So, what's the news today lover? Baez: Well Casey the public is ready to fry your ass for what you did to your daughter. You might as well admit it and get this over with. Besides, your parents are making fools of themselves and digging a deeper hole for everyone and might become your cell mates. Casey: But you are supposed to protect me and help me out of this mess I created. Baez: I'm trying, but I'm not real smart you know and eveybody knows you are guilty. I don't think I can keep trying to convince them you aren't. Casey: You are fired! Now, bring me my cheetos! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Yep, I bet he goes in there and feeds her a line of crap to make himself look good so she won't fire him. I imagine their conversations go something like this: Casey: What's the news today lover? Baez: Nothing cupcake, the public is on your side and your parents are giving it their all! You'll be out of here in no time, just be patient with me. Casey: Great! You are doing a wonderful job protecting me!

Baez: Wanna share some licorice? So, can you imagine if he told her the truth????????: Casey: So, what's the news today lover? Baez: Well Casey the public is ready to fry your ass for what you did to your daughter. You might as well admit it and get this over with. Besides, your parents are making fools of themselves and digging a deeper hole for everyone and might become your cell mates. Casey: But you are supposed to protect me and help me out of this mess I created. Baez: I'm trying, but I'm not real smart you know and eveybody knows you are guilty. I don't think I can keep trying to convince them you aren't. Casey: You are fired! Now, bring me my cheetos! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

The Psychic told me that would double post....I should of believed her huh?

Numarama says: 5 weeks ago

LMAO - JMo - you should really have warning labels (i.e. "do not read at work") on your 'conversations'. I think I just made a fairly loud snorting noise while reading that one. Hahahaha

Kate in MO says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, thanks for the article from the DailyBeast...this paragraph caught my eye... "It won’t really matter what the shrinks say, anyway. When both sides roll out the big guns, it’s always a draw. We just saw it happen in the trial of the finally convicted Phil Spector. The courtroom floor was virtually awash in the blood of warring experts, and the jurors, asked for their opinion of them, basically said “whatever.” Smart jurors know that anyone can hire an expert to say anything. So when the experts lock horns, jurors toss all of their testimony out the window. And in the end, what you’ve got left is what you always have in a jury trial: a popularity contest."

Uh-oh...looks like Cheeto Butt's in a pickle! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Snort Snort, lol. Well looks like Orlando Hillbilly CLANthony's are hiding stuff again! Latest scoop I read is that KidFinders purchased that land where Caylee was dumped! Personally, someone needs to burn down the CLANthony's home and make a memorial there....that is where their psychotic selfish daughter murdered that beautiful baby! What a beautiful memorial they had for precious little Sandra Cantu. Meanwhile, her killer is crying 'accident'! and her father is crying 'innocent'. Meanwhile, there is a youtube debate going on over Casey and the DP. Those that are against it would think different if it was their baby who was suffocated and plastic bagged and thrown in a dump! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

If that's the case Kate, then Baez loses the popularity contest. Oooops

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Men In Casey's Life Keep Money In Her Account. Looks like she purchased $65.00 in Junk Food, they better buy her a Bigger Toidy. http://www.wftv.com/news/19201566/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

The Memorial Service for Sandra Cantu was beautiful, and so many people there for Sandras family. Now see what happen's when you have you have a honest family with a loss. I hooe the Ants are watching this and the example this family set with there loss. God Bless Sandra and her Family. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Well, to me, that just shows the difference in the Cantu family and the CLANthony's! One family allows the police to do their job, and one doesn't. One honors the person murdered, and the other doesn't. One is thankful for everyones help, and one isn't. One is gracious and respectful, and one isn't. I could go on and on, but the CLANthony's could sure learn a lesson or two from a respectful family!

RascalBrat says:

5 weeks ago

Ant and respect, Not Ants and the Truth, NOT Ants Gracious, NOT Ants Honest, NOT Ants Hateful to other's YES Shall we go on why bother we know what they are like

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtkmsMokvbE To Sandra and her family Nite all - early to bed this day. Be blessed and stay blessed.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

According to WESH the state of Florida might have to help pay for CA defense: The cost of defending Casey Anthony could be in the millions, and taxpayers could foot some of the bill. Orlando criminal defense lawyer Richard Hornsby said Thursday this is the only way attorney Jose Baez will be able to hire the experts necessary to defend Anthony in what will be an expensive death penalty case."I think the taxpayers are going to get stuck with paying for his costs," Hornsby said. Hornsby said Baez has a legal right to argue the state should pay for a chunk of Anthony's defense fees. Florida's Justice Administrative Commission has a set expert witness fee schedule. Defense experts would have to accept a set fee, do it for free or leave the so-called dream team that Baez has been assembling. For this to happen, the court would have to declare Anthony indigent. Baez would have to disclose his current funding sources and sign a 20-page contract agreeing to the commission's guidelines.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Now I wonder how many will say no way Jose, I am not working for that kind of fee. Maybe the Ream Team will take a hike on the road to no where.

jo1031 says:

5 weeks ago

Thousands attend Sandra Cantu Memorial. This link also has video of the service. http://cbs5.com/crime/sandra.cantu.memorial.2.9864 i bet Windy is out in the back yard with her hammer tonight. The Cantu family had a couple thousand more mourners attending their service than the Ants.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Jo, And The Cantu family is not wearing Sandra, as Jewlery, and they did not stuff her ashes in a Teddy Bear.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Rascal- I bet most of the ream team laced up their hiking boots, grabbed their backpacks & water bottles when Bozo broke the news to them that he might have to consider that option. I think that Linda Kinney Baden will stay though. She will make her money after the trial by writing another book. Caylee Anthony will also become her cash register too.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Local 6 News story on Dominic Casey & Baez: Dominic Casey claimed that Baez told him not to tell anyone if he found Caylee's body. Baez denied the claim."That is a ridiculous assertion," Baez said. Casey is also entangled in the civil case against Anthony. Lawyers representing Zenaida Gonzalez have asked a judge to find Casey in contempt of court for failing to show up for a deposition. Casey told investigators that Baez contracted him to help look for Caylee less than two weeks after the

toddler was reported missing. A spokeswoman for Baez said the defense never paid Casey for his services. Casey's colleague, Jim Hoover, said Baez & Casey parted ways over a money issue. "He and Mr. Baez had had a run-in, or a blow-out, or whatever. He stopped working for him, I guess sometime in September or October over the money issue," Hoover said.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

The National Enquirer reveals new evidence that positively links CA to the wooded site where Caylee's body was found & it was discovered on her shoes. "Prosecutors told me, 'We've definitely got her. We have proof putting her at the scene where Caylee's body was found,'" a source close to the investigation told the magazine. "It's really damning evidence, and it will put Casey in prison, probably for life." Other sources told the magazine that the evidence comes from the soles of a pair of women's black shoes and a pair of women's black boots. Cops found the footwear in the back seat of Casey's abandoned car. Police gathered soil, insect and plant evidence from the muddy site where little Caylee's remains were recovered. They sent those site samples, along with both pairs of footwear, to FB I labs for analysis. "Cops are keeping quiet about what they've got, but I understand they have discovered soil from where they believe Casey disposed of Caylee's body and Caylee's DNA on the soles of those shoes," said the source. "This proves that Casey was at the scene where Caylee's body was disposed. The test results are the end of Casey's chances to avoid conviction." linn says: 5 weeks ago

Beautiful service for little sandra. Over 3,000 people showed up for it. I wonder if that was partly because all were welcome, and there was no "list" for those not welcome? I noticed a text message during the service that said "this is how a child memorial service should be. No blaming, no coding.. those are not the exact words, but it was obviously referring to the Ants service. Also, the Aunt that spoke. So sad. I noticed as did my daughter, that Mike Galanos eyes were watery and sort of red. I know mine were. Also, the Aunt spent close to 5 minutes thanking every single person she could. The police, people who searched, people who handed out flyers, the school, I think I even heard Coast Guard. I mean, she even apologized if she forgot anyone, yet she thanked everyone! The Ants thanked nobody. Just hints at blame. It was so sad to see Sandra's beautiful service, compared to poor little Caylee's joke of a service that was not for her, but for her murdering s-o-b mother. Even though Sandra was not found alive, and suffered I am sure a horrible death, the family still thanked everyone for searching. Even though usually after just hours, they usually are looking for a body. The difference in these two services was like night and day. Or should I say Good and Evil? Made me, if possible, hate the Ants-Crazy even more. _____________________________________________________ OK, did anyone watch NG? All the garbage on the table at the police? LOL.. They are the "Force" out to get her. However, what I remember about the garbage in the car was this. She had taken that garbage

from Tony L. house! did anyone notice the BOLOGNA package? LOL.. NG seemed to have forgot that fact too as she did not mention that this was not Casey's garbage, but from Tony's house. I remember him saying he had no clue why she took his trash. Well, I do. She wanted it in the car to try to stink it up to cover up the other smell. Like soda cans would smell? Or empty Stoffers packages? I SOOOO wish I could have called in to say remember, she STOLE the trash from Tony! She is a nut and if they do not charge Sindy with something I will scream! She is true witch! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Jo, that is the article i responded to earlier. Baez is just a LIAR. Hmmm...lets see now, Baez is calling Dominic a liar in regard to telling him not to call 911, and Baez is calling Dominic a liar about working for him, and Baez is calling Dominic a liar about who told Dominic where the body was...yet there supposedly was no body???? Door # 1: So, does this lead you to believe that the Psychic (who is so smart) actually knew where someone was going to dump the body "before" it was even dumped there? WoW! (making one think it was dumped there while Casey was locked up) OR???????? Door #2: Or was there a body there and Dominic just didn't find it? (making one think that Casey already dumped her there) So which is it Dumbass Baezhole? The guy is a complete fool! It has to be one way or the other! Hmmmmm. now, lets use logic. I think I will go for door #2. Casey murdered Caylee and dumped her like trash! Period. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Looks like all 3 of our minds were responding to something, eh? Well, I am not one for believing the National Intruder, but I sure hope that they have good info. I wouldn't want someone to blow it for the case though. I want that bitch convicted! if its true, she will say that Nanny (the '10') and her are the same shoe size. Hell, even Nanny's kid and Caylee shared everything. Nanny bought two of everything so she could provide for Caylee too, so it stands to reason that she dressed like Casey, looked like Casey (except she was taller which Casey wanted to be) and she straightened her hair like Casey and probably owned those boots and shoes in the trunk of Casey's car. I remember back when they found stuff on Casey's pants in her closet that showed under the florescent

(or special lights). I still think it is traces of chloroform chemicals at different times she put Caylee to sleep so she could party. It just didn't wash out and the clothes were in the closet. I think Caylees body fluids are on some of her clothes too. Maybe they even found traces on some of Caylees clothes in the house? This was Sooooooooo premeditated. Even if she was psycho when she planned it, killed her and drove around with her, I think she knew what she did when she bagged her and buried her in that dump area and partied for 30 days. She won't be able to plead insanity to get out of the DP for that very reason and the prosecution knows it.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

JMo- This sentence is what caught my eye in that story from local 6. Dominic Casey claimed that Baez told him not to tell anyone if he found Caylee's body. That statement is a heck of a lot different from what was originally said. I believe the way I heard it was "call me first before you call 911." If Baez said what Dominic Casey now claims he did, couldn't that cause him more problems with LE & the state bar? Or maybe I'm reading more into it than I should. But I wouldn't trust the ream team as far as I could throw them. What if there is more to that statement & that is what DC told LE in his sworn interview when the audio was stopped. losingit says: 5 weeks ago

I hate to say this, but dirt on the shoes only proves that the shoes were there. Can't they just say Casey had left those shoes at Zanny's and they weren't in the car before it was abandoned. The Enquirer states that Caylee's DNA was on the soles of the shoes. Hopefully Casey's and only Casey's was inside the shoe. I guess too that there would only be Casey's prints on them. Fingers crossed. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Losing it, I will certainly keep my fingers crossed. yeah Jo, that crossed my mind too because those are two totally different statements and I heard them both also. So, now who is lying? What about CAYLEE????? JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I can hear Baezhole now in regard to the shoes: If they don't fit, you must acquit! ROTFLMAO!

We all know they will fit and I'm sure there are pictures somewhere of her with them on. No wonder they were collecting all the pictures, lol. They can't test a Nanny's DNA, because there is no nanny....oh wait, I forgot that the Nanny is really Jesse or Amy, lol. Maybe their DNA is inside the shoes? This just gets more stupid by the moment. I feel sorry for the prosecutors having to deal with this BS on a daily basis! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

This just in: Oprah spokesperson says ‘no money is changing hands’ for George and Cindy Anthony interview A spokesperson for the show told Hal Boedeker of the Orlando Sentinel, “In terms of compensation, I can state unequivocally that no money is changing hands as part of this appearance.” MAYBE not, but I bet the old CLANthony's are gonna "have the money deposited in the KidFinders fund".....hmmmm, what do you want to bet???? People are so full of shit when they try and fool everyone with words! Boo Hoo poor George and Cindy!

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

I can just see the ream team saying that those were Jesse's shoes. The shoes that I saw in the evidence photos of items found in CA's closet look to be a size 5 or 6. Not many people wear those sizes. Chances of Amy wearing that size shoe are somewhere between slim & none. Maybe they can say they belong to Timer 55. I bet the prosecutor's office has a dart board with Baez's picture on it for the days that he is particularly aggravating. Like the last time they were in court & the state attorney lost his cool. That sure beats taking a hammer out in your backyard & beating the crap out of a defenseless object. I think they also get a lot of laughs out of some of his shenanigans. I know I do. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Also in tonight: Men In Casey's Life Keep Money In Her Account ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Casey's jail account is staying full thanks to two men in her life. One benefactor, Michael Kelley from San Diego, sends Casey $25 almost every week. George Anthony also deposited $100 in Casey's account on Monday. She spent nearly $65 on food,

toiletries and snacks. Casey's account balance is around $500. Alright, I have to know who Michael Kelly is??????????? JMo says: 5 weeks ago

LOL, yeah, Cindy and that damn hammer! Makes you wonder what else she has done! Maybe she hit Casey one too many times in the head with it!

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

JMo- After I read that story about CA & her jail account, I looked up Michael Kelley in San Diego at whitepages.com & found quite a few. I also googled the name with San Diego & found an attorney & some strange looking guy on facebook. Whoever it is they can't be wrapped to tight. Just another one of those sickos fixated on a sociopath killer. Probably thinks she is 100% innocent. Cindy's hammer, verbal abuse, & domineering personality would be enough to drive anyone over the edge. Kinda makes me think that there might be something to the story about the mercy killing. Cindy makes mommy dearest Betty Davis look like mother of the year. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

LOL, you crack me up. I wonder if there were any wire hangers in that house??? Ya know, I would love to hear Casey and Lee's reports of how Cindy really treated them! Cindy: Sweetheart, now we don't talk about mommys problems outside the family circle! Whack! Whack! Is that completely understood sweetheart? Choke...Choke. Run, Casey, Run!!!!!! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Just for the record, I want to say that I don't think this is melissa huckaby's first rodeo! You don't jump from good mommy, christian, sunday school teacher, neighbor to next day a kidnapping raping murderer of an 8 year old girl. I truly believe she has had this behavior before and the desire became stronger and stronger till she actually killed someone. Sad, but it happens that way sometimes.

Wednesday Morning says: 5 weeks ago

Captain Steve, Thank you soooooooo much for the nice gift to my daughter! You're awesome!!! She

put the pants on right away & was going on & on about how comfortable they are all evening. My 13 year old son felt them & was like "umm, hey mom....Can you pick me up a pair of those?" LOL We we're dying laughing because he's like Mr. Macho dude who plays football & rides dirtbike & there's nothing "girly" that he would ever touch. (He thinks he's wayyyyyyyy cooler than the rest of the world) So of course my husband was like "aawwww Cam, do you want her to get you a tu-tu as well?" LOL So thank you Captain! You made her day! & you gave the rest of us a laugh at Cam's expense! He's so cocky though, he can handle it. :-) Have a good day all! CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Wednesday, you are very welcome! My 2nd grader had career week last month and I spoke to his class. I brought each girl one of those pants and every guy (7 and 8 year olds) wanted them as well. Cam, you are not alone. I think I damaged my 10 year old forever since I told the story that when he was 2 I used him as my fit model on size toddler and needless to say, his little bro and his class got such a kick out of that one that everyone started laughing! Hopefully therapy will help him if the damage is too deep. LOL. HAPPY FRIDAY to you and everyone. Today they both start guitar lessons and tomorrow is opening day for baseball.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Now about the boots that were found in Casey's car, if the dirt matches as they say. There will also be DNA on the inside of the Boots also maybe, Decomposition liquids on the outside.

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Snipped from the Orlando Sentinel: Orange Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland permitted a California attorney - who is on Casey Anthony's defense team - to practice law here once he pays filing fees with the Florida Bar, according to paperwork filed today in court. Todd Macaluso joined the Casey Anthony team last month. He told reporters on March 2 that he excels at cross-examining technical experts. Looks like Judge Strickland is going to allow this guy to remain on the team, even though he is under investigation by the California bar association. He could be disbarred before this trial ever starts. But he does fit right in with the ream team & their client. Liar, thief & clown.

No one could write a fiction novel that is as bizarre as this case.

Snoopy9318 says: 5 weeks ago

What frustrates me, is that I, along with millions of other Americans have been without work, am NOT on welfare, scraping to make ends meet until I can get a job, behind on my bills after losing my job to downsizing, and don't even have $10.00 to my name, much less $500.00!! What the heck?!! How can these people donate to a killer in prison under these economic times. If they want to do something altruistic, why not give their money to people that really do need it and don't have a foundation to live off of for the rest of their lives?!! Sorry about the rant! Just my opinion. losingit says: 5 weeks ago

I understand Snoopy. It just doesn't make sense. This one guy sending her $25.00 every week? He is probably only earning a modest income, so why waste money so foolishly? Where does the money come from that George gives her? It's insane that she has $500.00. But, it's more money than she has probably ever had and it must make her very sad that she can only buy candy with it. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Snoopy, do NOT let it frustrate you. Let's not put our heads on idiots shoulders. Just take a deep breath and keep to our montra... as long as she stays behind bars away from society as long as she still has a breath in her, who cares who is sending what to the momster. Let her feast all day and all night on the "all you can eat cheeto buffet!" I want to see that picture in 2 years of her weighing in at a plump 215 lbs. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Snoopy, I'm sorry for your situation. There are a lot of us in the same boat. Hang in there. However, you will be happy to know this..... When I was reading stuff about the Zenaida Gonzales case, it said that if Zenaida wins her suit, the money in Casey's account MUST go towards paying her! Somehow that is the law. Anyway, I guess I wonder if the Michael is an attorney in Calif. (who there is one there) and could be sending the money from someone else who is funneling it through him? Perhaps the person that Casey called in California to say, I have something important to tell you, blah blah.? It could be that guy....I'm sure he is hiding behind this Michael Kelley though to do it. It will be interesting to find out, if we ever do. Either way, someone is a freak and as far as Im concerned they might as well be paying the Devil when they send money to Casey. Hmmmm....ever think it is payment for her to keep her mouth shut??? Now that would be the best theory of all.

Hush money with promises of more when she gets out? ROTFLMFAO...ha ha, when she gets out. I'm killing it, lol...casey getting out...now that's funny. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I don't get the Malusco thing, at all!

Snoopy9318 says: 5 weeks ago

Thank you all for helping me put some perspective on this. All of you are right... at least she's in jail, she can't have much fun with the money and Zanny will hopefully get anything left! Sorry about the pity party. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Todays Latest: (brace yourself) Jose Baez says there are forces ‘out to get’ Casey Anthony!!!! Casey’s attorney, Jose Baez said, “She is fully aware that this was a strong possibility. She’s aware of the forces that are out to get her. If they think that this is going to make her plea, they’re sadly mistaken. They’ve been trying to intimidate Casey Anthony from day one and it didn’t work then, and it’s not going to work now.” “Will it affect the trial? Yes, it may delay it. It certainly will make the costs to the taxpayers to the state of Florida at least triple,” said Baez. Baez continued, “It changes absolutely nothing. For people to be out there saying I’m going to be off the case or I’m going to be in the background, they really don’t know what they’re talking about.” __________ Really Baezhole??? The LAW doesn't know what it's talking about? I think Casey and Him are two of a kind for sure. Is her flippant attitude rubbing off on him? Casey, give Baez another blowjob or 2, so he can clear his head on this one! (sorry). JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Oh, here is the link to that rediculous story! http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Baez is more of an IDIOT than I ever imagined. It makes me want to sing that song...You and Me against the world!

Here is one version (that seems fitting): You and me in this worldThey do their best to make us part ourselves, separate ourselvesAnd I know that it hurtsThey might troubling when I'm close to you I won't lose myselfThey don't have enoughTo make us tell I trustYeah it's you and me against the world'Cause you know that I've always been your girlAnd it's true I believeyou and me were meant to be against the worldagainst the worldIt's a town and a placeThere'sto stay forever nearThey don't have enoughTo make us tell I trustYeah yeah yeahIt's you and me against the world'Cause you know that I've always been your girlAnd it's true I believeyou and me were meant to be against the worldagainst the worldIt's you and me against the worldWe don't need their moneyWe don't need their wordsWe don't need what they have anymoreAnd it's you and me against the world'Cause you know that I've always been your girlAnd it's true I believeyou and me were meant to beYeah it's you and me against the world'Cause you know that I've always been your girlAnd it's true I believeyou and me were meant to beagainst the world _________________________ Here is another version that is also fitting: You and me against the worldSometimes it seems like you and me against the worldWhen all the others turn their backs and walked awayYou can count on me to stay Remember when the circus came to townHow you were frightened by the clownWasn't it nice to be around someone that you knewSomeone who was big and strong and looking out for You and me against the worldSometimes it seems like you and me against the worldAnd for all the times we've cried I always felt thatGod was on our side. And when one of us is goneAnd one of us is left to carry onThen remembering will have to doOur memories alone will get us throughThink about the days of me and youOf you and me against the world Life can be circusThey underpay and overwork usThough we seldom get our dueAnd when each day is throughI bring my tired body homeAnd look around for you You and me against the worldIt feels like you and me against the worldAnd for all the times we've criedI've always felt that God was on our sideAnd when one of us is goneAnd one is left alone to carry onThen remembering will have to doMemories alone will get us throughThink about the days of me and youYou and me against the world _________________________I can imagine them eating their licorice and playing this song on

Baezhole's laptop.Ok, everyone can go puke now.... JMo says: 5 weeks ago

My favorite part (besides the Circus Clown one) is: when I'm close to you I won't lose myself They don't have enough To make us tell I trust How much more true can it get? They are both disillusioned by their Extreme Ego's and Narcissism. The Judge really needs to step in here.

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

From what I just got on Bo Bo getting help from the State for her Ream Team, Bo Bo will half to disclose where the money has come from so far for her defense. Now I do not think he is about to do that, as he said that is no ones business. Ok, Bo Bo my feeling is I do not give a dam but then do not ask the Tax Payers to Pay her Dam Bills. Take your Ream Team and stick it where the Sun Does Not Shine along with your Bills!! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Ronald Cummings never went back to work after his daughter went missing. They finally replaced him today. I am not sure I could go back to work after something like that happened either! He was a crane operator, which I am sure takes 100% concentration, which I am sure he doesn't have at this point. I hope when he moved, he got a different job. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Melissa Huckaby's exhusband Johnny on TV today. I don't have sound, but would like to know what he said.... Can someone tell me what the written letters were about and what the child abduction/domestic violence was???? http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 ooooohhhh, if only I had sound...

Here is part of the report: On Friday, Johnny Huckaby, the ex-husband of Melissa Huckaby spoke to Good Morning America about his ex-wife. Melissa is charged with the abduction, rape, and killing of 8-year-old Sandra Cantu. Johnny said Melissa suffered from depression and took prescription medication for her emotional issues. He was asked about the recent images he has seen of Melissa and said when he saw her arraignment “the way she walked out there was not the person that I knew…. she was a person in somebody else’s body.”

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Tell us what you think! Send News 13 your comments to [email protected] . Please be sure to include your first name and home city then watch News 13. We may use your comment on air! I sent a email asking for a poll on the Anthony's being in charge of a Foundation, I hope everyone will join me in voicing there opinion. Do this for Caylee Please!!!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Jo - the Macster attorney is a civil attorney and is not qualified to be lead attorney. I think with all his problems he will not be here for the trial. Also, I understand he does have a retainer of some sort with momster, but Bozo didn't reveal that when asked by the judge. This is going to drive me insane, with all the semantics. Snoppy, stay encouraged. Capn -- hope the boys have as much fun tomorrow as you lolo (you sound like a kid yourself) lolo

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Reverend Richard Harris 61 yrs old from Florida, has been luring boys that play football for sex acts and child porn, for many years. what is in the dam water down there. They believe this has been going on for 40 years. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Oh my God! That is terrible. What a Bastard. Here is the story: http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/content/loc I guess I not only would want to know how he got away with it, but how did these parents not report it when their sons told them they knew what the guy was wanting? Also, why are kids so hungry for a sports career that they would let some creepy old man do things to them? Do you think he drugged them? How many of these fundaMENTALists are hiding behind religion out there. I think it is very scary. I think people are afraid for their safety if they report these creeps! It takes for something to happen. And thank goodness he was robbed....and what exactly was the Barber doing looking at 'stolen home video's for' ????? Seems that maybe he was hoping to see something too, if you ask me! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Reading about Huckaby. Seems she got custody due to his abuse, abducting their child and etoh problems. He was given supervised visits of 30 min. but instead.....He took off to Kansas and had 2 more kids. He apparently is trying to play the 'nice guy' on TV, but he knew she had problems and didn't seem to care. Court information says: Johnny Huckaby, who at some point moved to the Topeka, Kan., area, told ABC that he thought Melissa was "doing well" since their split and "making fairly good money." But their divorce filings paint a different picture, stating that Melissa was making $1,430 a month and collecting $237 in food stamps. As recently as February, court records show, Melissa Huckaby had made numerous attempts to collect child support from Johnny Huckaby, who had been ordered to pay $422 a month in child support. Now remarried with two other children, Johnny Huckaby told ABC he is seeking custody of their daughter, who he said is in a safe place and doing well. "She does not have any knowledge of the situation that's going on, which is best," he said. ________ Well, I for one, sure the hell don't think he needs custody of that child. Who knows what he is doing

with his new family and what he has done in the past. He may of really screwed this woman up....making her go without child support and then there is no telling what other kind of abuse he inflicted upon her. He may well be the one that pushed her to the edge of snapping? Sounds like a real prick if you ask me. Where do these people come from????? I'm glad I don't know them!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, one of the good things about living now is that children and teens are learning they are not the "guilty" person. Years ago, the youth thought it was their fault, and the parents thought it was their fault -- so many things never got reported. Now, people are less afraid to report, even when they get critized for not watching over their kids like people think they should. All of this abuse is not new unfortunately, it is only that we have access to what is happening around the world. Another good thing is that people like Johnny Huckaby and the Ants will be watched for a long time. It used to be people just moved, in today's world, moving means nothing as many can be found, except of course Zanny the nanny. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Nordie, I am a big kid. I love coaching and playing with kids. I got that from my best friend, my dad. He was the one that was president of the little league and would load up his car with a bunch of us to take us to ballgames, arenas, movies, bowling, 4th of July,etc. It makes me feel great to know that the parents first and foremost trust me 100% and there is not one part of me that would ever make them feel otherwise. They all want their kids (boys and girls) to be on my team and I would rather they call me by my name than coach. My ex would paint a different picture but everyone knows who tells the truth and who doesn't. I was the one who considered her 1st son my own for 10 years until her abuses caused him to go to his dad in Oregon. That is another story for another day. Reverand Harris, the next time you come to Ca. look me up so I can take good care of you. I have just the game that we can play. Back to N.G.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Capn - what a blessing you are. Little do you know, perhaps, that so many other kids are watching you and when they get older, they'll say, my "coach" taught me . . . CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Thanks!! Watching N.G. and the story of the family wiped out in a car wreck on Easter. Please let the person get caught!!!!!!!!!!! losingit says: 5 weeks ago

Oh dear, Captain. My daughter was controlling livingroon TV during NG. I'll have to watch it again later (car crash)- sounds sad.

I have heard nothing here about this football coach, but it's so sad that the person you trust, the person you drop your kids off with, would do something awful. I have way too much I want to say about this. I believe this sort of thing has been going on forever, but only now we are bringing it up. We now feel we have to talk about everything. I was in figure skating when I was little and thru my teens. My coach flirted with me everyday. If he had ever touched me I would have sliced his balls off with my blades. I was about eleven or twelve. I never told my Mom. If I had, she would have assumed I was being lazy and didn't want to go to lessons. It would not have helped my situation. Sometimes parents suck. Steve, you are a great Dad. and you have been so generous with so many people here. "May God bless you every day." There, I am passing on to you a blessing I was given a couple weeks ago. Pay it forward. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I can tell you from my own personal experience that when child hood molesting occurs and the person gets told on, NO ONE believes the kid. The blame gets turned around on to the child. Like in that story about the Reverend, one of the kids mom's got on him about being disrespectful to adults when he said he told on the Reverend and basically said he what he was after. If you have a good kid who can single out one person and say something bad, you need to believe them or at least investigate! Don't call your child a liar or make them feel shameful for what has happened. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Wanna hear some really bad judgment not only on the teachers part, but on all 4 parents parts???? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30268724 linn says: 5 weeks ago

My daughter used to say how mean I was for not letting her go out and do whatever at age 14. I admit I was not one for letting my kids go out past 9, lol, even my sons. YET, now they seem to know why as they are older. Especially since they have their own kids. I also admit to loving to tease my daughter by telling her when the baby is 14 you will let her go out until midnight, do whatever cause her friends are, let her be with boys at unsupervised parties and just tell her HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME DEAR! The look on her face almost makes up for those years with her. No kid sees you as being a loving, concerned parent UNTIL they have their own kids. I think my daughter did more than I know, maybe, as I was always one step ahead of her, but kids can still slip past you no matter how much you watch. I also think she remembers some of what she did that she thought was fine, and looks at Libby's little face and sees her doing what she did. Not so fine now, is it daughter? lol As for that nasty Rev.. a joke. He just calls himself a reverend and apparently people knew he was doing this for over FORTY YEARS! However as one man said, they thought he had stopped! My gosh!

Over 40 years, they knew, but did nothing. He apparently even tried to do this with some NFL's brother but he snatched the brother away. He only got caught because of a burgerly in his house where he had cameras that taped it? Am I right here? IOW's, was there an investigation on the burgerly and they found the tapes? I am stuck on that. How about the defense for Melissa Huckaby wanting to excume *sp little Sandras body for a second autopsy? SICKSICKSICK! They had their chance! Only good thing is, is apparently no one thinks the judge will allow this! Good gosh, she was buried just 2 days ago! What is up with Florida? Even the Rev is from there??

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Gonzales Attorneys Prepare for Anthony's On Oprah, Back to topic!!!! http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/gonzalez-attorn JMo says: 5 weeks ago

It doesn't matter who prepares the CLANthonys for Oprah or any other public display of their ignorance, they are going to do what ever the hell they want! Surely they learned their lesson from the depositions???? Gee Oprah, do the Ratings and Viewings mean that much to you? Sorry, but it exploits Caylee's death by people who could care less about her. Also, just to show that people (like the CLANthonys) can make money off of a memorial, even if they say they are not connected to it, read this out of todays news! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30267589

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

JMo - the attorneys are preparing a packet to send to Oprah about the Ants being such liars. Apparently, they are going to have this packet available to the public as well. Night all -- sweet dreams. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Ohhhhh, I gotcha now. Just got to look at the link. Good deal! I'm glad they are doing that. But even if their own lawyer CONway tells them to stay calm, you know they will go balistic the moment they are asked something they don't want to answer! (hint: just like Casey does). I mean exactly what is the show supposed to prove? We already know what happened and we know ANTS lies already, so whats the point? I say its $$$$$$ going to the Caylee Foundation. (not directly changing hands with the ANTS or whatever word game they are playing). Nothing is for free!! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I'm up late again. Here's the latest: (and I know you shipmates are gonna like this topic for sure). Casey Anthony: is Zanny the Nanny Xanax? http://www.examiner.com/x-7403-Tampa-Crime-Examine Although there is nothing new in the story that the shipmates already don't know, I just thought it interesting there was an article on the news tonight about it. Apparently the person who wrote it doen't know about Casey actually getting Zanax from her friend and wonders if G & C had prescrips for it......hmmm, next thing ya know, Casey will put the load on Cindy and say she stole it from her work for Casey. That would open a can of worms for sure. But then again, we know how Casey likes to twist everything into something suspensful and exciting. Deb in Vegas says: 5 weeks ago

JMo, I've decided to stay positive about the Opera show. I bet she's done her homework. I think she will make them feel real comfortable, give them enough room to hang themselves and then go for the kill. She will ask some tough questions I'm sure of it. Still thinking positive, I think the next document dump will have a smoking gun. It's still realistic to think that Casey's prints are on that tape. And God forbid maybe Caylee's prints will also be there on the edges trying to take the tape off of her mouth. Now I want to cry. Maybe the soil will match on her boots, and we still could get the toxicology results on the bones or hair. I think or I hope that the DA is coming with this whammie so Casey and the sceme team will consider making that deal. JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I'm positive that the Devil has plans for Casey and will give her that hot time she has been looking for, lol. I agree that Oprah will do a good job with them, but I think it is wrong to have them on there in the first place. I hope they make asses of themselves. Ya know, a lot will depend on Oprah's audience, so look out CLANthonys! Maybe some one will throw trash at them, lol. I wonder if they are going on there to

try and get sympathy for Casey, if so, it will be a disaster! Yes, I too hope there is matching dirt and there are fingerprints on something! They need to wrap up this circus and send it out of town! SadieSkye says: 5 weeks ago

I bet you the anta will walk off the Oprah set within 10 minutes of filming... Once they start to feel ganged up on in the slightest way they will exit for sure... OR...They will answer any uncomfortable ?? 's by saying that it will jeopardize Casey's case and getting a fair trial if they answer.. Oprahs gonna be annoyed that she even wasted her time cuz they arent gonna give up a morsel of new info. This is another publicity stunt to try and spread the word of caseys so called innocence. Just like they were trying to do when caylee was found.. This trip will take them to the windy city.Thank goodness the're not coming back to cali.. I dont think so... Damn I love that song.. lol CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

My opinion is that Oprah will be strong and like one of us. She has more to lose than to gain with this because let's face it, her school of girls is really a mess these days with what has happpend and she has to come off as someone who has the need and want to protect "the children" instead of enable. For some reason this is my reasoning.?? Alot can happen between now and then so let's see if they do the show. To me it can only hurt the ANTfarm and in no way help. You will have a 88% female audience all looking at them the same way we do. And as each question gets the spin or the we can't answer that the looks and comments from the peanut gallery are going to drive them nuts. Oh yeah, they already arrived at nutty blvd. along time ago!!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Good morning shipmates! I think momster's prints are on the duct tape. They never said her's weren't on there, just that the other Ants wasn't. Capn, I hope you and Deb are right about Oprah. If you are, Sadie is also right, they will probably walk off. Good luck with the boys today, Capn. Have fun! CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Thanks Nordie!! (any little ones that I can make smile?) A full day and night between baseball and my little ones birthday party tonight at a skating rink with 10 other rugrats. Wish me luck and then some more luck to go with that bag of luck. Beautiful day out here they say.... 90 degrees. In April I call that earthquake weather. Now I have done it for sure!! I hope everyone has a great Saturday. Except for you momster!! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

I think they are going on there 'solely' to gain the publics sympathy. They want to clear up lies, by

replacing them with their own set of lies. But the main reason I think they are doing this is because they know that the more people with knowledge of Casey will decrease her chance of getting a fair trial and it can get dismissed due to not being able to find one person untainted by their garbage. They are going to do everything in their power to get the message out there that the killer is someone else and to get people to feel sorry for them because of the way the public has treated them. Again, nothing but pure 'selfish motives'! They keep the circus atmosphere going and going and going. Being on Oprah gives them another stage to try and twist this mess up even more for the investigators. Why oh why is Judge Strickland not slapping a gag order on them? I really don't understand that. They are making a mockery out of the courts and legal system, and are being propositioned to share it with a huge TV audience. I have a suspicion that they are going to compare Casey's "alleged" charges and crime to those of Melissa Huckaby, etc. and make people see how tame Casey is compared to her. Anyway, the guests on those shows are given the questions before the show is even done. The answers will be all prepared. I also think it is a shame that they fight over answering questions to clear Zanaida because it will hurt Casey's criminal trial, but they will answer questions from someone else and not think it does damage? What fools they are! I really think that Oprah will send money to the KidsFinders in exchange for them being on the show. A million bucks in nothing to Oprah. It's money well spent for ratings and show sustainability. Anyway, I hope Oprah does ask them tough questions, but remember, they aren't under oath. They are only muddying the waters for Casey's trial. I wish we could know what she was going to ask them before hand, so we could all play a game of 'predict the answers' this next week. Hey, that might be a good game for us tomorrow during the Chili Party. LP might be there! (We're famous now, ya know).

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Good morning Shipmates, Sorry this is off Topic but want to post some hope for some of our shipmates. Floridia Food Stamp Calls Will No Longer Go To INDIA. Is our Goverement waking UP. http://www.wftv.com/news/19216068/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Here is what Casey will look like by the time she goes to trial! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago

Wouldnt it be real nice if once Windy Cindy and Gorgy Porgy are all nice and settled thinking that they got Oprah where they want her- the next thing you know Windy Cindy's mom and brother Rick come on stage? I can hear Oprah saying now::::::"and now for the real truth.................please welcome...............a big applause for the other side: the truth and reality"

RascalBrat says: 5 weeks ago

Carol, That would be great but it would turn into a Springer show if Oprah did that, I could see Sindy slinging chairs at them. I just hope Oprah gets to some questions that we all want to hear. I am positive it there are some tough questions the Ants will pull of the mikes and stomp off the stage, or just flat refuse to answer like they did in the depositions. They will defend Casey untill the Judge imposes the Death Penalty. losingit says: 5 weeks ago

Carol, That would be so awesome. LOL JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Since Cindy thought it was ok to call an Attorney a BASTARD during official deposition hearings, then she will find nothing wrong with calling Oprah a BITCH when things don't go her way! I hope to GOD that Oprah backhands her in the mouth if she does! Believe me, GEEorge and SINdy aren't changing themselves for no one! They are who they are and their behavior is what it is! I would LOVE to see the Securtiy Guards toss them both off the set when things get out of hand. They are already Defensive towards everyone and they are both just firecrackers waiting to POP! It should be entertaining at least, eh?

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago

Ahhhhhhhh the thing is they werent getting paid for the depo, and lets face it - "no money has exchanged hands" bull- what about direct deposit, or even "just drop the cash in the pocket Oprah" JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Actually, I bet this whole thing is in relation to the REAL ZANNY! You know, the one that SINdy has phone numbers and addresses for. The one that Casey and Caylee went on Vacation with for 2 weeks (but no pictures). The one that has a DOG that Caylee talked about (so Zanny must be real)! Sindy has certainly dug herself a hole and the more she talks, the deeper she gets. CONway really

needs to be a good attorney and advise his clients to STFU! But then again, he doesn't know what he is doing either!

CarambaCarol says: 5 weeks ago

You guys remember in the old movies how when the bad guys were lassoed into a big rope and then the good guys (LE) would wrap the rope around the bad guys. I keep picturing this happening to the CLOWNTHONYS.

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

there are always "licensing fees" for use of pictures or videos. I wouldn't be surprised if a donation to "Kidfinders" is made. Oh bother, what a mess!!

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

Rascal, Carol has a great idea for another pix! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

The public remains skeptical that Huckaby really did rape Sandra. So sad!!!!! http://www.examiner.com/a-1968187~Public_skeptical

Nordie says: 5 weeks ago

A moment of personal privilege -- I now have two, count 'em two, new great nieces, born today -Elizabeth and Evelyn. Everyone is fine!!! losingit says: 5 weeks ago

Congrats Nordie! April 18th is my brother's birthday too. I gave him the gift of a free babysitter for the evening. I have my nearly three years old nephew over. My normally spotless livingroom is strewn with toys, chicken Mcnuggets and sweet and sour sauce. Oh well. CAPN STEVE says: 5 weeks ago

Congrats Nordie!! Losingit, are you sure you didn't walk into my livingroom? Oh yeah, B-B-Q sauce would also be there next to the sweet and sour. Anyway, today went great at the ball field and now we are getting ready for a roller skating, pizza eating, carvel ice cream cake stuffing kinda evening. If I am not logged in tomorrow, send out an S.O.S. Hi Rascal. Be careful mates! JMo says: 5 weeks ago

Guy kills his 3 little kids, his wife and himself. Leaves 5 notes. Had psych issues! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30281727

jo1031 says: 5 weeks ago

Shoot Casey! Take a shot at Crazy & have fun while your doing it. http://www.pictogame.com/game.php?game=yYUdY2piuAP SadieSkye says: 5 weeks ago

OMG!!! The Casey shooting gallery is so fun!!! I actually feel a little better after that!!! works well!!! gets out your Casey animosity at least a smidgen... not much else can do that!!! Bravo to the creator!!! :)

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Good Morning Shipmates, I just seen this going down the road!!! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Morning mate's! Up late last night, target practice at Casey was a blast! Good one Jo. Rascal, that is too funny. Wonder who is driving, lol.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I bet Bo Bo is driving so he gets paid, what is the odds. I hit Casey 42 time's this morning, Yahooo JMo says:

4 weeks ago

Someone needs to do it with Cindy as a target with the song, Who's afraid of the Wicked Witch, playing in the background!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, I would like to hear her singing, I am in the Jail House now!!!! Loading my Glock getting ready for the game.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Wednesday, please make this part of our blog. http://www.pictogame.com/game.php?game=yYUdY2piuAP

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Bo Bo Defending Casey From The Forces!!! She Knows They Are Out To Get Her. Bo Bo you are such a Cry Baby. This was fun to make, make Bo Bo Cry. http://www.pictogame.com/en/play/game/Izeeqpclut8M

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Casey is it going to get warm for you!!! Sorry, Wednesday we were bored no news. http://www.pictogame.com/en/play/game/oS3RKa2WGjKo

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Give Cindy a well deserved fork in the a$$. The person that can toss her the furtherist gets to steer the ship tonight.


Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

please pray for my great nieces, Elizabeth and Evelyn. Headed to hospital.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Oh Nordie, I sure will pray for them. losingit says: 4 weeks ago

My thoughts are with you and the girls Nordie. I'm praying for them. Take care.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Orlando Sentinel's Mike Thomas weighs in on Casey Anthony case & the death penalty: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/orange/o Snipped this from his article: The threat of the death penalty is Lamar's best hope to force Casey into a plea deal that could spare his office a long and expensive trial, followed by a very bad outcome. Not only have prosecutors stacked the deck against her, they have added considerable time and cost to her defense. That may temper the enthusiasm of some of her defenders who obviously won't be getting paid their normal hourly wage. And Casey now has something new to think about: the image of being strapped down on a gurney, a jail nurse prepping her veins. Maybe that will make her squirm enough to end this freak show. If this is prosecutorial misconduct, then this one time I can look the other way. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Good one Jo. My favorite lines out of that article are: 1. Casey's defense team may be headed by José Baez, a not-ready-for-prime-time Kissimmee lawyer whom I wouldn't hire to defend my traffic ticket.

2. I imagine they will put the prosecution's trunk-sniffing machine — the one used to indicate the presence of a body in the car — on the witness stand and make a convincing case it can't sniff the difference between a cadaver, a rotten pizza or a bottle of Chanel No. 5. 3. And any number of expert witnesses could testify that it's typical for a woman who has lost a daughter to go into shock, forget the mystery nanny's name, grab a six-pack, call up the gang and put off notifying the cops for a month. LOL, that article cracked me up! But it was so true. Like I said, I think they are doing it to force her hand. Someone needs to get serious and stop the nonsense. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

I pondered this for a while and I have come up with momter's best defense. " I never had a daughter named Caylee." Besides that, I have nothing! If she does not take me up on this she is cooked!! I also love that the reports are she is doing the ol barf after eating diet plan. EWWWWWWWWWWWWW JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Who decides if the state taxpayers money should go to pay for skanks defense? If I lived in Florida, I would be livid! I say let those 'arrogant asses' of parents she has pay for it if they think she is so damn innocent!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, there was a review about death penalty and said that when the person is charged due to a family member reporting them (such as Cindy calling the cops on Casey) that it is likely the law will not allow it because it causes undue anguish on the family member who reported them. In other words. Cindy would suffer great harm from guilt (of calling the police) if Casey was executed, that it most likely will not go through. DARN!!! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

We can at least hope for life without parole, can't we?

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, Every taxpayer will be paying that includes all of us, the money comes from the Federal government. But Bo Bo will half to disclose where the money is going and there will be a set fee by the Court. Also Bo Bo will half to disclose where her money has come from so far in this case, including any pic or videos that have been sold. He will not be allowed to say it is no one's business!! He will really be shedding tears. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Oooohhhh. I thought it was State taxpayers money, since States decide individually if they have the death penalty or not. Colorado is trying to get it abolished because they say it costs the state money. I don't care really if she gets the DP or the life without parole. Just as long as she pays for what she has done. However, since her mind is gone then maybe she should be too! What a waste!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Jmo- #1 was my favorite. #3 was pretty good too but he should of elaborated a little more. Grab first available man & go to Blockbusters. Check out a few movies on Murder & kidnapping. Then head over to Target for a little shopping with OPM. I believe the court system decides if Momster is eligible for assistance with her defense fund. Is she really indigent if they got $250,00.00 for pictures & videos. How many people you know that made that much money last year? Phil Spector paid over $400,00.00 for experts to testify for him. The state doesn't pay that kind of money for so called experts. I can't see Baez disclosing anything because it might get him in further hot water with the bar association. Remember, he said he didn't sell any rights to pics, videos, & or future movie or book rights. Now if you believe that you might want to show up at my house for the Fourth of July because Santa Clause is going to be here. Brian Nichols ( Atlanta Courthouse killer) had a pro bono defense team but Fulton County had to assist them with money to pay for experts & psychiatrist to do several mental evaluations. Between that trial & the tornado that hit downtown, the county is broke & had to layoff a lot of county employees.

I think the court system decides if Casey is eligible for legal assistance. They will have to provide proof that she is indigent & doesn't have the money for a defense. That would mean that Baez will have to answer questions about how much they got for pics & videos. If they didn't get the money & the Ants did but gave it to the defense they will also have to disclose that. Those experts on the ream team will only get paid a pittance by the state compared to what they are use to charging.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Technically it is the state, but if the state is short they chop in to the money they get from the federal government, as of right now the state is short because so many house in foreclosure. They are not collecting the tax dollars from homeowners. So there for they will cut into the federal money.

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Well, then let all those idiots who think she is innocent pay for it! Surely she could cut back on her cheetos and hair tyes to chip in, lol. You have to admit that #2 is very sarcastic and ridiculous, not to mention impossible. Someone should do a cartoon of a machine setting in the witness chair, with a blindfold on it, conducting a sniff test! Now that would be F'n hilarious (if you ask me). Baez: Good morning Mr. Trunk Sniffer. Now you can't see, right? The blindfold is on good, right? Ok, now Ccan you tell me what this smells like? Is is rotting pizza or a dead body??? Machine: Uh, I smell BullShit!

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I crack myself up sometimes!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

JMO- I heard somewhere where they could actually attached her jail account. Don't know if that is true or not but I hope so. Cheeto butt might actually cry some real tears on that one. I think Dr. Lee will be the one to cross examine this sniff test machine with the blindfold. I can see it now, it will be mucho better than that ketchup exhibit in North Carolina. You crack me up! CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

I like the fact that Z.G. can be awarded the money that people are sending to momster for her jail account. Keep sending it in peeps, keep it coming!! That will get The ANTfarm to stop in a hurry don't ya think? JMo, your crackin me up as well. Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

I guess there's more than one way to get Byeass to tell where the gravy train comes from. Will Dr. Lee still want to testify for a much smaller paycheck? Will all the scheme team's experts still want to testify? Or do they have no choice at this point?

JMo says:

4 weeks ago

Here's a good song about Casey and Baez! Don't want your lo-o-o-o-ove anymore. Don't want your ki-i-i-i-isses, that's for sure. I die each time I hear this sound: Here he co-o-o-o-omes. That's CASEY's clown."I've gotta stand tall. You know a man can't crawl. But when he knows you tell LIES And he hears 'em passin' by, He's not a man at all.Don't want your lo-o-o-o-ove anymore. Don't want your ki-i-i-i-isses, that's for sure. I die each time I hear this sound: "Here he co-o-o-o-omes. That's CASEY's clown."When you see me shed a tear And you know that it's sincere, Don't ya think it's kinda sad

That you're treatin' me so bad, Or don't you even care?Don't want your lo-o-o-o-ove anymore. Don't want your ki-i-i-i-isses, that's for sure. I die each time I hear this sound: "Here he co-o-o-o-omes. That's CASEY's clown. That's CASEY's clown. That's CASEY's clown."

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Execute Casey? Not a chance---but might she cut a deal http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/execute-casey-n

Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago

Nordie: Thanks for the encouragement. Congrats on your new family members. What a blessing! Rascal: Here in Indiana, one of biggest manufacturers directs ALL of its technical calls to India! Half the time we couldn't understand what they were saying to us and vice versa! The best part of getting layed off from there was saying goodbye to that part!! LOL!!

Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago

By the way... I LOVE the games!! What a treat! :) Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Good afternoon all! Don't forget to e-mail the Oprah show. She did pull the Columbine story today as it focused too much on the killers. Meaning, she can pull the Ants segment as well. Also, don't forget to e-mail Congressman Grayson about naming $500,000 in Caylee's memory for missing children. Capn, are you stuffed with cake and ice cream from the weekend? Thanks everyone for the prayers for the little ones! Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Guess I got booted off -- having to sign in and no pix - hmmmm

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

not sure what happened, but I'm back :>) CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Nordie, put a fork in me cause I'm done! It is also about 95 degrees today so I am really not motivated at all. Except to dive in the pool of course.

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

OH BOY! This is gonna get good again....Roy Kronk REFUSES to hand over his phone records to Baezhole! Hmmmmmm..... what's up with that? http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200

JMo says:

4 weeks ago

John Morgan labels the start of interviewing and shows by George and Cindy as the "Anthony Alibi Tours". Now that is some funny she-ite!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Two women with ties to Ronald & Misty Cummings arrested for cocaine possession. One woman is the mother of Ron's 20 month old son. The other woman was with Misty on the weekend that she was out partying prior to Haleigh's alleged kidnapping. http://www.artharris.com/2009/04/20/haleigh-cummin

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Melissa Huckaby tied to the drugging of a 7 yr old girl who also lives in the same mobile home park. http://cbs5.com/crime/Melissa.Huckaby.drugged.2.98 CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, let me give it my best shot. Here goes. Kronk got the call from his sis to tip him off and he is doing his best protection act. John Morgan will be performing every Wednesday for us in the Lido Lounge. He be funnnnnnnnnnnny! The Cummings and drugs? Say it aint so JO!!! Melissa H. is one sick bi_ _ _! but my feeling is much worse is going to come out as soon as parents come forward putting family embarrasment aside.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I am still wondering if Melisa's boyfriend is involved he also lives in the Park. The Cops questioned him early on and he was not cooperative, scary looking guy.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

The Ant's Have a New Tour Bus from the Load of Money the plan on getting from appeances!!! Nothing but the best for them.

http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, I agree! Also anyone that does not make eye contact with me when I am talking to is hiding something!!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I agree Steve, they have a lot of things to hide. I can not wait till this goes to trial and they lie under Oath, hope they throw there butts in the cell.

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

http://www.melanieriegerconference.com/agenda.php check this out, if I am reading it correctly, the Ants are going to be guest speakers at this conference in CT -- good Lord!

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

wonder how much they are being paid?

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

They half to pay for that Tour Bus Nordie!! OMG they are so distraught1!!!!

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

as a presenter, they get to go on a cruise http://www.melanieriegerconference.com/cruise.php

oh capn, it might be time to take a little cruise in October. Remember the pooh we were thinking about dropping off at certain liars doorsteps . . . hmmm

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Nordie- Did you see this page of that link? Sail with the presenters & participants of conference to the Bahamas. http://www.melanieriegerconference.com/cruise.php They may not be getting paid but they are getting a vacation out of it.

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, they absolutely have no shame! What truly evil people they are!!! making a living off of murdered Caylee while they lie, lie, lie.

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, now I am laughing my ass off at that tour bus! That was good. Jo, I heard about that druging when they arrested her. Why or why was she not in jail for that or under survelience or probation? Why were the other people in the park not warned about her?

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Jo, IMO they are getting paid or money will be donated to the "foundation" probably the same as Oprah.

RascalBrat says:

4 weeks ago

I would rather see the Ants go to Aruba, they could disappear and I would not give a DAM. JMo, glad the Tour Bus made you laugh. Nordie, we know the Ants have no shame they are money grubbing people that half to feed there Campaign appetite. I think we should all book a ticket on the ship and wear T Shirts with Casey pic laying on the table getting the needle!!! CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

I said it before and I'll say it again. The ANTfarm did not love Caylee. Actions speak louder than words where I come from. (which by the way is Bronx, N.Y.) Those people even make me need dramamine!! Also, what about Melissa Schmukabee swallowing 3 knive blades just before being arrested??? If by some weird chance she is NOT guilty, Rascal will be booking her for our circus act on Sundays.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Now Steve, what kind of internment would you expect from Schmukabee, She looks like fruit cake. Now I know why I have never cared for fruit cake,lol We could have walk the plank night.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

JMo- That's exactly what I thought too. I also heard that LE investigated that complaint. Looks like they really dropped the ball on that one. If they had listened to that mother & followed up with the ER report maybe that little girl would still be alive. I realize that police departments have their hands full but a complaint that involves a child should have 1st. priority. Nordie- I'm with you on the money, The Ant farm doesn't do anything that they do not benefit from & neither does Kidfinders. This whole group needs to be watched very carefully. Did you notice that G & C will be the last presenters of the day, that is probably because everyone would get up & walk out. The Ants being homicide survivors is a crock. They should be giving lectures on lying, denial & obstruction of justice. Better yet, why not aiding & abetting a murder. That cruise is planned for Oct. 10th-15th, isn't Momster's trial suppose to start on the 15th? Bet we hear about a lot of overboard cruise ship passengers during that period. I know I would rather jump overboard then listen to those two run at the mouth.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Shaheen Jafargholi, 12 years old. Britian has Talent! http://talent.itv.com/videos/video/item_200105.htm Jo, we could go and duct tape there mouth, forget the dam heart sticker for them they do not deserve it. linn says: 4 weeks ago

Nordie, how are the babies? Praying for them. Steve, did you send the heat down to Monterey?? I mean, we are known for cold and fog, yet it hit 90 today just here. King City hit 102.. I sure hope you did not do that to cool off! We are dying here! Nothing worse than this heat, just a fan, and a sticky, whining baby!.. Well, add a bulldog that is panting and drinking water, them comes over to wipe the excess off on your leg. ewwww, dog stuff! Seems to me that the Cummings clan is what? Ron lost his job due to his own neglect. All he had to do was ask for a leave of absence, or heck, at least call in! They said he was entitled to a leave, but he never asked for it so they had to replace and fire him. That was the only thing that made him a better parent according to reports. He had a good job and benefits. Now he has neither. I have to think at this point that we will not see little Haleigh again. She, I think, is with Caylee. I also heard the Ants interview with Oprah is to be held during Sweeps month. Meaning ratings. And they are given the questions in advance, yet the only hope I have there is Oprah will come down hard on them and make them looked stupider *is that a word* than they do already. Plus, any thing they say on her show can be used against them in court. Today on NG they showed a lot of inconsistences in G*C's testimony at the depo trial. That was good. I FEEL they should get prosectued. I mean, look at all they have done. Look at all the money they have cost LE.. I cannot stand to look at Cindy during that depo. She looks possesed and evil. I also noticed she uses alot of Crazy's words, and body language. Cindy should be charged along side her perfect daughter. She made her in her own image. Sick and twisted. Also noticed Lee is absent again. Wonder how he feels when he hears on the news that Crazy says he tried to have sex with her over and over. Sorry, and I don't like him, but he is a nice looking guy that could get a girl. So sick for Crazy to say that. She might of cooked her Cheeto's by saying that about him. there goes a support person. I bet he is sick over that. I also feel for the baby he is having. I guess. Mallory did not look at all pregnant to me, and not one ever says she is, but can you imagine that baby someday reading what crazy said about "daddy".. That family is SO SICK and TWISTED!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal- I'd be willing to take that cruise if I could double bag them in two large hefty bags after you duck tape their mouths. I'd even throw in a Winnie the Pooh blanket for them before I toss them overboard. I think everyone should avoid watching Oprah if she has the Ants on her show. If they have to approve all the questions, we will not hear anything but the same old tune from them. Blah Blah Blah! The only thing new will be if they can find someone else to throw under the bus on their way to Chicago. NG will replay parts if anything new comes out of the interview. I say let Oprah bomb in the ratings instead of getting the results ABC is expecting by making us sit through their insane rants once again. Haven't the Ants already been paid by that network?

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Jo, We can just put them on the plank why waist the trash bags, the tape is so we do not half to listen to more lies. I know i will not watch Oprah, not worth my time may down load a pic off the net from there and make fun of them. SadieSkye says: 4 weeks ago

It doesnt help that Oprah is on at 4pm then again at 9pm on primetime T.V. Ants think they've finally found a sounding board!!! NOTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!! NUH UH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Good morning shipmates! Steve and Lynn, you can send some of that heat to the East Coast, I'll take it. Thanks everyone for your continued prayers for the twins. Oprah show said no money had changed hands, I'm guessing money was donated to either the "foundation" or the f*chfinders. I will not watch Oprah and if they do appear, I will cancel my subscription. Have a blessed day.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Good morning Shipmates, It looks like the Ants are in such distress over Caylee they just can not help

but get their Mugs on TV. We will lie, cheat and yes steal to do what we need to do. We will defend Casey till the end, we know the forces are out to get her. OMG that is the biggest bunch of BS I have ever heard. Maybe Cindy and George need to remember the smell of decommposition, the lies the stealing. The lack of respect Casey has for them the language she uses on them. The Wild child they raiseed, I have them to blame for this, she seems like she always got her way and there was no control of her as a child. They never taught Casey the word NO. or corrected her when she lied or stole money from anyone. There attitudes Suck as parents, and Casey learned well from Cindy she has the same attitude the world owes her. Cindy get your face off the TV, no one wants to listen to your BS, you are a time bomb waiting to explode. Nordie, you might as well cancel that subscription, I do not look for Oprah to back down on there appearence. She has really lost any respect I had for her.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Haliegh Cummings: Misty's Friend Talks http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/haleigh-cumming

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, cancelled the subscription today.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Nordie, I sure hope it allowed you to say why you cancelled it, maybe if a lot of people did that Oprah would get the message we do not need more lies from the Ants. I would like to see the Ants sit in a chair that shock's there ass everytime they lie. They sure would have a lot of shocks.

RascalBrat says:

4 weeks ago

I have been thinking a lot about Cindy, George and Lee, there cover up started from the very beginning. I truly think they knew Caylee was gone and Casey killed her. They started off with cleaning cloths, hiding evidence. denying the decompositon, blaming it on Pizza. I believe Casey told Lee in there private conversation, and that is when it started how can we get around the 911 call that the car smells like dam dead body. They were never there for Caylee, they never looked but instead hindered the investigation. False leads, and cover up is what it has been. Protect Casey at all costs, if I did that I would not want to take a polygraph either. Lawyer up, if you are innocent you do not need a Lawyer. They are not innocent and we can read between the lines. Now they are all out for the Gravy Train. Hell we do not half to work we can play off the public sympathy and sit on our ass. We can start a foundation and all make money, the ants have a beer pocket book and champagne appetite, but they sure have lost there morals. The only ones they have been involved with is people that have no morals either, a bunch of shiesters. People like Tim Miller they kicked aside, Time has morals and is a honest person that truly ties to find kids. Shame on the Anthony's. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

I guess Oprah will even get abused as an adult the way she is going about things. Before the ANTfarm is done with her she is going to make a moron look smart next to her. Oprah, you suck and are a loser! Forward that to her.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I just found a copy of Bo Bo's Drivers License, this is very interesting! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago

Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago

Good one, Rascal!! That very much covers Bobo!!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I thought the shipmates needed a good laugh! This team of clowns certainly do not give us anything to laugh about, so it is my job to do it.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Here we go again, Cindy's new foundation what next! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Anthony alibi tour begins tomarrow. Snipped this from Orlando Sentinel: CBS will have the first interview with George and Cindy Anthony since granddaughter Caylee's remains were found. Winfrey's people had promoted that she would have that first interview next month. Don't George and Cindy know it's not nice to cross Oprah? CBS' "Early Show" will interview the Anthonys over two shows this week. Maggie Rodriguez will conduct the interview Wednesday and Thursday in the show's New York studio. And the topics? CBS said, "Rodriguez will talk to the Anthonys about the investigation into their granddaughter's death, including the timeline of events leading up to the arrest of their daughter, Casey, for the crime. The Anthonys also will talk about how their daughter is handling the prosecution's recent decision to seek the death penalty in their case against her." Which raises a question: How do George and Cindy know if they haven't visited Casey? Darrell In Denver says: 4 weeks ago

hey Gang- Just heard that THE Piss"ANTS" will be on the Early show tomorrow morning- if i am not mistaken again tomorrow morning- a special hey hey to Rascal and Capt Steve- much respect- Darrell Darrell in Denver says: 4 weeks ago

George and Cindy Anthony , parents of accused child killer Casey Anthony --or as Nancy Grace calls her, "Tot Mom"--will be interviewed by Maggie Rodriguez on CBS's The Early Show Wednesday and Thursday morning (7-9 a.m.). Darrell in Denver says: 4 weeks ago

Here some more Gang:::::: George and Cindy Anthony, parents of accused child killer Casey Anthony--or as Nancy Grace calls her, "Tot Mom"--will be interviewed by Maggie Rodriguez on CBS's The Early Show Wednesday and Thursday morning (7-9 a.m.).

This is being billed as the couple's first network interview since their granddaughter Caylee's body was found in December. Among the topics sure to be discussed is the prosecution's decision to seek the death penalty against Casey, a reversal of the state's earlier stand. George and Cindy also are scheduled to appear on Oprah at a still unannounced date in May. Lawyers said on Monday's Nancy Grace Show that the Anthonys' TV tour could work to the detriment of their daughter, since anything they say could be brought up in court. Tapes of recent depositions indicate the Anthonys often tell different versions of the same events. Casey must have inherited their genes, since she has told so many lies, you have to wonder if she even knows what the truth is. The evidence the state has mounted against Casey makes her look like the most obviously guilty killer since O.J. (Then again, we know how that trial turned out.) In any case, this is just my opinion but despite the evidence and Nancy Grace's unrelenting campaign to have a needle put in Casey's arm, it will be next to impossible for the state to get 12 people to send an attractive young woman to the death chamber. I know, looks should have nothing to do with it, but let's live in the real world. What do you think?

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal & I believe that Momster is visiting with her family via web cam & instant messaging. That could explain why Baez shows up at the jail late at night & stays for hours. Evening & night shift always have fewer personnel on staff at the hospital then day shifts. Baez could also control what Momster says to them unlike the jail visits which he could not control. His computer records would be considered client privilege or work product but not the Ant family communications. I think it was on NG that a guest said they believed that the smoking gun was something that LE had obtained by a wire tap. You would think that a lawyer would be smart enough to know that computer communications can be accessed via the wire tap but maybe Baez is way to cocky for his own good.

If Momster's butt got nailed to the wall but something that Bozo allowed to happen out of his stupidity & cockiness, that would just make my year! If this would send the rest of the Ant farm to prison with her that would make my decade!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Darrell good to see you back. Jo, I mentioned the web came long ago, when Bo Bo goes to the jail they have Internet his computer has a web Cam, that is how Mobster seen the Memorial, that is how she is communicating with the Ants. It did not take me long to figure out what they are doing. futonfraggle says: 4 weeks ago

If I see 'never seen before' photos or videos on these shows, I'm going to puke. I know the networks have said the A's aren't being paid - but we heard that back in the day with 20/20, too. What's next? Are they going to auction Caylee's clothes and toys on eBay? I defend the actions of the A's often but if I see exclusive photos and videos, I'll never feel any sympathy for them again. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Let's fast forward to the day that momster and BOBO are on opposite ends of this vs. The ANTfarm. They ARE going to do more harm and very little good. Gee SINdee, and you thought she hated you before. Just wait.... They will be blamed in the media (and momster will pick up on it) as an asset for the state with all the lies. Bobo will have a gag order out on them before the Oprah show!! Maybe in some sick twisted way they are putting on a front but are really out to get their daughter for all that she has done. Who knows? I have always said when a normal person would zig, they zag. Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, I'm lovin' the drivers licence! Nordie, how are the babies? What was the birth weights? Are they identical twins? My first born grandson was a premie. He weighed 4lb and 2 oz. ( I have 10 grandchildren) He was in the hospital for two weeks. I noticed that the Ants are scheduled to speak on May 13th. Under Siege: A Homicide Survivors Story. At the Memorial Conference. Mark Klass will speak on May 14th (my birthday). I wish they were speaking on the same day, that would be interesting. Has Oprah confirmed a date yet for the Ants to spew their bs? I didn't realize that they will know the questions ahead of time. So they have time to get their stories straight. But I bet that the story will be different from the depositions, just like the storys at the depositions were different from the LE interviews. These people will not shut up until they have no credibility left at all. Maybe this is their game plan to get the jury not to believe anything they say even back as far as " it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car". They make me sick!

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

Hey, Darrell, great points you made. And Rascal, remember when Bobo threw that fit to bring his stupid laptop to the jail?? What lawyer does that, unless it's to allow his client to communicate with the outside world? I wonder if the Ants have bought a new computer with a new email address that they think can't be identified??? I'm sure if anyone sold them a laptop, the first thing they did was call LE, who would then have the computer's IP address.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Marie, I can read these people like a bad book, they will go to no end to be dishonest like Casey. What planet did these people fall off of, and they happened to land on planet earth. I think the forces wanted to get rid of the trash off there planet!!! They bought a different cell phone that they thought would not be bugged or traced, we already heard about that, happening when they thought the house was bugged. So why not a new laptop and ip addy.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Cindys paper work for Caylee Foundation http://www.sunbiz.org/pdf/44916802.pd fhttp://www.sunbiz.org/pdf/36556563.pdf JMo says: 4 weeks ago

You gotta be kiddin me, these people are really going off the deep end! Judge Strickland, PLEASE step in here! Or...maybe they want the Ants to 'talk', hoping they will hang themselves right along with that ignorant slut daughter of theirs. What a bunch of morons. Wow, strange news about Misty just now coming out, but could be a bunch of sprung jail birds saying what they think they need to in order for this 'cobra' idiot to get the publicity for bailing them out. He is definitely trying to be an LP. I think it is interesting that he is good friends with Kronk. Hmmm, it just gets better eh?

Where is Haliegh? This makes me sick!!!

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

I still think Haleigh wandered away, probably after Misti locked her out of the trailer that night for wetting the bed. I think she curled up somewhere in the woods, and I hate to say it, eventually her bones will be found. Just my theory. Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

Oprah cancels interview http://www.wftv.com/news/19244028/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Yahoo Deb thank you for that news! Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

Yep Rascal, I guess is not good to mess with Opera Winfrey.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Oh now Oprah will be on Cindy's S--t list! Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

I can never get Oprah name right. I guess it's because I never pay much attention to her anymore since she became so "important". I liked the old Oprah when she first got her talk show. Will CBS be paying for this interview, does anyone know for sure?

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Deb, I sure hope not, that is all they want is money, next Cindy will have enough to buy a press and

print her own.

Real Xing says: 4 weeks ago

Why can't they just execute the entire Anthony family ?

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Sooooooooo happy to see that Oprah canceled the show! I am sure it is one of many that people will come to their senses and ruin the whole Anthony Alibi Tour. I lay you money that the negative publicity got to the marketers and producers and they came up with that 'lame ass excuse' to cancel on them. Uh - Oh...DETOUR for the Anthony Alibi Tour! Onward to the Early Show! losingit says: 4 weeks ago

Good news about Oprah cancelling! The Anthony's are most certainly on an alibi tour. They are working for Casey and will take any opportunity to cast doubt.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Personally they should all cancel the Ants on programs, open a new show called, How Many Lies can you tell in a Hour and let us call in and ask question's. And have Truth O Meter there that says Liar, Liar Pants on Fire, every time they lie. Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

I agree with Real Xing. But don't worry they will execute themseves.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

If you think a Florida jury will not send an attractive female to death row then you need to read this story. Deidra Hunt was convicted in 1990 of 2 counts of 1st degree murder for her part in a murder for hire plot. She was the shooter in one of the killings & the other murder she had knowledge of. She

pleaded guilty & expressed remorse for the crime. A judge still sentenced her to death. Due to misconduct by her attorney (he was making money on scheduling interviews with her) she received a new trial in 1996 & received 2 life sentences. This is an interesting article. There is also a photo of this woman & she looks a lot like Momster. http://markgribben.com/?p=129

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

I am ashamed to say I did not take the time to write to Oprah, but thanks and congratulations to those who did! Power to the people! Oprah made a smart move. Casey is toxic and maims all that she touches. I truly believe it was your emails that made Oprah and her producers rethinkg their offer to the Anthonys.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Thanks Deb on the link about Oprah cancelling the interview with the Ant farm. I'm sure ABC didn't like the Anthony's reneging on their agreement but public opinion being against them had to have weighed in too. Looks like they can forget Oprah donating any money to their personal bank account. LOL I also noticed this story on the same page, that I thought was interesting. Legal analyst talks about Baez motion to subpeona cell phone records: There will be at least one hearing because at least two of the 12 witnesses Baez wants to track through unlimited cell phone records are fighting it and most of the others probably will. Meter reader Roy Kronk and Casey's friend Amy Huizenga say Baez wants way too much. Baez wants unlimited cell phone records for 12 prosecution witnesses. Two of them, Kronk and Huizenga, are fighting it as an invasion of privacy. Baez tried to keep his strategy secret, but after Judge Strickland refused to meet secretly to discuss sending secret subpoenas to witnesses, WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer said Baez filed an unnecessary court motion that will bring unwanted attention."Asking the court's permission to do something you have permission to do to begin with," Sheaffer explained. Sheaffer said Baez could've identified the witnesses' cell phone providers during depositions and then subpoenaed the companies' records directly. Instead, he's asked the judge's permission."That will force Baez to tell the court what relevance these phone records may have to the defense," Sheaffer explained.That includes if he's asked for more witnesses' records than he really wants as a way to try to cover his tracks. Baez is also asking for the unlimited, detailed cell phone

records for Casey's parents and her brother. Her parents' lawyer says they'll hand them over, but they have no idea why Casey would want them.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Marie, I sure hope we had some influence on Oprah.

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Kronk and Amy won't agree because they have lawyered up and the attorney advises against it. CONway and Baezhole are some how in kahoots. Not sure how. He may be just saying the ANTagonistS are gonna cooperate with their phone records, but that means Nothing. They will refuse when it really comes down to it, but just want to look innocent for now! Why don't these fools spend their time looking for the 'real killer' if they whole heartedly believe such a ridiculous notion! I am still in disbelief how they are parading themselves around, profiting off of Caylee (whether it be money or attention)! Sick and wrong!!!!

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Jo, look at the Craigslist killer...Philip Markoff, 22, a second-year medical student at Boston University. He is nice looking too, but DEADLY. I could not believe the first thing out of his parents mouth was that he was "innocent" and his fiance said, "we are getting married this August, he is not the killer". Talk about denial! They have the guy on film, survellience monitors leaving these girls apartments, a gun, duct tape, restraints, emails to these women arranging to meet them, etc etc. WTF? And parents would say, 'he's innocent'? Do they know the ANTS? Must be a weird virus going around or something.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Maybe Casey started a distillery and bottled that Kool Aid, ya think.

JMo says:

4 weeks ago

Yep, and probably laced it with Chloroform for a 'sexual effect'!

Nannie27 says: 4 weeks ago

YEAH Oprah!!! no matter what the reason was to cancel the ANTS!!!!!!!!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

JMo- I couldn't believe that Craig's list killer was a med student. It's a wonder he didn't try to dissect the bodies & get rid of them. Sorry for that visual! The media is correct with the Ted Bundy comparison. Here's another link that was interesting. Top 5 sociopaths of 2008. None of these people are unattractive with the exception of Gary Hilton & he is creepy enough for all the rest of them. http://www.nowpublic.com/world/most-fascinating-so

futonfraggle says: 4 weeks ago

LOL @ "How Many Lies can you tell in a Hour and let us call in and ask question's"

futonfraggle says: 4 weeks ago

jewel says: 4 weeks ago

dito Nannie27 linn says: 4 weeks ago

I did write to Oprah, but that is not why she cancelled. She was supposed to get the "First exclusive interview".. when she found out the Early Show was before her, she cancelled. IOW's she was in it for the ratings and it is not the same to be second, third, fourth, 1,000th.. So at first I had some respect for her, yet it all had to do with ratings. Also heard she made the interview, which I heard was to be taped

the 29 of April, or thereabouts, but to be aired May during SWEEPS month! RATINGS was all! So why do it if someone gets to be first. So, again Oprah goes down to the bottom of people I respect. She only cancelled due to ratings and the ANTS doing the Early Show before her interview. Also heard there was to be NO studio audience. I am sure that was an ANT requirement. Also heard and not sure it is true, but KidFinders are the ones that paid 30,000 for the boat, the Caylee Marie. These people are truly slime. i am one that likes NG most of the time. Please, if someone can tell me, why does she go out of her way to defend Cindy, down to bashing her mental experts on her show like she did today? I just don't get it. So what if they are trying to support their daughter!! They know that same daughter killed Caylee! Trust me, I would know if my daughter did this. As a parent, you KNOW!! CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Not only will C.B.S. give a deposit to the ANTfarm, but they will be handed a list of iff limit topics. Even if C.B.S. says something contrary to the ANTfarm viewpoint they will answer "we can't answer that question." Does anyone really think that we will hear something that we have not already from their pieholes. Also, is it just me or does anyone expect BOBO and crew to take about 3 days to do a cross examination on each person. This trial of the century could take a half century to finish!! Where is Haleigh is a darn good question. How does a little one just vanish off the face of this earth? JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Well, now I don't feel so bad standing my ground about what I thought about Oprah. I thought it was Ratings from the beginning. That's how she keeps her show alive and makes money. Believe me, Money is Everything! I know, I know, its not "Everything", but it is Everything! Try life without ANY. Everything we do in this life involves it 'in one way or the other'. A lot of people are driven by "self-interest and greed". When Oprah has a toilet made of "gold" (for real) then I have to wonder what the world is coming to. Anyway, the Early Show is not as popular as Oprah, so maybe not that many will watch it. Yes, the boat was bought by Kidfinders, but the 30,000 was donated by the ANTS from money they had to find Caylee, so in reality, they both SUCK! and should be banned from the public airways for life! SadieSkye says: 4 weeks ago

of course it was for ratings... Its TELEVISION!!!! business before entertainment always!!! sad but true!!sweeps week happens only twice a year... Every show tries to do the unthinkable... That plus the thousands of emails they must've received over this made it all wayyy too risky and not worth their time and headache... oprah likes being the first.. she wants to be the show people are talking about at the water cooler the next day... The ants cudnt of made that magic happen.... YIPPEEEEE for that !!!!!! Thanks O!!!! JMo says:

4 weeks ago

Either way, Oprah got attention and so did the retardANTS! I am so over them. Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

OK I amit that I am guilty of a couple of these. Keep reading down to the second 10 list. http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/news_columnist_mi Darrell in Denver says: 4 weeks ago

Way to go Sindy!- Keep wearing "Green" yulk- also whats with thoes eyebrows?-They are so full of ityeah i hope THE truth will come out at trial. you big Duhs - sorry gang their ugly presence on the Early show is wanting to make me puke- Tha "PissAnts"

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Legal Analyst: Casey Anthony’s Attorney Made Blunder http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/legal-analyst-c imacynic2 says: 4 weeks ago

Mike Thomas Blog from Orlando Sentinel b/c I think we all need to read it :) LOL If any of this applies to you, it's time to go cold turkey on Casey. 1. You read all 13,453 comments posted on today’s Casey story.2. You typed 100 of those comments.3. You typed them in capital letters.4. You haven’t said goodnight to your kids in six months because bedtime is during Nancy Grace.5. You know who Leonard Padilla is but not Joe Biden.6. You just bought two hamsters and named them George and Cindy.7. You get in shrill arguments on message boards with complete strangers about duct tape.8. You called all your friends to vote in our online poll supporting the death penalty for Casey.9. All your friends are starting to avoid you.10. This list really upsets you. imacynic2 says: 4 weeks ago

Mike Thomas Blog from Orlando Sentinel

b/c I think we all need to read it :) LOL If any of this applies to you, it's time to go cold turkey on Casey. 1. You read all 13,453 comments posted on today’s Casey story.2. You typed 100 of those comments.3. You typed them in capital letters.4. You haven’t said goodnight to your kids in six months because bedtime is during Nancy Grace.5. You know who Leonard Padilla is but not Joe Biden.6. You just bought two hamsters and named them George and Cindy.7. You get in shrill arguments on message boards with complete strangers about duct tape.8. You called all your friends to vote in our online poll supporting the death penalty for Casey.9. All your friends are starting to avoid you.10. This list really upsets you. Imacynic2 says: 4 weeks ago

Jerry in response to The Mike Thomas Blog in the Orlando Sentinel I'm outraged. How could any Top Ten list like this not include the following: 1. You dress in a flag and insist on beer drinking afterwards. 2. You only have your picture taken...with your mouth open...with something appearing to be undigested corn chips inside. 3. You start calling your boss, "Zanny." 4. You leave voice mail messages on George's cell phone pronouncing it, "Zenny." 5. You call Nancy Grace and carry on a conversation where all you do is obnoxiously chew gum. 6. You send e-mails to Jose Baez and ask him how his Mom, Joan, is doing. 7. When you answer the phone, you start by saying, "Bombshell tonight." 8. You order a pizza and say, "Hold the maggots." 9. Leonard Padilla makes sense.

10. You try to cover up lies by telling people you're "Casey-fied."

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

This say it all on the Anthony's http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

May I add a few? 1. You start disciplining your previously "perfect child", telling them you don't want them to "turn out like Casey." 2. You live for Monday "document dumps." 3. You have a search for "how to make chloroform" on your computer. 4. You could easily assist the prosecution team as a research assistant, because you've already researched everything. 5. You now know about cremation jewelry, location of the local pet cemetary in Orlando, George and Cindy Anthony's address, email and phone numbers, and the street name for Xanax. 6. you have called NG about 3000 times, but never got through. 7. you have called Leonard Padilla, and he answered on the first ring. 8. you assume everyone is following the case as closely as you are. 9. You watch the new show "Lie to me" and use what you learn to analyze the Anthonys.

10. You have made life-long friends all over the world due to bonding over how much you hate Casey.

Nannie27 says: 4 weeks ago

This is the link to the video from the early show if anyone is interested

http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4961204n JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Marie, those are too funny! Why don't you send them in to Letterman for the TopTen idea!???? It would be great! CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Yes ANTfarm, the truth will come out at trial. I agree with you 100% on that. And after that happens your take will turn to the truth never came out at trial. Also, George thinks that the trial will start sometime next year not this. Fine with me since momster aint going far. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Wish I could hear the interview. They looked so subdued and sad. No gum chomping I see! Same clothes as the depo? Not that it's a big deal, but if you are only on National TV a few times, I would think to wear something different (doesn't have to be fancy, but different). Maybe that's just me. But it seems a way to 'downplay' their need for attention by trying to make it seem like they are not flashy....

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

Thanks, JMo - it took me three minutes to come up with those because they are all true! I loved Cynics top 10 also. I'm sure the shipmates have more!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

WFTV synopsis of today's CBS interview with George & Cindy for those who can't watch the video. I didn't watch the interview but did hear some of what was said on HLN. My take on the interview is that the Ants continued to proclaim their daughter innocence. They also continue to parrot Bozo saying that everything will become clear during the trial & dodged all the hard questions asked of them. Stay tuned

for tomorrow wrap up. http://www.wftv.com/news/19248537/detail.html#Marie- Loved your top ten! The only ones I'm not guilty of are #1,6 & 7. SadieSkye says: 4 weeks ago


I know that Oprah canceled because she wanted to be the first interview...however, this gets me to thinking. On Monday, she was suppose to air the Columbine Ten Year Anniversary story...but backed out at the last minute because it focused too much on the killers. Uh...isn't this the same thing with the Anthonys? losingit says: 4 weeks ago

Hello everyone. LOL Marie. I needed that laugh this morning.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Orlando Sentinel Hal Boedeker (the TV Guy) says "Cindy displays an interview style reminiscent of "the three faces of Eve". http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_tv_

Snoopy9318 says: 4 weeks ago

If someone already posted this, I'm sorry. I'm still catching up!! Anyway, did you guys hear NG when a caller asked if anyone would be sitting on the prosecution's side in defense of Caylee? NG said in all her years, she's never seen anything like this! NO ONE from the ANTs (unless it's Lee) is sitting behind the prosecution in support of Caylee! What kind of travesty is that?!!! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

This cracked me up: "I don't think Casey would take a plea deal," Cindy said. "Casey's not going to

admit to something she hasn't done." Another crackup: "Early Show" interviewer Maggie Rodriguez asked how Cindy could say with such conviction that Casey hadn't committed the crime. "We know what kind of mother she was," Cindy said. And this was really good too: "I don't think it's possible for my daughter to hurt anyone, definitely her own child," George added. Gee George, does that include driving around with her dead little body in the trunk for 2 days? Does that include not reporting her missing for 31 days? I suppose the child abuse charges are bogus too? What a bunch of f'n morons! Muziluver, I agree. Maybe the show was cancelled for the same reason as the columbine show....too much focus on the killers and not on the victims.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Thursday's CBS interview with George & Cindy: According to Orlando Sentinel who talked with CBS, tomorrow Cindy will talk about her own thoughts of suicide & how Casey kept her from carrying through with it. What a crock!!! http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_tv_ Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

That interview was a waste, a huge waste!!! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Marie Rodriquez better look up under the coffee table. I bet Cindys wad of gum is stuck underneath there! The ANTS are and will continue to be PATHETIC! Maybe they are trying to show everyone what crap Casey had to contend with all of her life and the jury will have sympathy on her. Believe it or not, that could really work and has in the past. People can begin to identify with how nutty and dangerous the ANTS really are and how they influenced Casey into becoming the person she is today. It's not her fault she was 'controlled' by Cindy! People will believe that she was a good mommy, UNTIL Cindy went into her rant, choked her, and

threatened to take Caylee. They will believe that this pushed an otherwise normal young girl (who was forced by Cindy to have an unwanted baby) over the edge! It would be a great defense! Wouldn't G & A feel like FOOLS if that came to be what the defense uses. And here they tried so hard to believe the murderous little skank ho and lie on her behalf! Believe me, Casey will make sure to get the final "Fuck You" to both of her parents, especially Cindy! (apparently killing Caylee didn't quite get the message across to cindy).

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I can see the BS building around the Ants!! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Still laughing about all the top tens....you guys are too funny. I guess I would have to add ones that include: The Top Ten Reasons of : You know you are obsesed when: 1. you automatically bitch slap people who use the words "absolutely" and "exactly" in response to statements 2. you run over to 'sniff' every car trunk you just happen to see open 3. you constantly think of new names to call Casey and her defense team 4. you keep trying to not picture Lee sexually advancing on Casey 5. you begin demanding personal contact info of your adult children's friends 6. you stop to check for hub updates at 3am on your way to the bathroom 7. you ask friends if you can come over at 11pm to watch NG, because you don't have cable 8. you start conversations with complete strangers in the grocery line about the murder

9. you feel the need to inform everyone about your theories and why they should really believe them 10. you follow reports on what food Casey is buying in the jail commissary funny, I could add more that also pertain to me.......... ....you begin yelling at the TV when any of the ANTS are on! ....you immediately share your opinion on Casey, whether anyone asks you or not ....you begin writing imaginary conversations that go on between the anthonys and law enforcement I can think of one for some people on here.... ....you spend time in photo shop making cartoons about the anthonys JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Too funny Rascal! (gross)

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

LMAOROF, JMo. Yes I am guilty of that and love doing it!!! I get bored when there is not much news on the Ants, so half to do something! And they are perfect to make fun of. Can not stand liars. Lets see if Georgie calls it Pizza. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Oh gosh, we left out some really important ones.... ...you become delusional about being on a ship with a capn' to protect you from the ANTS ...you begin to talk to squirrells and give them names and personality's ...you begin to have imaginary chili parties with squirrels as bartenders late at night (on the imaginary ship)

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, you could write a book on that!! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

See what this case has done to us all!!!!! Speaking of, Farmchick wrote me an email and said she was facing 30 - 40 years in prison for the incident with her Mom (remember going over and taking pictures from her). Just thought I would share that with the shipmates. I hope she is getting help.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Latest from Orlando Sentinel: A May 7 motion hearing in the Anthony case has been rescheduled. Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland was set to hear an emergency motion for protective order on that date. Casey Anthony’s defense attorney, Jose Baez, originally filed the motion on March 11.The hearing has been rescheduled for May 28 at 10 a.m. You guys are cracking me up. The only thing I would add to the list is, you feed your squirrels chocolate brownies to atone for Ant farms slandering of them.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, 30 to 40 years, and you believe that one! I know what she did was wrong, you never go take something back that way, you file a report that the items were stolen from you. Never use force to take it back. Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

JMo your killing me here lol

Okay okay so what if I do stop to check for hub updates at 3am on my way to the bathroom. At least I dont respond to every compliment with " I dont deserve that, but what's your question dear".

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, Ok I half to admit, I bought a wireless modem, a laptop for in the bedroom just so I could keep up on the posting and news on Casey. I am addicted I lay in bed at night thinking of what pic I can do next.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Parents Continue Lying for Casey Anthony April 22, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/parents-continu

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

JMo and Rascal, you are too hilarious! I am so glad I am not the only one who does those things!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Good video of Sindy, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P40IMgkONXk Marie, unlike Sindy I admit what I do, I can not blame Rascal. lol CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Lets add these to the list.... Your own children never heard of Nancy Grace before last summer and they are now used to taking a back seat and fending for themselves for one hour each evening. Your own

children have Nancy Grace in their vocabulary more than other family members.Your own children even have their own pet names for that Anthony family. Your own children have tried to call into Nancy Grace once a week. (redial, redial, redial) Your own children used to think of you as less of an authoritarian figure and don't like the fact that the leash is much tighter since the summer. Your own children mock and dare you to send Casey money. And my favorite these days is hearing them call me CAPN STEVE instead of dad. Even at the ballpark! OYE VEY......

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Here's a link to let the Rieger conference foundation know what you think about the Ant farm: http://www.melanieriegerconference.com/contact.php

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Steve, the boys are well traind now, tell them the Capn is a good dad keeping them safe. To many people like Mobster now days. My kids used to say I was to strick about where they were and who they were with and what they were doing. But now that they have kids, they are the same way, Thank God they care like I did.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

NO MORE AIR TIME FOR THE ANTHONY FAMILY sign my petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/851674974 CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

JO, glad to be #9 to sign it!! However, I did put my comment that I would watch them on live t.v. take a polygraph!! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Good ones Capn Steve. I have to admit Deb in Vegas, I really liked the

......you begin responding to every compliment with " I dont deserve that, but what's your question dear". I too get so tired of hearing NG say that. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Here are some others for me.... .....you look at the American Flag in a whole different way now .....you worry about your butt size more when eating cheetos or M&M's .....you second guess what ok to look up on the computer, write in your diary or text on the phone .....you look for cell towers everywhere you go, paranoid of being traced .....you try hard not to imagine what some people do with burrito's and lollipops .....you beginning close examination of others jewelry to see if it contains ashes .....you now know secret code talk and how to convey messages from jail

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

You have Bo Bo come to the jail with his laptop now he is commected threw the wireless connection. You can see your parents and they can see you threw his web cam. Talk about a sneaky way to visit. JMO says: 4 weeks ago

Sneaky is his middle name. Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

The only interesting thing that came out in this interview was that Cindy tried to capture a little sympathy for herself when she said that she had thought about killing herself more than once. Why let George have all the sympathy. She's like those people who always have it worse than the next guy. If someone is sick, than they are sicker, if someone was brought up poor, than they were poorer. She must of watched her performance in the deposition and realized she needed to do some damage control.

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Still cracking up at the ANTS interview: Cindy Anthony said she didn't understand all the things her daughter did. But she said the reason Casey waited 31 days to report Caylee missing was because she worried for her family's safety."She was afraid," Cindy Anthony said. "She feared for all of our lives." WHAT!!!! She feared for everyones life and safety? Is this fool serious? Who in their right mind would not report their own 2 year old being gone and party the whole time if in fear? There is something wrong with Cindy's logic. I think she is on drugs!Cindy Anthony also said she never had a reason not to trust her daughter with Caylee. Caylee belonged to her," she said. Again WHAT!!!! Is this why you threatened to take Caylee away from Casey, because she was such a good mom? Cindy, Cindy, Cindy, you have gone and made a fool out of yourself once again. Keep it up and you may just seal the deal for Casey on that DP! Obviously her guilt about what has happened is overwhelming her and now she is only out to make herself feel better....hmmmm, they are a bunch of selfish Peeps, right?

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Not only selfish very deceiving, I did not see that was damage control at all. Duct tape Cindy's mouth get her ass off the news, no one want to listen to her. Hell I would rather watch cartoon's. The good ones not the violent ones. Anything except the Ants, they keep up there heads may not be above that pile of BS I posted. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Actually, on a lighter note, Cindy could be suffering from a psychiatric injury. That could explain many of her behaviors. It is too bad that her lawyer does not have knowledge or seems to not have knowledge of such things. Because she was exposed to the situation of Caylee being missing in such a traumatic way, and then being the party responsible for Casey being locked up and charged with the murder, can trigger this type of diagnosis. I truly believe that she most likely had suicidal thoughts, I mean who wouldn't if this happened to you. However, her mentioning this now is perhaps another symptom of this injury. The person closely identifies with the secondary person, be it George, who tried to commit suicide or Casey, who she believes had the same level of love for Caylee that she did. This identifying helps Cindy reason out what seems logical and less painful for her to handle. Injury also can cause a person to become obsessive as Cindy has with her vigilence to find justice and seeks to fight injustice everyday, through yelling back at the neighbors, cursing at the deposition, or expressing her feelings on the today show.

In all seriousness, these people need some serious counseling. But, other than that, their Lawyer needs to tell them to STFU and stay off the national airways. Let the court do it's job. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

I can't wait for SINster to explain away the voicemail she left for L.E. implicating her daughter with someone elses help. We know, we know, it wasn't you that called. It was someone in your house with a key. Why didn't I think of that? Wait a second, I did! Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

I did sign the petition Jo. The Ants aren't answering any questions that we want to know the answers to, so I can't understand why any more of these shows would waste their time having them on anyway. It is obvious that this is all about making Casey look good. What kind of journalism is this? The Ants wouldn't have to be back tracking on their inconsistencies if they would have just shut up. I'm pretty sure Byeass would have a much easier time defending their original statements if they would just stop changing the stories constantly. How can you say I smelled decomposition and that's a smell I'll never forget, then turn around and say, no it was rotting pizza, then turn around and say, the body that was in the trunk was not my granddaughter? How can somebody put a body in the trunk while it was impounded, when the people at the impound couldn't check on the smell in the trunk because they had to wait for the Ants to bring a key to open the trunk? What kind of journalist would not demand answers like this, and just except "Err, duh, Casey's a wonderful mother. Casey was just trying to protect her family. I haven't talked to Casey, I don't know the truth about what happened." Now Mark Klass is having to defend an organization that he is proud to be a part of (The Memorial Conference), because they are having the same people who are defending their granddaughter murderer, as guest speakers with a speech about A Homicide Survivors Story. Why are these shows and organizations accepting this?

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Thanks Deb, Steve, Rascal & all the others who have signed the petition. If anyone has a myspace, facebook or youtube page & can post that link that would also be helpfull. I have spent all afternoon posting the link at blog sites, so the word is getting out there. Found this link this afternoon & thought it was pretty good. The poster talks about Casey Anthony &

Octomom. http://wpmobserver.com/WPMObserver/article.asp?ID=

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Leonard Padilla will be providing a live chat on Wordpress web site on 26 April 2009 at 6PM PST and 9PM EST. Send you questions to [email protected] Here's the link for Wordpress for live chat: http://humbleopinion.wordpress.com/2009/04/22/case JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Maybe it's best I don't have sound on my computer. I would only become "beyond frustrated" with Cindy....hmmm, that sounds familiar, doesn't it? Maybe Cindy killed little Caylee and is messing with Casey to make her think she did it...rotflmfao! Now that would be a hoot. Maybe Cindy is the real Zanny and let's see how she likes it if someone points the finger at her, right along with Amy and Jesse. She's actually more of a likely suspect than them. I want to see her squirm and try and defend herself! Besides, I bet Casey would get a real kick out of that and would probably pay out all of her jail funds to see it happen. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Actually, LE thinks Lee has something to hide or they wouldn't of had Tony wired for evidence. Well, what could be worse than Casey getting the DP? Finding out that Lee was an accomplise and getting life in prison. Casey would go this far to keep her brother out of jail, but I can't think of anyone else she would do it for, can you? So, Cindy better just be happy that only Casey is in jail and not Lee too, because I bet you good ole brother Lee knows more than what he is saying!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

What Cindy Anthony's suicide note might have said. http://johninflorida.wordpress.com/ Scroll down if you have video capabilites & watch the one on:

money, money, money & The leave it to Beaver parody. JMo- Silent Lee knows a whole lot more that he is saying. You can take that to the bank. Refusing to give his DNA & take the polygraph says it all. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Yep, I bet he was sweatin' bullets till those results came back on the DNA. Sorry, but I believe Casey (ugh) when she says they had sex!. I think Lee has known all along about Caylee and what happened and they were both too scared to tell Cindy. Lee and Casey collaborated the story...thinking people were less likely to acuse her of something than him, because she is the mother. She may well be protecting him. I think Casey is the one who agreed to dump the body. Remember Lee saying, I am a lot like Casey? I bet he is. I bet Casey threatened to tell on him if he didn't help her out of this tight spot! And where was Lee in this 31 days? Why wasn't he trying to track her down to find Caylee? The only thing that stinks like rotting pizza is their lies. The other smell is a dead body of a beautiful child that Casey Anthony murdered, threw in her trunk after bagging her in the garage with the family's laundry and garbage bags and tossing her out like trash! I can only hope those images haunt them for the rest of their scum life and they pay in the afterlife for what they have done and continue to do! God Bless Caylee Marie. Say a prayer for her. linn says: 4 weeks ago

I have one to add. You are watching the Ants, raving with your arms like a helicopter to your family about what, are they nuts? What about this and that, they are lying, do you believe this! Only to look up and your family has slipped down the stairs and out the door while you are talking apparently to yourself and the dog. lol. The dog cannot go down stairs. I DO wish Oprah would have cancelled them due to the lies and all. Not just because she was not first. I heard the interview was to take place April 28 and to be broadcast during sweeps week for ratings. Can't have great ratings when you are not first. Also heard that the lady who interviewed the Ants on the Early Show did have a question list. Still, when she asked any questions regarding casey that were what the public wants to know, they both looked to their attorney. IMO, HE is just as guilty. Who was it? Mark or Mike or someone today that said the Ants need to shut their pieholes. Loved it. They are, according to an expert DEFENSE person, doing Casey more harm than good and all these public shows they are doing will come back to bite them, and Casey in the ass. I know Conway is the Ants attorney, but he should warn them of the harm they are doing. All the inconsistencies in their stories? That is going to backfire big time. RE: Sindy's eyebrows. Thank you to whomever brought that up! I admit I go on about them all the time to, well lately just the dog. But any lower and they will be in her tear ducts. IF she has any.

And good gosh! Who at one time or another has not thought of just "ending it all"? I mean it just might be a second, but we all have really hard times at least once. So her and Casey prayed about it and that made Sindy not want to end her life anymore. That was so sickening. About as bad as her, Crazy, talking about ready her Bible. And protecting the "family".. Are they Mafia now too? I wish I could do a Marlon Brando impersonation..

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

Mark Klass made a good point about Cindy "contemplating suicide." When she said that happened, Casey was out on bond, and most people thought Caylee might still be found alive, and Cindy insisted Caylee was alive, so why would she commit suicide? It would make sense after the remains were found, but not before. I think she just saw that the suicide gesture garnered sympathy for George, so she thought she'd give it a shot. Notice how she worked that little tidbit in there? Linn, I bet you're working on that Top 10 list - let's hear it!

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Breaking news! The Ants are no longer listed as keynote speakers at the conference!!! http://www.melanieriegerconference.com/agenda.php

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Why would Sindy want to kill herself during the time she thought Caylee was alive? She think we stupid?

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

OK, Linn - I was posting asking for your contribution to the top 10 list at the same time you posted it! We've been on this blog together too long!

Nordie, that is good news that they are no longer keynote speakers. I hope they get the cold shoulder.

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Many thanks to all who wrote the Oprah show and the conference. This is how we can work together to change things. Still working on Congressman Grayson, but he is a politican and thinks about votes, so keep writing him, please. off to dream land, shipmates!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Linn- That was so funny! I can just see you doing that & everyone heading for the hills. That was great news about the conference. Wonder if the emails brought that about or the other presenters protests did. Hate it for the Ant farm that they'll miss that comped Bahamas cruise. Oh well, then need to be in town on the 15th for Momster's court date. Why hasn't Bozo asked for a change of venue yet? What is he waiting for? Maybe he has to have one of his law students explain to him how to file that motion & they haven't covered that in class yet.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Jo, Bo Bo will wait till the last minute to ask for change of venue, lawyers play that game to delay trials.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal- I know they play that game but not when their client is 100% innocent. The accused has a right to a speedy trial & this trial could have started 2 months ago. All Bozo had done is given LE more time to collect additional evidence that is going to bury his client. losingit says: 4 weeks ago

Yeah! I just wrote the conference a couple hours ago and told them how disrespectful having the Ants would be. I am so happy they won't be going. Good job everyone that wrote! I love all the top 10 lists. The only one I can add is whenever I hear Lee say, "I believe everything Casey says", I yell , "Is a lie". I think it was Jmo that caused me to uncontrollably do this. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Well, i just got home from the friends house that let me come over and watch NG! LOL. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Seriously, who did they think they were fooling! Their body language spoke differently than their words. You could tell they were trying to be gentle and soft spoken on purpose. I personally don't think Rodriquez did a good interview. She acted like she was talking to two people inside a funeral home right before the services. It was poor at best. Very dissapointing.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Jo, Yes not when there client is innocent, but we know Casey is not innocent Bo Bo doe's not stand a prayer of getting Casey off. Her parents are not helping and his Client will not take the stand in her own defence, if she even tried they would rip her a new (__!__). She can not keep her story straight, if you even call that a story. She lost the so called instructions on what to do about the kidnap. Cindy lost the so called addys and phone number for a Zanny which no one has ever seen or seen a pic of. Personally I think they have all lost there brain, trying to feed the public this line of BS. Maybe the Anthony's actually did fall off the Turnip Truck and that will be there excuse. They Anthony's think they will hear it all in Court. Actually they will not hear it, since they will be testifying they will not be in there for the entire proceedings. They will only be allowed when they are completely threw testifying. Sorry Sindy you get to keep your butt out of Court. And when you do testify Sindy, the Judge will bring that gavel down hard when you start yelling about the questions you do not like so zip it Sindy. And George, the word remains will be used over and over about Caylee, do not be stupid enough to yell about that and say how dare you use that word! George that is what they found REMAINS, she rotted away because of Casey. If you want to yell try that crap on Casey, blame the person that is responsible for once!!!!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Legal Analyst: Casey's Attorney Made Blunder Posted: 5:22 pm EDT April 21, 2009Updated: 2:55 pm EDT April 22, 2009 http://www.wftv.com/video/19243196/index.html

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

National Enquirer: Casey Anthony’s Accomplice http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/national-enquir

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Good morning Rascal, thanks to everyone for their prayers. Babies and Mom went home early last night. Still want to know if GeorgeduhJungle man had to put gas in the car to drive it home. Just wondering?

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Good morning Nordie, so happy to hear everyone is fine. We had not heard if Georgie put gas in the car yet, the guy at tow yard should know but have not seen his statement. I heard more docs to come out real soon. Will half to make sure our Capn has gas in the car to go get them, do not want him to half to push the car. lol

Numarama says: 4 weeks ago

Good morning Rascal and Nordie. I've had guests staying with me this week but I've been trying to keep up with the latest. I must say that this business with Oprah, G & C's latest interview, the National Enquirer cover and other media coverage about this case have all got me down in the dumps lately. How can so many people take advantage of such a tragedy for money, ratings, making up "news" to sell magazines? I am just sick of the exploitation of this tragedy and I think I need a break from all of this for awhile. I commend everyone who wrote to Oprah and who are speaking out against the ANTs getting any more air time to spread their lies. The whole situation is very depressing and does not reflect well on how our society works. I am all for responsible journalism and in this case it seems like I haven't seen much of it lately...so I guess this is temporary goodbye from me! This is just too much for me to stomach right now. Take care, shipmates!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Numarama, Please do not let it get you down it is a hand full of people that act this way. We half to fight for Caylee in her memory! We want justice for Caylee and we will get it. The Ants will not win. We need everyone to fight for that Justice! losingit says: 4 weeks ago

Good morning everyone. Numa, I know what you mean. I read the posts here everyday, I watch NG every night. The court date is at least a year away and I wonder sometimes why I bother to even care about what happens to Casey anymore. I have to remind myself that it's not about Casey, it's about Caylee. The defence should just hope for all the media attention to die down and for time to pass while people simmer down. Instead the Ants keep going public which just gives the media more fodder.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

losingit, That is so true the Ants and Bo Bo are the ones that are keep the flames going. It makes me so angry I lay in bed at night and think about what picture's I can create to get my feelings out. Not like I can tell them any other way what they have done. When they are not there for Caylee it makes me very angry. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Did anyone ask George if he had to put gas in the car to drive it home from the wrecker yard? Did they ever confront Casey about that if he didn't put gas in? Of course not, but when it comes out in court, these are the little things that are gonna get her! Did we ever find out if the dirt on shoes in Casey's closet match any of the dirt at the scene? What about the boots in the trunk?

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Numa, I understand where you are coming from. I deal with sickness, and life and death issues every day. I've taken a couple of days away myself. Monday I am going to a Monostatic day (silence). Helps me to stay centered. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I am still laughing at the vm left by Sindy in July to LE...Casey had to have had help!

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

JMo: everyone says she had to have help because she's so dumb! Nordie, I really don't think George put gas in the car. He didn't mention it, the tow yard didn't mention it, despite them both giving detailed descriptions about the car pick up, including Cindy being nasty to the tow lot owner. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Ok, help me understand why the mother of the 7 or 8 yr old that was drugged by Huckaby is now crying 'oh the police should of watched her better' when she turns around and says she didn't pursue the drugging matter because she wanted to keep her child out of the news. People like that irk me! You can't have it both ways. Now Smuckaby is a person of interest in 2 arsons set 8 days apart at a house she was renting in 2007. Not to mention molestation and drugging of children. WHY was no one getting this little freak help!!!????? Again, sending her to the grandparents to straighten out her life is TOTALLY ignoring her illness and being in denial. It happens on a daily basis! These people are not immature, pr suffering from a lack of religion in their life, etc. they are Mentally Ill and need professional help with meds. AAARRRGGGHHHH! Guess I am irritable today at people's lack of common sense! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I was searching around and found an article about Casey possibly being set free.....YIKES. Let's hope that never happens. If so, we might find her bones out there in the trash on Suburban drive some day. There are a lot of people who seek vengence. Oh, and number is up to 91% want the death penalty for her and 9% dont. They are having to keep her in protective custody now (supposedly because so many want to kill her). NG had no sympathy for her last night though, citing that only 2 people have actually been killed in prison (and one was a person who went to prison and met up with another prisoner that he raped as a child). So, I guess one has to wonder why Casey thinks she is something special??? Also, ran across the sad news of the polo horses dying http://msn.foxsports.com/other/story/9490086/Pharm

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Part 5 of Georges interview he said he put gas in the car, he had not even put the key in to start it at that time. He just automatically took gas with him that is stange.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Mom: Casey Reads Law Books In Jail http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/mom-casey-reads CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

A couple of real bad apples. Momster and SCHMUCKABEE!! At this point arson is as important to SCHMUCK as stealing from friends and family is to momster! A couple of real winners! Both will never see the outside or be in our world.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Steve, and Mobster and Schmuckabee will never be in Heaven, they will both go to Hell!!!!! CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

LOST AND FOUND...................George's Balls! I.M.O. lost forever!

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

sorry Capn -- in order for something to be lost, you must have had/possessed it/them at some point. IMO he never had them hangy down things.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Deleted comments from Cindy & Casey Anthony on Myspace http://cayleeanthony.wordpress.com/2008/07/31/dele

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Anthonys Off Conference Agenda Due To Threats, OMG here we go again they are Threatened give me a brake with the BS Posted: 7:26 am EDT April 23, 2009Updated: 1:21 pm EDT April 23, 2009 http://www.wftv.com/news/19258778/detail.html

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, from other places I read, it wasn't threats, it was a sincere mistake on their part, which they admitted they had made without all information. It was calm, voices of friends and associates, plus emails that caused them to change their minds. I also believe Oprah cancelled because of the demands the Ants made and because of the public outcry. As witnessed by the "soft" interviews yesterday and today (I only watched about 20 seconds of it), they couldn't even been honest about how they felt. Oprah doesn't have much use for folks being dishonest on her show.

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Also, the Markoff man from Boston apparently tried suicide in the jail. Read that on blinkoncrime.com

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Nordie, I do not think it was threats, this is probably Cindys storie, just like Casey was threatened sound familiar. People are just sick of hearing there BS all the time it just never ends. They really do need Duct Tape on there mouth, they need to go home and keep there butts there and Shut the Hell Up.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Yes Markoff is another one, those close to him standing by him he is innocent. What do they need pictures of him killing the women, or will they say it is his evil twin. What is wrong with people.

RascalBrat says:

4 weeks ago

I went back today and listened to Georgies statements to the Detectives when Casey was first arrested. he very clearly said the smell was decomposition. he also stated that Casey stole money from the family, and paid her cell bills that ranged from 3 to 4 hundred a month. She did this threw the computer and used her mom's account to do direct pay. He also stated the Cindy knew Casey was not working. Yet he sat and lied under oath to John Morgan. Now that sure tells me a lot, he will flat lie in Court now. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Nordie, you are so right! I think he lost possesion in his last lifetime. He also thinks he is immune from anything happening due to him lying. Damn that apple that fell right beneth the tree turned out to be rotton now didn't it. So did the whole tree. He and the rest of his clan are the states key witnesses and they are too dumb to notice. Keep talking, keep talking. I can see SINster now cross examing the prosecutor when she gets caught up and can't control her emotions. This trial should be a Pay Per View!! losingit says: 4 weeks ago

Wouldn't it be great if we could all meet up together somewhere in real life when the verdict is read? I'll bet LP would come to our party. Do you have room for all of us Rascal? LOL

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Wesh is going to have a legal analyst & Baez on 11p news tonight. The legal analyst will be talking about the four reasons that CA could go free. Bob Kealing will be talking to Baez about the case & why he is so sure that Momster is innocent. I'll post the link as soon as I see it downloaded on their site. This could be interesting!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

losingit, I could see us all cramed into my RV, I do not think that would work.

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

Losing It, It would be great to meet up. I'm sure LP will be right there in Orlando. Rascal, I know you will let us bring our pets, your RV will be more like an ark, going down I-95 south!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I would love to meet everyone, that would be great. I love pets. I know my PT Cruiser will not pull it.

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Marie, Seabuscit too :>) and Jigsaw :>) (Hint, Marie has barns, maybe we could lodge there lolo)

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Great idea Nordie, just give us a pile of hay to sleep on, lol

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

Nodie, Missiouri is in the middle of the country, so a good place to meet up:) Notice how the Ants keep speaking for Casey "she hopes to be acquitted one day, etc." How would they know what Casey wants unless they are communicating with her via Bozo's laptop?? Is that legal??? Can we hire a hacker to hack into Bozo's email? Maybe the one who hacked into Cindy's.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Orlando Sentinel's Hal Boedeker weighs in on media coverage & CA case. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/orl-casey-anthony-s Marie- There was no email hacker!! LOL That was Cindy after a handfull of those pills she takes. I wonder if she ever called the FBI on herself.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Jo, the hacker was some more of the Cindy dramatics, like everything else she does. lol

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

I think they are writing letters. The letters are searched for contraband, but not searched for content. I don't think Bozo would do that for the Ants and he assuredly doesn't want them visiting, etc. The web is not a secret as people think. Lesson, never write anything you don't want someone else to read, and don't ever say anything you don't want someone else to record. As for me, read or record whatever -- it doesn't bother me at all because you never have to go back and defend the truth -- truth will speak for itself. Nite all.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Nite Nordie, That is right when you are truthful it doe's not come back and bite you in the butt. losingit says: 4 weeks ago

Nite Nordie. Yes, Rascal. The truth might get you into trouble, but then it's done. Lies will come back and get you. I have too much on my mind already. I wouldn't be able to remember what lies I told or who I told them to. I had a friend who lied all the time. She was a good person, but she always needed to be the center of attention. One time a bunch of us were meeting up at a pub. She arrived a little after the rest of us while we were all involved in a heated debate over something probably stupid. No one talked to her for a few minutes. She then interupted us with this crazy story involving a high speed chase/car crash/she pulled a body out of a car all on her way to the pub. She used to make up stories like this all the time (big huge stories) just to get the attention on her. I just don't understand some people. Okay, road trip to Missiouri. I'll need to get a passport. I'm looking forward to this trip. When should I book time off? 2011, 2012, 2013...???

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

losingit, maybe we should get together when the trial starts. I'm not as young as I used to be and wouldn't want to miss the party! really nite this time. linn says: 4 weeks ago

I watched the Early Show with the pissants. The lady interviewing seemed to struggle at times. She was reading a list of questions that were pre-approved, yet you could tell she wanted to ask more, but I am sure they, the ES, had a contract knowing the Ants on what not to ask. Even on NG they were talking "damage control". The Ants doing the soft spoken, holding hands and Sindy looking into George's eyes the entire time was sickening. I DID love how NG show that clip, compared to the depo clip. Again, even the defense people were shouting SHUT UP! LOL. I mean, believe it or not, I think Crazy's own parents are truly going to help convict her. I do hope they do press charges on the Ants for deliberating lying. The conference they were supposed to speak at said they cancelled the Ants due to them not defending victims! They are for the victims. In case the Ants forgot, Caylee IS a victim, Crazy is not! And I really believe the main reason Oprah cancelled is because she did not get the exclusive. It has been stated many times. She would have had them on for sweeps week, yet she was not first so she pulled out. Sorry for those that like her. I used to, but she got to be too much for me. I think she made me sick during the Obama election.. Too much for me. Rascal if you have the RV, you could strap me on the luggage rack? lol.. There is a conspiricy going on in my house. Always wanted one. At 5PM when NG comes on, the baby wakes up, my son *whom my dog is in love with* comes up so the dog barks so loud I can't hear the TV, my grandson comes up to look for food when he just had dinner! YES, I make sure dinner is done at 4PM. OMG!!! My name is Linda, and I am a NG addict!!! HAHA, no wonder they take off at that time. Fine with me as I like to talk back to NG. Just a final evil comment. i would love it if that Janie whatever who is on JVM would just disappear!! I truly cannot stand that woman!!! Today she implied they have NO evidence. Well, not implied, just said so! JVM said what about the hair in the trunk. So Janie says that could have been Casey's. So Jane says it showed the death band! She still had the nerve to say they didn't prove that! I want to strangle her! OK, my family really knows to get out when they see that woman on the panel. I might want her to defend me, but to watch her is painful!! Last comment, really.. lol. Regarding that Markoff?? The young guy. I want to say Madoff.. lol. Anyway, they say he tried to hang himself with shoestrings. OK, now he is a HUGE guy. See him standing next to lawyers and baliffs? He has to be 6'4".. Anyway, how could he truly hang himself with shoelaces when he is that tall and has to weigh over 200 pounds? I can stap one in half just by trying to tighten one on a shoe.

OK, see??? LOL.. I am done, as I lost my train of thought. I vill be back! Quoting our govenator. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

They found two pairs of panties belonging to Markoff's victims hidden in his room. Also, they said that his Grey's Anatomy book was carved out and a gun was hidden in there. Geez, I bet his fiance (you know, the one that said he was innocent and wouldn't hurt a fly) is probably reeling from that news. How can the guy be innocent if the panties are hidden in his room? Amazing how stupid she is being, along with the parents. She now has to face the fact that she was 'used as a front' to show he was normal. Even his college friend said he was a loner and didn't like women. Sorry, but I think his parents knew something was up with their strange acting son, long before now. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

OK Linn, we are adding your statement to the Top Ten list. You know you are obsessed with the Anthony case when.... .....you raise your right hand and state your name and that you are addicted to NG when you meet people. losingit says: 4 weeks ago

Hey Linn, I think you pretty much mentioned everything that ticked my off about the (LOL Pissants) during the last couple days. Cindy lovingly gazing into George's eyes was quite the contrast to the wicked little eyes she peered through during the depo. I have a brand new RV that can sleep four if you want a bed to yourself. I can fit five in the truck. I'll enter the States in Montana so I can pick up anyone between there and Kate's. Just let me know within the next few years. It takes my parents three days to drive to Arizona from here, so pulling the trailor to Kate's should take me about six days. So yeah, just let me know.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Here's the link for Wesh interview with Baez tonight. Bob Kealing talked with him about the evidence in the case. Sounds like Baez is going to dispute that his client put the body in the woods & that Caylee's body was ever in the trunk of CA car. The reporter didn't ask him about how he was going to refute the cadaver dog hits on the backyard or the car. There's also a video in addition to the article. http://www.wesh.com/news/19266303/detail.html

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

How will he explain Casey's text message to Amy telling her she 'got rid of the smell in the car'??? And it happened to be before she abandoned it at the gas station? What did she do, dispose of squirrels? Come on! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Next the ANTS will try and claim that Casey 'mistook' Caylee for squirrels, bagging them up and tossing them in the woods....but then how would they explain Caylee's book, blanket and toys being in the bag? Stay tuned for the next episode of The "Anthony Adventures": True Life Fairy-Tales! SadieSkye says: 4 weeks ago

They all suck so bad it makes me want to puke!!! BLAHHH!!! Can we say ethics people??? Or can you even be categorized as people anymore???

Nordie says: 4 weeks ago

Good morning shipmates, Going to take a few days away from all these stories, including this one, about abused children. Have a blessed weekend. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30368639/ Angeleyes* says: 4 weeks ago

It has been awhile since I posted, but read posts almost everyday...we all need to write all the tv stations and demand that they do not carry anymore coverage of G and C the public is sick of their lies and charades.

What a disgrace to continue giving the Anthony family a media stage on which to promote their cause of freeing their daughter from punishment for murdering her daughter. This “cause” is carried forth via the Anthony’s spewing lies, obstructing justice, hiding/doing away with evidence, slandering other innocent people and degrading law enforcement agencies. My family will no longer watch or support media outlets who continue to air interviews with Anthony family members or give them monitary payments for photos and/or videos.And Cindy, what a charade she put on for cbs. another face of eve!

The suicide thought Cindy said she had...just ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO MANIPULATE THE PUBLIC AND GAIN ATTENTION, she is a very treacherous person. Baby Caylee is the victim who was discarded immediately by this whole family. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Thr ANTfarm will continue to lie all the way until the end. They seem to think there is a perception of sorrow for them that will overshadow anything they say or do and not be held accountable for it. Remember, most cops or ex cops live as if they ARE above the law. Attn Attn STATE OF FLORIDA: DO NOT TAKE THIS LYING DOWN!! How many obstructions of justice have they already done? Happy Friday mates!! ANT-eater says: 4 weeks ago

Hello everyone. I have been reading this hub for quite some time now and decided to finally join if you would have me. I have seen where several people have asked about the discovery being released. The reason it is like that is because whenever the prosecuters office turns over anything to defense it alutomatically becomes public record in the state of Florida unless it is sealed by a judge. The reason it seems sporadic is if they were waiting on something else or results, etc that belonged to that packet of discovery it would have to wait. That is the way I understand it anyway from what I have read and heard about it. Does anywone else have any infor on that? My info could be wrong also. Like I said that is the way I understood it. Lucky for all of us it is something that does confuse BoBo. I hope that I can be welcomed into your little family as I have enjoyed reading here for quite a while. ANT-eater

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

Welcome, Ant-eater, love your username!! (wish I had thought of it first, sigh).

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Good morning ANT-eater & Marie, welcome aboard, you do have the information right on the docs we are waiting for. And welcome aboard. Half to go out for awhile but will be back later, have a great day!!! CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

ANT-eater, welcome aboard. Your cabin awaits you! I am sure I speak for others when I say Aardvarks are welcome anytime.

CarambaCarol says: 4 weeks ago

Hi all - been out of it for a while. I could not watch the interview on CBS. I found myself watching the reporter ask the firs question and as soon as WindyCindy opened her mouth- I clicked it off. After reading all your additions to the list * I have my own. My husband brought it to my attention that I keep saying "CMA CMA" every time I open my laptop. Is that bad???? I am weaning myself from all these maniacs (the ANTS) I dont watch NG anymore or read any of the twelve hundred blogs out there about this case. I think the day they found Caylee's remains- I said to myself "Self this is getting out of hand" I like the idea that we should all meet - we should work on a theme for the party. I can see myself asking my hairdresser here in England to cut my hair a la WindyCindy. I think that would be funny- I think if I start letting my hair grow now ....... lets see how many show up dressed in American flags. Hahaha

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

Aardvarks!!! That's hysterical, Cap'n.

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

Hello, Carol! Well the verdict will give you an excuse to return to your old stomping grounds in Florida. I'm sorry, but I don't think the "windy cindy" is going to catch on, but would be great for a halloween costume!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Snipped from Click Orlando: In a text message sent to Local 6 News reporter Jessica D'Onofrio, Cindy Anthony said she canceled an interview with Oprah Winfrey and her show didn't pull the plug on the sit down as it stated earlier this week.

In the text message to Local 6 News, Anthony wrote:"BTW I CANCELLED ON OPRAH because of integrity." No further explanation was provided in the text message. By definition, the word integrity is a synonym for honesty, but the cryptic message did not make it clear if Anthony was calling Winfrey's character into question. A representative for Winfrey's show said the show has no further comment on the issue. Seems like Windy Cindy just doesn't know when to cut her losses & shut her pie hole. Not a big fan of Oprah but I take CBS's & her word over the Ant farm any day. Don't forget to pass the word on the petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/851674974 JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I'm down for a party, as long as there are Purple Neutered Squirrel drinks and Fusion shots! I make a mean chili too! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Ok Matey's...you may not want to watch any more puking Anthony Adventure Episodes, but you will want to watch this! Law and Order is having a special called : "SELFISH" It will portray Casey and Caylee and the grandmother saying the car smells like death! I know, I know, it's all about the ratings, but this should be good. See this for a sneak preview. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Ant-eater says: 4 weeks ago

Thank you all for the warm welcome. I look forward to sharing this journey with you. I can't wait to see the Law & Order about this case.

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, thanks for the heads up on Law and Order - I have my tivo set.

Jo, Cindy always has to have the last word. I bet the "integrity" thing comes in where Oprah refused to stick to the Ants list of pre-submitted questions. To stick up for your child through and thin is one thing, but to lie, deceive, plant and cover up evidence is another!! The news is full of 2 things: men murdering their whole families, and crazy whacked out young women committing horrible crimes!

Marie RN says: 4 weeks ago

JMo, thanks for the heads up on Law and Order - I have my tivo set. Jo, Cindy always has to have the last word. I bet the "integrity" thing comes in where Oprah refused to stick to the Ants list of pre-submitted questions. To stick up for your child through and thin is one thing, but to lie, deceive, plant and cover up evidence is another!! The news is full of 2 things: men murdering their whole families, and crazy whacked out young women committing horrible crimes!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

John Morgan filed a motion today to force Cindy to answer his questions & to pay for the cost of this second deposition. http://www.wftv.com/news/19272863/detail.html#WFTV says victim's advocates caused the Reiger Foundation to cancel the Anthonys as presenters. These groups were outraged that the foundation would even consider putting them in their program. They also threatened to pull their donations. http://www.wftv.com/video/19265042/index.html

Power to the people!! imacynic2 says: 4 weeks ago

Cptn Steve - thank you for the dancewear - it will be an extra special birthday suprise. imacynic2 says: 4 weeks ago

Cptn Steve - thank you for the dancewear - it will be an extra special birthday suprise. imacynic2 says: 4 weeks ago

Cptn Steve - thank you for the dancewear - it will be an extra special birthday suprise. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago


Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Boy, Capn Steve, no one's ever been thanked like that before...you must be REAL special! Whoever posted the Law and Order link, thanks! I'll have to try and remember what time and channel it's on around here, since cablevision took away our TVGuide Channel. Steve, I left you a message..never mind, just found your email. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

I had this thought yesterday. Although I can not find one thing funny about this case and situation, I would love some media outlet to schedule The ANTfarm on for an interview with all the intention of letting it seem like they were in control and they could not only get the last word in but the first, second, and third one as well. Then, once they are on the switch and the script changes. The interviewer only asks questions that they know they can't answer and keep looking over to their mouthpiece for help. They do not open their mouth one time except when they storm off the stage which in SINster time should take around 2-3 minutes give or take. Perhaps this is only meant for a Saturday Night Live skit but I like to see their blood pressure rise! Call me EVIL CAPN STEVE if you wish. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Kate, you have mail. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

A good friend of mine who has a son in the slammer with felony charges, just had the 'all' dropped today because the person testifying against him was so flaky and changed her story so many times. (She really lied about him in the first place). Anyway, I wonder if this is what Cindy and George are doing? A ploy to look like they can't keep their stories straight, therefore their testimony is essentially

worthless. I am sure they are in pure grief to have to tell the truth about Casey and this is one sure fire way to get out of it. No one will know what to believe! (In fact, we already don't!). Anything credible they could of done to actually help their daughter is now gone with the wind! Can we say to Casey, Buh bye now, Lard Ass!

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Ooh, Steve, I like your idea. But you would never get them in an interview without their mouthpiece, Conway. Whenever Cindy doesn't want to answer a question, she always turns to him. "Save me, Brad". CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Oh, I want Brad there. This way when they storm off set and leave him to wheel himself it will make it that much better! They will be driving in the car and realize that they forgot Brad. Let it be stated that I have nothing against any type of disability! Really!!

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Twisted has a new post! Yahoo! The pic of a guy wearing a pizza box at the anything but clothes party is hilarious. I almost spit ice tea all over my laptop. http://twistedmysterywriter.com/x__100_CrazyAnthon

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Steve: lolololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!! The mental picture is more than I can stand... Thanks, Jo...love Twisted!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Good afternoon all, OMG Jo. I am still laughing about that picture of the guy in the Pizza box, I bet if you open the box his wecker wacker is in the box. LMAO Wonder what size that Pizza Box was ?

Steve, I can also see them leaving Brad behind, in fact I told Jo that was so rude the way they stormed out and left him behind. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I love how it says Hot and Delicious right next to him. Anyway, I think people are forgetting that Silentlee also said the smell in the garage 'reeked' awful from whatever was in the trunk. Amazing how the car can sit in the garage for an hour and the whole place 'fumigates' with Caylees body fluid smell. Oh, it was pizza...hmmm. Anyway, they have Lee saying the same thing, so they all three can't deny it now, can they. or can they?

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

About Pizza Boy, wonder who raked their fingernails across his chest?? JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Ok, did any one suggest this? If Annie (downing) gave Casey Zanax, isn't it possible that she is called Zannie Annie? Just thinking aloud here? Maybe theres a connection. Maybe Annie would babysit Caylee and Casey would call her Annie, but SINdy swears not it was Zannie? Sick, all of them are fricken sick. JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I checked it out again, I don't see any fingernail scratches or scratches of any kind? Where are they?

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

I see fingernail scratches right across the middle of his upper chest! Actually more toward his neck...or a slap mark... Rascal, please confirm with your computer??!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Definately scratches and that big read area, not sure what the hell that is,

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

In a resume that Casey wrote she put down as being a Nanny, she has the attitude that she is the perfect 10, NOT. George even asked what that was for on her resume, Casey replied she was thinking about being a Nanny. The Nanny she is describing is herself.

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, can I read that resume somewhere? It should provide a few chuckles... Also I think that pizza was a small, thin-crust.

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Has anyone else commented on Cindy saying that SHE cancelled the Oprah appearance?? And Oprah says otherwise...let's see...SINDY...OPRAH...SINDY...OPRAH. Gee I wonder who's telling the truth??? JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I like the fact that the "Nanny" in "One Tree Hill" is EXACTLY like Casey described! And we all know she was looking up that episode on the computer prior to Caylee dying. I think her thoughts are so jumbled up and twisted, she is confused herself. She has definitely had delusions and still has them today! She probably really thinks she is "in some sort of real life soap opera", truly! She is not in Reality folks and is one clueless girl! "Im not afraid of the death penalty"...oh give me vowel Vanna! Casey is probably not afraid only because she (one of her personalities) thinks she deserves it! I think we will find that she suffers from multiple personalities, just like that fucked up mother of hers! How else can Sindy identify with her so much, except that they are "two of a kind" and that's why they were always at battle with each other. Think about it.

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Up until the recent deposition, Cindy came across as the "calm" one who always kept George in check, pulling him away from people. I guess we finally saw that she has an even worse temper than him, thanks to Zanny's lawyer.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Kate, George stated this information in a interview when he went in to talk to the inveestigators, he said he had a copy of it at home. I do not know if the invertigators ever retrived it from George or not. I heard this very cleary on the interview. George Anthony In Interview: Casey Listed 'Nanny' As Job On ResumeCasey Anthony Jailed On Murder ChargesPOSTED: Friday, November 21, 2008UPDATED: 9:58 pm EST November 21, 2008http://www.clickorlando.com/news/18031958/detail.h linn says: 4 weeks ago

Let me add a comment. you know you are addicted, when you tell your family they are in a conspiricy to start crappola the second NG comes on. The dog goes after the cat, the 5 year old wants something, but doesn't know what, the baby starts her "love to hear myself scream" sounds. My daughter starts talking about her day!! I DON'T CARE!! NG IS ON! lol I love you guys. No one else wants to hear me anymore.. Now if they would just leave me alone from 5-6 we would get along better! OK, add that the cats want to be fed at this time! I mean, this is all true! The entire day can be quiet, minus the baby learning to love her screaming, but something about NG time and they all are here! It is bad when you want your family to disappear from 5-6.. They can be here on weekends when there is re-runs on.. lol. As for the Markoff case. The wedding is still on! How lovely. I guess not enough evidence for his bride. SICK! However, she will have to change her wedding from the church to the jail. And sandra.. sigh. appearently the autopsy is so bad, it would incite the public so it not being released!! What did that woman due to that child? Apparently as they say, it was horrific. Prayers to her mother!! Nordie, forgot to tell you yesterday how glad I am to hear your new babies and daughter are doing better and home! Now that is this weeks bestest news!! :) linn says: 4 weeks ago

Let me add a comment. you know you are addicted, when you tell your family they are in a conspiricy to start crappola the second NG comes on. The dog goes after the cat, the 5 year old wants something, but doesn't know what, the baby starts her "love to hear myself scream" sounds. My daughter starts talking about her day!! I DON'T CARE!! NG IS ON! lol I love you guys. No one else wants to hear me anymore.. Now if they would just leave me alone from 5-6 we would get along better! OK, add that the cats want to be fed at this time! I mean, this is all true! The entire day can be quiet, minus the baby learning to love her screaming, but something about NG time and they all are here! It is bad when you want your family to disappear from 5-6.. They can be here on weekends when there is re-runs on.. lol. As for the Markoff case. The wedding is still on! How lovely. I guess not enough evidence for his bride. SICK! However, she will have to change her wedding from the church to the jail. And sandra.. sigh. appearently the autopsy is so bad, it would incite the public so it not being released!! What did that woman due to that child? Apparently as they say, it was horrific. Prayers to her mother!! Nordie, forgot to tell you yesterday how glad I am to hear your new babies and daughter are doing better and home! Now that is this weeks bestest news!! :)

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Your son calls every night to see if you are ok, you miss NG and half to wait for the next airing. But you listen to your son and what he did that day at work, and end with I love you honey. No big deal family comes before NG or Casey. They are not the most important thing in my life, family is the most important. linn says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal you are a better mother than me... lol. I tell mine LEAVE ME ALONE, NG IS ON!!! However, don't forget ALL my kids live with me! they had all day, as they ignore what I ask them to do, to "bond" with me. So at 5 PM, leave me alone! Dinner is done by 4 and yet they come up AT 5PM to ask if dinner is ready. I told them at 4, it is ready! dangnabiit all!now to explain my double post.. lol. I hit reply, the wheel did not work, I waited a few minutes to see my post still in the comment section, no wheel saying working, so I hit the send button again. Only then did the wheel go saying working. So sorry gang, but I never would have hit twice if something was going on. Anywho, now you get to read my brillent post twice!! LOL Also, I say when we all met up we have a chili cooking contest. I, in my opinion, make the bestest chili ever, as long as you like it hot and spicy.. And who can take that damn smirk OFF Bazeass face? I mean on a bad day, I could kill him though my TV due to his smirkSteve, are you afraid at all this could be like the OJ trial and she could get off? I never thought he would, but he did! Of course people still to this day know he did it, and his life did have to deal with this, and YES, he finally got his, but he never was held accountable for killing his wife. SoOOO, do you think there is any chance SHE will get off? I need to ask A CA person as we were so blindsided there. I never want that to happen again!I am amused at CA saying SHE cancelled Oprah due to "interigity". WHOSE? I do NOT LIKE Oprah, though I know she does have interigty. . Sindy has not one drop of it in her entire body. Now Oprah says no more comments. TO me, that says it all. And Sindy looking into Georges eyes while holding his hand was sickenin. Gee, just weeks ago, if that, she was caught on camera telling him to "shut up!"..Casey praying with Sindy so she would not kill herself? HUH, at the time they thought Caylee was still alive! Again, even Sindy has to steal the thunder from George regarding sucide! I need to write a book on my thoughts about this family. I mean, I know my family is dysfunctual, lol, but we look like the Cleavers next to this messed up mess of a "family" I told my daughter today, I would always be there for her, but if she ever hurt my Libby I would not stand up and lie for her! I would visit and all, but I never would lie for her, and not sure when I saw her if I could get past what she did to my baby/grandaughter. She even understood it, and I meant it. If she was found guilty due to my statements which were the truth, then I am sorry, but she had no right to do what she did. She is a good mother. As far as one can be at her age and all. However, I would be there for her, but I would mainly be for my grandaughter. A baby expects, no NEEDS to be taken care of. I would not do an Ant and all. I could not and my entire family knows it. I have, when they got in trouble, blabbed. If they did anything wrong they paid. IF I believed them and at times I sure did, I

stuck up for them and do to my believing them and knowing what they are and are NOT cabable of, they got of in trial. TO me, the Ants are destroying Casey with their lies. Funny if their lies and words convict her. Sad, but funny...Sorry gang, I am tired and I ramble. I need to be a certifed daycare to earn twice what I am just to watch my own grandaughter. I WILL do it, but gee. Certified just to watch a baby thatl lives here? Off topic, but just irritated me today. More money, and classes for childcare?? I have been doing that since my 18th birthday!!SORRY GUYS... JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Story about Sandra Cantu. You know it has to be bad for autopsy and toxicology reports to be sealed due to possible public outrage! At least her lawyer had enough sense to withdraw his request for a second autopsy! Well, that tells me one thing....her blood showed some type of poison or drugs and her body had been harmed in the worst way! (My guess she was strangled and possibly penetrated in a couple of places. I think she may of died from an internal bleed/injury...such as the Boston strangler did to women with a broomstick). That sick bitch needs to DIE! Sorry, but just knowing that the reports are too horrible to be released infuriates me beyond belief! I sure hope there is no one else involved and are still out there! Sorry for the visual, but I hope she suffers in the worst possible way ever! JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Here is the story link: http://www.ksbw.com/news/19274615/detail.html Ok, I need to calm down. I am really seeing red over this! That poor family and what they must be going through!!! No wonder the public wants to take matters in their own hands sometimes!!! Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

I tried to watch the second part of the Ants interview but the gag reflex kicked in. OMG this woman is beyond sickening, and George needs to grow a pair. And I am so tired of people saying "you don't know what you'd do if you were in that situation". That's such bs. The whole point is you'd feel, torn, conflicted, between the love for your daughter and justice for your grandchild. Ok. your conflicted, then the obvious thing imo is you would just stfu. Let the courts handle it. You don't lie, change your story and completely back your daughter no matter what. Once you do that your not conflicted anymore. You've made your choice about who you love the most, where your loyalties lie. And in this case it definitely is not with Caylee. Nobody says you can't still love your daughter. You can even forgive her, but no, they go on national TV saying they don't know what happened to her. It's like the interviewer said "She was murdered". These people are Caylee's family. It's so sad that a nation of strangers are fighting for the justice for this beautiful 2 year old, while the ones that should be fighting for her, are fighting for her murderer. They are sick, and they cannot see their stupidity. Every time they open their mouths they make fools out of themselves. And Sandra Cantu, I can't even wrap my mind around that situation. I can barely make myself watch the coverage. CarambaCarol says: 4 weeks ago

Well I just read in today's Daily Mail(Saturday April 25) that Kate and Jerry McCann will be on the Oprah Winfrey show. This will be their first chat show appearance. Its been two years since their little girl disappeared- this interview will be shown in 144 countries and it will accompany a picture of what Maddie would like now. This is an interesting twist- I think the ANTs have been replaced mighty quick.

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Deb, you voiced your opinion perfectly. I think we all feel that way. If either of my children did something this heinous, I would still love them and would probably feel guilty doing so...but I would tell them in no uncertain terms that until they admitted what they'd done and accepted their punishment, there would be no help whatsoever from me. I don't fault G and C for caring about her, but they've crossed the line and are now no more than accomplices in their granddaughter's murder. Makes you wonder what went on in that house for the past 23 years...

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Casey Anthony’s Attorney Apologizes April 25, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/casey-anthonys-

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Motion Filed To Force Cindy Anthony To Answer Questions http://www.wftv.com/blank/19273625/detail.html ANT-farm says: 4 weeks ago

Good morning shipmates! First to Deb in Vegas....your "huge waste" comment cracked me up and the lists are hysterical. I can add one to them now too: My husband asked me the other day if I needed help removing the ass roots I have grown from sitting in the chair in front of the computer being obsessed with Casey and the Antfarm.

So we can add: If your ass has grown roots from not leaving your computer chair because you don't want to miss anything new about the Antfarm and Crazy Casey! I really am enjoying being on board with all of you! ANT-eater says: 4 weeks ago

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to get the most recent comments/posts to be at the top? All of mine are at the bottom of the page and I always have to scroll down and didnt know if there was a way to reverse it or if that is just the way it is. Any info on this would be appreciated greatly. Thanks JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Thanks Rascal for the links. I posted on the Caylee daily my thoughts. I think the funniest thing that could come out of all of this is that the picture with the male member in her mouth turns out to be Baez's. Now, defending Casey makes it worthwhile for him. There has to be some connection with club fusion and something illegal going on...I truly believe that. I think the money that he is getting paid is coming from somewhere that will completely blow this case apart! Sorry, but the man ain't doing it for free and she wasn't sitting 'blowing' bubble gum in his office for 8 hours at a time! How many corrupt officials, politicians, etc. are found out everyday from associating with porn rings or massage girls, etc? Jo, maybe you know how to trace Baez and see if he has any connections to anyone at club fusion? People pay huge amounts of "blood money" to stay out of trouble and to save their reputations and to keep their illegal activities from being found out. She didn't just get Baez from overhearing another jail mate. I'm sorry, but if my daughter was being charged with murder, and I truly thought she was innocent, then I would of made sure she had the best lawyer possible. Instead, he seems like the run of the mill thug lawyer who fights to keep the druggies and drunks out of prison. Sorry, but there is something really fishy about this whole lawyer hook up deal. Thoughts?

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

After reading the comments at the end of Rascal's link, I noticed they were claiming there was a

connection between Baez and Fusian before Caylee disappeared. Part owner? It would explain where she REALLY knew him from...but when I clicked on the link they had provided, the page had been removed....HMMMMM...

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

ANT eater, welcome. I think that's just the way it is...latest links at the bottom. I never scroll back up unless I'm looking for something in particular. Guess that makes us a bunch of "bottom-dwellers"... JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Anteater, the posts are just that way. Wednesday archives them at the end of each month so that things don't get slow when trying to load or scroll. I believe this order is great, as it can 'hopefully' prompt people to "read the posts" that have been posted since they last wrote something. This will keep from having repetitive stuff and remove some frustration. It also keeps the site flowing and from bogging down with the same stuff over and over like its brand new news! Anyway, I think it is a shame that C&G think their precious fucked up daughter is 'incapable of harming Caylee' when so many other people kill children with less of a reason. Read this in todays news....can you imagine the family's horror! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30406916

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Thought I better post again after being officially signed in. My squirrel gets really pissed off when I don't post his picture! He wants everyone to be reminded what it's like to be duct taped and made defenseless! He hates that his hair got duct taped in the process.

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

And he had such a pretty tail before, JMo...wonder if there are prints on that duct tape? Wonder if they can track the house it came from? Or the scissors it was cut with? Naaah, just smells like rotten pizza to me...

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Ant Farm, I like your top ten addition. My butt has gotten big for sure from sitting in my chair doing

this...lol. Kate, he didn't even see who did this. All he remembers is being choloformed and thrown in a trunk. Next thing ya know, he is duct taped and hidden. Sad.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Good afternoon all, I have been thinking about the Vet that was added to the witness list. Maybe dog hair from the Ants dog at Crime scene from the Ants dog. If any of the dogs are on medication, he would have prescribed that to them.

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Ooh, Rascal, I bet there were dog hairs on that blanket...they have two, so there's GOT to be some doghair somewhere.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Anyone that owns a dog know they dogs do loose hair, and some dogs more then others the hair works down in to the fabric.

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Or maybe he's going to testify about the reliability of the cadaver dogs.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

They have other experts on the cadaver dogs, it has to be something else. Also wondering if the dogs got in to the yard, when Casey laid Caylee out there and the dogs chewed on her little finger or something, sorry I know this souns bad it could of happened.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

This could also explain the expert that was added on marks. Maybe marks on the bones, the dogs.

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Eww, that's an awful thought...but no more awful than what we KNOW happened to her...at least the dogs intended no harm, unlike the dog that was her mother.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

It was just a thought Kate, I know most dogs will not do that but some will get agressive with remains. Tool expert could also be on the plasctic bags, I have seen one expert testify on the tool marks on plastic bags it is really interesting.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Simon Barrett with Blogger News: The Money Trail part 1 http://www.bloggernews.net/120612 I can't find any connection to Baez & Fusions Bar or the entertainment business. If there was one I believe the media, would have found it too. Mark Nejame is the principal owner of a bar in Orlando & that has never been a secret. Simon Barrett believes that drug money is behind the defense. Kidfinders & Dennis Milstead don't have that kind of money. My thinking is it could be the " Never Lose Hope Foundation". President is listed as a William Rivera & the major benefactor is Peter Benevides. A foundation would be a great way to launder drug money. Barrett is suppose to be outing the person in part 2. I think it is NLHF. JMO CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

God bless Bea Arthur.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Steve, I just looked she did pass, I really liked her.

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Ditto Capn Steve. Jo, I think I said a few posts back that MONEY is EVERYTHING. No matter what you do in life, somehow money comes into the picture. I also said that greed and self-interest are what drives most people in business. There are millions of dollars every day changing hands in all sorts of corrupt ways. Murders being committed, skanky night clubs hiring girls, drugs, porn, bad cops and sleezy lawyers all are tied back to MONEY! I would like to know more about the 'email scam' that George got involved in and ended up owing a lot of money and stole from Cindy to pay the debt. Hmmm, was his life threatened? Is this part of Casey's delusions? Maybe she became involved in satisfying some of the debts or due to her mental capacity, she can't filter it from reality? Anyway, whose to say that George doesn't has some involvement in this? Drug lords, who think "minor things" such as drug pilfering through night clubs can lead back to their 'main operation' getting busted (be it drugs, smuggling, or porn), will fork over huge amounts of money and pay people to 'keep quiet'. How do we know that Casey wasn't 'running drug shipments' when driving back and forth to Tampa every day? Maybe shooting porn (thus the dicpic) I know I suggested all this last month, but I don't think eveyone buys it. She is not your normal run of the mill mother. I believe Casey was caught up in something stronger than her, something strong enough to make it first in her life and Caylee second, something stronger than just wanting to party with her friends. She is not well and lacks judgment, so there is no telling what the kooky casey murderess was doing, but something for sure ties Baez and his undying loyalty to her and this case, while claiming he is not being paid.....hmmmm, sames goes for CONway. These slime buckets are in on something. Corruption usually runs very deep! Just possibly from a Crime Boss down to Caylee's murder! Who knows. I hope someone figures this out...it would sure explain Casey's arrogant attitude of 'Im not afraid of the death penalty' 'I aint telling them shit' and her other stupid statements... Bottom line, Casey feels protected as long as she keeps quiet. She made this clear to Cindy that if she talks, they are all in danger. I think that is our big clue folks.

Kate in MO says: 4 weeks ago

Gee, Jo, thanks for that link...I was lost for an hour following the trail! Very interesting...and it appears that there are TWO Peter Benevides who are big shot "businessmen" in Florida; wonder which one he is? Will the real Peter Benevides please stand up!!

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Casey had a change of behavior for sure. Dumped her drull high school freinds and made new ones (according to her diary). She began hanging in the clubs, associating with the Cuban crowd of people, working in the clubs, getting tattoos, stripping, etc. Caylee did not fit into this scene! I just helped with an investigation locally by gathering information for the police and what I learned is that 'it may be going to court, but no one is going to talk!' These people have been threatened that if they talk, they will lose their 'protection' that they have been given and if they go down, then other people will go down too. It is a lot less of a situation that caseys (it is just fights that involve a bar). But, I am telling you for a fact, that these people will stop at nothing to keep themselves from being discovered or put back in jail. A lot of them are on probation and parole and they ain't going back. In this situation, Casey may be afraid to tell anthing due to that (she got mixed up with the wrong people) and that's why she is being so sheltered and pampered. However, she may just be truly a nut case and has manipulated her parents and attorney to believe that is the case! LOL, I can't wait till this goes to trial!

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Don't worry, I didn't drink the Kool-Aide. Im just trying to point out how Casey's dilusions in her reality can be used to manipulate Baez and her parents. This is why they keep saying that it will come out at trial. She has them fooled, in my honest opinion. Casey is taking a real life event and applying it to herself in her delusional world. However nothing has come to light to prove her delusions...except it this money thing gets cracked and then who knows. But for now, I choose to believe that Casey is one lying skank psycho poor excuse piece of shit for a mother whore who murdered beautiful little Caylee so she could party! (Did I leave any names out, lol)

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

JMo- George was involved in that Nigerian email scam & he lost money from the family savings. Those people get you to send them a large amount of money with the promise of a bigger return & then they take the money & run. So it can't be that. Most bars & or nightclubs have patrons that are involved with drugs but owners usually stay far away from those transactions. The DEA, IRS & ATF look at these establishments with a magnifying glass. If they are implicated in any way they will first lose their liquor license. I know of a nightclub in Florida that knew patrons where doing & selling drugs & ignored it, that person lost their business when their liquor license was pulled. I don't think Casey is smart enough to be a drug runner. She never made those trips to Tampa, that was just more of her BS lies. If you were in the drug business, would you trust Casey to deliver drugs or money for you. If she knew something about a major drug syndicate she would have big squealing like a pig. I'm thinking if anybodies money is behind the defense it would be the porn business. They have to launder their money too. Baez could be leaning on a former client to finance her defense. Someone could owe him a big favor. This case is important in his mind because it has put him in the international spotlight. Casey murdered her daughter & those threats she has alluded to our BS. Would she be running around Orlando for 31 days if people were threatening the family & her lives. Her story just doesn't pass the smell test. The defense is getting money from the sale of pics, videos, book rights or someone that Baez knows. JMO

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I agree. Casey is as looney as they come. But she has certainly manipulated Baez and her parents into believing her BS. I will be glad when some more discoveries are made in this case. They say there are only 6 degrees of separation! Something is connected to something somehow.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

One more thought on the subject: If Casey personally knew the head honchos in a porn or drug business, why didn't they come up with her bail money. Would they want her sitting in a jail cell where LE had open access to questioning her? They could have easily had someone front for them on a bail transaction.

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

Here's a story out today about 2 Florida deputies being killed , but at the bottom of the story it talks about another Florida sherriff being involved in money laudering and conspiracy. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30409820 Who knows Jo, this is so twisted up. Maybe they didn't bail her because it would raise suspicion, but sent Baez to protect her and Conway to protect the ants. Somebody is paying these two clowns for their performances. Would you hire either of them with a case like this on your hands?

JMo says: 4 weeks ago

I think she may of been told to shut up. Because I think she is a blabber, attention seeker like her mom and it probably takes a lot for her to not blab. Anyway, gotta run out for a while, have a good night all.... CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

There is no drug thing. There is no porn thing. There is the thing where a lying bi-polar, sociopath got some dudes phone# from another person in jail and away we go. Georgie aint the brightest crayon in the box but he would know something and being an ex law dude he probobly would be onto her pretty quick. Momster is a dumb ass who only had one true talent. (how to text with the best of them!) If texting were a profession, she would make 7 figures. She did drugs, not ran them. She acted like a porn hoe, but didn't know anyone related on that level. She never had money in her pocket and those two "types" or groups do. Something doesn't add up in my book. She also is a big mouth and certainly she would have said something to someone.? How is the BOBO clan being taken care of? Who knows at this point but one thing is for sure, for someone facing the D.P. she got herself the Detroit Lions when what she needs A.S.A.P. to keep that needle away is the Pittsburgh Steelers! If she gets convicted and she is into all of what people are insinuating wht wouldn't these people get her the best of the best considering are they really willing to risk her opening her mouth whrn she goes down? Death is death, and I do not think for one second that she will give a shi_ about her families safety when that guilty verdict comes in. Is some drug ring or porn ring really going to put their trust and faith in that loser? Yes, if they are more stupid than her. Beside that, NO NO NO!

jo1031 says:

4 weeks ago

Exactly right Steve! If she had been involved in either of those businesses they would have hired her a real lawyer. Not one that took 8 years to pass the state bar.

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

The Three Stoges Ream Team, LMAO linn says: 4 weeks ago

Bea Aurther, Maude, died? OMGOSH!! I just loved her and her sense of humor. maybe I read it wrong? Nothing showed up on AOL news about her, but they are always behind... You know, this all can get so depressing. We are so into Caylee. Sandra right now is almost too much for me to handle. When you do such heinous acts, rape, etc. to a little girl, or boy, that is going to far. I mean what Casey did is equally repulsive, but someone taking a childs innocence and raping them on top of abuse then to kill them, well that is just too much. Death to a child is ENOUGH! To have to rape them, and have the "rapist" be a woman with a child?? Too much. I have noticed I have been really low. Life lately can do that and most can handle their own depressing situations. When you are depressed to all the heinous acts against children, just how do police do it? I would be a major mess. I give KUDO'S to all police officers that have to deal with this. Can you imagine when those officers had to open little Sandra's "suitcase". To me, personally, anyone who commits crimes against children should be either put to death, or life with no parole, EVER! And that is no matter what the crime. Children never get past what is done to them. Sad thing is, they do tend to repeat to other, what was done to them. PS. I know I spelled Bea's last name wrong. Sorry for that Bea!

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

'Golden Girls' Star Bea Arthur Dies at 86 You were not wrong Linn The Ledger 1 hour ago Actress Bea Arthur dead at 86CNN 3 hours ago Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

I agree with Steve. She is just a sorry assed, broke, unimportant thief. Her only ambition was to be a Fusian hoe, or whatever they call those girls that work there. I think the only drug dealers she knew were the ones who supplied her boyfriend and his roommates. And I bet LE is all over that situation because they have had AL phone records, and they know what was going on.

Deb in Vegas says: 4 weeks ago

The Golden Girls was one of the funniest shows ever. IMO

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

I liked Mel's Dinner with Flo also. And of course I love Lucy. The kids now days do not know what family shows are.

jo1031 says: 4 weeks ago

Don Williams of Leesburg, Florida has added Caylee's name to the memorial wall & pond he built in memory of murdered children. It's called the "waterfall of tears". http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/lake/orl Nice to see someone doing a memorial that is actually for her, unlike that sham of a memorial the Ant farm put on dedicated to the Momster's innocence. They disgust me!! I think it's time for us to stand up & do something to promote victim's rights. Criminals seem to have everything in their favor & the actual victims have nothing but families & the outrage of the public. In Caylee's case she doesn't even have a family to seek the justice she deserves. CAPN STEVE says: 4 weeks ago

Rascal, PICK UP! I mean Alice PICK UP!!!!! Kiss my grits Mel.....

RascalBrat says: 4 weeks ago

Oh yes kiss my grits, you half to admit Steve programing on TV is the pits. LOL Jo, Cindy did not want Caylee's name there, she only wants the family to wear the ashes, another person for Cindys S--t List. ANT-eater says: 4 weeks ago

JMo: Thank you for your point about the way the posts fall. That is very very true. I would never have thought about it that way. It is a good way to make sure people are actually reading up on whats been written.

I dont think Casey is into anything other than herself. I dont think she is protecting anyone and I dont think she has fooled her parents at all. In my opinion she is just a lying skank that thinks she can get away with anything because she has been allowed to her whole like. I also think she may have something over on George. Has a paternity test ever been done on him? I am still ill over that thought. This family is so crazy there is no telling what happened with that. I thought I read somewhere that there was a familial link in Caylee's DNA. I dont know anything about that stuff but it made it sound like the DNA contained two links that were of family relation or something like that. Does anyone know about that or what was uncovered? ANT-eater says: 4 weeks ago

Jo, This is in response to your comment: Casey murdered her daughter & those threats she has alluded to our BS. You are 100% correct. They are just trying to buy more time to come up with something they can possibly try to eke out as a defense. Remember earlier in the investigation it was all going to come out and we would all understand after Caylee was found-well she was found and there is no danger left so why isnt it all out now? And I wonder where Caseys "Mother of the Year" award is that Sindy said she would receive when we were told all of the facts? Loved your smell test comment. That was very clever. Marie RN (at work) says: 4 weeks ago

Remember when: Those photos of "Caylee at the mall" appeared, and were found to come from Dominic Casey's computer? Even back then they knew Caylee was dead. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Morning Mates!! You smell that lovely Sunday brunch?? Join in, eat all you want, and work it off doing your favorite activity. Someone bring momster a plate would ya. If you have an accident (accidentally of course) and her food falls off the plate onto the deck just scoop it back up and do your best to make it look purty for our least favorite inmate. 5 second rule, 45 second rule, it's all the same. Give her some of our special " brewed on the high seas " coffee as well. It is in the 3rd pot on the left marked just for momster. Enjoy!! SadieSkye says: 3 weeks ago

I bet Horny Huckaby wudnt of had the balls to hurt lil' Sandra and stuff her in a suitcase if Casey hadnt

killed and dumped Caylee so non-chalantly... Horny (sorry but just seems to fit) probably thought 'if she can do it why couldnt I?' Shes a sick puppy thats for sure..(sorry all puppys--no reflection on your precious innocent souls) I agree with Steve and Deb in Vegas. Casey was a useless slut not a mastermind.. Did everyone hear on Nancy Grace on Friday, Mark Klaas talking about how the sole power of the internet got the ants canned from that conference..He seemed pretty impressed with our diligence... Good job crew!!!! Margees on the top deck at sundown!!! woooohoooo!!! CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Sadie, I'll have Issac make you a strong strawberry marg. that will make you a shoe in to win the shuffleboard tourney tonight. Have a great Sunday!!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I love it. You guys don't buy into all of Casey's BS stories! I am just saying that these are fictitious theories that Casey projects onto people and those like Baez and Ants buy into it! I think everyone on this ship believes she is a lying skank whore that murdered her daughter and has done nothing but lie and play mind games with everyone. I think the person who told her to shut up is her other psycho personality. This whole thing is "in Caseys head" and no one has been able to get in there yet to figure it out! I think it's good to kickstart everyone once in awhile and get everyone to really put what they are feeling in the blog about Casey. I think we all tend to think about it more than we talk about it and that may not be good. So, let'r RIP (no pun intended)! Calling all shipmates to say what they really think about Casey and her lying ass! It is good to get those frustrations out right here! Besides, tommorow is Document/Evidence release Monday! We need our minds clear and ready for the next "wave" of news. I hope the ants or baez or ream team read some of these blogs and knows exactly what we think of their sorry asses! My message to all of them is: Have some respect for yourself!

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Hey y'all - hope everyone's having a good Sunday. Sooo looks like my self-imposed exile away from Casey coverage only lasted a couple days, lol. I was at the airport yesterday and as I'm waiting to board my flight I heard two ladies sitting behind me discussing the case (NG was on the tv in the gate area). One of them said something about Casey's 'poor parents' and 'what they must be going through' and even said something about how Casey is a 'pretty' and 'articulate' girl who 'could be innocent'. Well, I sat there gritting my teeth and finally turned my headphones WAY up to drown out the conversation! I'm glad I didn't lose my composure in the middle of the airport (haha - not a very good place to get

angry and start yelling at people!) - but it made me realize that I really am emotionally attached to this case not for the sensationalism or something to chit-chat about to pass the time - it's really about how strongly I believe in justice for Caylee (as ALL of us here do!). So I guess I'm back with a clearer head and a sense of what all of this means. We simply can't live in a world where people get away wiith things like this, and talking about it and taking action with like-minded people is a good way to be proactive about it in my own little way. On that note, I really am proud of everyone who made their voices heard and made a difference via internet, writing letters, etc. Bravo to you! Re: Casey being part of a drug/porn ring - I agree that she is way too dumb to have a significant role in anything like that. Not only is she dumb, but she is delusional about how great/smart she is. Those two things put together make her a liability off the bat. Add into the mix the fact that she is selfish (she doesn't have the 'gang mentality' needed to 'succeed' in that type of arena) and has a big mouth and any intelligent crime boss would steer clear of her (other than letting her give him a BJ. Sorry, had to!). I also agree that if some crime ring were paying for her defense, they sure as hell would not have picked Bozo! Anyway, looking forward to the evidence release tomorrow and to the interesting discussions to follow :)

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

This was really good today with Simon, taks about the ANTS. http://www.bloggernews.net/

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. We have a few things coming up though (Cindy being ordered to answer the questions) (Baez explaining away the cadaver dogs) (Answers to the money trail)(Kronk and Amy's phone logs)...... Casey is going to play this to the end, ya gotta know that. She has nothing to lose! I think someone (one of her buddies) knows something and is keeping quiet as long as possible. No one wants their name smeared or life investigated in the news. Seems most people's attitudes are that it will all work out, without my help. I still think someone will come forward when the time comes....just waiting for the spotlight to hit just right for them. linn says: 3 weeks ago

Ah Casey...I DO think at some point she did love Caylee. When you see her in the hospital holding her, you can see the love. HOWEVER! Anyone of us that has kids knows that sort of love can fade when they are about 4 months! LOL. I think at first she did love her, her mom helped out a lot and even when I had mine on my 18th birthday, nothing else mattered at that point. Friends? I have my brand new cute baby, who needs friends. When my daughter had her baby I was the best thing since sliced bread. SIGH, then the new thrill, just like when you get a new car! You just love it until the first payment is due. By then the new smell is about gone, there are always those shopping cart dings and suddenly you wish you never would have bought that darn car! Same with Caylee. She was not the cute baby that just laid there and slept. She, at that age, did not want to take naps anymore, she was learning to talk TOO much, the grandmother did not want to watch her as much, totally cutting into Casey's party time. She was 21-22 and suddenly she could not do what her friends were all doing. Her mom cut back on watching Caylee which I DO think helped this along. After all, she promised she would help out whenever. One huge question for me is, Casey stole a fortune, yet had NO money, ever it seems. So what was she doing all day long? Porn, stripping, they make a fortune! However, this is usually at night. At night Casey was partying so that could not be what she was doing, plus she was always broke. If she got fired from her job, did she ever get unemployment? Never heard if she did or not. OR was she fired for *cause* meaning NO unemployment. I also think she started doing more drugs and drinking, Caylee wanted to go home, was starting to talk about what was going on, Cindy choking Casey, Casey stealing from her own grandmother. I think Casey deliberately planned on getting rid of Caylee. Yet it did seem as though she loved her, she just loved herself and her party life more. So the person in the way had to go. I also think if Cindy had of watched her, she would be alive. There is the major guilt on Cindy's part. She said she would always be there to help out, but started making Casey do more and more. She had to see that was not going over well. At this point "tough love" was too late. I think Casey had drugged Caylee many, many times before and all went well. The last time, well, things did not go well. I do think she freaked, drove all over, tried to call someone, then maybe SHE took some Xanax and then all seemed to be the way it should. The person in her way was gone, but only with the love of a heart sticker so she was fine! She would be in Heaven you know! So really, she is in a better place than in the trunk or with SINdy. I can see Casey justifing all of this. The cherry on top? Knowing she took away the person Cindy cared for more than her. I think she did not do this to get back at Sindy, but to get rid of her road block, Caylee. However, seeing how devestated her mom and dad were just made it all the better. now they are begging her for info, focusing everything on her. Only thing she does not have is her sex life. Even if she gets some from Baez, well since he is so gross compared to her 20 something guys, it can't be the same.. haha, EWWWWWWW.. And look shippies, it has been close to a year now. She is over her loss. The ANTS are over the loss. And just what do they, Ants, think will happen if GASP, Casey does get off? Will she come home, become a teacher, a nun?? Do they think she will get a job, stay home at night reading her bible, go to Church every Sunday, not date or party? GOOD GOSH, what do they think she will be like? A saint?And how many of her friends will invite her to anything but a lynching?

Whomever posted about the ladies saying she can't be guilty at the airport? That is what scars me. 99% of all on the Internet know she is guilty. But many don't! My sister will not watch the case, my friend will not watch the case. A lot of guys, sorry Steve, will let her off as she is pretty. AGAIN, OJOJOJ.. Add Robert Blake!!! At least Phil Spector got his, Finally. However, until they say GUILTY, I will be like a cat on a hot tin roof! With NO Fancy Feast! LOL Truly though, I can not help but think she very well could get off. All it takes is one. Scary. I watch too much Law * Order Finally, lol.. *I LOVE LUCY* was the best show ever put out there. 56 years later and it is just as funny as it was back in the day! I will miss Bea. I loved her style.. RIP BEA!!

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Linn, I'm the one who overheard the ladies at the airport. It is scary when you say it that way - 'all it takes is one' - but it's so true. And you're right - 99% of the internet knows Casey is guilty, but the rest of the population who aren't keeping up on the details or reading other non-national news sources aren't getting all the details and probably are just as likely to think she is innocent. No offense to any loyal HLN fans, but I used to be one of those people who NEVER watch HLN, especially NG, because I saw it as "tabloid/sensational news" and in a way, it is. After this case is over, I doubt I will watch her ever again. I think her style of journalism/interrogation/whatever is abrasive and at times, irresponsible. IMHO, NG is not exactly respected in journalistic circles, and the cases she covers tend to be of a sensational nature. I can still barely stand the woman, but watch because it's the only news program that covers this regularly. I've never really brought up this case with my family or coworkers or classmates (only my fiance and my roommates really have a clue about my 'fixation' with this). I'm afraid to be judged. Since Casey is all over the Enquirer, NG, etc. and that, in many people's eyes, that makes this a 'tabloid' case, and the people following it so closely are just 'out for blood' and not giving Casey a fair chance. That's what many people think about cases that end up on certain news programs! Personally, when the whole OJ thing first started I was only getting my news from 'regular' media news sources - clips and sound bytes here and there - and I thought he was innocent for the longest time. Only when the trial was over and I went back and found out the details I'd missed, that's when I realized that he was 100% guilty. Initially when I saw OJ all over the tabloids, I thought - wow, this guy is getting the shaft - the National Enquirer is just out for blood and a juicy news story, and I felt more compelled to sympathize with him for being 'crucified' by the media. Maybe the ladies at the airport felt the same way about an attractive young white female being 'wrongfully accused' on NG! Just my thoughts!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Those two at the airport could be planted there by C & G, LOL. Plus, if one person (a stranger) says oh I think she is innocent, look at this and that, then another stranger (who is there just waiting for their flight) is most likely not going to get into a heated argument with another person, so sometimes people just tend to say uh huh, yeah, oh, hmmm, well, yep, etc...... because it ain't worth their time. So I wouldn't make too much of their conversation. Besides, we all know that they didn't know what they were talking about, LOL.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I know Melissa Smuckaby's grandfather is now being investigated for past "child molestation" charges in 1980 when he was a pastor at a church in Washington, but does anyone know if they have found out anything? Wouldn't that be really spooky if he was in on this? Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

No excuse, but one of my first thoughts was that Melissa Huckabee was likely molested herself, thus her horrendous acts. That makes sense that her GF may have molested her. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

The jury will hear all the facts much faster than we did. We had a lot of time to listen, discuss and debate the issues. Some people on our ship play devil's advocate. But, we keep coming back to the same conclusion. Casey killed Caylee. I think everyone is confused. NG still has guests on the show talking about Casey dropping off Caylee on her way to work. NO. She had no job and no nanny. George still says Casey left the house on her way to work. We know she didn't have a job. For two years, she pretended to work while Cindy and George babysat. Of course there would have been times when Cindy would call Casey during these times to pick up milk, diapers or whatever. But, Cindy would only have called Casey's cell phone. The first question people ask is, "How's work going?". So, Casey lied to them constantly everyday. Goerge bumbled around but basically said that Casey did not contribute to household finances. They were very aware that she stole from them. I imagine that before she resorted to stealing from them, she had borrowed money from them. To everyone who has employed adult children, don't you have an at least vague idea about when they get paid and how much they make? Wouldn't you be suspicious about their employment situation if they were stealing from you? Or, wouldn't you worry that they were gambling or buying drugs with the money they were supposed to be earning? Just once in two years, wouldn't you go to their job or call them at that number just to prove to yourself that they were in fact there while you were at home looking after their child?

According to the Ants, only 1% of the time someone other than themselves watched Caylee. What is that? Three and a half days a year? So, how can they also claim to have heard so much about a nanny? Okay, I have to stop thinking about the nanny- there was no nanny. I believe the state has enough evidence to convince a jury of her guilt. Dirt on her shoes can prove she dumped the body. I think they now have evidence to prove she killed her. Maybe rags with traces of chloroform were found. Maybe tox reports proving Caylee was drugged. I don't believe Casey made chloroform and carried it around in her backpack. To me, that sounds rather far fetched. I do believe she gave Caylee some sort of sleeping medication, maybe just cough syrup or maybe xanax. Caylee was put to sleep in the trunk of the car late on the night of the 15th. On the 16th, Casey backed the car into the drive so the neighbors wouldn't see her remove Caylee from the trunk. Unfortunately, Caylee was dead. Probably from the heat as opposed to the drug. That poor little girl. I hope she just died peacefully in her sleep and didn't suffer. Casey is lucky, that's how she's going to die. Okay, now I've got that off my chest. I hope everyone has a great Monday. SadieSkye says: 3 weeks ago

Steve -- Thanks for the stiff one.. you can make a mean margarita..CHEERS..LOL losingit -- DITTO.. You just couldnt be MORE accurate. I believe you are TOTALLY ON POINT!! :)

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Good morning all. Anyone that has had kids would rather stay home and watch there own baby rather then leave them to go to a so called job. They are only little one time, and the joy of watching them grow, all the cute little things they do. Casey did not want that responsibility of being there for Caylee. She was selfish that is why she lied about working. She wanted to be foot loose and fancy free to party, run around with friends. Being a Good Mother takes a lot of responsibility. Casey was not a good Mother, the Ants are full of BS. Casey was not a good daughter or she never would have used the language she did on her parents. Casey would have not stole from her family or anyone one else. Casey is Guilty as hell and she will pay for her actions. I believe she gave Caylee something to keep her asleep and out of her way, so she did not half to deal with her. I do believe she made Chloroform and used it, she used to much and overdosed Caylee.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Years ago when my son was a baby I had a friend that used to put this med in her baby's bottle. She did not like to get up early, her baby would sleep till noon. She would feed the baby that last bottle at

11 at night. The med started with a P, I do not know the name of it but she had her Dr prescribe it. Then she confided in me she had also done the same thing with her oldest child. This is how selfish some parents can be. A baby is a inconvenience to them. When they were visiting me she abused her son with a belt, needless to say she was never invited back and I turned her into CSD for laying her son's neck open with that belt. JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Hey shipmates, you are not gonna believe this one! I was up late last night and at 1:21am, I heard a loud pop. All the power went out on my side of town. So, basically down went the computer too. This morning, I got up, got my usually ice tea and dark chocolate (for breakfast...I know, it's different, but it gets me going for the day). Sat down at the computer and a piece of chocolate fell on the keyboard. I couldn't pick it out. Anyway, I picked up the keyboard and banged it about 20 times on the table. Of course last years bagel crumbs and all kinds of stuff fell out. I had a pile. Anyway, I reached down, turned on the computer and I HAVE SOUND! ROTFLMFAO for sure! I had 3 Dell technicians who couldn't figure out my computer or why there was no sound. They all told me it had to be changed out. I am cracking up! Who would of thought that whacking the keyboard a few times to get chocolate out would do the trick. I am happy as can be....now I can really stay addicted to the CA Story! Whoooo Hoooo. Ok, so to add to the top ten list: You know you are obsessed with the Casey Anthony story when: ....you master lip reading to watch videos of G & C when your computer has no sound ....you ask fellow bloggers to give a synopsis of what was said on the video of G & C when your computer has no sound ....you search endlessly for transcripts of the G & C video's and news tapes

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

OMG JMo maybe you should invest in a cover for you key board if you eat while using it, LMAO the keyboard covers are under 20 Bucks and keeps dust, food and liquids from going in the key board. If interested I will post the link. I always have something like water or tea on my desk and believe me it sure has saved me.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

OMG, did you all see where the Craigslist killer approached men and transexuals for sex too? This man is ill. They found nude pics of him on his computer and then one man came forward and showed the

police pics of markoff and emails he sent him trying to lure him out. He claims to be a sex addict. This tells me that he has been at this a while and probably molested children when he was around teenage years. Seriously, I be a lot of people come forward. Oh, and by the way.....his fiance cancelled the wedding! Really true, as opposed to Cindy cancelling Oprah, lol.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Hey, don't forget to watch Law and Order. They say that Casey's story has inspired the episode to take place and to expect a few twists. (Would we expect anything less?) http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/caylee-a losingit says: 3 weeks ago

LOL, JMo, that is too funny.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I know. It is weird, but it's like I lost my hearing for awhile. It sure makes you appreciate things more! I want to tell the world I can hear again! It's a miracle! (The keyboard cover is a great idea too, thanks). I live at this computer!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JMO, there number is down below for the cover, just be glad there is no Pizza in your Keyboard. no decomposition smell. Just look on the bottom of your key board and write the model number down to have handy if you order. Call: 1-800-669-7739

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Thanks. I don't dare do a 'craigslist' search. It's bad enough that I've searched 'how to make chloroform' already and looked up suspicious people on myspace and facebook! I sure would like to know more

about this markoff guys childhood!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

This is interesting I am signed in on 2 computers, omne at home and my laptop over at son's. JMo, yes I would like to know about that creep also. But we half to remember not all parents are responsible for what they kids do. I know some that have a great set of parents and still turn out bad. But if the parents seen signs, they should have tried to get help. Then again sometimes it is very hard to get the help a child needs, we know how that works.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I realize that but I would like to know more about his childhood, especially the way he recounts it. Sometimes children are sexually abused by an older brother or a family member and no one ever knows about it. I think we will learn a lot from the Smuckabee and WAYoff cases! We have all learned from the Crazy one for sure. I tell ya, these two make miss bipolar of the year look tame! However, we just don't know what all Casey did yet. I think a lot of people are still in denial over her. Secret lives and double identity's are all too common. Just like WAYoff seemed like the smart med student ready to marry and Smuckabee looked like the mommy of a 5 year old girl and teaching sunday school, Casey looks like the average 22 yr old with a small child wanting to have a life and party. I believe we will learn a lot more about what she was up to. She was too secretive for too long, lying to everyone. I mean what was she up to everyday with all of her driving and hiding out. She had to be somewhere and spending money on something. It should be interesting, but it surely won't shock me. I think it will shock the people who are in denial about her and what a person who kills their own little daughter is capable of. Look at Casey...she is cold and calculated! CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

JMo, this is the ship police. We need to search your cabin! Is there anything that you would like to tell us? If you need an attorney, let me tell you who NOT to call. Oh, you already know...

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Steve, JMo got rid of the evidence try the trash can, she admitted that. Wear rubber gloves to retrieve it, I am not sure if that Bagel had rotten cream cheese on it, and remember she told the truth so give her a break. LMAO

Numarama says:

3 weeks ago

Hi all! Brand new TMW!! She gives Jo a shout-out ;) Good job, Jo (and everyone who signed the petition for "No More Air Time for the Anthony Family")! http://www.twistedmysterywriter.com/x__101_CrazyAn

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Ok, I was gonna wait for the trial (since the ANTS said that's when the truth will come out). But, I guess I will have to admit it. The smell coming from my room is actually rotten pizza! I know it smells awful. Plus, it most likely comes from the dead squirrel duct taped on the back of the door. I don't have the heart to pull the tape off. Maybe I will just place a heart sticker over the tape to show that I really cared, I really did. But, something came over me....maybe it was the smell of the rotting pizza. I think someone snuck into my room and slid it under my bed without me knowing. Of course, they could of had a key to my house, since they came over to feed the squirrels all the time. I just don't remember anything at all. Go ahead, Im not afraid of the death penalty! Where is my tight grey suit for court next week? I need new hair ties!!!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Somebody send me money! I need more cheetoes!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Does anyone think that Casey not finishing high school will come into the scenario of her mindset? And, does anyone think we will find out that George helped cover up some crime or crimes that Casey committed when she was younger to keep her out of jail?

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Jmo, I think Cindy helped cover stuff, that is why some things were found in the garage is very odd places. Oh Rascal said she could send you a pretty little bow for your hair, I make them for her so it is no problem. I think you are safe JMO, you are not going to jail or the dp. But sure wish one of us could attend the Court hearings, I would love to hear this case and BO Bo's excuses on who done it. This is

going to be one sorry defence by the Ream Team. Bozo the Clown Defence. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the link Numa and congrats to Jo. Good job!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

If Casey gets the DP, I wonder what her last request will be? Hmmm, now that sounds like a fun contest for the shipmates while we are waiting for the next documents to roll in. We've already done the top ten, so lets do this one. (everyone play, ok. it will pass the time. Plus it stays on subject). Casey's "last request" (before getting the DP) is ........... ....to pose for Playboy!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

We know it will not be a Bologna sandwich, or seafood or slaw. I bet it will be Pizza. And maybe a Dance Pole, one more dance to remind her of Fusion. Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

last request: to smack Cindy losingit says: 3 weeks ago

last request: burritos!

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

LMAO - you guys are hilarious! Hm...how about last request - to die in a skimpy bathing suit - because a) it's hot where she's going and b) she'll want to enter Hell's hot body content

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Numarama, Good one, LOL Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

last request: Ecstasy and a lollipop

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

OK, "Sheeba from Illinois" was definitely drunk on NG tonight! I hate her anyway. NG has "taken her calls" at least half a dozen times, and I've never been able to get through once, with my scintillating insights and comments! JMo, that's cool you fixed your computer with the old stand-by method of bang it against the wall! Casey last request: to go on facebook and myspace and update her status. linn says: 3 weeks ago

Numerema.. lol. bet I spelled that wrong. NG IS abrasive, yet she is like Judge Judy. Very hard on people, but very well liked outside her show. It is funny, but I don't read the National Enquirer. I used to love to, at least at the checkstand, but with tons of groceries to unload while keeping baby's hands off the junk they load right by the check out, it is impossible. A funny too, is while the Enquirer gets a bad wrap, someone and it is really true, that most of what the Enquirer puts in their paper IS true! It is sensational stuff, but for the most part they do make sure their facts are true! And I agree, but NG does stick to stories about kids. I am SO sick of the swine flu! LOL.. She, and 2 seconds of JVM, are the only ones that cover the case her. And it is those two ladies at the airport that could be the ones on the jury that sets her free... However, i am hoping that whomever is on the jury has brain cells that will help them sort out the lies and SEE Casey is the killer of her own child. It would be hard for me to believe if I had not of been watching this case. I think, in court, it will become real to all, even if those two ladies would be chosen.. lol. Lord I hope so!! Praying her. Sorry for the repeat, but OJ's case might of well have been last week! I am still stunned they came back not guilty! It was not even just the not guilty. It was the not guilty verdict 3 hours into deliberations after a trial that lasted a YEAR!! No person could go over all that evidence and deliberate for only 3 hours. Their minds were made up day one. I just hope we do not even get ONE of those people on her jury! linn says: 3 weeks ago

I say Crazy's last request will be to take Cindy with her! She looks evil with those crazy eyebrows! I wish someone could make her over if we have to keep looking at her! She was doing better at the hair, but now back to the mushroom top, home dyed hair job and her lips are even thinner. Hmm, wonder if

gum smacking makes your lips deflat?? LOL.. I really think if it comes down to it, she will try to put guilt on everyone she knows. After all, Cindy is already doing that now. Anyone hear Biazed shoot his mouth off on ANOTHER interview today? LOL.. He needs to shutuphisflappingums.. And I truly hope the judge makes Sindy do a redo of her depo. I mean who does she think she is? She was demanding the attorney answer her questions! I know if I tried that I would be in the slammer for sure. Isn't anymore going to make her accountable for all the lies.. OOPSIE, I mean half-truths she has told? Off topic here, but does anyone watch Jane Velez Mitchell? She has Dr. Judy on her show.. Is that woman for real? She is a physicologist, or sex expert. I know I spelled it wrong, but aren't they supposed to be calm and talk in a certain way? I am always using the mute button on her. She talks over everyone, butts in, and today during the talk of little Sandra, to me she went to far. You could hear in the background Mark Eiglarsh *sp again* saying ENOUGH!! It was not something she should of be saying on TV. Most of us know this evil crap, but you don't want to hear it in the same sentence as little Sandra. PS here, I had a bad feeling day one about the grandpa of Melissa. I bet he did molest in the 80's and I have a horrid feeling Melissa was one of them. One reason for a 6th grader to be so horribly depressed. I can even wonder if he did this, and told M to admit to it or he will...... sexual predators put fear in their victims. Especially if they are family However, this is just a thought as it is so hard to believe a woman AND mother could do such a horrific thing to another child. Does not mean she is not guilty..

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Bi Ass, Now Say's the Decomposition smells like a rotten Potatoe!!! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

hee hee - I love all the last requests! Marie, I bet Casey is going crazy (crazier?) without her social networking sites. After all, Facebook was the closest thing she had to a JOB (besides stripping or giving $5 hand jobs behind McD's or whatever she was doing!) Linn, I definitely agree with you about NG - I'm sure she is well-liked as a person outside of the show. She seems like a good person who cares about kids and victims. Her show is popular and has been on the air so long for a reason - people watch! I guess I'm just one of those people who prefer 'traditional' interview techniques...and she definitely has her own, um, unique style of interviewing. But I do think that she has good intentions and genuinely cares about the cases she covers. I do really like that she takes a moment to remember a fallen soldier in each broadcast. It's the least we can all do to pray for

and remember those who have died for this country! I also agree with you about OJ - those jurors probably made up their minds on day one and didn't budge even after the mountain of evidence was presented...maybe they were star-struck? And then do you remember the racial stuff that was thrown into it with the police officer (can't remember his name now)..maybe the jurors didn't want to just throw 'yet another black man' in jail? Sometimes when you bring up race people go to extremes to show that they are NOT racists, you know? Just my opinion. Obviously race won't be an issue in Casey's case, unless you think about how the imaginary kidnapper/killer Zanny happens to be Hispanic (kinda like how Susan Smith said she'd been carjacked by a black man) - and that only makes Casey look worse. Anyway, I think there were several other factors in OJ's case (his celebrity and race being among them) that won't come into play for Casey. I think her goose is already cooked! Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

last request: the ECONOMY sized bag of Cheetos

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

You can go to this site and vote on what degree Casey is guilty!! http://www.cayleedaily.com/category/woodsong-produ

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

LMAO @ Mr Potato Head, Rascal! That's too funny!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Ok Matey's...my sides ache! That is some funny sheite that ya'll come up with! Keep the last requests coming. I need all the humor I can get. ....to perform a strip show for the inmates at her going away party

RascalBrat says:

3 weeks ago

Glad you like it Numarama, working on a good one, will load it after Wednesday clears the blog. Sure hope her daughter is feeling better.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Casey's last request is ...to use her get out of jail free card!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

God, I wish I was a judge! They would all get the DP! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30442091 ANT-eater says: 3 weeks ago

Casey's last request: Tony's Phone Number!!!!!! CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Can you just imagine how much SINdy is flipping out on the inside that she can't call those family members (that are not on the dark side) to control things for them and lead or coach them. My how times have changed. They used to think her daughter was only a lying thief. These days they think she is a lying, KILLING, thief! Thats gotta hurt..........ouch! P.S. Last request: to be a player in our Sunday night shuffleboard tourney. (cause we got Issac the bartender and she doesn't.) losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Tony's phone number LOLLOLLOL!!! Good one Ant-eater! So true Capn. And because Cindy's mom actually appears to be on the side of justice, I don't pay her too much attention. This poor woman lost a great grandchild, a grandchild and her daughter and son-inlaw are the most hated people in the nation. She and her husband are elderly and ill and meanwhile, their entire family has been ripped apart. What a way to spend the final years of your life. I LOLed at Mr. Potato Head Rascal!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Casey's last request.... ....to tell the real Zanny that she forgives her!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Casey's last request... ....to be a '10' Casey's last request... ....to figure out why she is so 'beyond frustrated'

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Casey is upset with all of us, I really do not understand why!!! LOL http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Today's news.....Oh please say this is not going to be Baezhole's defense strategy! http://www.wesh.com/video/19309812/index.html Basically, it was her (physically), but not her (mentally) that did this. Therefore they will use a "MENTAL" defense for the murdering bitch's defense. "It wasn't Casey, it was the demon inside her"...I can just hear Cindy now saying that. Sympathizing with Casey and what the dumb bitch did to Caylee! Here goes: This is what I think Baez will say......

Caylee's death was an 'accident'. Casey was so "traumatized" by it that she 'freaked out' and then 'mentally blocked' it out, displaying bizarre behavior (partying, etc) to deal with the pain. It triggered an 'unusual, rare' manic episode, blah blah blah! She 'lovingly' wrapped Caylee in her favorite blanket and things and put a love sticker over her mouth, then buried her somewhere she thought she would be safe and close to home. Blah Blah Blah, It wasn't her fault, the fear of her mothers wrath played into her actions. It wasn't her fault. She is innocent. It was an accident that she tried to, not cover up, but deal with in her own childish way. The horror of finding Caylee dead was just too much for her. It 'reverted her back to the age of 16' and she had no judgment or common sense. She just wanted all the pain to dissapear. She wanted her mothers love and acceptance. .....blah, blah, blah, bullshit! Hmmmm, seems I recall her saying, "I guess I'm just a spiteful bitch' when asked why she didn't say something before 31 days! I also recall her looking up neck breaking before Caylee was missing. Etc. Etc. So what is all the 'post' Caylee's death bullshit? Seems planned to me alright. So Baezhole, which is it??????? I don't buy it for one minute. She was a partying self serving narcissistic twit, way before she killed Caylee and threw her in the trash.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

OMG, Bo Bo really did fall off the Casey Turnip Truck, that explains why his head is so swollen. If he tries that defence Casey can kiss her ass good bye. Now all of a sudden he is going to say she killed Caylee on excuse me a accident, and she partied wildly and lied. That is another change in story. She stole money before Caylee was killed, it will not add up to anyone in there right mind. He is a Clown his nose is really going to grow.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

This explains the Anthony's Alibi Tour alright. Get out there and get the empathy and understanding of people whose children made stupid mistakes! They want everyone to believe it was an accident, but because Casey is such a loving, soft soul, she freaked out when it happened and she became someone else out of pure fear and trauma. I think they will basically say that the trauma of Caylee's death, put her in a state of mind where she couldn't decipher between right and wrong. Sorry, but looking up neck breaking, chloroform, stealing large amounts of money, friends 'testifying' to her lying manipulative behavior, calling Caylee a 'little snot', etc. etc. WAY before Caylee's death reveals otherwise! I am sure there are those that will identify with the ANTS and Casey in regard to their own life and that is all it takes. I have a feeling that she will get off on "child abuse resulting in the death of a child', 'and whatever else bullshit they can think of'. Sad!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

JM0, I do not believe for one minute Casey will get of with child abuse. And this story will be seen for what it is nothing but BS.

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Morning shipmates! Interesting stuff this morning. I think is the other woman (the military widow, referenced in JMo's video) that Baez is trying to compare Crazy's behavior with...she was accused of poisoning her husband with arsenic, but turns out that the toxicology test of arsenic in his system was false. She was eventually exonerated: http://insidedateline.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/0 BUT - this woman was never shown to have premediation (i.e. no Google searches, no proof that she purchased arsenic), and she only displayed 'wrong' behavior AFTER her husband died. Crazy was lying, stealing, plotting Caylee's murder for months beforehand. So to say that Casey was acting oddly out of grief is ridiculous - she was never a good/normal person to begin with! UGHHHH. I hope you're right, Rascal - I also doubt that she doesn't get away with child abuse or whatever...but this is as close to a 'viable' defense as Bozo has at this point. HE is even not so dumb to think that blaming it on Zanny is going to work - he would be laughed out of the courtroom. But the Sommer woman (in the link above) also had forensics on her side, and Casey does not. Forensics don't lie. Casey is FRIED!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Also the other lady put his insurance money in trust for the kids, she did not use it for her own partying. or anything else. She really did care about her kids.

CarambaCarol says: 3 weeks ago

ok my entry: Casey's last request:::::to choke her beloved mother to death just before they put her in the chair to fry. to have sex with her brother one last time.....

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

A no cloths party, with her friends and Tony, oh she must of forgot they left her. No more friends they do not like baby killers. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Aaaackk, Carol did you really just say that??? Hahahahaha! Oh, dear. That does sound like a dumb defence, but I can't think of one that sounds any better. Can they or have they proved that Casey looked up neck breaking? Cindy could very willingly admit she looked it up for research nurse stupid reason. Same with the chloroform search. And stealing, well, that's just stealing. Accidently killing your child would make you freak out and for her it manifested into a childlike carefree person? Hmmmm, I don't know. Jo posted something a couple months ago and I understood it to mean that even if Caylee died by accident, if Casey was committing a felony at the time, it is still considered murder. So, I'm not sure I understand this. Casey lied to everyone about everything even before Caylee was murdered. Doesn't that alone make her mentally unstable in some way? She wasn't normal. I don't think that will be too hard to prove. If Bobo can get the jury to believe this, could she be sentenced to a mental hospital? Sorry, I'm not sure how that works in Florida. Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

In my opinion, if any part of that scenario is true, if she did this by accident, if she was so traumatized that she freaked out, that she then lovingly wrapped Caylee in her blanket, and put a heart sticker over the tape that bound her, you know, cause she loved her baby so much that she buried her close to home where all the snakes, rats, and whatever else is out there to devour her body. Then she needs to be pleading guilty, showing some remorse, and apologizing, for the hell that she put her family through, for the money that the state of Florida has spent on this case, for the gut wrenching agony that all the people around the world have felt for this child so that Caylee would have some justice. Stop being the coward that is known as Casey Marie Anthony and serve every day in jail that we all know she deserves. JFC Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

In my opinion, if any part of that scenario is true, if she did this by accident, if she was so traumatized that she freaked out, that she then lovingly wrapped Caylee in her blanket, and put a heart sticker over the tape that bound her, you know, cause she loved her baby so much that she buried her close to home where all the snakes, rats, and whatever else is out there to devour her body. Then she needs to be pleading guilty, showing some remorse, and apologizing, for the hell that she put her family through,

for the money that the state of Florida has spent on this case, for the gut wrenching agony that all the people around the world have felt for this child so that Caylee would have some justice. Stop being the coward that is known as Casey Marie Anthony and serve every day in jail that we all know she deserves. JFC

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Deb, That is what we all want Justice for Caylee. She is guilty of Murder because she is a selfish bitch. She is not traumatized, except for the fact it is reality that she got caught in her web of lies. And traumatized to the fact she is going to half to pay for her evil acts. Her parents are not helping covering up for her, they need to tell the truth, and stop the Circus. JFC

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

LOL @ Carol! These last requests are a riot! Losingit - this is just my opinion as a psychology STUDENT (I'm not licensed yet, and my field is not in clinical psych)...I think if the defense can prove something happened to Casey in her childhood (i.e. incest), then it's more likely that a 'she's mentally unstable' defense will stick. Other than that, it's going to be pretty hard to prove to a jury that she was going through some sort of episode during and after Caylee's death (and didn't know right from wrong). The only way that would happen is if they got some crock psychiatrist (IMO) to testify on her behalf. Haven't they already done a psych eval on her and come up with nothing? She damn well knows right from wrong, that's why she lies all the time! I think the only way she'd go to a mental hospital is if they could prove a mental illness in which she doesn't understand that what she did is wrong. There are plenty of sociopaths who are completely 'sane' otherwise who end up in jail for murder. In our legal system, just because someone is missing a morality 'chip' doesn't mean they get to go to a hospital instead of jail...and that's sad in a way. There are many truly insane people who get sent to jail instead of getting help, and those are the people who get worse. In Casey's case, yes she's a sociopath but so are many people who don't kill and who use those tendencies to succeed in business, sales, and other fields where they can be 'ruthless' but not violent. I think she comes off as way too articulate, celf-centered, and downright cold to be able to get off on a mental illness defense. The damage is done, and I don't even know if she's capable of acting a certain way to get jurors' sympathy, even to save her own big Cheeto butt!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

We all heard of the Twinkies Defense, next it will be the Cheetos Defense! I could expect nothing else from the Ream Team of Clowns. Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

The Cheetos Defence! That's a good one Rascal Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

The Cheetos Defence! That's a good one Rascal Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

Sorry for the double post. My buttons got stuck. Really!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

This case is so sick, I half to find some humor at times lol

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

Numerama, way back when JB said that Casey had a "compelling reason" for her actions. I took that to be the incest card that I think will be played. Also the "huge bombshell" LP keeps referring to.

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

Numerama, way back when JB said that Casey had a "compelling reason" for her actions. I took that to be the incest card that I think will be played. Also the "huge bombshell" LP keeps referring to. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Cindy and George have lost their families. If there was any incest involving uncles, Grandfathers, cousins or whoever, I'm sure the Ants would have exposed it by now. What do they have to lose? I'm not sure if anything happened between her and Lee, but it wasn't like they were young children when Lee supposedly wanted to. If it was George, then I'm not sure why they don't just say so. Why doesn't George hang his head in shame and admit the truth if it will help Casey in any way? Cindy can hang

her's in shame for doing nothing about it. I, for one, couldn't possibly think any less of them anyway.

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

Losingit, just because incest did not happen doesn't mean Casey isn't using as an excuse!

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Ohhh! - Marie I didn't know that JB had mentioned any "compelling reasons" (thanks for that tidbit) and if LP is saying there is a bombshell, that could definitely be it. In my gut I still think that Casey is making up the incest part...whether it's true or not, you're right that they will run with it. That would make the whole case revolve around trying to prove/disprove incest and that is really sad - it should be about justice for Caylee...but it has never been about that for this bunch :(

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Losingit, some say that George's suicide attempt was related to Casey possibly exposing something that went on between him and Casey....hmmm...something inappropriate maybe? In the jailhouse tapes, she picks George and says "We just started talking again", so there are MANY family secrets being kept secret by the whole damn bunch of them!!! I think they know what's going on and are willing to do whatever to keep from admitting it! Someone has records for sure on something. George may of had them sealed? Why would Casey tell her friends she felt like she needed to be locked up because she was going crazy? Somewhere there is a past with her. Stupid bitch Sindy in her infinite wisdom is still trying to control things, first by thinking if Casey has an unwanted baby it will help straighten her out and settle down her wild ways (ooops, that's right Sindy, I forgot...Casey was never like this before, eh). Now Sindy is still trying to control everything. I personally think that the Judge has not put a gag order on the unpleasANTS because he wants them to hang themselves with what they know. A real common thing among lawyers is, "Give em enough rope, and they will hang themselves". Well G & C have taken the bait and are on the merry Anthony Alibi Tour! The judge is probably thinkin': Keep talking you morons, I'm sure you will slip up big time, sooner or later. Baez likes them to talk because he will get the jury to believe that Sindy has ruined Caseys chance at a fair trial with her big mouth, and hasn't Casey suffered enough for what her mother has done to her? Oh

yeah, its the sympathy card alright! Also, I wonder if this 'secretive family' (ya know they kept talking in the jailhouse tapes about being a family and keeping their business private, etc etc.) that they havent all sworn to secrecy about Casey's past (especially the baby's daddy). maybe Casey claimed gang rape and George had the documents sealed? Who knows, but there is no doubt in my mind that they are hiding a whole hell of a lot of things.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Casey is 23 if her life was so miserable maybe she should of got off her lazy ass and found a real job, and supported herself. She could have got away from her Mom if she truly was unhappy at home. She did not want to get away, life was easy there, they supported her ass took care of Caylee. She did not want to do the responsible thing and support her self and Caylee. She wanted the easy life where she could party and her parents babysit. I have no sympathy for any of them for allowing this behavior. The Ants never allowed Casey to grow up and be responsible. Sorry Charlie no Sympathy.

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Nothing with this family surprises me anymore, but with what I know about incest/sex abuse - I would want to want to get the hell out of a house where people where abusing me! No amount of money or wanting to freeload or have power over my family would make me want to stay. Not only that, the only person we know of Casey 'confiding' in about this is Jesse - wouldn't it be more likely that she'd have confided in a female friend? Why hasn't Amy or anyone mentioned this? Something just doesn't ring true for me with the incest angle. The ANTs are horrible people but I really wouldn't go so far as to say that George or Lee forced themselves on her, and yet she stayed there of her own free will as an adult!

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I think it is another lie for sympathy. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

I agree Rascal it was just another lie. And I also agree that if things were so bad - just leave. The family is so secretive and sneaky though, what IS going on? Maybe nothing is going on and they are just really stupid. Like so stupid that we think they are smart (well, sneaky). For example, Cindy brought Casey to the wedding when she was seven months pregnant. If Cindy knew but was trying to hide it for some reason, leave Casey at home. So she really didn't know? I know some pregnant women hide it quite well, but she was obviously pregnant.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

I am surprised she did not tell everyone she was just eating to many Cheetos and Choclate. She knew how could she not know it was obvious to everyone else. Or was Cindy on to many pills not to notice anything. losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Law and Order is starting right now for me! linn says: 3 weeks ago

Numerama.. lol. The jury for OJ was mostly all black. Later after the trial, one did state the innocent verdict was for all the people abused as slaves, and for all the wrong done to the blacks since. One white dude wanted guilty, but was beaten down bad, down to saying there would be riots and he would be the cause. Of course then he added his not guilty verdict. The cop I think you are referring to was Mark Furman. His lying over that question didn't help at all, but they had their minds made up even before the trial was over. He was going to be let off for reasons above. He was supposed to invite ALL the jurors to his after aquital party. Uh, they never got the invite. And due to all this is my true fear that crazy WILL be found innocent. All it takes is one woman who thinks she looks like her daughter, one guy she winks at and it is over. Only thing is, just as with OJ, everyone still knew he was guilty! Even today on TV shows you will hear reference to OJ getting off even though guilty. He lost friends, was not allowed service in some resturants and golf courses, even though gee, he was looking for the killer of his wife!!! LOL.. Sure, on a golf course. So funny to be in jail for just as much time over stealing his stuff back!! Justice is there, just hidden! IF Casey gets off, I might not make it through this time! If you see a floater in the water after an innocent verdict, it is ME!! A PS.. IF Law * Order has too many ^twists^, I hope they are not good for the defense! You know they will be watching tonight! Also, lol, meant to say NG is popular because of her nasty attitude! She is more mellow, lol, than she was before her babies were born. And I know she is friends with many defense lawyers she bashes. I think a lot is for shock value. I do like her, but she truly can get tiring. I really like Jane Velez Mitchell, but HATE, sorry for the strong word but I mean it, lol, that defense lady she always has one. Janie something. Looks like a man with lipstick. She is beyond an idiot. Even Jane can't take it at times. Ok, finally for sure! Not finishing high school should be nothing. I did NOT finish high school. I was pregnant. When ex left, I took the GED on my own. No classes or anything. It had been 20 years, yet

the ladies were SOOOO proud of me as I scored in the top 5% in the entire state of CA.. When I started Jr. College, I scored to be in the highest English class they held. Now, do not ask me how I scored in the math test. I would hate to have to do a ^Mis-truth^... haha CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Linn, do not worry. I guarantee she will be found guilty. You heard it here first. I am using the G word. There, I said it. Great job on the G.E.D. The ship gives you two thumbs way up!!! losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Just watched Law and Order. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet, but no worries Linn, I'm very sure Casey's dream team can't use any of it.

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Some people are too dumb or too proud to think that their offspring are capable of certain things - I know this has been discussed here many times. I think Cindy is defiant/in denial not solely for the purpose of protecting Casey, but to make herself look like a better mom. She wants to save her own reputation more than she cares about Caylee or anyone else. She knows the whole world is wondering what kind of parents she is. How do you raise someone that ends up like Casey? It's not always fair to blame the parent but in this case, you can tell that Cindy had a part in how this whole tragedy played out. To start, she should have just let Casey give Caylee up and we wouldn't even be having this discussion. If someone can give me a short recap of Law & Order tonight or tell me where I can watch it online I'd appreciate it! My fiance has control of the remote this evening ;) goodnight, all!

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Oops, Linn - I missed your post before my 'goodnight' ! I guess I don't remember many of the details in the OJ case - so thanks for filling me in! I completely forgot that the jury was nearly all black. That definitely is a significant detail. Well, however you cut it, from what you're saying I think race played a role in his verdict more than it will in Casey's. Even if Casey has an all-white jury I doubt it will give her much more of an edge. We should stay positive and hope that all of the jury members are as smart as we are ;)

Ditto what Capn Steve said! I don't think Casey's education will come into play whatsoever - I think the only thing they may bring up is her saying she went to comm. college and she was never really

enrolled, just to point out another one of her lies. That will probably be the extent of it.

Goodnight for real this time! Sweet dreams.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I guess the reason I mention not finishing high school could of had something to do with her Bipolar issues. They can use that as an example, that she was too way out there to finish school. Who knows anymore! Anyway, here is the latest from Baez. Casey has "UGLY COPING". http://www.wesh.com/news/19317898/detail.html losingit says: 3 weeks ago

Ugly coping? How is this a defense? It seems like something the prosecuters would use to explain her actions.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Watched the episode of Law and Order, sorry Bi Ass no help for you there. I suggest you get your client to plea while she can. If you choose not to, then blame your self when she gets the needle in her arm. I have never seen such a arrogant Attorney like Bi Ass in my life time, thinking he will get his client off it is not going to happen. After he reads the new doc's I bet he has another tummy ache, and tears. The Ants little Princess is going down, I vote Guilty as charged. Steve we are together on this one for sure.

Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Good morning, well today is the day the Macster has his hearing in California in re: his financial woes. Wonder if this "expert" will have to be removed from momster's defenselesss team?

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Good morning all. If they remove Macster, Bi Ass will just find another Clown that he can use. That means the new one willl half to get up to speed so will delay longer for Court date which they will not be ready for anyway. I am wondering how many scenarios we will go threw before they come up with what happened before Court. Why not the truth, that would be to easy. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

Numarama Here's your Law and Order recap. Liv and Elliott are finishing up their paperwork and for the first time in five years they are done - they grab their stuff and are gonna head out early for the night when suddenly . . . Grandma comes in saying they told her she needs to talk to a Special Cop. Olivia and Elliott sit her down and she tells them she hasn't seen her granddaughter Sierra in four days. She says her daughter Ashley had been in Atlantic City for the weekend and now Ashley is back but Sierra is still gone and the car Ashley was driving smells like a dead body. Olivia and Elliott get in the car with grandma and accompany her to where Ashley is - using a hose to wash out the trunk of a car. There's arguing between Ashley and grandma and Olivia pulls grandma aside to go inside the house. Elliott then smells the trunk and concurs with the dead body theory, at which point Ashley smirks, says that a cooler tipped over and spilled its contents - she then walks to a garbage can and pulls out a package of ground chuck which was the culprit (no pizza) and announces they had been planning on grilling out. She then advises she could have gotten Sierra that morning, but left her at the sitters so she could get some chores done. Elliott and Olivia take Ashley to the address she has written down on a piece of paper for Maria, the babysitter. They knock on the door and for a long time no answer, then an older mexican woman answers the door. Where's Maria? Eh? Whose Maria? Ashley and Olivia burst through the door running through the apartment - no Maria, no Sierra. Ashley claims she had never been to the apartment - met Maria at the park and gave Sierra to her at the park along with a weekend worth of clothes and some puddings. Maria drives a red four door car. Suddenly they find a hispanic male with a red car and a caucasion baby fleeing the police. They wreck the guy's car to find out its his bosses daughter who he is supposed to transport to daycare - now his car is crushed and he's going to be deported to El Salvator. They canvass the park and find a woman named Maria who is "always asking if she can babysit your child". They locate Maria and find out she's nuts. She had a baby who had died, so she replaced him with a doll and is walking around the park because he is bored and she wants to let him play with the

other kids. Maria does not know Sierra. The cops run her financials and find out she purchased a tarp and shovel the day Sierra disappeared. She's screwed. She says "oh - someone must have stolen my card" Cops pull out her wallet to show her cards are still there . . . "look - my visa is gone!". A second later Captian bursts through the door to announce there has been a startling breakthrough! The video from the store is in. They gather with Ashley, the grandma and half the force to watch the tape as a woman, cloaked in a hoodie, purchases a tarp and shovel with Maria's credit card. Of course, in a dramatic twist she looks straight into the camera - Shock - ITS ASHLEY! Grandma yells at her - what did you do?!?!?!?! Flattens Ashley out on the table as the cops pull her off her daughter. Ashley is taken to interrogation. After some interrogation by Elliott and some photo display which includes Ashley drinking, dancing and with her hand in some guys crouch Ashley has a breakthrough(down) and advised she did it - she bought the shovel and tarp - it was a present for her father. She then announces she "knows her rights" and she's leaving. Elliott puts her under arrest for credit card theft. Elliott and the district attorney prosecuting the case are talking in the hallway about how they are afraid Ashley will "lawyer up" when who walks in - none other than Mary Jo of Designing Women. . . there to redecorate the interrogation room? Wait! No! She's now an attorney. . . Elliott off to talk to grandpa to see if he has a shovel. Grandpa is disturbed - he's gardening - yes - he loves Sierra too. Daughter not so truthful - Elliott asks for the shovel. . . Grandpa is shocked she stole is shovel - can't garden anymore - guess I have to go back inside and become an alcoholic again. A din from the front of the house - Elliott asks Grandpa - you know anything about this? "Nope . . . I don't know nothin about birthin no babies Ms. Scarlett". . . oops (wrong movie). So they go up front Defense atty there - they are persecuting her poor innocent client while her baby is missing. Shovel tests in - only thing weird is there is a concentration in the dirt that is consistent with gas being in the soil. Too many stations - they will never find her! Elliott goes back to grandpa - prys beer from his hand - tells him his granddaughter needs him - any of these sites on this map familiar? YES! I told Ashley to never drive drunk - cause I sure did for the first 18 years of Ashley's life - so she and her friends would drink and then I would pick her up - - - I picked her up from here a lot! Elliott organizes a search party for the area while a lab tech calls the press so they are all there for the search. Dogs find a site - they dig - find a doll buried - Elliott shoves the lab tech away and brushes dirt off with a paintbrush . . . then pulls back the tarp to find Sierra there . . . dead. Lab tech yells - we got a body! Elliott threatens to flatten him out. Lab tech shuts up. Courttime - Mary Jo asks for low bail - DA - no bail. Judge leaning toward bail. DA on her text messages . . . scrolling . . . Judge tells her to put the phone away and pay attention - "your honor - at this time the state will be adding an additional charge - second degree murder - we just found the body of Sierra". Ashley sobbs "Sierra's dead?" while Mary Jo comforts her. No bail now. Mary Jo tells DA "you're so full of yourself today" DA tells Mary Jo - "and you're so full of the . . . usual".

Coroner examines the body. Bad news - Sierra died of the measels - she isn't a year old yet - can't vaccinate until they are a year. DA meets with mom - puts pressure for confession - we think it was an accident - 500 hours community service - weekly therapy - and an alcohol treatment program - OK? Mary Jo Ok's it. Ashley spills . . . Sierra was crying - she had this weird rash and wouldn't go to sleep - so I spanked her and put her to bed (what? no doctor - gasp). So when I woke up she was cold - I was scared so I buried her. It was an accident - But I killed my baby - sob sob DA reveals that she didn't in fact kill her baby (sorry but yes she did - they can treat the measles . . . so by not giving her medical care imo she assisted in the death, but whatever . . . no one cares what I am screaming at the tv) So everyone is angry and shocked because Ashley could have walked now she has to do the stupid community service and rehab and therapy. The rest dealt with charging the mom whose son had the measels because she doesn't believe in immunizing her child. Not very interesting. Too bad for Casey that Caylee was over 12 months and could have been vaccinated against the measels. The End. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

and wow - wasn't that the longest post EVER! Maybe Wednesday will leave that one when she archieves. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

and wow - wasn't that the longest post EVER! Maybe Wednesday will leave that one when she archieves.

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Good morning! wow, imacynic2, thank you for taking the time to give me that detailed recap! I'm glad that there was nothing there that Bozo & Co. can use for Ms. Momster. There were definitely some similarities....it does seem like it got a little boring at the end with the measles/immunization thing. Thanks again! imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

You're welcome - most people find both my recollection ability for the least necessary details and my very dry and sarcastic sense of humor annoying. I was hopeful it would be enjoyed here. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

You're welcome - most people find both my recollection ability for the least necessary details and my very dry and sarcastic sense of humor annoying. I was hopeful it would be enjoyed here. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

You're welcome - most people find both my recollection ability for the least necessary details and my very dry and sarcastic sense of humor annoying. I was hopeful it would be enjoyed here. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

Race war. Anyone remember the Staurt shooting in Boston - a husband shot his pregnant wife after they left lamaze (sp?) class. He claimed a "black man" shot them, robbed them and then left them for dead. Police tossed the local black neighborhoods - of course any black male fits the description of a "black man" and a generic sketch to go along - you have cops frisking, beating and arresting black males like crazy - chasing their tails - trying to get someone to tell who had shot this white couple. Yet a couple months later the seams of his story came apart - his brother confessed he had been asked to dispose of the gun from the scene - and dear Mr. Staurt jumped off a bridge. So you are in Florida - large hispanic population. Granted Zenida is probably not the most common name - I woulda gone with a Maria or something like that myself, but you send police looking for a hispanic female in Florida - same thing. So the police are chasing their tales looking for a woman they can't ever find - because she doesn't really exist, although in a way she does - because there are tons of hispanic females in Florida. I even hazzard a guess to say you might find many of them working as nannys caring for caucasion children. Tail chasing. That's what Casey was up to. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

Hmm - perhaps I fell alseep before the end? The series ended with a scene that George and Cindy Anthony, Caylee's grandparents, should have avoided. The dead little girl's grandfather committed suicide -- in front of the acquitted mother. George Anthony attempted suicide, and Cindy Anthony recently revealed she considered taking her life. And I apologize - I don't know why all of my posts are posting 15 times each - I'm only hitting the button once!

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

Cynic, I was thinking while watching Law and Order that the Ants will not be able to go forth without making a comment about it. You know they watched it, at least Cindy did.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

It sounds like a theory that a lot of people have reasoned out for Casey. She accidently killed Caylee (only chloroform and searching neck breaking are not accidents) then buried her in trash (in her favorite pet cemetary, but only after driving around for 2 days with her dead in the trunk). A lot of similarities, but one BIG DIFFERENCE....Caylee's death was No accident!!!!! The bitch premeditated it and searched for ways to get the little snot out of her life so she could party! She even put it in her diary!!!!! She wasn't smart enough to cry out it was accidental, oh no....Casey has had to dramatized everything and cost everyone time and money to continue her BS lies. Now she has dumb ass Baezhole planting new ideas into her head....Can't you just hear it now? Casey: I wish I had more information. Baez: Hmmm, maybe I will try the Hispanic discrimination card. Casey: I have no idea what happened to Caylee. Baez: No wait, let's try the Accident theory defense, that should work. Casey: I want Tony's phone number. Baez: Oh, I got it, I got it!! Casey can you pretend to be a one armed man? Casey: I need some more Cheetos! Baez: I guess I will just have to go with the old standby of keeping my plan secretive until trial! Casey: Are we done yet? losingit says:

3 weeks ago

imacynic2: I am very glad I didn't try to recap the episode. You did a great job, much better than I would have. AND, (smacks self in head), Mary Jo- thank you it was driving me mad trying to figure out who she was. Duh.

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Imacynic, that is amazing that you recalled all of that from memory! I wish you could be my study buddy for my upcoming exams! LOL Isn't it funny how Bozo tried to pull the race card with being the first Hispanic attorney in FL to defend such a high profile client, yet his client is playing on racial stereotypes and sending everyone on a wild goose chase looking for a Hispanic nanny? Makes me ill. When I was in high school I was riding to the movies with a friend who happens to be a black male - he was driving, I was riding in the front and there was another female in the back, and we were meeting a group of friends...anyway, we got pulled over and my friend who was driving was questioned about where we were going, how he knew us (we were all classmates), and whether our parents (meaning myself and the other female) knew we were out with him. (Yes my parents knew and they were friends with HIS parents, and his dad was on the school board!). Eventually the officer let us keep going after several intense questions. Turns out there was an APB out for a black male who had kidnapped a white female and was in a similar vehicle. I am not white (I'm Asian) and nor was the female in the backseat, yet the officer still felt the need to stop and question us. It still makes me mad to this day.. Obviously people of every color commit crimes, and I won't open up any long/drawn out discussion about race and our justice system. Let me just say that it makes me sick when people try to cover up their own crime by blaming it on a made-up/nonexistent person of color, or simply assume that a person of color committed the crime! This type of thinking is poisonous.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Now Deputy Cain objects to giving his phone records, citing privacy .....basically, everyone is telling Baezhole to politely go f' himself! LOL http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breaking Imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

Ok, so home at lunch time so I figured I'd better see the end of it - Looks like I fell asleep really early there was a whole other part I missed!

Continued Summary: Apparently the CDC keeps track of all cases of measles so they found two cases, an amish boy and a young boy who went to the same park. Elliott goes to Amish boy's house. Father explains he had gone for his day of freedom where he could do whatever he wanted to determine if he wished to remain Amish or if he wanted to live in the portal of sin we know as the free world. Boy chose Amishmix. He wishes to remain Amish with . . . gasp! a little chickie poo on the side. After denying his return to the city - despite photographs in Elliotts hand showing his measelridden body, so two weeks earlier he snuck back to the real world and then developed a weird rash, went to the hospital and was then discharged and sent home . . . apparently without being told he had the measles . . . to the Amish community where no one is immunized. Hmm. . . not really a likely contact point for Caylee - oops I mean Sierra. Second case - white bred boy in the city with overprotective mother who does not believe in immunization and has a wrought iron fence around their portion of the sidewalk. She admits her child had the measles - but he's fine now. Sierra, who couldn't be immunized yet because she wasn't old enough is dead. Arrest measels mom - charge her with murder. Fast forward to court - trial - Sierra died of measels yada yada yada. Jury back in NOT Guilty. Of course Ralph, Ruth and Ashley are all present in the courtroom. They are - eerily similar to the Anthony family - all wearing white t shirts with Sierra's pictures on them. And you'll never guess - but Ashley is in all too short denim shorts like someone else we know. She stands and screams about how they were letting a murderer walk - and then measels mom turns around and yells back that Ashley is the reason Sierra is dead - no one else. Ashley then on cue runs out of the courtroom into the bathroom. Olivia dutifully follows, as no one else cares where she goes, and then after coaxing Ashley out of the stall and telling her its not her fault Ralph enters the woman's restroom. Ralph has a bonding moment with Ashley in which he convinces her the best and only way to go on is to go on by showing Sierra how good a woman Ashley could be. There's some agreement from Liv, and then, a moment of hugging and shared sobbing. Suddenly the background music changes and Cindy - ooops - I mean Ruth - enters the bathroom. Ralph and Ashley explain they are going to live their lives to the fullest, in service to show Sierra how good they could be and to prove to her how much they love her. Ruthie puts an end to that bullshit really quickly telling Ashley she needs to exact revenge and make people pay dammit. She then proceeds to tell Ralph he has no balls and if he wouldn't grow a set she'd take care of doing the "right thing" herself. Cut to evening - Liv answers the phone - OH NO! They run to the cars and cut to an evening scene

outside of measel mom's home. Ruth and Ashley have thrown a brick through her window and are standing outside calling her names. Liv approaches Ashley - reminds her of how she was going to be good - you know - so Sierra will be proud of you? Ashley tells her that was stupid and her mom set her straight. El pulls Ruth away - tells her she "just doesn't get it does she" and tries to talk to her. As he spins her around to look at him Ralph goes running past and into Measel mom's house. Ruth begins a cheering section - go Ralph - you show her what she's done - make her pay Ralph. Ralph, encouraged by the first positive words ever spoken to him by Ruth finds the strength to dart up the stairs and slam the door. Olivia and Elliot begin fast pursuit of him, but alas . . . gunshot. Olivia yells for the apparently braindead other officers (who couldn't figure out this one on their own? Glad they aren't patrolling my neighborhood) to call a bus (ambulance). They burst through the door calling Measel mom and find George ooops I mean Ralph on the floor blood pooling around him. Olivia asks MM if she's been shot - rather than answering NO, MM goes into a diatribe about how he came in - pointed the gun at her - she asked him not to shoot her and he stopped, told her "now you've killed two people" put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. As they all stand around with no one bothering to check for a pulse on Ralph Olivia bends down to pick up from his hand a photograph of him with Sierra. She and Elliott then exchange meaningful glances and plan for their late night rondevous. The Real End.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Wow, the ANTS will certainly need to top that one! They have the personalities down really good though. They all deserve what they get! Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

JMo you are hysterical as always. imacynic I am so glad I didn't watch the show last night, your rendition sounds way more interesting . Don't you think they should have named the baby sitter Clora Form or something more interesting than Maria?

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Deputy objects to giving phone records to Casey Anthony’s attorney April 29, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/04/deputy-objectsimacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

Here's your Law and Order recap.

Liv and Elliott are finishing up their paperwork and for the first time in five years they are done - they grab their stuff and are gonna head out early for the night when suddenly . . . Grandma comes in saying they told her she needs to talk to a Special Cop.

Olivia and Elliott sit her down and she tells them she hasn't seen her granddaughter Sierra in four days. She says her daughter Ashley had been in Atlantic City for the weekend and now Ashley is back but Sierra is still gone and the car Ashley was driving smells like a dead body.

Olivia and Elliott get in the car with grandma and accompany her to where Ashley is - using a hose to wash out the trunk of a car. There's arguing between Ashley and grandma and Olivia pulls grandma aside to go inside the house. Elliott then smells the trunk and concurs with the dead body theory, at which point Ashley smirks, says that a cooler tipped over and spilled its contents - she then walks to a garbage can and pulls out a package of ground chuck which was the culprit (no pizza) and announces they had been planning on grilling out. She then advises she could have gotten Sierra that morning, but left her at the sitters so she could get some chores done.

Elliott and Olivia take Ashley to the address she has written down on a piece of paper for Maria, the babysitter. They knock on the door and for a long time no answer, then an older mexican woman answers the door. Where's Maria? Eh? Whose Maria? Ashley and Olivia burst through the door running through the apartment - no Maria, no Sierra.

Ashley claims she had never been to the apartment - met Maria at the park and gave Sierra to her at the park along with a weekend worth of clothes and some puddings. Maria drives a red four door car. Suddenly they find a hispanic male with a red car and a caucasion baby fleeing the police. They wreck the guy's car to find out its his bosses daughter who he is supposed to transport to daycare - now his car

is crushed and he's going to be deported to El Salvator.

They canvass the park and find a woman named Maria who is "always asking if she can babysit your child". They locate Maria and find out she's nuts. She had a baby who had died, so she replaced him with a doll and is walking around the park because he is bored and she wants to let him play with the other kids. Maria does not know Sierra. The cops run her financials and find out she purchased a tarp and shovel the day Sierra disappeared. She's screwed. She says "oh - someone must have stolen my card" Cops pull out her wallet to show her cards are still there . . . "look - my visa is gone!". A second later Captian bursts through the door to announce there has been a startling breakthrough! The video from the store is in.

They gather with Ashley, the grandma and half the force to watch the tape as a woman, cloaked in a hoodie, purchases a tarp and shovel with Maria's credit card. Of course, in a dramatic twist she looks straight into the camera - Shock - ITS ASHLEY!

Grandma yells at her - what did you do?!?!?!?! Flattens Ashley out on the table as the cops pull her off her daughter. Ashley is taken to interrogation. After some interrogation by Elliott and some photo display which includes Ashley drinking, dancing and with her hand in some guys crouch Ashley has a breakthrough(down) and advised she did it - she bought the shovel and tarp - it was a present for her father. She then announces she "knows her rights" and she's leaving. Elliott puts her under arrest for credit card theft. Elliott and the district attorney prosecuting the case are talking in the hallway about how they are afraid Ashley will "lawyer up" when who walks in - none other than Mary Jo of Designing Women. . . there to redecorate the interrogation room? Wait! No! She's now an attorney. . .

Elliott off to talk to grandpa to see if he has a shovel. Grandpa is disturbed - he's gardening - yes - he loves Sierra too. Daughter not so truthful - Elliott asks for the shovel. . . Grandpa is shocked she stole is shovel - can't garden anymore - guess I have to go back inside and become an alcoholic again.

A din from the front of the house - Elliott asks Grandpa - you know anything about this? "Nope . . . I don't know nothin about birthin no babies Ms. Scarlett". . . oops (wrong movie). So they go up front Defense atty there - they are persecuting her poor innocent client while her baby is missing.

Shovel tests in - only thing weird is there is a concentration in the dirt that is consistent with gas being in the soil. Too many stations - they will never find her! Elliott goes back to grandpa - prys beer from his hand - tells him his granddaughter needs him - any of these sites on this map familiar? YES! I told

Ashley to never drive drunk - cause I sure did for the first 18 years of Ashley's life - so she and her friends would drink and then I would pick her up - - - I picked her up from here a lot!

Elliott organizes a search party for the area while a lab tech calls the press so they are all there for the search. Dogs find a site - they dig - find a doll buried - Elliott shoves the lab tech away and brushes dirt off with a paintbrush . . . then pulls back the tarp to find Sierra there . . . dead. Lab tech yells - we got a body! Elliott threatens to flatten him out. Lab tech shuts up.

Courttime - Mary Jo asks for low bail - DA - no bail. Judge leaning toward bail. DA on her text messages . . . scrolling . . . Judge tells her to put the phone away and pay attention - "your honor - at this time the state will be adding an additional charge - second degree murder - we just found the body of Sierra". Ashley sobbs "Sierra's dead?" while Mary Jo comforts her. No bail now. Mary Jo tells DA "you're so full of yourself today" DA tells Mary Jo - "and you're so full of the . . . usual".

Coroner examines the body. Bad news - Sierra died of the measels - she isn't a year old yet - can't vaccinate until they are a year.

DA meets with mom - puts pressure for confession - we think it was an accident - 500 hours community service - weekly therapy - and an alcohol treatment program - OK? Mary Jo Ok's it. Ashley spills . . . Sierra was crying - she had this weird rash and wouldn't go to sleep - so I spanked her and put her to bed (what? no doctor - gasp). So when I woke up she was cold - I was scared so I buried her. It was an accident - But I killed my baby - sob sob

DA reveals that she didn't in fact kill her baby (sorry but yes she did - they can treat the measles . . . so by not giving her medical care imo she assisted in the death, but whatever . . . no one cares what I am screaming at the tv) So everyone is angry and shocked because Ashley could have walked now she has to do the stupid community service and rehab and therapy. Apparently the CDC keeps track of all cases of measles so they found two cases, an amish boy and a young boy who went to the same park. Elliott goes to Amish boy's house. Father explains he had gone for his day of freedom where he could do whatever he wanted to determine if he wished to remain Amish or if he wanted to live in the portal of sin we know as the free world. Boy chose Amishmix. He wishes to remain Amish with . . . gasp! a little chickie poo on the side. After denying his return to the city - despite photographs in Elliotts hand showing his measelridden body, so two weeks earlier he snuck back to the real world and then developed a weird rash, went to the hospital and was then discharged and sent home . . . apparently without being told he had the measles . . . to the Amish

community where no one is immunized. Hmm. . . not really a likely contact point for Caylee - oops I mean Sierra.

Second case - white bred boy in the city with overprotective mother who do imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

Second case - white bred boy in the city with overprotective mother who does not believe in immunization and has a wrought iron fence around their portion of the sidewalk. She admits her child had the measles - but he's fine now. Sierra, who couldn't be immunized yet because she wasn't old enough is dead.

Arrest measels mom - charge her with murder. Fast forward to court - trial - Sierra died of measels yada yada yada. Jury back in

NOT Guilty. Of course Ralph, Ruth and Ashley are all present in the courtroom. They are - eerily similar to the Anthony family - all wearing white t shirts with Sierra's pictures on them. And you'll never guess - but Ashley is in all too short denim shorts like someone else we know. She stands and screams about how they were letting a murderer walk - and then measels mom turns around and yells back that Ashley is the reason Sierra is dead - no one else.

Ashley then on cue runs out of the courtroom into the bathroom. Olivia dutifully follows, as no one else cares where she goes, and then after coaxing Ashley out of the stall and telling her its not her fault Ralph enters the woman's restroom. Ralph has a bonding moment with Ashley in which he convinces her the best and only way to go on is to go on by showing Sierra how good a woman Ashley could be. There's some agreement from Liv, and then, a moment of hugging and shared sobbing.

Suddenly the background music changes and Cindy - ooops - I mean Ruth - enters the bathroom. Ralph and Ashley explain they are going to live their lives to the fullest, in service to show Sierra how good they could be and to prove to her how much they love her.

Ruthie puts an end to that bullshit really quickly telling Ashley she needs to exact revenge and make people pay dammit. She then proceeds to tell Ralph he has no balls and if he wouldn't grow a set she'd take care of doing the "right thing" herself.

Cut to evening - Liv answers the phone - OH NO! They run to the cars and cut to an evening scene outside of measel mom's home. Ruth and Ashley have thrown a brick through her window and are standing outside calling her names. Liv approaches Ashley - reminds her of how she was going to be good - you know - so Sierra will be proud of you? Ashley tells her that was stupid and her mom set her straight.

El pulls Ruth away - tells her she "just doesn't get it does she" and tries to talk to her. As he spins her around to look at him Ralph goes running past and into Measel mom's house. Ruth begins a cheering section - go Ralph - you show her what she's done - make her pay Ralph.

Ralph, encouraged by the first positive words ever spoken to him by Ruth finds the strength to dart up the stairs and slam the door. Olivia and Elliot begin fast pursuit of him, but alas . . . gunshot. Olivia yells for the apparently braindead other officers (who couldn't figure out this one on their own? Glad they aren't patrolling my neighborhood) to call a bus (ambulance).

They burst through the door calling Measel mom and find George ooops I mean Ralph on the floor blood pooling around him. Olivia asks MM if she's been shot - rather than answering NO, MM goes into a diatribe about how he came in - pointed the gun at her - she asked him not to shoot her and he stopped, told her "now you've killed two people" put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

As they all stand around with no one bothering to check for a pulse on Ralph Olivia bends down to pick up from his hand a photograph of him with Sierra. She and Elliott then exchange meaningful glances and plan for their late night rondevous.

The Real End. Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

JMo have you read the Money Trail Part 4? He is mentioning names now. Pedro Benevides. What do you think about this? I am not sold personally. http://www.bloggernews.net/120671 Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

I know this is bad but it is very funny. Cindy the Grinch http://bigmouthshelly.wordpress.com/2009/04/29/cin Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago


RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Cindy’s Suicide Note Hi Deb just surfing the net bb http://bigmouthshelly.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/cin

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Squirrels investigate Casey, Cindy & George Anthony http://bigmouthshelly.wordpress.com/2009/04/28/squ

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Assistant state attorney Linda Drane-Burdick will be prosecutions lead attorney in the CA case. She is well known for her aggressive questioning of witnesses & her desire to seek justice for victims. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/19326886/detail.h

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Stacey Barker charged with murder, another beautiful child murdered by her Mom

http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local/los_angeles&id=6782874&rss=rss-kabc-article6782874 Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

What was up with NG today? Was she being more of an ass then usual,or is it just me?

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Deb, she can be very nasty to a guest. maybe PMS time for her.

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

I'm here laughing away! I have to be out of town for a little while, but I will try to check in! You guys crack me up!

JMo says: 3 weeks ago

Haven't been home to follow anything, but will certainly check out the money trail! Go Linda Burdick, GO! Rip Jose a new Baezhole! linn says: 3 weeks ago

Thank you Capn Steve for the kind words. I could have got my diploma, but you know how it is with kids and going through a divorce. I was stunned at the grades I got for the GED and of course then wished I had of gone for the diploma. Still it would have meant classes to get it and I had kids. I will hold you to it not being like OJ!!! I am still furious over that verdict. Gee, the least they could have done was just sat and played cards for at least 5 days! But less than 3 hours? LOL.. Still not over it. I will take you would she will be found GUILTY! OK to all, what is going on with women killing their babies? now we have the mother who smothered her 18 month old. adorable little girl! First claiming she was hit on the head, knocked out and her baby kidnapped. Then admits she is dead, tossed again like trash on the side of a highway. I need to finish out Caylee's case, but I am not sure how much more of these degenerate people. At least they think Haleigh might just be alive! SadieSkye says:

3 weeks ago

JMo -- Your rendition of Casey made me almost pee my pants..LOL

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

According to the Orlando Sentinel site, new documents to be released tomorrow. These documents to include law enforcement interviews with witnesses & lab reports. OS story didn't say anything about Amscot photos that others had said would be released with new info. Guess we will have to wait & see. imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

Yeah - I heard something about that last night - "secret" photos showing Casey's car imacynic2 says: 3 weeks ago

Yeah - I heard something about that last night - "secret" photos showing Casey's car

Nannie27 says: 3 weeks ago

LOL I thought /hoped this was Bozo and Crazy LOL LOL


jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Nanny- Hopefully the next lawyer to go down (pun intended) for that will be Bozo. LOL Found this at photo bucket:


RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Jo, I love it that is to funny!

Kate in MO says: 3 weeks ago

Oh, you guys continually crack me up...I need to check in every day; I've missed ALOT, apparently! Deb in Vegas, the more I read about the Peter/Pedro Benevides guy, the more suspicious he sounds. Did he have interests in Fusian? Is his exotic car lot where George worked security?

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Kate, I was wondering the same thing,if the Ants know him. Maybe that is the money trail.

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Wooded lot where Caylee's remains were found is still for sale according to the real estate agent who has the listing. The site maybe put on Ebay in the near future. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/breaking RE: Peter Benevides/ Pedro Benavides: I have searched for pictures under both of these names & have not found even one. How does this Peter Benevides being a member of the NLHF not even have one picture of him out in the news? This foundation had a raffle to raise money for the Caylee reward back in October in Orlando & the only thing I could find out about it was that people suspected that it was a scam. Pedro B. was arrested by the feds for money laundering. He was using drug money to buy planes in the US to haul drugs to different countries. Peter B. not only owns an exotic car business but also a business that leases corporate jets. Seems strange that two people with similar names both have ties to airplanes.

Another interesting tidbit I picked up by reading at other sites, was that Bozo took a man with him to visit Momster that had ties to the entertainment business. This fact was verified by the jail visitation log. Now if there are not any deals in the works why is this man visiting the jail with Bozo.

Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

The bigmouthshelly stuff is funny! I needed that laugh! Shipmates, don't forget to tell those you love how you feel. Life is so very precious! Going to dream about feeding Jigsaw carrots! And I'm going to tickle his little whiskers :>) Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

Jo, not only am I wondering why was he visiting along with Byeass, but how is he allowed to visit if he's not an attorney? And who else does Byeass bring with him on his Private, attorney-client visits?

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Deb- Here's the jail log for 10/15/08-1/26/09 http://www.docstoc.com/docs/3918071/Casey-AnthonyI found at least 5 different names that are not attorney's names that I recognize. Some of these could be law students. I'm still googling the names I found for this period. That is an interesting question. I wonder if he tells the jail that these are people that are also working on the case. The 5 names I found are not listed as attorneys, they are listed as interviews.

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Two names that might mean something on the jail visitation log: Juan Pablo Manterola visited along with Bozo on 1/20/09. Here's one of his web sites.

http://www.massagingmedia.org/juan-pablo-manterola Matthew J. Troccoli visited along with Bozo & Attorney Michael Walsh on 11/5/08 . Crime searchers online post says his is a book publisher. If you google the name you will find various listing for the last name. Troccoli is not a common name so I have to think this person's family is involved with publishing. linn says: 3 weeks ago

Re wooded lot where Caylee's remains were found. I like LP and think he does have some good ideas. He seems to love getting his name in or on the news. I heard he offered 50,000 for the lot. Just like he offers so much for rewards, but only if the person is found in days. Anyway, he offered 50,000 but the lot is for sale for 89,000. I mean he only wants them to come down almost 40,000!! He knew no one would come down that much. Almost half!!! He knew they would not sell for that price. Glad to know it is still for sale, meaning the Ants have not bought it Another pet peeve. Yesterday, or Tuesday on NG's show in the news banner they said "Breaking News"! Documents to be released any minute!!!! I mean, just WHY don't they say new docs to be released sometime this week, or next? You think any minute the docs would come out, then you realize they have no clue when they are coming out. I bet, and hope I'm wrong, that they don't come out to the public tomorrow either. The defense will get them and we might see them Tuesday or so NEXT week. One KUDO'S TO NG!!! When we were listening last night to the dispatcher the man called when the professor shot his wife and friends. She actually asked why dispatchers have to be such a^^holes. Not sure she used that word! LOL. But really, why do they have to be so mean and nasty? I have had some real winners the couple times in my life I had to call 911. There was NO need for the nastiness at all.

Kate in MO says: 3 weeks ago

Here's Juan Pablo Manterola who "interviewed" momster in jail: http://www.productionhub.com/directory/view.aspx?i Hmmmm.....no media deals, huh?? Hey, Jo..."FULL SAIL" on Manterola's website? Isn't that where TONY went to school??

jo1031 says:

3 weeks ago

Linn- I like Padilla. He tells it like it is. He was the first one to out Cindy & her bad behavior. Sure he is a media whore but he admitted that on national television. I wouldn't offer anyone anywhere near $89 thousand for a lot in Orlando. I'm sure he had property values checked out & offered more than the property was worth. The fact that the lot has been vacant forever says it all. I still think that property would be a good site for a non-profit day care or library being it is so close to that school. You might be right about the new documents being that it is Friday. It they download them tomorrow it wouldn't give the media enough time to use the new info for ratings. Usually on the weekends they only cover the real breaking news. Being a 911 operator is a very stressful job but they still need to be professional & treat the people that pay their salaries with respect. You should report anyone working for them to their supervisor when they act inappropriately to you or your family. I would! They just fired one here in Atlanta for not listening to the caller when they gave the address of the emergency. The person died because the ambulance went to the wrong address. I'm sure the county is also being sued.

Nannie27 says: 3 weeks ago

Just how DOES Bozo get away with taking those people to the jail, are the rules so lax that he can say anything about who they are and they believe him without checking???

Kate in MO says: 3 weeks ago

Here's "Full Sail" http://www.fullsail.edu/flash/index.cfm?degree=sho

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Kate- Yes, Tony L. & his roommates go to Full Sail. It's kinda of strange when a case has so many intersecting connections. Nannie- Maybe the jail allows visits from people that have business to conduct with an inmate as long is the attorney accompanies them. The log definitely list them as interviews not attorneys. I believe the media could interview Momster in jail if Bozo would allow it. He did try to sell an interview with her

for half a million.

Kate in MO says: 3 weeks ago

This case is makin' my head spin...why would an instructor from Full Sail interview her?? Somethin' smells and it's not pizza...

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

My head is starting to spin too. Check out this page of this guys web site. He is saying he has all kinds of media experience even TV. http://www.jpmanterola.com/about/about.html# Deb in Vegas says: 3 weeks ago

This all stinks! I think this is a much more plausible Money Trail. I can't believe that the SA hasn't looked into this visitation log and have seen what we see. What other reason would this guy visit Casey other than a movie deal? G and C are probably living off of this deal. And how are they getting away with this? How long does it take for Byeass's Bar Complaint to conclude?

Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Good morning shipmates, lots of stuff to read http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/caylee-a

Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

am I on the dingy?

Marie RN says: 3 weeks ago

No, Nordie, you're not on the dingy. We're all in the ship's library, going over the documents you posted. Come join us! Serving heavy hors d'oeuvers... no Cheetos!

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

I haven't had a chance to go through the new documents yet but from what they are saying on HLN & local news web sites, people seem to be disappointed about the lack of forensic evidence. No evidence of drugs found in Caylee's hair according to new docs. Actually the lack of drugs in her hair goes to prove it was not an accidental overdose. That leaves chloroform or maybe strangulation as the cause of death. IMO The bottom line is that Casey was the last person seen with Caylee . She didn't crawl in a garbage & laundry bag with her Winnie the Pooh blanket, duct tape her own mouth,apply a red heart sticker & bury herself at the pet cemetery.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Sorry I had to calm down I could not say what I was thinking on the blog, it would x out my potty mouth. And Jo you said it well, much better then I would have 2 hours ago. I out this morning had things to do in town, I do half to shop for food in between blog, now I can last for a few day the Rocky Road Ice Cream in in the freezer. Rascal has her months supply of cookies and doggie food, we are set.

Nannie27 says: 3 weeks ago

I'm almost thinking that I have to stop following this case(ALMOST...not sure I can do it but.....) I'm really getting scared that she is gonna walk. I felt sure they would say they found soil on her shoes that matched the crime scene, but no!!!!!! Just about everything must be out there by now and nothing is completely linking her to it all ....well except the evidence in the trunk and SOME jurors could be persuaded that doesnt mean it was HER!!! I have a bad feeling about the outcome of this and it's driving me crazy.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Nannie, come over and have a bowl of rocky road ice cream it will take you mind of of the case. It calms you down. Now I am ready for more, they are not done with Casey. And she is not going to

walk!!! Bullet casing found near body, they have a expert on markings on there list of witnesses.

Nannie27 says: 3 weeks ago

Rascal, I'll be right over and I will bring the delicious lemon dessert I just made. Thanx for the invite :)

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Wonder if Casey had a gun, I know George had one but I do not know what kind he had and what caliber, I know the Police took it away when she was out on bail, he had it stashed in the back of his car. Now if that bullet matched Georges gun, that would be something, did the one armed bandit go to the house to get it or the never seen Nanny or someone else that is on Cindy's S--t list. Watch out Ophra, and Nancy Grace you are on that list.

Nordie says: 3 weeks ago

Hi all, do not despair, the pages and pages of documents were not all released yet. There is so much more evidence still to come -- and trust me, they save the best for last or for the trial. The prosecution will not show its hand like Bozo has been doing. Here is an example, in the depo GeorgeduhJungle man said he didn't know anything about money issues with momster. Liar -- proof, in interview of July 24 with Sheriff's Office (tape is 75:01 minutes), at 21:21 he says "stealing from me, my wife, and all the others", at 41:30 he states about momster "coming clean with the money" . . . including the phony $4,000 deposit slip she made, at 54:45 he is discussing the 2005 separation and he says "separated because of issues with my daughter because of some financial things" . . . also on this tape he talks about the smell of decomposition, says that Sindy says "we lost her, we lost her" -- certainly wasn't talking about momster. Have faith -- she will be found guilty!!! I think we are all just disappointed the smoking gun wasn't found today, but I know it's there. Plus, I believe little gems of truth are to be found throughout todays docs -- we just need to carefully find them.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Nordie, I think we all wanted the Bombshell today, we may half to wait till trial for that, but I really think we will get it.

Wednesday if you are around reading how is your little girl doing? linn says: 3 weeks ago

Jo.. I agree, I like LP. He is what he is, lol, yet he does not sugar coat anything. I like NG, but would get furious at her via yelling at the TV, lol again, because she would get on him if he blamed Cindy *who IS at fault in certain major ways*, yet he would not back down. I hear now the remains site will be up for sale on e-bay. I love e-bay, unfortunately, but to sell this site there seems so tacky. Even lots that size in CA are not 89,000!! I know FL is a lot less expensive. I think. Nannie.. I have been worried from day one, but for different reasons, she might walk. I mean todays docs did nothing in a way, but help the defense. No minerals matching site on shoes. She had over 20 pairs! Any chance she tossed out her muddy shoes and that is why she had extras in the car? And did you all hear they found a bullet casing next to the body? Therefore the oh, what is he? Weapons expert or someone like that the prosection is calling. What if she shot her, it killed her but barely nicked a bone? You can be shot through the heart and if there is no organs, tissue left, how would anyone know that? So I do wonder if they found a small nick, OR if there is cause to call an expert. To be killed by a bullet is so obvious. But not where there is only bones left. Especially if it hit an organ no longer there, but cause her to bled to death. And they did not test for cholorform.. Nannie, even with all the what if's, I am worried. i have seen people walk with tons and tons of evidence.. Let us pray..

Nannie27 says: 3 weeks ago

Linn, I am SO with you on all this - I am really really worried!!!! SadieSkye says: 3 weeks ago

Ive always thought that casey for sure wore rubber gloves. She in no way wud want to touch Caylee.. if shed harmed her I do not think. especially if she was decomposing.. Her dad was a cop the least that she knew was to hide her fingerprints. I dont think she wud of dumped her sooo close if she knew shed left fingerprints. I think whatever kind of gloves they were she threw them away in a trash can somewhere never to be found again.. it wud be months when and if they found Caylee .Casey knew that so she wasnt worried. CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

She is NOT walking. In fact, she will be driven right back to incarceration blvd. where all the yoyo's in this country can continue to enable her junk food habit. This case has somewhat lost some steam in the media over the past few weeks it seems. I want this trial to start but the nerve racking thing to me is this waiting game until it does. Hope you all are well and have a great day!

Numarama says: 3 weeks ago

Good morning! After reading everyone's assessments of the new docs, I'm scared to read them for fear of feeling disheartened :( So maybe I'll put them off til another time and hang on to my good mood...but to echo what others have said, there is MUCH we don't know, and the prosecution would not have put the DP back on the table unless they had something really big and really damning. It's only May and the case has another 6 months (probably longer) before it even goes to trial. Casey may have been 'smart' enough to use gloves or throw away her shoes, but she's made a number of boneheaded mistakes that have pointed to her the ONLY suspect to begin with. There is a reason for that. As bad as her partying and lying and stealing looks (for her credibility), I'm SURE the prosecution has cold hard evidence to back up their argument for the DP. Stay patient and positive, shipmates! :)

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Check out this pdf file: Page 7 - Latent Report OCSO Prints lifted: 8/8/08 location- Area 5,6,& 8 Synopsis: The latent prints are Identified with Casey Anthony. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2009There is no mention of where these prints were obtained from. They were collected in August & only list area numbers. Where could they have gotten these prints from? I don't think it would be the car as they would expect to find her prints in that. Any ideas?

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Jo, There was a cell phone they found at that time, could this be the missing cell that Casey said she lost. Just a thought and some CD's that were taken in to custody.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

“In this particular case there’s so much circumstantial evidence and you’re going to see an ebb and flow,” he said. Investigators did find a link between the duct tape stretched across Caylee’s skull and the tape on the Anthonys’ gas can. Also, a link between the Anthonys’ house and a heart sticker on that duct tape was found. The laundry bag and trash bags that Caylee’s remains were stashed in were also linked. Chloroform is a by-product of decomposition. Even so, Eyewitness News has learned that prosecutors had someone else test Caylee’s hair for chloroform and say the results will be in soon.

RascalBrat says: 3 weeks ago

Jo, I read the pdf file and they have something with her prints, I have not idea what but they are probably saving it for court.

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

I also noticed that there was a handwritten comment at the bottom of the page about the latent prints, it looks like it says "Good Work" or maybe "Great Work". Snipped for Orlando Sentinel topix blog page: OceonWave said: "Just because of the sunshine laws here in Florida does not mean that every single piece of evidence is released to the public. When the results are received by the prosecution, those results (discovery) are given to the defense atty(s). There have been forensic tests done by the FBI that the results have not be released except to the prosecutors and defense respectively. Also, not every homicide trial is strictly based on forensic testing, most murder trials are circumstantial. I have worked in this field for a very long time and in different states so I know what I am talking about. Everyone is so quick to judge that if it isn't forensics, the trial is over for the prosecution but that is false. Also don't go by what you watch on the CSI programs. Half of what they do on these programs is not even in existence. They are just fictional shows and that is it. Unfortunately since these CSI shows have come about, juries are expecting everything to be forensic and it will never happen. These shows have made it very hard for both the prosecutors and defense attys to have a good jury anymore because of all the things the juries expect from forensic science. Like I stated above, half of the forensic testing on these CSI shows is

nonexistent and also the crime labs could never afford this equipment if it existed but it does not exist". I posted this for all of you that are worried that Momster will walk. This poster has inside knowledge & makes some very good points. There will be justice for Caylee in spite of Bozo & the Adams family. No doubt in my mind !!

jo1031 says: 3 weeks ago

Found us some comic relief from the current tension on thinking Momster will walk free. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWpoGkIRGUg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLWr88oLaRQ&fea linn says: 3 weeks ago

I am still worried about Crazy walking but thanks Jo! I needed to be reminded there is tons I am sure we have not seen. On JVM, that Janie person I despise, was rolling her eyes and saying they have nothing and the new docs proved she will walk. I am now to the point of turning the TV to mute when she talks. And talk she does! She talks over everyone else, even when her face is not on camera, even trys to talk over Jane.. RE: the sticker. They never said it was an exact match to those found at the Ant's farm. They just said it was similiar. Hate to say it, but *I have some heart stickers that look just like that! ACK!! Also, I had to agree with another defense person, oh just don't let it have been that Janie, but I also have those exact trash bags! I saw the box in some pick. It looked like it was Costco brand. I know we all have large black plastic trash bags. SOOOOOO, I must go back to the most crucial and unexplainable reason. No mother does not report her child missing for 31 days! And SHE didn't report her missing. if up to her, she still would not have called it in. In real life, even a couple hours late and the police should have been called. It was a 2 year old! I don't see how anyone can get past that. And I do know they have tons they are not releasing. Otherwise, she would not have been UPgraded to the death penalty. I do think she wore shoes she threw out. I mean, she had 2 pairs in her car. what is to say she did not have 3 and put one on while she threw one out??? Yesterday was just so scary in a way. And Steve is right. Seems like no news media really at all lately. Even with the new doc release NG had it on almost last, and nothing at all about the case Thursday. Still worried though Nannie.. lol.. I am a worrier by nature and again, all it takes is one fool to let her

get off. Out of jail that is.. lol.. tons to do the other. Like the fool from CA sending her 25 bucks a week. Most likely the idiot has a wife and kids. sicko's

Nannie27 says: 3 weeks ago

Yes Linn , even knowing all of the above I am still worried, but like you I am a worrier, my kids say I thrive on worry, they say if there is nothing for me to worry about I will make something up LOL!!!! Oh, and I Hate that Janie too - I think it is her that gets me all upset every time she talks. And the eye rolling ...geeeeeeez........ CAPN STEVE says: 3 weeks ago

Everyone has heard the saying every dog has its day. Good for momster. One good day in 10 months does not make for a strong case I.M.O. She needs a whole lot more in my book to make me think different about her walking. We are sitting on the right side of the outcome and that is the bottom line. Trust me.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey Anthony Case: Jose Baez, rejected by Florida Bar on first try May 3, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/casey-anthony-c

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

WOW Rascal thanx for that - it's VERY interesting. Just proves what we have thought all along - he has no ethics or morals. Perfect match for crazy - they deserve each other. I bet he thinks if he can get her off they will ride off into the sunset together!!!

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Nannie, I knew he had a shady back ground, now that proves it. Yes they deserve each other, I have been told if you hang with trash that is what people think of you. Glad I have good friends and I am very careful to stay away from people like that. Morals and honesty are your best bet in life. It will all

catch up to them in the end.

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Well said Rascal!!!!!! NOW, if I could only lose this feeling of impending doom in this case. It basically comes down to who is on the jury, and you just never know how they can be swayed one way or the other. I just want it over one way or the other now, I need to clear my mind of it. I go to sleep thinking about it and wake up thinking about it.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Nannie, she is not going to walk , so stop worrying they have way more then they are telling us.

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

What a hoot about Bozo!! I wonder if his non-profits were as effective as NoKidsFound or Sindy's CMA (CausingMeAgony or CoverMyAss)? Bet there is research going on as we speak about his military record, child support payment (or lack thereof). etc.

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

OMG ! Rascal, that story at the Caylee Daily came from the Orlando Sentinel. It was in the local paper today. Now everyone in the area knows what a sleaze ball this guy is. WOW! He certainly lied about his past & the reason he didn't practice law after he obtained his law degree. His spokeswoman sure avoided the reporter's questions about his past & saying the paper was attacking him because he was Hispanic was beyond stupid. Can't wait for part 2 of this expose. Found this posted at Orlando Sentinel by a blogger that lives near Bozo's law office. "Guess who was in the office on a Sunday... yup, Bozo was there today. I am a neighbor of the area where his office is and every Sunday I can't avoid to look that way since it is on my way. From the beginning I have never seen his car in the office on a Sunday but today, voila! He was there. I guess the article worked. I am hispanic and let me tell you we do not like child murderers or the people defending them. Bozo is by far our number 1 in the person "non grata" list".

Looks like even the Hispanic community hate Bozo. I hope the state bar has to disbar this a-hole now. Looks like we need to start a new write in campaign to the state attorney. If he defends her, she will most likely get a new trial based on his incompetence & the tax payers will have to fork over more money to pay for this fiasco.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Nordie and Jo, I can not wait for part 2, as NG would say this is a real Bombshell!!!!!

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

They are only picking on me because, I am Hispanic!!! Blubber Head Crie's Again. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

No Bozo - we are only picking on you cause are a Hispanic with an overly large head....oh and because you are incompetent, and you seem to think its ok to kill babies!!!!!

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Bozo will play the race card forever. I can hear him now. 1) She was only convicted because I'm Hispanic. 2) I was disbarred because I'm Hispanic. 3) Everyone is lying about my past because I'm Hispanic. 4) Someone stole my check book & wrote that bad check because I'm Hispanic. 5) My ex-wife only sued me for back child support because I'm Hispanic. 6) The state attorney Lamar Lawson is only attacking me because I'm Hispanic.

7) Everything is all about my race. blah blah blah blah Well the list could go on & on. Wonder if Bozo is at the ER tonight. If he has an ulcer I'm sure it could be acting up today.

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Is it ok to copy and paste something from another site on here, as long as I give credit the person on the original post?????? Just wondering !!!!!

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Nannie- Sure, no problem with that. A lot of us do it all the time.

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

OK great then...this was posted by Julie in IN on the Caylee Daily (maybe you've already seen it but I thought it was interesting Here’s the letter TO Jose FROM OC Sheriff’s Office:September 19, 2008Jose Baez, Esquire522 Simpson RoadKissimmee, FL 34744Dear Mr. Baez:In your correspondence to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office you have stated your willingness to fully cooperate with law enforcement regarding the investigation of Caylee Anthony’s disappearance within the confines of your ethical obligation to your client, Casey Anthony.In response to your offer to fully cooperate, I am requesting that you provide the circumstances and location Caylee Anthony was last seen. As you are aware, the previous statements

provided by your client have been false and misleading.The law enforcement personnel involved in the search for Caylee Anthony acknowledge your ethical obligation to you client. We hope that it is your client’s genuine desire to help find her daughter and to uncover the truth. We are also hopeful that you are able to provide the circumstances and location that Casey Anthony last saw her daughter, and that you understand the information we are requesting is crucial to the search for Caylee Anthony. If you are willing to assist in this matter, please contact me at your earliest opportunity.Sincerely,Kevin BearySheriff of Orange CountySergeant John AllenCriminal Investigations DivisionMissing Persons Squad(407) 254-722 Here's the response FROM Jose TO OC Sheriff’s Office:September 22, 2008via facsimileOrange County Sheriff’s OfficeAttn: Sgt. John Allen2500 West Colonial DriveOrlando, FL 32408Re: State of Florida v. Casey M. AnthonyDear Sgt. Allen:I was pleased to see that your office has decided to take me up on our offer to cooperate in the search for Caylee Marie Anthony. Albeit two months later, it is better late than never, I suppose.I was, however, displeased by the fact that I had to hear about your fax from the media before I even got the chance to read it. Nonetheless, I will convey your message to my client and discuss it with her further.Please give me a call when you are more interested in searching for Caylee, as opposed to trying to improve your office’s public relations image. I realize that your office is under a lot of pressure because you haven’t found Caylee, but you should conduct your efforts in a more productive manner as opposed to leaking your communications with me to the media.Sincerely,Jose A. Baez, Esq. One thought on this - is it the fault of LE that he didnt read his fax before it hit the media....is this guy for real!!!!

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

I can not see Casey telling the Truth about anything, The next story will be she left her at Disney World on the Dumbo ride with the one armed man. I am not sure why Blubber Head is to busy to check his fax machine, maybe he is to busy playing Wi at his office. Come out of the corner Blubber Head and stop crying!!!

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Thanks Nannie- I had heard about correspondence between them but never saw the actual letters. This Bozo never stopped whining & complaining for one minute to help LE find that child. He's just as bad as his client maybe even worse. According to the reports back in July & August, he was called

numerous times by LE about assisting them while they question his client. He even lied on the Nancy Grace show about going to the jail as soon as he finished talking to them. Orange County says he never showed up for the meeting. These two are a perfect match as they are both liars, scam artist, & everything is about them. Actually Bozo is also perfect for the whole Ant farm. Maybe he will defend them when the rest of them are facing charges. That is if he still has his license to practice law. If I was a Florida attorney I would be writing to the state bar right now. This guy gives honest attorneys a real bad name. I wish someone would ask him why he took a book publisher & a movie producer to the jail to visit Momster.

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Jo....I too would like him to answer that question - would he HAVE to answer do you think?? OMG this is hilarious "would ya mind" lol lol lol This was posted on www.caseyIsguilty.com Posted by Angela on April 30, 2009, 7:46 pm, in reply to "Re: ' Ugly Coping '" It should actually be coping with ugly...thats what we have been doing for the last 10 months. We have had to see her ugly f****n horseface on our t.v's....thats "coping with the ugly" herpes infested rotten crotch biatch. Hey ditch pig, do us all a favor and use those horseteeth to chew through your wrists...then bleed to death....would you mind

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

LMAOROF, But her daddy says she is beautiful, well we know he has taste for shit. He married a cow that chews gum with her mouth open. I hope they invent Cindy, gum with Super Glue to keep her mouth shut!!!!!

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Nannie- I almost spit on my computer when I read that. Maybe we need to hire John Morgan's firm & sue the whole bunch including Bozo for pain & suffering. Who wants to call him?

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Jo, I just replied to your email!!!!

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Nannie- Thanks !! You've got mail.

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Just snipped this from Orlando Sentinel web site: The defense team for Casey Anthony will file for a change of venue, hoping to get the high-profile case moved out of Central Florida, according to a broadcast report Sunday evening. The legal team, headed by Jose Baez, will file the motion today in Orange County Circuit Court, WKMG-Channel 6 is reporting. Prosecutors have been anticipating such a filing but did not know when it would come and don't know if it will come Monday, said Randy Means, a spokesman for the State Attorney's office. Bozo has been saying he was going to do this for at least 6 months. You have to wonder if the latest news about his background has finally got him off his a$$. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, I was on that Dumbo ride and I did happen to see momster. She was riding it with 8 strange looking guys. What a surprise! No Caylee in sight however I can confirm. Didn't you remember, she was with Zanny watching Bo Derek in "10"

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Steve, OMG I hope she was not doing anything nasty in front of the little kids, if her mouth was open we know something was in it!!! Yes we know by her resume that Georgie seen she was the Nanny. linn says: 2 weeks ago

Thank you Rascal for the link to Senor Jose.. Misrepresentations??? Are those like "mistruths"? I now

wonder if he isn't doing this case for free, for now. I mean, even the article stated he is now the mos known attorney around! no wonder the fat pig waddles around with that awful smirk on his round face? I also thought he was married and is wife was a knockout? No where did it say he was remarried. He must of became a father at 17 or 18 so his daughter is about 32 or 33.. Wonder what she thinks of Papa? And I sure hope NG reads this! She can't stand men who don't pay, or women either, that don't pay their CS.. he is scum!! A bikini shop?? And that letter re the fax. Boy did it have under tones of nastiness!! lol I HOPE NG has some comments on this! And thank you Nannie!!! I was hoping I was not the only one who wants to punch out Janie's lights!! And I am so a wuss!! It is like fingernails down a chalkboard when she is on. I even hold my breath when JVM shows her panel. If she is on, I have my remote and mute button ready! I was feeling hopeless with the results Friday, but have bounced back. I will always have that worry in the back of my mind. LOL. I am known for "looking for something to worry about" and that is so not true! LOL. Ok, somewhat I guess. I will just keep counting on Capn Steve to stear us right! SHE WILL BE FOUND GUILTY! whew!!

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Has anyone here EVER been SO involved in a criminal case before this - I know I haven't. It's unbelievable how it has gripped so many people. I think it all comes down to the lies really. I mean another little child has just been killed by her mother, and as shocking and awful as that is, it doesn't seem to have caused such a stir and such hatred. This got me right from day one when crazy took the cops on that wild goose chase to Universal Studios. It's all unbelievable, you can't write this stuff. If someone had written a book or made a movie like this previouslym everyone would say it was too far fetched. I guess it's true, Truth is better than Fiction!!!

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Linn.....I think Janie is a wolf in sheep's clothing ..Oh I mean a man in women's clothing and a wig LOL LOL LOL LOL Geeeeez I'm horrible but I just HATE her!!!!

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

I was able to find one of his bikini ads. Don’t look to long as it may not be healthy http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal that's hilarious

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

You almost need a barf bag to look, lol

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, yes thats quite a sight ---puke..... Jo - if you are still there--you have mail

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

Have you guys heard this joke yet - probably old by now - but I think it is funny: It was once said that a black man would be president "when pigs fly." Indeed, 100 days into Obama's presidency.... SWINE FLU

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Nannie- I hadn't heard that one yet but didn't Biden say we would be hit by terrorist within the first 100 days if they were elected.

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Oh BTW I hate JVM & Janie whinny butt too. JVM needs to be replaced by Mike Brooks. He would never put up with Janie.

Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

YES Mike Brooks would be GREAT - I like him

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Snipped this from article written by local 6 news on change of venue. Defense team member told Local 6 News investigative reporter Tony Pipitone that a change of venue is necessary, saying a fair and impartial trial cannot occur if only Orange County residents are considered as jurors. Publicity in the Anthony case has been pervasive on cable television and tabloid magazines, but the scrutiny has been even greater in Central Florida, Pipitone reported. But publicity alone does not require Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland to relocate the trial or decide to select jurors from another part of the state. Prosecutors could also oppose the motion. To prevail, Anthony's defense team would have to show "the general state of mind" in Orange County "is so infected ... by prejudice, bias and preconceived opinions that jurors could not possibly put these matters out of their minds. "Danny Rolling failed to win an appeal when he claimed his case should have been moved out of Gainesville, where he slaughtered five college students in 1990. Courts also held that Thomas Provenzano was properly tried in the same Orange County courthouse where he opened fire in 1984, killing one and wounding two others who would die years later from their injuries. Both killers were executed.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Defending Casey Anthony brings celebrity, headachesMay 4, 2009 by: Express Here is the race card again, it is all about Bozo again.http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/defending-casey

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Never Tick Oprah Off Cindy http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

Morning all, looks like Bozo bio is being scrutinized to the max. I have no use for him and even less now, behind in his child support, etc. Then trying to assert he is being picked on because he is Hispanic -- get a grip -- other Hispanics will not have sympathy at all. He is not displaying some of the awesome characteristics of many Hispanics -- family first, truth and honesty. It looks to me like we are going to be shipmates for a long time -- not that I'm complaining. None of the evidence dumped has come from the FBI. I am convinced there is damning evidence otherwise the death penalty would not have been put back on the table. Many of the cards have still to be played, and IMO that won't happen until the trial. Off to spend the day with my Mommy :>)

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, you are sooooo funny! (and did I mention gifted!)

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Good morning Nordie, Yes we will be shipmates forever, so many friends. And we all have the same opinion on Bozo. We do not have all the tests yet so I am not discouraged, they do have something big or they would not have put the DP back on the table. Have faith shipmates never loose hope, Casey is going to go down, the force will get her and the Ants. imacynic2 says: 2 weeks ago

The Prosecution's defense to the Motion to Change will be that this is a nationally covered case, that

the bias likely to be shown in Orange County is no more than the bias that will be shown elsewhere due to the media attention and focus on the case. For example, where are they going to find anyone who has not heard at length about this case - is it likely that the bias expressed in Orange County will be representatively higher than the bias in Pinnelas County or other counties in Florida?

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

The Evil Casey will go down in the end, never fear!!!!! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

This just in........... Judge Strickland to move venue to our ship. Good luck momster, good luck!! Every one of us will be on the jury so here is my advise. When BOBO is talking, everyone turn around and read the newspaper. When the prosecution is talking take notes, lots of them! Enjoy. When we get our instructions let's not waste time or money so we will not leave the courtroom to deliberate. It should take us about 2-3 minutes at that point!! JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Hey guys.....gotta catch up on all the reading for the last few days, but here are some good ones.....too funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDCerlLwoZA and this one is really good.....great points: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPd6V0GtoqE I wonder if they will put them all in a 'family' jail cell all together!!! JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal, your Baezhole Bikini shot got removed by Photobucket for porn. I didn't get to see it before it was deleted by them. It must of been good though. I think the you tube about Lee (above) sure tells the whole story about Casey and her lies (and his). What a sick bunch they are.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

I was able to find one of his bikini ads. Don’t look to long as it may not be healthy , have a barf bag ready. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

JM0, Here is that pic now you can see it.

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

An interesting read: http://vlex.com/vid/florida-board-bar-examiners-re Also, he just paid off a $4,000+ judgment and still has a $10,000 open for some kind of forensic doctor. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Ha! It is gross.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Nordie, good find, Now why does that not surprise me he was found to be untruthful in is disclosure, omg no wonder he fits right in with Casey. We have heard, Half truths, misleading, and now untruthful. How many dam words are there for Lies. I wonder if the Ants have adopted Blubber Head. On and lets add false and misleading statements on his application, and assault charge and there was more then one bad check.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey Anthony: Linda Kenney Baden lambastes local media May 4, 2009 by: Express

Now the other bubble head is going to lambastea the Media, WOW but it is ok the the ANTS and BOZO. The three Stoges are in motion.


RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Joyce and Baily Dickens Anthony's Nieghbor, you really need to listen to this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSBGyYFwtTk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8gOBrJSHdU&fea Jean Couty, Anthonys nieghbor there are more on this utube page have fun. linn says: 2 weeks ago

Nannie and Jo. Thank you for hating Janie along side me.. lol. I always tell my grandson not to use the word hate, but he is not reading this! lol. Did any of you see her today on JVM? She kept shifting her eyes to the right. I don't mean once or twice, but everytime the camera was on her. And she looked extra mad today. I really like Mike Brooks. I love when he takes over for NG. I had no idea he was over 6'5"! He is good, but that Janie is a, well, there is no nice word for her. I mean they are all defense attorneys, yet they all seem to know she did it and the evidence is damning. Janie however, would still say she is innocent if there was a video of Crazy commiting the crime. The eye rolling is too much. Talking over the other guests. She just truly gets on my last nerve. And she has kids. Don't know why I found that surprising. JVM lets people get to out of hand. would be nice to have a happy medium, like Mike Brooks! Now we have that cute 3 year old boy kidnapped. Why? Two men that told that poor mom they were going to take him to Mexico and kill him. For what reason? Are people just going nuts? And the man that killed his wife, 7 year old, 5 month old sons, tried to kill the 13 year old that got away, killed his wife, then as usual they are chicken shi*s and kill themselves. What is going on? I can't get video's or youtube. sigh. I have to wait for comments on them.. Keep em coming! linn says:

2 weeks ago

I am no good at math. yesterday I said Bozo's daughter must be 32/33.. lol. Take off 10 years! She is the same age as casey.. ODD. And the one murder trial he worked on, the man was convicted of abusing his 2 year old daughter. Seems like a pattern here. Also, he is married and apparently quite beautiful. Is SHE Hispanic?? Or did he go outside his race? LOL..Apparently too, he is buds with good OLD Geraldo who on their boat trip together, was oggling Bozo's wife. You know, I have found when I read too much on him or even the Ants, I get sort of sick to my stomach. Not enough to be ill, just enough to feel, oh, dirty maybe? They are such scum of the planet. Anyone that tries to free a person that hurt, harmed or murdered a child is sick. Sure everyone is entitled to a defense, but when they know their client is guilty of such a horrible crime, I could not sleep at night Blessedwith4 says: 2 weeks ago

Hey guys!! I haven't been on here in a coons age!! I do apoligize, I have been very busy trying to be the best momma to my 4 kids. I also apoligize for stoppin in at the ass of the conversation but I was talking to my grandma and she was asking me about Haliegh Cummings and I told her I haven't heard anything else so I thought I would come by the place where everybody knows everything because they are sooo smart!!! That brought me right to this ship, if you guys are still calling it that?!? So can anyone tell me anything? JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I don't think we know anything about Haleigh. That just sort of died down, along with other missing kids...... Interesting neighbors that the Ants have. Too bad the fricken cops didn't follow the lead on 7/22/08 that Caylee would be buried on Hopespring and Surburban back in the field where they hang out. As far as Linda Baden...she is a f'n kook who needs to use hair conditioner! She leaked stuff to her husband and he let it slip out...ooops and now she talks about the media....Freak! This case just makes me more and more angry every day that the Fla. police have incompetent people who don't follow up on things like they should. And the people there who know something should all be jailed for not telling. That Kio Torres needs an ass whoopin for not going to the police with her info. We could of found out what happened to Caylee if she had of and if they would of went there and searched. Aaarrrghhhh...it's too irritating to think about.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

How Can Jose Baez Be Lead Lawyer in the Casey Anthony Case

May 4, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/how-can-jose-ba

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

LEGAL ANALYSIS: Sheaffer On Venue Change http://www.wftv.com/video/19366465/index.html

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Witnesses To Be Deposed Tuesday In Casey Case Posted: 7:54 am EDT May 4, 2009Updated: 9:02 am EDT May 5, 2009 http://www.wftv.com/news/19360044/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

VIDEO REPORT: WFTV Confronts Baez http://www.wftv.com/video/19366689/index.html

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

In my opinion it is Bozo and the Ants that have caused all this publicity, and press conferences and National TV interviews. They should be responsible for the extra cost to move the trial, not the taxpayers. They have all created this Circus of the Three Stoges and the family.

HannahsNana says: 2 weeks ago

Rascal: I'm with you 100% - if Bozo would keep his mouth shut, he wouldn't have any reason to complain about "bad" publicity - Oh, wait - he wants to be on the news so he can complain about being on the news and how it taints the jury pool! What a moron! And.... What's up with Casey signing an affidavit complaining about the questions she was asked by a TV news reporter? What? Here's a thought - don't f*n answer if you don't like the questions or better yet, tell your attorney (and I use that term loosely - LOL) that you don't want to talk to any reporters. And while I'm on this rant - why in the name of Pete would her attorney allow her to be questioned by the TV news. Oh, wait - I forgot - so he could have something else to go on the news and complain about and then tell the judge all this publicity taints the jury pool. This sounds like a monkey trying to.... anyway there's a football in that statement and I'm sure ya'll get it! BOZO is a brainless, media wh&*e! (Wow, I'm on a roll today!) Sorry - but these people are really starting to get to me... Cap'n Steve - can we invite the Ants and Bozo to the ship and while they're thinking of ways to make money off of us, we can haul out the gangplank, disguise it as a path to the ship's unlocked vault full of cash! And while they are stuffing their pockets, oops, they slip off!

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey Anthony: 700 Pages of Evidence Released Today- May 5, . But it may take a couple of days to get them. http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/casey-anthony-7

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Hi all - Argh, it's sooo hard to wait for new docs! Do they usually report when docs are released to the defense (and not yet to the public)? It seems that usually I don't know/hear about new docs until WE get to see them! Hmmm...maybe the media are just as anxious to see the new stuff after the last doc dump turned out to be so disappointing. Hopefully there's some good evidence released this time! Just a thought on Bozo requesting a change of venue....I must say it would worry me a little bit if the trial is moved to Miami. If the venue is moved to Miami, will the jurors all be from Miami? Not only are the people down there less informed of the case, but South FL is way more liberal than the rest of the state, and statistically speaking, the more liberal the area, the less likely the residents there will give the death penalty. I normally don't support the death penalty, but I would send Casey to Death Row in a heartbeat! I hope that the people on that jury will see that she's guilty as plainly and clearly as we all do.

LOL - HannahsNana, if the Cap'n approves, I'll be happy to assist in disguising the gangplank! ;) We can just paint it green and put shiny dollar signs all over it!

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Numarama- Most of the time we do hear when they release docs to the defense. Being that they only got them today according to local news it maybe a few days before we see them. I don't think there will be a "smoking gun" in this case. I know most would like for there to be, but that is not usually the case. That body was out in those woods for 6 months. Even if there had been a fingerprint chances of it being readable would be slim. Just because someone touches something doesn't mean that a latent print will be left on the surface of the item. CSI Miami is not an example of real forensics. That bullet casing everyone was talking about was from a rifle. That had probably been in those woods for a long time. CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

HannahsNana, I will let the printer know to send out the invite tonight! Numarama, I will lower the plank and you disguise it while I grease it A.S.A.P. Also, my thought in moving the trial is once they figure out that even the people in Idaho know all they need to they will want to move it off of this planet.

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Anybody that wants to see Bozo's $670 thousand dollar home, the one he bought in May of 2007. In this same time period he was being sued by Sir Speedy Printing for $837.62 & hadn't paid a court reporter $275.00. She had to complain to the state bar & wait 6 months to get her money. Go to this link & under PARCEL # put in this number: 17-25-30-3617-0001-1190 http://ira.property-appraiser.org/PropertySearch/D

Click on the small picture of the house & you will get a better view.

Numarama says: 2 weeks ago

Aye Aye, Cap'n! I'm on it! :) Jo, thanks for the clarification about the docs. Maybe I normally just don't notice the pre-doc-release heads-up! And I think you're right about the "no smoking gun" - someone recently posted a comment or article (maybe it was you?) about most murder convictions/cases being based on circumstantial evidence and how juries now expect forensic proof because of all these CSI shows. It's kind of terrifying to know that TV shapes the carriage of justice in this country nowadays. I wonder how many people have gotten away with murder when juries overlook circumstantial evidence, behavior patterns, etc and focus on "well, there was no fingerprint". Scary! Wow, you found Bozo's house! Why does it not surprise me that he financially screws people over yet lives in such a pricey home? What a piece of work...

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Here is the pic of Bozos house, you can look at it! Nice house when you can not pay your bills and screw your creditiors. http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

If Bozo had waited two years, he could have save $223 thousand on that house. Found this at youtube: Learn to lie the Anthony way !!!!


Nannie27 says: 2 weeks ago

See if you can watch this without puking: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ocPLQY1xzo

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

Bozo is not qualified to be death penalty attorney. Not sure why he is filing motions when he will not be representing or at least lead for momster. I have no concerns about moving the case, except for the taxpayers of Florida of course. But the Judge won't rule on that for a while. Bozo is such a clown, it's really sad. Read his motion, hell, as a paralegal I could have written a better one. He had dates wrong, no current case law, no Supreme Court case law, just a bunch of bs. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I love all of the You Tubes! ROTFLMAO!

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Cindy and George Anthony Saga http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE6vlWbuLA4 losingit says: 2 weeks ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjLcaEfFZz4&fea Good morning everyone. I'm at work and very bored. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I think it is funny that Baez is worried about the way Casey was treated when they found Caylee's remains. It would be a crime to do what they did to a normal mother who was greiving over the dissapearance of her child and didn't know where they were....that would be beyond cruel. Mental torture. HOWEVER, what Baez doesn't understand is that Casey murdered Caylee, won't admit it, buried Caylee in a shallow grave, won't admit it, and then was viewed for a reaction when some bones were found near her house. Hello Baezhole! Casey's reaction was because she freaked out that Caylee was 'found'.....yep, freaked

because she didn't think anyone would 'find her'. Whole nuther oprah, Baez. "Her hands started to sweat. She started rubbing them profusely. She was in waist chains and handcuffs and she kept saying, 'The waist chains are getting tighter and tighter on me, please loosen them,'" Jail Lt. Tammy Unser told Detective Philip Graves during an interview on the afternoon of December 11. They left the part out where 'she was thinking', "Oh shit, they found the little snot's bones". "I hope they have decomposed to the point that they can't pin this on me". "They're not gettin' shit from me!" "Where are my cheetos?"

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Caylee Anthony – The Money Trail – Friends In Low PlacesPosted on May 6th, 2009 by Simon Barrett in All News, Op-ed, Society and Culture http://www.bloggernews.net/120765 JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Wow, nobody has posted...what's up with that? Did anyone watch NG tonight? I did. Casey is soooooo fried!

Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago

Hey all!! I'm sorry if someone already posted this, but I'm 9 days behind on reading the posts!! I have a full time, with benefits job! Yay! Anyway... whatever happened to Bozo not being able to head up the defense since he didn't have dp experience?

Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago

Hey all!! I'm sorry if someone already posted this, but I'm 9 days behind on reading the posts!! I have a full time, with benefits job! Yay! Anyway... whatever happened to Bozo not being able to head up the defense since he didn't have dp experience?

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Judge Napolitano talks about venue… Casey Anthony’s murder trial may not take place in central … In short the taxpayers will pay threw the nose. A jury could be picked from another part of Florida and brought to Orlando. Or everything could be moved to another part of the State. Moving the jury to Orlando is less expensive, but will still cost over 2 million. http://www.myfoxorlando.com/subindex/news/anthony_ Sadieskye says: 2 weeks ago

This whole thing is a JOKE!!! Why the hell does crazy deserve any attention or considerations?!! Shes a Baby killer plain and simple..no ifs, ands, or buts.... Lock her up in prison where she can make new "friends" and throw away the key already!!! Im sooo pissed at Bozo and his three ring circus hes got going on... hes like the guy running around spinning the plates, trying to keep them all from breaking. But its inevitable that they all will come crashing down, so please just stop insulting our intelligence and wasting everyones time and energy by prolonging the inevitable. UNBELIEVABLE CALLOUSNESS!!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY CASEY!!! I know I will... sun is shining warm and bright!!! Think I'll go to the mall later for some shopping... Oh.. and I need to stop off at Target for some spring supplies!!! What a perfect day!!! :) Life is Good!!!

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

The Ants farm is going on Larry King. You can give King questions to ask the Ants (this ought to be good) http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.lkl.html JMo says: 2 weeks ago

I agree that this whole thing is sensationalized and ridiculous! She deserves nothing, absolutely nothing. I liked last night when the Dr. on NG said, listen to what Casey says, she is a Sociopath, plain and simple. All she cares about is herself. That right there is so compelling and should be a wakeup call for Bozo and the Ants. I like the video on you tube where the high school friend is saying how "street wise" Casey is and she knows to keep her mouth shut. He says that the high school didn't teach them anything except not to trust authority and to have street smarts, not book smarts.

I totally believe him. He is in the same class of people as Casey. This is the mentality that gets these morons in trouble. It's like a gang, only not. They think they are 'special'. Casey is putting on a show for all her friends. She is going to show them that she can keep quiet and be a good little street smart girl. These f'n morons don't realize that a baby has been murdered by this sociopath mother named Casey and it's not a game! It's not a game of street smarts or who can get one over the authority's. But this is the mentality of these 'wanna be' idiots. Where are their parents!!!!???? Someone needs to shake these kids a good one and bring them back to reality. It is scary that they are in our society and they think they all that, when they aren't. Casey plays mind games with herself....she talks about football or diverts to something else to keep her from reality. She has learned it, right along with being an expert at manipulation. She is a Sociopath, and we can't forget that! She murdered Caylee out of her own self-interest and for no other reason. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Thanks Nordie. Looks like the "we want privacy" Ants are on their Tour again to be 'unprivate'? Anyway, here is the question I wrote to Larry King for them: For George and Cindy: Do you think that consistently changing your story of what happened will help or harm your daughter? Explain. The question makes a statement about them (an assumption) and then asks them to answer it. This will fluster even the most normal person and make them start stuttering and trying to explain something they don't want to have to explain. I hope he asks it, as I want to see the reaction. I also want to hear them say they haven't changed their stories repeatedly! That would be a total riot. These people are morons!

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

JMo, my question -- why aren't the Ants looking for the "real" killer? Saying it's LE's job is not acceptable answer. Deb in Vegas says: 2 weeks ago

The question I asked is if Cindy had phone numbers and address for Zany, why didn't she use it to find Caylee. Wasn't Zany the person Casey said had Caylee. And if she did attempt to use phone number and address, didn't she already know at that point, that she didnt really exist? JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Nordie and Deb, those are good questions. I don't want to hear any more of their lies, to cover up other

lies, just to cover up those other lies. I want to know if they think all these lies are helping or hurting things? Everytime they are asked something in regards to a lie they told, they just tell more. Enough already. I think people should stop asking them anything, because the TRUTH has been lost. They probably don't even know anymore what the truth is. All of their 'mistruths' as they put it are real to them and they have another 'mistruth' to back it up. I hate that anyone would have them on their show at this point. No one is going to feel sorry for Casey or them. One more thing....if Baez and Biden are saying that Casey was 'ugly coping' (all the dancing and partying) due to her own way of greiving, then I want to know what she was 'greiving about'? For all she knew (supposedly) Caylee was with a babysitter, so why ugly coping? I think the defense has boxed themselves in a corner on this one and won't be able to get out of it. Idiots. Rascal, maybe you could take the picture of Casey laying on the floor with the casino outfit on and the lollipop (extasy come down) sticking out of her mouth, looking up between her female lovers legs into her crotch and label it....."Im looking for Zanny". That would make a great poster.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Nordie, thank you for the link I actually sent 2 emails to the Larry King show. This is indeed a Circus from Bozo and the Ants, they just can not keep there face out of the news and they blame the Media, what a joke that is. They can not even be there for Caylee, sad when they back there skank daughter that killed there grand daughter. JMo the story about having the Nanny's Addy and phone number is called Ant BS as was there tips and sitings. They have been known for that. No one in there RIGHT MIND would have the Nanny's addy and phone number and not give it to the investigators, They have know from the beginning Caylee was gone and have tried to save the Skanks ass. Well it is not going to work her ass is grass. Get ready for that Gavel to come down hard mobster, you are not getting off. This family have covered up in every way they can with lies and hiding evidence, I hope they all join the Skank in jail where they belong. Deb in Vegas says: 2 weeks ago

Jmo, you are so bad!!! lol

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Timeline: Casey Anthony 1 Year AgoMay 7, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/timeline-casey-

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey's Legal Team May Not Be Qualified Ah Poor Bo Bo , the ream team may not be qualified!!!!!!!! Posted: 4:19 pm EDT May 7, 2009 http://www.wftv.com/news/19398339/detail.html JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Here is a really good one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNWneR89kNk&NR= I can't wait to hear Lying Cindy dispute it.

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Nordie- Thanks for the link. I'm going to send an email to them too as soon as I calm down. OMG I think I need a chill pill. The petition has 770 signatures right now but we need more for the media to pay attention. Please everyone send the link to everyone you know & post it on other forums. Being that the Ant farm will be on CNN Wednesday night, I don't think we can stop that but this circus has to end. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/851674974 JMo says: 2 weeks ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKkGo-LzY1I&fea This is the second half. This says it ALL. This is what is gonna get the whole bunch of liars. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

This one is so sad to listen to... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1t-bXT9T0c&fea and this one is testimony by Troy Brown.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb9v-c22d14&NR= JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Second part of troy brown.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrqu95gFfyI&fea

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Fox news just said Drew Peterson was arrested by state police in connection with the death of kathleen Savio (his third wife). Breaking news happening right now. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Good find Jo. I hate the fact that Fox news would take and report on "stolen records" out of police car. That's low. But now we know he is arrested. I hope he pays for all he has done!

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Link for latest on Peterson: http://www.chicagobreakingnews.com/2009/05/peterso

jo1031 says: 2 weeks ago

Snipped this from WFTV story posted yesterday:

"Casey's attorneys also got access to more documents. However, all of the information had already gone public.The documents included copies of the Anthony family's depositions in the Zenaida Gonzalez defamation lawsuit. It also included Orange County dispatch records from when meter reader Roy Kronk discovered Caylee's remains."

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Casey Anthony’s Defense Says New Attorney Will Be Revealed May 7, 2009 by: Express Looks like there money trail is never ending!!!! http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/casey-anthonys-

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

good grief! do I hear the word "drama" -- will it never cease?

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

I would like all of you to send the link to Jo's petition site to Larry King, I did this and also vowed not to ever watch his program again. I refuse to watch any program that supports the Anthonys. I am so sick of them getting Media attention. Please join me in this effort to stop this Circus. I also posted this at Caylee Daily.Please send this to Nordies link below. http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.lkl.html http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/851674974

RascalBrat says:

2 weeks ago

Good morning Nordie, I know what you mean about the drama from the Ant family, I just wish we could stop them all from the Media attention.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

I found this on the Caylee Daily, cut and pasted all the officers of the Foundation. Florida Non Profit CorporationCAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY FOUNDATION, INC.Filing InformationDocument Number N08000009792FEI Number NONEDate Filed 10/22/2008State FLStatus ACTIVE Principal Address4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Mailing Address4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Registered Agent Name & Address ANTHONY, CYNTHIA M4937 HOPESPRING DRIVE ORLANDO FL 32829Officer/Director DetailName & AddressTitleANTHONY, CYNTHIA M4937 HOPESPRING DRIVE ORLANDO FL 32829Title DANTHONY, GEORGE A4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Title DANTHONY, LEE A4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Title DPARKER, MALLORY5612 PARKDALE DRIVEORLANDO FL 32839Title TDPARKER, JODY5612 PARKDALE DRIVEORLANDO FL 32839 Florida Non Profit CorporationCAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY FOUNDATION, INC.Filing InformationDocument Number N08000009792FEI Number NONEDate Filed 10/22/2008State FLStatus ACTIVE Principal Address4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Mailing Address4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Registered Agent Name & AddressANTHONY, CYNTHIA M4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Officer/Director DetailName & AddressTitle PANTHONY, CYNTHIA M4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Title DANTHONY, GEORGE A4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Title DANTHONY, LEE A4937 HOPESPRING DRIVEORLANDO FL 32829Title DPARKER, MALLORY5612 PARKDALE DRIVEORLANDO FL 32839Title TDPARKER, JODY5612 PARKDALE DRIVEORLANDO FL 32839

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Copy of Terrance Lenamon resigning from Caseys case, this is from Dec, 2008. http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2008/images/12/09/Lett JMo says: 2 weeks ago

Ok, I signed the petition! I can't believe these people!

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Thank you JMo, I just wish we could get enough people to boycot the Larry King show, this is all about ratings. We know from the past shows all they will do is avoid the truth. They are the ones bringing all the attention to the case, and now they want a change of venue, this has been BS from the beginning. JMo says: 2 weeks ago

You would think as much as they carry on, that they would at least be a voice for Caylee!!!! Sad, so very sad! Yet they continue to protect the skank that killed her! CAPN STEVE says: 2 weeks ago

Lawrence Harvey Zeiger (Larry King) does not need the ANTfarm on his platform. By doing so he has just made the one Emmy award, the two Peabody awards, and ten Cable Ace awards seem as if they mean far less to him than the ratings. In doing so the only thing I can recommend for him to do after the taping is to take the Ant's out for a pastrami sandwich on rye, with a kishka on the side. And Larry, you can wash that down with a Dr. Brown cel ray!!

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

' http://www.wftv.com/news/19406524/detail.html Casey's Defense Team To Add New Attorney Sheaffer On New Casey Attorney http://www.wftv.com/video/19408075/index.html Casey Lawyer To Be Revealed http://www.wftv.com/video/19407952/index.html

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

IS CASEY DEFENSE TEAM QUALIFIED? Prosecutors are questioning whether or not Casey Anthony has a legally qualified defense team to try a death penalty case. Casey's lead attorney, Jose Baez, is not legally qualified to try a death penalty case alone. Last year, attorney Terrance Lenamon joined the case from South Florida. Lenamon has since resigned from Caseys case. This should answer any questions as to Bozo being qualified, no he is NOT.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Drew Peterson's arraignment pushed to May 18 © 2009 The Associated PressMay 8, 2009, 3:21PM http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/top/nationa JMo says: 2 weeks ago

You know, we really complain that Bozo isn't qualified and we worry she might get off, but geez, what if she gets someone who is really top notch.....then we will have to worry........Let's all vote for Bozo to stay on the case!

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

JMo, no way that would give mobster automatic appeal. Do not think I want to listen to the Ants any longer then need be. Deb in Vegas says: 2 weeks ago

Anybody care to leave a Mothers Day message for Cindy and Casey? http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog Deb in Vegas says: 2 weeks ago

I went to Larry Kings site and I didn't see the Ants on the schedule anymore. I wonder if they caved in to pressure, or are they just not showing them on the schedule anymore. http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/larry.king.live/

Snoopy9318 says: 2 weeks ago

Deb, I hope you're right and that Ants are NOT on Larry King. I did my part to stop it. I just don't get how Caylee cannot be on the forefront of this travesty? That poor child. All the Ants and Bozo want to talk about is that stupid crazy ditch pig kc.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Stop Cindy & George Anthony’s SCAMMING Foundation May 9, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/stop-cindy-geor

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Deb and Snoppy I keep posting at Caylee Daily for supporters to emil Larry King, I sure hope it stops them getting Media attention. I do not see them listed on the news stations as being on the Larry King show maybe they have been removed. But I will keep posting every where I can until I know for sure.

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

D&A Investigations, IncAccess to Knowledge is a Right © This is a great site to express your feeling about the anthony's. http://dgator.com/emailform.aspx

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

This is the link to the Larry King Blog, please voice your opinion on the ants directly, thank you for helping. http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2009/05/08/drew

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

Georgie and Crew haveing a fun day in the Sun!!!!! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

RascalBrat says: 2 weeks ago

It only took one round when you piss Oprah off!!!! http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra linn says: 2 weeks ago

Hey shipmates! Is it true? About the Ants being booted off LK? I hope so! I wrote into Oprah, and I usually just sit back and let everyone else do it. I never feel like it does any good, but this was different! I am going to look at the Ants in the sun.. hahaha. baked Ants.. You know, we could forgive them for moving on with their lives and all. No one is expected to stop living, no matter how much you miss a deceased loved one. HOWEVER, it has been their actions since Caylee was murdered, by THEIR daughter that has everyone hating them. Again, if they stood BY their daughter most would understand. As long as they even hinted of her guilt or that they just don't see how their child could do this... It has been the lying for Casey that has done them in. The caring more for a person they know killed her child, their grandaughter, that has everyone hating them. Most can understand their pain and gosh, what would *I do if my child killed my grand daughter. It has been their own actions since and during that has America so against them. If they were any other people, most would be glad to see them trying to move on and have a good time. However, it makes people furious to know they are having that good time on the money they are making off Caylee's death. That is just wrong, even pushing the evil button. I was one at the first that felt for them. Being a grandma of a baby, two, that live with me I can understand you are even closer to these kids. You are doing a lot of the raising of them. That makes it even worse in my opinion. You or I, was like a second mom. To my grandson I am the mom. I would still stand by Casey if she were my daughter, but no way would I lie for her, or act anyway the Ants have. I would be so ashamed I would never show my face. I also would visit my child, to hell with cameras. You can visit and spend just 15 minutes. You can make sure not to mention the case. Then again, that would be so hard!! Maybe that is why they don't visit. They know they would grill her to no end. You all know even they want to know what happened! IF they don't already know! I think they do.

IF I ever knew the details of how my child would of killed my grandchild, I am not sure I could handle that. OK, what a rambling post! Sorry all, but once you type out what makes sense, it does not anymore! LOL.. At least this post was a puzzle. It sure lost me and I typed it! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL OF US MOM'S!! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY.. UH, Casey this no longer applies to you. Wonder how she is going to like tomorrow? I am sure last year Caylee made it special. Oh wait, I was thinking Casey was a normal mom again!. Someone slap me.. not hard though.. lol... Gee, maybe I need a glass of wine. Allyss says: 2 weeks ago

Hi guys still here if anyone was wondering, Happy Mother's Day!

Nordie says: 2 weeks ago

To all the women in our lives who helped us be who we are today. Blessings.

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

Good morning all and Happy Mothers Day. I have not found anywhere that the Ants have been booted off the program, here is the link we are all using to get out point across that we are sick of the Ants. Please go there and voice your opping on No More Air Time For The Ants. http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2009/05/08/drew

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

This is what I posted for Larry King There is a great petition called, No More Air Time For The Anthony’s, you can google the link. I am so sick of there lies, stick a fork in me I am done. Why is the Media still giving them air time to promote making money on a Foundation. Are there to lazy to find a job, now they think the public will support them. Oh I forgot that will give Georgie time to go fishing with his new friends, Kid Finders. What kids have they ever found, Zero. And Caylee was never missing, Casey knew where she was right where she threw her like trash. It is time for Justice for Caylee, and the Ants to go away. And a message for Larry King,, I was a long time viewer, I am done with tha, I thought Larry had more class then to put the Ants on to lie some more and promote there scam for money. CAPN STEVE says: 10 days ago

Happy Mother's Day!!

Snoopy9318 says: 10 days ago

Thank you Capn!! Happy Mother's Day to all of the rest of you shipmates!! It's nice to have a family in addition to my family off the ship!!! Let's all have milk and cookies!! :) I'm going off to take a walk on this glorious day with my children!!

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

Georges email for the foundation, LMAO how many want to support them, not me. [email protected] Casey’s email address :[email protected]

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

http://bigmouthshelly.wordpress.com/ Scam Alert: Kid Finders and The anthonys are charging people for free software

RascalBrat says: 10 days ago

According to WFTV Man Who Runs Kid Finders, Dennis Milstead, has Serious Problems with his Criminal Past and his Non Profit Group http://scaredmonkeys.com/2008/11/18/according-to-w JMo says: 10 days ago

OMG......Annie Downing tapes are released! I haven't seen them till now. They are in today's news....all 4 tapes. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200

Wednesday Morning says: 10 days ago

Hi all --- I haven't been here in quite a few weeks. Family stuff has kept me busy. Sometime this week I'll get in here to archive & swab the decks. Sorry for the delay on that. Hope all of you lovely ladies had a nice Mother's Day & Captain, I hope you had a nice Mr. Mom's day too. ;-) Be back later in the week to clean up. JMo says: 10 days ago

Well, these Psychics claim they gave Dominic C. the info on where to find Caylee.... check this out. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200

Snoopy9318 says: 9 days ago

Well, it looks like things are pretty quiet today, so I guess I'll go to my cabin!! Have a good one, everybody!! JMo says:

9 days ago

Nothing going on except the "Duhfense Team" is questioning more people. More Depositions In Casey Anthony CaseDeputy, Public Works Employees To Be DeposedPOSTED: Monday, May 11, 2009UPDATED: 9:25 am EDT May 11, 2009 Casey Anthony appears at a court hearing.Casey Anthony's defense team has scheduled another round of depositions on Monday. At 1 p.m., defense attorney Jose Baez and his team will depose Adriana Acevedo, an Orange County deputy who helped check out tips from meter reader Roy Kronk in August. Kronk found 2 -year-old Caylee Anthony's body in December. Two Orange County Public Works employees, Tim Armstrong and David Dean, will follow Acevedo later Monday afternoon. Kronk was on the job for Public Works when he found Caylee's remains.

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

My last comment to Larry King If this Circus goes forward I will not watch anythng affiliated with CNN, Larry stand up for Justice for Caylee. Do not let Cindy grab you bye the Crotch like she does George show Cindy you are a real man.. Cancel the Anthony’s.

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

M in Mo if you come over to this blog please leave the link here for the infromation. I will be happy to get the information out on Larry King sponsers. We all want Justice for Caylee here. You are always welcome here. M in MO says: 9 days ago

RascalBrat. Had to sign-up, first. Here are the links posted over on Scared Monkeys. We've been trying to get everybody possible to write to the sponsors. THANKS! [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

M in Mo, Thank you so much for the infor we will work on getting the sponsers our, I personally want Justice for Caylee. I know my shipmates here feel the same this is a great blog and you are welcome anytime to come and join us. You are very welcome and we will be writing the sponsers. Thank you for posting them. Ok shipmates M in Mo posted all of Larry Kings sponsers, now it is time to eamil all of them and tell them what we think about Larry King having the Ants on the program. Help Please, Do it for Caylee

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

We may have a lot of visitors here, i went back to Larry Kings page and told everyone where they could get the sponsers of his show. They will not let the sponsers email out on his page. Where there is a will there is a way. M in MO says: 9 days ago

You might want to delete Overstock.com. I received this reply from Jonathan Johnson: Thank you for your email. We always like to hear from concerned customers.

However, I am confused by the content of your email. Overstock.com has not advertised on CNN since November 2007 (we have advertised on Headline News, but Larry King Live does not air on that channel). Even when we did advertise on CNN, we would purchase slots of airtime (e.g.,6am to 6pm) that were not specific to any show and CNN would air our ads at the times of CNN’s choosing. We were not able to buy airtime for a specific show (e.g., Larry King Live) and we were not privy to any show’s guest lists or topics.

Given that we have not advertised on CNN or Larry King Live for well over a year and that we have never supported directly or indirectly Cindy and George Anthony, I ask that you reconsider your boycott. I also ask that you inform the source of the incorrect information of the truth and any others that you have encouraged to boycott Overstock.com. Regards, Jonathan Johnson President

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

M in Mo, Thank you for that information, no problem will take that off my list. CAPN STEVE says: 9 days ago

I think Bill O on THAT "FAIR AND BALANCED" channel should lead the boycott against anyone who has their hand (or even a finger) into the ANTfarm spewing the garbage that they do. He has a platform that gets attention and results from what I have noticed and you do not want to be on the firing line in that world. Just ask the ones who still can not het up from the pummeling that they endured in the past, whether it was a hollywood type or a political type. You are either on his side or watch the f_ _ _ out!!!

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

s not looking good on the LK site, lets see if he back down on the interview http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2009/05/11/anth

jo1031 says: 9 days ago

Found this link posted by someone at the Caylee Daily. Lee's myspace page post from 2007 is very interesting. The last page of pfd has a death certificate for an Eric Baker who died in a car accident in

KY in 2007. The exact date of his death has been redacted but his birthdate is still listed. If this birthdate is correct he was born in March of 1989, that would make him 3 years younger than Casey & 16 years old. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/5395527/Lee-Anthony-My

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

JMo, to funny I just finsihed reading all of it. I found it very interesting. Yes I noticed the age of the guy.

RascalBrat says: 9 days ago

Jo, I wonder if he even knew Casey, his parents did not know Casey from what I understand. I wonder if we will ever know who the daddy is. linn says: 9 days ago

I wonder why there was really no news today on Crazy? There is all the documents that were released. the Bozo mess, and more depo's, yet all NG had on was the girl accused of murder in Italy I believe, and that pig Drew Peterson. Again, if I ever murder someone, I will state here and now it will be that janie whinytrap of JVM show. She is the only one I know that is spitting mad over the mistreatment of that ass. I mean, it seems personal for me now! LOL. I truly have to turn the sound off when she speaks. I really thought there would be something today, and it was a total NON-news day re: the crazy case. I did add my two cents to Larry's page. I said I would never watch his show again. No need to say I never do anyway, but I was stunned to see so many disgusted people. I did tell him and it is true, I watched the last interview and I actually felt sorry for him trying to read the questions he was allowed to ask and that they made him look like a fool, when he is not. It was embarassing to watch. Said that too and it was! People look up to LK as a good journalist or whatever he is. having them on, watching him fumble for words and the only questions he was allowed to ask, was painful. All that is true. I did say I cannot do it again and I will lose all respect for him. is it worth his career as a respected man, to have them on just for ratings? People seemed to be furious. Not one person was a "for the Ants!".. I would be tempted to watch and I admit it, but the clips will be on NG so even if I was tempted I won't as I can see it later. I DID have respect for LK though. if he goes through with having them on, I will have lost all respect for him, even if I don't watch his show regularly. linn says: 9 days ago

I wonder why there was really no news today on Crazy? There is all the documents that were released. the Bozo mess, and more depo's, yet all NG had on was the girl accused of murder in Italy I believe,

and that pig Drew Peterson. Again, if I ever murder someone, I will state here and now it will be that janie whinytrap of JVM show. She is the only one I know that is spitting mad over the mistreatment of that ass. I mean, it seems personal for me now! LOL. I truly have to turn the sound off when she speaks. I really thought there would be something today, and it was a total NON-news day re: the crazy case. I did add my two cents to Larry's page. I said I would never watch his show again. No need to say I never do anyway, but I was stunned to see so many disgusted people. I did tell him and it is true, I watched the last interview and I actually felt sorry for him trying to read the questions he was allowed to ask and that they made him look like a fool, when he is not. It was embarassing to watch. Said that too and it was! People look up to LK as a good journalist or whatever he is. having them on, watching him fumble for words and the only questions he was allowed to ask, was painful. All that is true. I did say I cannot do it again and I will lose all respect for him. is it worth his career as a respected man, to have them on just for ratings? People seemed to be furious. Not one person was a "for the Ants!".. I would be tempted to watch and I admit it, but the clips will be on NG so even if I was tempted I won't as I can see it later. I DID have respect for LK though. if he goes through with having them on, I will have lost all respect for him, even if I don't watch his show regularly. linn says: 9 days ago

sorry all for the double post. I only hit the post button once! And even then it took 3 minutes to show up, twice! losingit says: 9 days ago

Hello folks. I haven't left you. I've been reading your posts and pulling my weight e-mailing Larry and everyone else you suggest I do. Life has been busy lately. Happy Mother's Day to everyone yesterday. I had a wonderful late lunch with my daughter, mother and both of my grandmas yesterday. Both of my grandmas are in their late 80s. Mom's mom is awesome. She is fit and healthy and dresses like a (age appropriate) fasion model. Dad's mom is not so awesome. I have finally convinced the family to get some help for her. She is suffering from some sort of dementia. She has always been an old bitch, but I really feel bad for her now. She still lives on her own, but she is harassing her neighbors and becoming a real nuisance. I've never liked her, but I do believe she should live out her final years with a bit of dignity. I would never allow my parents to behave the way she does. Money is not an issue with our family getting her into a home. My father is just too scared to challenge her. It is impossible to talk to my father about the situation with her. He just gets angry and blames her neighbors for upsetting her. I've been behaving sneaky and underhanded trying to give him information. I printed off some sheets from Alzeihmer's site and given them to my mom to give to him. She passed them off to him, he got mad and threw them on the table. Mom finished cleaning up after supper and joined him in the living room. Dad had retrieved the papers and when she joined him, he told her that he thought his mom was at stage 3. He has called all his sisters and they are now making a plan to get her to a doctor. Hurray! I'm sorry to talk about this on a site where we our all united in the cause to find justice for Caylee. I have exhausted all my real life avenues. If any of my amazing shipmates can help me, I would very much appreciate it. I need to hear real life stories of how you found help for loved ones suffering from

dementia. This is very difficult. I think I would like to help others that are facing this ordeal. I don't know where to even start. Is there any organization that helps the family? My e-mail is [email protected]. Wednesday, you are doing a fine job. We have a very strong ship here. Don't worry about us until you can. Rascal, Jo, and Jmo work overtime to keep us all safe and happy. I hope your daughter is feeling better. Nordie, I was out at my parent's for dinner tonight. My dad expressed his interest in buying a beautiful little baby Uno. I showed them how they howl and told them of their love of digging. You have now prevented two of these amazing little pups going to families that are not capable of dealing with them. Thank you. Good night and sweet dreams to all. JMo says: 9 days ago

OMG, you guys are NOT going to believe this one! There is now a KARMACASEY doll. The video is evil, but I think it shows how a lot of people feel. This is actually on a news site...unbelievable. Check it out. (The video plays Ac/Dc's Highway to Hell....which is appropriate for sure). http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 JMo says: 9 days ago

This in tonight too......Jailmate is interviewed and tells of Casey screaming "I'm Pissed" when they told her the death penalty was back on the table. She was taken to a leather bed and strapped down. She also says that Casey has a shrine with black flowers for Caylee in her room, along with lots of cookies, crackers and candy. She says that Casey has 'EYES LIKE SATAN' that look right through you. Watch her interview....it's chilling. http://www.examiner.com/x-1168-Crime-Examiner~y200 Darrell in Denver says: 8 days ago

hey Guys- check this out- too funny and Karmic! -Crime Examiner: Video: The Casey Anthony Karma Doll Darrell in Denver says: 8 days ago

Please follow JMo's link and you will see the Casey (pissant)hony Karma Doll. i wonder how calm Sindy will be on Larry King Wednesday night. ( if they allow it. )- This Board is so filled with Super cool Peeps. Thank you Wednesday for allowing us to vent and have the American right to do that! God Bless. Dar

Snoopy9318 says: 8 days ago

Wow! Crazy is so "pissed" when she finds out that the death penalty is back on the table, that they have to restrain her to a leather bed... and yet when Caylee's remains are identified all she does is order from the commissary!!! Wow! What a cold hearted freak!!

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Good morning, I went to the Larry King blog this morning to see how it was going, they removed the page very interesting. People are really unhappy about the Ants being on his program, and are no writing to the sponsors. I am so glad I told the blogger to come to ourpage and get the sponsors up. They were not letting them up on his site. Now we wait and see if it worked. Like who really want to see the cow chewing gum, and listen to the BS that comes out of her mouth. JMo, I can see Casey's temper yelling I am pissed, well to bad Casey the public is pissed that you killed Caylee so join the crowed. Maybe they should have put Duct tape across Casey's mouth, but no heart for her. They always say what goes around comes around, your is coming Casey. M in Mo Is the new member on our blog that posted the sponsers, I hope she comes back and joins us, she is as passionite about Justice for Caylee as we are.

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Wednesday I am so glad we truly have freedom of speech on the ship. So many comments were not permitted on Larry King site. If it was negative in any way about the Ants most were not put up, and believe me people were complaining about it.

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Ok new page for LK http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2009/05/12/anth

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

CASEY ANTHONY CASE Casey Anthony: George, Cindy are public-relations flops http://www.orlandosentinel.com/orl-casey-anthony-g

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Casey, Cindy and George, Lies Part 1, 2 3, and 4 http://humbleopinion.wordpress.com/2009/01/03/case

Snoopy9318 says: 8 days ago

Wow! Rascal... As usual you are right on top of things!! Thanks!!

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Those videos tell it all. Have a great day shipmates off to town for a little while.

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Casey’s Web of Lies to DCF: Jose Baez To Depose DCF WorkerMay 12, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/caseys-web-of-l

Nordie says: 8 days ago

Bozo is so, need I say it again, stupiD! He is deposing all these people and they cannot be deposed again by the DP attorney. What an arse!! I've e-mailed LK and sponsors. I think LK will have them on now because of publicity. His motto -- any publicity is good publicity. Little does he know I volunteered for Nielson ratings this week. hehe

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Hi Nordie, well this tv will not be on that channel, I would rather watch a cartoon if need be. Yes he is stupid but sure hope this does not help her get a new trial when this is over.

Nordie says: 8 days ago

Hi Rascal, my server has been down the last couple of days. I was in doctor's office today and was talking to a little girl -- she will soon be 3 her mommy told me. I thought of Caylee. It is beyond comprehension that anyone could harm/kill such a precious child. Watched the above videos. Just makes me so sad and so angry.

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Nordie, I feel the same way when I think of Caylee or see a little child. I just want to choke Casey. and Cindy along with her for all the lies and not caring. The entire family clan makes me angry. Sometimes I just half to get in my car and go to town and do something to get away for a little while. Then I have the positive thought that one day we will have Justice for Caylee and I feel better. Every night when I pray there is a special prayer for Caylee.

RascalBrat says: 8 days ago

Looks like Larry King had to open another blog, he has really pissed his viewers off. I hope you all stand with me in not watching the Ants or anything on CNN, do it for Caylee and Justice for Caylee. http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2009/05/12/lkl-

JMo says: 8 days ago

So what did you guys think of the links I posted? Is anyone going to submit a video for the first one? What was your favorite scene?

What about the jailmate? Did you think she was credible? Do you think she is right when she says Casey's eyes are like Satan's? (I wonder how she knows what Satan's eyes look like?) Deb in Vegas says: 8 days ago

Did you guys read the Ant's response to the emails to the LK show? They say that "this our way to grieve, and our way to honor our Caylee". I almost choked on my Trail Mix. That really pissed me off. I had to send a not so kind email, and I hate when I feel that way when I send emails because I usually say something that almost guarantees to be sensored. We'll see what happens. http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2009/05/12/lklDeb in Vegas says: 8 days ago

By the way, there is no way in hell that I will be watching the LK show. I hope that all the people who threatened not to watch the show tomorrow or in the future really mean what they say. I think Lk might think that this is going to have the opposite affect and bring him more viewers. I really hope that doesn't happen. losingit says: 8 days ago

I want to watch LK just in case they change their tune. I know they won't though. It will just be more of the same old crap. I've been putting off a few chores lately, so I think I'll use that hour to buckle down and tidy up the linen closet and get my ironing finished. I honestly don't think I could stomach looking at Cindy for another minute never mind an hour. Jmo, I did find the jailmate credible. I'm not too sure why Casey would ask her for help though. But, the story wasn't too far fetched and the jailmate seemed to tell it in a fair manner. It is good to know that Casey is showing some sort of emotion over the DP. I try to put myself in Casey's position. I don't understand why she would be "pissed". I mean, it is critical that if she wants to save her own life, she needs to tell the truth (or some version of it) right now. I believe LE has evidence that will prove that Casey did it and it was not an accident. She is such a stubborn person. She would rather stick with the stupid story and die than come clean to spare her life. She doesn't want to look like a liar? Good grief, I hope she talks. I won't be able to bear Cindy when she starts on another campaign to rescue innocent people from death row. Maybe when it comes down to the wire she can convince George to say that he murdered Caylee. That wouldn't even surprise me. Deb in Vegas says: 8 days ago

I will be watching American Idol tomorrow, there is no reason to tune into LK. I'm sure NG will be showing breaking news about the Scam artists all next week. Jmo, I found the inmate to be credible. She didn't hesitate to answer any of the questions, and as losingit says she did seem to be fair. I can definitely see Casey screaming "I'm pissed" over and over again. This is probably what went on in

that house for years. C and G probably gave in to her and let her have her way. And it seems like they were afraid of her at some point. She seems to have quite a temper. Hopefully the jury will get to see that for themselves. But why she thought somebody would actually "help" her I don't understand.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Attorney Left Defense Because He Disagreed With Baez's Strategy Posted: 8:59 am EDT May 13, 2009 http://www.wftv.com/news/19448158/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

I started off the day watching Fox News, I will not give the Ants the satisfaction of watching a TV Channel that supports there agenda. I will stay true to Justice for Caylee.

Snoopy9318 says: 7 days ago

Deb, I think Crazy thinks people will help her because she's such a narcisist (sp). Also, how many people have helped her enjoy her time in prison with donations to the commissary fund? I don't think Bozo gives it to her straight. She probably was very shocked that the dp would be put on the table. I think Bozo tells her what HE wants her to know.

Snoopy9318 says: 7 days ago

Rascal, I didn't know Lenemon ever came back after quitting in December when they took the dp off the table! When did he come back? Isn't it interesting that NO ONE has filed with the court to be the new attorney? Give me a break!! I will be watching everything except Larry King tonight!

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Snoopy, Lenemon did not come back he was saying why he left. He wanted Bozo to go with the Crazy defence, and Bozo did not want to do that. From what I understand he was going to stay on, but due to

there dissagrement he left. losingit says: 7 days ago

It would be nice if the idiots quit giving her money. How pathetic and sad is it that she has all her little treasures spread out on her bed? It reminds me of a nature show I watched a long time ago. The male bird would lay out all his little treasures of pretty stones, feathers, shells and sticks to attract a female to all his wealth. She lied to everyone about her wealth before jail. She had a car, clothes, make-up and a great "job" that financed a nanny and a fancy party lifestyle. It doesn't surprise me she wants to continue the charade.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

losing, next she will say they let her out of jail to go to work at Universal, and she parties at Fusion every week end with Tony, she is that crazy.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Oh I should of added they let her run by Target to buy her push up bras. Do you think Target's income has gone down since she is jailed. But one good thing everyones check book and credit cards are safe.

Snoopy9318 says: 7 days ago

I keep wondering if Sindy and Georgie are writing to her. I could just barf thinking about those pigs being on Larry King. I thought he was above the sensationalism, I'm sorry to find out that I was wrong.

Snoopy9318 says: 7 days ago

Dang!! I guess everyone is below deck! Darn my hours!! Anyway, can't wait to read the aftermath tomorrow!! Stay safe!!

Snoopy9318 says: 7 days ago

Snoopy9318 says: 7 days ago

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Whatch out Mickey Mouse, Bozo will want you next!! Baez to question Universal Studios security guard http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/baez-to-questio Nancy Drew says: 7 days ago

Hi eveyone! I read this awesome hub everyday, but rarely speak, but love all of you and what you have to say. Today I couldn't resist speaking up and asking about something I just read in the latest article posted above from WFTV. Did I read correct when it said that Baez interviewed a DPF worker who had been investigating Casey for child abuse? I have never heard that before. Have any of you heard that before, and if so, what is it about? I swear I've read every detail of this case and have never heard that before. JMo says: 7 days ago

Yep Nancy Drew, you read that right. It says "On Wednesday he'll talk under-oath to another deputy, a DCF worker who investigated a previous child abuse case against Casey" You sure have to wonder what the heck that is about. Maybe Jo1031 can find something out for us????? JMo says: 7 days ago

Here is the website for Florida DCF: http://www.state.fl.us/cf_web/ JMo says: 7 days ago

The way that is worded, it seems like it was something 'prior' to the present child abuse charges. But who knows....

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

I have been trying to fnd out why Bozo want to Depose the DCF worker and why the Universal worker. Think he is just tainting the case more since he is not qualified.. Casey did have Caylee at one party where the cops were called, maybe DCF talked to her about that. There was drinking and I am sure drugs at the party. JMo says: 7 days ago

Baez is harming himself and Casey in the process. Anyway, he is working hard at trying to blame someone else. If Casey was truthful with him there would be no problem. Even if she told him that someone else was involved, wouldn't he be questioning that person? So, she must be doing the 'I was framed' bullshit and Baez is buying it all the way. He is searching for someone who 'screwed up' something or for someone who had it out for Casey. Maybe the DCF worker will say they investigated something and found nothing....he might want to use this to prove that Casey was a great parent that someone was out to get by reporting her. Who knows, but he certainly does not have the training or mental capacity to be fighting this case, especially when it involves life and death. Casey 'most likely' refuses anyone else as her attorney, because no one else will be as gullible and believe her like Baez does. It probably 'pissed her off' when Lennemon wanted her to plead NGBRI (Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity). Baez is certainly not thinking of his own reputation in this and is in so deep with Casey and her lies that he can't see clear of it. The judge needs to rule this as inappropriate counsel, as we don't want her to get off due to unfair representation. However, I think they all crazy and deserve each other! Nancy Drew says: 7 days ago

Thanks for responding to my question JMo and Rascal! Yeah, I'm interested to learn more about these previous child abuse allegation. Also, I too won't be watching Larry King tonight. Those Anthonys (all of them) are whackjobs. Evil. This case is the strangest of the strange. I believe that justice for Caylee will happen. They (prosecution) must have pretty strong evidence to bring the death penalty back. What gives me faith is that they already had the DP on the table. Then they took it away. For them to bring it back says something. I wonder if she (Casey) sees the irony in all this. The selfish b*tch wanted her freedom and now her freedom is gonzo'd. Baez is such a frigoon idiot, I'm amazed he hasn't been removed from the case. I dream about b*tch slapping that permanent smirk off his face. Okay, I've had my say. I'll shut up for another month or so. :-)

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Since he is a a DP Attorney and he is deposing everyone he can, they can not be deposed bye a new Attorney that comes on to this case that is DP qualified. Now what does that tell us all. He has screwed up this case so bad. I am sure he knows who did it and is grasping at straws and will try to play the blame game to try to save her.

losingit says: 7 days ago

I'll go back and look for the info about DCF. I must have missed that somehow. Bobo is so stupid that maybe he is deposing the worker to blame him for not doing anything or enough about the allegation. "It's your fault for leaving Caylee with an unfit mother. My client was obviously not up to the task. People of the jury, there was not one sole person responsible for this tragedy. A terrible chain of events occured where no one took responsibility for the welfare of this child. Is you condemn my client you must also condemn yourselves. It is everyone's fault."

jo1031 says: 7 days ago

Here's the link to the DCF report. This report was done in August after Casey was home on house arrest. After she was charged with child neglect & lying to LE, the DCF workers had to make a report. According to past reports there were no prior complaints made before Caylee was reported missing. In this report she refers to Caylee as "the child", tells DFC workers that she wants to work for an agency that helps find missing children, & says that Eric Baker is the father of Caylee. This young man died in 2007 at the age of 18 in a car accident in Kentucky. http://media.myfoxorlando.com/photogalleries/11060

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

DCF WDCF Worker: Casey Referred To Caylee As "That Child" worker: Casey Referred To Caylee As "That Child" http://www.wftv.com/video/19453711/index.html

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Legal Analyst: Attorney's Comments Bombshell In Case Against Casey Posted: 5:23 pm EDT May 13, 2009Updated: 8:01 pm EDT May 13, 2009 http://www.wftv.com/video/19448983/index.html losingit says: 7 days ago

Thank Jo and Rascal. I get it now.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

I am having with drawl pains no NG or CNN all day, but it will be worth it. Hit there ratings if we stick together. Justice for Caylee our way.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Your welcome losingit

jo1031 says: 7 days ago

JMo- Loved that video & the Casey karma doll. I'm thinking about buying one for the trial. It would have been better if they had used the evil face she was making during the jail visit when she got made at G & C though. I'm thinking about an idea for a video to send in. Maybe something with a boat that I could name the SS Caylee Marie & put Casey in it & sink it.

Nordie says: 7 days ago

Boycott!! Bozo has the right to depos people. Biggest problem, because he has no death penalty experience (or any other), once the depo is done, can't go back and ask anymore questions.

Nordie says: 7 days ago

Boycott!! Bozo has the right to depos people. Biggest problem, because he has no death penalty experience (or any other), once the depo is done, can't go back and ask anymore questions. Also, if he asks wrong questions, opens the door for prosecution to ask follow-up questions. Sorry for the double post.

Nordie says:

7 days ago

Boycott!! Bozo has the right to depos people. Biggest problem, because he has no death penalty experience (or any other), once the depo is done, can't go back and ask anymore questions. Also,

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Nordie, I am not watching any of them

futonfraggle says: 7 days ago

Well, I just finished watching the Interview. All I can say is...WOW. I think this interview takes the cake. I suspect George and Cindy will be firing their attorney some time soon.

Nordie says: 7 days ago

On the DFC report, check out page 2224. Wonder what that's about?

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

I refused to watch them, tired of there lies. Maybe Brad Conway will half to find his own way home again.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Nordie, Page 2224 # 5 is something about criminal history. #14 same page is something about injurie both of the items say YES behind them . JMo says: 7 days ago

Jo1031, I think that would be hysterical! ....don't forget the 'pavers' when you throw the bitch overboard! Just for sentimental sake, we could toss in some 'pong balls, her push up bra, xanax bottle, and her cell phone'. That way, she would know what it was like when the flood waters washed over little Caylee with her favorite stuff. Hmmm, Casey becomes fish food, just like Caylee became bug and

snake food. Seems pretty fitting to me! However, I really thought the video of putting her in plastic and burying her alive with duct tape on her mouth was good! I'm not sure I enjoyed the burning one...that was just creeepy for me.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

JMo, I think it will be more fitting when they strap her down for the for that needle in her arm. Watch her scream then.

Nordie says: 7 days ago

rascal, I think one of the yes was about history of drugs or something like that. Good night my shipmates -- it's been a long day and another one tomorrow.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Nite Norddie, it said criminal history it is so small hard to read. I could be wrong to.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

George & Cindy Anthony Refute Evidence Against Daughter During Prime-Time Interview Posted: 10:27 pm EDT May 13, 2009 http://www.wftv.com/news/19455990/detail.html JMo says: 7 days ago

#14 if marked yes (which it is) must be explained. It says: Child whereabouts unknown. #5 is marked yes. It asks if any "parent, caregiver, or household member(s) has a criminal history or engages in dangerous criminal activities that may impact child safety and/or present (s) a potential

threat or harm to the child (for example: drug manufacturing or distribution, traffiking or sale of illegal drugs or weapons, prostitution). Sooooooooooo, this tells us that maybe 1. domestic violence could of played a part in this being answered yes OR 2. Casey may of been busted when she was younger for selling drugs or prostitution OR maybe George has some role here? I don't think Cindy would have her nursing license if she had done any of this stuff. But Casey, George and even Lee could of had these charges because they are part of the household. My bet is on Casey being charged with something and that is why her and George had the big falling out when Casey turned 2......hmmm.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

There is a blogger on the LK blog that knows Cindy and talk about tell all, goes by name Mei. She has even taped Cindy in conversations. Talking about the scam they are running for money. She is now a X friend of Cindy. She was at Blanchard Park when Padillia was there. She even visited Cindys Mom recently.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

LK Blog you can see comments by Mei http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2009/05/12/lkl-

futonfraggle says: 7 days ago

Watch the entire George and Cindy Anthony interview from tonight here: http://hubpages.com/hub/Cindy-and-George-Anthony-o

futonfraggle says: 7 days ago

Rascal, the way Cindy grabbed Brad Conway's leg during that interview (when he discussed Casey's diary), it wouldn't surprise me if they lawyer up with a new guy ASAP.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

futtonfraggle, Nothing they do would surprise me, will be interesting if they can find someone else to be a FREE lawyer, haha everyone donates to them what BS.

futonfraggle says: 7 days ago

It just gets crazier and crazier...

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

well stop and think about the people that are involved, do they act sane to you. JMo says: 7 days ago

I just watched this...OMG...did Cindy really say: "Casey was arrested because she lied about working at Universal Studies, not because it had anything to do with Caylee". Is she for f'n real?????

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

When you work with people like that it is hard to soar like a Eagle, look the the Devtives have work with in this case. The Anthonys. No JMo Cindy is not for real.

futonfraggle says: 7 days ago

JMO, isn't that nuts? How about when Cindy said that "God" took Caylee? I thought it was a babysitter named Zenaida that was a "10" Oy vey.

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

LMAO, do they really consider Casey a 10 to Dam funny!!!! Deb in Vegas says: 7 days ago

I didn't tune in to LK, but from what you guys are saying I can't help but thinking, why in the hell doesn't somebody around Cindy, just put a muzzle on her already? It is so obvious that that woman has lost her freakin mind.How much more of a hole can she possibly dig for herself before somebody has the nerve to tell her to stfu?

RascalBrat says: 7 days ago

Deb, I did not tune in either, I did pull some of what was said off of Orlando News Site. I have had enough of Cindy and George.

futonfraggle says: 7 days ago

Regarding the child abuse claim and the DCF worker: I wrote a hub about 8 months ago and included every 911 call made from the Anthony household over the past 6 years. These calls included, stolen vehicle in 2006, an emergency turned over to the fire dept, domestic disturbance on several ocassions, criminal mischief, the list goes on and on (this is before Caylee was reported missing). http://hubpages.com/hub/Anthonys-Are-Liars JMo says: 7 days ago

Futy, maybe you can put together a video for the Casey Karma doll site too. Someone has to win the video of the year! Jo1031 is gonna put one together that has a ship and shows Casey being thrown overboard. I would love to see one where Zenaida kicks Casey's ass and then throws her in the trunk of the car with wild squirrels for a couple of days! Now, that's exactly what needs to happen to Casey.

LOL, that's the video that I would make if I knew how to. Yes, Cindy was a real freak on that show....George, well he just looked overwhelmed and wanting to cry! You can tell he is hurting through all of this, and I think Cindy has forced him to do all the crazy things he does. The guy has no mind of his own! I think George will off himself if Casey gets the DP! Cindy will just go more crazier. Lee will dissapear. Baez will become known as the DUHfense and lose his clients and license. And Casey just doesn't really give a f...k!

Snoopy9318 says: 7 days ago

Did you guys notice in the DCF report, I think it was the third page where it stated that the mother murdered Caylee but the body has been missing for two days?!!! It's at the top of the page!! OMG!!

Snoopy9318 says: 6 days ago

Futon: I didn't watch the interview. What happened that they would fire their attorney?

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Snoopy, here are the videos Futy put some up last night but a couple of them stall, they work smoother. Not sure why, any way I did not watch LK either so sick of the Ants. But Cindy did not look happy last night glaring at everyone, just a wierd glare. http://bigmouthshelly.wordpress.com/

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Casey Anthony: WESH asks if Jose Baez wants to put her on the stand in 'risky, all-or-nothing strategy' http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment_tv_ JMo says:

6 days ago

Snoopy, it says "alleged". However, the page before that connects to that statement shows an "unknown caller" who reported Caylee missing and then "hung up before they could get her name". Now, that is interesting. Who could that of been? Casey when she was psychotically the Nanny? Also, doesn't the fact that Lennemon said he wanted Casey to go with the mental health, not guilty by reason of insanity tell us that they already are knowledgeable that she did this? It does me.

Nordie says: 6 days ago

o/t but good news (I needed this!) http://www.krgv.com/news/local/story/Kidnapped-Gir

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

JMo, It tells me that Lennemon knows who did it. But I do not think you will hear Bozo repeat it. losingit says: 6 days ago

Oh hurray! Thanks for posting that Nordie!

Snoopy9318 says: 6 days ago

Nordie: Thanks for the GREAT news!! Wow! It's nice when good things happen!!

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Nordie that is wonderful news ty. SadieSkye says: 6 days ago

Everyone on board shud watch the LK interview... Larry is priceless the way he delivers the questions with no holds barred... Of course he was gonna interview them the larry king way.. at many times Cindy was glaring at george almost to seem as if she was trying to keep him on her lying track with her glares.. They lied sooo many times it made me sick....dont boycott now!! watch this interview mates!!!


RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Sadie I posted the link for the videos and I did listen this morning. I still do not agree with LK having the Ants on, what did it really accomplish, they only answer what they want and lie. Yes I seen her in the videos glaring she was not happy. But what this did also was let them advertise there foundation. A way to funnle money out the back door to defend a killer.

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Cindy is a hypocrite, she talks looking up to her God. Well I hate to tell Cindy but we both have the same God, and he does not tell us to look at someone and flat ass lie. Someday I will see my God. Cindy you are going to Hell so I guess you do not half to worry you can just keep lieing and scaming people. We already know what kind of a person you are. In my book you are not someone I would want as a friend. You are trying to scam everyone you can, to make money off of Caylee, to save the one take took her from you. Cindy you are not going to meet the right maker in the end. You need to stand up for Caylee and tell the TRUTH!!!!!

Numarama says: 6 days ago

Hi everyone - interesting stuff about the previous child abuse allegation..cathcing up on that next. I just watched the LKL interview on WFTV. Hopefully Larry won't get any sort of ratings boost from those of us who watch it after the live airing (and not on TV!). A few things that stuck out for me: -George saying that he and Cindy are 'postive role models' for families of missing children (???) BARF -Brad, G and C all deny that certain evidence even exists - they say there was no sticker placed on the duct tape, and that the tape was not wrapped around the skull. Also says that the diary is in the Brad's possession, and it will not be used as evidence (?). Where are they getting this?! -Cindy says the public doesn't understand the concept of unconditional love (???)! *They can still love Casey, that's fine...unconditional love doesn't mean you have a free pass to lie, cheat and steal in the name of 'love'!

-Cindy says all bloggers are 'sad' people who like to find fault with things - LMAO!! wtf -Cindy and George say no when asked if Casey was ever 'harmed' as a child...does this mean they don't know if they are going with an incest story? Maybe they are and G and C just made another boo boo by denying it? - And don't even get me started on their foundation and projects in poor Caylee's name!! double BARF

Numarama says: 6 days ago

oh, one more thing before I gotta go :) if anyone is interested, here is an article/letter written by a condemned inmate (a serial murderer/rapist who has a degree from Columbia!) about what it's like on Death Row. Gave me the chills as I was reading. He was diagnosed with a mental illness and still got death. I wonder if Casey uses the mental health defense, if she'll still be on Death Row like this guy.. http://everything2.com/title/What%2527s%2520It%252

Nordie says: 6 days ago

Numa, he was executed in 2005 after 18 years on death row. He didn't want the families of his victims to suffer anymore. How noble of him. He knew he could never be cured and would continue to kill, even in prison. May God has mercy on his soul.

Numarama says: 6 days ago

Nordie, yes after reading the article I Googled him and found that he was executed. I also felt that it was very noble of him to accept his fate and realize that he was a danger to others out on the street. i don't know if many people would've been able to handle the situation quite as gracefully. Reading his words still gave me the chills though!!

RascalBrat says: 6 days ago

Are the Ants ever going to stop

Anthonys: Caylee’s Killer Still Loose May 14, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/anthonys-caylee JMo says: 6 days ago

They are in La-La land for sure. I don't even know where Cindy comes up with her fabricated stories anymore. She just makes shit up as she goes! No matter, they should be charged with obstruction. I just can hardly wait for the trial to begin! They all should pay for what they have done to Caylee and continue to do to that poor baby's name! I am sick of Cindy 'hiding under the name of religion' to make herself look good. It's shameful what she is doing. She will be lucky (in my opinion) not to be condemed for her behavior of lies and deceit in the name of protecting evil!!! Evil lurks deep within Casey. The only killer here is Casey and her sociopathic personality. She is so narcissistic, it "pisses her off" that anyone could even think of giving her the death penalty and it "pisses her off" that everyone only cares about Caylee.....what about her!!!! My God, if that doesn't tell you there is something wrong with this evil murderess bitch, then I don't know what does! Order some more snacks Casey, you deserve them...lol. JMo says: 5 days ago

I watched NG last night. I couldn't believe it....no Casey!

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

Caylee Anthony Foundation: What The Anthony’s Don’t Want You To Know http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/caylee-anthony-

Nordie says: 5 days ago

JMo, yes, NG is starting to move on it appears, at least until the trial starts or another document dump, whichever comes first.

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

Someone is following the Ants money trail and spilling the beans. There was a blogger on Larry King the other night and they were sure letting the Ants have it. Needless to say they are not friends anymore.

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

I am not sure if it is the same one, but if you scroll down you will see some videos 1 of Caylee that I never seen before and one of Casey. I have never seen that one before either, nor has anyone else ever been allowed to up load a video. It is so sad to see Caylee having what someone calls breakfast all alone and no interaction. Well the video is down I just went and looked but it was patethic to watch. http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2009/05/14/case

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

Here is the video of Caylee eating by her self, no sound of any adult around her. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJCktv820hA losingit says: 5 days ago

Rascal, I watched that video a couple months ago. I thought it was sad too. No one was talking to her. The video you just posted has the song "Tears in Heaven" playing. The boy singing it brought tears to my eyes. What a angelic voice that boy has.

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

losingit, the one on LK only had Caylee eating all alone, looke like toast and cookie and junk food for her breakfast. Like someone just threw what ever on her tray, not a braakfast I would have fed my children. CAPN STEVE says: 5 days ago

Had they only given her to some family to be happy..... We would not be talking about this.

JMo says: 5 days ago

Someone was there, because they were videotaping her. All the sound is out because the music/song is filtered over top of it. I'm not sure what you mean that she is all alone eating. I don't see that at all, unless there is something I'm missing? In news today: the DUHfense filed another motion to have the civil case dropped. Guess that ain't gonna happen Baezhole! http://www.wesh.com/news/19471201/detail.html JMo says: 5 days ago

I agree. Why couldn't Casey just put her up for adoption since she was the legal parent. Cindy should of stopped being so damn controlling! And look, she still hasn't learned her lesson!!!!! losingit says: 5 days ago

JMo, the original video I watched was of her eating her breakfast (no music) and the person taping her doesn't say a single word to her. It just struck me as sad that they weren't talking to her and saying the usual stuff you would say in that situation. Like, if it was me, I would be talking in a silly voice asking, "Is that good toast?" and just stuff like that. I watched the LK interview. What I found the most interesting was when he asked about the diary. Brad started to answer and Cindy was visibly excited/upset about what he was saying. Also, when asked about the partying, Cindy stated that Casey only went out once (in the blue dress) and that she was working that night. Well, that picture might be the only one that can prove she was out that one night. What about the anything but clothes party, when was that? What about the pics of her partying in the black dress?

RascalBrat says: 5 days ago

That video that I posted was just a short clip of Caylee in her High Chair. the original one that was on Larry Kind Blog was long. yes there was someone in the house video taping, but no one was interacting with her or feeding her a good breakfast. Thw Original tape went on for a long time, and was just Caylee. JMo says: 5 days ago

I think they probably took a lot of strange video's, who knows. Those were probably done by Casey, lol. So, does anyone else think that Zenaida needs to kick Casey's butt and throw her in the trunk with a

bunch of rabid wild squirrels for a few days in the Florida sun? Seems fitting, doesn't it?

RascalBrat says: 4 days ago

How Do You Report A Scam Foundation: Caylee Anthony Foundation May 16, 2009 by: Express http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/how-do-you-repo SadieSkye says: 4 days ago

Kidnapped 3yr old little boy 'Briant' found ALIVE & WELL in Mexico!!!

RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Sandra Cantu: Shocking News http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/sandra-cantu-sh

RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Abducted California boy, 3, found in Mexico Sadie, this is wonderful news full story below http://www.cayleedaily.com/

jo1031 says: 3 days ago

Here's the post made on the Larry King blog on the night of his show with G & C. This person claims to know the Anthonys. The name she is using is MEI & not her real name. At times she is responding to other poster's questions about the family. I think this person is on the up & up. Notice what she says about Cindy liking men & her boyfriend who is 43.

Mei May 13th, 2009 8:29 pm ET

You both are immoral, sociopathic, and some of the worst people that I have ever been acquainted with. Yes..you know me. In Your letter you talk about love fo family….how about getting out there and finding the REAL killer of this baby?…..or maybe tell everyone in this blog how the Kid Finders Network takes donations in the front door, and then get them out the back door through 2 sign companies that Milstead owns. Also KFN pays for the billboards….which Sherri Milstead owns. I spoke to you about this…both of you…..and what did you tell me?….don’t worry about it….no one knows and the money may as well go to Dennis. Well I do not agree, of course, which is why I walked awayfrom both of you. You are using this child as a meal ticket…period. I Also know, for the readers here, that the reason you go on LKL is because he agrees to not question you, but to repeat questions that you already know are coming…you could not handle a live audience…you would get crucified… again..your words…not mine. George is making $40,000 a year being a spokesman for KFN….how much is Cindy getting? The loopholes in Non-profit are scary. But Florida has both of you figured out. Remember when you Cindy was at Blanchard park?….You told me that you have to go to prove to the media that you are tough and will not let Padilla stomp all over you. You know the real reason was because someone else was going to get a piece of the Caylee money train. Don’t bother calling me….I will record it anyway, and put it away with the rest of the tapes I have. Both of you are dispicable people. Lee was lucky to get out, and Casey will never get out…you know this…George thinks otherwise, but you know it Cindy Mei May 13th, 2009 9:02 pm ET What do you want to know? Of course, my E-mail and Name are not correct, just to protect myself and my husband Mei May 13th, 2009 9:13 pm ET No Rose….they are lying dispicable people, and they have ALWAYS been that way. They covered for Casey because Cindy wanted the perfect family. She knew that Casey was a total loss and she pinned her hopes on Caylee, but Casey hated Cindy because of the way Cindy acted…always putting Casey down etc. Cindy is not stupid. Her problem is that she wants to get out of the marriage and now she can’t…at least for a long time. She can’t afford it. Lee was the smartest, and he got out as soon as he could. George is worthless and does not want to work….Florida was a vacation for him…with Cindy footing the bill for everything. But George has NO guts at all. And he will do what Cindy says Mei May 13th, 2009 9:15 pm ET Larry just said the public is taking it out on the Anthony’s!!!!!!!! What the hell is he talking about….Hey LARRY…maybe because they lied from the get-go. Now Cindy says she gets a lot of great letters…that’s a lie….a total lie…..She gets more death threats. Mei May 13th, 2009 9:23 pm ET Larry King just lost about 20,000 viewers. This guy has a chance to ask the two of these one question. After the FBI interview was released, Cindy was livid. George basically said the truth, and Cindy tried to lie her way through the entire interview. That’s when she started taking a heavy pain medication….sorrry..I only saw the bottle….don’t know what it was. But she was taking it 4x per day. As soon as she started that….she did not eat….hence the weight loss. But Cindy was uncontrollable with her anger towards George and Jose. She hated both of them and still does. All of these interviews are them trying to get their image better so the donations still come in Mei May 13th, 2009 9:25 pm ET Now Cindy says that not knowing where Caylee was the worst part of her life. LArry should ask her why Casey was partying for over a month Mei May 13th, 2009 9:28 pm ET there was only one picture??????????? of Casey partying???? Larry is the worst interviewer I have

ever seen…he has a chance to rejuvenate his career…and he is throwing softballs. I knew this would happen. Mei May 13th, 2009 9:37 pm ET Kid Finders Network is the organization. They have NEVER found a child and is run by 2 felons. It is also the ONLY organization that would do what Cindy wanted,,,,and that was to keep up the fake sightings to try and throw the police off. The KFN is run by Dennis Milstead…a horrible man that likes to bully pepole. He also owns 2 Sign companies…a moblie billboard company and a printing company. So the donations go in the front door and go right into Milsteads pocket through his other companies. Also George….the meal ticket…is a PAID advisor to KFN…at about $40,000 a year. Texas equisearch left them….so did about 1000 volunteers. ITS ALL A SCAM PEOPLE…..Cindy was told by Jose Baez that she needs to soften her image if she hopes to see any money from books, interviews, etc. George was given a consertatorship through KFN so he has an income when Cindy leaves him. Cindy is now correcting her attorney…who is also the only lawyer that would work with them. Nejames was great with ALL of us…a very classy guy. But Mark had to get out when he saw how unstable Cindy was and that George could not control her. Cindy looks real bad in this interview. I know she wants to open up on Larry and her husband, but she can’t. The real Cindy is the one you saw in the Morgan deposition…a mean, lying, conspiring woman. She also likes men a little too much…if you know what I mean Mei May 13th, 2009 9:50 pm ET Here is another scoop I just thought of. Cindy is waiting for George to lose his temper on Cindy….just one time. George will have a restraining order in place real quick. This was planned back in earkly December of last year. Once George is out of the picture…..Cindy will be with a certain gentleman that she has spoken of from where she use to work. Dark Hair, about 43 years old, a little overweight, but he does what CIndy tells him to do. (ooops..The way Cindy told me, he does what I want when I want, he is a great guy) Her words. For the next year you all will see Cindy and George on all of these shows, trying their best to promote their scam foundation. All of the money that comes in either goes to payroll for the Anthony’s and the Milsteads…..or gets flyers printed up through Milstead’s printing company….what a scam. Mei May 13th, 2009 9:56 pm ET No Rose…..you would be shocked at the cash that comes in daily. Just Shocked. That Bass Boat George and KFN bought was a drop in the bucket, believe me. Cindy has well over 4 large Tupperware boxes FILLED with photos that have not been released. We sat around one night with a Margarita (sp) and printed dates and what the pics were of so we could fiile them easier. Cindy knows what they are worth Mei May 13th, 2009 10:02 pm ET Yes he did. But it was more of a shove that his head hit the glass and brike it. But it was his father in law. Up in Ohio. George , who is lazy as the day is long needed work and Cidny begged him to take George on. He did. He sold 4 cars in 5 months and got into numerous arguements with Pop and the brother. No charges filed. The George took their savings a bout a used car lot….what a mistake that was….George lost everything Mei May 13th, 2009 10:09 pm ET Christine thank you….but no need to lie…..when it comes to th Anthonys……if you only knew half of what Darrell in Denver says: 3 days ago

Maybe we ought to said the ship to Egypt and park it really close to De-nial and drop GeorgeofDuhJungle and Sin-dy off there- since they love to swim in that part of Egypt !!

jo1031 says: 3 days ago

Continued from my last post: Mei May 13th, 2009 10:09 pm ET Christine thank you….but no need to lie…..when it comes to th Anthonys……if you only knew half of what I know about Cindy GEorge , Lee and Especially Casey. Here’s One for you. When the baby was about to be born, I called Cindy and asked about a baby shower, what she needed , etc. She started out saying that Casey was not pregnant…but I stopped her and said Cindy….stop it…everyone knows….now what does the child need!…she paused then said a new pink blanket and some pink one piece oufits..the ones that snap in the front for easy diaper changing. Then I told her how they knew the baby was going to be a girl….she says.” AWWW we have known that the baby was a girl for over 4 week already. Casey wanted to get tested because of her alcohol consumption, and there may have been a problem” Another lie by Cindy……and everyone wonders where Casey gets it?? HAH….Cindy is the pro Mei May 13th, 2009 10:13 pm ET Rose…>>Shirley Plesea is one in a million…..she was a lot like Cindy….she wore the pants in her house as well. But there is no BS when Shirley tells you something….the woman is a peach. Just a great person. I went to see her about 3 weeks ago and she would not let me leave until I was fed, and I do mean fed!!…..she said I was too skinny!!!….like I said a marvelous woman who does not take any guff from anyone. Mei May 13th, 2009 10:44 pm ET Rose…>Cindy as a cougar!!!!!!!!!!! YUCK But now that the weight is off she thinks she is the cat’s meow. Even if she does get together with another man….it will never last, unles the guy is a complete worm. Hope to see everyone again…it was fun to vent!

Nannie27 says: 3 days ago

WOW Jo - thanx for that - its a GREAT read and VERY believable huh. I really think this woman is on the up and up - and that she DOES know them.

jo1031 says: 3 days ago

Darrell- Maybe the Nile has piranha in the water. If not maybe the Egyptians will build a pyramid in honor of their foundation & good works & entomb them alive. Capn Steve we need to set sail for the Mediterranean Sea. Don't forget to sign the petition & email it to all your friends & family. Today we have over 1,000 signatures. Thanks to all for your help!

RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Sandra Cantu: Neighborhood SecretsPosted on May 16th, 2009 by Stone in All News, California News,

Op-edRead 2,193 times. http://www.bloggernews.net/120898#comments

jo1031 says: 3 days ago

Nannie- I found those post very interesting & well worth the long read. You can tell this person does know them & Kidfinders. What did you think about George getting a $40,000 a year salary from his friend Dennis? 2008 must have been a better year for the Milstead's fraud foundation, I guess Caylee's disappearance also benefited them in a big way as they only got $23,000 in donations in 2007 & most of that went to their billboard & graphic (probably screen printing t-shirts) companies. I found the Myspace page of Eric F. Baker. This is the young man who died in an automobile accident in Kentucky in 2007 at the age of 18. Casey told department of family & children's services that he was the father of Caylee. http://www.myspace.com/249613227

jo1031 says: 3 days ago

"Dufus George" This was posted at John in Florida web site. This guy is real creative & his stuff is very funny!!! http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x251/syndy_dog/ Here's the link to his web site: http://johninflorida.wordpress.com/

Nannie27 says: 3 days ago

Jo...I am amazed that Kidfinders would make enough money to pay George 40,000 a year. Just goes to show you some people will donate money without first checking on who they are donating to. I'm surprised, with all the publicity, that their foundation hasn't been shut down already. Don't they have to be licensed ? and if they do How in H would they actually get a license???

RascalBrat says: 3 days ago

Nannie, Just wait till the IRS starts checking in to all of them, they will see where it went. And you know the cash donations are not reported. JMo says: 3 days ago

I really don't see anything that proves this Mei person knows the Ants. Just because she acts like she does, doesn't make it true. She states a lot of things everyone already knows and then throws in a personal touch. I think she is bs'ing it. But, that's just my opinion.

JMo says: 3 days ago

The Sandra Cantu story is just getting stranger and stranger....

RascalBrat says: 2 days ago

Casey Anthony May 18 Update: How long will this misrepresentation from the Anthonys continue? “If it’s not Legit, You must Quit” Casey Anthony May 18 http://www.cayleedaily.com/2009/05/families-of-cay

RascalBrat says: 2 days ago

Mother Collapses, Dies As Child Rapist Son Set Free Posted: 12:05 pm EDT May 15, 2009Updated: 11:47 pm EDT May 15, 2009 Here is what is wrong with our system, turn them loose to sexually abuse more children. http://www.wftv.com/news/19471875/detail.html CAPN STEVE says: 2 days ago

In my life I can tell you that these appointed judges do not care if they put children in harms way or even worse let those that do those horrible things to the children have unlimited chances to continue their ways. I think the only thing to do is for the bad ones to raise the judges children for a spell. Then, and only then a clue might hit them in the face right after the lightbulb goes on!! I am sure that there

are good judges out there, I just have not located any yet. When I do, you will all know.

RascalBrat says: 2 days ago

Steve,, Maybe there should be a group home for the molesters next to the Judgees house around there children. They they can live in fear and not let there kids play outside. I bet they would have a change of heart them. That man in the link molested 20 kids, how many more does he half to molest to keep him where he belongs. We need a justice system that stand up for the children and we need it now.

Nordie says: 2 days ago

Steve, Rascal -- I couldn't agree more. Have really been racking my brain about what we can do to change the system. The squeaky wheel does get the grease. If we can sign petitions, etc. to keep the Ants off of tv, we can do something else constructive. I just don't know yet what that is. Maybe over cocktails this afternoon, we can figure something out. The laws need to be changed, but we need to find out which laws, including state and federal. Need to get my legal brain working again (more coffee). There is a constitutional law about depriving a person of life (aargh!) my brain isn't kicking in -- thus a federal charge could occurr. Sorry, I'm just rambling this makes me so mad!

JMo says: 2 days ago

It is aggravating for sure, but if you look, you will see that there are hundreds of sexual predators that live all around you and thousands more everywhere else. To me, it's the ones who "haven't been identified" that scare me. Think about it. Who would of ever suspected Melissa Huckaby, or maybe even some of those people in the trailer park with child porno. So, its the 'unidentified predators' that you need to fear the most. The others one you know to keep your kids away from!!!! You also have the problem with over crowded prisons, etc. People do not want their tax money to go to prisons or to pay to care for prisoners, but they sure want someone else to lock them up, keep them, and protect the public from them. People like their tax money to go for transportation and highways, not prisons, schools or education. Now, that's where part of the problem is. The other place it begins is not having appropriate mental health screening for children in school and with all the parents out there in denial of their child being capable of having a mental illness. I bet you anything the judge feels horrible about that decision, but the article says he was bound by law. The judge is at the ropes end...we have to think how this guy got to this point in the first place. I believe the solution to any problem is Prevention.

CAPN STEVE says: 2 days ago

The system aint broke..... It's the people running it!!!!

JMo says: 2 days ago

True. There are some lazy, non-caring people in our government systems. Everyone passes the buck.

Snoopy9318 says: 2 days ago

Does anyone know if we're going to get more discovery anytime soon? Also I came across this link saying we could see Crazy's reaction, but when I click on the video or pics, it's not her reaction. Does anyone know what the story is on this? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,513298,00.html

Snoopy9318 says: 2 days ago

I'll see you all tomorrow.

JMo says: 2 days ago

No video's that I can see.....maybe Fox did it to bring people to their site...I wouldn't put it past them.

Nordie says: 2 days ago

Snoopy, that is dated April 8 -- it was just the written transcript and not a video. Bozo has depoed the folks involved with this.

Nordie says:

2 days ago

o/t - sorry, but this makes me furious!!!!! He only gets 5 years!!!!! Victim's Mom Beats Molester in CourtAPposted: 2 HOURS 7 MINUTES AGOcomments: 9filed under: Crime News, National NewsPrintShareText SizeAAAMORRISTOWN, N.J. (May 18) -- A New Jersey man in court to be sentenced for assaulting and harassing teenage girls has been beaten in a corridor by the mother of one of his victims.The mother attacked 39-year-old Pascual Gonzalez in the Morris County Courthouse in Morristown on Monday, tearing the buttons off his shirt. Sheriff's officers restrained her.Gonzalez wasn't injured. The Roxbury resident then was sentenced to five years in prison for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl last year and harassing and touching her friend. The volunteer sports coach had pleaded guilty in January.He cried before the judge and apologized for his crimes. He says he wishes "this had never, ever, ever happened."The woman who beat him hasn't been charged.

JMo says: 2 days ago

Richard Cain (the deputy) has now backed off of his appeal and has RESIGNED. Wow, that is really interesting. He must be feeling pretty guilty for doing a shitty job! Maybe it will serve to wake up the rest of the police force when they get a call to investigate something. Especially when it's a little baby missing..... http://www.wesh.com/news/19496421/detail.html

Nordie says: 2 days ago

JMo, no doubt, I watched and read some of the stuff. He sure was, at a minimum, lazy.

JMo says: 34 hours ago

Leonard Padilla will be questioned in the defamation suit against Casey Anthony. The California bounty-hunter who once bailed Casey Anthony out of jail is expected to be questioned by prosecutors in the civil case against her this afternoon.

JMo says: 34 hours ago

I guess Zaneida and JP Morgan are getting tired of Baez trying to blow them off like they are nothing.

As Baez tries again today to get the Zanny civil suit dismissed, Zanny and Morgan have pushed back and even added punitive damages. I think little miss crazy needs to know what damage her psycho lies have done to other people. I say too bad it doesn't fit her schedule and might expose the truth. This has gone on too long. Maybe crazy can request that the sitter (who fits the description given to the ants from crazy) from One Tree Hill show up to court so she can point her out as the real Zanny. lol

Snoopy9318 says: 33 hours ago

http://www.wesh.com/news/19501109/detail.html Well, the hearing for Zanaida's lawsuit is underway!! I hope she wins!!

RascalBrat says: 32 hours ago

Civil Suit Against Casey Takes Center Stage, GOES FORWARD. I can here Casey I am so pissed. LMAO Go Zanaida hope you win something against the Ants!!!! Maybe you can get her Cheeto money.

jo1031 says: 32 hours ago

Yeah !! Judge rules against attorney for CA, ZG case will go forward. The judge also ruled to allow Morgan to add punitive damages due to info gathered in depos. Windy Cindy is expected in court on Thursday for the Judge to rule on Morgan's motion to force her to answer questions that she refused to answer & to require her to pay the court cost. One of the questions that Morgan wants Windy to answer is, did CA use her credit cards without her permission. ZG & CA were not present for the hearing today but G & C were there with Brad Conway.

jo1031 says: 32 hours ago

Nannie27 says:2 days ago Jo...I am amazed that Kidfinders would make enough money to pay George 40,000 a year. Just goes to show you some people will donate money without first checking on who they are donating to. I'm surprised, with all the publicity, that their foundation hasn't been shut down already. Don't they have to be licensed ? and if they do How in H would they actually get a license???

Nannie- I think Kidfinders collected a lot more money in 2008 by using Caylee's name & alleged disappearance, that is before people found out about their past. I also think that the Milsteads probably made the offer to George after his supposed suicide attempt thinking people would feel sorrow for him. Since George's appearance on the Today Show & LK I think people now see him as a money grubber like Windy Cindy. From what I understand non-profit organizations have to be approved & I believe the foundation paper work that Cindy filed is still awaiting approval. I do know that Kidfinders is being watched by the State of Florida & that Ft. Meyers LE warned OCSD about Kidfinders & the Milsteads. All of these people are being watched very carefully & other bloggers have reported them for fraud. Their websites offer free downloads to families about keeping kids safe but when you click on the download link you have to pay $9.95. The Caylee Daily did an article on foundations & reporting them, I believe that was just this past week. RE: LK poster Mei I believe this person does know the Anthony family. I first thought it was Michele Bart (the spokesperson they hired) but on second thought, I don't think she meet them until Caylee was reported missing. That leaves me with Kristina Chester & Holly Gagne. Kristina Chester is the friend of Casey's that talked to her on the phone when she called from jail for Tony L. phone number. I have never seen a pic or video with here in it so I don't know what she looks like. Mei did say that Shirley Pleasa said she was too skinny so that would leave a lot of people out. But Christina seem to be questioning why Casey didn't seem upset about Caylee's disappearance so I don't see her being welcome by the Ants after that phone call. In my mind that leaves Holly Gagne. She knew Casey for over 6 years, Babysat for her at one time & has a child. She is probably married, Mei did say she was protecting herself & her husband by using a phony name. I found the NG interview with her from July 2008. At that time she was defending the Ants & CA, she would have been welcome in their home at that time. Here's the link: http://www.truveo.com/Friend-defends-toddlers-mom/ A poster at another site sent George that first post by Mei on LK & ask him if it was true. According to the poster his reply was "ESAD" !! CAPN STEVE says: 31 hours ago

Gee BOBO, the law requires the judge to allow the civil case to go on. Perhaps if BOBO knows the law things might be different. Everyone sending momster $$$ to her cheeto account might not like the fact that Z.G. might end up eating the cheeto's

jo1031 says: 28 hours ago

Ron Cummings says it wants help from anyone to find Haliegh but the Ant farm. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/orl-bk-haleigh-cumm

Snoopy9318 says: 28 hours ago

Go, Ron!! Way to stick up for your beliefs!! I think that's awesome!

Snoopy9318 says: 28 hours ago

I'm not sure I would be able to put it out there publicly like that.

jo1031 says: 27 hours ago

Snoopy- I'm surprises Ron & his family didn't say that the first time that George was in Satsuma. I had heard they didn't want them there even back then. Almost everyone sees that the Ant farm are only making appearances at the vigils because they think it will help put money in there pockets. Cindy didn't look happy at all when she left court today, so I can't help but wonder what she will do when she hears this news. All the local web sites have the story & HLN is talking about the court hearing this morning now. Time for Cindy to hit her vodka bottle. Maybe Ron coming out & saying this will get people that might have donated to their foundation to send their money to someone that actually does help find missing children.

RascalBrat says: 25 hours ago

Ok I have been good for about a week, here we go Bo Bo is feeling very mistreated, so I thought I would do something for him. LOL http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss225/RascalBra

JMo says: 25 hours ago

Funny Rascal. I think people should be helping people like the Cummings who need to find their child!!! Not giving money to the ants whose daughter threw the child in the trunk and buried her in trash. The ants, in my honest opinion, should be out there informing the public about the signs and symptoms of mental illness and how to take preventative measures when they have a child like Casey in their home. That's what will show the public they mean something...instead of relating themselves to those with missing children. Caylee was NEVER reported 'missing'. They irk me! The only thing reported was "the smell of a damn dead body" in the trunk of Casey's car, 'searches for chloroform' and 'household weapons' on Casey's computer! Who ever put it in their mind that they belong to the 'missing childrens club'????? They need to move

on and stop with all the Drama!!!!

RascalBrat says: 25 hours ago

Padilla Says George Anthony's Story Is Untrue Posted: 6:20 pm EDT May 19, 2009Updated: 6:44 pm EDT May 19, 2009 This was my feeling all along, Casey left the night Cindy choked her over the money taken from Cindy's Mom's Bank account that Casey stole. http://www.wftv.com/news/19507717/detail.html

RascalBrat says: 25 hours ago

Jmo, I totally agree, I do not understand people giveing to the Anthonys. Help people like Tim Miller who actually find children and are honest, not out to scam money.

JMo says: 24 hours ago

I think Casey stormed out that night on Fathers day, like Lee and padilla said, but it doesn't mean she didn't sneak back to the house the next day when Cindy was gone to work to get her clothes and stuff does it! She could of done that and then George saw her leaving with Caylee. So, Padilla can't say that Casey didn't come back to the house the next day when Cindy was gone. I hate the media. I think they try to twist stuff.

RascalBrat says: 24 hours ago

I have no doubt she snuck back in, but that does not mean Caylee was with her at least alive.

JMo says: 22 hours ago

True. But you know Casey, she worries about making sure she covers her tracks, so she had to make it

look all normal by going to work and dropping Caylee off at the babysitter. Otherwise, she can't stick to her story of going to work and dropping off Caylee. But who knows for sure what happened! I think they would of all been in more of a panic had she just stormed out and they didn't see Caylee again. Lee would only be able to report what he saw that night, but he probably wasnt at the house the next day to report her leaving for work. I truly believe she left the house with 'some sense of normalcy' so they wouldn't suspect anything, except that (according to Cindy's deposition..) Casey and Caylee went on a 2 week vacation with Zanny. Anyway, somebody is lying about something and they are all equally lying peeps, so its hard to tell who did what. This is one of many great mysteries of the lying ant family.

RascalBrat says: 22 hours ago

Yes we know the lies from all of them, that is all we have heard so far. That is why Cindy vented on her my space page my Caylee is missing. Then when she found Casey asked what did you do. She knows what Casey did but is trying to save Casey by covering up and trying to convince us all she was Mother of the Year. Last time I looked in the mirror I did not have stupid writen on my head.

JMo says: 20 hours ago

Where oh where does Cindy come up with all her stories. It is one after the other. She makes them up as she goes.....hmmmm, just like Casey!!!!!!! They are two of a kind for sure. SadieSkye says: 16 hours ago


RascalBrat says: 11 hours ago

This is where Cindy Anthony will be when the trial starts, Found this at Big Mouth Shelly's Site. http://i358.photobucket.com/albums/oo26/bigmouthsh

RascalBrat says: 10 hours ago

19 May 2009Chris Coleman Arrested Looks like his love life was more important then his family


Snoopy9318 says: 9 hours ago

Rascal, thanks for the update on Coldman! It wasn't much of a surprise, was it? It's just a shame that his poor family had to suffer at the hands of such a selfish, greedy jerk.

RascalBrat says: 9 hours ago

Snoopy, Jo and I were talking on messenger last night and that was the last thing we talked about. I have had that feeling from the beginning, why would a man leave his house and start calling home. The window being open was a set up to make it look like someone broke in. Tells me he was thinking with the wrong head!!!!

Snoopy9318 says: 9 hours ago

There seem to be a lot of guys like that! Why would anyone think they could get away with that? He's no better than Crazy. Killing two little boys. Makes me heart sick.

RascalBrat says: 9 hours ago

Crazy thought she would get away with her Nanny story, Chris thought he would also get away with killing his family. They did not realize it is not worth it, I really do not understand people like that and never will.

jo1031 says:

9 hours ago

I sent this to George Anthony yesterday & just got a reply this morning. He seems to have a very limited vocabulary when he's not soliciting money for their family expenses. Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 04:13:27 -0700 (PDT)> From: george anthony > Subject: Re: My thoughts & others> To: jo esad On Tue, 5/19/09, jo wrote:> From: jo Subject: My thoughts & others To: [email protected]> Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2009, 5:59 PM> George & Cindy, Thought you might like to know what people are saying about your money grubbing & scam foundation. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/petition/851674974 Give up the alibi tour, your con game & go back to a real job.

Snoopy9318 says: 8 hours ago

What does that mean? esad?

RascalBrat says: 8 hours ago

Snoopy it means eat s--t and die, shows there class imacynic2 says: 8 hours ago

I'm from Illinois and quite familiar with Chester Illinois where Coleman was arrested. I wanted to post the below, which originally got airplay after the death of a child who was beaten to death by her parents. I think its quite relevant to the current state of people and wanted to post it. Dear Mr. Jesus... by Ray Boltz "Dear Mr. Jesus, I just had to write to you Something really scared me When I saw it on the news A story about a little girl Beaten black and blue Jesus, thought I'd take this Right to you Dear Mr. Jesus, I don't understand Why they took her mom and dad away I know that they

don't mean to hit With wild and angry hands Tell them just how big they are I pray Please don't let them hurt your children We need love and shelter from the storm Please don't let them hurt your children Won't you keep us safe and warm Dear Mr. Jesus, They say that she may die Oh I hope the doctors stop the pain I know that you could save her And take her up to the sky So she will never have to hurt again Please don't let them hurt your children We need love and shelter from the storm Please don't let them hurt your children Won't you keep us safe and warm Dear Mr. Jesus, Please tell me what to do And please don't tell my daddy That my mommy hits me too Please don't let them hurt your children We need love and shelter from the storm Please don't let them hurt your children Won't you keep us safe and warm Please don't let them hurt your children They need love and shelter from the storm Please don't let them hurt your children Won't you keep us safe and warm" imacynic2 says: 8 hours ago

I'm from Illinois and quite familiar with Chester Illinois where Coleman was arrested. I wanted to post the below, which originally got airplay after the death of a child who was beaten to death by her parents. I think its quite relevant to the current state of people and wanted to post it. Dear Mr. Jesus... by Ray Boltz "Dear Mr. Jesus, I just had to write to you Something really scared me When I saw it on the news A story about a little girl Beaten black and blue Jesus, thought I'd take this Right to you Dear Mr. Jesus, I don't understand Why they took her mom and dad away I know that they don't mean to hit With wild and angry hands Tell them just how big they are I pray Please don't let them hurt your children We need love and shelter from the storm Please don't let them hurt your children Won't you keep us safe and warm Dear Mr. Jesus, They say that she may die Oh I hope the doctors stop the pain I know that you could save her And take her up to the sky So she will never have to hurt again Please don't let them hurt your children We need love and shelter from the storm Please don't let them hurt your children Won't you keep us safe and warm Dear Mr. Jesus, Please tell me what to do And please don't tell my daddy That my mommy hits me too Please don't let them hurt your children We need love and shelter from the storm Please don't let them hurt your children Won't you keep us safe and warm Please don't let them hurt your children They need love and shelter from the storm Please don't let them hurt your children Won't you keep us safe and warm" imacynic2 says: 7 hours ago

Teddy, I've been bad againMy Mommy told me soI'm not quite sure what I did wrongBut I thought that you might knowWhen I woke up this morningI knew that she was madCause she was crying awful hardAnd yelling at my dadI tried my best to be real goodAnd do just what she saidI cleaned my room all by myselfI even made my bedBut I spilled milk on my good shirtWhen she yelled at me to hurryAnd I guess she didn't hear meWhen I told her I was sorryCause she hit me awful hard, you seeAnd called me funny namesAnd told me I was really badAnd I should be ashamedWhen I said, "I love you, Mommy,"I guess she didn't understandCause she yelled at me to shut my mouthOr I'd get smacked againSo I came up here to talk to youPlease tell me what to doCause I really love my MommyAnd I know she loves me, tooAnd I don't think my Mommy meansTo hit me quite so hardI guess sometimes, grown ups forgetHow really big they areSo Teddy, I wish you were realAnd you weren't just a bearThen you could help me find a wayTo tell Mommies every whereTo please try hard to understandHow sad it makes us feelCause the outside pain soon goes a wayBut the inside never healsAnd if we could make them listenMaybe then they'd understandSo other children just like

meWouldn't have to hurt againBut for now, I guess I'll hold you tightAnd pretend the pain's not thereI know you'd never hurt meSo Goodnight, Teddy Bear~Author Unknown

RascalBrat says: 7 hours ago

Jo, So George says eat shit and die, well that shows you they have no CLASS. All they want is to run a scam on the public. George not everyone puts things in there mouth like your daughter doe's,, and lets pictures be taken of it. Now George you know what picture I am talking about, hehe Deb in Vegas says: 6 hours ago

I know I've been waiting for one piece of evidence for a while now and maybe this is what Byeass is waiting on too. I have never seen anything about the conversations that Al and Ca had during that night of the 15th and morning of the 16th. We know that they talked a lot that night and texts back and forth. I haven't seen in any of AL statements about any conversations he had with Casey during that time. She supposedly had a fight with Cindy, left the house. She should be upset at this point, probably cursing Cindy, doesn't know where she's gonna go with Caylee. What does she say to Anthony? Does she ask him if she can go there to his house? What was his response? No you cant come here cause my apartment isn't appropriate for a child to live in. (maybe drug use, roommates and so on)? Does she tell him that she's going to a hotel for the night, or somewhere else? And then Caylee just happens to go to the beach with the nanny for weeks. "Okay everything is okay now, I don't have Caylee so therefore I can go and be with Anthony now". Because she did practically live there from that point on except when AL was out of town. What does AL have to say about this? I haven't seen where LE have questioned him about conversations about this night, unless I just missed it. I have never read any of the texts between these two on that night. Have any of you? losingit says: 5 hours ago

Deb, I was just thinking about this last night. I looked at all the texts they sent back and forth nearly all that night. They stop late on the night of the 15th (or early the 16th). One of the first calls she makes in the morning is to the Anthony home. http://www.docstoc.com/docs/1695097/HFTM-Casey-Ant So why phone home if you're supposedly in bed at home? LE must know what they were talking about and just haven't released it yet. LE believes Caylee was killed late 15th/early 16th. I'll bet whatever they talked about or wherever her phone was pinging is all the evidence they need to nail her. Deb in Vegas says: 4 hours ago

Yes losingit you're right. Some people still don't believe that there is more evidence that Le hasn't released. But we do know that AL has had maid more statements that haven't been released yet. Not to mention some FBI investigations that haven't been released. I believe that Casey spent some time at those abandoned houses down the road, or at least she waited at the school parking lot for George to leave for work on some days. Gas was really expensive during that summer, she couldn't afford to drive

around too far. I wonder if LE investigated those abandoned houses really well, there could be evidence there.

jo1031 says: 4 hours ago

Losingit- LE has known for awhile that George was lying. Those cell records were part of the court documents that came out back in September. They would also know she left after the fight by the cell phone pings. George must of forgot or didn't know that someone in the house called Casey on her cell that morning. I said awhile back that would explain why Caylee didn't have shoes on when they found her. Casey grabbed her out of bed after the fight with Cindy. Those shorts & t-shirt were probably her pajamas. It had to be a bad fight if the neighbors heard it. Heck if someone tried to strangle me I sure wouldn't hang around & go to sleep in that place.

RascalBrat says: 4 hours ago

Yea another indictment for Drew Peterson for killing Stacy, just announced on HLN. Losingit, they have not put everything out yet, Bo Bo will really cry when they do.

jo1031 says: 3 hours ago

Found this pic at Scared Monkey's site. Brad Conway must have convinced her to keep her mouth shut but he must have forgotten to mention sign language. Windy Cindy is such a classy lady. NOT! http://i468.photobucket.com/albums/rr43/jo1031/Fin

losingit says: 3 hours ago

Oh, I never even thought about her sleeping in those houses. I was at one point wondering if she was sleeping in "Zanny's" apartment. BTW Jo, I love that you sent that e-mail to George. And thanks Rascal for explaining his response. I mean really, why didn't he send some information to clear up our obvious misconception? He's supposed to be a professional? I've written a few angry letters in my time to various companies, and I've received back appologies, mission statements and coupons. Basically, a true professional will bend over backwards to try to make things right. His response speaks volumes to me. Very classy George.

RascalBrat says: 3 hours ago

Jo sent the email to George, then I posted that resonse on the sites for my support for Jo. George is such a (_!_) no class in that family.

RascalBrat says: 3 hours ago

I can just see Cindy flipping the Lee to the Judge, that would go over big!!!!!!!!!! Remember George said Lee is the middle finger. losingit says: 2 hours ago

Right on Rascal. The more people to see that response, the better. I'm watching HNL right now and they're talking to LP about how George lied about seeing them the next day.

RascalBrat says: 2 hours ago

Losingit, They lied about almost everythng, I sure hope they do not get away with that crap. They sure are not special, to treat everyone they way they do. If you do not agree with them you get the Lee Bird, or ESAD really classey. CAPN STEVE says: 2 hours ago

Just look at what his own family thinks of him. That says all I need to know. And those are the people that TRULY know him.

RascalBrat says: 77 minutes ago

They know his name but truly do not know him.

RascalBrat says: 53 minutes ago

Now there is no indictment on Drew,but investigation still on. The Grand Jury returned what is called a no bill, so he is not off the hook.

jo1031 says: 14 minutes ago

Body Found in Des Plaines River Plainfield police have confirmed skeleton remains of a female body in the Des Plaines River near the Big Basin Marina. The marina is near the Interstate 55 bridge over the river. We will continue to update this breaking story. Breaking news from My Fox ChicagoThis maybe the remains of Stacey Peterson. All I can say is if so, KARMA is a bitch.

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