Annotated Bibliography

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Autism in Children and the MMR Vaccine: An Annotated Bibliography

Chapman, John. “Epidemic Fears as Parents Snub MMR Warning.” The Express Sept 2008. U.K. 1st Edition. News; 15. This article addresses the concern that measles, mumps and rubella may be on a general increase in number due to the fewer number of parents having their children vaccinated. The article addresses a doctor who is continuing research on the question of how the MMR is connected to causing autism. The article attempts to discredit that doctor. It reports on statistics of the numbers of measles and mumps cases that have been recorded in a few years. The article quotes health and public services employees concerning their fears that citizens are not heeding their warnings and that action should be happening immediately. I will use this information to address the issue of whether vaccines should be given even when a medical risk is present. Jardine, Cassandra. “The Debate that Won’t Go Away. It Seemed the MMR Controversy Had Been Resolved, but Does New Research Point to Another Possible Connection Between Autism and Vaccinations?” The Daily Telegraph (LONDON). May, 2008; 22. This article elaborates on the research of a doctor from an earlier article. The rest of the article addresses the increasing number of autism cases in the United States and around the world. It addresses a possible new cause of autism that would link vaccinations, not completely


blaming vaccinations for the onset of autism, but rather triggering a chain reaction that ends with the onset of autism. It also discusses a study with monkeys that demonstrated autistic characteristics after receiving the MMR. I will use this information as a tool to support the claim that vaccines contribute to the onset of autism, if they do not cause it directly. Johnston, Lucy. “Hollywood Takes on the MMR Jab; As Celebrities Voice Their Concerns About the Triple Vaccine and Measles Outbreaks Continue to Plague Britain, Health Editor LUCY JOHNSTON Speaks Exclusively to Andrew Wakefield, the Doctor Who Started the Debate.” Sunday Express October 12, 2008. U.K. 1st Edition Features; 12. . This article discusses the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism through a different perspective. It discusses the effect of the vaccine on the intestinal tract by a doctor who was a maverick in his research, but was pushed out of his medical community due to his findings concerning the vaccine and the reaction from parents concerned for the safety of their children. The article contains research from the doctor and a few of his coworkers as well as information regarding celebrity support concerning the debate due to their own children being affected by autism. I will use this information to address the following concerning the validity of the connection between autism and the MMR vaccine. Kotz, Deborah. “A Closer Look at Vaccines.” U.S. News & World Report. Feb. 2009. Health, A Healthy Start; 22. Vol.146.No.1.

lKey=29_T5723466943&cisb=22_T5723466942&treeMax=true&treeWidth=0&csi=806 5&docNo=2> This article considers the possibility that other vaccines could have negative affects and questions the safety of all vaccines. It addresses the government’s encouragement to parents to have their children vaccinated and that vaccines are safe, as well as the CDC’s encouragement that it is better to consider the benefits than the potential risks of vaccines. It discusses the possibility of a genetic background that makes children more likely to be affected negatively by a vaccine. It also elaborates on the flawed system the CDC uses to monitor the effects of a vaccine, whether they are positive or negative. I will use this information to continue the argument that the government has a bias for the companies that manufacture the vaccines rather than a neutral support for both sides of the argument. Nataf, Robert, et al. “Porphyrinuriain Childhood Autistic Disorder: Implications for Environmental Toxicity.” Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 214 (2006) 99–108. This article includes information concerning the affect of mercury on the developing brain of a child, the inclusion of mercury, as a preservative, in the MMR vaccine, and the research obtained in a lab by many scientists concerning the effect of mercury on rats. The article addresses the different types of autism and their effects on a child. It includes information concerning environmental toxicity, which includes sources outside the vaccines. It defines autism and what the effects are. Moreover, the article mainly discusses the effects of heavy metals on children and their neurological development in relation to the development of autism and what may trigger the initial onset. I will use this information to develop the theory that heavy metals, including mercury, can have an effect on children and their neurological development that could result in Autism.


Orenstein, Walter A. R, et al. “Immunizations in the United States: Success, Structure, And Stress; A Complex Collaboration Involving Government, Industry, Providers, Academe, Professional Societies, and Third-Party Payers.” The People-To-People Health Foundation, Inc. Health Affairs. May, 2005 - June, 2005.







This article includes information on a wide array of topics. The safety, cost, effectiveness, regulation, and administration of vaccines are all discussed. The author includes topics questioned by non-scientists and also includes information that debunks the claims against those questions. The concern of autism connected to vaccinations is addressed in the article. The Author uses other information gathered to discuss the validity of the concern for the risk of autism in connection to the MMR vaccination. He also discusses how the worry that autism is connected to the administration of the vaccine, has affected the production need of the vaccine and the concern of medical practitioners on the possible spread of the diseases it is proven to help prevent. I will use this information in my discussion to elaborate on the concern of the vaccination companies and the government, and how their biases can affect their perspective. Wacek, Bartholomew C. “Taking Sides in the Vaccine/Autism Legal Battle.” DePaul Journal of Health Care Law. Fall, 2004. 8; 305.

lKey=29_T5723301079&cisb=22_T5723301078&treeMax=true&treeWidth=0&csi=165 994&docNo=4>. This article addresses the current scientific information concerning the connection between vaccines and autism in children. It also discusses the legal battles that are ensuing and the details of many of the cases. It includes information regarding the scientific evidence that is used in the cases as well as the presumptions presented in the cases. It discusses how the government is favoring the side of the vaccine makers and also how the executive and legislative branches have shown their favoritism with legislation and regulations concerning the lawsuits and their effectiveness, and the outcomes concerning benefits and settlement allowances for the families of those affected by autism and other related issues caused by vaccines. I will use this information to discuss the connection between vaccine makers and the government and to elaborate more on the biases that are present in the government concerning the safety of the vaccines and the legislation that has been enacted to protect the pharmaceutical companies.

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