Anne Franck

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 847
  • Pages: 13
Anneliese Marie Frank, best known as Anne Frank, (Frankfurt am Main, 12 June of 1929 — she was a jeush teenager forced to live in Captivity and hiding from the Nazis during the Holocaust.

Born in Frankfurt am Main (Hesse),she was the second daughter of Otto Heinrich Frank (12 May of 1889 - 19 of august 1980) and Edith Hollander (16 of january 1900 - 6 of january 1945)they were a family of German patriots, that had a participating role in world war 1.

she had a sister, Margot Frank (16 of february 1926 -March 1945).she and her family, (Edith, Margot and Otto Frank), togehter with for more people, (Peter, Dussel,mr. And mrs. Van Daam) lived 25 months, during world war 2, in a small hidden room above her parent office, in Amsterdãm, better known as the secret room.

during her capitivity, Anne wrote her diary (that she received as a birthday gift ),wich she named Kitty.there were also some strong evidences that this same diary could have also the name of "Finho", or "Assurbanipal". In her diary she wrote about her feelings, her thougts and her actions. Kitty and Peter were her only friends inside the secret anex.

The long months of silence and agonizang fear, ended when the Nazis found them and she was deported to a Nazi concentration camp.first she was taken along with her family to a school and then to Westerbork, in the nederlands, just before they were deported to eastern Europe.

Anne Frank was deported first to Auschwitz, along with parents, sister and other people who took refuge in the house of Amsterdam (today's house-museum). Then the nazis took her to Bergen-Belsen along with her sister,she was separated from her parents. In 1945, nine months after her deportation, Anne Frank Morris died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen. Her sister, Margot Frank, had also died of typhoid fever and suffered from malnutrition days before Anne. Her death happened two weeks before the field is released.

Her diary, saved during the war by Miep Gies, was first published in 1947. The journal is currently translated into 68 languages and is one of the most widely read books in the world.

Miep Gies

Today we know that some parts were added to the diary after the war, because a test showed traces of ballpoint pen in it. The place where the family of Anne Frank and four other people lived in hiding from the Nazis became known as Secret Annex and became a famous museum after the publication of the diary.

this museum is a reproduction of the conditions in which these people lived, and the Secret Annex, this represents the story of eight people and who helped them to hide during the war. One of the items presented to the public is diary written by Anne, who would become world famous after her death, due to the initiative of her father, Otto, to publish it. Today it is one of the most famous symbols of the Holocaust. Of the eight inhabitants of the annex, the only survivor after the war was Otto, father of Anne.

The diary of Anne Franck. "As in the Postscript of the book, the" Diary "was translated into over 55 languages and sold over 20 million copies all over the world, of which over 2 million translations in French, which well shows the importance of the impact of the work. Okay, quantity is not synonymous with quality, but try to show what you're missing if you have not already read. Anne wrote her diary during the period of June 12, 1942, the first of August 1944.

By the spring of 1944, she wrote letters to herself, when, through a London radio station,she heard the minister of education from the Flemish government, exiled, saying that after the war, was necessary to gather and publish all that meant the suffering of the Dutch people during the German occupation. He cited, for example, among others, the personal diary,s. Touched by this speech, Anne Franck decided to publish her,s at the end of the war, a book based on her diary. She rewrote it , correcting and deleting the passages that she found unattractive and adding others, taken from her memory.

At the same time, she continued to write her original diary. (...) Her last letter was on the first day of August. , eight illegal immigrants were arrested and taken by German police. Initially, this book is a manual on the history of war, although not one of them: we learn in school that there were 45 million dead.

that this "famous" character has done such a thing, which had such an impact ...of course, this is important, but it,s easier to learn when we approach the events? Anne gave it the name of Kitty . When we read, placed us at the Kitty: we are the confident, part of the history, we are in the world war, in a secret annex, feeling the same things as them... When we read it we can understand all the harshness of their life back then.

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