April 3, 2007 Announcement o Case 4 is due in a week’s time o Not the same extent as most of the other cases Antimicrobials Reviewing the whole pathophysicological basis of antimicrobials Terms and Definitions o Chemotherapy Any drug that’s going to get rid of the organism o Antibiotic Anything that will inhibit the growth or kill the microorganisms Antimicrobial Spectrum o Narrow spectrum – eg. Penicillin o Broad spectrum – most freq. used b/c kills off so many species Most likely to cause superinfection Concentration and Time-Dependent Effects o MIC Test that determines the in dose that will kill off the species Used to determine which species are susceptible to the drug and which are not o CDKR If give more will kill more species True with a great majority of antibiotics but NOT with penicillin o PAE Drug has an effect against the organism even after drug removed Prolonged effect o Ideal drug is one that has CDKR and PAE – b/c this is drug that only have to give once a day and give in large dose and is safe Microbial Sensitivity o All are basically similar o Take a pool of bacteria o Add different antibiotics o Can gather a faint circle around it o Determines which Ab has the strongest effect for that species o Etest – taking an agar plate and instead of the plate with different drug, trying to find the MIC of one drug Uses different concentrations Will see o Peak conc. Has to be 2-4x – to get right conc. Microbial Resistance o (1 in 1012) should be (1 in 1012) o Mutations occur as they are dividing o If give drug at point where already developed
o Mutations occur if: If don’t have strong enough dose of Ab - don’t stop Ab if your child is feeling better On a course of Ab for a very long time • Longer the Ab is around the longer the microbe has a chance to mutate o Transferable resistance One microbe can bass on resistance to another Bacteria can serve has reservoir for this resistance factor