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Download & View Antiterrorism-level-i-ref as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 1,853
  • Pages: 34
Antiterrorism Level I Refresher Training

AT Level I Training Requirements • Individual terrorism awareness training • Active duty service members – Annually – AOR update within 60 days of deployment • OCONUS DoD personnel – Annually • CONUS civilians & Family members 14+ – Annually if terrorism threat level raised to “Moderate” – Annually if eligible for OCONUS government travel Knowledge to remain vigilant for possible terrorist actions and employ personal protection AT Measures

AT Training Level Level IV Level III

Senior Commanders


Front Line Commanders


Level II AT Officers Level I

Annual Awareness Training

Staff Officers All Personnel

DoD’s Definition of Terrorism

“The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”

DoD O-2000.12-H

Determine The Threat • • • • • • • •

Are there any terrorist groups in my area? Are they violent? Do they attack Americans? How active are they? How sophisticated are they? How do they operate—are they predictable Will the local population warn Americans? What tactics, weapons, and types of attacks Eight threat factors to consider when determining the threat

Terrorist Profile • • • • • •

male 20s single urban well-educated middle or upper-class

Terrorist Tactics • • • • •

bombings assassination kidnapping hijacking ambush

• • • • •

armed assault incendiary attacks street actions/tactics sieges and occupations robberies

Target Selection Victim

of location


of association


of opportunity

Importance By



DOD Terrorism Threat Levels Consider a terrorist group’s:

High Significant Moderate Low

Increasing Threat

• • • • •

Existence Capability History Intentions Targeting

Local Threat Picture Local Info Channels Local Fuse local Patterns of Authorities information Normal Activities with Local Attitudes Indicators Threat toward of changing Business US Forces conditions intel

Local Community Deterrence perceptions

Arrival of new threats

Indicators of mission effectiveness

Media Local Citizenry

Local Employees

U.S. Command Observers

Status: Permanent – Uniformed Temporary Sponsored

Fitness: Position Training Maturity Skills

Local initiative is needed to fill gaps in threat picture

Force Protection Conditions Delta Charlie Bravo Alpha Normal Increasing Protection

FPCON Normal • When there is a general global threat of possible terrorist activity exists, and warrants a routine security posture – A terrorist attack is always possible – Best information available offers no indication of probable attack

Expect to see a routine security posture

FPCON Alpha • When there is a increased general threat of possible activity against personnel and facilities, the nature and terrorist extent of which are unpredictable. – General conditions suggest possible violence – Nothing indicates that this installation is targeted – Must be capable of being maintained indefinitely

Expect random vehicle checks and increased crime prevention efforts

FPCON Bravo • When an increased or more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. – Specific information suggests probable violence – Nothing indicates that this installation is targeted – Extra precaution is appropriate to deter terrorist planning – Must be capable of being maintained for weeks without hardship

Expect to see closer inspection of vehicles and deliveries, ID checks, and a greater presence of guards on your installation

FPCON Charlie • When an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely. – Evidence of terrorist attack planning, such as terrorist surveillance or reports from local sources – Strong protective measures are required, but the unit must continue its regular mission activities – Implemented for only a short period of time

Expect rigorous efforts to inspect vehicles and facilities, and you may be required to participate in special guard duties

FPCON Delta • When a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence has been received that indicates terrorist action against a specific location is imminent – Normally, Force Protection Condition Delta is declared as a localized warning – The installation moves to a high state of alert, and commander implements Additional security measures mandatory security measures delay and interrupt normal routines – Commanders encouraged to supplement mandatory security measures

Random Antiterrorism Measures Force Protection Condition plus random antiterrorism measures day


Random vehicle inspections


ID checks



Roll out quick-reaction force ID checks


Close gate, place barriers



Random vehicle inspections

AT Program Overview Threat Assessment


AT Readiness


AT Program Review

Vulnerability Assessment

AT Plan

Integrated AT program

Self Protective Measures • Overcome routines – Vary routes and times to and from work – Exercise (jog) on different routes/times and don’t exercise alone – Vary times/places for shopping, lunch, and other appointments – Enter/exit buildings through different doors – Don’t divulge family/personal info to strangers

• Be prepared for unexpected events

Self Protective Measures • Maintain a low profile – Dress/behave in public consistent with local customs. Avoid wearing western attire, clothing with U.S. flags, logos, etc. – No U.S. related stickers, decals, logos on luggage, briefcases, shopping bags, etc. – Unless necessary, don’t wear uniform or military items in public – Shun publicity – Show respect for local customs – Don’t flash large sums of money, expensive jewelry, or luxury items

Self Protective Measures • Be alert to, and aware of changes the security atmosphere


– Be alert for surveillance attempts, suspicious persons or activities, and report them to proper authorities – Watch for unexplained absences of local citizens as an early warning of possible terrorist actions – Avoid public disputes or confrontations. Report any trouble to the proper authorities.

Traveling By Air • Airlines and routes – Do not fly routes with stops in high threat areas

• • • •

Check-in Seat Selection Skyjacking Release/Rescue

Travel Alerts • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Afghanistan (11/15/02) Albania (6/25/02) Algeria (6/14/01) Andorra (4/4/01) Angola (9/12/02) Anguilla (10/22/02) Antigua & Barbuda (5/7/02) Argentina (9/18/02) Armenia (9/5/02) Aruba (11/8/01) Australia (4/11/02) Austria (8/19/02) Azerbaijan (8/2/02) The Bahamas (6/13/02) Bahrain (9/16/02) Bangladesh (6/17/02) Barbados (11/8/01) Belarus (1/14/02) Belgium (2/11/02) Belize (7/5/02) Benin (7/18/02) Bermuda (5/7/02) Bhutan (6/7/02) Bolivia (1/17/02) Bosnia-Herzegovina (7/5/02) Botswana (10/8/02) Brazil (10/9/01) British Virgin Islands (9/14/99) British West Indies: See Anguilla and Montserrat Brunei (11/6/02) Bulgaria (8/23/02) Burkina Faso (7/18/02) Burma (Myanmar) (5/6/02) Burundi (10/7/02) Cambodia (11/5/02) Cameroon (9/3/02) Canada (8/6/02) Cape Verde (7/24/02) Cayman Islands (5/30/02) Central African Republic (4/29/02) Chad (3/7/02) Chile (4/12/02) China (4/11/02) Colombia (9/24/02) Comoros (6/21/02) Congo-Brazzaville (6/26/01) Congo-Kinshasa (7/18/02) 7/1/02 Travel Warning Costa Rica (11/7/02)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Haiti (12/3/02) Honduras (11/8/02) Hong Kong SAR (China) (2/26/02) Hungary (6/1/01) Iceland (8/19/02) India (2/22/02) Indonesia (10/25/02) Iran (2/26/02) Iraq (11/21/02) Ireland (12/11/01) Israel, the West Bank and Gaza (11/26/02) Italy (6/27/02) Jamaica (9/26/02) Japan (12/14/01) Jordan (11/26/01) 11/22/02 Travel Warning Kazakhstan (10/30/02) Kenya (7/24/02) Kiribati (7/18/02) Kuwait (8/12/02) Kyrgyz Republic (1/3/02) Laos (5/16/02) Latvia (7/18/02) Lebanon (5/31/02) Lesotho (4/11/02) Liberia (9/12/02) Libya (10/25/02) Liechtenstein Lithuania (1/27/00) Luxembourg (11/19/02) Macau SAR (China) (9/16/02) Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of) (9/3/02) 5/21/02 Travel Warning Madagascar (5/2/02) Malawi (4/29/02) Malaysia (11/14/02) Maldives (5/2/02) Mali (5/16/02) Malta (8/19/02) Marshall Islands (9/8/00) Martinique (2/22/01) Mauritania (11/14/02)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Sri Lanka (4/11/02) St. Kitts & Nevis (8/9/02) St. Lucia (9/14/99) St. Vincent & the Grenadines (8/15/02) Sudan (8/6/02) Suriname (4/29/02) Swaziland (4/11/02) Sweden (9/30/02) Switzerland & Liechtenstein (9/4/01) Syria (3/21/02) Taiwan (6/7/02) Tajikistan (5/31/02) 9/26/01 Travel Warning Tanzania (Zanzibar) (4/9/02) Thailand (10/30/02) Togo (8/19/02) Tonga (9/16/02) Trinidad & Tobago (11/01/02) Tunisia (6/7/02) Turkey (11/22/02) Driver Safety Briefing for Turkey Turkmenistan (1/18/02) 9/12/02 Public Announcement Turks and Caicos (6/21/02) Tuvalu (9/16/02) Uganda (7/30/02) Ukraine (9/26/02) United Arab Emirates (11/13/02) United Kingdom and Gibraltar (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) (7/8/02) Uruguay (9/5/01) Uzbekistan (4/18/02) 10/31/02 Public Announcement

Hotel Security • • • • • • • •

Registration Room selection Escape routes Safe havens Hotel pages Room Key In your room Taxi

Foot Traffic • Vary your route and times of travel • Stay alert to what is happening around you • Avoid areas that are hostile • Walk facing traffic • Maintain a cautious attitude, cross intersections with groups, stop with your back against a wall • Know what you are going to do if you have a crisis

Traveling By Car • Make your self a “hard” target • Vary your routes and times of travel • Know location of safe areas • Everyone in the car should be alert to what is happening around them

Car Bomb Searches • If the surveillance team thinks you are doing a good job of searching your car for bombs, they will be less likely to attempt a car bombing • Looks for signs of tampering, pieces of tape, discarded wires, grease marks, etc..... • Do the search the same way each time so that you always cover the same areas • If you sense something is wrong then leave the car and call authorities

Office Protection • Vary routines, times and exits • Desks and offices • Windows • Visitors • Incoming mail • Office management • Emergency plans

Hostage Taking • Hostage taking is a way of setting up a bargaining position • Several possible reasons for victim selection • Political extremists and religious fanatics are the major threat in hostage taking • Fleeing criminal, the wronged person, and mentally disturbed are the most unpredictable

Captured • Resist or surrender? • Do not resist unduly • Stay alert

Authorized Conduct • DOD Directive 1300.7 provides guidance on authorized conduct for hostages during peacetime – DoD policy is to survive with honor – Maintain your military bearing – Remain calm, courteous, and project personal dignity – Carefully consider the risk prior to an escape attempt – Provide your name, rank, social security number, and date of birth and innocent circumstances leading to detention

Summary • Be alert to, and aware of, the security atmosphere. • Overcome routines. • Maintain a low profile. • Know the threat and likely threat tactics. • Be prepared for unexpected events. • Practice the security measures presented here. • Have a safe trip!

More Information • (password= aware) • SAEDA/AT CD-ROM available from S2

“…we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom. Our grief has turned to anger, anger to resolution, whether we bring our enemies to justice, or justice to our enemies, justice will be done.” “We have no greater responsibility than the defense of our people against terrorist attack.” President George W. Bush before the 107th Congress, 20 September 2001

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