Ap Bio Chapter 6

  • June 2020
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Chapter 6 Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Eukaryotic cells have internal membranes that comparterizes their functions. 3 Essential things a Cell Should Have: 1. Cell membrane 2. Ribosome 3. Cells (DNA)

A smaller cell has a higher surface to volume ratio, which facilitates the exchange of materials into and out of the cell. Total Surface Area 6 150 750 Total Volume 1 125 125 Surface to Volume 6 12 6 Eukaryotic cells have extensive and elaborately arranged internal membranes which form organelles. Ribosome- Carries Photosynthesis Free- stays in the cytoplasm Bound- works for the membrane Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) - is continuous with the nuclear envelope, network of membrane, and functionally important. Rough- Ribosome attached Smooth- No ribosome. More variables The Smooth ER • Synthesizes lipids • Metabolizes carbohydrates ( production & storage in the liver) • Stores calcium • Detoxifies poison- breaks alcohol dehydrogenates and other poisons in the liver The Golgi Apparatus- receives many of the transport vesicles produced in the rough ER • Consists of flattened membranous sacs called cisternae • Vesicles transport specific proteins backwards to newer Golgi cisternae • Cis-face: receiving side, Trans-face: shipping side

Lysosome (digest) - is a membranous sac of hydrolytic enzymes • Are derived from Golgi to endomembranal system • Can digest all kinds of macromolecules Phagocytosis • Food molecules fuses with lysosome which makes a simpler molecules, allowing it to attach to the membrane Autophagy (cell mantience) • Lysosome breaking down damaged organelles. PH levels are different of lysosome and cell: because the amount of H ions • Microenvironment ( H ions within it self)

Central Vacuoles • Found in plant cells • Holds reserves of important organic compounds and water Mitochondria & Chloroplasts change energy from on e form to another. • Eukaryotic- are the sites of cellular respiration • Cellular respiration- process of breaking organic compounds by breaking down oxygen to release energy. Chloroplasts (plant) - sites of photosynthesis • Photosynthesis- cell takes water and C02 and uses energy to make glucose (replaces eating) (not cellular respiration) Mitochondria (2 membranes) • Smooth outer membrane • Has own DNA and ribosome (mDNA…) • The cristae- doubled membrane • Mitochondrial DNA= production and function= maternal lineage (no genetics)

Chloroplast- found in leaves and green organs (algae) • Have own DNA and ribosome

Theory of Endosymbiosis- believed that mitochondria and chloroplast would be freeliving cells and would have teamed up with other cells and would be dependent of other cells = presence of DNA and ribosome. Peroxisomes- produces H peroxides and converts it into water

Cytoskeleton- gives mechanical support and structure to cell • Actin filaments- plentiful and dynamic = can be built and broken down = muscles • Involved in cell motility which utilizes motor proteins Microtubes- tubulant and hollow = track for vesicles to move (motor protein) = protein can change shape and move b/c of ATP Functionality = change • Cell motility- cilia, flagella= beating pattern • Chromosomes- spindle fibers = microtublings = cell division • Shape of cell changes= microfilaments Ameboib movement • Centrioles= cell division = ciliary motion • Involves contraction of actin and myosin filaments Flagella and cilia share a common ultra structure 9+4 structure = 9 pairs of microtublines Protein dynein- responsible for bending the flagella • Can’t move up or down, so it bends

Chapter 8 The Living Cell • A miniature factory where thousands of reactions occur • Converts into many different energies An organism’s metabolism transforms matter and energy Metabolic pathway has many steps • Begin with specific molecule and end with a product

• Each catalyzed by a specific enzyme. Catabolic pathways- (glycolosis) • Break down complex molecules • Simpler molecules= release energy Anabolic pathways • Build complicated molecules from simpler molecules ( consume energy) Energy- capacity to cause change • Exists in various forms, some which can perform work. Kinetic energy- the energy associated with motion Potential energy- stored in the location of matter, includes chemical energy stored in molecular structure Laws of Thermodynamics- study of energy transformations 2 laws of Thermodynamics: 1. energy can be transferred and transformed ( can transform differently) 2. Energy cannot be created or destroyed • Spontaneous changes do not require outside energy , increases the entropy

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