Annual Report 2006

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2 0 0 6 A N N U A L R E P O RT H A R RY S . T RU M A N L I B R A RY I N S T I T U T E


The Harry S. Truman Library Institute for National and International Affairs, a 501(c)(3) organization, is directed by men and women from the private sector who are dedicated to the preservation, advancement, and outreach activities of the Truman Presidential Museum & Library, one of our nation’s eleven presidential libraries overseen by the National Archives and Records Administration. 2

Tr uman Librar y Institute – 2006 Annual Repor t

In partnership with the Truman Presidential Museum & Library, the Truman Library Institute draws upon the life, times and values of America’s 33rd president to enrich the public’s understanding of history, the presidency, public policy, and citizenship. In this public/private partnership, the Truman Library Institute is charged with generating support from individuals, corporations and foundations to fund



The legacy of our nation’s 33rd president is thriving and increasingly of interest to today’s leaders and policy

Preserving the legacy

makers. President George W. Bush cited the words and deeds of President Harry S. Truman in his commencement address to the graduating class at West Point this past spring. About

of Harry S. Truman

the same time, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld visited the Truman Library to make the case that Truman’s Cold War strategy can be

to enrich the public’s

seen as similar to the Bush administration’s policy in pursuing the war on terrorism, and Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Dennis Hastert noted Truman’s

understanding of history,

decisive “Buck Stops Here” approach when informing the public of his intention to provide a strong response on

the presidency,

matters related to alleged improprieties of several House members. As this annual report goes to press, United Nations

public policy,

Secretary-General Kofi Annan is preparing to visit the Truman Library to deliver his farewell address to a worldwide audience. He chose Independence and President

and citizenship.

Truman’s Library to draw attention to the idealism, vision and belief in international cooperation displayed by Mr. Truman in 1945 when the United States played a leading role in the creation of the United Nations. All of us involved in advancing the preservation, education and research activities of the Truman Library are proud of this past year’s successes, as outlined in

extensive outreach activities, including acclaimed educational programs, permanent and traveling exhibitions, public programs featuring today’s scholars and opinion leaders, and the publication of the Library’s vast archives on the award-winning website

this report. We are grateful to our many friends and benefactors who share our respect and fondness for President Truman’s legacy.


Thank you for your support.

President, Harry S. Truman Library Institute umanlibrar y. org


P RO G R A M S & E X H I B I T I O N S –

T E L L I N G A M E R I C A’ S Attendance at the Truman Library was up almost 40 percent to 135,000 in fiscal 2006, due largely to the popularity of The White House in Miniature, which drew 101,000 visitors from October 15, 2005 through July 9, 2006. Library volunteers contributed 3,800 hours guiding visitors through the intricate details of the miniature.

P Visitors to Churchill and the Great Republic, Aug. 19 - Oct. 15

EXHIBITIONS The White House in Miniature October 15, 2005 – July 9, 2006 John Zweifel’s stunning 10-ton miniature of America’s most intriguing residence helped boost attendance at the Truman Library by nearly 40 percent during fiscal 2006. The White House in Miniature drew 101,000 visitors during its run, and volunteers contributed 3,800 hours guiding crowds through the intricate details of the miniature. EXHIBITION SPONSOR: James B. Nutter & Co. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS: Bernstein-Rein Advertising, Inc., Kansas City Power & Light, KMBZ News Radio 980, The Kansas City Star, Sprint, Lamar Outdoor Advertising, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Ophelia’s Restaurant and Inn


Tr uman Librar y Institute – 2006 Annual Repor t

PUBLIC PROGRAM Churchill and the Great Republic August 19 – October 15, 2006 Sixty years after Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” speech in Fulton, Mo., the Library of Congress exhibition Churchill and the Great Republic opened new windows to the life and career of Winston Churchill while emphasizing his lifelong links with the United States, the nation he called “the great Republic.” EXHIBITION SPONSORS: Hall Family Foundation ADDITIONAL SPONSORS: Bank Midwest, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, WDAF-FM, The Kansas City Star ORIGINAL SPONSORS: JOHN W. KLUGE, with additional support from the Annenberg Foundation

Select offerings from October 1, 2005 through September 30, 2006 Fareed Zakaria | Editor Newsweek International “The Future of Freedom” Oct. 10, 2005 Co-presented with the Carolyn Benton Cockefair Chair, University of Missouri-Kansas City Alan Greenspan Recipient, Truman Medal for Economic Policy | Oct. 26, 2005 The award’s name reflects on the creation of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Harry S. Truman.



Pulitzer Prize-winning author David McCullough once remarked, “You can understand more about our nation by spending a day in Independence and at the Truman Library than anywhere else in the country.” Indeed, the stories encompassed by the life of Harry S. Truman and his presidency are some of the richest in American history. It was Truman, a modest man and failed entrepreneur, who guided the United States through one of its most critical transformations and positioned it as the most powerful nation in the world. It was Truman who demanded fair and equal treatment for African Americans by desegregating the U.S. Armed Forces, who recognized the State of Israel, contained the threat of communism, and established the United Nations. The Truman Library Institute is committed to sharing the stories of Harry Truman, the American presidency, and our democratic government to ensure that future generations will come to know Truman's legacy and appreciate the gift of American democracy.

Bennett Family Gift Endows Forum on the American Presidency Harry S. Truman said “being a president is like riding a tiger. You have to keep on riding or be swallowed.” Thomas Jefferson called the presidency a “splendid misery,” and Warren G. Harding famously exclaimed, “My god, this is a hell of a job.” Now, a newly endowed lecture series has been established to tell the complex story of the nation’s highest office, an office which is unique in world history: the American presidency. The Howard & Virginia Michael and Mary Johnston Bennett Forum on the Presidency was borne out of a chance meeting in Aspen, Colorado, where Institute Board member Beth K. Smith met Mary Johnston. Johnston’s father, Smith discovered, was Howard Bennett, one of several influential individuals dedicated to the founding of the Truman Library nearly 50 years ago. Traveling home from Colorado, Mary and Michael Johnston visited the Truman Presidential Museum & Library and were inspired to honor Howard Bennett and his wife, Virginia, with a lasting gift: $150,000 to endow a lecture series on the presidency and $50,000 to fund, in perpetuity, an internship to support the Library’s archival research program. Both programs will be introduced in 2007, the 50th anniversary of the Truman Library’s founding. “My father would be pleased today with the work you are doing,” said Mary Johnston. “We are so pleased that our family has reconnected to the Truman Library and that we can play a significant role in celebrating its 50th anniversary.”

HIGHLIGHTS “The Future of United Nations Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping Operations” – A Symposium Marking the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the United Nations Jan. 23, 2006 Speakers included author Stephen Schlesinger; Susan Manuel, United Nations; Janet Beik, State Department; and Lt. Col. David Last, participant in UN peacekeeping missions. Co-presented with the University of Missouri-Kansas City Linda Johnson Robb “Reminiscences of the White House” | Feb. 9, 2006 “Origins and Early Development of the Cold War, 1945-62” A Symposium | March 30-31, 2006

Leading international scholars—including Melvyn Leffler and Odd Arne Westad—gathered to examine the Cold War. On March 31 sessions devoted to “The Origins of the Cold War” and “The Cold War in Asia” were open to the public. “Native Americans and American Indian Affairs during the Truman Presidency” Harry S. Truman Legacy Symposium Key West, FL | May 19-20, 2006 Panelists included former Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell and former Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Ada Deer. Presented with the Harry S Truman Little White House, in association with the Newberry Library and the CIC American Indian Studies Consortium

“To Secure These Rights” – A Forum to Mark the 58th Anniversary of the Desegregation of the Armed Forces July 27, 2006 Panelists included professors Gerald Early and Carol Anderson, with former Truman aide Ken Hechler. Co-presented by the American Jazz Museum George Elsey Former Truman aide and author of An Unplanned Life: A Memoir Lecture and book signing Sept. 14, 2006 umanlibrar y. org


E D U C AT I O N –



Harry Truman liked big ideas, and his presidential library was to be no exception. He envisioned a “classroom for democracy”—not just a repository for the papers and documents from his administration—and he hoped that his library would give young people, especially, “a better understanding of the history and the nature of the presidency and the government of the United States.” To fulfill Harry Truman’s vision, the Truman Library Institute’s education staff—recognized nationally for their achievements—have developed a range of outstanding programs which are grounded in pedagogy, designed to meet national academic standards, and serve as the standard for our nations’ presidential libraries. E D U C AT I O N P RO G R A M S


The White House Decision Center


Flagship education program designed as a hands-on history lab to increase student skills in information gathering and analysis, problem solving, decision making, leadership, and communication while strengthening knowledge of history and government. Grade 8 – Adult

Educator workshops are designed to connect American history teachers with nationally recognized scholars and primary source documents. The education staff helps participants incorporate the latest scholarship and teaching methods into their lesson plans, then publishes the resulting curriucula on Inside the White House October 14-15, 2005

Learn more: watch a 7-minute video about The White House Decision Center at 2

Conference for the Creation of an International History of the Cold War March 30 – April 2, 2006

Museum Tours Docent-led tours for student groups More than 30 percent of participants in 2005-06 attend disadvantaged schools and came on scholarship, thanks to the generous funding of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation.


National History Day Workshop November 4, 2005 7

National History Day Regional competition hosted by the Truman Library

Learning Kits Packaged curricula, ready for classroom use, including interactive learning modules on the Cold War, Presidential Decision Making, and WWII. Grades 8-12


Teacher Institute – The Causes and Consequences of the Cold War July 10-14, 2006

Truman Footlocker A hands-on classroom resource filled with replicas of Truman-related artifacts, documents and photographs. K-12


Educator Workshops


Teacher Talk Newsletter featuring education news and resources, delivered to 12,000 educators free of charge.

Video Loaning Library More than 120 unique videos on Truman, WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and the Truman era—offered to educators at no charge

2006 EDUCATION STATS Guided Museum Tours for Students White House Decision Center Exhibits Truman Footlocker National History Day Packaged Curricula Educator Workshops


8,228 students 5,721 students 3,104 teachers 762 students 338 students 284 kits delivered 220 teachers

Tr uman Librar y Institute – 2006 Annual Repor t





Creating Greater Access Presidential libraries preserve and share the materials associated with American presidents and their administrations. Today, access to those official documents is measured not so much by the number of people reserving seats in a research room but by the number of hits to a website. That’s why the Truman Library Institute has funded the Library’s award-winning efforts to increase the number of papers and photographs available at To date, nearly 10,000 photographs and 20,000 document images—as well as a treasure trove of resources for students and teachers—can be accessed on the website. In fiscal 2006, had more unique visitors than any other presidential library and neared an impressive milestone: 300 million hits since the site was launched nearly ten years ago. | 2006 Stats 1

Unique visitors Total Hits Primary Users

3.1 million 68.2 million 70% are students, teachers, researchers

Top Viewed Pages 1. Photo Database 2. Presidential Calendar 3. Atomic Bomb Documents 4. Nuremberg Documents 5. Recognition of Israel Documents 6. Berlin Airlift Documents 7. Truman Public Papers 8. Marshall Plan Documents 9. Branches of Government Student Activity 10. Gift Store 3

From top: School children tour museum; White House Decision Center participants play their roles; Truman Footlocker enriches classroom learning; Teacher Institute panelists discuss Cold War; presidential daughter Linda Johnson Robb meets with students.

Online Museum Store Online sales totaled $20,420 for some of the Museum Store’s most popular items, including the Buck Stops Here desk sign, books, apparel, educational resources for children—even reproductions of presidential china used by Lincoln, Grant, Jackson, and others.

E-News E-News is sent periodically to promote events and exhibitions at the Truman Presidential Museum & Library to 5,500 opt-in patrons and educators. Susbscribe to E-News at umanlibrar y. org


S C H O L A R S H I P G R A N T S & AWA R D S –

E X A M I N I N G T RU M A N ’ S


The Grants & Awards Program of the Truman Library Institute is relatively small but steeped in tradition. During the past half-century, scholars have turned again and again to the Truman era, illuminating for today’s students, leaders, and thinkers the critical issues of Truman’s presidency and legacy. The enormously rich archival resources of the Truman Library are instrumental in the continuation of future scholarship. The Grants & Awards Program opens the doors to these resources and is invaluable to emerging scholars. S C H O L A R ’ S AWA R D Gregory Mitrovich, Independent Scholar Taming Anti-Americanism, Public Diplomacy and the Origins of the American Century

H A R RY S . T RU M A N B O O K AWA R D John Lewis Gaddis, Robert A. Lovett Prof. of History, Yale University The Cold War: A New History (The Penguin Press, 2005)

R E S E A RC H G R A N T S Lisa Burns, Asst. Prof., Media Studies, Quinnipiac University The Construction of Collective Memory in Presidential Museums Joana Carlson, Ph.D. candidate in History, Florida State University “Horizontal Relations” and U.S. Responses to Social Revolutions in China and Cuba Daniel Franklin, Assoc. Prof. of Political Science, George State University Pitiful Giants: Presidents in their Last Term Travis Hardy, Ph.D. candidate in History, University of Tennessee Forging Bonds: The U.S.-Australian Relationship, 1933-1953 Yong Jo, Ph.D. candidate in Political Science State University of New York at Albany Involved in the Creation: The World System and U.S. Post-World War II Military Occupation in Germany and Korea Zahra Pamela Karimi, Ph.D. candidate in Architecture Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Truman’s Point IV Program and the Making of the Modern Iranian Home Christine Knauer, Ph.D. candidate in History University of Tübingen, Germany If Negroes Must Fight, Let them Fight as Free Men, Not as Jim Crow Slaves: The Integration of the American Military, the Korean War, and the African American Community Charles Lamb, Prof. of Political Science State University of New York at Buffalo Fair Housing in Twentieth Century America Masako Nakamura, Ph.D. candidate in History, University of Minnesota Families Precede Nation and Race?: Immigration Policies over Marriages and Migration of Japanese War Brides during U.S. Occupation of Japan, 1945-1952


Tr uman Librar y Institute – 2006 Annual Repor t

Chad Parker, Ph.D. candidate in American History, Indiana University Constructing Aramco Constructing America: The Arabian American Oil Company and the Promotion of American Modernization during the Postwar Petroleum Order, 1945-1973 Jason Parker, Asst. Prof. of History, West Virginia University The Contest: Hearts, Minds, and the History of U.S. Public Diplomacy in the Third World Jason Petrulis, Ph.D. candidate in History, Columbia University Marketing the American Way, 1932-1948 Edith Holbrook Riehm, Ph.D. candidate in History, Georgia State University Forging the Civil Rights Frontier: How Truman’s Committee on Civil Rights Set the Agenda for Liberal Reform, 1947-1965 Robert Schlesinger, freelance journalist Welliver’s Children: The Rise of White House Speechwriters Ryan Stockwell, Ph.D. candidate in History, University of Missouri-Columbia The Family Farm in the Post-World War II Era: Industrialization, the Cold War and Political Symbol Duane Tananbaum, Assoc. Prof. of History, Lehman College, City University of New York “I Will Not Compromise with My Conscience”: A Political Biography of Herbert H. Lehman Karen Kruse Thomas, research affiliate, Claude Pepper Institute on Aging and Public Policy; assoc. dir., Reichelt Oral History Program, Florida State University Deluxe Jim Crow: Racial and Regional Equalization in Health Policy from the New Deal to the Civil Rights Movement Paul Thomsen, Ph.D. candidate in American Military History Kansas State University 168 Clinton Street, Brooklyn's Second World War Japanese-American Hostel: A Case Study of Social Reform and Security Anthony Charles Whitham, visiting research fellow, University of the West of England, Bristol UK Hidden Hands: Organized Business and American Post-War Economic Planning, 1939-1949 Mark Wilson, Asst. Prof. of History, University of North Carolina at Charlotte Managing the Arsenal of Democracy: The Business and Politics of U.S. Military-Industrial Mobilization for the Second World War David Zietsma, Ph.D. candidate in History, University of Akron “The People of God in Chains”: Religious Culture and United States Foreign Policy, 1933-1952

D I S S E RTAT I O N Y E A R F E L L OW S H I P Audra Jennings, Ph.D. candidate in History, The Ohio State University With Minds Fixed on the Horrors of War: Liberalism and Disability Activism, 1940-1960


P R E S E RV I N G T H E PA S T Truman Working Office Campaign Completed

The Institute’s number-one

“I can’t even imagine

funding priority in fiscal 2006 was the $1.6 million campaign to renovate the Library office once used daily by former President Harry S. Truman. We are pleased to announce that the campaign has been successfully completed. In addition to preserving the

how scholars could study

irreplaceable artifacts from Harry

U.S. foreign policy without the support of institutions like the Truman Library Institute and its scholar’s program. Without this

During the opening of “A Child in the White House: Caroline Kennedy’s Dolls,” Ms. Kennedy and her husband Ed Schlossberg toured Truman’s office, soon to be made more accessible to the public thanks to generous contributions to the Truman Working Office Campaign.

Truman’s life, the renovation will include a state-of-the-art exhibit of Truman’s post-presidential years. At long last, the more than 150,000 visitors and 20,000 students who visit the Truman Library annually will have access to one of our nation’s unique treasuries—the very room where President Truman conducted the personal, political, and diplomatic business of his final years. We are deeply grateful to the foundations, corporations, and individuals who made gifts and pledges to the Truman Working Office Campaign.

support, it would be impossible


for me to undertake the

Ms. Joan Alders Mr. and Mrs. Don Alexander American Century Investments Mr. James R. Baylor Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Bruening Mr. and Mrs. Alex Burden Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. Darrell A. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Crumpton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Devine Ms. Amy Disch Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Doering DST Systems, Inc. J.E. Dunn Construction Company Mrs. Cathy Eckenrod Federal Appropriation Milton W. Feld Charitable Trust/ Mr. Abraham Margolin Elaine Feld Stern Charitable Trust/ Mr. Abraham Margolin Suzanne Feld Zalk Trust/Mr. Abraham Margolin Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foudree Miss Luella E. Friend Hall Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Hamra Mr. Paul E. Haney Dr. Susan M. Hartmann Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Herman Dr. and Mrs. John Hunkeler

extensive research necessary to make any kind of contribution to the history of the Truman administration.” – G R E G O RY M I T ROV I C H , S C H O L A R S AWA R D RECIPIENT

Mr. Edward Junk Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Kling Mrs. Barbara Hall Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McDonnell The McGee Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William D. McMullan National Park Service Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Nickle Ms. Susan Medler and Mr. Roger Oyster Missouri Development Finance Board Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Novak Mr. and Mrs. Lambert B. Ott, Jr. Harry Portman Charitable Trust/ Mr. Abraham Margolin Dr. and Mrs. Donald Potts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rausch Mr. William M. Reisler Mrs. Beth K. Smith The Sosland Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Morton I. Sosland Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Spaulding, III Mr. David Stanley and Ms. Jean Keffeler Ms. Lisa A. Sullivan The Sunderland Foundation Truman Heartland Community Foundation Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust Ms. Judy J. Turner Mr. George P. Viegelmann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde F. Wendel umanlibrar y. org


BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Harry S. Truman Library Institute Honorary Chair Margaret Truman Daniel New York, NY Chairman William C. Nelson Chairman, George K. Baum Asset Management Kansas City, MO Vice Chair Mary E. Hunkeler Community Volunteer Shawnee Mission, KS


COMMITTED TO ACCOUNTABILITY Fiscal 2006 can be characterized by a vigorous Institute-wide commitment to accountability, efficiency and productivity. Staff reorganization has significantly reduced professional fees. A fine-tuned focus on mission-driven programs has energized civic and philanthropic leaders. And a more strategic use of resources on behalf of the Truman Presidential Museum & Library has resulted in an improved image and an increase of visitors, defying the national trend of declining museum attendees. Complete audited financial statements may be obtained by contacting the Truman Library Institute, Attn: Director of Administration, 500 West U.S. Highway 25, Independence, MO 64052 (816) 268-8200.

President Michael J. Devine Director, Truman Presidential Museum & Library Independence, MO

Don H. Alexander President & Owner, Alexander & Associates, Inc. Kansas City, KS

John P. McMeel Chairman & President, Andrews McMeel Universal Kansas City, MO

Carol Anderson, Ph.D. Associate Professor of History, University of Missouri– Columbia Columbia, MO

James B. Nutter, Jr. President & CEO, James B. Nutter & Company Kansas City, MO

Clifton Truman Daniel Director of Public Relations, Harry S. Truman College Chicago, IL Richard A. Gephardt Gephardt & Associates, L.C. Crofton, MD 21114-4194 U.S. Congressman (1977-2005) Sam F. Hamra Chairman & CEO, Hamra Enterprises Springfield, MO Susan M. Hartmann, Ph.D. Professor of History and Women’s Studies, Ohio State University Columbus, OH Richard S. Kirkendall, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of History, University of Washington Seattle, WA S. Lee Kling Chairman, Kling & Company St. Louis, MO Herbert M. Kohn Partner, Byran Cave LLP Kansas City, MO Allen L. Lefko Chairman & CEO, Bank of Grain Valley and Grain Valley Bancshares Kansas City, MO Thomas R. McGee, Jr. Vice President, DST Realty Kansas City, MO

Fundraising Expenses


Fundraising Efficiency


Barbara J. Potts Community Volunteer Independence, MO Mayor of Independence (1982-1990)

Federal Appropriation (pending) $495,000




Pledges $688,670

Cash $416,330


REVENUE & CONTRIBUTIONS 54% Contributions (non-campaign) ($1,137,233) (includes corporate, foundation and individual giving, bequests, grants, and sponsorships)

19% Truman Working Office Campaign ($416,330)* 12% Investment Income ($244,215) 5% Entrepreneurial Ventures ($102,006)

Bill Reisler Managing Director, Kansas City Equity Partners Kansas City, MO

(includes online Museum Store sales and education program revenues)

Bryan R. Rogers President, HCA Healthcare, Midwest Division Kansas City, MO

Total $2,108,926

Beth K. Smith Community Volunteer Adjunct Professor, University of Missouri– Kansas City Kansas City, MO Elizabeth T. Solberg Community Volunteer Kansas City, MO Charles A. Spaulding, III Partner, Parkwood Real Estate Overland Park, KS David Stanley CEO, Payless Cashways (1983-1998) Livingston, MT Clyde F. Wendel President Asset Management, UMB Bank, N.A. Managing Director Private Banking, UMB Financial Corporation Kansas City, MO

10 Tr uman Librar y Institute – 2006 Annual Repor t



Truman Working Office Campaign

Administrative Expenses




President Emeritus Thomas F. Eagleton Partner, Thompson Coburn St. Louis, MO U.S. Senator (1968-1986)

Program Expenses



Treasurer Roger A. Novak CFO, Novak Birks, P.C. Kansas City, MO



Secretary Milton P. Kayle Counsel, Gilbert, Segall & Young (retired) New York, NY

10% Other ($209,142) (includes final installment of renovation refund and miscellaneous)

*Cash receipts only; figures do not reflect the more than $1 million in pledges.

EXPENSES 19% 11% 7% 6%

Education ($330,421) Exhibitions ($197,802) Public Programs/Conferences ($124,572) Website & Publications ($101,624)

3% Grants & Awards ($53,956) 3% Documentary Access ($41,957) 1% Capital Improvements ($25,559) 1% Volunteer/Intern Program ($4,964) 12% Marketing & PR ($208,305) 23% Fundraising ($402,421) 14% Management & General ($233,376) Total $1,724,957



We thank all of those who contributed generously during fiscal 2006. Contributions help the Truman Presidential Museum & Library remain a crown jewel among our nation’s most valued heritage sites. Listed below are gifts received between Oct. 1, 2005 and Sept. 30, 2006.

WEST WING COUNCIL The West Wing Council is the premier membership program of the Truman Library Institute. We gratefully acknowledge West Wing Council members who have chosen to make a significant investment in the Truman Presidential Museum & Library. To learn about joining the elite ranks of the West Wing Council and enjoying customized and exclusive benefits, please call Alex Burden at (816) 268-8243. Shirley and Barnett Helzberg Foundation Shirley and Barnett Helzberg American Century Foundation Mary Jo Browne ATK Lake City Ammunition Jack H. Figg George K. Baum Foundation Jonathan Baum

Henry W. & Marion H. Bloch Foundation Marion and Henry Bloch Bryan Cave, LLP Herb Kohn Commerce Bank of Kansas City Jonathan Kemper Betty and Richard Crumpton Jill and Marshall Dean

Defamco, LP Sam Devinki J.E. Dunn Construction Company William Dunn, Sr. Fleishman Hillard, Inc. Anne St. Peter Mary and John Hunkeler Independence Regional Health Center Dan Jones, FACHE

Kansas City Power & Light Elizabeth Danforth King Hershey, PC Richard A. King Rosalyn and S. Lee Kling Nancy and Herb Kohn Cheryl Lockton Robert P. Lyons Barbara and Bill Nelson Jeannette Nichols

Kay and Roger Novak Shirley and Fred Pryor Beth Smith Estelle and Morton Sosland Susan and Tuck Spaulding David Stanley and Jean Keffeler

B U C K S TO P S H E R E S O C I E T Y Buck Stops Here Society members are valued partners of the Truman Presidential Museum & Library and Truman Library Institute. Annual membership gifts—starting at $1,000—provide important support for world-class traveling exhibitions, acclaimed educational programs, and public programs featuring national and international opinion leaders. To learn more, please call Alex Burden at (816) 268-8243. Christine and Don Alexander Harvey S. Bodker Andre Bouchard Mary Shaw Branton

Jane and Richard Bruening Joni and Thornton Cooke Bunni and Paul Copaken Laraine and David Gerber

June and Sam Hamra The Kansas City Star Pat and Paul Kaplan Kathleen and Richard Kirkendall

Jeanie and Robert Latz Jane Lingo Jean and Thomas McDonnell Park University

Martha and Travis Reed Rose Stolowy

Mrs. Barbara Hall Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McDonnell Harry Portman Charitable Trust

Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust

The Sosland Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Morton I. Sosland

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Copaken CST Industries, Inc. Custom Color Corp. Mrs. Ann Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dillingham Euronet Worldwide Milton W. Feld Charitable Trust Elaine Feld Stern Charitable Trust Suzanne Feld Zalk Trust Mr. and Mrs. David Gerber Gilbert Consulting Group, LLC Growth Industries Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Hall, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam F. Hamra Dr. Susan M. Hartmann Shirley and Barnett Helzberg Fdtn. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Herman Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Kaplan Mrs. Barney A. Karbank

T RU M A N W O R K I N G O F F I C E C A M PA I G N American Century Investments DST Systems, Inc. J.E. Dunn Construction Company

Milton W. Feld Charitable Trust Elaine Feld Stern Charitable Trust Suzanne Feld Zalk Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foudree Ms. Luella E. Friend Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Herman

For a complete list of campaign contributors, please see pg. 9.

D O N O R H O N O R RO L L $100,000 and Above American Century Investments Mrs. Eda Brannan DST Systems, Inc. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. McDonnell Missouri Development Finance Board James B. Nutter & Company $99,999 to $50,000 Kansas City Public Library Mr. and Mrs. R. Crosby Kemper, III $49,999 to $25,000 Anonymous J.E. Dunn Construction Company

William T. Kemper Foundation $24,999 to $10,000 American Century Foundation Americo Life, Incorporated Andrews McMeel Universal Fdtn. AT&T Foundation Dr. and Mrs. John D. Hunkeler Kansas CIty Royals Charities Kansas City Southern Mr. and Mrs. John P. McMeel Sprint Foundation $9,999 to $5,000 Bank Midwest Bank of America Foundation Bank of Grain Valley George K. Baum Foundation BlueCross BlueShield of Kansas City

Mrs. Mary Shaw Branton Citigroup Foundation Commerce Bank of Kansas City Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Crumpton Mr. and Mrs. Marshall H. Dean, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Foudree Garmin International, Inc. GE Insurance Solutions HCA Healthcare, Midwest Division Independence Regional Health Center Kansas City Chiefs Kling Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Lefko Mader Foundation Mrs. Peggy Massman Mid-America Retina Consultants Mr. and Mrs. Marshall V. Miller Harry Portman Charitable Trust

$4,999 to $1,000 Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. William J. Amend Anonymous ATK Lake City Ammunition Atterbury Family Foundation B.S.C. Holding Company, Inc. Ms. Alice Babian Mr. and Mrs. G. Kenneth Baum Dr. and Mrs. William Blahd Bank of Blue Valley Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Boyd The Bridgewater Fund Inc. Bryan Cave, LLP Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Cooke, II Copaken Family Foundation umanlibrar y. org


D O N O R H O N O R RO L L C O N T I N U E D Isaac and Minnie Katz Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Milton P. Kayle Kansas City Power & Light Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Kemper King Hershey, PC Mrs. Richard A. King Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. Kirkendall Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Kohn Lathrop & Gage L.C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latz Ms. Jane T. Lingo Mrs. John T. Lockton, III Mr. Robert P. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Mackle, Jr. Thomas Martin Foundation Dr. Paul McGraw and Dr. Nancy Newhouse Mr. and Mrs. Cordell D. Meeks, Jr. Ms. Elaine P. Meitus Miller Law Firm, P.C. Missouri Bank & Trust Company of KC University of Missouri Press Mr. and Mrs. William C. Nelson Mrs. Jeannette Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Travis E. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Robb Mr. and Mrs. Landon H. Rowland Shughart Thomson & Kilroy, PC Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Solberg Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Spaulding, III The STAKE Foundation The Ten Ten Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H. Guyton Townsend, III UMB Bank, N.A. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wewers Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wheat $999 to $500 Mrs. Gerald D. Aurbach Mr. and Mrs. Bryant P. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Eliot S. Berkley Mrs. Rae A. Block Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Brown The Hon. and Mrs. Harold L. Caskey Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Costello Mr. James H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Rudy De Leon Mr. and Mrs. Don R. Elliott Ms. Marietta Ethier and Mr. John McGarry Mr. and Mrs. Andy L. Fordemwalt Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Gattermeir Ms. Melissa Green Ms. Hortense Greenley Mrs. Sally M. Hands Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Kraner The Hon. and Mrs. Michael W. Manners Mr. George Manos Mitchell Capital Management Company Mr. and Mrs. Steven Owens Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pack Park University Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schmitt Dr. Blanche E. Sosland Stepp & Rothwell, Inc. Truman Heartland Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Wolf

$499 to $100 Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Aaron, Sr. Ms. Mary W. Abbott Mr. H. W. Abplanalp Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Travis M. Adams Ms. Suzanne E. Allen Ms. E. Vernice Anderson Dr. Linnea M. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Rod Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Tobin Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ashton Dr. and Mrs. James D. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Baum Mr. and Mrs. Clay R. Bauske Ms. Sara Deubner and Dr. Linton T. Bayless Ms. Nancy Beer Tobin Behavior Research Company Mrs. Madeline Benoit Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benson Mr. Robert M. Beren Mr. Jerome Berko Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Berkowitz The Hon. Thomas A. Betti Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bigus Ms. Darcy A. Howe and Mr. John S. Black Mr. and Mrs. Larry N. Blick Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Block Blue Ridge Bank and Trust Co. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bogacz Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Bonar Dr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Borman Mrs. Lewis J. Bratt Mr. Dallas E. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Garthe Brown Mr. Ronald G. Brown Mrs. Ina J. Bryan Mrs. Georgia Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. George Buchman Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cable Ms. Ann Canfield Brig. General and Mrs. Jack L. Capps The Hon. Joe Pierron and Dr. Diana B. Carlin Pierron Mrs. Victor M. Carter Mr. Edward S. Chandler, Sr. Mr. Edward S. Chandler, Jr. Dr. Teri Lea Chandler-Purcell and Mr. John M. Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chanock Mr. and Mrs. Don Chapman Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Chase Ms. Patricia Chasnoff Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Childress Mr. and Mrs. Earl P. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Cobb Mr. Jules Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Sanford L. Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Costello Mr. Lawrence U. Costiglio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Counsell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Couper Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cronemeyer Mr. and Mrs. Stan Crumbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner Davis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison Mrs. Betty J. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Derrough Mr. and Mrs. Merle Deterding Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Devine Mr. Michael B. Downey Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dukas The Duke Energy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John S. Eckels

12 Tr uman Librar y Institute – 2006 Annual Repor t

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Edelman Mr. and Mrs. Bert Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Ron Eiman Mr. George M. Elsey The Honorable Jane G. Eskind Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ewing, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Burton M. Fendelman Mrs. Jo Ann Field Rabbi and Mrs. Harvey J. Fields Rabbi and Mrs. David S. Fine Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Fischbach Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. David Freirich Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Gall Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gilson Mr. and Mrs. James Goetz Mr. Nathan Golden Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goldy Mr. Sheldon Gottlieb Mr. and Mrs. James Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Grimaldi Mr. and Mrs. William M. Grojean Mr. and Mrs. Ruvane E. Grossman Ms. Sara E. Groves and Mr. Robert D. Firnhaber Mr. and Mrs. James R. Guziejewski Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Haberkorn Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Hackman Mrs. Mary Ann B. Hale Mr. Craig Hamilton Mrs. Fred Havens Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall Hedlund Dr. Mary Ann Heiss Mr. John C. Henshaw, Jr. Mr. John F. Herbst, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Hershey Mr. and Mrs. Jerry N. Hess Mr. and Mrs. Reed W. Hickok Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hiersteiner Mr. and Mrs. Sol N. Himmelman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Hoenig Mr. and Mrs. Paul Holewinski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Holman Professor and Mrs. Dan F. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Graham T. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Jim Huntington Mr. and Mrs. David Immenschuh Mrs. Ann R. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings Mrs. Judith C. Johnson Mr. Stephen B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnston Mr. Geoffrey Jolley Dr. and Mrs. Harry S. Jonas Ms. Susan Kahn Mr. and Mrs. George E. Kapke Mr. and Mrs. Ward A. Katz Mr. William T. Paulic and Ms. Barbara L. Kay Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Breene M. Kerr Kimak's Pest Control, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kirkpatrick Dr. Robert E. Kleiger Mr. and Mrs. John P. Knable, II Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Kraft Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kurtz Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kutler Dr. and Mrs. Burnell Landers Judge Donald H. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Len Lauer

Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Lee Mrs. William Levi The Richard M. & Carol H. Levin Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Howard Levitan Mr. George B. Lopez Ms. Eleanor A. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. MacAvoy Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Maday Mr. Larry Malone Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Marder Ms. Carol Margolin Ms. Joanna M. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Martin Ms. Sue Masica Ms. Janeal R. Matheson Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mayta Ms. Molly A. McGee Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott McGinness Dr. and Mrs. Harold S. McNabb, Jr. Mr. William E. Pfeiffer and Ms. Mary Kay McPhee Dr. and Mrs. Robert Meneilly Mr. and Mrs. John A. Meyer Mr. Robert E. Meyerhoff Mr. and Mrs. Elmont W. Michaelson Mr. Edward P. Milbank Ms. Nancy Milgram Mr. and Mrs. D. Forest Milledge, Jr. State of Missouri Ms. Penny G. Moeller Ms. Melanie R. Moentmann Mr. and Mrs. William D. Montague Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Ramón Murguía Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Myron Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nadder Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nadeau Professor Anna K. Nelson Mr. Lewis Nerman Mr. and Mrs. Jim Neville Mrs. Mary Lois Nevins Mr. Ronald C. Noll Mr. Myron Nollen Ms. Anne M. Nolte Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Novak Mr. E. W. Nun Mrs. Mary Nygren Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ormsby O'Shea Company's Ms. Phyllis Oswald Mr. and Mrs. Lambert B. Ott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Ozar Pasadena Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Pick Mr. William R. Piper Dr. and Mrs. Donald Potts Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas K. Powell Mrs. Marion L. Price Price Waterhouse Coopers Mr. and Mrs. Jackson P. Ravenscroft Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. David N. Revier Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rich Mrs. Marilyn P. Rinker Riverside Transport, Inc. Ms. Mary Roe Ms. Mildred W. Roesler-Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Scott Roley Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Ronan, Jr. Dr. Miriam Rosenn Mr. and Mrs. William M. Roth Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rubel Mr. Ernest Rubenstein

The Hon. and Mrs. Howard F. Sachs Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Salter Mr. Richard E. Sandeen Mr. Carl H. Sapper, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Sawyer Dr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Scharf Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schmidt Ms. Lee Williams and Mr. Brent Schondelmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schultz Mr. John A. Scully Mr. Christopher Senior Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert J. Shippee, Sr. Mr. Lindsey E. Shull Mr. and Mrs. Dale M. Sienicki Drs. Steven and Elisa Silverstein The Hon. and Mrs. Alan K. Simpson Mr. Martin Singerman Mr. and Mrs. James R. Slater Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sloan Mrs. Beverly N. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Michael Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Abraham D. Sofaer Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Sowers Mr. and Mrs. Nick Spaethe Mr. Michael D. Stackpoole Mr. and Mrs. Boris Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Stern Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stoliar Dr. and Mrs. William W. Stueck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kenneth Swearingen Mr. and Mrs. H. Stephen Talge Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Lyle A. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John S. Thornton Mrs. William F. Tillitt Toledo Federation of Teachers Local 250 Mr. James F. Townsend Ms. Judy J. Turner Ms. Mary L. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Turrentine Mr. and Mrs. John W. Uhlmann Ms. Rosemarie Vohsen Ms. Phyllis Wagner Mr. Edward B. Wallace, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Weir Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weisz Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Westhoff Mr. James Whitworth The Hon. and Mrs. John Wildenthal Professor Caroline H. Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Wolf Wyrsch, Hobbs, Mirakian & Lee, P.C. Mrs. Fanny F. Yarmo Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Yonke $99 and Below Mr. Everett Och and Ms. Teresa Abramowski Mr. Tom Adams and Dr. Carol Jackson Adams Ms. Carol A. Deakyne and Mr. John E. Adams Dr. and Mrs. Ahmad Akbari Ms. Joan Alders Mr. and Mrs. John E. Alldredge Dr. and Mrs. William C. Allen Mr. and Mrs. William L. Allen Mr. William W. Allen Mr. Freeman E. Alsop Mr. and Mrs. Francis Amoroso Mr. and Mrs. Dean Andersen Mr. and Mrs. David W. Anderson

Mrs. Davie B. Anderson Mr. Donald D. Anderson Mr. Eric Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Shawn M. Anderson Mrs. C. J. Anderton Anonymous Cash Gifts Mr. William T. Anton, III Ms. Christine Arentson Dr. and Mrs. Gary Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Atha, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Atwood Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Aylward Mr. Daniel Bachkin Dr. B. Joyce Bailey Mr. and Mrs. William W. Baker Mr. and Mrs. David E. Balducchi Ms. Judith M. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund Balka Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bardsley Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Barewin Mr. Robert C. Barkhurst Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Barry Dr. and Mrs. Harold F. Bass, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bastin Mr. Robert S. Bates Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bates Mr. and Mrs. Larry Batson Mrs. Joan E. Bauer Dr. and Mrs. William L. Bayer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bazer Mr. Gerald L. Bearden Mr. and Mrs. Billy J. Beaver Dr. Stephen V. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Ray Beikman Mr. David M. Bell Ms. Nancy P. Bemis Dr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett Dr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Bergman Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berkley Mr. and Mrs. George L. Berlacher Mr. Charles M. Berlau Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Bertoncin Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Bertram, Jr. Mr. Daniel Besser Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Bettlach Mr. and Mrs. C. Glenn Betts Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Bilen Mr. and Mrs. John C. Bills Mr. Alan Black Mr. and Mrs. James C. Black Mr. Maynard M. Blackwood Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Blaney Ms. Betty D. Blatt Ms. Flora Blythe Mr. Walter J. Bobkiewicz, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bolian Mr. and Mrs. Paul Booth Mr. Rick Borges Mr. and Mrs. James Borthwick Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bosben Mr. Leslie P. Boston Ms. Diana K. Boylls Mr. and Mrs. Ted Branch Mr. Douglas M. Brattebo Dr. Walter Brayman Rev. and Mrs. Robert A. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bresette Mr. Walter C. Bridgewater Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bright Mr. and Mrs. Harlan E. Brockman Mrs. Ellen Broderick Dr. Mark J. Brodkey Ms. Elsie Brolan Mrs. Betty M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brown Mr. and Mrs. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Randy C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown Mr. Theodore Brown, Jr. Mrs. Wanda A. Brown Judge Wesley E. Brown Ms. Johanna Ginsberg and Mr. Mark Brownstein Ms. Louise Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bruner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Brunkhardt Mr. Jeffrey Bruns Mr. Richard W. Bryant Mr. Frank L. Buchan Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Buck Mr. and Mrs. James P. Buckley Mrs. Sally N. Bueno Mr. Lon Bumgarner Mr. and Mrs. Chester P. Buras Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burge Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Burnup Mrs. Beulah J. Burrus Mr. and Mrs. Riley L. Burrus Dr. and Mrs. V. Frederick Burry, Jr. Mr. Scott Buzard Dr. Elwyn L. Cady, Jr. Mr. Jerry F. Caligiuri Mr. and Mrs. James C. Callinan Drs. Greta and Marvin Camel Mrs. Cynthia M. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Robin R. Canterbury Mr. Daniel J. Carden Ms. Judith Ann Carey Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Carrozzo Ms. Jill Carter Ms. Chelsea Cassell Mr. and Mrs. Jim W. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cauthen Mr. Earl K. Cavanah Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Cerrell Mr. Wayne Chaney Mr. and Mrs. Archie D. Chelseth Mr. Jesse L. Childers Mr. Leo M. Chop Mr. Mark E. Chop Mrs. Ernest Christen Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Christenson Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Christiansen Mr. and Mrs. Terry L. Chronister Prof. Anna Cienciala Mrs. Doris L. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, Jr. Mr. Joe H. Clark Mr. and Mrs. John W. Clark Ms. Susan Clark Mr. and Mrs. William M. Clark Mr. Scott Clemens Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Clemons Ms. Kolyn N. Cochran Mrs. Mary C. Cofer Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Cole Ms. Bernice I. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Connelly Mr. Irving Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Copher Mr. Steven Cordell Ms. Therese A. Ciolek and Mr. George S. Cornish Mr. Edward Covalesk Mr. and Mrs. Hardin C. Cox Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Craig Mr. Gary A. Craighead Mrs. Eugenia R. Crain Mr. and Mrs. George F. Crawford

Mr. Rick Criss Mr. and Mrs. Darrell A. Cross Mr. Michael S. Crowe, Sr. The Honorable and Mrs. G. L. Crystal Mrs. Regina Smith Culver Mr. and Mrs. C. Leroy Cundiff Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Cunniff Mr. W. Frank Cunningham Trooper and Mrs. Albert Curley Mr. and Mrs. John T. Curry Mr. Art Curtis Mrs. C.I. (Catherine) Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Daddona Mr. and Mrs. Don Dagenais Ms. Patricia A. Yamate and Mr. William J. Daly Mr. and Mrs. William H. Danforth Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Danner Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Dauer Mrs. and Mr. Chris Davidson Mr. and Mrs. James C. Davidson Mr. Chris L. Davis Major and Mrs. Douglas J. Davis Mr. Kenneth P. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Dean Davison Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dean Mrs. Edna H. Deaton Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Decker Professor and Mrs. Wayne L. Decker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dees Mr. and Mrs. Royce D. Delmatier Mr. John H. Dengler Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas E. DeNigris Mr. and Mrs. Barry Denslow Ms. Carolyn M. Detillier Ms. Nancy J. Hohmann and Mr. David H. Dexter Mr. Nicholas A. Di Blasio Mr. and Mrs. Carl DiCapo Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Dickey Mr. and Mrs. David F. Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Dillingham Mrs. Martha Dillman Mrs. Virginia Dimmel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Dinneen Ms. Amy Disch Mr. Terry Gratz and Ms. Erica A. Dobreff Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Doering Mr. and Mrs. Alan Doft Mr. and Mrs. Youngsik Dokko Mrs. Shirley C. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Donath, Ed.D. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Donath Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Donnelly Mrs. Mary C. Doohan Rev. Adrienne M. Dorfman and Mr. Lee H. Dorfman Mr. Craig Doty Mr. and Mrs. William Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Downing Mr. and Mrs. George M. Drew Mr. Walter V. Duane Mr. John R. Duck The Hon. and Mrs. Michael S. Dukakis Mr. and Mrs. Terry Dunlap Dr. Marvin I. Dunn Ms. Phyllis Holter Dunn Mr. Mark Durbin Dr. and Mrs. James R. Durig Ms. Marjorie K. Durkee The Hon. and Mrs. Gary D. Dusenberg Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Dusing Mr. William S. Eastberg Mr. and Mrs. Lowell H. Easter

Mr. Byron W. Eaton Ms. Cynthia G. Edwards and Mr. Kevin Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Edwards Mr. Mark Eggert Ms. Bella Ruth Ehrenpreis Mr. and Mrs. George L. Eib Dr. and Mrs. Gustave Eisemann Mr. Mark Eisemann and Ms. Leslie Mark Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Elarton The Hon. and Mrs. Mike Eliason Mr. Robert L. Eller and Ms. Mary Vincent Dr. Susan Ellis Mr. and Mrs. William S. Embury Mrs. Olga M. Engel Mr. John English Mr. Gregory E. Eufinger, Jr. ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Farnsworth Judge and Mrs. Arthur B. Federman Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fedotin Mr. and Mrs. David E. Feiereisen Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Feiereisen Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ferguson Mr. Michael P. Ferrell Dr. Robert H. Ferrell Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ferro Mr. David Fidler Mr. O. W. Fillerup Mrs. Betty T. Finkelstein Ms. Marjorie Finley Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Fischer Mr. Roger Fisher Ms. Lora Hackman Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flam Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fleischhauer Mrs. Jacqueline S. Fleschman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fleschman Dr. and Mrs. Barry L. Flinchbaugh FLM Industries, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Marion B. Foley The Hon. and Mrs. Donald R. Ford Mr. and Mrs. A. Warren Francis Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Francis Ms. Randi Frank Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Franklin The Hon. and Mrs. Thomas J. Frawley Mrs. Helen L. French Prof. and Mrs. Richard M. Fried Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Fried Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Friedland Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Friedman Ms. Luella E. Friend David and Carolyn Fulk Dr. Connel R. Fullenkamp Mr. and Mrs. Neil O. Fuller Mrs. Henrietta M. Fullerton Mr. and Mrs. Rick E. Fullerton Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gall Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Gallagher Dr. Robert E. Gamer The Hon. and Mrs. Jack E. Gant Mrs. Jane Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geisel Mrs. Lawrence E. Gelfand Dr. and Mrs. Frank Genovese Mrs. Eloise Gentry Ms. Arlene F. Gerhard Norris Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Gershon Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Getman Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Gibbs

Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Gibson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gilbertson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gilmartin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ginsburg Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Glenn Dr. and Mrs. John P. Glennon Mr. Steven D. Goers Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Jacobo Goldstein Mr. Allan L. Goode Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Goodell Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Goodpasture Prof. Craufurd D. Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne M. Goodwin Mr. Jerome L. Goolsby Mr. Sam A. Gordon Ms. Patricia L. Gore Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Gose Mr. Dan Gould Dr. and Mrs. Henry F. Graff Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Graff Dr. and Mrs. Keith G. Grafing Ms. Betty G. Funk and Corporal John R. Graves Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Green Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Green Mr. Seymour D. Greenstone Mr. Edward D. Greim Mr. and Mrs. James M. Grenier Mr. and Mrs. C. Philip Griffin Ms. A. Jeannette Grimme Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Guetlich Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gulick Dr. and Mrs. Milton O. Gustafson Mr. Warren Hagel Mr. and Mrs. Hubert D. Hagen Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hagen Ms. Norma R. Hagerty Mr. Stephen J. Haggerty Mr. Wayne A. Haglund Mr. Fred J. Hahn Msgr. James David Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hahs Ms. Jessica L. Hale Mr. Richard E. Hale Mr. C. Francis Hales Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hall Dr. and Mrs. Alonzo L. Hamby Ms. Gretchen W. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. G. Dale Hammel Mr. and Mrs. Major D. Hammett Mr. and Mrs. David Hammond Mr. Lee Haney Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanks Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Hanover Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hanson Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hanson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Hargett Mr. and Mrs. Claude S. Harkins Mr. and Mrs. James C. Harlan Mr. and Mrs. David T. Harold Mr. and Mrs. David A. Harrington Dr. Connie K. Harris Ms. Elaine Harris Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Hartman Mrs. Jane E. Hartnett Ms. Margaret F. Hartzell Mr. Thomas A. Harz Mr. and Mrs. Wendell R. Hathhorn Mrs. Judith A. Hauck Dr. Jerzy Hauptmann Dr. William E. Hauser Mrs. Margaret J. Hausheer Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Heacock Mr. and Mrs. Danny Head Drs. James and Maridella Heiman umanlibrar y. org


D O N O R H O N O R RO L L C O N T I N U E D Ms. Olga K. Heisler Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Hempy Mr. Thomas Henderson Mrs. Paul H. Henson Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hering Heritage Petroleum, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Herman Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Herndon Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hersh Mr. John Hersker Mr. Albert A. Owen and Ms. Juarenne Hester Mr. and Mrs. Tom Heuertz Mr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Hewitt Mr. Brian Hickingbottom Ms. Doris M. Hickson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Higgins, III Ms. Joan Hilger-Mullen Mrs. James T. Hill, Jr. Mrs. Helen L. Hilliard Mr. and Mrs. Edgar G. Hinde, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hines Mr. Jerome W. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hitesman Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hix Mrs. Pat Hobbs Mr. Gordon S. Hodgkins Mrs. Colene S. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hogarty Mr. Richard G. Hollow Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Hollub Dr. and Mrs. Edward Holton Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Holzle Mr. James Homan Mr. and Mrs. Clifford R. Hope, Jr. Ms. Gerlinde Hopkins Ms. Cindy Horn Mr. and Mrs. Alex R. Horowitz Mrs. Jane Howard Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Howard Mr. and Mrs. John Howe Mr. and Mrs. John Howland Mr. George C. Hubel Mr. David M. Huckett Mrs. Bernadette Dumas Hudson Mr. Vernon Huff Mr. and Mrs. William J. Huhmann Mr. J. Wells Hull Mr. Douglass Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Chris Huot Mr. and Mrs. Don Hutchinson Ms. Mary Kay Ingenthron Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Ireland Mr. and Mrs. Arlan L. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Vernie E. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. James R. Jahnz, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William J. James Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jancek Ms. Adell J. Janzen Ms. Suzanne P. Jebe Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Jeffries Mr. and Mrs. David F. Jensen Ms. Fern T. Jessee Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johns Ms. Wendy Frieman and Dr. David E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Johnson Dr. Niel M. Johnson Mr. Rolly Johnson, Jr. Mr. Timothy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jonathan Mr. John P. Jones Ms. Paula L. Jones Mr. R. Michael Jones Mr. Edward Junk Mr. and Mrs. Oskar Kaaring Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kahn

Ambassador and Mrs. Philip M. Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kaluza Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Kampelman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kander Mr. Donald H. Kane Dr. Julius M. Kantor Mr. Theodore E. Kapala Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Kapell Mrs. Florence Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Z. Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M. Karsh Mr. and Ms. Stanley Katz Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Keeland Ms. Joyce L. Keeler Ms. Nancy Schuyler and Mr. Donel C. Kelley Mr. Duane B. Kelly Mr. Frank J. Kelly Mr. Stephen D. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Kennedy Mr. Robert C. Protho and Mr. Christopher Kerecman Mr. John L. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Johnny F. Kessler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kilker Mr. and Mrs. Kurt L. Killen Mr. Robert K. Kirkendall Mrs. Mary A. Klarman Mr. and Mrs. D. Jack Klein Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kleinman Mrs. Ruth I. Knee Mr. Harry F. Knight Mr. John Gilluly and Mrs. Grace Kohan Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Koirtyohann Mrs. Margaret Koontz Mr. and Mrs. Mark Koontz Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kopke Ms. Irene Kovac Mr. and Mrs. W. Keith Krambeck Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kraner Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Kranitz Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kratchman Mr. Eric M. Kratty Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Kraus Mr. Robert H. Kringe Mr. Sid Kross Ms. Anna B. Kurzweil Mr. Robert P. Kuster Ms. Barbara M. Kuzdzol Mr. Leo R. La Pierre Professor Virginia J. Laas Mr. Philip D. Lagerquist Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Laitner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Lakin Mr. and Mrs. Sanders R. Lambert, Jr. Mrs. Leona G. Lambert-Suchet Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Langford Mr. and Mrs. Asher C. Langworthy, Jr. Dr. James E. Larson Mr. and Mrs. Orville Larson Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Lass Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Latare Mrs. Betty F. Tatom and Mr. Lawrence G. Latimer Ms. Pamela M. Lautsch Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Leaman Mr. Jeffery Leathers Dr. Bryan LeBeau Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. LeBlanc Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. LeDuc Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Myung Woong Lee Mr. Meyer Lerner Dr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Lessig Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lewis

14 Tr uman Librar y Institute – 2006 Annual Repor t

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Mr. and Mrs. Milburn B. Mein Mr. and Mrs. William J. Memmer Mr. and Mrs. Jay Menitove Ms. Kay Menzel Dr. George L. Meshke Mr. Harold Metts Mrs. Edith C. Metzgar Mr. and Mrs. Martin Michel Col. Paul L. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Droste D. Milledge, Sr. Mr. Elynor A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller Mrs. Harold B. Miller Mr. Timothy W. Miller Dr. Wilbur H. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gary Million Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Mines Dr. Franklin D. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Mnookin Mr. and Mrs. Elton M. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Joe R. Moody, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Moore Mrs. Waunita B. Moore Dr. Robert Morantz and Ms. Marsha Murphy Dr. and Mrs. J. Harold Morris Ms. Kay D. Morris Mr. and Mrs. John W. Morrison, III Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Jerold W. Mullins Mr. John Murphy Ms. Carol Ice and Mr. Stephen L. Murphy Ms. Elizabeth A. Myers Mr. Gerard S. Naples Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Napolitan Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Naylor Mr. Ronald R. Neal Mrs. Virginia F. Neff Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Nerman Dr. and Mrs. Steven M. Neuse Dr. Robert P. Newman Mr. and Mrs. John V. Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Nickle Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Nicks, Jr. Mr. Paul Niewrzel Ms. Laura D. Nolte Dr. Henrietta Spencer and Mr. Michael Norton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin K. Nunnink Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O'Connor Mr. Brian O'Donnell Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Offer Mr. James R. Ogle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David O'Hagan Ms. Karen DeLuccie and Mr. Joseph F. O'Hara Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Oliver Mr. Duane R. Olsen Dr. and Mrs. James C. Olson Mr. Ted Olson Mrs. James C. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Bjorn E. Olsson Ms. Judi O'Neill-Boothe Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Ortbals Mr. and Mrs. Norman Oshin Mr. and Mrs. Claude T. Owen Ms. Barbara Paddock and Mr. Jordan Sprechman Mr. Uldis J. Palde Mrs. Matti Palluconi Mr. Kent I. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Emory C. Parks Mrs. Patricia A. Parr Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Parrish

Mrs. Mary E. Paschall Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pashen Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Patinkin Ms. Marilyn P. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Patterson Ms. Heather N. Paxton Mr. and Mrs. William C. Paxton Mr. Charles J. Payer, Jr. Mr. H. Scott Peck Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Pecorara Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Pelka Cpt. Robert C. Peniston, USN (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Perdue Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Perelson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Peters Ms. Patricia A. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Colvin A. Peterson Dr. Jody L. Peterson Mr. Dennis M. Pettit Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Peyton Mr. and Mrs. Cary Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Piazza Mr. and Mrs. David N. Pickerill Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Ossean E. Pierson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Pistilli Mr. and Mrs. Nick L. Pizzichino Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ploeger Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Poch Dr. and Mrs. Monte M. Poen Dr. and Mrs. Jim C. Pogue Mrs. Dixie Pollard Ms. Adena Potok Mr. and Mrs. George E. Powell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson K. Powell Mr. Douglas R. Price Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Price, II Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Prosser CDR and Mrs. Gerald P. Pulley, (Retired) Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Putt Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pyster Dr. James R. Ralph, Jr. Mr. Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Raney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rausch Mr. John A. Rauschkolb Mr. and Mrs. B. John Readey, III Ms. Mary Sue Reagan Mr. and Mrs. Larry Reakes Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Reasoner Ms. Anne Ford Rector The Hon. and Mrs. Edward C. Reed, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Reed The Hon. and Mrs. Don Reimal The Hon. and Mrs. James R. Reinhard Mr. and Mrs. James E. Remer Mr. and Mrs. Terry Rennack Mr. Dave Jackson and Mr. Jack Rennekamp Mr. Loren D. Reuter Dr. and Mrs. Paul Revare Mr. James P. Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. James B. Rhoads Mrs. Anita J. Rhodes Ms. Kimberlee N. Ried Col. and Mrs. John Riffle, USAF (Retired) Ms. Leslie R. Riggs Dr. and Mrs. Ted Rights Rear Admiral and Mrs. J.T. Riker Ms. Karen Roberts Mr. Steven L. Roberts Dr. David Brian Robertson Ms. Patricia L. Robins

Mr. Arthur R. Robinson Mr. Beauford W. Robinson Prof. David K. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Robinson Mrs. Virginia Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Rogolsky Mr. Raymond H. Rondeau Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow S. Rooklin Ms. Sherrill L. Rosen Mr. Peter Kretzmer and Ms. Deborah S. Rosenberg Dr. and Mrs. Gene Ross Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Rostenberg Mr. and Mrs. William E. Royster Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rubin Mr. David A. Rubio Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Rucereto Mr. and Mrs. Brent Rupp Mr. Siegfried Ruschin Mr. Douglas R. Rushing Ms. Mary Russell Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Rutledge Dr. Sara L. Sale Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Salmon Mr. Robert T. Salsman The Hon. and Mrs. Stanley J. Salva Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Salz Mr. David M. Santoli Mr. Robert B. Satterfield Cpt. and Mrs. Thomas J. Saul Dr. and Mrs. Kurt W. Schake Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Schechter Mr. Stuart M. Scherer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Schmiedeler Mr. and Mrs. John L. Schmiedeler Dr. Kenneth Schowengerdt and Dr. Joyce Koenig Mr. Jim Schraeder Dr. Rosemary G. Schrepfer Mr. Jim Schroeder and The Hon. Patricia Schroeder Mr. Michael F. Schuman Mr. and Mrs. William A. Schuman Mr. and Mrs. Morris Schwab Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg Scircle, III Mr. and Mrs. Rex W. Scouten Mr. Richard V. Seaboldt Dr. Arlene E. Segal Mrs. Elizabeth Seippel Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Sellers Mrs. Anne H. Shalinsky Mr. Robert Sharp Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Shechter Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Shepard

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