Anthony Perez's Resume

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 527
  • Pages: 1
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St .John’ sUni ver si t y Bachel or ’ sofAr t si n Adver t i si ngCommuni cat i on Concent r at i on GPA:3. 6 Cumul at i vaGPA:3. 4

wor kexper i ence

Fl yi ngPoi ntMedi a|Intern & MediaPlanner August‘ 07 -June‘ 09

*Tr af f i cked hundr edsofad cr eat i vef ormul t i pl ecampai gns each weekusi ngDoubl eCl i ckDART and At l as. *Br ai nst or med & execut ed sol ut i onswi t h accountt eamsf or campai gnswhi ch account ed f ornear l y70% ofcompany’ s r evenues. *Ef f ect i vel yhandl ed $150, 000 i n ad spend f oruni ver si t y cl i ent ,gener at i ngan aver agecostperl ead of$18. 50 *Anal yzed dat aand opt i mi zed campai gn whi ch boost ed campai gn per f or manceeach weekbyan aver ageof17% f orl uxur yt r avelcl i ent *Wor ked di r ect l ywi t h Br and AmbassadorDi r ect ort o i nt r oduceDet ourAct i vi t ybar st o50+ soci almedi al eader s

Gamer2. 0|Founder& Publisher Oct ober‘ 02 -Pr esent

ant honyper ez 27 gr ayst . j er seyci t y,nj 516. 971. 1609

aper ez1222 @gmai l . com br andt hony

*Devel oped 25+ pagedocumentout l i ni ngal lf unct i onsof t heWeb si t ewhi ch gui ded devel opmentt eam. *Managed devel opmentt eam of3 on adayt odaybasi s dur i ngpr oduct i on oft heent i r eWeb si t e *Br oughtsi t et r af f i ct o100, 000 uni quemont hl yvi si t or s wi t hi nt womont hsofl aunch *Br oker ed cont entpar t ner shi p wi t h MTV’ sGameTr ai l er s. com whi ch al l owed ust oembed t hei rl i br ar yof1 mi l l i on+ vi deosdi r ect l yon oursi t e *Managed dayt odayoper at i onsoft hepubl i cat i on and 23memberedi t or i alst af f *Wor ked wi t h 250+ publ i cr el at i onsr epr esent at i vesi n or dert opr oducecont enti ncl udi ngear l yaccesst opr oduct s *At t ended and r epor t ed on 100+ pr essevent s *Cr eat ed copyf orweekl ynewsl et t er sand mar ket i ng campai gnst opr omot econt entwhi ch at t r i but ed t o38% of si t et r af f i c *Used Twi t t ert oi nnovat i vel ycovert heE3 2009 expo, r ai sesi t et r af f i cby23%,and gai n 1, 100 f ol l ower s

Formor ei nf or mat i on on f ur t herwor k exper i enceand r ecommendat i ons,vi si t : ht t p: / / www. l i nkedi n. com/ i n/ ant honyper ez86

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