Annual Report 3a - Complete Write Up

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  • Pages: 10
DESCRIPTION OF THE CLUSTER  Organizational Composition and Structure TACT Cluster 3A of DILG-Bohol is composed of the following field officers with their respective positions, specializations and background of their assigned municipalities: JOSE JEKERI P. TANINGCO Cluster Coordinator MLGOO – Guindulman Specialization: EXCELLENCE IN LOCAL GOVERNANCE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ILLEGAL DRUGS AND ILLEGAL GAMBLING LITO O. DAJALOS Assistant Cluster Coordinator MLGOO – Mabini Specialization: EXECUTIVE-LEGISLATIVE AGENDA LGU CAPABILITY BUILDING MARY ANN L. APARECE Cluster Member LGOO – Duero Specialization: RECOGNITION AND AWARDS PROJECT ANTI-RED TAPE PROJECT CECILIO S. NISNISAN Cluster Member MLGOO – Anda Specialization: GABAY SA MAMAMAYAN CENTER FUNCTIONALITY OF LOCAL COUNCILS ISMAEL VINCENT T. IGCALINOS MLGOO – Candijay Specialization: BUILDING SAFE COMMUNITIES LOCAL POVERTY REDUCTION AGENDA


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 Geographical Composition and Location The operations of five (5) field officers of TACT Cluster Team 3A covered the adjacent municipalities of Alicia, Anda, Candijay, Duero, Guindulman and Mabini which all belong to the third dirstrict of Bohol province.

ALICIA Income Class

: 4th

Land Area

: 11,450

No. of Brgys.

: 15


: 24,109

No. of Households

: 4,412


: 24,747,262

Locally Sourced Revenue

: 2,268,890.90

ANDA Income Class

: 5th

Land Area

: 6286.1504 has.

No. of Brgys.

: 16


: 19,981

No. of Households

: 3,392


: 20,532,503

Locally Sourced Revenue

: 598,064.31

CANDIJAY Income Class

: 4th

Land Area

: 10,606 has.

No. of Brgys.

: 21


: 35,642

No. of Households

: 6,143 Tact cluster team 3-b annual report “05 =================================


: 28,870,788

Locally Sourced Revenue

: 2,870,003.41

DUERO Income Class

: 5th

Land Area

: 9,856 has.

No. of Brgys.

: 21


: 16,154

No. of Households

: 3,505


: 21,527,722

Locally Sourced Revenue

: 3,088,540.44


: 4th

Land Area

: 9,906 has

No. of Brgys.

: 19


: 34,782

No. Households

: 5,983


: 27,916,871,65

Locally Sourced Revenue

: 3,865,903.25

MABINI Income Class : 4th Land Area

: 10,457.481 has

No. of Brgys.

: 22


: 26,230

No. Households

: 5,140


: 28,646,983

Locally Sourced Tact cluster team 3-b annual report “05 =================================


: 1,119,474.28

KRA 1 – INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT A. EXCELLENCE IN LOCAL GOVERNANCE 1. Enhancing LGU Capacities for Performance Monitoring • Local Governance Performance Management System (LGPMS) Gathering LGPMS data for CY 2006 of the six (6) municipalities was already completed and utilized as inputs in the preparation of State of Local Governance report for CY 2006 . • Field officers participated the short orientation on the mechanics of LGPMS using BLGS software with few modifications • Field officers conferred with their respective LCE on the implementation of the program • LCEs issue executive order reactivating the LGPMS Team • LGU focal persons encoded the LGPMS data with the assistance of LGPMS Technical Working Group and DILG-Bohol LGPMS coordinators and field officers • Printed electronic generated reports • State of Local Governance Report (SLGR) The six (6) municipalities had already completed the formulation of the State of Local Governance Report for CY 2006. The SLGR results and information were presented during the Newly Elected Officials (NEO) – Orientation Program during of July and August 2007. • • • • • •

Field officers attended the orientation of the formulation of the State of the Local Governance Report initiated by DILG-Bohol provincial office Field officers with the LGU LGPMS focal person convened the LGPMS Technical Working Group for the tasking in the formulation of the SLGR Formulated the SLGR utilizing the LGPMS electronic generated reports Submitted copies of the SLGR with the recommendations from the LGPMS team to the DILG-Bohol provincial office Communicated the SLGR results through utilization conference to the local officials and functionaries during the NEO-Orientation Program Presented the SLGR to the members of the Municipal Development Councils for problem identification and prioritization in preparation for the ELA Tact cluster team 3-b annual report “05 =================================

• Executive-Legislative Agenda (ELA) The six (6) municipalities of the cluster had already formulated the ExecutiveLegislative Agenda for the period 2007-2010. • • • • • • •

LCEs issued executive order reorganizing the ELA team ELA team was convened by the field officers in coordination with the MPDC Field officers attended the orientation of the formulation of the State of the Local Governance Report initiated by DILG-Bohol provincial office Field officers with the LGU LGPMS focal person convened the LGPMS Technical Working Group for the tasking in the formulation of the SLGR Formulated the SLGR utilizing the LGPMS electronic generated reports Submitted copies of the SLGR with the recommendations from the LGPMS team to the DILG-Bohol provincial office Communicated the SLGR results through utilization conference to the local officials and functionaries during the NEO-Orientation Program

Implementation of ELA based PPAs of the six municipalities were closely monitored through submission of quarterly monitoring report. Table below illustrates the status of implementation. LGU Alicia



PPAs in the ELA scheduled for Status of implementation in 2006 Implementation  Expansion/ maintenance of On-going municipal nursery and mini forest  Maintenance of MHO and On-going purchase of medicine and additional medical and dental equipment  Maintenance/ improvement of On-going farm-to-market roads  Municipal waterworks rehabilitation On-going On-going  Concreting of farm-to-market road  Training on Solid Waste On-going Management  Rehabilitation of municipal Completed waterworks system (Tuhob spring, Can-olin)  Rehabilitation/ improvement of Completed irrigation system  Purchase of additional computers, Not yet implemented Tact cluster team 3-b annual report “05 =================================




laptop and multi-media  Banana Based Integrated Farming System (OTOP Banana Industry)  Establishment of recovery area for garbage segregation  Concreting of barangay access roads  Completion of municipal training center  Construction of Municipal Multipurpose Center  Construction of slaughter house  Construction of public toilets in Poblacion area  Construction of Municipal Training Center

On-going On-going On-going Completed On-going On-going On-going On-going

LGU-Candijay local officials conducted strategic planning conference based on the ELA in preparation for CY 2007 budget on October 11, 2006 at the Municipal Tourism Center, Panas, Candijay.

2. Anti-Red Tape Program (ARTP) Anti-Red Tape Project (ARTP) was institutionalized in six municipalities through a resolution adopting the same and a MOA between the LGU and the DILG: • All barangays of the six (6) LGUs were provided with complete list of requirements for application of permits and licenses • LGU-Mabini formulated and adopted Civil Application Service Manual with the technical assistance of personnel from Civil Service Commission • LGU-Anda patterned the formulation of their Civil Application Service Manual to Mabini with the assistance of the MLGOOs • LGU-Duero established a Community E-Center networking LGU key offices with the technical assistance form NCC and CVISNet for Central Visayas and Midanao • LGU-Candijay established one-stop-shop center every January of every year • LGU-Guindulman is currently formulating its Civil Application Service Manual with the assistance of MLGOO 3. Gabay sa Mamamayan Aksyon Center (GMACs) Field officers of the TACT conducted advocacy on functionality of GMAC. • Regular submission of quarterly GMAC Functionality Monitoring Report • Members of the TACT conducted GMAC assessment and evaluation in the municipalities of Mabini, Anda and Duero • Field officers assisted the DILG-PO Evaluation Team in the validation of GMAC in selected barangay of each municipality Tact cluster team 3-b annual report “05 =================================

Conducted advocacy on the computerization of GMAC: LGU No of Brgys. w/ computers Duero 8 Anda 3 Guindulman 6 Mabini 6 field officers of Mabini and Duero initiated the awarding of Outstanding GMACs after series of barangay evaluation on administrative requirements

4. Recognition & Awards Project 4. 1 Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentives Awards Field officers conducted at their level search/ selection of possible entries for Lupong Tagapamayapa Incentive Awards (LTIA) • PB Charina Bagor of Poblacion Candijay assisted by LGOO Ismael Vincent T. Igcalinos received the Plaque Recognition as finalist of LTIA Search 2005 during the awarding ceremony at the DILG Provincial Office • Lupong Tagapamayapa of Poblacion, Anda adjudged as provincial winner of LTIA Search for CY 2006 4. 2 Ten Outstanding Barangay Officials of the Year (TOBOY) Field officers conducted at their level search/ selection of possible entries for Ten Outstanding Barangay Official of the Year (TOBOY) Search for CY 2006. • PB Candelario Bag-o of Taytay, Duero, PB Frumencio Bagaipo and Brgy. Secretary Ma. Jennifer Bolusa both of Poblacion, Anda nominated by the cluster as official entry for the TOBOY Search for 2006 • PB Candelario bag-o of Taytay, Duero and Brgy. Secretary Jennifer Bolusa of Poblacion, Anda were both adjudged as second placer 5. Building Capacities for the Localization of : Women, Children & Youth Programs The Cluster conducted advocacy on the functionality of the different councils for children, youth and women. •

Field officers of the Municipalities of Anda and coordinated with Atty. Myrna Pagsuberon of Holy Spirit School Center for WINGS for the conduct of the Anti-VAWC Law Seminar last March 3 and June 6, 2006 respectively. Tact cluster team 3-b annual report “05 =================================

• • •

Conducted series of orientations and symposia on Gender Sensitive Issues affecting women and children in the different barangays of the six(6) LGUs during the Women’s Month Celebration last March Oriented the barangay officials in their roles and responsibilities in the issuance of Barangay Protection Order (BPO) to survivor victims on domestic violence as mandated by law Submission of monitoring report on cases involving violence against women and their children Field officers of Duero, Anda and Alicia monitored the implementation of the Rice Through School Program through reports submission Facilitated the conduct of Children’s Congress and other related activities

6. Local Poverty Reduction Program All municipalities of Cluster 3A adopted and implemented Local Poverty Reduction Program initiated by the provincial government with the introduction of standardized survey questionnaire and tally sheet for data gathering. . • Field officers closely monitored through submission of regular monitoring report the implementation of Local Poverty Reduction Program at their level • Local Poverty Data Base already established in all municipalities • Member municipalities through the LPRAO with their completed local poverty profile participated to the Provincial Poverty Fair for 2006 held in Tagbilran City October 18, 2006 7. Disaster Preparedness LGU Anda in coordination with the DILG and BFP conducted a Fire Safety and First Aid Training participated by the barangay tanods and barangay officials of the 8 coastal barangays on July 18, 2006 at the Municipal Public Market, Anda, Bohol. 8. Functionality of MCCs, ADACs, POCs Municipal Management Coordinating Council

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Attendance to regular MMCC meeting and submission of consolidated monthly monitoring report to the provincial office. Strengthening of MPOCs Field officers rendered secretariat services to the MPOC in the conduct of its monthly meeting and submitted minutes thereof to the PPOC thru the DILGPO. • LGU-Mabini nominated as provincial entry to the 2005 National Search for Best MPOC for Municipal Category. Civic Action Field officers assisted LGU-Mabini in the conduct of PPOC-CIVAC as one of the highlights of 102nd Foundation day Celebration on July 23, 2006.

9. Campaign Against Illegal Drugs • Submitted monthly consolidated reports on activities conducted against illegal drugs. • LGU-Mabini in coordination with the PNP and 15th IB conducted symposium on ill-effects of illegal drugs and counter-insurgency campaign to the three (3) secondary schools of the municipality. 10. Professionalization of Tanods • New appointed barangay tanods of the six (6) municipalities participated to the DILG initiated Barangay Tanods Orientation and Skills Training on August 2, 2006 at the Municipal Training Center, Guindulman, Bohol. • Barangay Tanods of Anda duly assisted by the TACT Team undergone Skills Enhancement Training in four (4) batches during the month of October 2006 with SPO1 Lucino Liwagon and Cornelio Itong as instructors. 11. Katarungang Pambarangay • LGU-Duero in coordination with the TACT Cluster 3A conducted Katarungang Pambarangay Law Training in four (4) batches from January 31-February 3, 2006 at Municipal Training Center, Duero with LGOO V Regidor Idayan and Atty. Glen Pergamino as resource speakers. • Monitored KP functionality through submission to the DILG provincial office of quarterly report on number of cases filed within the quarter. Tact cluster team 3-b annual report “05 =================================

12. Bayanihan Savings Replication Project • Monitored active Bayanihan Centers in the cluster through submission of consolidated regular monitoring report to the DILGprovincial office. • CABS-BC of LGU-Candijay conducted orientation on microbusiness with Mrs. Purificacion Romero, former president of Candijay Teachers Cooperative, as resource person on September 7, 2006 at the New ABC Hall, Candijay, Bohol. Election of officers of standing committees followed. 14. Solid Waste Management • LGOO Cecilio Nisnisan of Anda attended the Trainor’s Training on March 15-17, 2006 at Olman’s City View, Dauis, Bohol. He furthered participated the Waste Characterization Seminar on October 10-13, 2006 at the Municipal Public Market, Anda, Bohol. • LGU-Duero Solid Waste Management Board attended a Training-Workshop on the Integrated Solid Waste Strategic Planning Seminar for engineering, policy and IEC components sponsored by the Philippine Environmental Governance Project held last February 15-17, 2006 at Ground Garden Hotel, Lahug, Cebu City.

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