Animal Kingdom

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 757
  • Pages: 18
Present by : Nor H aslind a No or Sh ah ida No r H awani No r Liy an a No or Hay at i

• Meaning Of Al- Quran • Meaning Of Sciences • Relationship Between Al Quran And Science • The Animal Kingdom

Holy/ religious book, book of guidance

• Miraculous, authentic preserved from any mistake words of Allah • Revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) through angel Gabriel • Transmitted by mutawwatir • Beginning with surah Al-Fatihah, end with surah Al-Nas • Contents are relevant for all purpose, time and field of life.

Science refers to the body of knowledge obtained by methods based on systematic observation. Divided into two: •Natural science: biology, geology •Social science: sociology, economic


~Encourage mankind to acquired knowledge. ~Universe is vast spaces, Quran invites man to observe nature. ~No contradicts with scientific discoveries.


•Allah created universe with smoke (Dukhan) which is a composite heap of burning gas. •Surah Fussilat :11 •The whole universe was initially one big mass (primary nebula) •Then there was a big bang (secondary separation) in the formation of Galaxies •Then it divided to form stars, planets, the sun and the moon. •Surah Al-Anbia :30

The expanding of universe •Explosion from the hot gas gases caused universe to spilt and expand. •The earth separated ,then from the gaseous mass that was forming the universe. •It consist of compact ball of hydrogen, proton, neutrons, electron. •Surah Al- Zariyat :47


The worker bee or soldier bee •Workers bees control the temperature, manage the security and cleaning of the hive. •In the early morning, workers will over the comb, uncalculating the brood with the body heat. •As the day warms, tightly knit cluster gradually disperses. •If the temperature continues- some of the workers begin to fan their wings, directing a cooling measure. •

•Spider’s web made up – load’s bearing frame threads and special capturing threads laid over there. •Coated with a sticky substance, as well as threads binding all the threads together. •Make web in places where there are no visitors. ( surah Al- Ankabut :41) •Spider weave their webs to suit the site of the creatures they wish to hunt. •The angles of webs depend on the sort of prey (victim) that is expected to be caught ; flying,

•live in colonies and that a perfect division of labor exists amongst them. •do not know the concepts rich- poor discrimination and the fight for power. •three major parts within a colony :First caste (queen) •not leader of the colonies but to maintain the species. •her body is larger than other ants •few males for mating and many female workers. •all of the males die after the nuptial flight.

Second Caste (Soldiers) Setting up the colony Finding a new living environment and hunting Third caste (workers ants) All the workers are female Take care of the mother ants and her babies (clean and feeds them) Build new corridors and new galleries for their nests Do not have a leader or governor (surah Al-Naml 27;18-19)

The purpose of Ant’s signal:•Special comm uni cati on-r el ies on thei r nose and com bi nati on of di fferent chemi cal •Chemi cal (pheromones) -have power to inspir e certai n behavi or or responses ;-Rel eas e or makes sti nk to get som ethi ng -Hel ps ant s finds mates -Si gnal danger t o colony (Surah Hud; 11; 56)

Desert transportation •Camel’s feet have large pads that spread out in the soft sand to keep animal from sinking it. •Face designed as protection from sun and sand •Thick eyebrows, heavy eyelids and thick lashes all keep out sand •Thick hair inside the ear – prevent dirt and sand •Low metabolic rate, use energy slowly •Will drink when needed an replace what’s lost •Hump-store water (Al-Ghashiyah 88:17)

OTHER ANIMALS • There also stated other animals in al Quran such as: • Horse (surah al-nahl 8) • Donkey (surah al-nahl 8) • Elephant (surah al-fil 1)


•Remember that Al- Quran and Sciences never contradicts but there are related with each other. •Al- Quran mention the created of Allah creatures, but Al –Quran invites us to study nature based on scientific research. •Animal is one of creatures of Allah that mention in Al- Quran, so we as a human must study this creatures to make our knowledge and scientific research part of our life


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