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  • April 2020
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Proifora quiz 1.) Proifera have… a.) Linear Symmetry b.) Radical Symmetry c.) No symmetry d.) Circular Symmetry

2.) The most Common Type of Sponge is … a.) Asconoids b.) Syconoids c.) Osculum d.) Leuconoids

3.) These are vase like cells that act like a filter a.) Pinacocytes b.) Collencytes c.) Choanocytes d.) Spongioblasts

4.) Which of the following is a true statement about proifera? a.) They are sessile. b.) They have no true tissue, but have organs. c.) They are classified with fungi. d.) There are very few types.

5.) Sponges reproduce a.) Asexual reproduction b.) Gonochoristic sexual reproduction

c.) Hermaphroditic sexual reproduction d.) All of the above

6.) Choanocytes line up in a large central space called the… a.) Ostia b.) Oscula c.) Spicules d.) Spongocoel

7.) Pinacocytes are… a.) External cells that are similar to tissue in other animals, they also absorb large food items. b.) Star shaped cells that secrete collagenous fibrils. c.) Cells that secrete spicules. d.) Cells that secrete sponging fibers.

8.) These are a type of amoebocytes that are very mobile and secrete fibrils a.) Mesohyl b.) Lophocytes c.) Osculum d.) Sessile

9.) Budding occurs when… a.) a new sponge grows on an existing one and then breaks off when it is mature

b.) cells are joined to form larvae c.) sponges live in large groups d.) sperm cells that are released into the water

10.)Oviparous is when a.) the cell secrete fibrils b.) the water exits the sponge c.) both sperm cells and egg cells are released into the water d.) cells are released into the water

Key 1.) C 2.) D 3.) C 4.) A 5.) D 6.) D 7.) A 8.) B 9.) A 10.) C

Multiple Choice Taryn 1. Which major group is the most diverse? a. Anthozoa b. Cubozoa c. Hydrozoa d. Scyphozoan

2. “cnidos” means: a. Stinging needle b. Poison ejector c. Poison needle d. Stinging nettle 3. What is a mesoglea? a. It serves as a gas exchange b. It holds a cnidarian’s layers together c. A type of Hydrozoa d. A defense mechanism 4. Nematocysts are: a. A type of Anthozoa b. A type of Cubozoa c. One of the cell layers d. Cells with poison tips 5. What are the names of Cnidarians two layers? a. Exoskeleton and endoskeleton b. Xylem and phloem c. Endothermic and exothermic d. Endoderm and ectoderm

6. Which of these are not a Hydrozoa? a. Fire corals b. Hydroids c. Anemones d. Siphonophores 7. Where do most species of Cnidarias live? a. In oceans b. In fresh water c. In rives d. In Carl’s house 8. What serves as a gas exchange and digests for a Cnidaria? a. Siphonophores b. colenterons c. Medusas d. Mesogleas

9. Where don’t Cnidarias’ live? a. In depths of water b. Near waters surface c. under sand d. On the beach 10. What does the term diploblastic mean? a. Body/tentacles have two cell layers b. Diploid c. Able to exchange gas and digest d. Double headed

1) C 2) D 3) B 4) D 5) D 6) C 7) A 8) B 9) D 10) A

Stephanie Farbizio, Kara Jackson, and Cassie Schumacher Reptile and Bird Quiz 1.) Which of the following is not one of the four reptile categories? a. Crocodilia b. Testudines c. Sphenodontia d. Squamata e. Maniraptora 2.) What are reptiles the closest relatives of? a. fish b. amphibians c. birds d. dinosaurs

e. mammals 3.) What category of reptiles contains the most species? a. Squamata b. Maniraptora c. Crocodilia d. Testudines e. Sphenodontia 4.) What is the only continent in which reptiles do not live? a. South America b. North America c. Asia d. Antarctica e. Africa 5.) What sets reptiles apart from other animals? a. they are warm blooded b. they swollen their prey whole c. they have scales d. they have fur e. none of the above 6.) What don’t reptiles and birds have in common? a. they swallow their prey whole b. they both have fur c. they both lay eggs d. they can live in both land and water c. they can both walk on land 7.) What bird hunts under water? a. Hummingbid b. Parakeet c. Toucans d. Penguin e. Frigate 8.) What do birds do before migrating? a. kill a predator b. decrease body fats c. increase organ size d. increase body fats e. c and b 9.) How do birds navigate their way during migration? a. by using land marks b. by following a pack

c. by using the sun d. by using sounds e. none of the above 10.) What’s an example of a nectar feeder? a. hummingbird b. loon c. blue Jay d. flamingo e. penguin

1-E 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-D 8-D 9-C 10-A


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