April 10, 2002 Daily Zamboanga Times - Pr Tba

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,naonlJ Indonesi ;rrsss cAUSeS refocusing ofroadaward-givinstoy i;x#;*llt** BY JOFRI A. VILLENA 'fLLENA

frIICi,Ai..| :.frustrated,its


Justa recapol'the vearrhrr

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worldwide as 'true or ..prhadbeenexperienc- propagated ^


that :::iJi""J':ll3::ry'"0*.,,, r'sweb, the ;ffiexrernat.no intrrn.i trough l;l sociery oereyljns the ;;;:ffi:JH:;ilr:"


people's sources. rightto educatioiand ,'o'"t'n, highest levels . freedom ofspeech. Fromthe editor'snote of Inrnno.i^,"lt is the Indonesia's thePhilipoi".l.r-atism politi chai' Re- , estabrishmenr oringtngfrth bringrngfrth viGrvas viervas$ared $aredby ,r_ yarlo this bv ttre the\er' V^-r,i]ifj no,! se$ yJ tiotpl aaeniqtwrlg bascd Commine. to protoi but cou_ rage.oas. L'' ' JolqFi{Fft$lcir-i* iournalisrs of the sotttlruhodesenedmori creaseof journdiists than kileJ. eight of which were kilted more than recogniii 1?nla1tse, ruarbel where they tion_from tion Afghanistan.while .no,r,.l Afghanistan. from the sociery socieryfor-the .noth., rrl for"the qualiry* contacb advocac,vgroup, n.poi"r, senicetlpy oe renderfromtheMoroIslamij '.:9,'o tle Filipinopeople sansFrorniers(RSF)w6smone in .t'ot.t.rjon Front (MILF), their Manila's main southern darmcd with the nuru", contituoussrruggle for jou.rnalistimprisoned, ol guerrilla foe. The foreigners pivrj::::rlcrytrtsetfishdesiito calfyattackedand".rnrurJd.,,uPltf' the Fitipino citizenry were taken to insurgentcontrolledareasto meet As in the caseof internat local threats,morenewspaped;;- !!!h'londofign*orr"orido and possibry ,^i rfin o--| *I"::: :*:,t1o, Yj!_..leaders dio and shtions even online publicationsnot only herein the Philippinesbut *.rrra*rr--.]


stipend b pay all these." Themewilt be "Journalis, of the south: South: A A challene' Challeno. I' ;,


other Indonesians operating undergroundwith the MILF. The rhai rh' Thai ;;;' ,,,,- Prasan


*: downsizinr, rheritus Bradsma lr","*journarists Award-r"ill'l;lJi.1'fji:T'*:ai r Philippines out on thestreeb in thecoun0y,s connections, An event, which highlighted the oppressive acts doneagainst press -freedom, was the closure of,agiri" RadyoDZNR recen-tly (pDI, March rg,2ooz). rr," s*iri Actioncenter of the il;; of'ltaeat=QTtfrsgss4 *-r *"]

ver_ raising the sionto the Internationat Titus possibitity oru trrr*ist cellin givenuy trre Bangkok. Buf";;l;rorrnt, ,oYto i:?$t cathotic union International de investigati"r,* .rnreredon la Presse(ucoP), the world the tndon,,t*r, o.nicularly ofprofessionals in secu- Agus and Tamsil. Both ;ottand rerigious are j:t media.The from South sutawesi, a initiatorof saidaward is the province that has had a of the order of tradirion of militant Isfamic Xlntttgttion

ACUOnUenI€f, Ot lhe Lrtoces€ of llagan expressedin a one pagepublic announcementits condemnationabout the closureofthe station by the Mayor of Cauayan City. There had beeninstanceswhereinBombo Radyo DZNC stood for righteousness,honesty'and truthfulness,which may havebeen the causesof its closure.lt exposedthe existenceofjueteng, e l e c t i o n i r r e g u l a r i t i e sa n d anomaliesin differentpartsof Isabela.With this."the voiceof

congregationof the Order of traditionof militantIslami Carmelites in thePhilippines, datingbackto the a separatism biennialprojectof theirmedia '50s.Tamsilhasmainstream ministy. politicalconnections: he was Qualifiedprintandbroad- until recentlytreasurer of the c a s t j o u r n a l i s t s m u s t b e NationalMandate Pany,whosc Mindanao-based or by nature leaderAmienRaisisspeaker of a Mindanaoans, supported the t h e P e o p l e ' sC o n s u l t a t i v e followingdocuments. Assembly, Indonesia's highesr * A filled-upnomination legislative body.Theleaderof form(58-lA0 anda briefde- t h e J a v a - b a s e d L a s k a r scriptionof the candidate ca- Jundullah paramilitary group, reerhighlights. whichhasbeenimplicated in a * Reasons for nominating bombattackon a Kentucky thecandidares. Fried Chicken outlet in --'- -t-Fivc (5) copiesof the eMakassar last ye_ar, is silencedandthe peopleare confirms candidate;s workfromNovem- thatAgus Dwikarnais itsSouth deprivedof reliable,fearless ber 2000-May2002 ( l8 Sulawesi anduncompromising commander. journalmonths)tacklingvarious isism. It was in the memory of suedincludingthe Mindanao Agus'cellphonethatphilippine Indeed,hardtimesareup p€acecrisisaspartof theirrepoliceclaim to havefound the ahead.With all thesethreats cent works/productions. plustheMindanao home number in East Javaof issueonthe * Two photographs of the frontlineaffectingthe philipFathur Rohmanal-Ghozi,the candidates for eventualpubtipinesasa whole,journalists 3l -year-old JI operative are cation. in for sonleseriouswork and Nominations mustbesubcleaning up,likewise,mediais mittedby anymediaorganizaIn fact, if you ask ten perimmersed into a seriesof test sons in the city now to choose tions,NGOs/POs, religious thatwouldvalidate itsabilityto groups w h i c h they prefer for or a memberof the maintain a positiverolein the Zamboanga City to be a provCarmel itefamily. Self-nominapeacekeeping efforts. ince or be a part of a stateof tionswill notbeentertained and Historyprovcsit that the the United Statesof America nominees may not be necessarpresshasbeensubjected - a majority of them would to nu- ily Catholics. merousthreatsin thepast.Durchoosethe latteroption. J u r y m e m b e r sa r e t w o ing the riseof AdolphHirler, Mindanao and even Carmelitepriests,CEO of a Visayashavealwaysthe right racistphilosophy gaineddonrimajor radio station in to clamor for a statehoodbenancebut wascondemned by Mindanao anda nativerepre- causeeversince we havebeen theCatholicChurchandpress. sentative fromN{indanao. apart from the irnperial Manila Titus Bradsnra, a Carmelite Deadline for the submisgovernment. p r i e s t / j o u r niaslr , d e f e n d e d sionof entriesis on May 27, WhenEmilio Aguinaldo pressfreedonrand encourage 2002.Winners willbeformally declaredindependence against newspaper peopletostandfinn announced on October during the S pani ards\l i ndanao and andrefuseto puhlishliesand the Catholiclv,ledicArvards \/isa1'as\\,erenevermentioned propaganda, whiclrcosthimlris (CMMA).For furtherdetails. then. In fact the self-declared life. contactTBC-lr4edia at 726- i n d e p e n d e n coef A g u i n a l d o It is withinthosecontexts 776-7763172t -8677 ltetefax ) r e p r e s e n t e do n l l t h e e i - g h t rvherethe firnr convisll.rr .t or e - m a i l provi ncesi n Luzon that are - thechallenge Titusapplies norv svmbol i zi ngthoseei gh t tbcnredia@csi. conr.iph.

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