Anti-corruption Europe 2009 Web

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The European meeting place for Compliance & Ethics professionals


TheVEuropean Anti-Corruption Summit

Save € when 400 registe you r 11th A before ugust !

Ethics, values and corporate compliance: How to persuade employees to do the right thing OUR EXPERT SPEAKERS INCLUDE:

 20TH-21ST OCTOBER 2009 | BRUSSELS | MARRIOTT HOTEL  2 Day Conference  Case Studies  Focused Debate  Networking

 Legislation Or Ethics Discover which should define a company’s actions

 International Initiatives Find out what value they can add to a corporate anti-corruption programme

 Regional Compliance Programmes Hear how companies balance local context with global trends

 Cost Vs. Compliance Learn how to sell your compliance challenge in a resource-constrained environment


‘The event was well organized, timely and provided good insight into practical, real-world problem solving.’ Peter Loftspring, Assistant General Counsel Black & Veatch


‘I have been to a number of conferences of this type. This one rates as among the top, if not the very top.’


James Peters, Government Ethics Officer

Check out the full programme now!

Check the website for updates:

t mitigate corruption risk in your The knowledge and tools you need to act now business – plus a saving of €400 if you Europe are facing a mounting challenge with Compliance and ethics professionals across while , the risk of corruption is higher than ever, fewer and fewer resources. On the one hand right left cut g bein are ile, time. Budgets, meanwh European legislation grows tighter all the e. sam the tly to deliver remains exac and centre. And yet the pressure on you ion’s 3rd Annual Anti-Corruption Summit This simple truth makes Ethical Corporat a must-attend. Why? ledge and practical know-how you need Because this event will give you the know of mounting challenge. to operate effectively against a backdrop s this is your chance to meet with your peer The summit agenda will show you how lts of resu and e rienc expe whilst tapping into the to tackle key top-of-the-agenda issues, on, sessi by on Sessi ies. s of real-life case stud other anti-corruption leaders, via our serie and fine-tune your strategies. Even – and ate upd to take you’ll see what steps you can especially – in recession. ce a leading ethics and compliance intelligen Ethical Corporation’s unique position as all nals essio prof ce plian com contact with senior provider means we maintain continuous er deliv to us le enab rts expe ionships with these over the world. As always, our close relat a first-class agenda and speaker roster. gain say we have really raised the bar. You’ll On this occasion, it’s no exaggeration to es, ramm prog ce plian com ding ethics training, valuable insights into essential issues inclu tation – and more. international initiatives, the value of repu

orking… make sure you’re part Best practice examples… excellent netw the event


and leaders from a diverse range of industries Leading the discussions will be key thought ng armi ering premium business intelligence – and organisations. They are tasked with deliv rate a clear return on investment. you with the the tools you need to demonst plenty emphasis on interactivity, so you’ll have This year, we’re placing an even stronger tice plus a hands-on approach to best prac of opportunities for active participation… rtunities than before. sharing… and even better networking oppo place amongst the European leaders Be part of this key discussion by taking your Make a note of the summit dates now: of the ethics and compliance community. 20 – 21 October 2009. I look forward to meeting you in Brussels. Best regards,

Anna North Conference Director – Ethical Corporation by 11th August 2009 to SAVE €400. PS. Don’t forget to register by register e NOW and confirm your place today. Fill in the registration on the last pag

Six reasons why you MUST attend – and reserve your place without delay



The conference agenda has been developed through many weeks of primary research speaking to senior level anti-corruption professionals. We are confident we have created a very comprehensive programme focusing on the main issues in today's anti-corruption environment.

t KNOWLEDGE We have brought together many of the leading figures in the anti-corruption community. You will have time to listen to and speak with them so that you can get the best opportunity to learn and benchmark.

2 3

t ENTIRELY RELEVANT Unlike other events where everyone is obliged to sing from the same hymn sheet, you have a choice of individual breakout sessions, enabling you to focus on the topics most relevant to your professional concerns. You will learn what you need to know and nothing else. There are no fillers here.


4 5 6

Every session, keynote and breakout, has an extended Q&A session built in. In fact, each breakout Q&A will run for at least 30 minutes, giving you ample time for questions - and expert answers.

t NETWORKING Hours of networking time are built into the conference, enabling you to talk to speakers on a one-to-one basis and meet peers and potential partners who share the same concerns and objectives.

t CUTTING EDGE We're covering the latest issues in and around corporate anti-corruption, compliance and ethics. Some of the world’s most successful organisations and leading figures offer their essential experience around policy and programme development.

Places are limited, don't miss out on your chance to attend. Register today!

Experience networking opportunities that are second to none

Who will you meet at the Anti-Corruption Summit?

Networking Opportunities

How the European Anti-corruption Summit will strengthen your professional contact network

A breakdown of our delegates last year

Don’t miss out on our numerous and diverse opportunities to network with your peers at the European anti-corruption summit.

BUSINESS TYPE  Corporate  Service Provider  NGO  Government  Academic/Association

SENIORITY  Director  Manager  C-suite/Senior Vice President  Vice President/Head  Assistant/Advisor/Exec/Specialist  Other

Attendees at the 2008 event included…  Head of Legal Compliance & Head of Law, Latin America Bayer CropScience  Director, Compliance & EHS Amgen Europe

 Group Board Director Halcrow Group Ltd.  Chief Compliance Officer ING  Head of Business Integrity Shell International

 Director Ethics & Compliance EMEA Dell  Director, Corporate Governance Lego

 Director Ethics, Internal Control Services Cisco

 Compliance Operating Officer & Chief Counsel Compliance Siemens

 Senior Prevention Manager Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs

 Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer The Coca-Cola Company

 VP Corporate Communications  Senior Policy Advisor Netherlands Ministry & Reputation Management of Economic Affairs Danfoss

 Head of Audit & Group EMAPA Governance Vodafone

Get free business intelligence reports and magazine subscriptions with our gold and platinum passes! Booking a GOLD PASS for our event gets you a one-year subscription to Ethical Corporation magazine. Ethical Corporation magazine offers cutting-edge information straight from the biggest names in sustainability. Every month it will help you make the business case for ethics. Get in-depth analysis of what really matters in CSR, and real-life examples of how leaders in the field are managing social and environmental risk. Any delegate reserving a PLATINUM PASS gets to choose between three of our incisive and practical business intelligence reports: Best practices for designing effective ethics programmes Discover how to fortify your ethics codes and anti-corruption training programmes. Find out what makes ethics policies and training programmes successful. Compiled through extensive interviews with leading practitioners, consultants and industry experts this report provides guidance on how to develop your ethics policy and strengthen compliance through training. Anti-corruption, Ethics and Compliance in Russia Practical information to help you develop local compliance strategies and overcome corruption challenges. Find out from leading companies how they have adapted their company compliance strategy to Russian anti-corruption regulation and practices – A must-have guide for companies that are expanding their markets or operations in Russia. Conducting ethical business in China report package Learn more about the issues critical to your operational security, ethical management and anti-corruption strategy in China. Find out from leading companies how to fortify your business operations and anti-corruption strategy in China with two reports ‘Counter corruption in your supply chains in China’ and 'Anti-corruption, Ethics and Compliance in China’.

We provide you with the platform to build up your address book by establishing yourself amongst the leaders in the anti-corruption community… here’s how: Dedicated online pre-conference networking All attendees will gain access to our pre-conference e-networking suite. You’ll be able to connect with people prior to the summit to prepare for these valuable two days and demonstrate a clear return on investment on your return to the office. We’ll provide you with the tools to maximise your time in Brussels and make this more than just a two-day experience. Evening of October 20th Meet and speak with our speakers, sponsors and delegates at the evening reception drinks straight after sessions at the end of day one of the conference. This will take place in the exhibition hall at the venue hotel. See you there! Speaking, sponsorship and exhibition opportunities!

Highlight your company’s work, raise your profile and network with senior Anticorruption decision makers and peers Raise the profile of your service or product with a focused group of senior decision makers in major corporations working in Anti-corruption, Ethics Training and Compliance. Exhibit and network with potential clients and partners, and address delegates via speaking and sponsorship opportunities. • Over 8 hours face to face networking time • Intimate networking environment – 8 exhibit booths, all coffee breaks and evening reception take place in the exhibit area • Address delegates and raise your profile with a speaking/sponsorship position – 10-15 minutes presentation time plus at least 30 minutes Q & A • Online pre-conference e-networking centre – chat with delegates before the conference This event sold out last year and will do so again – contact Andrew Bold NOW on +44 (0) 20 7375 7188 or email [email protected]

Register before 11th August and save €400

DAY ONE Agenda 20th October 2009 BREAKOUT SESSION ONE


Legislation or Ethics: Which should define a company’s actions? The Siemens corruption scandal resulted in multi-million dollar fines and a reputation in tatters. How can you make sure the same thing never happens to your business? This session discusses ways and means to ensure employees stick to the straight and narrow. • Find out whether companies be guided by legislation or by solid values and principles • How does business strike the right balance? • Learn what value CSR programmes have for compliance professionals and what value they have in your future work • Discover how much you can save by linking training at one end with fewer investigations at the other • The power of persuasion: Understand what the key messages are that show people why even low-level non-compliance hurts your business and society – and how to get them across

Legitimate Partners: Essential best practice in conducting due diligence Due diligence is a key aspect of any business deal. While thorough preparation is vital to mitigate risk, ensuring your checks are watertight is easier said than done. In this interactive session evaluate how best practice from leading companies compares to your own:

EADS, Chief Compliance Officer, Pedro Montoya Motorola, Corporate & Supply Chain Lead Counsel, Sian Hughes Transparency International, Head of Private Sector Programmes, François Valérian

• Vetting suppliers: Discover how to make procedures robust – and free from conflicts of interest


• Due diligence: Who is responsible for making sure it happens?

Understand your investors: What do they want from you – and why?

• Ethical contracts: Find out what they should say – and how easy they are to enforce

Global standards, transparency and risk mitigation strategies have all been largely driven by investor groups. It’s no different where anti-corruption policy is concerned – and your investors’ concerns will always impact on your bottom line. In this session: • Hear why investors are so deeply concerned about corruption • Understand what investors expect from companies like yours • Learn what disclosure it is essential to provide – and what investors want to know • Get up-to-speed with the statement & guidance on anti-corruption practices issued by the International Corporate Governance Network, and evaluate its importance to your business

• Assessments: Can you – and should you – consider a values or ethics assessment of your key suppliers?

Hermes Equity Ownership Services Ltd., Director, Corporate Governance and Engagement, Asia and Europe, Dr. Hans-Christoph Hirt

AkzoNobel, Senior Legal Counsel, Roland Van Weeldan GE Oil & Gas, VetcoGray, Director of Global Due Diligence, Thor Lovland


Ethical Standards: How to keep them high in your supplier network


Enforcement Update: Who’s leading? And who’s lagging? Transparency International’s recent progress analysis of the OECD Convention on Bribery delivered alarming results… only 4 of 38 OECD countries are considered to have ‘active enforcement’. Lack of political will combined with limp enforcement has lead to an uneven commitment to the cause. Yet, at the same time new international quasi enforcement agencies are enforcing their anti-corruption rules often with significant effect. Find out in this session what is really going on: • Hear what the leading enforcement agencies are saying about the state of European enforcement • What is being done to tackle uneven enforcement between countries? • Understand what is likely to change when the new EU Commission takes office • How should you be adjusting to the United States’ FCPA – and what’s on the horizon that will raise the EU game? • Hear about the new growing force: anti-corruption enforcement by multi-lateral development banks OECD, Chairman - Working Group on Bribery, Mark Pieth

Ensuring compliance and maintaining an ethical relationship is essential to every supply chain. The real challenge lies in maintaining standards across the board. What are the secrets of doing this effectively? This session will brief you on the essential do’s and don’ts: • Learn how to monitor third party activities effectively • Find out the best way to ensure everyone consistently delivers the same high standards

GRECO (Council of Europe’s Group of States Against Corruption), President, Drago Kos

• Understand the extent to which you should be responsible for supplier behaviour

The World Bank, Director of Operations for the Integrity Vice Presidency, Stephen Zimmermann

Tyco, Senior Regional Counsel – Northern Europe, Joost

The World Bank, Sanctions Evaluation and Suspension Officer, Pascale Dubois


OLAF – European Commission, Advisor to the Director General, Paul Lachal Roberts

Group discounts available, call +44 (0) 207 375 7575 for more information

Fresh perspectives and practical advice on anti-corruption, compliance & ethics BREAKOUT SESSION THREE

Training Strategies: Embedding ethics in your organisational culture Communicating your code of ethics is one thing. But what else can you do to encourage employees to carry their corporate values with them on a day-to-day basis – and stick by them when making key business decisions? This session answers all the key questions on ethics training, including: • When you train on values, how do you make it work? • Who should you train, and who should deliver the training? • What’s the best method of communicating your compliance strategy? • Hear how the tone from the top be made to appeal to the grassroots • Internal social media: Where the water cooler meets Twitter. Find out which informal networks you can tap into to effectively communicate internal ethics and values Yara International, Vice President and Global Head of

Emerging Markets: How to compete without compromising your business integrity

Global versus Regional Compliance Programmes: Understanding the pros and cons

Branching out into emerging markets is a huge opportunity. But often, it increases pressure to compromise business integrity – especially when people are faced with uneven enforcement.

It’s one thing to draw up compliance programmes and communicate them from a central location – but what are the realities of operating from a regional perspective?

How do you operate, and compete, on a global scale whilst overcoming cultural challenges? In this session you’ll focus on case study examples from companies operating in high risk areas. Come and hear their views on enforcement, procurement rules and understand how these exciting new markets are changing: CASE STUDY 1:

Telecommunications in Afghanistan Roshan, General Counsel & Head of Government Affairs, Samir Satchu CASE STUDY 2:

Government perspective in Brazil

Compliance, Tormod Tingstad Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Global Ethics Officer, Susanne Korsgaard

A Comprehensive Compliance Programme: What does it look like? This session delivers a series of practical case studies and in-depth analysis from leading organisations to show how you can profit by saving time and money when fine-tuning your own compliance programmes. • Measuring the effectiveness of a compliance programme: What are the most effective tools for self-assessment? • Discover who - and what - you should benchmark your compliance programme against • Learn how to link people power, budgets and departments to create front-to-back training: What's the likely payoff in terms of fewer investigations? • What’s the best way to spell out your compliance strategy to key suppliers – and ensure that their strategies align with yours?

Presidency of the Federative Republic of Brazil,

In this session, you’ll be comparing and contrasting two companies with very different compliance models in place – and assessing the pros and cons of each in relation to your own company. • What works best: Communicating from a central location, or communicating through regional groups? • How can companies successfully balance local norms with global trends? • Best practice – and key mistakes: What are the ‘golden rules’, and what should be avoided at all costs?

Office of the Comptroller General, speaker name to be

Monsanto, Associate General Counsel EMEA, Natalia Voruz

announced on the website – sign up to receive updates at

Motorola, Corporate & Supply Chain Lead Counsel,

Sian Hughes

‘Ethical Corporation brings together the best in business to make a difference’ Jeff Swartz, CEO of Timberland

 Check the website! We will be updating the conference agenda up until the day of the event. If you want to get involved in the event and get your message across let us know! For the full event updates and latest speaker line-up go to ethicseurope

Transparency International, Head of Private Sector Programmes, François Valérian

The only Anti-corruption event you need to attend this year!

DAY TWO Agenda 21st October 2009 WORKSHOP ONE


How to sell your compliance challenge in a resource-constrained environment

The Fragility of Reputation: International Anti-Corruption Initiatives: Why you need to protect Why bother getting it – and how involved? What price can you put on your corporate

In the current climate, it’s often seen as ‘mission impossible’ to ask your board for more money and more people. But it can be done – provided you know the key messages they’ll respond to, and the big risks they’ll be wary of.

reputation? Does a good reputation guarantee a higher share price? Will it bring in better people? Can it even get you the benefit of the doubt from regulators and procurement partners? Hear from the experts how you can put a value on your reputation, and find out:

In this session, you’ll get the tools you need to keep compliance where it belongs, at the top end of the corporate agenda:

• Exactly how transparent your company should be

• Board pressure points: Understand what they are scared of, and how you can spell out the true risks

• What tools are essential for successful ethical communication • What triggers the media to portray your company in a bad, or better light

• Selling across middle management: What’s the key message you need to deliver?

• How you can make sure your good behaviour gets noticed – and delivers competitive advantage

• Cost versus compliance: Find out how to maintain momentum in an economic downturn

• In what circumstances is it better not to communicate?

• With increased pressure on sales and profitability how can companies mitigate the increased risk of adverse behaviour? • Create your own business case: Discover how you can take what’s happened to others to build a risk – and opportunity – profile for your company. European Investment Fund, Head of Compliance & Operational Risk, Jobst-J. Neuss LRN, Senior Knowledge Leader, Sandra Bograd


Anti-Corruption Dilemmas: What would YOU do? This fascinating session brings all the theory vividly to life. It’s the moment when a group of business leaders are faced with real-life challenging business dilemmas and asked how they would handle the situation. You’ll definitely be asking yourself: “What would I do?” BAE Systems, Associate General Counsel, Jeffrey Cottle Siemens, Head of Compliance Investigations, Rainer-Diethardt Buehrer


Speakers for this session will be announced online – sign up to receive updates at

A multi-company initiative is one way to ease the concerns of stakeholders and demonstrate active anti-corruption efforts. But with so many on offer, which project will boost your company’s reputation? And is it enough simply to belong – or do you need to take a starring role? This session delivers authoritative answers and exclusive insights from people in the know: • Find out how much value international initiatives add to a corporate anti-corruption programme • Hear about the challenges in complying with an initiative • Understand your responsibilities as a member of a multi-company initiative • Are these initiatives a way of self-regulating? TNT, Senior Counsel Integrity, Cecilia Podoley Siemens, Compliance Operating Officer & Chief Counsel Compliance, Klaus Moosmayer Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Partner, Tom Sprange Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Senior Associate, David Lorello

Round Table Round-Up Summary of the main takeaways, final brainstorm and Chairman’s concluding remarks

Testimonials from past anti-corruption events

‘Thought provoking and inspiring’ Katrina Moore, Vice President International Legal, Advanced Medical Optics ‘Speakers and attendees were genuinely passionate about the topic of anti-corruption. The topic deserves this passion and commitment. Keep the message going! Well done!’ Kris Rapp, Vice President, Ethics & Compliance, Hospira ‘Good macro level discussions… interactive and engaging’ Chris Timmins, Senior Controls Manager, Intel

‘Keep up the good work!’ Silviu Martin, Project Manager, Synergetica ‘Opportunity to listen to and interact with many interesting people who are engaged in this field’ Ruth Steinholtz, General Counsel and Group Security Coordinator, Borealis AG ‘Very enlightening’ Elmer D. Nitura, Head of Corporate Governance Office, Smart Communications ‘Great networking opportunity’ Bill Wyatt, Manager – Corporate Ethics & Compliance, TECO Energy

Got any questions? Contact [email protected] or call +44 (0) 207 375 7575

Three simple steps to REGISTER NOW Group discounts

Make the most of the European Anti-corruption Summit - Take advantage of the group discounts on offer

The 3rd Annual European Anti-corruption Summit

Brussels, 20-21 October 2009


Early Bird

11th August

22nd September



Save €400

Save €200



Save €400

Save €200



Save €400

Save €200



Save €400

Save €200

Register by:


Standard price €2,195+VAT  €1,895+VAT  €1,595+VAT  €1,495+VAT 

Discounts are available for NGOs and Government. Please go to for more details.

Interested in sending more than one of your team? We’ll make it easier for you - Discounts apply for companies sending two or more delegates. Remember: the more members of your team that you send, the more your business will benefit. To find out if you qualify for a discount contact Anna North on +44 (0) 207 375 7210 or [email protected]




• Access to all keynotes and workshops • Networking lunch and refreshments, including evening drinks reception • Access to pre-conference eNetworking suite • Access to presentation slides post-conference

• Access to all keynotes and workshops • Networking lunch and refreshments,including evening drinks reception • Access to pre-conference eNetworking suite • Access to presentation slides post-conference

• Access to all keynotes and workshops • Networking lunch and refreshments, including evening drinks reception • Access to pre-conference eNetworking suite • Access to presentation slides post-conference

+ Access to audio recordings

+ Access to audio recordings

from every conference session + 1-year subscription to Ethical Corporation magazine + 1 of 3 business intelligence reports

from every conference session

+ 1-year subscription to


(see page 3 for more details)


The conference will take place at the Brussels Marriott Hotel, within walking distance of the city's most revered landmarks, including the Grand Place & the Mont des Arts. Brussels is a captivating city, steeped in a rich, diverse culture that has been evolving for more than 1,000 years. With its French & Flemish influences, famed institutions, museums and

• Access to all keynotes and workshops • Networking lunch and refreshments, including evening drinks reception • Access to pre-conference eNetworking suite + Access to audio recordings • Access to presentation from every conference session slides post-conference PRIORITY CODE

Ethical Corporation magazine


(see page 3 for more details)

t The venue


Please photocopy this form for multiple registrations

Mr / Mrs / Ms / Dr : . . . . . . . . . . .First name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Telephone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................................................................... Payment Choose one payment option  Credit Card


(we’ll call to pick up your details)

NB: Full payment must be received before the event

3. REGISTER architectural marvels, it offers vast international appeal. Set where an island once stood in a flowing river, this grand city centre hotel now offers luxurious accommodations in a historic building. Ethical Corporation has secured a special room rate for attendees - you will be sent detailed information about this when your registration is confirmed.

CALL: Ethical Corporation +44 (0) 20 7375 7575 or US toll-free +1 800 814 34 59. FAX: This form to+44 (0) 20 7375 7576 or to US toll-free+1 800 814 34 60. EMAIL: The registration team on [email protected] MAIL: This form to Ethical Corporation, 7–9 Fashion Street, London, E1 6PX, UK WEB: Go to and submit your details for instant confirmation of your place!

Cancellation Policy: Places are transferable without any charge. Cancellations after 7th September 2009 incur an administrative charge of 25%. If you cancel your registration after 28th September 2009 we will be obliged to charge the full fee. Please note - you must notify Ethical Corporation in writing of a cancellation, or we will be obliged to charge the full fee. The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the programme without notice. All prices displayed are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated but, vat will be charged, where applicable, at the prevailing rate on the invoice date and the relevant details will appear on the invoice. For more details about prices please see terms & conditions on

Places are limited, don’t miss out on your chance to attend. Register today!

Interactive workshops + Hard-hitting keynotes + Case studies + Excellent networking opportunities


TheVEuropean Anti-Corruption Summit

Save € when 400 registe you r 11th A before ugust !

Ethics, values and corporate compliance: How to persuade employees to do the right thing OUR EXPERT SPEAKERS INCLUDE:

 20TH-21ST OCTOBER 2009 | BRUSSELS | MARRIOTT HOTEL  2 Day Conference  Case Studies  Focused Debate  Networking  Key topics that matter to you Benefit from our weeks of research that delivers an agenda jam packed with cutting edge discussion topics

 Over 25 expert speakers Get insight from the people setting the pace and pushing the boundaries in the anti-corruption field in Europe, and globally

 Networking opportunities that are second to none Meet with key anti-corruption professionals and build relationships and your contact book


 Interactive debates guaranteed Share best practice and discuss the latest hot topics with your peers in a focused, forward-thinking environment Come and hear from this unrivalled line up of expert speakers! AzkoNobel, Senior Legal Counsel, Roland Van Weeldan BAE Systems, Associate General Counsel, Jeffrey Cottle EADS, Chief Compliance Officer, Pedro Montoya European Investment Fund, Head of Compliance, Jobst Neuss Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Global Ethics Officer, Susanne Korsgaard GE Oil & Gas, VetcoGray, Director of Global Due Diligence, Thor Lovland GRECO (Council of Europe’s Group of States Against Corruption), President, Drago Kos Hermes Pensions Management Ltd., Director Europe & Asia Pacific, Dr. Hans Hirt LRN, Senior Knowledge Leader, Sandra Bograd Monsanto, Associate General Counsel EMEA, Natalia Voruz Motorola, Corporate & Supply Chain Lead Counsel, Sian Hughes OECD, Chairman – Working Group on Bribery, Mark Pieth OLAF - European Commission, Advisor to the Director-General, Paul Lachel Roberts

Presidency of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Office of the Comptroller General, speaker name to be announced Roshan, General Counsel & Head of Government Affairs, Samir Satchu Siemens, Head of Compliance Investigations, Rainer-Diethardt Buehrer Siemens, Compliance Operating Officer & Chief Counsel Compliance, Klaus Moosmayer Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Partner, Tom Sprange Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Senior Associate, David Lorello The World Bank, Director of Operations for the Integrity Vice Presidency, Stephen Zimmermann The World Bank, Sanctions Evaluation and Suspension Officer, Pascale Dubois TNT, Senior Counsel Intergrity, Cecilia Podoley Transparency International, Head of Private Sector Programmes, François Valérian Tyco, Senior Regional Counsel Northern Europe, Joost Wiebenga Yara International, Vice President and Global Head of Compliance, Tormod Tingstad




Quote brochure code inside to save more money!

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