Application Form2

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 739
  • Pages: 5
Application Form Picture

General Full Name NRIC Date of Birth Mobile Number E-mail Address Address (university) Address (permanent)

(Contact Information)

Course & Major

Please give a short description about yourself (not more than 50 words) Brief introduction about myself

Local Committee Junior Executive AIESEC in UPM 2008/2009 Application Enquiries: Kong Lai Peng ([email protected])

A. To Know a Bit About You I.

Extracurricular/ Activities / Hobbies / Interests Please also include the activities you will be involved in the coming year.

Activities you have joined


Year of Participation From


Activities you are intending to join


Year of Participation From


1II. Which of the following do you associate with AIESEC most? (Please choose a maximum of 3) Exchange / work abroad Community development Conferences / seminars / workshops Internationalism

Leadership opportunities Personal / Professional development Social activities / parties None of these

1III. Which of the following were most important in attracting you to join AIESEC? (Please choose a maximum of 3)

Local Committee Junior Executive AIESEC in UPM 2008/2009 Application Enquiries: Kong Lai Peng ([email protected])

AIESEC event at university AIESEC website Audio/video Advertisement at university Brochure / Flyer Case studies about AIESEC members IV.

Poster/Banners Friend’s recommendation Information-booths Magazine / newspaper article

In your opinion, what are the 3 most attractive benefits AIESEC offers to students?


Development of skills Learning about other cultures Exchange / work abroad Meeting diverse people International network Opportunity to contribute to my community Learning about social / economic issues Training / education None of these Are you interested in doing an internship abroad? Yes, Within a year ( )


Yes, as an undergraduate( )

Yes, after Graduation( )

How did you find out about AIESEC? (You can tick more than one) I heard from a friend(s) : ___________ (name) I attended the welcome tea I came across the AIESEC booth I came across the website while surfing on the internet I saw AIESEC poster(s) around the school Others: ________________________________


No( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Please indicate, for the following skill sets, if you have experience in them and/or if you would like to further develop yourself in them? (You may tick more than one)

Skills Marketing and sales Branding and communication Mass communication Presentation skills Events management Project management Publicity Events coverage (e.g. journalism and photography) Designing (e.g. Photoshop and Illustrator) Human resource management Developing personal connection Facilitating/training Leadership Using basic HTML knowledge Microsoft Excel,word,power point Internet skills Database management Financial analysis and tracking Make International friend International explosure Networking

I have

I would like to develop

Local Committee Junior Executive AIESEC in UPM 2008/2009 Application Enquiries: Kong Lai Peng ([email protected])


Are you able to make it for LLDS? Yes ( ) No( )


Are you able to make it for MyLDS held in UPM on 5th December until 10th December ? Yes ( ) No( )


Are you intersted to join APXLDS(international conferences) at Hong Kong at March 2009. Yes ( ) No( )


How often you check email? Everday( ) twice a week ( )



Will you like to work on any of the following issues (Tick only if applicable): HIV/AIDS( ) Environmental Issue( ) Entrepreneurship( )


What do you expect from AIESEC?


How much you can commit in AIESEC( Let say count by how many hour in a week you are willing to spend on AIESEC)?

B. To Know a What Department Your are Intersrted In 1. Which department(s)are you interested to join?(Please choose at least 3) Talent Management ( ) In-Coming Exchange ( ) Out-Going Exchange ( ) Business Development ( ) Student Communication ( ) Project Management ( ) Information Management( ) Finance and Admin ( ) 2. Reason(s) why do you want to join this department(s)?

Please select your interview timeslots (Tick at least 2 that are applicable):

9/9/2008(Tu es) 7-8pm

10/9/2008(W ed) 7-8pm

11/9/2008(Th urs) 7-8pm

12/9/2008(F ri) 12-1pm

13/9/2008(S at) 10-11am

Local Committee Junior Executive AIESEC in UPM 2008/2009 Application Enquiries: Kong Lai Peng ([email protected])

8-9pm 9-10pm

8-9pm 9-10pm

8-9pm 9-10pm

1-2pm 2-3pm 3-4pm 4-5pm 5-6pm

11-12pm 12-1pm 1-2pm 2-3pm 3-4pm

Please send the completed application form back to [email protected] attn to Kong Lai Peng. Successful applicants will be contacted by 8th September for interview.

Thank you very much

Local Committee Junior Executive AIESEC in UPM 2008/2009 Application Enquiries: Kong Lai Peng ([email protected])

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