Anth 61 Going North

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Mundi 11/7/05. Sydney (10.00am) ↑N → Beuladelah (red ppr ovr x 2 shot mug latté) → (Black-necked stork (lso korld Jabiru (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus))) → Kempsey (‘city of cedars’; bort petrl; H sor a wite hors. Noel (her dad)(c ‘7/2/02 – 22/2/02’ p14,15)) reknd if u c 1 in a padk it bringz luk if u spit on yor fingr & make th sine of th † on yor shoo - so w dun it.) → Urunga (sleepn n our sual ● x th rvr nxt 2 th golf kors : hav ritn this ntri in th pub (‘Ocean View’) on th 4shor; pot of beer; 6.05pm). Chu-ezdi 12/7/05. Urunga (9.00am) ←W → Bellingen (Flamenco dans fstvl n th 15th, 16th, 17th juli) → (fox ran † th rode) → Dorrigo → Ebor (Robe (c ‘2/4/05 - 8/4/05’ p13,14) spelt ←wordz; @ th tern off → G-uyra w wer n a rode w hadnt bn on 4 th 1st time on th trip) → Guyra (lamb & potatoe fstvl 18-27 jnuari; red ppr, bort n lowzi mug of x 2 shot kofi 4 $4.20 & a good hmbrgr (n nuthr shop) wth baikn, unyn, eg etc 4 $5.00 (29/10. n good hmbrgr @ Burger (11/11. but wie noe fride unyn?) Republic n Errol st Nth Melb (30/10. n ♀ @ lithoe haus (12/11. ths rvo met th nue PIRMININKAS (KA&LrAeDwĖ) f th ♣ KMT-EE & 1 f mie reedrz (SrTiRmUaNsGA), lsoe n th ♣ kmtee, n th pub (Town Hall) † th rode) † th rode hoo nue mie farthr n Šiauliai O 1935 told mi 2day ♂ woz soe h&sm n hiz ueni4m ♂ woz nknaemd Gu-staf Frölich ftr n faemus moovi aktr) Nth Melb kosts $8.50)) → Inverell ((safire siti) shopt up, stubi) → Warialda (“place of wild honey”) ↑N → North Star (stubi) → Goondiwindi (†d NSW/QLD bordr @ th Macintyre rvr.) ←W → Toobeah (parkt 4 th nite a kupl of kz out @ a ‘camp & watering reserve’ 4 stok; m drinkn Carbine Stout whch must b th worst n all of oz but woz th nli 1 in th botl shop; 6.35pm). 4g-ot 2 mnshn rlier th@ I sor a Red Winged Parrot (Aprosmictus erythropterus). Wnzdi 13/7/05. Too-beah (7.45) ←W → (sor nuthr Aprosmictus erythropterus; droverz n horsbk, dogz, katl †d th rode) → St George (“inland Queensland fishing capital”) ↑N (long Carnavon Hwy whch iz bein prmoted az th GREAT INLAND WAY goin mor or les ↑N orl th wai ← Dubbo → Cairns & Cooktown & iz th kwikst wai ← Melb → th far north tropk koast wth n side trip 2 Carnavon Gorge throne in) → Roma (not th 1 w r → nxt yeer (c ‘Vilnius (no 2)’ p8); had th werst hmbrgr, shopt, red ppr (Australian) wer th ditorial woz vtuper@v (but not 2 th x10t of Beazley (30/10. hoo ksplaend ystrdae n n speech → Australian Christ-ian (1/11(Melbourne Cup). ““According to senior Palestinian official Nabib Shaath, George W. Bush explained the US foreign policy in these terms when meeting Shaath and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in 2003: “God would tell me, ‘George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan.’ And I (1/11. Phillip Adams reckons that we generally lock up people who say that they did it because God told them to) did. And then God would tell me, ‘George, go and end tyranny in Iraq! And I did. And now, again, I feel God’s words coming to me: ‘Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security and get peace in the Middle East.’ And by God (2/11. Prof. Harper (“I don’t meet many low-paid people in my line of work.”) th hed f th prpoezd nue Fair Pay Commission lsoe haz n drkt lien judjn x hiz: “My God is a God of love. My God is a God of fairness and justice and honesty.” – The Age (30/10. p1,4)) I’m gonna do it.” ”” – The Big Issue. (No 240. p7)) Lobby how “faith guided his life” – The Age (p1, 4) hoo (1s rfrd 2 our sljrz az “b♥d mmbrz of our dfns 4sz”) korld th terrrsts “subhuman filth” (2/11. but thei (6/11. HOMO SAPIENS (1st uezd x LcIaNrNoAlEuUsS n hiz ‘Systema naturae’). Kkordn 2 AgGiAoMrBgEiNo: ““ In a letter to a critic, Johann Georg Gmelin, who objected that in the Systema man seemed to have been created in the image of the ape, Linnaeus responds by offering the sense of his maxim : “And nevertheless man recognizes himself. Perhaps I should remove those words. Yet I ask you and the entire world to show me a generic difference between ape and man which is co-nsistent with the principles of natural history. I most certainly do not know of any.” The notes for a reply to anoth-er critic, Theodor Klein, show how far Linnaeus was willing to push the irony implicit in the formula Homo sapiens. Those who, like Klein, do not recognize themselves in the position that the Systema has assigned to man should app-ly the nosce te ipsum to themselves; in not knowing how to recognize themselves as man, they have placed themselves among the apes. ¶ Homo sapiens, then, is neither a clearly defined species nor a substance; it is, rather, a machine for producing the recognition of the human. …. It is an optical machine constructed of a series of mirrors in which ma-n, looking at himself, sees his own image already deformed 1

in the features of an ape. Homo is a constitutively “anth-ropomorphous” animal (that is, “resembling man”, according to the term that Linnaeus constantly uses until the tenth edition of the Systema), who must recognize himself in a non-man in order to be human. ¶ …. This is why at the end of the introduction to the Systema, Linnaeus, who defined Homo as the animal that is only if it recognizes that it is not, must put up with apes disguised as critics climbing on his shoulders to mock him: ideoque ringentium Satyrorum cachinnos, meisque humeris insilientium cercopithecorum exsultationes sustinui {that is why I endured the derisive laughter of snarling satyrs and the exultation of monkeys leaping onto my shoulders}.””) wer not prtraed like soe n ‘Parad-ise Now’ (8/11. n wch th moest powrfl werdz wer put →2 th mowth f th 1 hoo choez 2 b n SUISIED BOMBR (…8/11. loekl lejd wood beez rrstd 2dae (10/11. trnspairnt leegl proessz r th nli wae f +rsn fe-erz n th muzlm kmnti f b-in ‫ٱ‬d. Mntiem th HOTLINE z shorli runn HOT – w need huemn skrfshl vktmz 2 feed PARANOIA))) wch I sor @ the NOVA ths rvo. C it wiel u kan az n th neer fuechr such filmz wil b b& (3/11. Robert Burns was threatened with a charge of sedition in 1794. He is rumoured to have “tempered his writing”, and written under assumed names as a result of the threat. William Blake was charged with sedition in 1803 for exclaiming “damn the King and damn his soldiers” in a heated moment (7/11. n th Tablelands Advertiser. (17/5/05) ndr n mug shot f mi n p5 ie sed: “…. I am against all soldi-ers. I don’t think people should kill under any circumstances because war does not solve problems.” (8/11. but ie woz kort off gard (drinkn n kerbsied latté wth H) x th rportr z iem gaenst kiln evn f wor did solv prolbmz (…8/11. tz n startn ● (fowndaeshnl). c ‘30/11/04 – 9/12/04’ p1))). Daniel Defoe (Robins-on Crusoe) was imprisoned for his satire of church and state, The Shortest Way with Dissenters (170-2). Ben Jonson was imprisoned in 1597 for sedition for writing The Isle of Dogs. In th 1660s, Molier-e’s satirical play Tartuffe was banned for sedition by Louis XIV, although the ban was later lifted. Ho-nore Daumier’s Gargantua, a lithograph depicting the French King as a corpulent giant feeding upon the riches of his people, landed him in jail for six months in 1831. Robert Goldstein, the maker of Th-e Spirit of ’76, which depicted British atrocities in the American Revolution, was charged under the US Sedition Act 1917 during World War I. The judge was concerned that the film might cause Americans “to question the good faith of our ally, Great Britain.” The filmmaker served three years in jail. (Sour-ce: Chris Connolly, law faculty, University of NSW (5/11. + Mahatma Gandhi hoo spent yeerz n jael 4 sdshn; Joe McCarthy ternd sdshn lorz gaenst th mrikn left; it woz 1 f th chrjz gaenst Nelson Mand-ela; Peter Lalor & hiz folowrz wer charjd wth sdshn & ditr f th Ballarat Times woz fownd gilti f it 4 praezn th rvolt & spent 3 munths n przn; sdshn charjz wer laed gaenst anti-Vietnam War dmonstraetrz n th 1960s n QLD; jeezs f Nzarth woz †d n n charj of klaemn ♂ woz ‘King of th Juez’.))(4/11. ‘Are we start-ing to censor ourselves?’ Freedom of speech is a fundamental right which we tend not to notice until we’ve lost it. A healthy democracy needs people who feel free to investigate, critique, satirize and mock our politicians and their policies. A healthy democracy needs alternative opinions and films, plays, novels and artworks that take risks and challenge the status quo. ¶ Censorship takes many forms and self-censorship (11/11. merikn muzikian, EsAtRe-LvEe, rknz: “They don’t have to censor artists nowadays, …. Artists censor themselves because they’re scared.” F mor knsrn 4 mi z wn th lngwj f rdnri ppl n vrdae dskors → mor & mor → PL@ITUDES, BANALIT-IES, INANITIES, & SIMPLFK8SHNZ ntrsprst wth th kkazional SLOGAN. (14/11 & howz ths 4 kleerli put x mienr oz ktor jeSrIeMmSy (← The Age (13/11. Sunday Life p19): “My professional career has taught me that everyone has the potential to be bad, cruel and selfish. Society is the restraining paradigm. Without a good mo-ral framework to hold us together, mankind is a bad animal. Similarly, our capacity for good is always present. That struggle, between angels and demons, is quite real. It is not some abstract metaphor.”) is perhaps the most pernici-ous. Over the past few years both the media and funding bodies have become more cautious; stories abound of pre-ssure put on artform boards and production houses not to bite the hand that feeds them, and on individuals in the media to tone down comment or reject certain cartoons. ¶ The new measures in the 2

anti-terrorism laws relating to sedition as they now stand will curb artists, writers, filmmakers, producers, publishers and journalists. Without fair comment provisions as safeguards (7/11. 4 ‘arts’ grueps 2 arsk 4 prvljd prvzionz wch uthrz r ksluedd from z n btrael f th riet 2 ‘free speech’ az w hav stablsht t n westrn dmokrsi (ie rkmnd Foucaultz ssae ‘What is an Author?’ 4 n dskushn f th traed-offs nvolvd). Not th@ rtsts dserv 2 b r r taekn sriusli eni mor (c ‘13/8/01 - 25/8/01’ p14, & ‘27/11/00 - 7/12/00’ Tuesday 28/11/00). Kkseptans f r kmpliens wth “fair comment provisions as safeguards” wood maek rtsts kmplsit wth fshstk lorz. What kan b sed nli with th permshn f th st8 z not werth saein. & ie gree wth Islamic kmnti spoeksmn Keyser Trad (The Age (6/11. p2)) th@ famli mmbrz (& frndz etc)(8/11. & newzpprz) f eni1 ‘disappeared’ (8/11. Habib?) ndr th nue nti-terrzm lorz hav n jewti (8/11. rflktn n th werd ie rialiez t kareez mor bagj than iem pr-paird 2 ksept & t rkwierz kwalfkaeshn eg. hoo m ie (9/11. c-in z ie doent tork 2 god & m not n hed f st-8) 2 pontfk8 n jewti!) 2 shout loud n long 2 eni1 & vri1 n eni & vri street kornr O wot haz taekn plaes 4 th saek of thr ♥d 1z & 4 th saek f OZ ssieti & dmokrsi. Freedmz r eezli lost but rtaind nli wth kurj (8/11. wch ie doent klaem 2 hav (10/11. larst niet ie dremt thr woz n nok n th dor & wn ie oe-pntt ie woz rrstd x n kop n ueni4m wth n drorn pistl)).), sedition can be made to mean whatever the governm-ent wants it to mean. ¶ The Prime Minister declares that he doesn’t wish to silence legitimate criticism or catch writ-ers and artists in the net. He asks us to trust him. We need rather more than that. – Hilary McPhee, Fitzroy n The Age (3/11. p14)))); Roma iz korld “capital of the Western Downs”; stubi 4 th rode) → Injune (topt ↑ wth ptrl ; stubi; H took foto of pub) → Here (x th side of th rode mung s&stone skarpmnts stil O 70kz short of th gorj; 5.45). W r bein reel 2rsts ie. travln huje dstnsz 2 a set dstn8shn →2 whch w had 2 book ah-ed (← Roma) bkoz thr iz nli th kmrshl kampn ‫ ٱ‬az th Parks hav shut theirz bkoz ppl wer bringn in do-gz & leevn litr etc. – kost iz $20/nite. H just red out th@ th fsh u k@ch @ St George r Murray Cod (M-accullachella peelii) & Yellowbelly (2/11. c ‘Melbourne → Sydney’ p10) (aka Golden perch (Macqu-aria ambigua)). 4got 2 mnshn w kame † our 1st botl treez (boababz?) south of Roma whr tiz th prdm-nt street tree. Thurzdi 14/7/05. Larst nite I lisnd 2 th TRUCKS (ZOOMn x n few 00 yardz wai) & gain long b4 dorn ths mornn & I reelized th@ th knomi here knot srvive wthout OIL. Ovr th larst 3 daiz w hav cn mainli HIGHWAY & th subtxt haz bn ROAD KILL. Our bigst xpndchr haz bn PETROL. Our ds-tn8shn iz a 2rst ICON. But dorn woz greetd x KOOKABURRAZ (Dacelo novaeguineae) & az th sun woz rizin x Australian RAVEN (Corvus coronoides) & th veri pkuliar frog like korlz, so krktrstk of th nl&, of th Little CROW (Corvus bennetti). & w r TOGETHER. Az w lai ntrtwined I kood heer n Pied BUTCHERBIRD (Cracticus nigrogularis) (I kan heer a Crested BELLBIRD (Oreoica gutturalis) no-w). Our klosenss iz wot w vlue most & w r old nuf 2 hav no need 4 tork. W like 2 tuch h&s like CHILD-REN (or TAMILS). 8.35am …. 5.35. w r cheek x jowl wth naiborz. Th famli on 1 side (4 kidz, 2 bikes, 4x4, larj 10t prtrudin a metr → our ‫ )ٱ‬hav gon 2 th kamp fire 2 lisn 2 th rainjrz lkchr. Wv kum bak from our 1st nspkshn of th gorj. ICONS (8/11. ← ‘GULF TRIP’. Letr → Melbourne ritn x mi 4/9/97: “FOR S-ALE ¶ In the middle ages devout pilgrims used to go on a tour of the holy shrines and the churches where famous relics were housed. They would come back with tales of blessings by various popes and the dangers on the road which abounded with brigands who robbed both rich and poor. Grandch-ildren would be bored into submission by these stories. The famous complaint: “we woz robbed” orig-inated in this way. Over the centuries an industry developed to cater to the needs of the devout. Many churches to this day house the shrunken dried scrotums of jesus christ. Enough pieces of the holy cr-oss have been sold to build a bridge. As of tomorrow when I get to Daintree town and start heading south I feel that I too am embarking on a pilgrimage of the holy shrines, the ikons of the tourist indust-ry – Cape Tribulation, Whitsundays, Mission Beach, Barrier Reef (etc) and various other places that I already know from watching telly. I feel that I was appropriately introduced to this new phase of my journey when I was robbed this morning of $100 for not wearing a seatbelt. I intend to suspend my opinion and enter fully into devotional mode though I must admit my interest in the pilgrims is greater than in the ikons. ¶ Everyone in these parts is wracking their brains how to separate the traveller from his every last cent. Even at Korumba Point where all the locals live by hiring out cabins there were ‘no camping’ signs everywhere. Here in the 3

Atherton Tablelands (very beautiful scenery, beautiful tropical aromas, a great botanical walk you would have loved) there are even more of those signs and plenty of rangers to patrol them so I had to come into this spot after 5pm when they have knocked off. It is out of Mareeba and called : Emerald Falls. An artist who runs a coffee shop in Atherton recommend-ed it. If its as good as he says it is I may not get to Daintree tomorrow. At least there are no crocs here so I can have a wash in the stream as I refuse to go to camp site shower blocks. The bird calls here are great and all new to me. ¶ Avanti!”) r larjr n th mjn8shn than th rlteez thei rprznt. No1 in komi rusha wood hav bleevd th@ STALIN woz no torlr than Derryn Hinch (10/11. n ♥ gaen) wthout hiz pl-@4m shuze. I had 4md my mentl pkchr from such gorjz as Edeowie n th Flindrz & veri narow spktklr 1z n th Gammon rainjz. So far wv nli bn out 4½ owrz & nstpktd a singl side gorj (Wards, whr King Fer-n gro @ thr most suthrli ●) & Il giv my 2rst rport n a few daiz. My bigst thril kame from th veri nknsrnd Kori (Australian) Bustards (Araeotis kori), 8 of thm, & th 2 Brolgas (Grus rubicundus) x th side of th rode O 20kz out on th wai →2 th park. In th gorj tslf thr r floks of Pale-headed Rosellas (Platycerus adscitus) n berd Im not uzed 2 seein. Our prolbm iz goin 2 b our 6-life az th van woblz & jiglz a treet & itz a ded givwai. Maib wil hav 2 dvert th@ nrji 4 works. The famli r bak. Thei hav a laptop set up in thr nx. W havnt bn so klose 2 naibrz sins w stopt goin 2 th Port Fairy Folk Festival & thr I uzed 2 get bak 2 th van drunk ftr mdnite so it ddnt m@r. I just mite hav a nip of th ČEPKELIU TRAUKTINE (c ‘ŠI-AULIAI’ p1) th@ Egle brort bak 4 mi ← lithol& (26/10. & c ‘Melbourne → Sydney’ p15 (27/10. I hav lr-edi drunk orl 3)).(any excuse!!) N th uthr side w hav n ldli kupl n a hewj kravan hoo hav thr radio on. Friday 15/7/05. The camp was as quiet as the grave fairly soon after we ret-ired to our swags. The place is called TAKARAKKA & everyone (mostly pension-ers it seems) is very civilized. The Sydneysider with the enormous trailer home next to us last night (they left this morning heading for Darwin & back by Sep-tember 1) raved about the camp kitchen & the ablutions block, so it must be a cut above the usual, but its not as good as being alone in the bush & we would-n’t do it except that there is no other option. Today we did a few minor walks (the Balloon Cave, a walk to a rock pool & a creek walk called a Nature Trail) & a walk into two gorges, one of which required going barefoot through water & got progressively narrow as it rose up through the escarpment (off Mickey Cr-eek gorge). But the central activity was the climb to Boolimba Bluff, the last 300 metre section of which was described as “steep and rugged” and “suitable only for the physically fit”. I qualified (just) by actually getting to the top, but a woman we met ½ way up the stretch was feeling stressed, and we exchanged a few optimistic words like “take it easy”. On our way back down we met a cou-ple who said she had had a heart attack! We caught up with her at the Ran-ger’s office where an ambulance, two ambulance personnel and a Parks emer-gency service officer were in attendance. She was OK, but was being taken to hospital for overnight observation to be on the safe side. The ambulance had to come from Injune, 155ks away. Funny thing was, she had said to John that though she had a slight heart problem, she was quite physically fit! Hows that for a case of denial? Back at the camp at dinner we saw a couple of kookabur-ras having a fight, and the Apostle Birds bickering as they honed in on any scraps falling near us. They are quite unafraid of people & will take food from your hand. The Currawongs would have liked to get in on the act, but were timid and outnumbered by the smaller, constantly chattering Apostles. The go-rge has been interesting but rather too planned – there doesn’t seem to be the unlimited unstructured walks that you can have in the Flinders. The main pest problem is feral pigs (havent seen any yet) which they are trying to wipe out with 1080 poison baits. Here’s the description of the place from the internet site ( “Carnavon Gorge is an oasis in the semi-arid heart of Queensland. Here, in the Carnavon Gorge section of Carnavon National Park, towering white sandstone cliffs form a spectacular steep-sided gorge, with narr-ow, vibrantly coloured and lush side gorges. Boulder-strewn Carnavon Creek winds through the gorge 4

… cabbage tree palms, ancient cycads (Zamias (Macrozamia moorei)), ferns, flower-ing shrubs and gum trees line the meandering main gorge …” H ddnt mnshn th@ ths mornn on both sidez of us our naiborz woke 2 larm kloks : the kupl in th huge kravn 2 a radio1 & th kupl wth th 4 veri wel bhaved kidz 2 a beepr. Insdntli th kravn had 2 frijz & n xtra b@ri so it woznt rliant on powrd sites. It lso had its own showr. I nevr ●d th ♀ outside. Oh yes, ystrdi evnn th kidz on th uthr side wotchd DV-Ds on th laptop. 2 get O th prolbm of them goin 2 bed l8 w r @ th kamp ktchn whr ths ntri haz bn ritn. I m reedn ‘Selected Stories’ x Robert Walser (“Robert Walser was born in Biel, cental Switzerland, in 1878. He left school when he was fourteen. From 1895 until 1929 he moved incessantly, living mainly in Zurich, Berlin, and Biel, had fifteen books publish-ed, and worked as a bank clerk, an employee in a government unemployment office, a butler, a secretary in an art gallery, a worker in a rubber factory, and in a brewery. These and dozens of other jobs often lasted only long enough to finance his long walks about Swit-zerland and Germany; his writing earned him little. ¶ Walser’s first poems and prose pieces appeared in 1898 and 1899. In all, Walser wrote eight novels (four of which were either destroyed or lost, one by a publisher), many poems, and over a thousand short prose pieces. In 1929, after a period of intense isolation and poverty during which he sufferend from hallucinations and nightmares, and made several suicide attempts, he voluntarily committed himself to Waldau Sanitorium outside Berne. The diagnosis was schizophrenia. In 1933 he was transferred, against his wishes, to a mental hospital in Herisau, eastern Switzerland – after which he never wrote again. On Christmas day, 1956, four months before his seventy-ninth birthday, Walser went on his usual solitary walk across the hills near the sanitorium. He was found that afternoon by some children and their dog, lying on his back, hand on heart, on a snow-cover-ed field of the Rosenberg.”) whch woz h&d 2 mi x LfOrVaEnCkE (24/10. 2dae ♂ lent mi n faevrt book f hiz (29/10. ie red it wth plzuer & H sed it woz “vri poetk” (8/11. ystrdi DRUaMlMeOcND (15/11 bumpt →2 him gain ths mornn owtsied th liebri z ie woz wotchn owt 4 H mung th marchrz (O 200,000) proetstn th pndn IR ljslaeshn. Told him how wen ie woz n kid n 4th r 5th 4m @ St Pats (1 f th 2 jzuit skoolz n M-elb then) ie had ritn n letr wch woz publsht n The Sun (now th Herald Sun) proetstn th@ 2 kidz n mie 4m wer b-in hrast x b-in maed 2 wair thr kaps jewrn klars koz thei had kruekuts. Th good farthrz wood do betr knsntr8n n teechn kidz nsted f huemli8n thm ie roet. Ie had told Alec ie woznt punsht 4 mie proet-st but ftr teln him ie reeliezd th@t must hv bn 1 f th reeznz thei had shaftd mi n yeer r 2 l8r 4 n teechr trainn skolrshp (wn ie r-pplied @ Melb Uni Teachers College n mie 1st yeer @ uni ie woz aebl 2 reed thr rport n mi n mie rjnl pplkaeshn wn th kolj prinspl woz owt f th room 4 n wiel z hi had leftt n hiz des-k. Thei had markt mi ↓ n n 5 ● skael 2 vrj r les n vrithn nkluedn kdmk bliti – sneeki huh?!) ie had ppli-ed 4 n mie larst yeer f skool. Iev maed th knkshn 4 th 1st tiem 2dae & wn ie ●d th banr f th ‘JESUIT SOCIAL SERVICES’ (“Standing in solidarity with those in need / Expressing a faith that promotes justice”) held ↑ x 2 ♀z ie toldm th stori lsoe.) sed ♂ redt 2)): ‘Shallow – Water DICTIONARY’ (“A Grounding in Estu-ary English”) x John R. Stilgoe (26/10. it z posbl (29/10. now heer z n werd much ♥d x Heidegger & s-oe wthowt eni dsrspkt → LfOrVaEnCkE (c ‘Port Germein’ p10,11 (31/10. but n fairns → Frank I dsku-vrd @ lunch wth him 2dae (2/11. ftrwordz mi & H → 2 c ‘The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill’ @ th NO-VA & ie rkmndt (14/11. 2 dae w sor HwEeRrTnZeOrGZ ‘Grizzly Man’ O n kstreem persn)) th@ ♂ haz red ‘Finnegan’s Wake’ x 2!!)) & OSOfW&SlKI (hoo tel mi thei r tranzl8n sum Heidegger →2 frnch ← j-rmn n n limtd dshn n kopi f wch ie hoep thei giv → mi (2/11. ie karnt reed n eethr lngwj)) ie giv u n se-rv ← th ♂ hmslf z kwoetd x AgGiAoMrBgEiNo n ‘THE OPEN Man and Animal’ (Stanford Uni Press 2-004): “Dasein as such – i.e., whatever belongs to its potentiality for being as such, whatever concerns the possibility of Dasein as such – is at issue in beings that refuse themselves in their totality. What concerns a possibility as such, however, is whatever makes it possible, that which lends it possibility as this very thing which is possible. Whatever is utmost and primary in making possible all possibilities of Dasein as possibilities, whatever it is that bears Dasein’s potentiality for 5

being, its possibilities, is at issue in beings that refuse themselves in their totality. This means, howe-ver, that those beings refusing themselves in their totality do not make an announcement concerning arbitrary possi-bilities of myself, they do not report on them, rather insofar as this announcement in refusal is a calling [Anrufen], it is that which makes authentically possible the Dasein in me. This calling of possibilities as such, which goes together with the refusal, is not some indeterminate pointing to [Hinweisen] arbitrary, changing possibilities of Dasein, but an utterly unequivocal pointing to whatever it is that make possible, bears and guides all essential possibilities of Dasein, for which we apparently have no content, so that we cannot say what it is in the same way that we point out things present at hand and determine them as this or that …. This announcing pointing toward that which makes Dasein authentically possible in its possibilities is a necessary compulsion [Hinzwingen] toward the singular extremity of this originary making possible …. To this coming to be left in the lurch by beings which refuse themselves in their totality there sim-ultaneously belongs our being-compelled toward this utmost extremity of the possibilitization proper to Dasein as such.” (29/10. He could get a job in the mental health system! (18/11. & u kan tel RUd-MoSnFaElLdD woz n stuednt)) Mie oen @tued → Heideggerz lngwj (12/11. ie knot rzist +n mie oen kmnt ftrorl – eni sjschn th@ kontrtd & knvluetd lngwj z n prrkwzt 4 nlietnmnt z prpostrus (16/11 but he-er z n poem ie roet bak n th daez ie uezt 2 spel god wth n kaptl: in the beginning was the Word, / and the Word was with God, and / the Word was God // I imagine heaven to be the music / of a multitude of words and languages / combining all bodies and souls // also I imagine the music of / a sphere of infinite weight / spinning silently through space // the multitude of words / and the sphere / combine to form the music of / the Word // we shall all be part of that Word / spin-ning like Music in Space (18/11. ie seem 2 rmmbr ie dremt ths poem))) z wel ksprst x Wittgenstein: “The results of philosophy are the uncovering of one or another piece of plain nonsense and of bumps that the un-derstanding has got by running its head up against the limits of language. These bumps make us see the value of the discovery.” (PI ¶ 119) & “Where does our investigation get its importance from, since it seems only to destroy ev-erything interesting, that is, all that is great and important? (As it were all the buildings, leaving behind only bits of stone and rubble.) What we are destroying is nothing but houses of cards and we are clearing up the ground of lang-uage on which they stand.” (PI ¶ 118) (7/11. but c ‘30/11/04 – 9/12/04’ p14/15)) ♂ & th ssae r noen 2 Dr SA&NrIeGwA (Co-ordinator ¶ Graduate Programs – Landscape Architecture ¶ Faculty of Architecture Bui-lding and Planning ¶ University of Melbourne ¶ Victoria 3010 Australia), hoo l8li ha-z kwierd n moebiel & taekn 2 h&n out n kard & wth hoom I m havn lunch nxt wnzdae (2/11. Poestpoe-nd x 1 week (9/11. haz 1 th ‘ELLIS STONE AWARD 4 Rsrch & L&skaep Arktkchr’, th 1st priez ♂ haz evr 1. Tz wrth $2000 & ♂ gtst & n kopr plark ← ♀ elMiUzRaDbOeCtKh nxt week)), az “John R. Stilgoe is the Robert and Lois Orchard Professor in the History of Landscape at Harvard University, and the author of Co-mmon Landscape of America, 1580-1845; Metropolitan Corridor: Railroads and the American Scene; and Border-land: Origins of the American Suburb, 1820-1939.”) © 1990 Exact Change. Cambridge (2/11. Dr SA&NrIeGwAZ oen book n th histri f l&skaep dsien n OZ z pl& 2 b publsht x Cambridge Uni Press n 2007). ISBN 1-878972-02-2) in a brown ppr bag (8/11. c ‘‘Melbourne → Sydney’ p3) just b4 w left 4 mi 2 hav sumthn 2 reed on th trip. Th ntro iz x SsOuNsTaAnG (c ‘Melbourne → Sydney’ p3). Walser klaimz th@ “ the sketches I prod-uce now and then are shortish or longish chapters of a novel. The novel I am constantly writing is always the same one, and it might be described as a variously sliced-up or torn-apart book of myself.” I m drinkn ČEPKELIU tra-uktine (24/10. c ‘Melbourne → Sydney’ p15). S@rdi 16/7/05. WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND TH-EY IS US. Yes, w c rflxshnz of ourselvz xpt most r drivin 4x4s oftn puln kravanz. W r wel manrd & qui-et & I kan tel @ 1st glants th@ most of us r lor bidin, evn outst&n, sitznz. Meni of us think 0 of workn 20-30kz/dai. Kuplz 10 yeerz oldr than us wer sprintn parst & w →d O 24kz. Nuf komnt O our felo 2rsts (8/11. but heerz n old 1 ← ‘GULF TRIP’ 6

(17/9/97): “The tourist is living his fantasy (I met many Croco-dile Dundees from Melb. when I was in the gulf country). The tourism operator is providing the props to help the tourist believe that this fantasy life is real. The whole tourism industry is geared for the job of make believe + is helped by the media + film industry. After awhile they believe their own invention-s. The tourism operators lie throught their TEETH. The tourists pay through the NOSE.”) : BETTER TO CLOSE YOUR MOUTH AND BE THOUGHT A FOOL THAN TO OPEN IT AND REMOVE ALL D-OUBT. 4 th bneft of a kupl of birdoze hoo reed (2/11. or prtnd 2) my stuff I must rport th@ w sor 2 pair of King Parrots (Alisterus scapularis) in th gorj tho its a long wai outside thr ranj. Th gorj iz a mikro-klim8. Ths mrnn a flok of O 15 Glossy Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus lathami) flew ovr th kam-psite. On th wai ← gorj I sor a few Blue-faced Honeyeaters (Entomyzon cyanotis). I leev th rest of 2daiz rport 2 H : We did the full gorge-length walk today and also took in the Moss Garden, so I have been well and truly baptised. The cycads here (Zamias) only grow about 30cm /100 years, so the tall ones we are seeing are about 1000 yea-rs old! The aborigines who left their handprints and stencils on the walls of Ca-thedral Cave have a history of occupation of 3560 years, so this place is geared to the old!. Boowinda Gorge, near Cathedral Cave, is very interesting because of its tunnel-like shape. Hellhole Gorge near the Moss Garden looks good, so we are going to stay another day and do some “off track” exploring. My arthritis in left hip and knee is kept under control by large amounts of Naprosyn, but the inflammation in my little toe and its neighbour on the right foot flares up late in the day, so the last few ks are always a reminder of lost youth. John’s left big toe, previously damaged on a trip to the Western District (24/10. c ‘21/9/02 – 3/-10/02’ p7, 8)several years ago, also plays up, so he shares my Naprosyn. We are a sharing sort of couple. Sunday 17/7/05. We explored Hellhole Gorge and revisit-ed the Moss Garden by 1pm, so decided to walk a further 2ks to the Art Gallery, which we had bypassed yesterday in deference to my hip/knee/toes. It was impr-essive as the stencils and engravings covered some 6 metres of chalk wall. John suggested we walk off-track further along the gorge the Art Gallery begins and we found a great series of gorges (3 in all) one of which we walked along till about 3pm when it was time to turn campwards. We’ve decided to stay another day so we can explore all 3 tomorrow. The scenery was spectacular, and the absence of footprints in the sand and mud along the way suggests that no-one has been there recently. There were great pools and tall tree-ferns , epiphytes and orchids (no flowers visible). There were some native violets sprinkling the floor and plenty of smaller ferns. We rock-hopped along the creek (I managed to get a foot soaked) and I could see John’s adrenalin rising. It hasn’t been very high so far because the set walks are hardly a stroll for him, and we have-nt done any off track explorations until yesterday. Tomorrow will no doubt whet his appetite for more, but we are running out of food, so will have to leave after that. Last night was very cold, and tonight promises the same. A few ssortd notes : th famli wth th 4 kidz left ths mornn. ♂ iz n mnstr of rljn & ♀ a liberian ← Casino (pop 12000) in NSW. A few daiz go thei did a → of 23 kz whch thr 5 yeer old dortr had no trubl kmpltn. It iz stonshn th@ no1 goze → 2 th gorj w found (26/10. kwoetn ← ‘Shallow-Water DICTIONARY’ p33 : In 1750, five years before he published his Dictionary of the English Language, Samuel Johnson asserted that “it ought to be the endeavour of every man to derive his reflections from the objects about him; for it is to no purpose that he alters his position, if his attention continues fixed to the same point.” In 1862 …. Thoreau argued, in an essay entitled “Walking”, that he had met almost no one “who understood the art of Walking, that is, of taking walks, - who had a genius, so to speak, for sauntering: which word is beautifully derived ‘from idle people who roved the country, in the Middle Ages, and asked charity, under pretence of going à la Sainte Terre,’ to the Holy Land [Thoreau quotes Worce-ster here, although without acknowledging his source – and Worcester took his derivation from Johnson’s Diction-ary]. Johnson and Thoreau suggested that most people essentially ignore their surroundings, and walk, if they walk at all, oblivious to nearly everything. 7

Their thinking has been restated, frequently. “To a person uninstructed in natural history, a country or seaside stroll is a walk through a gallery filled with wonderful works of art, nine-tenths of whi-ch have their faces turned to the wall,” asserted Thomas Henry Huxley.) az 1) a hewj numbr of ppl vizt th park & 2) it iz such n bvius thng 2 chek out. But ppl prfr th much trodn parth. Sor figbirdz (Sphecotheres viridis) in th main gorj & n Azure Kingfisher (Alcedo azurea) in Hellhole gorj. 4got 2 mnshn a few da-iz bak th@ WrAoLbSeErRt woz red x rMoUbSeIrLt & woz n nfluens on KfArFaKnAz (18/11. larst tuez-dae @ th MAKE IT ↑ ♣ GjRoAhNnT sed hi woz goen 2 c METAMORFOSZ). The butter yellow fl-owers with a scarlet throat which are beginning to appear in the park are call-ed Yellow Hibiscus or Native Rosella. There are pink and white varieties too, but not in flower at the moment. Monday 18/7/05. Did gorge-ous walks today alo-ng the courses of 2 creeks where the scenery was spectacular. The Kangaboola creek runs in a gorge about the width of a train tunnel, but with high sides, so that the floor is rarely sunlit. The Kamaloo creek has a wider floor to run over, and many ferns growing on rock ledges, as well as cabbage palms, gums and a wide variety of ground covers, one of which exudes a wonderful aroma when trodden on. Tree ferns are common too, as well as birds nest ferns and maid-enhair growing on the walls where seepage occurs. The sandstone cliffs tower above, and you can see the scrubby gums growing on their tops. Judging by the log jams we scrambled over, both creeks can carry flood water in quantity. To-morrow we head for Emerald to stock up on food, so John is up at the shower bl-ock as we don’t know when the next one will be. At tea-time a currawong swoo-ped away with a slice of bread John was going to have as part of a sandwich. They are a large bird with beady eyes ringed in bright yellow and have obviously learnt that food is available where people congregate, and if they ganged up could be quite intimidating (big, horny beaks!). I saw one cleaning up the BBQ plate in the kitchen area this morning. Their cheek is forgiven because their call is beautifully melodious. Pied Currawong (Strepera graculina). Larst nite woz listnn 2 th hootn of a Barking Owl (Ninox connivens). Th praktsz of 2rsts uzin th park r just az ntrstn 2 mi. Thei kook meelz in th kitchn ‫ٱ‬s (3 of m) whch r hewj (snagz, risolez, staiks) & mor labor8 than mi & H kook @ home (suali w eet out but). Thr seemz 2 b a smbiotk rl8shnshp btween 4x4s & wine drinkn – on our 1st nite heer I kowntd th@ mor than ½ th ppl in th kitchn ‫ٱ‬s wer bibn wine wth thr dinr. Most notisbl of orl iz th@ wth hardli n xspshn thei r kwpmnt junkeez. Th famli whch rplaist th Casino minstr hav brort vrythn whch foldz & nfoldz (eg 10t foldz out of trailr; foldn chairz wth rm rsts & padd baks; foldn bedz (2/11. Joe & Rasa (c ‘Melbourne → Sydney’ p16) wood hav ♥dt)) + a ktchn sink (wth a hoze → bukt 4 waist H2O). Tz sad th@ th same mpulsz (eg 2 bleev wot thei r told x dvrtizerz, teli, travl magz (3/11. & poltshnz)) whch leed thm 2 kwire orl th junk (whch thei r lwaiz bangn & r@ln) lso prvnt thm from doin th kind of → w dun 2dai. Insdntli u got 2 get prmshn from th rainjrz → OFF TRACK whch w nvr dun az thei mite hav sed NO sins w wernt proprli EQUIPT & 1s thei giv permshn thei kcept a ‘duti of kair’. Yet th gr8 → w did kood hav bn dun x eni jri@rk or chile. Ystrdi I sor a ♀ wth her →n boot (of th kind whch “giv nkl suprt” & lais up mpteen timez ovr hooks) off koz ♀ had a blistr. Theez bootz r hevi & vrheet th feet bkoz thei r dzined in europ & th US 4 snow yet ths ♀ woz wairn thm on th ded fl@ parth 2 th nd of th main gorj. U woodnt hav dun th → w did 2dai in thm koz thei taik 2 much f4t 2 take on & off & 2 kari wen u hav 2 waid in H2O. I giv theez xmplz not from a wish 2 rdk-ule 2rsts but 2 prvide a meta4 whch iz pplkbl 4 knsidrn wot kindz of bagj u must leev bhind wen u mbark on jerneez in SPEKUL@V THORT. Chuzedai 19/7/05. Takarakka Campn gO in Carnavon Nshnl Park (Larst S@di HrUeNxT (6/11. got mugd n Byron Bay n fue daiz goe – had n lot 2 sae) sed DlAeVoInS iz az blak az a dog & b4 w got up ths mornn H sed I woz like a dog. Wen I nkwired ♀ sed I woz like a † btween n St Bernard & n Rotwiler. ♀ reknz ♀ iz goin 2 hav 2 keep a rold up newzppr h&i. I dont no O th@ but I do dmit 2 bein a PERVERT (26/10. Pe rvert , v. late ME. [ad. F. pervertir, ad. L perverte-re, f. PER-' 2, 3+ vertere to turn.] †1. To turn upside down; to upset; to subvert – 1656. 2. To turn aside from its right course, aim, meaning, etc. late ME. †b. To divert SHAKS. 3. trans. To turn (a person, the mind, etc.) away from right opinion or act-ion; to lead astray; to corrupt. late ME. b. spec. To turn (any one) aside from a right religious belief or system. late ME. c. in-tr. To become a 8

pervert. late ME. ¶ 2. They perverted the course of justice 1868. 3. How He [Satan] in the Serpent had per-verted Eve, Her Husband shee MILT. Hence †Pervert a.perverted. Pervert sb one who has been perverted or corrupted; an apostate. Perverter, one who perverts (a person or thing). Pervertible a. capable of being perverted.). Piks in glossi ma-gz, porno mooveez, TV romps, Kileez bum, Delta Goodrem getn n ORGASM (26/10. Or gasm . 1684. [ad.mod.L. orgasmus, a. Gr. * δργάσμός, f. δργάξζν to swell as with moisture, to be excited.] 1. Violent excitement of feeling; rage, fury; a paroxysm of excitement or rage 1763. 2. Physiol. Excitement in an organ or part, accompanied with turgescence; spec. the height of venereal excitement in coition 1684. Hence Or gastic a.) plain th piano whch r such tern onz 4 th nrml helthi ozzi ♂ (& wer 4 mi wen I woz a teen) leev mi kold. My LIBIDO (26/10. †Lib idinist . rare. 1628. [f. L. libidin-, libidio lust + -IST.] A lecher – 1634. ¶ Libidi nous , a. 1447. [ad. L. libidinosus, f, as prec.; see –ous. Cf. F. libidineux.] 1. Given to, full of, or characterized by lust; lustful, lecherous, lewd. †2. Provocative of lust, HOLLAND. Hence †Libidi nosity , lustfulness. Lib idino usly adv., -ness .) rspondz 2 buteful streemz in gorjz & th kkazionl sightn of th nxpktd vvd berd. (Gee, thanks. Next trip you can take one of those blow up plastic dolls and I’ll stay home.) Th faisz (& faneez) of magzeen & flm starlts look plastk & their lmpd, soelfl (xpktnt?) ize look vakuous. Yes! I m veri nromantk & so it seemz iz H.) → E (43kz) → main rode ↑N (61kz) →Rolleston → NW (70kz) → Springsure (whr I stopt @ a grarj koz I koodnt find whr 2 fil ↑ wth windskreen wiper H2O) ↑N (66kz) → Emerald (Tidy Town 1st prize 93); shopt up @ th SUPERM-ARKT; red ppr & drank bad kofi & I 8 n hmbrgr; H rang Michael & heez OK (29/10. But when we got back, he had been given bad news. The following letter, sent to his Continuing Care Team explains the situation : Manager, ¶ Murnong and Chandler Continuing Care Team, ¶ Dear Mr Foster, ¶ My son ‫ ﻉﺰﺗכּﭺשּׁשּפֿמּטּﺊﺫﺱ‬has recently informed me that he is required to pay $25 per month for medi-cation to control his chronic schizophrenia. ‫שּׁשּפֿמּטּﺊﺫﺱ‬-‫ﻉﺰﺗכּﭺשּׁשּפֿמּטּﺊﺫﺱ ﻉﺰﺗכּﭺשּׁשּפֿמּטּﺊﺫﺱ ﻉﺰﺗכּﭺשּׁשּפֿמּטּﺊﺫﺱ ﻉﺰﺗכּﭺשּׁשּפֿמּטּﺊﺫﺱ ﻉﺰﺗכּﭺ‬ ‫ ﻉﺰﺗכּﭺשּׁשּפֿמּטּﺊﺫﺱ‬His government pension of $580 per fortnight, including rent assistance, was covering his rent. However, the rent has recently risen to $610 per fortnight. I am currently paying the difference until the possibility of more rent assistance (11/11. but thr znt eni mor) can be arranged. Michael has no money to pay $25 a month for medication ‫ﻉﺰﺗכּﭺשּׁשּפֿמּטּﺊﺫﺱ‬.The only way Michael can have money in his pocket to pay for medication is if he goes to much cheaper accomodation. There is not enough appropriate accomodation available, as Michael has already experien-ced. As you probably are aware, many operators of supported accomodation are primarily concerned with the business not the service. It is my belief, encouraged by the government through various advertising campaigns, public statements by the Minister etc., that mentally ill people are entitled to live as safely and with as much dignity as any other citizen and this implies appropriate and supportive accomodation. ¶ Michael was informed of this potentially deadly change to his circumstances by his case worker, and had it confirmed by the pharmacy which supplies his medication. This seems to be an extremely irregular, undocumented and possibly illegal way of informing clients of new circumstances which may have far-reaching repercussions on their mental and physical health. He did not receive any official, written notification explaining this new policy signed by you as the manager of the continuing care team. I am requesting on his behalf that such a letter be forwarded to him immediately, with an explanation of why this change has occurred, and that a copy be forwarded to me at the address provided on this letter. If I am to be made responsible for the supply of Michael’s medication I will need full documentation for taxation and any other legal purposes. ¶ May I pose this hypothetical question? Suppose that Michael had not been able to tell me of this occurrence due to my absence from Melbourne, or death, or hospitalization from a stroke with subsequent inability to respond (I am 63 and these things do happen) Michael would not have had access to his medication because he would have had no money. Who is responsible for ensuring that he would have received his medication under those circumstances? Who should have known that he was unable to afford the medication? What is the duty of care of your service to provide medication for those people you case-manage who have no money to pay because they are on a fixed pension which may not even cover their rent, leave alone normal living expenses such as clothing, toiletries and necessary travel to medical appointments, pharmacies etc.? (7/11. n orl H spndz O $8000/y-

eer soe Michael kan liv wth n mnmum f dgnti (13/11. much mor ths yeer koz n mowthfl f teeth needd fixn wch f heed gon n th waetn list wood hav 4ln out b4 hiz tern kaem n 2½ yeerz tiem)) ¶ I understand that you may have reasons for the new regimen. You will understand that as Michael’s mother I am the person who experiences the full impact of Michael’s decline from stability if it happens, and as a result I have a keen on-going interest in his physical, mental and financial circumstances. I wonder what may happen to all those mentally ill patients who have noone to monitor their welfare (7/11. Big Dave (th merkn hooz dad haz werkt wth th dsdvntjd orl hiz lief) woz

bak n Miller st 2 pae n vzit larst week. ♂ sez n th mieti US of A th vraj lief kspktnsi f n hoemls man 1s ♂ z n th streetz z 3 yeerz (O th saem z 4 n polsh dportee → SIBERIA x STALIN). Bob & Bev (Joez K8eez gr&prnts) sor meni hoemls men n thr 1st vzit → New York but 0 n th 2nd. Thei maed nkwiereez but noe1 kood tel thm (r seem 2 kair) whr thei had gon. (12/11. n Melb thei r goen 2 poot em → bordn hausz 4 th juraeshn f th kmnwlth gaemz.)) when they cannot afford their medication. Perhaps the government can build more bridges for them to sleep under or employ more policemen to control them (3/11. x shootn sum of em 9

ded) when they become a social nuisance. ¶ I have asked my solicitor to sign this letter as witness that it has been written. I would appreciate your keeping it on file in case of future correspondence. ¶ Yours sincerely…. The letter was only sent because of the run-around I got from Chandler House where numero-us phone calls trying to speak to someone who could explain the situation and clarify Michael’s worries ended in failure. Here is a record, written at the time, of the rigmarole : Thursday, 22/9/05. Following is the account of my communication with Chandler and Murno-ng concerning Michael’s ability to pay $25 per month for his anti-psychotic medication. I learnt of the issue from Michael when I saw him on Sunday 18/9/05 after 2 ½ months absence from Melbourne on long service leave. ¶Tuesday, 20/9/05 : rang Chandler House to speak to Michael’s case-worker, Glennis, about the issue. Explained my concern to the receptio-nist. Told by receptionist that Glennis was sick, but would be back tomorrow (Wednesday). Left my mobile number and receptionist said that Glennis would call me on Wednesday. ¶ Wednesday, 21/9/05 : There was no message on my mob-ile so rang Chandler House again. I know that case-workers are very busy and may have unexpected emergencies to deal with which could delay a call back. Asked to speak to Glennis and was told by the receptionist that she was on Long Service Leave and would not be back until November. Asked to be put through to someone who would be dealing with Michael. Was told that Glennis’ cases had not yet been allocated but was put through to a male who gave me his na-me, which I failed to write down and cannot remember because by this stage I was becoming distressed and angry at what seemed to me to be “buck passing”. The man I told of my concerns was sympathetic but said that it was out of his hands because his level of decision making was not the level on which these decisions are made. I asked him who I nee-ded to talk to. He told me that Gavin Foster was the director of services and gave me a phone number (9871 3988) where he believed Mr Foster was working that day. When I rang (Murnong centre) and asked to speak with him, identifying my-self as Michael Smith’s mother, the receptionist put me on hold for a while and then told me that Mr Foster was on a two day in-service, but would be back at Chandler House on Thursday, his in-service having been on Tuesday and Wednes-day. ¶ Thursday, 22/9/05 : Rang Chandler House and asked to speak to Mr Foster. Was told he was unavailable, but if I left my number he would ring me back. As I was in a public phone booth I declined the offer and said that I would send him a letter about the issue instead. I then asked for his official title as I needed to address the letter correctly so that if would definitely find him. The receptionist said that she didn’t know his official title and that she would put me through to someone who did. I was connected to the message bank of someone who asked me to leave a message. Since I didn’t know who the person was or if and when she would be of any assistance, I hung up and redialled Chandler House, infor-ming the receptionist that the person she put me through to was unavailable. She then gave me Mr Foster’s official title : Manager, Murnong and Chandler Continuing Care Team, Chandler House, 16-18 Albert St., Upper Ferntree Gully. ¶ I still don’t know if this title is correct, given the confusion my simple requests ( to speak to someone who knew the facts ; to know to whom to direct correspondence) seemed to have caused. I have written my letter explaining my concerns, and will have it witnessed by my solicitor next Tuesday 27/9/05. I will then send it by registered mail. I know that it will find the location but I wonder whether it will find the person. If the title is wrong it may sit in an in-tray somewhere until it is cov-ered in dust. Perhaps I will never get an answer. However I am a determined person and will keep knocking until some-one opens up. ¶ Tuesday 27/9/05. Had letter read by solicitor who was happy to sign it and suggested sending copies to as many organizations as I could think of, including Tony Abbott and Bronwyn Pike, and to one of his good friends who is local member for Doncaster. Also rang Mental Illness Fellowship where I was asked to send a copy, and it was suggested I also send a copy to SANE Australia. ¶ So far I have sent letters to : Gavan Foster of Murnong and Chandler Continuing Care Team; Kevin Andrews, MP for Doncaster; Bronwyn Pike, State Health Minister and member for Melbourne ;Mental Illness Fellowship; SANE Australia. ¶ Monday 3/10/05. Rang Dennis (Michael’s landlord) about Michael’s $30 per fortni-ght rent supplement and mentioned my concerns about the $25 medication fee. He says it has been put in place by Mar-oondah Hospital!! ¶ About 5pm Barbara Hocking from SANE Australia rang me – she has heard that another hospital is doing the same. She was most helpful and gave me more names for my letter list : Christopher Pyne, Parliamentary Undersecretary for Health, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT who is Tony Abbott’s offsider; Dr. Ruth Vine, Director of Mental Health, Department of Human Services, 555 Collins St. She also suggested copies for both the Federal and State members for the electorate covering Bayswater, since they are Michael’s electoral representatives. Have to get on the Internet tomorrow and find out who they are. She says the federal member is Peter Costello’s parliamentary undersecretary. She has a meeting with the Democrats on Sunday and promises to bring it to the attention of Lyn Allison who is on a senate committee inquiring into mental health at the moment. After a few days, I decided to ring the pha-rmacy

where Michael gets his medication and find out if they knew what was going on. The person who answered the phone said that it was the hospital that informed them of the change through a flyer which she faxed to me at my req-uest. It had no organizational name, phone number or signature of an auth-orizing person on it, just the news that each script would now cost $4 (Michael gets a month’s supply at a time - wonder where the $25 fits in.) Her comment was that the whole situation with medication was “a dog’s breakfast”. She then looked up some paperwork the pharmacy had and informed me that Michael was on the exempt list! I was pleased to hear that, but also really angry that the 10

case-worker had given Michael incorrect information which had caused him stress. I also felt foolish as the letters I had sent were factually incorrect and therefore less likely to be acknowledged or answered. So far I have had one response – from Kevin Andrews who has passed on the information to Tony Abbott (30/10. n The Age 2day (p16) he sed “I have perhaps an overdeveloped sense of duty and service, thanks to the Jesuits and my dad.”) and who promises to inform me of his reply if it happ-ens. I have still (16/11/05) heard nothing from Chandler House (16/11 but today I received a letter from Bronwyn Pike, Minister for Health : “The Chief Psychiatrist has responsibility under the Mental Health Act for persons receiving treatment and care for a mental illness and his office can be contacted by telephone on 9616 7571 if you wish to discuss the matter further. I am advised that the Chief Psychiatrist is following up on your concerns with Eastern Health and will be responding directly to you.”),not even a court-esy phone call. It speaks volumes about the

shambolic state of mental health services in Victoria (3/11. but th prpraeshn 4 th kmnwlth gaemz r n shduel & soez th ljslaeshn th@ wil llow ppl 2 b ‫ٱ‬d & dsntn pnion 2 b sprst & mor il ppl 2 b put → streets z thei r n th US of A).) & sh had a txt msj ← K8 teln mi 2 reed mi msj bank but I dont no how 2) ↑N & a litl bit ←W (190kz) → Here (w r on th wai 2 Charters Towers & hav kampt in skrub a few kz off th hiway nxt 2 a staishn rode. 0 karz hav gon x & 0 wil durin th nite. Th erth & skrub r tpkli arid but th air streem (← pacifk) iz humid & warm & it iz drizln. On th wai w drove past a pair of bustardz on th rode verj. It iz a rleef 2 b way from th kamprz & thr kidz & thr geer.) 4got 2 mnshn th@ H iz limpn 2dai wth th smorlst toze on her rite foot plain ↑ & it looks like ♀ mite luze th nail on her rite big toe 2 bruzin. Wnzdi 20/7/05. Mi ju-jmnt woz mpaird x mi 3rd (I kan heer a pokie klikn ovr bhind mi – wr@ th Forrest Beach (8/11 ie think-twoz sumwhr O heer n 97 ie met mie x2. ← ‘GULF TRIP’: “Andrew, ¶ I’ll probably beat this letter back to Melbourne but I still cant bury the encounter with my doppelganger. I am still trying to understand why its had such an effect on me. ¶ The romantics were infatuated with the idea and Schubert has a song in his last and most famous lieder cycle which he wrote when he knew he was dying (at the age of 31) in which he encounters his doppelganger who do-esn’t answer him but presses on ahead of him into the distance. The song is very dark, the id-ea being that you meet your ‘double’ (that’s what the word translates into) when you are in the grey, indefinable area that separates the world of the living from the world on the ‘other side’. Pity the idea lost popularity before the sci-fi writers came on the scene as it would have made a lot of sense in a world of parallel universes. Every now and again due to some warp in the fabric of time (or an excess of alcohol) the universes might get less parallel and meet for a bit and that’s when the sci-fi hero would meet his double. ¶ What gets me about Frank Roberts is not so much the similarity of his ideas to mine but his way of expressing them. His g-estures, his emphatic way of speaking, his tendency to search for the poetic phrase, his rea-diness to acknowledge that many layers of understanding could co-exist at the same time were uncannily familiar. There was a knowingness in the way we sized each other up that remains unnerving. I suppose it means that by pure chance our brains have been similarly wi-red because our experiences of life are not similar. He seems to feel he has been unlucky in love, while the women in my life, particularly the women who know me well, eg. wife, moth-er, daughter, have treated and continue to treat me better than I feel I deserve. ¶ It’s a hu-mbling experience because it suggests that we get to where we are not by exertion but by the play of chance. I’ve suggested anyway that most of what we perceive as struggles with-in ourselves about making decisions and choices about life styles don’t really affect the out-comes (which are determined, perhaps, by far more obscure sources too deep within oursel-ves to ever be grasped) but are only about the rationalizations we intend to use to justify wh-at we will do anyway. (Sorry for that long sentence). And I’m old enough to have no claims to originality in anything, either trivial or basic, having met plenty of people who’ve taken ev-erything further than I ever would. To meet somebody whose gestures and style mirror your-self is something again; but you tell me that you’ve had comparable 11

experiences when you visited the village your father came from in Slovakia. When alls said and done the above co-nsiderations still don’t provide a satisfactory explanation for the eerie feeling I’m left with. Per-haps I’ve been affected by Schubert’s song and a gothic imagination. But I’m not normally subject to preternatural intuitions! I’m not looking forward to the next meeting with my dou-ble because we wouldn’t have much to tell each other. ¶ See Ya! ¶ a … z ”) Hotel 17kz out of Ingham whch I woz tort az a kid @ St Patz (24/10. c ‘22/11/00 – 7/12/00’) iz th wetst town (12/11. ma-eb twoz Innisfail) in oz but th titl iz dsputed x Tully & Babinda a bit ↑ N) stubi whch I had bort @ Cler-mont & ftr w setld ↓ larst nite wen it bgan 2 rain liteli on kkazshnz I startd woriin O th rodeside kulvrt (dich) I had †d → our ● off th rode. I woz on th nside of a slite kerv & I reelizd th@ if it raind & th dpr-shn fild up propr w kood b stuk 4 weeks. Wen I told H & got out of bed & th van 2 nspkt th lie of th l& ♀ sed not 2 worri & sumwot techli “do u wont mi 2 get out of bed?” (its pisn ↓ outside az it haz bn th ntire time sins w left Charters Towers). Wen I fnali fel sleep I woz dreemn O orl kindz of snarioze of ngosi8n wth varius ppl in varius setnz wethr I kood b towd out & H woz veri much in theez evnts & orl our pathlojeez wer bein plaid out in gzadjr8d 4m ptkoriali (I wont giv n kkount) til fnali (nsidntli I herd a sharp hevi showr erlier in th nite & it trgrd ORGASMk spazmz in mi (in mi dreem?)) I showtd out in ngr in a xmpl of sum rdkulus moshnl poschr I m kapbl of doptn & I woke mislf up 2 th sownd of rain 4ln stedli on th roof. Th@ & th dreem knvinsd mi wi had 2 → out of thr b4 it woz 2 l8. H woz in greem-nt so @ 5.15 w ↑N (300kz) → Charters Towers (where I rang Kate (no connection), Joe (fired from his phone job with the National Bank (last on, first off) but OK with it and spending his time reading Freud and Jung (9/11. & medt8n 45 mns/dae)), th-en Dan (who Joe said was back from his modelling expedition to Milan (24/10. c ‘10/2/05 – 18/2/05’ p4; dae b4 ystrdi got ← NZ)) who sounded chirpy and had a good time though it was 35º every day with a couple over 40 º - he sweated profusely but got a tan. He’d seen Kate on the weekend and she’d sold one of her pieces to someone in the LaTrobe Valley for $100 and is on antibiotics for a further mo-nth as a result of her whooping cough/pneumonia bout. He’d also seen Ben who is OK, and a strict teacher in the driving lesson he gave Joe (3/11. ystrdae faeld th tst @ hiz 1st @mt). Since I had rung Michael from Emerald yesterday, that meant contact with all 5 kids has been made and there are no dramas (cross eyes, fingers, toes while clutching wood). Charters Towers has some fine, grand old buildings, including an impressive clock tower and a stockexchange buil-ding (now an arcade with tea-room and National Trust shop). Unfortunately it has awful coffee, ersatz hamburgers and lousy bread, despite charging top dollar. As we left it started really pissing down, which forced us in the Towns-ville direction as the longer journey we intended through Greenvale, The Lynd junction , Mount Garnet to Atherton & the Tablelands was on a road with a flood warning, parts of which are singlelane, to be shared with on-coming road trains which have right of way. That means pulling off the road to let th-em pass and the rain makes that manouvre dubious, and a camping spot for the night off the road almost certainly impossible. It pissed down all the way to here (Forrest Beach) with occasional flashes of lightning and even heavier fal-ls. “Sunny Queensland – beautiful one day, perfect the next”. The lady in the pub made me a free hot coffee cos she was cold and needed one to get warm. Everyone here is talking about the rain – its sugar cane harvesting time and it is not appreciated. Everyone we’ve met so far (rangers, information centre staff, people on the street and in shops we’ve asked for directions/info) have been very friendly and obliging. A young man in the pub here has bought John a 1&1/2 nip of rum, which the coffee lady said was “to warm your TOSSLE” (3/11. toss n. 1 an act of masturbation.-phr. 2. argue the toss , to go on arguing after a dispute has been settled. 3. to not give a toss, to be unconcerned; not care. 4. toss of f, a (of a male) to ejaculate sperm; have an orgasm. b. (of a male) to masturbate. c. to pr-oduce casually: to toss off a poem (5/11. H just tost 1 off: Crafty little Johnny and spineless big Kim /Tweedledee and Tweedledim /Conspired to mug democracy and push her off the hill /So if IR laws don’t get you ASIO surely will.//Tweedledee and Twee-dledim /Dangerous little Johnny and ineffectual big Kim /Have 12

worked hard together to make us understand/That fear, lies and evasions can ruin the wide brown land. (7/11. 2 mor poemz tost off n 2daez The Age p12 : “Ole man Howard, / Dat ole man Howard, / He must know something, / He don’t say nothing, / But ole man Howard, / He just keeps rolling along …” - Ivar Dorum, Hawthorn. & howz ths 4 n bueti : “Jabberwocky ¶ ‘Twas chillig, / And the slimey coves conspired and swindled o’er our wage, / All mimsy were the Beazley boys, / While Andrews-spin soiled page by page. // Beware the Jabber-John my son! / With jaws that lie and laws that lash. / Beware the gargoyle Ruddock-hawk, / His sedition claws your tongue will slash.”- Peter McCarthy, Mentone.)). 5. toss up , to weigh up in order to make a decision. ¶ tosser n. a stupid or annoying person; a jerk; a wanker. ¶ tossle n. the penis. Also, tossil. [variant of tassel]). As if it needs any more war-ming!) I told her I had betr waiz of getn it wormd. I hav 2 kmmnt on th hmbrgrz I had in ROMA (c ‘Vilnius (no 2)’ p8) & in Charters Towers az theez townz r in prize beef kuntri (31/10. From ‘GULF TR-IP’ : “25.08.97 Jundah QLD. ¶ Andrew, ¶ don’t consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, instead consider the bullocks of the scrub. That’s what I was doing last night camped a kilometer or two off the single strip of bitumen that connects Quilpie to Windorah. The ‘three-trailer’ road trains roar east, one after the other, late into the night. They are chock a block full of bullocks heading for the abattoirs on the coast in Ingham, Rockhampton (etc) …. They will take a couple of days to get there. There is no other traffic on the road as there is too much danger of hitting animals at night, especially kangaroos, emus, pigs and free running cattle which constitute a significant portion of the road kill here. ¶ The road journey is the mi-ddle part of the most intense period in the bullocks lives. It starts when they are in the prime of condition and only several years old when they are mustered in the scrub by men on trail bikes and helicopters. Then the TERROR really begins when they are coralled in tightly pack-ed herds with the help of vicious cattle dogs bred for the task prior to being loaded for their first and final journey starting on the properties scattered along the Coopers Creek north and south of Windorah. ¶ From the first days of muster to the final bullet or electric shock in the slaughter house takes only a few weeks yet the bullocks live more intensely in this short time than in the entire years of their previous existence in the scrub plains. Their lives are so full of what is new, tumultuous, and incomprehensible that they have forgotten, by the time they are packed tight in the trailers, that they ever had a previous life. If some faint, dreamlike memory of the scrub surfaces at all they must believe, or we would in similar circumstances, that these images have no connection with their lives but are an intuition (vision?) of the pa-radise that awaits them. If they could communicate with each other they would tell each other that it will be alright finally and those of them who have a clearer vision cheer the oth-ers with descriptions of those halcyon plains. They are wrong of course for the picture they draw is not of the future but of the past which is their own, and irretrievable. They will not know the moment of their death as when bullocks are slaughtered it is essential that they have no inkling of what is about to happen as otherwise they tense their muscles and the resulting beef becomes tough permanently. ¶ The road trains cannot stop quickly even in an emergency because sudden braking makes the trailers jack-knife, hence the road kill. If the bullocks on the train are capable of being aware of the occasional thud or of the others of their own species lying twisted by the roadside then they must know, or at any rate we wou-ld, that they are in the grip of an inexorable process. ¶ a …z”). In ROMA th ‘beef’ rsole had NO MEAT IN IT!! – it woz a bubl-n-skweek p@i of th kind u x in pakts @ SUPERMARKTS. In Chartrz Towrz it kost $7.50 kkordn 2 th bord but thei took $8.70 off mi & then I notist in smorl ritin on th bord th@ BACON woz $1.20 xtra. Wel th@s 2rst l& 4 u but 2 top it off th so korld ‘beef’ rsole woz – maid from th veri fineli gO mins th@ iz mor like paist, iz pale pink in kulr & probli knsists mostli of bred & taists lowzi. Top prices 4 krap kwalti iz th norm here – xept in pubz (ovr th larst weeks I hav kwired a permnt DISPEPTK NOZE (3/11. ftr chekn n ‘The Shorter Oxford Dictionary’ tz kleer 2 mi ie nvntd th fraez zt maeks noe sens. Ie ment n prmnt redns n & O th noez – ie ‘strorbri noez’ (12/11. H sjstd th term but ie 13

think ‘strorbri’ znt rfrn 2 th kulr but 2 th pitd txchr like her dad had – but ie havnt gott yet.))). Speaking of rip-offs, there is a National Park here called “Undara Volcanic National Park, Savannah Way, via Mt Surprise, Queensland 4871” where entrance to the park is “by guided tour only. Booking essential.” The prices are as follows for a single adult : 2 hour lava tube tour : $37; ½ day tour : $65; full day tour : $97; wildlife sunset tour: $39; helicopter scenic flight : $99. Accomodation (called “The Undara Experience”) ranges from restored railway carriages : $75 per ni-ght; tent village : $18 (linen $7extra); Wilderness Lodge : $25 (firewood $7/bu-ndle); caravan park and camp ground : $7(firewood $7/bundle); Safari Shelt-er : $9 (firewood $7/bundle). The place has been “leased” to the Col


lins family : “Our f am i l y were the f i r s t wh i te se t t l e r s i n th i s p lace , back i n the 1 S ince then , s i x Co l l i n s genera t i ons have exp lo red these s t range f o rmat - i ons bene l and , now acc la imed as one o f the l onges t l ava tube sys t - ems i n How’s the wor that ld . ” for a rip off/sell out combined. Imagine Tower Hill or the Grampians or any other National Park being “privatized” like that. We pay taxes to have National Parks in the first place and then we have to pay exorbitant prices to use them – it’s the first such instance I’m aware of and it made me froth at the mouth! The old lady in the info centre (name badge “Gl-adys”) reckons its to prevent vandalism! Wel here w r n tropkl ↑N QLD, & it haznt stopt porn sins w startd drivin @ 5.15am. W karnt eevn eet from th bak of th van az w r lredi a bit soggi so w r O 2 → th shop 4 FISH & CHIPS & then kum bak here → pub 2 get a site 4 th van az thei own th ttacht kravn park. (wile H woz ritin I red WrAoLbSeErRtZ ‘The Little Berliner’; th newz itm n shCaOpReBlYle on th big TV skreen kort th @10shn of th bar paitrnz; H iz reedn ‘Angels and Demons’ x BdRaOnWN.) In a wai th rain mai b a blessn az H kan nli hobl az ♀ kant put w8 on th 2 litl toze of her rite foot. On th wai ← Ingham → here w parst th bigst shoogr mil in th S hemiO. In QLD thei r →2 ‘th bigst’ & ‘th longst’ & ‘th moestst’. (1/11. soe ie + n letr ie roet ← QLD stil n mie arte-postale daez az its O – ‘th moest mportnt’. Ie kwoett n full zt ppeerd n ‘GULF TRIP’ (c’13/9/05’ p1) : “24.09.97. Lil Chile ¶ What I am doing, Chile, is racking my brains and observations to work out filosofik questions of what are THE IMPORTANT THINGS. Then I am goin all about the country comparin the importint things in each class to themselves to find the very best. There arnt many important things in life and if I tell you the best ones you wont need to travel as far as I have had to find quality. Of course your dad could get them from a book or find even better ones in New York. However here are the tentative results of my invesigashins. ¶ PUBS. Yes, little fella, the Toompine Hotel with its contradictory juxtapsishin of small intimate bar and wide open country outside is hard to beat. But then all the 3 Normanton ones have fabbo lounge/beer garden areas. And then I was in a beauty at Mossman and how can you compare anifink to the one at Croydon QLD or that absolute pearler at Babinda. These are the jewels in the crown that I is giving you. By comparison the one at Cardwell is a bit ordinary but instead of payin $3 for a stubby of VB (Yes, chile, it far outranks 4X in QLD) to drink at the bar you win two ways by payin $2 to take away and drinkin it on the public jetty. And that brings me to the other of the IMPORTINT FINGS in life what I am investigatin by trapesin all over the country : ¶ JETTIES. The one at Cardwell is good and the company at the end of it is always stimulatin late into the night. It is a sensitive crowd there. In the windows of shops, like the one from which I got this paper I am writin on there are signs, and in the front yards of houses too, chile, which all say : ‘PORT HINCHINBROOK YES YES YES’. They mean the resort they is building down the road. But the sensitive types on the jetty have a consensus of ‘NO NO NO’. They is so sensitive to the true values of the heart in this crowd that no one catches any fish because they don’t want to be cutting em up and, even worse, eating them dead. The germin kid who comes here every nite from 7 to 10.30 has been fishing even in Morocco and New Zealand and India and the world over and he never catches anyfink coz he doesn’t want to hurt them . At 10.30 he picks up his rods and nets and leaves with his bucket empty as usual. He is very talkative and like all of us probably comes here for the company but he only gets going if you start him off. If you want to drink your stubby by yourself in a dreamy mood he wont bother you. Ah, the lights reflektin off the water, the lovely sound of waves lappin against the pylons, the bump of boats against each other …. And all this in a tropic nite that gits warmer as it gets later; for, yes chile, here in Cardwell, just after sunset a little cool breeze springs up and you is thinkin of putting on a shirt when it drops away again as it gets darker and by the time you is back from the pub with your stubby it is warmin up again. There are jetties and jetties. How about the one at Peach Tree in Victoria, or the little ones at Corringle, peaceful hey! Or what about the old wharf at Normanton where the croc cruises by, or the beaut one at Port Fairy or Port Albert! Your dad will probably burble on about the one at Palanga or the Kursiu Mares in Lifuania but who gives a shit about that. There are hundreds and hundreds all over down here. What about the one at Port Germein SA. Last night at about 10 at night only the germin and me was left on the pier and we woz not talking cause he could tell I wanted to be wid my thoughts and I was eating a hamburger which is very juicy here so that the juice was 15

runnin down my wrist to my elbow and from my elbow onto my knee coz you must understand, chile, I wasn’t exercizin very good control of it coz I was holdin a stubby in my other hand and I was thinkin, I was thinkin : ‘the world can be so beautiful sometimes that it is too beautiful for our minds to apprehend. Too, too beautiful.’ You see I had survived my encounter with the DECIBEL BOYS from the other night. But to tell the truth the hamburgers at Cardwell are by no means perfect. ¶ HAMBURG-ERS. And I don’t mean the good folk deutche of HAMBURG in uber alles. I travel the length and brea-dth of the land seeking the perfect one. The ones at Cardwell are higher than they are in diameter. They think they impress you with that but from me they get demerits. The perfect hamburger must have a SUBSTANTIALLY greater diameter, lil Rudi, than it is high. Otherwise you practically dislokate your jaw as you try to get a bite on it and the filling squeezes out of the sides unevenly and dribbles down your wrist to your elbow and then your knee and people look at you strangely when they see you lickin your knee. I know, chile. The perfect hamburger is made from buns that have a bit of text-ure, not the soft, sugary, cakey type of thing you get in McDonalds or in packets of 6 in supermarkets sold as ‘hamburger buns’. They must be toasted on the insides. Some places these days are cheetin to save time by just warmin them in a microwave. And chile, never never put cheese or beetroot (3/11/05. or pienapl) in one but put a lot of fried onion; and the salad of course. Ya don’t want heaps of juice that runs onto the plate like soup and you hav ta drink it up. But you do want enough juice to make your fingers greezy – the good kind of juice what comes off the fried onion and slightly crisped bacon. And I mean bacon, not that crappy manufactured stuff that is often substituted and they is lieingly callin ‘ham’. If the diameter is very wide all the better, the one at Babinda was as wide as a plate but still not too high to wrap your jaws over it. It cost $3.70 and was bigger than two ordinary ones in Melbourne which sets a benchmark for price, a critical factor. No perfikt hamburger should cost more; the one at Quilpie was $3.50. I know that your dad will say that he can get one at the Clide or the Prince of Wales or whatever that pub is called, for 1½ c with a pot of beer thrown in and save enough money, if he eats enough of em, to buy more real estate, but that’s crap. He has soled his sole to the devil. The cheap jobs are wafer thin and they have nothin inside except insipid shit, and they have no texture neither and above all they is eatin in the wrong spirit. For to have a really great one it is not just the thing itself but the subtil newancy things around it that make the difference between perfikt and also ran. … Chile, I can imagine us one day eatin a perfikt hamburger (maybe at Quilpie) after a few stubbies that we drank all arvo at the perfikt pub (maybe at Toompine) sittin on the perfikt pier (probably at Port Germein) and we is havin an conversation (maybe about THE IMPORTANT FINGS): ¶ “You forgot to mention the meat but I already know you will be sayin it must be good quality juicy real beef mince not them round disks from packets”. “Pass me another stubby and screw the lid off, them stars look great when youse is lying flat on your back like this. Like they is dancing to the musik of the water lappin against the boats and they is shimmerin and wiggling and then all you see is sort of blurry becoz the musik is all over”. “That’s because your eyes are shut”. “ Oh, yair, better pour it in to me mouth as I’m talkin, otherwise its hard to handle in this posishin”. “So you reckon it’s the newancy things around the edges.” “Yair, like the way at Quilpie the woman smiles at you when she gives ya the burger. Just because she can see that you is not like her hubby and you wouldn’t break her jaw again becoz she was feelin too tired to screw on cue”. “That’s almost like sayin it’s the journey and not the destination.” “Be careful when you pour, I don’t want ya to get me in the eye again like ya did the last time.” “That wasn’t me, that was Danny, and he didn’t get ya in the eye, ya got it in the nostrils.” “Ah yair I remember now. He’s always doin things like that he’s so agitatid.” “Or its like sayin its not the peak of the mountain that counts but gittin there.” “Or not gettin there, but how you don’t. When I shut it at the end of the word stop pourin will ya, your gettin it all over me face.” “Not the four points, not the getting into the grand final, but the way ya bomb out. Talk slower and open your mouth more.” “It’s the style that counts. Bow out with style. Ya reckon Pete polishes it or it shines like that naturally?” “It’s the operashin, hes been like that ever since. Having to keep it secret from the parints is what broke his spirit.” “They know he’s bald, mate.” “No, no, I mean Danny. His parints wouldn’t be able to handle it. They is littleaneans. “ “And they go on visits to Lifuania”. “Tough double.” “Or do ya reckon Vamzdys shines it up for him when they go surfin. With that stuff they youse 16

on the boards. Missed again.” “Dubbin.” “In the end its not what but how.” “Yair, but what if ya bomb out without style. Disgracefully?” “That’s a tough one.” “Fits most of us, but what if ya bomb out, without style, and ya got no money?” “We talkin about the same person?” “Maybe it gets shiny from rubbin against the wall or the top of his bed when hes asleep. Vamzdys and him aint talkin ya know.” “Don’t have to just to give his nut the occasional buff and polish." “Hardly anyone in the littleanian kommunity talks to each other.” “Theyre not missin nuffin.” “Faustas talks in littleanean”. “Same thing.” “He frew away his mind in lifuania.” “Sounds like the title of a song, what is it, yair : Don’t cry for me Argentina.” “Frew it a long way. Coz theres no evidence of it left.” “Listen Prof. Im gunna solve your problem. Don’t pour on the konsonints, just on the vowels, you got me in the ear that time.” “Do ya reckon Ruke would sign a cheque for us not to catch fish on jetties? He’s the treasurer.” “And he’s kind, he wouldn’t hurt a fish.” “Ive seen him eatin them, with us in Tassie.” “He doesn’t have to while he’s signin the cheque though. Then we could go all over the country testin out jetties to see which is the most perfikt for not catchin fish.” “Or maybe its vitamins that get him that way.” “Not enough of em.” “What do ya mean?” “Make him so agitatid. Cause he was like that already before the op.” “I mean vitamins that make Pete’s head so shiny.” “Or not enough of them that makes you know who so dum.” “Probly the combination.” “They never made you a prof for nuffink.” “You earn all ya get, mate, fillin out forms, applikashins.” “Suppose ya even worked out how to make this a tax deduktion.” “They don’t pay me fer nuffin.” “Why ya stopt pourin?” “Ya finished yours.” “Give me one of yours. Pay ya back tomorrow.” “Which pier?” “Cardwell.” “Im out anyway.” “That finishes the lesson then.” “What was the topik?” “HOW NOT TO POUR BEER.” “No, no, no, no it wasn’t I remember it was all bout : DA IMPORTINT FIN(G)S IN LIFE.” “Same fin(g).” ¶ a…z”)


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