Answer Key Phrasal Verbs Quiz A.docx

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PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 1A 1.- Come across  Meet or find by chance.  informal Hand over or provide what is wanted. 2.- look after  to take care of or be in charge of something 3.- Take after  to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character 4.- Give away  Something that is given free to a customer  Informal something that tells or shows something secret, often without intending to  Something that communicates information. When there is no intention to do this  Something provided at no charge, or for which nothing is expected in return 5.- Put away  To put something in the place or container where it is usually kept  Informal to eat a large amount of food  To save money to spend later or for a special purpose

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 2A 6.- Work something out  To happen or develop in a particular way 7) Bring up  To start to talk about a particular subject  UK informal to vomit something 8) Fill something up  To make something full, or to become full 9) Wake up  To (cause to) become conscious after sleeping  To start to react to a situation after a period in which you have done very little, or to make someone start to react to a situation 10) Get out of something  To leave a closed vehicle, building, etc.  To go out to different places, spend time with people, and enjoy yourself  If news or information gets out, people hear about it although someone is trying to keep it secret  Said when you do not believe or agree with what someone is saying

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 3A A) Write the meaning of the verbs 1.- Come across  Meet or find by chance.  informal Hand over or provide what is wanted. 2.- look after  to take care of or be in charge of something 3.- Take after  to be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character 4.- Give away  Something that is given free to a customer 1

 Informal something that tells or shows something secret, often without intending to  Something that communicates information. When there is no intention to do this  Something provided at no charge, or for which nothing is expected in return 5.- Put away  To put something in the place or container where it is usually kept  Informal to eat a large amount of food  To save money to spend later or for a special purpose 6.- work something out  To happen or develop in a particular way 7) Bring up  To start to talk about a particular subject  UK informal to vomit something 8) Fill something up  To make something full, or to become full 9) Wake up  To (cause to) become conscious after sleeping  To start to react to a situation after a period in which you have done very little, or to make someone start to react to a situation 10) Get out of something  To leave a closed vehicle, building, etc.  To go out to different places, spend time with people, and enjoy yourself  If news or information gets out, people hear about it although someone is trying to keep it secret  Said when you do not believe or agree with what someone is saying 11) Wear out  To make someone extremely tired  To use something so much or for so long that it is no longer usable 12) Give something up  To stop doing or to stop having something  To give up also means to lose or be defeated 13) Be up to  To be the responsibility of someone  Doing (something that might be bad or illegal), often secretly 14) Put out  To provide someone with a place to stay temporarily 15) Take up  How much people start to use or accept a service, or sometimes a product, that has become available to them  COMMERCE the degree to which people start to buy or use a product or service that has become available B) Complete the sentences. Use the verbs above 1. While she was climbing she came across a pair of golden earrings 2. What are our actual standards of education and how do we look after our young people? 3. My aunt brought up her three children without any help 4. My mother filled up the freezer for me before she went away 5. Hold the door open so that I can get out. 6. Please try not to wake the baby up l've only just got him to sleep. 2

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

My mother is living with us now, which is working out well I have not come across a single employer who supports this. I didn’t want to put my aunt out, so I only stayed one day with her How long does it take after a forest fire for new growth to appear? Once, you’ve finished reading please, put away your book. Will you wake me up at 7 o'clock tomorrow, please? She was bringing up in the country side His decision to give away a large portion of his fortune has made him immensely popular. He always puts away his toys when he’s finished playing with them. It was up to Roger to make sure all the doors and windows were locked My trip to London didn’t work out the way I’d planned Would it put your parents out if we brought the kids with us? At this bank we look after your assets as if they were our own. She took up languages and now speaks Chinese quite well. If we are honest, the Eurobond, or rather the new form it will take after 2013, will surely not be enough. The sofa has been completely worn out by so many children playing on it. The conductor is the person on a bus who gives up tickets Can I have a computer for Christmas? That is up to your father The papers were given up and we had an hour to do the test I used to do a bit of writing and l'd like to take it up again. He wears out two pairs of boots during one winter They ran to the fire exits in a desperate attempt to get out. We were so thirsty the water jug had to be filled up three times Feel free to sell your grandmother, Commissioner, but do not give away our European agriculture.

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 4A 1) Put out  To provide someone with a place to stay temporarily 2) Grow up  To gradually become an adult  If a town or city grows up in a particular place or way, it develops there or in that way  If you say “grow up” to someone, you are telling the person to stop behaving like a child 3) Set something up  To prepare or arrange something for use  The way in which things are organized or arranged  Informal a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do  To start a new business 4) Run out  To finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left  If a supply of something runs out, all of it has been used or it is completely finished  If a document or official agreement runs out, the period of time for which it lasts finishes 3

Used to say that there is not much time left in which to achieve something

5) Hold up  To remain strong or successful  Informal a delay  An occasion when someone steals from someone else using violence or the threat of violence

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 5A 1) Sell out  To sell all of the supply that you have of something  If a supply of something sells out, there is no more of that thing to buy  When a film, concert, etc. Is sold out, all of the tickets for it have been sold  A product that is no longer available, because all those that were available have been sold 2) Come round  To visit someone in their home  To change your opinion of something, often influenced by another person's opinion  If an event that happens regularly comes round, it happens at its usual time 3) Pick up  Something, often food or drink, that gives you more energy or makes you feel better  To increase or improve  To get or bring someone or something from somewhere  If the police pick someone up, they catch the person 4) Hang up  To end a phone conversation  A hang-up is also a feeling of anxiety  A problem that causes a delay 5) Fall over  If someone falls over, they fall to the ground  If something falls over, it falls onto its side  If a computer or a computer program falls over, it suddenly stops working

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 6A A) Write the meaning of the verbs 1) Put out  To provide someone with a place to stay temporarily 2) Grow up  To gradually become an adult  If a town or city grows up in a particular place or way, it develops there or in that way  If you say “grow up” to someone, you are telling the person to stop behaving like a child 3) Set something up  To prepare or arrange something for use  The way in which things are organized or arranged  Informal a situation in which someone is tricked into doing something or is made to seem guilty of something they did not do 4

To start a new business

4) Run out  To finish, use, or sell all of something, so that there is none left  If a supply of something runs out, all of it has been used or it is completely finished  If a document or official agreement runs out, the period of time for which it lasts finishes  Used to say that there is not much time left in which to achieve something 5) Hold up  To remain strong or successful  Informal a delay  An occasion when someone steals from someone else using violence or the threat of violence 6) Sell out  To sell all of the supply that you have of something  If a supply of something sells out, there is no more of that thing to buy  When a film, concert, etc. Is sold out, all of the tickets for it have been sold  A product that is no longer available, because all those that were available have been sold 7) Come round  To visit someone in their home  To change your opinion of something, often influenced by another person's opinion  If an event that happens regularly comes round, it happens at its usual time 8) Pick up  Something, often food or drink, that gives you more energy or makes you feel better  To increase or improve  To get or bring someone or something from somewhere  If the police pick someone up, they catch the person 9) Hang up  To end a phone conversation  A hang-up is also a feeling of anxiety  A problem that causes a delay 10) Fall over  If someone falls over, they fall to the ground  If something falls over, it falls onto its side  If a computer or a computer program falls over, it suddenly stops working 11) Give out  If a machine or part of your body gives out, it stops working  To last no longer, or to work no longer 12) Make up  To invent an excuse, a story, etc., often in order to deceive 13) Catch up  To reach someone or something by moving faster than the other person or thing  The activity of trying to do as well as a competitor or of trying to reach a level of achievement 14) Get over  To accept an unpleasant fact or situation after dealing with it for a while 5


To return to your usual state of health or happiness after having a bad or unusual experience, or an illness

Go out  To leave a room or building, especially in order to do something for entertainment  To lose when you are playing in a sports competition, so that you must stop playing in the competition

B) Complete the sentences. Use the verbs above 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

The company is still run by Anna Marsh, who set it up in 1983. Jill came round last night and study for hours. He picked up my bags and took them to my room. Isn’t Rose here yet? I’ll go and see what is holding her up I am afraid that he’d fallen over again and hurt himself The hand sold out of milk by 9:00 am He goes out a lot to the cinema with his fiends They moved around a lot while the children were grown up He didn’t go out as he was still getting over the flue Opposition to the road and a lack of cash has held up progress. He didn’t know the true facts so he made up Money runs out after four years and the building was never finished At the end of the race his legs gave out and he collapsed on the ground. Come round tonight and we'll watch a video I didn’t want to put my aunt out, so I only stayed one day with her The police finally caught up with the car at the traffic light He wants to be a firefighter when he grows up We’re going out for a meal. Do you want to come? I just touched the vase and it fell over Would it put your parents out if we brought the kids with us? Don’t hang up on me, please. We need to talk Mary was crying to be picked up and carried. They’re a long way in front. Do you think we catch up? Can I have a copy of the handout? I am afraid we’ve run out Food supplies will give out by the end of the week. I loved Marck very much. It took me a long time to get over him They often talked about setting up their own business Tickets for the game will sell out very quickly I don’t believe you! You’ve made up the whole story The number you dialed is busy. Please hang up and try again

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 7A 1) Speak up  To speak in a louder voice so that people can hear you  To express your opinion  To express support for a person or idea 2) Cheer up  If someone cheers up, or something cheers someone up, they start to feel happier 6

 To feel encouraged and happier, or to cause someone to feel this way 3) Get up  To stand up  UK If the wind gets up, it starts to grow stronger 4) Sort out  An occasion when you put things in order or in their correct place  To solve a problem 5) Own up to  To admit that you have done something wrong  To tell the truth or to admit that you are responsible for something

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 8A 1) Leave out  Not to include someone or something 2) Put on  To wear something 3) Work out  To exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body  To be the result of a calculation 4) Turn over  If an engine turns over, its parts move in order to make the engine start running  To sell and replace goods at a particular rate 5) Break up  If a marriage breaks up or two people in a romantic relationship break up, their marriage or their relationship ends  If someone who is talking on a mobile phone is breaking up, their voice can no longer be heard clearly.  A gradual division into smaller pieces

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 9A A) Write the meaning of the verbs 1) Speak up    2) Cheer up  

To speak in a louder voice so that people can hear you To express your opinion To express support for a person or idea If someone cheers up, or something cheers someone up, they start to feel happier To feel encouraged and happier, or to cause someone to feel this way

3) Get up   4) Sort out  

To stand up UK If the wind gets up, it starts to grow stronger An occasion when you put things in order or in their correct place To solve a problem 7

5) Own up to  To admit that you have done something wrong  To tell the truth or to admit that you are responsible for something 6) Leave out  Not to include someone or something 7) Put on  To wear something 8) Work out  To exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body  To be the result of a calculation 9) Turn over  If an engine turns over, its parts move in order to make the engine start running  To sell and replace goods at a particular rate 10) Break up  If a marriage breaks up or two people in a romantic relationship break up, their marriage or their relationship ends  If someone who is talking on a mobile phone is breaking up, their voice can no longer be heard clearly.  a gradual division into smaller pieces 11) Be up to  To be the responsibility of someone  Doing (something that might be bad or illegal), often secretly 12) Look up  To become better  To improve 13) Blow up  When a storm blows up, it begins.  Informal to suddenly become very angry  Needing to be filled with air in order to be used 14) Keep up  To be able to understand or deal with something that is happening or changing very fast  To stay level or equal with someone or something 15) Hold up  Informal a delay  If information holds up, it is proved to be true B) Complete the sentences. Use the verbs above 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Maria was cheered up by a letter from her mother Can you speak up a bit? People at the back of the room can't hear you. Hurry up! It’s time to get up There’s a crisis at the office and they need me to sort it out I realized that he left Jenny out and went to get a cup for her. You'll have to speak up, I can't hear you. Nothing I could say would cheer her up What time do you have to get up tomorrow? We have sorted out our problems and everything is fine now Will anybody own up to braking the window 8

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Why did you decide to leave Smith out the team? The two men were tragically blew up by a car bomb in 1987 Jack was walking fast, but I kept up with him Don’t be afraid to own up to your mistakes It was up to Roger to make sure all the doors and windows were locked I had to look several words up in the dictionary Last year, the store's inventory turned over three times There was a huge bang as the fuel tank blew up It is really sad when a marriage breaks up. Put a clean t-shirt on before dinner, please I hope things will start to look up in the New Year. Opposition to the road and a lack of cash has held up progress. Isn’t Rose here yet? I’ll go and see what is holding her up My mother is living with us, which is working out well She had a shower and put on a new t-shirt I like to work out every Monday at the gym. He broke up his relationship because she was cheating him That is my suggestion but the decision is up to you When I put the key in the ignition it turns over, but it won't start. We were walking very fast and I almost had to run to keep up

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 10A 1) Put up with  To be willing to accept someone or something that is unpleasant or not desirable. 2) Turn somebody down  A rejection or refusal  A decline in something. 3) Have on  To persuade someone that something is true when it is not, usually as a joke  An act of deception or trickery. 4) Drop off  To start to sleep  If the amount, number, or quality of something drops off, it becomes less  A reduction in the amount or level of something 5) Set off  To start on a trip  UK LAW the right to pay a person or organization less money than you owe them because they also owe you money

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 11A 6) Call back  A telephone call made to return one that someone has received  An invitation to return for a second audition or interview 7) Put something on  To move something you wear onto your body  To wear something  9

8) Look forward to  To feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen  Formal used at the end of a formal letter to say you hope to hear from or see someone soon, or that you expect something from them 9) Tell somebody off  To criticize someone angrily 10) Cut down  Reduced in scope or length

PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 12A A) Write the meaning of the verbs 1) Put up with  To be willing to accept someone or something that is unpleasant or not desirable. 2) Turn somebody down  A rejection or refusal  A decline in something. 3) Have on  To persuade someone that something is true when it is not, usually as a joke  An act of deception or trickery. 4) Drop off  To start to sleep  If the amount, number, or quality of something drops off, it becomes less  A reduction in the amount or level of something 5) Set off  To start on a trip  UK LAW the right to pay a person or organization less money than you owe them because they also owe you money 6) Call back  A telephone call made to return one that someone has received  An invitation to return for a second audition or interview 7) Put something on  To move something you wear onto your body  To wear something 8) Look forward to  To feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen  Formal used at the end of a formal letter to say you hope to hear from or see someone soon, or that you expect something from them 9) Tell somebody off  To criticize someone angrily 10) Cut down  Reduced in scope or length 11) Get out  To leave a closed vehicle, building, etc.  To go out to different places, spend time with people, and enjoy yourself  If news or information gets out, people hear about it although someone is trying to keep it secret  Said when you do not believe or agree with what someone is saying



Get on  To go onto a bus, train, aircraft, or boat Write dawn  To record information on paper Check of  To mark names or items on a list as correct or as having been dealt with Go off  If a light or a machine goes off, it stops working  If a bomb goes off, it explodes  UK If food or drink goes off, it is not good to eat or drink any more because it is too old

13) 14) 15)

B) Complete the sentences. Use the verbs above 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean. Why did you turn down the invitation to Kate and Victor’s wedding? I have 5 missed calls from my mother. I had better call her back soon She had a shower and put on a new t-shirt If anyone tells Sonia off she goes and hides in her room I don't know how he puts up with their constant complaining. They told me to write down everything the woman had said to me. When we were checking off the rented items, we found a couple of things missing When are you planning to set off? Mr. Smith is not here in this moment, would you mind calling him back in one hour? Put a clean t-shirt on before dinner, please I’ve spent far too much money this month. I really must cut down Do you get on with all the people you work with? Hold the door open so that I can get out. They ran to the fire exits in a desperate attempt to get out. She didn’t have any lipsticks on, which was unusual Will you drop the kids off at school on your way into town? I usually set off the college at about seven It's the Teacher's responsibility to check off the names of all the students. I’ve just been turning down for another job. I have on a pair of Jeans and T-shirts Where would you like to be dropped off ? The gun went off accidentally while he was holding it. Are you looking forward to this wedding? I heard that a bomb had gone off in the center of town The manager tells you off, if you arrive late Even if you`ve smoked all your life, it’s never too late to cut down She told him the address and he wrote it down on his notebook The three children get on very well together I wasn’t looking forward to go to the dentist again


PHRASAL VERBS QUIZ WEEK 13A 1. Settle down  To become familiar with a place and to feel happy and confident in it  To start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with your partner  Someone who settles down accepts responsibilities and lives a calmer life 2. Check out  If information, facts, etc. check out, you can prove that they are true or correct 3. Take after  To be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character 4. Take off  

to suddenly start to be successful or popular Stop using a piece of cloth

5 Let somebody down 

To disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do

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