Matthew Perry Ship wrecked sailors were not allowed to leave Japan, Matthew Perry begins talking to Japan get Japan to open itself to the west, In 858 the Harris Convention, opens five ports and allows Japanese citizens to work out of your country. Interest in Asia led America to build the transcontinental railroad. Kansas Nebraska Act Jeff Davis wanted a southern route (Gadsden Purchase). Stephen Douglas wants a route through Illinois. Douglas organizes the rest of the Louisiana territory into Kansas and Nebraska, popular sovereignty decides the slave issue. The Missouri compromise in revoked. The Whig part collapses, the republican party is created. Bleeding Kansas. Kansas was undecided while Nebraska was know as a free state, In 1855 the tainted election sets up a slave government in Le Compton. Two government operate Kansas. The town of Lawrence is burned by pro slavery. John Brown gets revenge in the name of abolition. A miniature civil war is in Kansas in 1856. Summer-Brooks Affair Summer blames the South for Kansas and singles out Andrew Butler. Preston Brooks is the nephew of Adrew Butler, on May 22 on 1856. Brooks hits Summer with a cain. Summer is partially brain damage. Election of 1856 The one national part left is the democratic party. Bucanan wins.