Annual London Survey 2003

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Annual London Survey 2003 Final Topline 16/01/04 • • • • • • • • •

Results are based on 1,429 interviews conducted face to face in respondents’ homes with a sample of residents in the Greater London area. Interviews were conducted between 25th October and 16th December 2003. Data are weighted by gender, age, work status and ethnicity to the known profile of Greater London. Data are also weighted by GLA constituency to reflect the population profile. Where results do not sum to 100%, this may be due to multiple responses, computer rounding or the exclusion of ‘don’t know/not stated’ response categories. Where there are small bases (less than 30 respondents) responses are given in absolute figures rather than percentage answers. Multiple responses mean that respondents can give more than one answer to a question, therefore results will total more than 100, as percentages are based on the total number of responses given divided by the total number of people answering the question, e.g. Q5. The use of showcards indicates that responses to a question are prompted i.e. respondents are given a list of responses from which they can choose. Where applicable, trend data from previous surveys has been included. An asterisk (*) represents a value of less than one per cent, but not zero.


How long have you been living at your current address?


And how long have you been living in London? Current address % Up to 1 year 16 Over 1 year up to 2 years 10 Over 2 years up to 5 years 16 Over 5 years up to 10 years 15 Over 10 years up to 15 years 10 Over 15 years up to 20 years 9 Over 20 years or more 21 All my life/born in London 3 Don’t know/Can’t remember *


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with this neighbourhood as a place to live?

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied No opinion Q4.

London % 2 4 7 10 8 8 26 38 1

2003 % 28 50 8 9 5 1

2002 % 30 50 7 8 5 1

2001 % 33 50 7 6 5 *

2000 % 34 49 7 6 4 *

And how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with London as a city to live in?

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied No opinion

2003 % 19 52 13 11 4 2


2002 % 19 50 13 10 6 2

2001 % 24 51 11 8 4 1

2000 % 22 53 12 8 3 2


What, if anything, would you say are the two or three best things about living in London? Just read out the letter/s that apply.

The range of shops Job opportunities The mixture of people who live here The range of museums and art galleries Nightlife (theatres/clubs/bars) Transport The range of parks and open spaces Schools Health services The range of sports and leisure The range of housing available Safety in London/Crime rates The cost of living The cost of housing Traffic congestion Other None of these/nothing Don’t know Q6.

2003 % 40 30 30

2002 % 40 30 31

2001 % 43 34 31




27 23 20

26 19 14

26 22 16

12 11 10 3 2 1 1 * 4 3 3

15 13 10 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 2

13 13 10 4 2 1 n/a n/a 2 3 3

What, if anything, would you say are the two or three worst things about living in London? Just read out the letter/s that apply.

The cost of living Traffic congestion Safety in London/Crime rates The cost of housing Transport Health services The range of housing available Schools Job opportunities The mixture of people who live here The range of parks and open spaces The range of shops The range of sports and leisure Nightlife (theatres/clubs/bars) The range of museums and art galleries Other None of these/nothing Don’t know

2003 % 47 46 38 38 22 11 7 5 4 4

2002 % 46 54 37 36 22 9 6 5 5 4

2001 % 56 n/a 52 n/a 35 22 16 8 5 5




1 1 1 *

1 * 2 *

2 3 3 1

6 4 2

8 3 2

5 4 4


Q7. Q8.


Q10. Q11. Q12. Q13. Q14. Q15. Q16.








I would like to ask some general questions about London as a whole, not just this area. I am going to read out some statements and would like you to tell me for each one, whether you agree or disagree. Agree Disagree Neither/Don’t know ‘03 ‘02 ‘01 ‘03 ‘02 ‘01 ‘03 ‘02 ‘01 % % % % % % % % % 25 London is an accessible place 38 40 43 38 37 32 25 23 for disabled people 15 London is a City with good 67 62 64 17 21 21 16 17 relations between different racial, ethnic and religious communities 27 There is less discrimination on 45 47 49 22 23 25 34 30 the basis of race or ethnic origin in London than three years ago 9 10 8 London is a green City 50 40 37 41 50 55 9 8 London is a clean City 29 19 19 61 72 73 10 16 London is a City with good 51 47 41 35 36 43 15 18 quality health services 25 London is a City with good 52 51 50 23 20 24 25 30 schools 6 7 5 London is a City that is easy to 74 69 76 20 23 20 get around 8 9 10 8 8 9 London is a City with good 84 83 82 cultural and leisure facilities 6 8 7 London is a good City for 81 72 75 14 20 18 parks, open spaces and community recreation facilities and activities 7 8 8 31 29 19 London is a City that is 62 63 73 tolerant of gay and lesbian people I am now going to read out a number of different statements. For each, please tell me whether you agree or disagree?

Housing and accommodation in London is too expensive London offers good employment opportunities I would move out of London if I could London may not be perfect but I enjoy living here I enjoy the cultural diversity of London

2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001

% % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

Strongly agree

Tend to agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Tend to disagree

Strongly disagree

No opinion

68 73 71 26 29 32 18 21 20 28 34 44 35 36 45

26 19 22 44 43 44 21 19 16 50 46 41 44 41 38

4 3 4 15 13 10 14 15 10 12 12 9 13 13 10

1 2 1 7 8 6 24 21 26 6 5 4 4 6 3

* * * 2 3 3 19 22 27 2 2 2 2 2 1

1 2 1 6 5 4 4 2 1 3 1 * 2 2 2



How safe do you feel walking outside in this neighbourhood in the evening by yourself? 2003 2002 2001 2000 % % % % Very safe 19 16 16 16 Fairly safe 41 40 34 35 A bit unsafe 20 18 25 26 Very unsafe 13 15 17 15 Never go out in the evening 7 10 8 7 Don’t know * * 1 *


Thinking about your quality of life in London, how much of a problem, if at all, do you consider each of the following to be? Major No problem Don’t problem at all know 1 2 3 4 5


Safety in London


Assault/physical attack


Fear of crime


Assault/physical attack because of race, religion or ethnic origin


Assault/physical attack against women*


Assault/physical attack against gay and lesbian people


Assault/physical attack against disabled people


Assault/physical attack against children**


The cost of living




Affordable housing


Traffic congestion

2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001 2003 2002 2001

% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

* 2001 working ‘Safety for women’ ** 2001 wording ‘Safety for children’ Where figures are blank, questions were not asked

19 29 22 17 26 23 22 32 27 13 17 17 17 23 22 7 9

32 30 30 29 31 28 36 33 32 26 27 26 29 32 31 17 19

26 24 30 28 25 26 22 20 23 26 25 24 27 25 28 26 25

12 10 10 15 11 14 13 10 11 17 14 13 14 11 11 15 16

7 5 6 7 5 8 5 4 5 11 9 15 5 4 5 8 8

3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 8 7 5 7 5 4 27 23

7 10

16 16

25 20

21 23

12 14

19 17

11 19 21 41 51 48 12 18 11 48 60 49 43 62

24 26 29 35 29 30 23 24 22 32 24 28 38 23

25 25 26 15 12 14 28 25 29 13 9 12 13 9

16 16 12 5 4 4 19 16 19 3 4 5 2 3

9 7 5 2 2 3 9 9 11 2 2 3 2 1

14 8 6 2 2 1 9 8 7 2 2 3 2 2


Thinking about safety, for what reasons, if any, do you think people feel unsafe in this area? What else?” % Fear of being mugged or physically attacked 29 Fear of burglary 25 Teenagers hanging around on the streets 23 Lack of police presence 21 Drug dealers 14 Vandalism and other deliberate damage to 14 property or vehicles Too many gangs 11 Fear of the dark/ night 10 Lack of adequate street lighting 10 People being drunk or rowdy in the streets/ 10 public places Gun crime 6 Run-down/ threatening local environment 6 (e.g. graffiti, derelict buildings, etc.) Fear of racial harassment 5 Volume/speed of traffic 5 Fear of sexual harassment 3 People sleeping rough on the streets or in 3 other public places Pickpockets 3 Intimidating behaviour by beggars 2 Violence/crime in general 2 Media coverage 1 Drug Problems 1 Too many immigrants/asylum seekers 1 Attitude of people/lack of morals 1 Yob/hooligan element 1 Other 6 None of these 7 Don’t know 13



Which two or three things do you think would most improve safety in or around this area? More police around on foot Security cameras (CCTV) Improved street lighting Providing young people with more things to do Neighbourhood Watch Closer police links with the community People looking out for each other more Advice on crime prevention Neighbourhood wardens/caretakers (i.e. people patrolling the area to help prevent crime) Traffic restrictions Improved pedestrian crossings Improved layout of streets/estate Drugs education/advice/rehabilitation Improving the local environment e.g. removing graffiti Faster police response times More parental control/discipline More police presence Tougher sentencing of criminals Police stations opened Sense of community spirit Improved/integrated transport system Other None of these Don’t know

% 61 26 25 14 13 7 6 6 6

4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 3 12


Thinking about the quality of the environment in London, how much of a problem, if at all, do you consider each of the following to be? Major No problem Don’t problem at all know 1 2 3 4 5

2003 % 2002 % 2001 % 2003 % Q39. Loss of green spaces 2002 % 2001 % 2003 % Loss of plants and Q40. 2002 % wildlife 2001 % 2003 % Pollution of rivers and Q41. 2002 % canals 2001 % 2003 % Pollution from Q42. 2002 % traffic/exhaust fumes 2001 % 2003 % Q43. Abandoned vehicles 2002 % 2001 % 2003 % Abandoned/dumped Q44. 2002 % household waste 2001 % 2003 % Q45. Noise 2002 % 2001 % 2003 % Q46. Litter 2002 % 2001 % Where figures are blank, questions were not asked Q38.

Air quality

21 28 32 11 17 16 11

31 29 31 27 28 25 27

21 23 20 26 25 27 25

14 11 9 19 16 18 17

10 6 5 13 10 10 13

4 2 3 4 5 3 7

























13 23 26 24 43 38

33 30 31 35 29 32

24 23 21 21 16 17

17 15 13 12 7 9

11 8 9 6 4 4

2 1 1 2 1 1



Thinking about improving the quality of the environment in London, which two or three of these, if any, do you think should be a priority? Just read out the letters that apply.

Reducing pollution from traffic/ exhaust fumes Dealing with litter Improving air quality Dealing with abandoned/dumped household waste Dealing with noise Reducing loss of green spaces Dealing with abandoned vehicles Reducing pollution of rivers and canals Reducing loss of plants and wildlife Other None of these Don’t know

% 44 44 41 26 24 21 17 16 11 1 2 5


Thinking about policing in this area, to what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way this area is policed? % Very satisfied 5 Fairly satisfied 37 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 26 Fairly dissatisfied 19 Very dissatisfied 11 No opinion 3


Thinking about policing in your local area, which two or three of the following, if any, do you think are most important? Please just read out the letters that apply. % Being able to recognise my local 28 police officer Having a permanent team of 43 officers working in this area The local council and the police 36 working together in this area to fight crime Having good relations between 43 the police and the local community in this area Local police having a good 51 knowledge of the problems in this area The local police should reflect 23 the local community they serve Other 1 None of these 1 Don’t know 7

POLICE COMMUNITY SUPPORT OFFICERS I would now like to talk to you about the introduction of Police Community Support Officers. Police Community Support Officers are uniformed staff of the Metropolitan Police Service. Their role is to provide a visual presence on the streets, provide reassurance to the community and help prevent crime. They provide extra support to the police and are in direct contact with the police and can call for assistance. They do not have the same level of training as police officers. They can detain people but cannot make arrests or prosecute people directly. Q50.

To what extent would you support or oppose the introduction of Police Community Support Officers in this area? % Strongly support 38 Tend to support 42 Neither support nor oppose 8 Tend to oppose 5 Strongly oppose 4 Don’t know 3



Now thinking about London as a whole, if more resources were available for policing in London, which three or four of these, if any, would you like more money to be spent on? Please just read out the letters that apply.


Thinking about your local area, if more resources were available for policing in your local area, which three of four of these, if any, would you like more money to be spent on? Please just read out the letters that apply. Q51 Q52 % % Increasing police patrols on 40 54 foot Increasing community support 11 17 officers Increasing policing in areas of 27 17 high crime Increasing policing in this local 16 30 area Preventing terrorist attacks 14 4 Dealing with gun crime 26 8 Dealing with organised crime 20 9 (e.g. criminal gangs) Improving links between the 12 17 police and local community Tackling drug dealing and 39 23 drug-related crime Improving partnerships with 10 12 other organisations, such as the local council, to reduce crime Increasing policing of major 6 3 events in London such as festivals and sports events Reducing anti-social behaviour, 26 29 such as vandalism and disturbances in public places Reducing robberies/street crime Reducing burglaries Dealing with murder offences Dealing with child abuse cases Responding to emergencies more promptly Providing more support services to victims and witnesses of crime Other None of these Don’t know



11 4 11 16

20 2 5 15



* * 8

* 1 7


To improve policing, it has been suggested that each local area has its own team of at least six permanent uniformed officers. These would be a mixture of fully trained police officers and police community support officers who would “walk the beat” in your specific area. This proposal would mean an increase of 70 pence a week, or about £3.00 per month for the average council tax payer. How strongly would you support or oppose this increase in your council tax to fund this proposal? % Strongly support 23 Tend to support 37 Neither support nor oppose 10 Tend to oppose 10 Strongly oppose 15 Don’t know 5


By how much, if anything, would you be prepared for your council tax to increase by in order to fund this proposal? SINGLE CODE ONLY % Up to 10 pence per week 9 (that is 43 pence a month) Up to 30 pence a week 6 (that is £1.30 a month) Up to 50 pence a week 4 (that is £2.17 a month) Up to 70 pence a week 2 (that is £3.03 a month) Nothing 74 Don’t know 5 Base: All who oppose an increase in council tax (364)



Thinking about all types of transport in London (that is, roads, buses, trains, London Underground, walking and cycling), which three or four things do you think need to be improved most? What else? 2003 2002 2001 % % % ROADS 27 28 37 Level of congestion roads 22 25 29 Vehicle pollution 3 4 7 Ease of crossing roads on foot 2 1 2 Better street lighting 3 2 3 Personal security when walking 2 1 2 Levels of taxi fares 2 1 1 Attitude of taxi drivers 1 * 1 Personal security when travelling 1 * * by taxi BUSES 44 51 56 Overcrowding on buses 10 11 12 Cleanliness of buses 7 7 5 Punctuality and reliability of 18 23 26 buses Journey time of buses 5 5 6 Frequency of buses 17 22 25 Number of places that you can 3 3 3 get to by bus Personal security when travelling 3 3 6 on buses and waiting at bus stops Level of bus fares 5 5 6 Attitudes of bus drivers 2 2 3 TRAINS 29 28 33 Overcrowding on trains 9 6 7 Cleanliness of trains 5 5 3 Punctuality and reliability of 15 13 15 trains Journey time of trains 2 2 3 Frequency of trains 8 8 9 Number of places that you can 1 1 1 get to by trains Personal security when travelling 2 3 3 on trains and waiting at train stations Level of train fares 6 5 5 Attitudes of staff at station * * 1 Attitudes of staff on trains * * n/a LONDON UNDERGROUND 39 35 41 Less overcrowding on the 14 11 12 Underground Cleanliness on the Underground 8 7 8 Punctuality and reliability of 17 13 17 Underground trains Journey time of Underground 3 1 3 trains Frequency of Underground trains 9 8 8 Number of places that you can 3 2 3 get to by Underground Personal security when travelling 8 4 4 on trains and waiting at Underground stations Level of Underground fares 10 7 11 Attitudes of staff at Underground 3 1 1 station

Q54 CONT. CYCLING Better/safer cycle routes More cycle routes Attitudes of drivers towards cyclists Facilities for parking bicycles Facilities to store bicycles on trains WALKING Few cracked pavements Better street lighting More pedestrian crossings Fewer steep kerbs (i.e. easier for prams, wheelchairs) Few cyclists on pavements More pedestrianised areas/zones Other None of these Don’t know

2003 % 11 7 6 1

2002 % 11 5 9 1

2001 % 11 5 7 1

1 1

1 1

1 *

11 5 4 3 2

7 5 2 2 1

8 3 3 2 1

2 2



11 6 16

19 6 8

19 4 8


And looking at this card, can I just check which, if any, of these aspects of transport in London are most in need of improvement? Just read out the letter/s that apply. 2003 2002 2001 2000 % % % % Reducing traffic congestion 42 55 59 62 More reliable buses and tubes 39 47 50 43 Cheaper bus and tube fares 33 36 38 40 More investment in the tube 33 35 38 38 Improved personal safety on 27 31 35 40 buses, the tube and trains Less pollution from traffic 20 26 36 41 More investment in the buses 20 28 29 24 A more integrated/cohesive 20 26 28 n/a transport system More investment in the overland 19 22 21 28 trains More bus and cycle lanes 15 21 21 20 Other 2 2 2 2 None of these 3 4 2 2 Don’t know 8 3 3 1


Here is a list of different forms of public transport, please could you tell me which of these, if any, you use regularly? By this I mean at least once a month. Just read out the letters that apply? 2003 2002 % % Local buses 67 64 Underground services (the tube) 50 46 Local train services 31 30 Mini cabs (private hire) 18 17 Black cabs 14 11 Tram 4 3 Docklands Light Railway (DLR) 4 4 Riverboat * * None of these 17 19



For each form of public transport that you use, please tell me how safe you feel using this type of transport at night, alone. Base: All who use … form of public transport Very Fairly safe safe

Local buses Underground services (the tube) Local train services Black cabs Mini cabs (private hire) Riverboat Tram Docklands Light Railway (DLR)


% % %

14 14 12

48 42 49

17 18 22

6 5 10

Don’t use at night because of safety 5 8 2











2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2002


% % % % % % N N % % % %

12 14 45 58 25 25 2 9 16 26 20

53 42 49 27 52 41 1 55 31 41 44

20 21 2 3 14 19 1 2 13 12 12 11

7 9 1 4 4 1 6 1

3 5 1 2 2 6 5 6

4 7 1 9 1 6 1 2 14 19 14 7

1 2 3 2 2 2 1 3 2 10 7 11

2003 2002 2003

(974) (951)

(427) (186) (141) (257) (240) (7) (7) (61) (38) (47) (58)

A bit unsafe

Very unsafe


Do you know the name of the Mayor of London? SINGLE CODE ONLY 2003 2002 2001 % % % Yes (correct) – Ken Livingstone 81 81 77 Yes (incorrect) – Lord Mayor 1 n/a n/a (Alderman Gavyn Arthur) Yes (incorrect) – Other 1 1 1 Yes (incorrect) – Lord Mayor n/a * n/a (James Michael Yorrick Oliver)* Yes (incorrect) – (Lord Mayor/Sir n/a n/a * David Howard)** Yes (incorrect) – Lord Mayor n/a n/a (Alderman Clive Martin)*** No/don’t know 17 18 22 * Asked in 2002 ** Asked in 2001 *** Asked in 2000

2000 % 79 n/a * n/a 21

Don’t go out at night alone 10 13 5

Don’t know

* 1 1


How much, if anything, would you say you know about what the Mayor of London is doing for London?

A great deal A fair amount Not very much Nothing at all Don’t know Q60.

2003 % 2 14 34 32 18

2002 % 2 12 40 32 14

2001 % 1 12 35 30 22

2003 % 2 27 35 23 12

2002 % 4 30 38 19 9

2001 % 3 28 37 20 12

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way Ken Livingstone is doing his job as Mayor of London?

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied No opinion Q63.

2001 % 4 32 34 16 14

How much, if anything, would you say you know about what “Transport for London” is doing for London?

A great deal A fair amount Not very much Nothing at all Don’t know Q62.

2002 % 6 35 37 14 8

How much, if anything, would you say you know about what the London Assembly is doing for London?

A great deal A fair amount Not very much Nothing at all Don’t know Q61.

2003 % 5 39 36 11 9

2003 % 7 28 28 11 10 17

2002 % 4 23 29 14 13 17

2001 % 6 29 31 9 5 19

2000 % 5 25 40 5 3 23

Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way the London Assembly is doing its job?

Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied No opinion

2003 % 1 11 33 5 4 47


2002 % 1 8 31 6 4 50

2001 % 2 15 35 7 5 37

2000 % 2 17 39 4 3 36


You said that you are satisfied with the way Ken Livingstone is doing his job as Mayor of London. Why do you say that? What else? Base: All satisfied with Ken Livingstone

Traffic measures/trying to reduce congestion/introducing congestion charges Doing a good job/making improvements/doing his best for London Addressing transport/trying to improve transport in general Trying/doing his best despite limitations/constraints Improvements to bus service Believes in what he is trying to do/prepared to be unpopular to do the right thing Improving London/creating a better future/generating more money for London Approve of his policies/has some good ideas Like him/his personality/attitude Attempting to sort out tube/underground Cares for the people/one of us/trying to help the public/listens to peoples needs Honest/trust him/no hidden agenda Improvements to public transport Needs more time/needs to be seen in the long term Keeps you informed/coverage through media of plans and achievements Dealing with crime/making London safer Improvements to housing/providing affordable housing Agree with his stance against privatisation/PFI of underground system Environment issues He is independent/independent of central government Health service issues Education Trains/addressing railway issues Approve of his pedestrianisation policy The Olympics Trafalgar square policies Other Don’t know





% 43

% 27







17 14

7 4





8 8

5 2





6 4

2 5









2 2

1 n/a

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1 4 11

n/a n/a 9 4


You said that you are dissatisfied with the way Ken Livingstone is doing his job as Mayor of London. Why do you say that? What else? Base: All dissatisfied with Ken Livingstone 2003




% 39 20

% 38 16









13 8

7 7

10 6

6 4













6 2

3 2



7 7

2 2





2 2

1 1





Disagree with congestion charge Not fulfilling promises/no improvements/can’t see any results Not working for London/not listening to peoples needs Money wasted/too much expenditure Creating more problems/doesn’t know what his is doing/policies not thought through Roads congested/no improvement to congested roads Dislike him/his attitude style No improvements to public transport A lot of talk but not much action No improvement to the tube/ underground/system not being properly addressed No reduction in crime/safety issues not addressed Transport in general/needs a better transport system Housing/lack of affordable housing Strikes/disagree with his involvement in strikes/unions We don’t need a mayor/waste of money Changes to traffic light timings/ lights rigged prior to proposed changes Roadworks/too many roadworks Buses not improved/not enough improvement to bus service Council tax too high/proposed council tax increase Too many charges/taxes Serving his own agenda/furthering own ambitions/political goals Fares have increased/no reduction in fares Lack of information/not kept upto-date on what he is doing Trains/poor quality service Health service poor/needs to concentrate on health service in London Schools/lack of improvement with education system in London Disagree with policies/plans



You said that you are dissatisfied with the way Ken Livingstone is doing his job as Mayor of London. Why do you say that? What else? Base: All dissatisfied with Ken Livingstone

Anti-car policy/persecuting the motorists Lack of expenditure on roads Disagree with Trafalgar Square restrictions More help needed for disabled/elderly Too political/too much time spent fighting government decisions/ issues Not enough powers/not in complete control/restrictions on resources Cleanliness/litter needs attention Other Don’t know





% 3

% 1

1 2

1 1







1 5 10

1 2 14


Looking at this list, please tell me which of these, if any, the Mayor of London has responsibility for? Just read out the letter/s that apply.

Representing London abroad Representing London in Great Britain Over-ground trains Buses The underground/tube Roads Planning public transport Economic development Regeneration Environment Health Service Olympic bid Arts and Leisure services Strategic planning Fire and Emergency services Police Education Congestion charging Attracting tourism to London Making the case for increased central government funding for London Being able to raise taxes Setting Council taxes Setting Business rates Setting budgets for Transport, Development, Police and Fire authorities Scrutiny of budgets for Transport, Development, Police and Fire authorities Scrutiny of budgets for the GLA (Greater London Authority) Making appointments to Transport, Development, Police and Fire authorities Co-ordinating the London Boroughs Other All of these None of these Don’t know Where figures are blank, questions were not asked

2003 % 21 32

2002 % 25 40

2001 % 23 36

2000 % 31 47

42 63 18 25 30 12

33 55 17 20 28 12

33 61 23 28 33 16

17 25 15 20 12

16 21 14 18 11

21 26 30 19

7 8 5 14

8 13 7 21

6 10 5 18

11 16 12 30













1 8 1 19

1 3 2 18

1 5 1 23

1 4 1 16

11 38 41 27 32 13 16 19 6 18 14 13 11 16 9 53 25 20




Looking at this list, please tell me which of these, if any, the London Assembly has responsibility for? Just read out the letter/s that apply.

Representing London abroad Representing London in Great Britain Over-ground trains Buses The underground/tube Roads Planning public transport Economic development Regeneration Environment Health Service Olympic bid Arts and Leisure services Strategic planning Fire and Emergency services Police Education Congestion charging Attracting tourism to London Making the case for increased central government funding for London Being able to raise taxes Setting Council taxes Setting Business rates Setting budgets for Transport, Development, Police and Fire authorities Scrutiny of budgets for Transport, Development, Police and Fire authorities Scrutiny of budgets for the GLA (Greater London Authority) Making appointments to Transport, Development, Police and Fire authorities Co-ordinating the London Boroughs Other All of these None of these Don’t know Where figures are blank, questions were not asked Q68.

2003 % 6 8

2002 % 11 14

2001 % 9 10

2000 % 15 20

14 18 10 12 12 7

10 17 10 9 11 5

18 27 18 18 20 11

9 14 9 11 7

7 10 7 7 5

13 19 20 14

4 5 3 8

7 9 8 12

5 6 5 9

10 14 12 20













* 7 2 58

* 5 3 54

* 5 2 59

* 4 2 42

3 9 10 7 11 8 8 8 3 6 6 8 5 7 4 12 8 9


How well informed do you think the Greater London Authority keeps you about the services it has responsibility for? 2003 2002 2001 2000 % % % % Keeps us very well informed 2 2 2 2 Keeps us fairly well informed 20 17 15 10 Gives us only a limited amount of 32 30 33 26 information Doesn’t tell us much at all about 35 38 40 51 what it does Don’t know 11 13 10 12


From which of the following sources, if any, do you currently obtain information about the Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority? Just read out the letters that apply.


And from which two or three sources from this list would you prefer to get most of your information about the Mayor of London and the Greater London Authority? Just read out the letters that apply.

Local newspaper Leaflets delivered to the door Metro The Londoner – the free newspaper from the Mayor of London delivered to your door Evening Standard National newspapers Local/Regional Television National Television Contact with the Mayor/GLA Friends/neighbours and relations Noticeboards/information points in libraries and other local venues Leaflets and noticeboards in Local Council buildings Posters GLA offices Local shops Local/Regional Radio National Radio Citizen’s Advice Bureau Internet Eastern Eye Asian Voice The Voice Caribbean Times Sing Tao Other ethnic press Other None of these Don’t get information Don’t know

2003 % 45 15 21 18

Obtain Q69 2002 % 31 13 16 10

2001 % 33 14 12 n/a

18 36 27 46 1 6 5

19 42 35 53 2 5 5

6 10 1 1 10 12 1 6 * 1 1 * 1 * 3 5 4

Q71. Q72. Q73.


2003 % 33 17 9 19

Prefer Q70 2002 % 27 25 5 19

2001 % 32 27 7 n/a

18 33 30 46 2 5 5

9 22 19 34 3 2 4

8 33 22 35 2 2 2

10 22 24 35 2 1 5






10 1 1 13 14 1 6 1 * 1 * 1 * 3 6 3

8 3 2 12 13 1 5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 4 9 5

5 1 2 6 6 1 7 * * 1 * 1 * 3 2 6

6 * 1 8 7 * 4 * * 1 * * 1 * 4 2 6

7 2 3 8 8 1 8 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 2 2 6


And finally, what two or three things do you think should be the top priorities to improve London as a place to live? Just read out the letter(s) that apply. 2003 % 30 22 33 48

2002 % 26 20 32 51

Education Environment Health service Affordable housing/Property prices Police 25 19 Improved public transport 31 n/a Affordable public transport 16 n/a Safety/Crime 47 50 Traffic congestion 20 33 Public transport/Cheaper fares n/a 33 Other 1 2 None of these * 1 Don’t know 2 1 * 2000 wording ‘Housing’ rather than ‘Affordable housing/Property prices’ Q75.

2001 % 31 23 39 49

2000 % 10 4 12 11*

19 n/a n/a 51 27 36 2 * 1

8 n/a n/a 27 12 52 3 n/a 13

And what two or three things do you think should be the top priorities to improve London as a place to work? Just read out the letters that apply. 2003 2002 2001 2000 % % % % Economic development 18 14 26 4 Education 13 16 17 3 Affordable housing/Property 48 50 49 4* prices Job opportunities 43 43 49 11 Pay/raise minimum wage 31 31 27 3 Improved public transport 34 n/a n/a n/a Affordable public transport 23 n/a n/a n/a Safety/Crime 23 26 21 6 Traffic congestion 21 30 28 7 Public transport/Cheaper fares n/a 39 44 46 Other 1 1 1 3 None of these 1 1 1 n/a Don’t know 5 3 4 29 * 2000 wording ‘Housing’ rather than ‘Affordable housing/Property prices’

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