Appendix B Ts Sp

  • November 2019
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Energy Trust of Oregon Biomass Assessment Program Biomass/Biogas Technology Suppliers/Service Providers Survey FIRM NAME:______________________ PHONE #: ________________________ DATE: ___________________________

CONTACT: ________________________ TITLE: ____________________________ INTERVIEWER: ____________________

Introduction Hello, my name is ______________ and I’m calling on behalf of the Energy Trust of Oregon. We are investigating the potential market for biomass based electric power in Oregon. I’d like to ask you some questions regarding your experience to date with biomass projects. Are you available now or would another time be better for you? My questions will probably take about half an hour of your time. [Note scheduled date/time – if required]: _______________________________________ [If respondent has concerns about legitimacy of the survey, provide them with following contact: ] 

Ms. Sherry Secreast Energy Trust of Oregon 1-503-493-8888 ext. 227

General Discussion First, I’d like to obtain some basic information about your company/equipment: a. Please describe the equipment or service(s) your company provides. (Probe for technology applications) b. What is your role/ involvement in project planning or development? c. What geographic region does your company serve? d. What types of businesses are your customers? e. How long has your company been involved in the biomass market? f. How long has your company been in business? g. Who are your main allies and/or competition in this market? (Probe for local or regional firms. Others in US market?) ETO Biomass/Biogas Technology/Service Providers Survey

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Energy Trust of Oregon Biomass Assessment – TS Survey

The remaining questions I’ll ask you have to do with the potential for developing biomass facilities within Oregon that would produce electricity, either to be sold through the grid (via wholesale markets) or used onsite (self-generation or co-cogeneration applications). 1.

At present, biomass technology for producing electricity or cogeneration is not widespread in Oregon (i.e., low market saturation vs. technical potential); Why do you think this is the case?


Which areas of Oregon do you think are most suitable for bio-power project development? Why is this the case?


How readily available is the equipment or service(s) you provide in the current biopower market? [If not available, explore reasons why (Probe for issues related to environmental regulations, manufacturing, distribution, customer demand, availability of financing, etc.)]


How would you describe the general level of awareness of biomass technology and opportunities among your potential customers? Would you say it is: a. Low b. Medium c. High Why do you say that?


Based on your experience over the past several years, in what ways have the local distribution companies (i.e., utilities) been receptive and helpful regarding new distributed generation systems? In what ways have they been non-receptive or impeded new systems coming online? [Probe for differences in simply meeting utility interconnection requirements vs. true non-receptive response to projects.]


In your opinion, how could a new state-subsidized program best be used/designed to assist the market development for new bio-power projects and facilities? (Probe for areas where support is needed.) a. Obtaining raw biomass input (collection cost, transportation, etc.) b. Project planning & design c. Specialized technical assistance d. Obtaining environmental permits

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Energy Trust of Oregon Biomass Assessment – TS Survey e. Incentives or Rebates on installation costs or other financing programs f. Assistance with utility interconnection requirements/approval g. financing programs h. Assistance with educating target markets about the existence and/or advantages of biomass project development i. Assistance identifying target markets or customers j. Other (specify) Which two of the above types of support would be most helpful for your business? Are there any other policy considerations we should be aware of that affect your response to this question? 7.

Are you aware of any programs currently available that address these areas (Referring to answer to above question)? If yes, what programs? Who sponsors and/or administers them?


(If yes) Have you participated in any of these? (Which? In what year(s)?)


(If yes) To what extent did this (these) program(s) meet your expectations? What did you like and/or dislike about the program(s)?

10. In your opinion, what are the most problematic issues faced in developing biomass/biogas projects? a) For your business? b) For your customers? 11. For each of the following, please rate the extent in which this issue is problematic to you in developing a biogas project. Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means Not A Problem and 5 means a Severe Problem. [Probe for specific issues ratings = 4 or 5] Development Issue

Your company (1-5) For customers (1-5)

a. Planning or siting b. Obtaining financing c. Local permit approvals d. Environmental approvals e. Utility interconnection f. Equipment delivery

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Energy Trust of Oregon Biomass Assessment – TS Survey g. Equipment warranty h. Billing/Net metering(self-gen.) i. Power purchase agreement j. Power price k. Up front cost l. Other 12. To what extent are utility special facilities charges or interconnection fees a hindrance to developing new biomass/biogas projects? (Use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means Not A Problem and 5 means a Severe Problem.) [Probe for specific issues ratings = 4 or 5; Describe nature or basis of issue; Does this vary by utility or by type of project, or both?] 13. Have you experienced difficulties with certain biomass fuels with regard to erosion or corrosion of heat exchanger materials or other equipment problems? (If yes, what difficulties have you experienced?) 14. Have air emissions or emission controls been problematic in developing or operating biomass plants? If so, to what extent has the fuel type influenced these problems? (Describe) 15. What are the typical biomass generation costs for the types of projects your company develops? a. Overall installed cost per kW? b. Fuel Cost ($/BDT or $/kWh)? c. Annual operating and maintenance ($/kW-Yr or $/kWh)? 16. What drives these costs? What are the most critical installed capital cost and O&M cost factors? 17. Has the fuel supply and price been stable over the past several years? Do you have any other comments you would like to share before we conclude: May I call you back if I have any clarifying questions? (If respondent asks for copy of results) We will notify you when the program findings are complete and how to obtain copies of the final report. Thank you again for participating in this discussion about your Biomass/Biogas Technology/Equipment. ETO Biomass/Biogas Technology/Service Providers Survey

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