Anh Van8 Phan I

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 22,503
  • Pages: 99
- Week: 1 - Period: 2 - Teaching date:

- Lesson 1: - Listen & Read - Language focus 1 * Aim: - Reading the dialogue for details and revision of simple present and simple past tenses. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Hoa-Lan-Nien and to review simple present and simple past tense. * Teaching aids: - Text book, cards. * Procedure: Content * Warm-up: (Pelmanism). meet come live think send thought receive met lived received came sent * Pre-reading: 1. Pre-teach vocabulary: - to seem (translation). - a next door neighbor. (explanation: a person who lives next to your house). - to look like (translation). 2. Pre-questions: a. Is Nien Lan's friend or Hoa's friend? b. How old is Nien? c. Where does Nien live? d. Is she a beautiful girl? * While-reading:  Read the dialogue (p.10).

Teacher's activities Sts' activities - Guide Ss how to - Matching play the game. words. - Present new words on the board. - Guide Ss to read new words. - Check Ss' memory by using technique "Rub out and remember". - Give Ss some questions and ask them to answer them. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue. - Give the correct answers. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and answer the questions. - Call on some students to ask and answer the questions.

- Listen and repeat. - Copy down. - Read new words in chorus. - Read the questions and answer them in pairs. - Give feed back? - Read the dialogue and check their pre diction. - Read the dialogue again and answer the question. - Ask and answer the questions.

Check the answers Read the dialogue again  Answer the questions in exercise 2 on page 11. * Answers: a. Nien lives in Hue. b. No, she doesn't. c. The sentence is "She wasn't old enough to be in my class". d. At Christmas.  

- Correct their mistakes or pronunciation. - Ask Ss to use the simple present and simple past tense to complete paragraph 1a (p.16) - Provide some verbs so that Ss can use them to fill in the gaps.

- Read the paragraph and fill in the gaps with the suitable words

* Post-reading:  Gap-filling: (live-sent-be-come) "Hoa (1) in Hue last year, but now she (2) in Hanoi. Yesterday, Hoa's friend Nien (3) Hoa a letter. Nien (4) Hoa's friend neighbor when Hoa lived in Hue. She (5) yourger than Hoa. She (6) to Hanoi in December. * Homework: Ask students to do exercise 1(a) ; 1(b) (page 16) on their notebooks. - Week: 1 - Period: 3 - Teaching date:

- Lesson 2: + Speak (page 11). + Listen (page 12, 13). * Aim: - Listening for details to complete the dialogue and speak to describe someone. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe someone and complete the dialogue by listening. * Teaching aids: - Text book. * Procedure: Content * Warm-up: (Brainstorming). thin body build * Presentation:

curly hair

Teacher's activities - Ask Ss to think of the adjectives used to describe body build and hair.

Sts' activities - Give the adjectives to describe body build and hair.

- Show Ss a picture

- Describe

Ex: - She has long blond hair. - She is short and thin. ----> Form: 

* Practice: 1. Word one drill: a. He / tall / thin. b. She / short / shin. c. He / short / fat. d. long / black. e. curly / blond. f. straight / brown. 2. Practice speaking: * Example: S1: This person is short and thin. She has long blond hair. S2: Is this Mary? S1: Yes. * Pre-listening:  Present the expressions in the box (p.12).  Explain and read the expression  Gap fill prediction. (Dialogues p.12-13) 

Give feedback.

* While listening:  Listen to the tape twice.  Compare with their prediction. * Post-listening:  Practise the dialogues.

- Week: 2 - Period: 4 - Teaching date:

of Mary and ask Mary. them to describe her hair, her body build. - Explain the structure. - Listen and copy down. - Supply the word cues and ask Ss to - Complete the complete the sentences based sentences. on cues.

- Ask Ss to look at six people on page 11-12-Call on a student to describe one person, the others have to guess who he/she is - Give Ss some expressions and make sure they know their mean mgs. - Get Ss to guess and to complete four dialogues on page 12-13. - Let students (to) listen to the tape twice. - Listen and correct their (prediction) pronunciation.

- Lesson 3: - Getting started (p.10).

- Look at six people and describe them

- Listen and read the expressions. - Read the open dialogues (p.12-13) and fill in the blanks with the suitable expressions. - Listen to the tape and then check their prediction. - Pratise the dialogues.

- Read (p.13 - 14). * Aim: - Reading for specific information. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about Ba's friend. * Teaching aids: - Text books. * Procedure: Content * Warm-up: (Chatting).  Look at the pictures (p.10) and answer the questions. a. What are these students doing? b. Do you like soccer / reading books...? c. Whom do you like playing with? * Pre-reading:  Pre-teach vocabulary: - character (translation). - an orphanage: a place where children without parents live. - reserved (adj) - sociable translation - (to) tell jokes: tell a story which makes people laugh. - sense of humor (translation).

 T / F statements prediction: a. Ba only has three friends - Bao, Song, Khai. b. Ba and his friends have the same characters. c. Bao-Song-Khai are quite reserved in public. d. They all enjoy school and study hard.  Give feedback: * While reading:  Read the text (p.13).  Check their prediction.  Correction: a. Ba has a lot of friends but he spends most of his time with Bao, Song and Khai. b. They have different characters. c. Only Song and Khai are quite reserved.  Multiple choice: (do exercise 1 on page 14).

Teacher's activities - Ask Ss to look at four pictures on page 10 and talk about the activities they want to do after school or in their free time. - Present and give the meaning of new words. - Guide Ss to read them in chorus. - Check Ss' memory by using technique "What and where".

Sts' activities - Look at the pictures and talk about the activities they do after school or in their free time. - Listen and repeat. - Copy down. - Listen and read new words in chorus. - Read and then write the words again in the correct circles. - Read the - Present the statements statements on the given and board. guess which - Set the scene: statements are These statements True, which are are about Ba and his False. friends, read them and guess which statements are True / False. - Read the text - Ask Ss to open and check their their books and read prediction. the text on page 13. - Correct false - Correct their statements. mistakes. - Read the text - Guide Ss how to again and do exercise 1 (p.14) choose the best

* Post-reading:  Read the text again and answer the questions (exercise 2 p.14) * Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Read the text fluently.

and give the correct answers. - Let Ss read the text again and answer the questions. - Read the answers and correct the mistakes.

answers on page 14. - Read the text and answer the questions in pairs. - Write the answer on the board.

- Week: 2 - Period: 5 - Teaching date:

- Lesson 4: - Write (p.15) - Language focus 3 (p.17) * Aim: - Writing about oneself and about other people. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about their close friends. * Teaching aids: - Text books. * Procedure: Content * Warm-up: (Kim's game).  Look at the pictures and describe the people in the picture (p.17) a. How many people are there in the picture? b. What is each person weaning? * Pre-writing:  Read the information about Fam.  Answer the questions (exercise 2 p.15). * While-writing:  Write a paragraph about Tam based on the answers.  Sample: His / Her name is.......She is.......years old. He / She lives his.......He / She is tall,.......... He / She has He / She has a lot of friends

Teacher's activities - Ask Ss to look at the picture (p.17) quickly. Then let Ss keep their books closed. - Divide the class in to 4 groups. The group which answers come city the fastest wins the game. - Ask Ss to read the information about Tam then answer the questions. - Let Ss write a paragraph about Tam, using the information they have just got.

Sts' activities - Look at the picture and answer the questions in group.

- Read the information and then answer the questions. - Write a paragraph about Tam, using the

Write some information about one of their friends, then write a paragraph about him or her.

information (individually). - Ask Ss to compare - Compare with with the paragraph the paragraph in their books on in their books page 15. on page 15. - Let Ss write a - Write a paragraph about one paragraph of their friends. about one of - Get Ss to share their friends. with their partners - Correct the and correct if mistakes if possible. possible.

* Post-writing:  Speak in front of the class about himself / herself. * Homework: - Ask students to write another paragraph about one of their family members. - Week: 2 - Period: 6 - Teaching date:

- Lesson 5: Language 2 - 4 (p.16 - 17)

* Aim: - Farther practice in simple present tense and the structure (not) + adjectives enough + to-infinitive. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple present tense to talk about general truths and write some sentences using the structure (not) + adjective enough + to-infinitive. * Teaching aids: - Text book - cards - pictures. * Procedure: Content * Warm-up: (Categories).  Find but the adjectives beginning with the letters given. - Example + T writes: a b c d + S writes: awful big clever disty. * Presentation:  Pre – teach vocabulary. - A planet: (ex: the sun, the moon, the earth,…) What are they?

Teacher's activities - Divide the class in to two groups. - Ask Ss to find out the adjectives beginning with the letters given. - Present give meaming

Sts' activities - Find out the adjectives beginning with the letters given in groups.

- Listen and and repeat. the - Coppy down. Read in of -

- Mars Translation - Mercury - Silly (adj) translation.  Revision of simple Present tense. * The sunple present tense is used to express an action which is always true. 1. stes 2. goes 3. moves 4. is 5. is 6. is * Presentation:  Set the scene to introduce the structure. Ex:

* Practice: (word cue Drill) a. Read English books/v good b. Drive a car/ x old c. Carry this bag/ v strong d. Solve this problem/ x clever * Further practice:  Exercise 4 (page 17). * Homework: - Ask students to write 5 sentences about themselves using the structure: “(not) adjective enough + to infinitive”.

new words. - Gwide Ss to read new words in chorus. - Review the simple present tense - Let Ss do exer cise 2 on page 16. - Listen and correct their pronunciation. - Set the scene to introduce the structure. - Analyse the structure and guide Ss to read. - Model two cues, the whole class repeats. - Let all students, work in pairs, one asks, the other answers. - Ask Ss to do exercise 4 on page 17 in pairs.

chorus ->individually . - Listen to their teacher.

- do exercise 2. - Read the dialogue loudly. - Listen and repeat.

- Practise the structure in pairs. - Give feed back. - Practise the dialogue.

- Week: 3 - Period: 7 - Teaching date:

- Lesson 1: - Getting started (p.18) - Listen & Read (p.19) * Aim: - Reading for details about a conversation on the phone * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements. * Teaching aids: - Text book. * Procedure: Content * Warm-up: (Matching). Match each object (pictures on page 18) with its name. * Pre-reading:  Set the scene.  Open prediction. a. Who made the call? b. Who introduced herself? c. Who invited the other to the movies? d. Who arranged a meeting places? e. Who arrange the time? f. Who agreed to the time?

Teacher's activities - Ask Ss to match each object with its name. - Show the picture and ask “What are they doing? Introduced: They are talking about going to see a movie. - Ask Ss to guess.

Sts' activities - Do exercises (p. 18).

* While-reading:  Read the conversation.  Check their prediction.  Matching the phrases with their meanings. a. Hold on. b. Is six thirty all right? c. Where’s it on? d. A bit far from….. 1. Nó được chiếu ở đâu? 2. Khá xa… 3. Sáu giờ 30 được chứ? 4. Chờ nhé.  Comprehension question: a. What is Hoa’s telephone number?

- Let Ss to read the conversation. Give the correct answers.

- Read the conversation and check their prediction. -Do exercises.

- Let Ss match the phrases with their meanings.

- Ask Ss to read the conversation again

- Look at the picture and answer the questions. - Read the question and guess. - Give feetback

- Read the conversation

b. Which movies are they going to see? Where? c. How is Hoa going to see the movies? d. Where are they going to meet? What time? * Post-reading:  Practice the conversation, using the frame: S1: … S2: Can I speak ….? This … S1: … S2: I’m going to see … Would you…? S1: Of course. But I have to ask…Hold on….OK…. says I can go, Where’s it on? S2: At… Movie threatre. S1: Let’s go by… S2: OK. Let’s meet outside the threatre. S1: Is … OK? S2: All right. See you at…Bye. S1: Bye.

and answer the questions.

and answer the questions.

- Let Ss practice the conversation using the frame given.

- Practice the conversation.

- Move around the class and help the students.

- Week: 3 - Period: 8 - Teaching date:

- Lesson 2: + Speak . + Language focus 1.2. * Aim: - Practice talking on the phone * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk on the phone about intensions with “going to”. * Teaching aids: - Text books, cards. * Procedure: Content •0 Warm-up: (Chatting). - Do you have a telephone at home? - How often do you make a phone call? - What would you say when you pick up the phone to answer it? - What would you say if you are the caller?

* Presentation:

Teacher's activities Sts' activities - Ask Ss some questions. - Listen and answer the questions. - Ask Ss to do exercise 1 on page 20.

- Put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete conversation.

Do exercise 1 on page 20. Question: - Are they talking on the phone? - What do they intend to do? - What time are they meeting? Where? - What form of the verbs do you use to talk about intent?  Form: S + be + going to + infinitive.  Use: Express an intension.

- Ask some question to check Ss’ understanding and focus on the - Listen and structure. answer the questions.

* Practice:  Word cue drill.  Model sentences: -0 Are you going to see a movie? -1 Yes, I am / no, I’m not. a. See a movie. b. B. Play sport. c. C. Meet your friends. d. D. Help your mother. e. E. Do your homeworks. f. F. Watch TV. * Further Practice:  Do exercise language focus 1 on phage 25. T: Nga has a movie ticket. What is she going to do? S: She going to see a movie. a. They are going fishing. b. She’s going to read a new novel. c. She’s going to do her homework. d. He’s going to watch an action movie on TV tonight. e. She’s going to give him a birthday present. * Production:  Exercise 2 on page 20.  Practice the dialogue.

- Model two cues then ask Ss to repeat chorally  individually. - Let Ss practice asking and answering. - Ask the whole class to work in pairs.

 

- Week: 3 - Period: - Teaching date:

- Give an example first. - Let Ss work in pairs.

- Ask Ss to work with their partners to complete the dialogue.

9 Lesson 3: Read.  

(p. 21 - 22)

1Aim: Reading the paragraph for details about Alexander

Graham Bell.

- Listen and repeat chorally  individually. - Practice asking and answering. - Practice in pairs.

- Give feetback.

- Give feetback.

2Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know

more about Alexander Graham Bell. 3Teaching aids: Textbook. 4Procedure: Content  Warm – up: (Brainstorming). To chat with friend. To communicate

T’s activities - Let Ss answer the question by coming to the board and write

- Present and given the  Pre - reading: meanings of new  Pre – teach vocabulary: words - (to) emigrate : go to another country - Let Ss repeat the to live words in chorus - (to) transmit : (translation) truyền đi then rub out word - (to) conduct : điều khiển by word but leave - (to) demonstrate : chứng minh the circles. - a device : thiết bị - a deaf – mute . a person who is unable - Get Ss to write the words again in to hear and speak the correct circle -to come up with : tìm thấy -Present T/F  T/F statements prediction a. Alexander G. Bell was born in the statements on the board and ask Ss U.S.A guess which b. He worked with deaf- mute statements are patients in a hospital in Boston true and which are c. Thomas Watson was Bell’s false. assistant d. Bell and Watson introduced the telephone in 1877 e. Bell experimented with way of transmitting speech between deafmute over a long distance. f. Bell demonstrated his invention at a lot of exhibition - Read the text.  While – reading:  Read the text on page 21-22 - Have Ss correct  Check their prediction. false statements.

Ss’ activities -Answer the question

- Listen and repeat - copy down - Listen and repeat. the words in chorus - Rewrite the words in the correct circles. Read and predict which statements are true and which are false

- Give feedback. - Listen to their teacher. - Read the text again and check their prediction.

 Correct the false Statements.  Put the events in the correct order (p.22. Exercise 2)  Alexander Graham Bell: 1. Was born in Scotland 2. Went to live in Canada. 3. Went to live in the United States. 4. Worked with people who could neither speak nor hear. 5. Worked with Thomas Watson. 6. Success fully demonstrated his invent. 7. Invented the telephone.  Post- reading: (write- it- up)  Write a paragraph about Bell’s life, using the information in the text

- Ask Ss to look at the book page 22 - Get Ss to read the event of Bell’s life and put them in the correct order. - correct the mistakes

- Read and put the sentences in the correct order. - Give feedback.

- write a paragraph about Bell’s life

- Week: 4 - Period: - Teaching date:

10 Lesson 4: Write.  

(p. 23 - 24)

5Aim: Writing a message 6Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a

telephone message 7Teaching aids: Textbook. 8Procedure: Content  Warm- up: (Jumbled words) 1. mcuestor = customer 2. ayddmi = midday 3. essgmea = message 4. nifuretu = furniture 5. rvseice = service  Pre- writing:  Chatting: Have you ever taken a telephone message? When you take a message, what should be mentioned in the message? (Date, time, who sent, to whom, content)  Pre-teach vocabulary: - a customer: a person who comes to buy sth at a shop - a delivery: sự giao hàng - stationery (n): papers, pens, rulers, envelopes - to pick so up: đón ai  While- writing:  Reading and gap filling (1) phoned (2) May 12 (3) speak (4) took (5) name (6) delivery (7) Mr. Ha (8) at  Answers Thanh Cong Delivery Service Date: June 16 Time: After midday For: Mr. Van

T’s activities - write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board - Divide the class into 2 teams - Talk to Ss about a telephone message - Ask some question - Present and give the meaning of new words - Guide Ss to read new words in chorus - check memory by technique “Rub out and remember” - Ask Ss to read the message and fill in the gaps in the passage on page 23 - Ask Ss to read passage 2 on page 23 to get

Ss’ activities - Go to the board and write the correct words - The team which writes more correct words first wins the game - Listen and answer the question - Listen and repeat - Copy down - Listen and repeat in chorus

- Read and fill in the gaps in the passage(p.23) - Read the passage to get information and write the message

Message: Mr. Nam called about his stationery order. He wanted you call him at 8634082. Taken by: Mr. Toan  Post- writing:  Set the scene: “Tom phoned Nancy, but she was out Lisa, Nancy’s sister took a message for Nancy. Help Lisa to write the message ”  Answer: Date: Time: For: Nancy Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon. He will come over to pick you up at 1.30 Taken by: Lisa - Week: 4 - Period: - Teaching date:

information and write the message - give feedback - Correct their mistakes - Guide Ss how to do exercise 3 on page 24 - Correct their mistakes  Homework: Write the message on their notebooks

- write a message for Nancy, using the information from the dialogue - Give feedback

11 Lesson 5: Listen. Language focus.  

9Aim: Listening for details and further practice in adverbs of

place 10Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to complete telephone message by listening and further practice in adverbs of place 11Teaching aids: Textbook. 12Procedure: Content  Pre- listening:  Set the scene  Guess the message KINGSTON JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Date: Time: For : The Principal Message :

T’s activities Ss’ activities - Ask Ss to look at the form of the telephone message on page 21 and set the - guess the scene “a woman message phoned the principal of - give feedback

Kingston junior high school but Telephone number: hoe was out ” - Get Ss listen to While- listening: the tape twice and  Listen to the tape fill in the message  Compare with their guess - Give the correct answers - Present the Presentation: (Jumbled words ) words with this 1. tdeousi 4. erhe ordered letters on 2. siiden 5. stupairs the board and tell 3. hetre 6.wonstairds Ss that they are  Answer: adverbs of place 1. outside 4. here - Let them work 2. inside 5. upstairs individually, one 3. there 6. downstairs student one word Practice: - Make sure Ss  Do exercise 3 on page 26 know the meaning  Set the scene: “Ba is playing hide of these adverbs and seek with his cousin, Mr. Tuan. - Let Ss do Use the adverbs of place to complete exercises the speech bubbles” - Give the correct  Answer: answer a. Where is Tuan? I think he is b. No, he isn’t here upstairs c. He isn’t downstairs and he isn’t upstairs d. Perhaps he’s outside e. No, he isn’t there f. I’m not outside. I’m inside, Ba. Homework:  Write 6 sentences about your house, using adverbs of place. Eg: My room is upstairs

- listen to the tape and compare with their guess

- Go to the board and write the meaningful words

- Complete the speech bubbles, using each adverbs in the box once - Give feedback

Unit 3: At home - Week: 4 - Period: - Teaching date:

12 Lesson 1: Listen and read. (p. 27-28) Language focus 1. (p.34)  

13Aim: Helping Ss to read the dialogue for details and practise

the modal verbs: must have to, ought to . 14Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the dialogue and use modal verbs to talk about the housework 15Teaching aids: Textbook. 16Procedure: Content  Warm- up: (Kim’s game)  Look at the pictures on page 27 and write the chores she often does at home a. washes dishes b. Make the bed c. cook d. sweep the floor e. tidy up f. feed the chicken  Pre- teach vocabulary: - a steamer (n): nồi hấp - a cupboard (n): tủ ly - a sauce pan (n): cái chảo - chore (n): việc vặt - a sink (n): bồn rửa chén  Presentation:  Set the scene at the dialogue  Student listen to the dialoguewhile looking at their books  Complete the list of the thing Nam has to do Nam has to - cook dinner - go to the market to buy

T’s activities - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and write the chores she does at home - listen and correct their mistakes.

Ss’ activities - Skim the pictures and write the verbs

- Present new words on the board - Guide Ss to read new words - Check their memory by using technique “what and where” - Set the scene to introduce the dialogue - Get Ss to listen the dialogue - Let Ss do exercises - Read sentence by sentence and give the correct

- Listen and repeat - copy down - Listen and read in chorus - Fill in the circles with the correct words

- give feedback

- Look at their books and listen to the dialogue - Complete the list of the things Nam has to do - Give feedback - Listen and

fish vegetables


answers - Elicit to show the form of the structure

copy down

- Model the exchange do? 

- Practice the structure

Exchange: what do you have to

- I must wash dishes Practice: (Use the picture cues

drill ) a. Make the bed b. Sweep the floor c. Cook dinner d. Tidy my room e. Feed the chicken  Further practice: Do exercise language focus 1 on page 34  Homework: Write things you have to do on Sundays Ex: On Sunday, I have tidy my room… I have to help my parents…. - Week: 5 - Period: - Teaching date:

- Let Ss practice the structure, using the picture cues drill

13 Lesson 2: Speak  

(p. 28- 29)

17Aim: Practising speaking 18Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the

prepositions of place to talk about the positions of furniture in the house 19Teaching aids: picture on page 28- 29 20Procedure: Content  Warm- up: (Kim’s game) - Look at the picture (p. 28) and write the position of each item

T’s activities - Show the picture of the kitchen to Ss - Take away the picture and ask Ss

Ss’ activities - Skim the picture and write down as many things as they can

 

to write the things remember Ask Ss the - Answer the Presentation: questions - Where is the clock? It’s above the fridge positions of the items in the pictures - The fruit? in the bowl - The flowers? on the table - Give instruction - Practise talking Practice: about the position Talk about the position of each item of each item Further- Practice: - Ask Ss to look at Talk about the  Set the scene: the picture and talk position of the Mrs. Vui bought new furniture for her furniture. living room, but she can not decide where about their ideas. to put it. You should help her to arrange the furniture - Listen and correct - Give feedback. Ex: - Let’s put the clock on the wall, their mistakes. between the shelf and the picture - OK I think we ought to put the TV and the stereo on the shelf - I think the coffee table should be between the couch and the arm chair - Move around the - Practise talking - Let’s put the telephone next to the class and help the about the position couch of each item in - I think we should put the magazines Students pairs above the books on the shelves Homework: (write it up) Describe your living room / bedroom

- Week: 5 - Period: - Teaching date:

14 Lesson 3: Read. Language focus 4.  

21Aim: Reading for details safety precautions in the house and

further practice in why – questions and answers - Because 22Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the safety precautions in the house and use why because 23Teaching aids: Text book - picture Content  Warm up: (Brain storming). Drug electricity

T’s activities - Eliciting.

Ss’ activities - Answering.

Boiling water k nife five


 Pre – reading:  Dre – teach vocabulary: - Precaution (n) : (translation) - A socket : ổ cắm điện - A match : que diêm - An object : - Safety (a) - (to) destroy - (to) injure  T / F statements prediction: a. It is safe to leave medicine around the house b. Drugs can look like candy c. A kitchen is a suitable place to play d. Playing with one match can not start a fire e. Putting a knife into an electrical socket is dangerous f. Young children do not understand that many household objects are dangerous  While – reading:  Read the text and check their prediction  Correct the false statements  Answer the question a. Why must we put all chemicals and drugs in locked cupboard b. Why mustn’t we let children play in the kitchen? c. Why mustn’t children play with matches? d. Why must we cover electrical

- Presents new words on the board - Guides Ss to read new words. - Check Ss’ memory by using technique “Slap the board”.

- Copy down on their notebooks. - Listen and repeat in chorus. - Two students run forward and slap the word on the blackboard. The one who first slaps the correct words is the winner.

- Present the statements on the board

- Read the statement given and guess which - Ask Ss to read is true, which is the statements and false guess which in - Give feedback true, which is false - Listen to their teacher - Read the text loudly - Read the text in silent and - Give instruction check their prediction - give feedback - Listen and guides Ss how to correct the false statements

- Correct the false statements

sockets? e. Why do we have to put all dangerous objects out of children’s reach? - Move around the class and help Ssl  Post – reading: Practice in why question with because answer by doing the exercise language focus 4.

- Practise asking and answering the questions in pairs

- Week: 5 - Period: - Teaching date:

15 Language focus 3.  

(p. 36)

24Aim: Further practice in reflexive pronouns 25Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

use the reflexive pronouns 26Teaching aids: Text book 27Procedure: Content  Warm-up: (Brains storming) tidy up do our homework

T’s activities

Ss’ activities

- Eliciting

- Write thing do they at home

- Set the scene to introduce the structure

- Listen and copy down

cook clean the floor repair the machine fix the TV set  Presentation:  Set the scene: “you do your home work and no one help you what do you say? ” Form: we use I


myself You He She We They

yourself himself herself ourselves

themselves It


 Practice:  Word cue drill: a. You / do / homework Did you do your homework?

- Explain the reflexive pronouns

- run through the vocabulary - Model and then ask Ss to repeat in chorus individuals - give instruction

- Listen and repeat chorally individually - Practise the question and then the answers

Yes. I did it myself b. He / fix / washing machine c. Mary / cook / dinner d. These student / paint / the picture e. You / do / your chores  Further practice: Complete the dialogues, using the reflexive pronouns: a. Miss Lien: Did S.O help Ba draw that picture? Bao: No, he did it himself b. Nga the repairman can’t fix the washing machine until tomorrow Mrs Linh: Come on. We’ll have to try and do it (1) c. Aunt Thanh: What’s the matter? Hoa: I cut (2) ….. d. e. page 36  Homework: Write 3 sentences with reflexive pronouns and 3 sentences with emphasis pronouns

- Week: 6 - Period: - Teaching date:

- Guide Ss how to do exercise

- read the open dialogue and fill in the blank with suitable reflexive pronouns

- Listen and give - give feedback the correct answer - Practice speaking in pairs

16 Lesson 3: Listen. Language focus 2.  

28Aim: Listening and further practice in modal verb: ought to 29Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

identify the right item by listening further practice in modal verb: ought to 30Teaching aids: Text book 31Procedure: Content  Warm-up: (Bingo)  Suggested list of food: chicken, beef, cake, candy, garlic, noodles, bread, rice, ham, peas, ……

T’s activities - Call out it word in a loud voice

Ss’ activities - Write down on their notebook 5 things they eat - Listen to the

 Prelistening:  Prediction: Look at page 30 things they use to cook the ” Special Chinese Fried Kice”  While- listening:  Listen to tape and check their prediction  Presentation: Set the scene :”Hoa is very sad because she failed her English test . What do you say to advise her?” You should study harder - use: “should” is used to give advice to some one - Meaning: nên  Practice:  Give advice to people in the picture (p. 35) a. I failed my English test . you should study harder b. I’m late. You should get up early c. I’m fat You should eat more fruit and… d. My tooth aches You should see a dentist  Production: Noughts and crosses: His tooth / ache Hoa / late My room / untidy The floor / dirty Bao / overweight She / thin My English / bad Her grades / bad

- Get Ss to look at page 30 and guess 4 things they use to cook - give instruction - Correct their mistakes - Set the scene to introduce the structure - Explain the structure and its usage

teacher carefully. The first person crossing out on find things shouts ”Bingo” and urns the game - Prediction - give feedback - Listen to the tape and check their prediction - give feedback - Listen to their teacher and copy down

- Ask Ss to do exercise (p. 35) - Look at the pictures. Use “should “to give advice to the people Move around the class and help students

- Guide Ss how to play game Play game ”Noughts and crooes”

The washing machine not work  Homework: Write some advice when your friends feels sick - Week: 6 - Period: - Teaching date:

17 Lesson 6: Write.  

32Aim: Writing a description of a room 33Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

write a description of a room in their house 34Teaching aids: 35Procedure: Content  Warm-up: (chatting) Ask something about the room on page 32 - Which room is this? - What’s this? Where is it?  Pre- writing:  Pre- teach vocab: - folder - beneath - towel rack - dish rack - lighting fixture  Reading: 1. What is there on left of the room? 2. Where is the bookshelf? 3. What is there on the right of the room? 4. Where is the wardrobe?  While- writing:  Describe Ha’s kitchen, using the give cues.(p. 33)  Answer: - This is Hoa’s kitchen

T’s activities - Ask the questions - Present new words and guide Ss to read them - Check Ss’ memory by technique ”Rub out and remember” - Let Ss read the passage on page 32 - Ask some questions

Ss’ activities - Listen and answer the questions - Copy down listen and reading chorus

- Read the description of Hoa’s room - Listen and answer the questions

- Describe Hoa’s kitchen, using the give cues

- There is a refrigerator in the right corner of the room - Next to the refrigerator are the stove and the oven - On the order side of the oven, there is a sink and next to the sink is a towel rack - The dish rack stands on the counter on the right of the window and beneath the selve - On the selve and on the counterbeneath the window, there are jars in sugar, flour and tea - In the middle if the kitchen, there are a table and floor chairs - Correct Ss’s  Post writing: mistakes - Correction - Talk to their partners about their room  Homework: Write a description of their bedroom / living room

- write their sentence on the board

Unit 4: Our past - Week: 6 - Period: - Teaching date:

18 Lesson 1: Listen and read.  

36Aim: Reading the dialogue about the life of many year ago 37Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

tell the activities people use to do in the past 38Teaching aids: Text book Content  Warm-up: (getting started) Look at the picture on page 38 and write the names of the things that do not belong to the past  Pre- reading:  Pre – teach vocab: - (to) look after - Equipment - folk tale - Traditional - great grandma  Checking: what and where  True / false statement prediction a. Nga is used to live on a farm b. Nga’s grandma didn’t go to school c. She has an easy and happy life when she was young d. There wasn’t any modern equipment at her time e. “The lost shoe” is a short story  While- reading:  Read the story  Check their prediction  Correct the false statement  Answer the question a. Where did Nga’s grandmother use to live? b. Why didn’t she go to school? c. What did Nga great grandma? d. What did Nga’s great; do?

T’s activities - give instruction - Present new words and guide Ss to read them - Check Ss’ memory by technique “what and where”

Ss’ activities - Look at the picture and write the names of the things - give feedback - Listen and repeat - Copy down - write the words in the correct circles

- Present the sentences on the board - Ask Ss to do exercises

- read the sentences given and predict which is true and which is false - give feedback - Read the story - listen to the loudly story - Read the story - Ask Ss to correct again and check the false their prediction statements - give feedback - Practise asking and answering - Ask Ss to answer the questions the questions

Grandmother and great grandfather do after dinner? e. What did Nga’s ask her grandma to do at the end of the conversation?  Post- reading:  Fact or opinion a. I used to live on a farm b. There wasn’t any electricity c. Mom have to do every thing without the help of modern equipment d. My father used to tell stories e. The best one was The Lost Shoe f. Traditional stories are great  Homework: - Learning vocabulary - Read the dialogue again - Week: 7 - Period: - Teaching date:

- Help Ss distinguish fact and opinion

- Listen to teacher’s explanation

- Ask Ss to do exercise

- Choose fact and opinion


Lesson 2: Speak. Language focus 4.   39Aim: Speaking about the way things used to be and the way they are now 40Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “used to” to talk about the things they used to do 41Teaching aids: Text book

Content  Warm-up: (Jumbled words) - Electricity - rieletcicty - Entertainment - menttaenterin - Market - rkmaret - Supermarket - permasuekt  Presentation:  Structure: She used to live in a farm  Form:

T’s activities - Present the words whose letters are on disorder

Ss’ activities - Rewrite the words in the correct forms

- Recall the conversation, the ask: “Where did Nga’s grandma use to live? “ And show the

- Answer the questions - copy down

Structure”  Use: used to express a past habit, or an action usually happened in the past  Meaning: đã thường hay làm gì  Practice: (word cue drill) a. Live / Hue / Hanoi - Did you use to live in hue? - No, I used to live in Hanoi b. Have / long hairs / short hairs c. Get up / late / early d. Walk to school / bicycle e. Study / evening / early morning  Production: a. Where did they live in the past? And now? b. How / they / travel? c. What’s about the electricity? d. What’s about their life / work? e. Did children use to go to school? f. What’s about their entertainment?  Answer: a. People used to live in small houses. Now they live in big houses and buidings b. People used to walk. Now they can go by cars or motorbikes

- Correct Ss’ pronunciation

- Practise asking and answering the questions, using the given cues

- Guides Ss practice speaking

- Compare 2 picture on page 40, using “used to” to talk about - Elicit some ideas the actions in the so that student can past talk about them

 Homework: Write about the things you used to do last year. “Last year, I used to get up late. Now, I get up early” - Week: 7 - Period: - Teaching date:


Lesson 3: Read. (p. 41- 42)   42Aim: Reading the story “the lost shoe for details” 43Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand and retell the story “the lost shoe” 44Teaching aids: Text book , word cards for drilling

45Procedure: Content  Warm-up: (Brains storming) Name some folk tales that you have read One hundred- section bamboo seven- mile shoes  Pre- reading:  Pre- teach vocabulary - cruel (a) (translation) - upset (a) (synonym) - fairy (n) (translation) - magical (a) - rag - (to) fall in love with - immediately (adv)  T / F statements prediction a. Little Pea’s father is a poor farmer b. Her father got married again after his wife died c. Her new mother was beautiful and nice to her d. She worked hard all day e. She didn’t have new clothes to tale part in the festival  While - reading:  Read the story “The lost shoe” on page 41 and check their prediction – correct the false statements  Answer the questions a. Who was Little Pea? b. What did Stout Nut’s mother make Little Pea get her new clothes? c. Whom did the Prince decide to marry? d. Is it a true story? How do you know?  Post - reading:

T’s activities

Ss’ activities

- listen and repeat on the board

- Tell the names of the folk tales that they have read

- Present new words and guide Ss to read them in chorus - Present the statements on the board

- Listen and repeat - copy down - listen and repeat in chorus individually - Read the statements gives and guess they are true or false

- let Ss guess

- Read the story loudly

- listen and read the dialogue again and check their prediction

- Ask Ss to answer - Answer the the questions questions and practice them on pairs

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences

- Fill in the blanks with suitable words

 Gap – filling: Complete the sentences with words from the story ( p. 42)  Homework: rewrite the story - Week: 7 - Period: - Teaching date:

from the story - Correct mistakes - give feedback

21 Lesson 3: - Listen. - Language focus 1-2.  

46Aim: Listening and further practice in past simple tense 47Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

understand the main idea of a story by listening and further practice in past simple tense. 48Teaching aids: Text books. 49Procedures: Content  Warm-up: ( Pelmanism ). Run ran fly flew ride came rode eat ate sit sat come.  Pre- teach vocabulary: - Foolish - Greedy - Gold - (to) lay – laid – laid - Amazement.  Pre - listening:  Prediction: Predict the moral lesson of the story a. Don’t kill chickens b. Don’t be foolish and greedy c. Be happy with what you have d. It is difficult to find gold  While - listening: Listen to the tape and check the prediction  Post - listening  Answer the question a. How did the farmer live?

T’s activities - give instructions

Ss’ activities - play game

- Present new words on the board

- Listen and repeat - copy down - read new words in chorus

- Guide Ss to read them in chorus

- Let Ss predict the moral lesson of the story

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their prediction

- Guess the main ideas of the story

- listen to the tape and check their prediction - give feedback

b. What did he discover? c. What did he decide to do?  Language focus 2:  Complete the dialogues below. Use the past simple a. Lan:……………………… ? Nga: No, I ate noodles b. S1: How did you get to school? S2:…………….. c. S1: I was at home d. S1: Which subject did you have yesterday? S2:………………  Practise the dialogues in pairs  Homework: - Write twenty irregular verbs on the notebooks - Retell the story based in the answers

- Ask some questions

- Listen and answer the questions

- Review the simple past tense - Ask Ss to do exercise 2 (p. 44)

- Complete the dialogues and then practice in pairs

- Week: 8 - Period: - Teaching date:

24 Lesson 5: Write 1-2.  

50Aim: writing a short story 51Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

use simple past tense to write a folk tale 52Teaching aids: Text book 53Procedure: Content  Warm-up: (chatting)  Ask some questions about imaginary stories: - Do you want to read imaginary stories? - Name some of them - Which story do you like best? - Do you read the story “how the tigers got his stripes ”?  Pre- Writing:  Pre – teach vocabulary: - wisdom (n) translation - a stripe - a straw - a servant - (to) escape - (to) graze - (to) light – lit – lighted  Read and complete the story. (p. 43)  Answer: 1. appear 2. as 3. said 4. left 5. went 6. tied 7. lit 8. burned 9. escaped  Answer the questions: a. Where was the man b. What did they buffalo do when the tiger appeared? c. What did they tiger want to know? d. What did he do before going home why? e. What did he do when he returned?

T’s activities

Ss’ activities

- Ask some questions

- Listen and answer the questions

- Present new words and give their meaning - Guide Ss to read new words in chorus - Check Ss’ memory by using technique “matching” - give instruction

- listen and repeat - Copy down - Read new words in chorus - Match the words with the suitable meaning - Read and complete the story - give feedback

- Ask Ss to work in group of 4 – answer the questions - listen and give the correct answers

- Discuss and answer the questions - give feedback

- Imagine to be a

- Get Ss to do man to write the exercise 2 story - Get Ss to change “the man I His My ”

 While - writing: Write the story

 Post - writing: - sharing and correcting - Take some writing to correct in front of the class  Homework: Write the story again, imagine you are: - the tiger - the buffalo

- Week: 9 - Period: - Teaching date:

- Get Ss to share with their partners and correct mistakes

25 Lesson 6: Language focus 3-4.  

54Aim: Further practice in prepositions of time and “used to” 55Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

use prepositions of time and “used to” (to talk about the action which always happens in the past) 56Teaching aids: Text book 57Procedure: Content  Revision: (Matching) In On At Between 1997 After / before 6 Am

T’s activities

Ss’ activities

January 3 p.m Wednesday November July 2nd 7 a.m and 9

a.m  Practice:  Do exercise 3 on page 44  Answer a. on b. in c. between d. at e. before

- give instruction

- Do exercise on page 44 individually then compare with their partners - give feedback - look at the

pictures and then complete the dialogue

 Do exercise 4 on page 45 1. used to have 2. used to be 3. used to live

Unit 5: Study habits - Week: 9 - Period: - Teaching date:

26 Lesson 1: Getting. Listen and read.  

58Aim: Reading the dialogue for details 59Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

understand dialogue between Tim and his mom about his study 60Teaching aids: Text book 61Procedure: Content  Warm-up: (Network) Chemistry


Geography History  Pre- reading: (chatting) - What subject are you good at? bad at?  Pre – teach vocabulary: - a report card - pronunciation - (to) improve - (to) be proud of - (to) try one’s best

T’s activities - Ask students to write as many subjects as they can on the blackboard

Ss’ activities - Write the subjects they have studied at school

- Ask questions

- Listen and answer the questions - Listen and repeat - Copy down - Listen and repeat in chorus

- Present new words on the board - Guide Ss to read

 T / F statements prediction: a. Tim was out when his mother called him b. Tim’ mother meet his teacher at school c. Tim’s report is poor d. Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar e. Tim promised to try his best in learning Spanish  While - reading:  Read the dialogue  Check their prediction and correct the false statements  Answer the questions: a. Who is Miss Jackson? b. What did Miss Jackson give Tim’s mother? c. How did Tim study this semester? d. What did Miss Jackson say Tim should do? e. What did Tim’s mother give him at the end of the conversation?  Post - reading:  Survey: Name What subject Mai literature

new words in chorus - Checking: Rub out and remember - Present the sentences on the board - give feedback - Ask Ss to read the dialogue and check their prediction

- Read the sentences given and predict which is true and which is false - Give feedback - read the dialogue and check their prediction – correct the false statements

- Practise asking - Ask Ss to answer and answering the questions the questions

- go around the class and help weak students

Ex: What subject do you need to improve? - Week: 9 - Period: - Teaching date:

- Call out the English words

27 Lesson 2: Speak. Listen.  

62Aim: Practising speaking and listening

- Interview their friends

63Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

talk about their study habits and to listen for specific information to fill in a report card 64Teaching aids: Text book , poster 65Procedure:

Content Warm-up: (Brainstorming) How to improve your English? - Read English story - Do grammar exercises - Speak English to friends in class Pre - listening:  Pre – teach vocabulary: - behavior (n) - a participant - satisfactory - cooperation - attendance - (to) appreciate  Prediction: Look at Nga’s report and predict the missing information While - listening:  Listen to tape and check their prediction 1. 87 days present 2. 5 days absent 3. participation: Spanish pronunciation 4. listening: comprehension 5. Speaking: A. 6. Reading: A. 7. Writing B.  Answer the questions: 1. Who are Nga’s parents? 2. What’s Nga’s teacher’s name? 3. What subject was reported? 4. What are the comments? Post - listening:  Practise asking and answering the questions 1. When do you do your homework?

T’s activities - Elicit ideas from students

- Present new words on the board - Guide Ss to read new words in chorus

- give instruction - Ask Ss to listen to the dialogue - Correct their mistakes

- Ask Ss to answer some questions about Nga’s report card - give the correct answer

Ss’ activities - write their ideas on the blackboard

- listen and repeat - copy down - listen and repeat in chorus individuals - look at Nga’s report and guess the missing information - Listen to the tape and check their prediction - give feedback

- Answer the question - give feedback

2. Who helps you with your homework? 3. How much time do you spend on? Math? English? History? Literature? 4. Which subject do you need to improve? 5. What do you do to improve your English?  Homework: Write something about your partners study habits - Week: 10 - Period: - Teaching date:

- go around the class and help weak students

- Work in pairs, asking their partners questions and talking notes of the answers

28 Lesson 3: Read.  

66Aim: Helping students to read the text for details 67Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

understand the text and get specific information 68Teaching aids: Text book 69Procedure: Content  Warm-up: (chatting) - Do you like learning English? - How many new words do you try to learn a day? - What do you do when you read a new words? - How do you learn new words?  Pre - reading:  Pre – teach vocabulary - mother tongue - (to) underline - (to) highlight - (to) come across - (to) stick  While - reading:

T’s activities

Ss’ activities

- Ask some question

- Answer the questions

- Present new words on the board - Guide Ss to read them in chorus - Use the technique “Slap the board to check”

- Listen and repeat - copy down - read new words in chorus

- Read the

 True / false statements a. All language learners write the meaning of new words in their mother tongue b. Some learners write examples of words they want to learn c. Every learners tries to learn all new words they come across d. Many learners only learn new words that are important  Answer the questions  Post - reading: a. Do learners learn words in the same way? b. Why do some learners write example sentences with new words? c. What do some learners learn all the new words they come across? d. What is necessary in learning words? e. How should you learn words?  Homework: Write the ways of learning words that you think are the best for you

- give instruction

statements and predict which is true and which is false

- give feedback

- Read the text and check their prediction

- Answer the questions - Ask Ss to answer - give feedback the questions - Practise asking - give the correct and answering answers the questions

- Week: 10 - Period: - Teaching date:

29 Lesson 3: Write 1 - 2  

70Aim: Writing letters to friends. 71Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

know the format of a letter and practice writing a letter to a friend 72Teaching aids: Text book – poster. 73Procedures: Content  Warm-up:  Brainstorming. - What do you often write in a letter? - address - date  Prewriting:  Read the parts of the letter on page 50 and compare with their prediction  Open prediction: Predict the order of the parts of the letter  Read the letter ( page 51) and check their prediction  Pre – teach vocabulary: - Mid- Autumn Festival (n) - enjoyable(a) - (to) celebrate - result(n)  Read the letter and answer the questions: 1. Who wrote the letter? To whom? 2. What are there in the heading? 3. What is the main part of the letter? 4. What did Hoa receive a few days ago? 5. Is Hoa good at Math? 6. What subjects is Hoa good at? 7. Where is she going to celebrate the festival with her grandmother?  While - writing: Do exercise on page 51. Help Lan write

T’s activities - Set the scene to introduce the lesson - Ask some questions dealing with writing letters - give instructions - Ask Ss to guess the order of the parts of the letter - give instruction - Listen and give the correct answers - Present new words and guide Ss to read - Check Ss’ memory by technique “rub out and remember” - give instruction

Ss’ activities - Listen and answer the questions - Tell what they often write in a letter - Read the parts in the box (page 50)compare with prediction - Read the letter on page 51 and check their prediction - give feedback - listen and repeat - Copy down - Read the letter and answer the questions - give feedback

- Correct their mistakes - write a letter,

a letter to her pen pal Donna in given information  Post - writing:

- guide Ss to do exercise

using the given information

- sharing and comparing - Feedback - correction  Homework: Write a letter to your friend to tell him or her about your second semester report and about your summer holiday - Week: 10 - Period: - Teaching date:

30 Lesson 5: Language focus 1-2.  

74Aim: Further practice adverb of manner and the modal

should. 75Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use adverbs of manner and modal should as an advice 76Teaching aids: Text book. 77Procedures:

Content Warm – up: (pelmanism) Good warm bad fast badly rode eat ate sit sat Presentation 1: Set the scene “use any word from the game pelmanism to complete the dialogues” Ex: Lan has a (1) voice and she usually speak (2) 1. soft (adj) 2. softly (adv) Practice: a. Does Mrs. Nga speak English? Oh, yes. She speaks English well b. Ba always gets excellent grades That’s because he studies hard c. ……………. Run fast d. ……………..behaved badly e. ……………..speaking softly Presentation 2:

T’s activities

- Set the scene to introduce the structure - Help Ss distinguish the use of adjectives and adverbs - give instruction

Ss’ activities

- listen to their teacher - look at the example - Do the exercise on page 52, using the adverbs in the box to fill in the dialogue

- correction - give feedback

 Set the scene: ? a. Is Mr. Hao’s house new? b. Is the wall discolored? c. How is the door? d. Is there grass in his garden? e. Should Mr. Hao repair the roof?  From: S+ Should + Infinitive

 Practice: Mend?

- Ask some questions

- give explanation of the modal “should”

Paint? - guide Ss to do exercise


- look at Mr. Hao’s house and answer some questions

- use the verbs to advise Mr. Hao what to do


Cut? a. Mr. Hao should repair the roof b. Mr. Hao should paint the house c. Mr. Hao should cut the grass d. Mr. Hao should replant the tree e. Mr. Hao should mend the door  Homework: Write 5 sentences using “should + infinitive” and the following cues a. Do morning exercise / regularity b. Study hard c. Get up early d. Ride bike / carefully e. Keep room tidy - Week: 11 - Period: - Teaching date:

- write sentences using the given cues

31 Lesson 6: Language focus 3-4.  

78Aim: Practising commands, requests and advice in reported


79Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

use reported speech with commands requests and advice 80Teaching aids: Text book. 81Procedures: Content  Presentation: - Example: Miss Jackson said: “Can you give Tim this dictionary? ” Or “Please give Tim this dictionary” Tim’s mother reported it to Tim “Miss Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary.” “Miss Jackson told me to give you this dictionary”  Practice: 1. Drill 1: a. Miss Jackson asked me to wait for her outside her office b. Miss Jackson told me to give you your report card for this semester c. Miss Jackson asked me to help d. Miss Jackson told me to meet her next week 2. Drill 2: a. Miss Jackson said you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation b. Miss Jackson said you should practice speaking Spanish everyday c. Miss Jackson said you should listen to Spanish conversation on TV d. Miss Jackson said you should practice reading aloud passage in Spanish e. Miss Jackson said you should use this dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish words

T’s activities - Set the scene to introduce the structure

Ss’ activities

- Explain how to change into reported speech

- Listen to their teacher

- Explain the situation clearly

- Work in pairs to do exercise on page 53

- Ask students to report Miss Jackson’s advice to Tim’s mother in their conversation

- Work with their partners to do exercise 4 on page 53

- Correct their pronunciation

- Practice in pairs

 Homework: Review commands, requests, and advice in reported speech

Unit 6: The young Pioneers club - Week: 11 - Period: - Teaching date:

32 Lesson 1: Listen and read. Language focus 2.  

82Aim: Reading for details and practice in gerunds. 83Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

understand the dialogue and practice in gerunds used after some verbs: love, live, hate, enjoy. 84Teaching aids: Text book. 85Procedures: Content  Warm – up: - What do you usually do on your summer holiday?

T’s activities - Ask some questions about their activities and their summer - Are there any activity programs for the holidays summer? - Present new words - Do you take part in them?  Presentation: - Guide Ss to read  Pre- teach vocabulary: them in chorus - (to) enroll - answer application form - Out door activities  Listen and read the dialogue - Set the scene to  Complete Nga’s details introduce the - Name: Pham Mai Nga dialogue - Home address: 5 Tran Phu Street - get them to work - Phone number: not available in pairs • What’s her name? • Where does she live? • When was she born? • What are her hobbies?  Concept checking: - What is after “likes”? (drawing) - What is after “enjoys”? (acting) - What do you call “drawing and acting” (gerund)

- Ask some questions to check their understanding - Ask some questions to explain the structure

Ss’ activities - Listen and answer the questions - Listen and repeat - Copy down - Listen and repeat - Listen and read the dialogue at the some time - Complete Nga’s particulars - listen and answer the questions - Listen and answer the questions

- What is the form of “gerunds” (v_ing) - When do we use “gerund”? (after some verbs: like, love, enjoy, late, mind)  Practice: (word cue drill) a. Play soccer / volleyball b. Watch TV / listen to music c. Read books / do homework d. Chat with friends / do the housework e. Cook meal / decorate the house  Production: Do exercise 2 on page 61. Talk about our friends hobbies  Homework: Write about their friends’ hobbies - Week: 11 - Period: - Teaching date:

- Model the first two cues

- listen and correct the mistakes

- Repeat in choral twice and then individually

- Work in groups of there to ask their friends and tick on the chart - give feedback

33 Lesson 5: Speak a Language focus 3a.  

86Aim: Practising asking for favors. 87Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

ask for favors and respond to favors 88Teaching aids: Text book. 89Procedures: Content  Presentation: - What do you say to ask for a favor? Can / could you help me?

T’s activities - Ask Ss the meaning of the word favor

Ss’ activities - Answer the questions

- When do you ask for favor? Need some help - How do you say to respond to favor? Certainly / of course / sure / no problem  Practice:

- Present the phrases used to ask and respond for favor on page 55 - Guide Ss how to

- Copy down - Read the phrases in chorus - Use the

Do exercise 3a on page 61-62 inpairs  Further practice: Practise the dialogue between Mrs. Ngoc and Hoa (Page 55-56)

do exercise - Correct their pronunciation

expressions in the box to fill in blanks the dialogues - Practice speaking in pairs

- Week: 12 - Period: - Teaching date:

34 Lesson 5: Listen – Speak a Language focus 3b.  

90Aim: Listening for details and practicing speaking when

offering assistance. 91Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete a song and offer and respond to assistance 92Teaching aids: Text book. 93Procedures: Content  Pre - listening:  Pre – teach vocabulary: - (to) write - peace (n)  Guess the missing words

T’s activities - Present new words and guide Ss to read in chorus - let Ss guess the missing words

Ss’ activities - Listen and repeat - copy down - Predict the words to fill in the grass in the song (p. 56)

- give instruction While - listening: - Ask Ss to listen Listening to the song and check their to the song and prediction check their  Presentation: Present the dialogue between a prediction receptionist and a tourist (p. 56) (2h) - Read the  Questions: dialogue p. 56 - What does the receptionist say? - Ask some “May I help you?” questions to check - What’s for? students’ (for offering assistance) understanding - Another way to offer assistance? - Present the (Do you need any help? phrases to offer or Let me help you) respond assistance - How do you say to respond to assistance? (Yes, No, Thank you)  Practice: Do exercise on page 62 use useful - Ask Ss to do expressions in the boxes on page 55 to exercise 3b on complete the dialogues. Then practice page 62 the dialogues with a partner 

- Share with their partner and give feedback - Listen to the dialogue - Listen and answer the questions - Copy down and read in chorus and then individually all the phrases in the chart - Complete the dialogues in exercise 3b (p.62) - Practise the

Homework: - Learn the expressions - Practise the dialogue fluently

- Move around the dialogues in class and help pairs students

- Week: 12 - Period: - Teaching date:

35 Lesson 5: read 1-2.  

94Aim: Reading comprehension the passage about the Boy Scout

of America. 95Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about youth organization – The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) 96Teaching aids: Text book, poster 97Procedures: Content  Warm – up: (Jumbled words) 1. Racchtaer 4. Pexailn 2. Iojn 5. Nessmsibuan 3. Mai 6. Thauolgh  Pre- reading:  Pre – teach vocabulary: - (to) encourage - citizenship (n) - coeducational (a) - voluntary(a) - (to) lead – led – led - (to) establish  T / F statements prediction 1. The Boy Scout of America is a youth organization 2. Scouting began in America 3. William Boyce is a businessman in London 4. Boys and girls can join BSA 5. The Scouting Association is the biggest voluntary youth organization in the world  While – reading:  Read the passage on page 57 and check if their prediction is correct or not  Fill in the missing dates f. 1907

T’s activities - Write the wordswhose letters are in discover - Present new words on the board - Guide Ss to read in chorus individually - Check vocabulary by “slap the board”

Ss’ activities - Rewrite the words in the correct forms - Listen and repeat - Copy down - Read the words in chorus - Slap the words on the board - Predict which statement is true, and which is false

- Ask Ss read the statements given and guess they are true or false - give feedback

- Give instruction - Listen and correct false

- Read the passage on page 57 and check their prediction - Give feedback - Read the passage again

g. 1909 h. 1910 i. 1994  Post - reading:  Do exercise 1 (p. 57) j. Scouting began in England in 1907 k. The meeting between a boy Scout and Mr Milliam Boyce let to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910 l. Girls can join in the Girls Guides Association and Camp Fire Boys and Girls m. They are building characters, good citizenship and personal fitness - Week: 12 - Period: - Teaching date:

statements - Ask Ss to read the passage again and fill in the missing dates - Correct mistakes - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do exercise 1 (p. 57)

and fill in the missing dates - Give feedback - Answer the questions - Ask and answer in front of the class

- Correct the pronunciation

36 Lesson 5: Write 1-2.  

98Aim: Writing a letter. 99Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to

write a letter about a future plan using “be going to” 100Teaching aids: Text book. 101Procedures: Content  Warm – up: (Revision) Review the structure “be going to”  Pre - Writing:  Pre – teach vocabulary - (to) raise fund - a bank - natural resources  Read the notice: (p. 58) a. What do members of the Y and Y have to do in the recycling program? b. What is the purpose of the recycling program? c. What other programs can members

T’s activities - Ask Ss the usage of “be going to” - Present new words and guide Ss to read them in chorus

Ss’ activities - Answer

- Listen and repeat - Copy down - read new words in chorus - Ask Ss to read - read the notice the notice (p. 58) - Ask some - Listen and questions to check answer the Ss’ understanding questions

of the Y and Y participate in?  Complete the letter: a. Who writes the letter? b. To whom does Nga write? c. Is Nga a member of Y and Y?  Answer: 1. community 2. recycling 3. collect 4. send 5. recycling 6. save 7. earn 8. participating 9. planning 10. helping  Read the dialogue (p. 59)  Answer the questions: - Why does Hoa look happy? - What is she going to do in the environment month? - What are they doing to earn money for their school Y & Y?  While - writing: Write a letter  Post - Writing: - sharing – comparing - Correction - Week: 13 - Period: 37 - Teaching date:

- Ask some questions to set the scene - Get Ss to work in pairs to complete the letter

- Answer the questions

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue

- Read the dialogue

- Fill in the gaps in the letter - Give feedback

- Ask some - Listen and questions to check answer the Ss’ understanding questions - Ask Ss to write a - Write a letter letter

Lesson 6:

- Getting Started. - Language focus 1.

* Aim: - Introducing some activies of the Y & Y Organizatio and practise present tense writh future meaning. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students wrill be able to use Simple Present Tense to talk about future activities. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedure: Content * Warm-up: (Brainstorming)

T's activties

Ss' activities - Say the activities of the Y&Y.

* Presentation: □ Pre-teach vocab: - a rest home - an orphanage -A stachum □ Set the scene - Introduce the dialogue: Lan and Mai are members of the Y & Y organization. They are talking about the summer activity program. Lan: Where do we collect and empty garbage? Mai: At Dong Xuan Market. Lan: When do we collect and empty garbage? Mai: On Jannuary 9. Lan: What time do we start and finish? Mai: We start at 8am and finish at 5pm. □ Concopt checking:  When do we use "where"? (to ask for the place).  When do we use "when". (to ask for the date).  When do we use "What time"?  What tense do we use in the dialogue? * Practice: □ Do exercise 1 on page 60.

* Homework: Ask students to write on their notebook the report on the Y & Y organization Spring Activity Program.

- Listen and repeat - Present new words - Copy down. and guide Ss to read - Read new words them in chorus. in chorus.

- Set the scene to introduce the dialogue. - Ask Ss to - Complete complete the dialogue. dialogue.

- Ask Ss to practise Practise the dialogue. dialogue. Some questions - Answer - Ask Ss to check questions. their understanding.

- Ask Ss to practise asking anol answering about the Y&Y activity program.




- Practise asking and answering about the Y&Y activity program by using the given cues.

- Week: 13 - Period: 38 - Teaching date:

One Period Test ----oOo---I. Read the story and answer the questions: One day, as a farmer was in his field and his buffalo was graring nearby, a tiger appeared. The tiger wanted to know why the strong buffalo was the servant and the small man was the master. The farmer said he had sth called wisdom, but he left it at home that day. He went to get the wisdom, but before that he tied the tiger to a tree with a rope because he didn't want it to eat the buffalo. When he returned, the farmer brought some straw with him. He said it was his wisdom. He lit the straw and the fire burned the tiger. The tiger escaped, but it still has black stripes from the burns today. * Questions: 1. Where was the man? 2. What did the buffalo do when the tiger appeared? 3. What did the tiger wnat to know? II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences given: 1. I'll see you ....... wednesday. a. in b. on c. at d. after. 2. Little pea ........ to do the housework all day after her father got married again. a. has b. had c. have d. was 3. Last year, I ...... to get up late. a. use b. usesc. used d. using 4. Lan ...... you eat rice for lunch? Nga: No. I ate noodles. a. Did b. do c. Does d. Are 5. Lan ......... were you yesterday evening? Nga: I was at home. a. what b. How c. Where d. Who 6. Which subject did you have yesterday? - I ...... Math. a. had b. have c. has d. have to. III. Tell about the things you used to do last year. IV. Write a description of the Kitchen. a. This/ Hoa's Kitchen. b. There/ refrigerator/ right corner/ room. V. Listen - write the sentences you hear.

The end

- Week: 14 - Period: 40 - Teaching date:

Lesson 1:

- Getting Started. - Listen and Read.

* Aim: - Helping students to know about the places in their neighborhood. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Na's new neighbor. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedure: Content

T's activties

* Warm-up: (Getting started) - Ask Ss to match the names of places a. grocery store b. stadium with the switable c. wet market d. drug store pictures. e. hairdresser's f. swimming pool - Present new words * Pre-reading: and guide ss to read □ Pre-teach vocab: them in chorus. - close by (adv) - Check Ss' memory - (to) serve. by technique "What - a pancake. and where". - tasty (adj) □ Pre- questions: a. How long has Nam lived in that Give two neighborhood? questions and ask b. Where does Na want to go? students to work in pairs to guess the answers. * While-reading: □ Do exercise 2 on page 64. a. New. b. last week. c. tired. d. restaurant. e. Hue

Ss' activities - Match the names of places found in a neighborhood.

- listen and repeatcopy down. - Read in chorus. - Writ the words in the correct circles.

- listen and predict the answers.

- Ask Ss to read the - Read the dialogue dialogue. and check their prediction. - Read the dialogue again and complete the sentences on - Listen and correct page 64. Ss' mistakes.

f. pancakes. - Give feedback. * Post-reading: □ Answers the questions: a. How long has Nam lived here? - Listen and give the correct answers. b. Is Na's mother tired? c. What Kind of food does the restaurant serve? * Homework: Write a passage about their neighborhood by answering the following questions: a. How long have you lived in your neighborhood? b. Do you like it? Why? c. Is there a restaurant/ post office/ market/..... in your neighborhood? d. How do you do to keep your neighborhood clean. - Week: 14 - Period: 41 - Teaching date:

- Let Ss ask and - Practise asking answer the and answering the questions. questions in pairs.

- Guide Ss to write a passage.

Lesson 2:


* Aim: - Speaking about how to send a parcel or a letter. * Objective: - By the end of the letter, students will be able to talk about to send parcels or letters. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. Procedure * Warm-up: (chatting)  What's this?  Where can I post it to my freind?  How can I post it?  How much. * Presentation: □ Pre-teach vocab: - air-mail: (explanation: letter or parcel sent by air) - surface-mail: letter or parcel sent by bus,

T's activties Ask questions.

Ss' activities

some - Listen and answer the questions.

- Present new words - Listen and repeat on the board - guide - Copy down. Ss to read new - Read in chorus. words in chorus.

trai or ship. - Charge. - Check vocab: Rub out & remember. □ Reading comprehension: a. Does Mrs. Kim send the parcel airmail - Set the scene to introduce the or surface mail? Why? dialogue and give b. What's the weight of her parcel? Ss some questions. c. How much does she pay? * Practice: □ Dractise the dialogue. * Further practice: * Expected dialogue: Clerk: Can I help you? Mrs. Lan: I wnat to send a letter to Kontum. Clerk: Do you wnat to send it airmail or surface mail? Mrs. Lan: I send it airmail. How much is it? Clerk: Let me see, Mmm, 15 grams, it's only 1,200 dougs. Mrs. Lan: Here you are. Clerk: Thank you.

Correct pronunciation.

- Read the dialogue and find out the answers.

- Give feedback.

Ss' Practice dialogue.

Elicit and Make encourage Ss to dialogues make the dialogues themselves. themsehes.


- Make similar dialogues. Give other (The box on page sitwations and ask 65 will help them students to make know the price. similar dialogues.

2. Postcard/ HCM City/ airmail/ 15g. 3. parcel/ Buon Me Thuot/ surface 2 kgs. 4. parcel/ Ca Mau/ airmail/ 5 kgs. * Homework: Students write a dialogue on their notebooks. - Week: 14 - Period: 42 - Teaching date:


Lesson 3:


* Aim: - Listening for specific information. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know what Na is going to do on weekend by listening.

* Teaching aids: - Textbook, cassettes. * Procedures: Content * Pre-listening: □ Brainstorning and gisessing: - Look at 4 advertisements of "What's on this week?" and get Ss to guess what is in the blanks 2-3-4. * While-listening: Task 1: □ Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. * Answers: a. The new comer. b. Town Ground. c. English speaking contest. d. Culture House. Task 2: □ Read the statements in the exercises 2 page 66.

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Ask Ss to predict.

- Look at the advertisements and guess what is in the blanks.

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and fill in - Listen and fill in the blanks in each the blanks. advertisement. - Give feedback. Correct mistakes.


- Get Ss to read the Read the statements and statements and guess. predict which is true, which is True and which has no * Answers: informat". a. Na doesn't know the neighborhood very - give feedback. Correct the well. mistakes. b. Na doesn't like movies. c. Na will go to the photo exhibition. d. Na won't go to the English Speaking Contest. e. Na will go to the soccer match with Nam. f. Nam is a soccer fan. * Post-listening: □ Answers the questions: a. Does Na like movies? b. Why won't she go to see the film "The -

Listen answers questions. Ask



and the

new comer?" questions to check c. Why won't Na go to the photo their understanding of the conversation. exhibition? d. Who will Na go to the soccer match with? e. What time does the match start? * Homework: Ask students to write a short passage about what Na is going to do.

- Week: 15 - Period: 43 - Teaching date:

Lesson 4:


* Aim: - Reading for details about Tran Phu Shopping Mal. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the passage about a new shopping Mall.. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Revision) 1. A place where you can buy everything (Super market) 2. A place where you can buy vegetables and fruits (Grocery stora) 3. A place where you can buy books (Bookstore). 4. A place where you can come to eat (restaurant). 5. A person who comes to the store and buys sth (customer). * Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocab: - a roof - convement - a selection - Available - A mail - A resident □ True/ False prediction: Look at the statements in the exercise 1 page 68 and guess which statements are true, which are False.

T's activties

Ss' activities

Give the - listen and find out definitions and get the words.. ss to find out the words.

- Present new words - Listen and repeat. on the board. - Copy down. - Guide Ss to read - Read new words them in chorus. in chorus. - Write the words in - Check vocab: the correct circles What and where. - Read and predict - Ask Ss bead the which statements statements (p.68) are True, which are and predict. false.

* While-reading: □ Read the passages and advertisement - Get Ss to read the (p.67). text and check their prediction. □ Check their prediction. □ Correct false statements.

- Read the text and correct false statements - Give feedback.

* Post-reading: □ Answers the questions: (p.68) Exercise 2.

- Week: 15 - Period: 44 - Teaching date:

- Answers questions.

Lesson 5:



* Aim: - Helping Ss to write a notice. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a notice. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedures: Content * Pre-writing: □ Set the scene: The residents and store owners on Tran Phu street are going to hold a meeting to discuss the effects of the new mall. □ Questions: a. Why are the residents and store owners on Tran Phu Street going to hold a meeting? b. When will they hold a meeting what time? c. Where will they hold the meeting? □ Read passage 2 on page 68.

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Set the scene to - listen to their introduce the teacher. notice. - Get students to read the notice and - Read the notice answers some and answers the questions to check questions. their understanding - Give feedback Correct mistakes.


* While-writing: - Let students know the way to write a □ Write the notice. notice, not write full □ Answers the questions: sentences. a. What is the English Speaking Club - Let Ss to read going to hold? passage 2 on page b. Where and when will it be help? 68. c. What time? Ask some d. Who is the person to contact? questions to check Ss' understanding.

- Listen to their teacher's explanation. - Read the passage 2 (p.68). - Answers questions.


- Monitor and help - Write the notice. them write. * Post-writing: □ Check some notices and correct them. * Answers: The school English Speaking club Holding A Speaking Contest to Celebrate teacher's Day. Date: November 15. Time: 7.30p.m. to 10.00p.m. Place: Hall 204, Building 6. Please contact Mr. Tran Thi Thu Hang of Class 8H at the above address for more information.

- Share with their parthers. - Write the model - Present the model notice on the board notice on the board. (Elicit student to write).

* Homework: Do exercise 3 on page 68.

- Week: 15 - Period: 45 - Teaching date:

Lesson 6:

Language focus.

* Aim: - Practice in Present Perfect Tense. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use Present Perfect tense. * Teaching aids: - Textbook, posters, cards. * Procedures: Content

T's activties

Ss' activities

* Warm-up: (Matching) Be see colleted go worked Lived do seen eat attended Write been writen eaten work Attend done live collect gone * Presentation: □ Set the scene: Na is new in Nam's neighborhood. They are talking to each other.

- Stick a poster of infinitives and Past Participles on the board.

- Go to the board and write each pair of infinitives past participles.

- Set the scene to - Complete the introducce the open dialogue. present perfect.

Na: How long (1) you (2) in this neighborhood? Nam: I (3) (4) herve (5) 10 years. Na: Really. It's a long time. - Give the form and  Form: have/ hast p.p. use of the present - Listen to their  use: to talk about something which perfect tense. teacher and copy started in the past and continues up to the down. present.  We often use "For" and "Since" with the Present Perfect tense". * Practice: 1. Drill 1: Do exercise 2 (p. 69) Ex: T: five minutes Ss: for five minutes. 2. Drill 2: □ Make full sentences. a. I/ live/ here/ last week. b. We/ not eat/ in that restaurant for 2 years. c. I/ not see/ her/ yesterday. d. They/ attend/ Quang Trung school/ since last year, e. My Dad/ work/ for his company 20 years. f. Ba/ collect/ stamp/ 1995.

- Read a phrase.

- Add since or For.

- Give the cues written on cards and ask Ss to make full sentences. Correct Ss' prounuciation.

- Look at the cues written on cards and make full sentences.

- Do exercise 4. - Correction.

* Production: □ Do exercise 4 (p. 70) * Homework: Do exercise 3 (p.69) on their notebooks.

- Give feedback.

- Week: 16 - Period: 46 - Teaching date:

Lesson 1:

- Getting Started. - Listen and Read.

* Aim: - Reading for details about the differences between city life and country life. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the city life and the country life. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedures: Content

T's activties

* Warm-up: (Chatting) a. Where do you live? b. Do you want to live in the city why? c. Do you want to live in the country? Why? * Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocab: - a relatire (undes, aunts, cousins) - peaceful = quet. - Accessible. - Medical facilities. * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember. □ Brainstouning** (getting started)

- Talk to Ss about life the city and life in the country by asking some questions. - Present new words on the board. - Guide Ss to read the words in chorus.

* While-reading: □ Read the dialogue. □ Compare their ideas. □ Answers the questions (p.73)

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue and compare their ideas. Get more information.

- Get Ss to talk about city life and country life.

Ss' activities Listen answers questions.

and the

- Listen and repeat copy down. - Read the words in chorus.

- Talk about city life anf country life.

- Read the dialogue and compare their ideas. - Give feedback. - Answers the

a. Where has Na been? b. How long was she there? c. What is her opinion of the countryside? d. Na says "there is nothing to do". What does she mean by this? e. What are some of the changes that hoa mentions? * Post-reading: □ Practive the dialogue. □ Discuss in groups - Do you prefer the city or the country life? Why?

Correct mistakes.

questions on page 73. their - Give feedback.

- Move around and Practise the correct Ss' dialogue. pronunciation. - Discuss in groups.

* Homework: - Ask Ss to write a shout passage about why they prefer the city life or the country life. - Week: 16 - Period: 46 - Teaching date:

Lesson 2:

- Speak. - Language focus 3

* Aim: - Practice in Present Progressive tense to descivibe changes with get and becom. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice Speaking about the changes of a place. * Teaching aids: - Textbook, pictures. * Procedures: Content * Presentation: □ Set the scene:  Model sentence:

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Set the scence to introduce the model - Listen and copy sentence. down.

Explain the  Form: am/ is/ are + V-ing structure.  Use: used to deseribe changes with "get" and "become". - Model first two

* Practice: (Word cues Drill) a. The boys/ get/ tall. b. The old men/ becom/ weak c. It/ become/ dark d. The weather/ get/ cold e. The students/ get/ better. f. The school/ yard/ become/ cleaner. * Production: 1. Speaking 1: Look at the two pictures and talk about the changes of the town (p.73)  The traffic is getting busier.  The house are getting more modern.

2. Speaking 2: Talk about changes in their hometown.

cues, the whole - Complete the class reperat sentences, using the chorally, then some cues given. students read out individually.

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures (p.73) - Speak the changes and talk about the of the town. changes of the town. - Write the word prompts on the board and help Ss speak. Talk about changes in their hometown.

* Homework: □ Write sentences, using Present Progressive Tense to describe changes in their school. - Week: 16 - Period: 48 - Teaching date:

Lesson 3:

- Listen. - Language focus 1 - 2

* Aim: - Listening for details to complete the dialogue and Further Dractice in Present Progressive tense. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete the dialogue by listening and Further Practice in Present continuous to talk about the future. * Teaching aids: - Textbook, cards. * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Matching)

T's activties - Prepare 8 cards with phrases on

Ss' activities

Play the house Do my aunt, Mrs Hang Watch a meeting. Go to man Clean to violin lesson Have table tennis Phone my homework Speak a programe * Prelistening: - Complete the dialogue use the verbs in the present progressive tense (page 78)

them. Write 8 verbs on the board - Divide the class into 2 teams and hand out each team 8 cards.

- Stick the cards with phrases besides the suitable verbs.

- Guide Ss how to - Complete the do exercise. dialogue, using the suitable verbs in the Present Progressive Correct the tense. Read the - Review the form of the present mistakes. - Set the scence to dialogue. Progressive tense. introduce the □ Set the scence. dialogue - letSs Predict the □ Guess the missing words. predict. missing words. - Ask Ss to listen to * While-listening: the tape. - Listen to the tape □ Listen to the tape and check their and check their predition (p.74) - Listen and correct prediction the mistakes. - Give feedback. * Post-listening: Do exercise 1 on page 77.

- Help Ss practise.

- Practise speaking.

* Homework: - Ask Ss to write a shout passage about why they prefer the city life or the country life. - Week: 17 - Period: 49 - Teaching date:

Lesson 4:


* Aim: - Reading comprehension about the problem of people from the countryside moving to the city. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the text about one of the social problems.

* Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Jumbled words) Plentiful, nature, flood, destroy, population, provide, result, facilities. * Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocab: - rural (adj) thuoäc mieàn queâ. - urban (a) thuoäc veà thaønh phoá - Stain (n): traïng thaùi caêng thaúng - typhoon: baõo Drought: hôïp taùc and dry weather for a long time. - strouggle (n): söï ñaáu tranh - migrant (n) a person who moves from one place to another especially in cerder to find work □ Checking vocab: what and where. □ Brain storming:

T's activties

Ss' activities

Present the - Rewrite the words Jumbled words on in the ordered the board. letters.

- Present new words and guide Ss to read them in chorus. - Guide Ss to read words in chorus.  insividually. - Check vocab by technique what and where.

- Listen and repeat - copy down.

- Read in chorus. - Rewrite the words in the correct circle.

- Ask Ss to think of - Tell about the the difficulties of difficulties of farmers' life. farmers' life.

* While-reading: - Ask Ss to do □ Read the text silently and find the word exercise 2 on page 75. in the passage that means: a. of the countryside b. as many as needed - Listen and give c. become greater or larger. the correctanswers. d. a great pressure e. a terrible event. f. of the city or city life. - Ask Ss to do * Post-reading: exercise 1 on page □ Gap - filling: 75. (Exercise 1 page 75).

- Read the text and find the word in the passage that means. - Give feedback.

- Complete the summary 1 on page 75, using the information from the passage.

- Week: 17 - Period: 50 - Teaching date:

Lesson 5:


* Aim: - Writing letters to friends about the neighborhood. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write letters to their friends about their neighborhood. * Teaching aids: - Textbook, cards. * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Revision) Review the form of a letter. 1. Heading:  Write's address  Date  Dear ......, 2. Opening 3. Body of letter 4. Closing. * Pre-writing: □ Discuss and answers the questions a. Where do you lire? b. What does your house look like? c. What can you see from your bedroom window? d. How far is it from your home to school? e. What kind of facilities are there in your neighborhood? f. What things in your neighborhood do you like best? Why? * While-reading: □ Write a letter to a friend about your neighborhood, using the answers. * Post-writing: - Sharing and comparing Correction.

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Review the form Listen and of the letter. answers the questions. - Ask Ss to do (Put the outline for an informal letter in exercise 1 (p.76) the correct order).

- Ask Ss to work in - Discuss in groups groups to answers and answers the the questions in questions. exercise 2 on page 76.

- Write the letter, - Let Ss write the using the answers. letter.

- Week: 17 - Period: 51 - Teaching date:

Lesson 6:

- Language focus.

* Aim: - Further Practice in comparative and superlative adjectives. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use comparative and superlative adjectives.. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedures: Content

T's activties

Ss' activities

* Warm-up: (Brainstorming) - Ask ss to find out - Go to the board and write the □ Find out short adjectives and long the adjectives adjectives. adjectives they have learnt.

* Presentation:  Comparative: Short adjective-er + than + Object More long adjective + than + object  Superlative: The + short adj - est The most + long adjective.  Irregular adjectives: Good/ well better the best Bad worse the worst Mary more the most Little less the least * Dractice: Do exercise 4 on page 79. Ex: - The air in the country is fresher then in the city. - The medical faccilities in the city are more accessible than in the country.

- Remind Ss of the - Listen and copy forms of down. comparative and superlative adjectives.

- Ask Ss to do exercice 4 (p.79) give some examples. - Move around the class and help Ss write comparison

- Make comparions between the country. - Each student reads aloand one of the sentences they have made.

* Production: Do exercise 5 on page 79.  What are advertised?  How old are they?  How much do we pay per month?

* Homework: □ Write 5 sentences comparing their house with their neighbors.

sentences. - Ask Ss read the advertisement then ask them some questions to check their understanding. - Guide Ss to play a game.

Read adiertisement answers questions. - Play a Noughts Grosses.

the and the

game and

- Week: 18 - Period: 53 - Teaching date:

Lesson 1:

- Getting Started. - Listen and Read 1, 2.

* Aim: - Reading for details about the situations which require first - aid. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss can know what they would do in the situations which require first-aid. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. Content * Discussion: Look at the pictures and discurs what they would do in these situation which require first aid. * Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocab: - ambulance: xe cöùu thöông - emergency: söï caáp cöùu - unconcious ≠ concious - (to) bleed - wound (n): veát thöông - pressure: söùc eùp - tight ≠ loose

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Give instructions - Call on some groups to give their answers and correct. - Present new words on the board - guide Ss to read them in chorus  individuals. - Check Ss' memory by technique "slap the board". - Present the open. Passage on the board. - Ask Ss predict the words in the gaps. - Listen and write on the board.

Look at the pictures and discuss in groups.

- Listen and repeat - Copy down.

- Read the passage □ gap-fill predition in fill in the blanks There was an emergency at lan's school. A with suitable student ..... 1 .... off her bike and hieän words. töôïng her head on the road. She was ... 2... but she cut her head and the. ... 3... - Give feedback. was ... 4... badly. Lan telephoned Bach Mai Hospital and asked the nurse to send an ... 5... to Quang Trung school. Lan was asked to keep the student ... 6... while waiting for the ambulance". * While-reading: - Give the correct - Read the dialogue and check their Read the dialogue and check Ss' answers.

prediction * Post-reading: Read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in the dialogue. (page 81).


* Homework: - Write a story using the information from the dialogue begin their story with: Yesterday there was an emerger of at.... - Week: 18 - Period: 54 - Teaching date:

Lesson 1:

- Speak. - Language focus 2 - 3 - 4.

* Aim: - Practive in making and responding to offers, promises and requests. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss can make and respond requests, offers and promises. * Teaching aids: - Pictures on page 82, 87, 88. * Procedures: Content * Presentation: □ Set the scene. □ Model sentence: Will you (please) get me a bandage? □ Concept checking: 1. To make a request: Will Would + you (please) + bare infini:...? Could Can Responses: - Sure/ ok/ Taát caû right. - I'm sorry I can't/ I'm... 2. To make an offer: Will/ won't you Shall I bare infinitive...? Can I

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Ask Ss questions - Answers the to elicit the models. questions. Presents the - Listen and repeat. models.

- Get Ss to work out the rules for - Copy down. themsehes by asking questions.

Would you like + to infinitive. (on page 81). * Practice: (Matching). (p.82). 1. The girl has a burn on her hand. 2. The girl has a bad fever 3. The boy has just broken the vase. 4. The boy has a headache. 5. The boy has a snake bite. □ Picture Drill Picture a: request d. offer b. offer/ request e. promise. c. offer/ request.

- Look at the - Hang the chart pictures on page 82 with the statements and match the situations with the on the board. statements. Identify situations in pictures.

the the

- Repeat the model sentence in chorus - Model picture a.  individual. - Practise all the Monitor and exchanges in turns. correct, encourage Ss to make sentences for themsehes.

a. Could you give me a bandage, please? - Sure. Here you are. b. Shall I get you some medicine? - Yes, please.

* Production: - Collect the Ss' ideas and write 1. (LF2: Repettion Drill). them on the board. 2. LF3: Role play 3. Do Language Focus 4 then practise speaking with a partner * Homework: Rewrit exercises 2, 3, 4 (p.86, 87). 88). - Week: 18 - Period: 55 - Teaching date:

Lesson 3:

- Listen.

* Aim: - Listening to a paragraph for details about the activities taking place in an emergency room. * Objective: - Help Ss known how to listen for details. * Teaching aids: - Textbook, pictures on page 82. * Procedures: Content

T's activties

Ss' activities

* Warm-up: Guess from context: What actions? Look at the pictures on page 82 and write out all the verbs describing the actions of the people in it. * Pre-listening: □ Pre-teach vocab: - eye chart (picture) - a parademic - Wheelchair (picture) - Stretcher - Crutches □ Checking technique: What and where. □ Matching: A  ambulance. D  eye chart B  wheelchair E  scale C  crutches F  stretcher. * While-listening: □ Order Prediction.

* Post-listening: True False Statements: 1. A doctor is wheeling a patient into the emergency room. 2. The patient's head is banadged 3. A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a patient sitting on it. 4. The eye chart consists of 28 letters ranging (from) in the different sire*. 5. The baby's mother is trying to stop the nure from weighing her baby. * Correction:

- Look at the pictures and write - Give instruction. - Tell Ss the group the verbs desoubing having the most the people in it. right vebs is the winner. - Present new words - Listen and repeat on the board. - Have Ss repeat in - Copy down. chorus and copy down. - Look at the - Ask Ss to do picture in their exercise. books again and match the letter A, B, C,... to the corret words in the box.

- Have Ss copy and guess the order of the words. - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. - Listen and correct.

Present the statements on the board. - Ask Ss to read the statements carefully and check if they understand the meaning of the statements.

- Copy and guess the order of the words. - Listen and give the answers.

Read the statements given carefully and work in pairs to decide which of the statements is true and which is false.

- Play the tape and - Listen the tage

1. False (a parademic) 2. True 3. False (empty wheelchair). 4. True 5. False (stop herbaby fromcrying)

have Ss to listen (2 again and give the or 3 times) answers.

- Week: 19 - Period: 56 - Teaching date: Lesson 4:

- Read. - Language focus 1.

* Aim: - Reading for the instructions about some more situations requiring first-aid. * Objective: - At the end of the lesson, Ss can use "in order to and so as to" to indicate purposes. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: Siggested words: Burn, cut, bee sting, smake bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed. * Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocabulary: - (to) lie flat. - (to) elevate ≠ (to) lower - a victim (person who needs first-aid) - (to) over heat - tissue damage - (to) ease = (to) stop □ Checking technique: Rub out and remember. □ Network: cool the burn with ice

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Ask Ss to give - Give nouns and nouns for emergen write them on the cies which require board. first-aid. - Present new words on the board. - Guide Ss to read them in chorus.

- Listen and repeat. - Copy down. - Read new words in chorus.

- Check ss' memory by technique "Rub out and remember". - Think of what to - Collect and write do in these the Ss' ideas on the emergency cases. board.

* While-reading: □ Read the instructions on page 83 and - Have Ss read the add the missing information instructions on page 83 and add the □ Matching:  Read the statements on page 84 and missing information. match three leading A, B, C to them.

Read the onstructions and the statemnets match three leading

□ Model sentence: - Why should we cool the burn inmediately?  we should do it in order to minimize the tissue damage. □ Concept checking: Form: in order to + bare infinitive. Meaning: ñeå Use: to indicate purposes. * Post reading: Do exercise 1 on page 86. - Week: 19 - Period: 57 - Teaching date: Lesson 5:

A, B, C to them. Listen and the - Ask the questions answers to elicit the questions. answers. - practise asking and answering the questions with "Why". Monitor and correct.

- Write.

* Aim: - Writing a thank-you note. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss know how to write a thank-you note. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedures: Content * Pre-writing: □ Pre-teach vocab: - (to) thank SO for sth. - (to) cheer SO up = to make SO feel happier. - (to) come over. □ Set the scene. "Nga was sick and she had to go to hospital. After she left the hospital, she wrote a thank-you note to Hoa. Why and what did she write? □ True-false prediction: 1. Nga write to thank Hoa for some candy. 2. Hoa's gift cheered Nga up. 3. Nga'd lke Hoa to see her at the hospital.

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Present new words - Listen and repeat. and guide Ss to read - Copy down. them. - Set the scene to introduce the situation.

- Give instructions.

Read statements predict Give predictions

the and their and

4. Nga is very bored now. 5. Nga write the letter at the hospital. □ Complete the thank-you note Nga sent to Hoa after she left the hospital. Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. was 2. were 3. helped 4. come 5. am 6. I'm phone

write on the board.

* Post-writing: - Comparing - sharing - Correction

- Write a thank-you note.

- Ask Ss to do exercise (page 84) - Monitor and help ss with the tense firms. * While - writing: Correct the mistakes. □ Answers the questions on (page 85) □ Write a thank-you note to a friend. - Guide Ss to the Invite your friend to go on a picnic with answers questions. you. Use the questions. Corret the mistakes.

- Look at the letter on page 84 and complete it with the right verb forms. Give their answers. - Answers the questions. - Give feedback.

- Week: 20 - Period: 58 - Teaching date:

Lesson 1:

- Getting Started. - Listen and Read 1, 2.

* Aim: - To give information about the environment problems. * Objective: Ss will be able to do something to protect the environment and save natural resources. * Teaching aids: - Textbook, posters. * Procedures: Content

T's activties

Ss' activities

* Warm - up: (Brainstorm) Reuse plastic bags.

- Think of ways to - Collect the ideas reduce the amount of garbage. from the students: - Give feedback.

* Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocabulary: - representative: ngöôøi ñaïi dieän - (to) protect: to keep so/ sth safe from danger. - natural resources (coal, mines, oil, gold,...) - (to) contact: (to) communicate with. □ Checking techniques: Jumbled words. □ True/ False predictions: 1. Freinds of the Earth is an organiration to help peope make friends with each other. 2. Miss Blake asks the students to remember 3 things: reduce, reuse, recycle. 3. Reduce means buying the products which are overpacked. 4. We cannot reuse things like envelopes

- Present new words on the board. - Have ss copy - Guide ss to read them in chorus.

- Listen and repeat. - Copy down.

Present the Jumbled words on the board. - Ask ss to listen the situation.

- Rewrite the words in the right order. - Listen to the situation.

- Write the guesses on board.

- Read the words in chrus.

- Work in pairs to decide if the Ss' statements are true the or false.

glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags. 5. Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and shouldn't use plastic bags at all. 6. recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them. * While-reading: □ Read the dialogue and check their - Monitor prediction. □ Correct the false statements. * Post-reading: □ Answers the questions on page 90. □ Prectise the dialogue. - Week: 20 - Period: 59 - Teaching date:

Lesson 2:

- Read the dialogue and check their predictions correct the false statements. Practise the dialogue.

- Speak - Listen.

* Aim: To help ss practice in giving and responding to instructions and listening for specifi information about making compost. * Objective: - Ss can give and respond to instructions. * Teaching aids: - Pictures, a mapped dialogue chart. * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Kim's game) □ Write the words showing things in the picture, Possible answers: used paper, books, bottles, glasses, jars,... * Pre-speaking: □ Pre-teach vocabulary: - fertilizer (farmers ofter use this thing to make their plants or trees grow well) (what's it?) - compost (what do you call the fertilizer made from spoiled food, leaves, vegetable matter,...)

T's activties - Give instruction

Ss' activities - Look at the picture and write the words showing things in it.

- Listen and repeat. Show the meaming og some - Copy down. - Read new words new words. - Guide Ss to read in chorus. them in chorus. - Check ss' memory

- fabric by - leather: (our shves, sandals are often "Bingo" made of...?)


□ Dictation - list:

- Read the words - Listen to the and guide Ss to do words for items and exercise. put them into the right groups.

* While-speaking: □ Mapped Dialogue:

Elicit exchanges students. Model exchanges. Monitor correct.

the Practise the from exchanges in pairs, replacing the information (in the brackets) with the in the and words dictation list.

* Post-listening: - Have ss read the □ Hear four questions during the multiple choice recording. Check the correct answers. questions on page □ answers Key: 91 and check if Ss a. A b. B c. A d. B understand the questions. Correct.

- Read the multiple choice questions on pae 91. Give their answers.

- Week: 20 - Period: 60-61 - Teaching date: Lesson 3:

- Read 1, 2 - Language focus 1 - 2

* Aim: - Reading for details about how things are recycled * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to form the Passive in the Present Simple. * Teaching aids: - Textbook. * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Bingo) Environment, garbage, pure, used paper, protect, envelope, dust, green tree, can, plastic,... * Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocabulary: - tire: voû 9xe) - pipe: oáng nöôùc - deposit: tieàn ñaët coïc - (to) refill: laøm ñaày - (to) melt ≠ (to) freeze □ Open - prediction:

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Give instruction - Write any 5 words - Call out the words and listen to their until someone teacher. shouts "Bingo".

? What can they make from them? - Car tires  - milk bottle  - Glass 

- Elicit words from students. - Guide Ss to read new words. - Check Ss' memory by technique "Rub out and Remember". Write the questions the board - Ask Ss to guess. - Write the Ss' guesses on the board.

* While-reading: □ Read the text. □ Make a list of recycled things (Ex.2 p.93). □ Check their prediction. * Post reading: □ Answers the questions on page 93 (Ex1).

- Ask Ss to open - Read the text and their books and read make a list of the text. recycling facts mentioned in the - Ask Ss do exercise text. the 1 and 2 on page 93. - Answers questions. - Correcttion.

? What do people do with used things?

- Copy the new words. - Read new words.

- Guess what they are going to read.

- Give feedback.

Model sentence: Passive voice - Elicit the model sentences from students. - Copy down

□ Concept checking: + Form: Passive Form in the Present Simple Subject + is/ am/ are + p.p + Use: it is used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb. + How to change an active sentence to a passive one Active: S O Passive: S be + p.p by O □ Language focus (p.95, 96)

- Explain and show how to change an active sentence to a passive one.

- Give instruction - Correction

- do exercise 1 & 2 (p.95, 96) - Write on the board.

- Week: 21 - Period: 61 - Teaching date: Lesson 4:

- Write 1-2.

* Aim: - To help Ss to write a set of instruction on how to recycle used things. * Objective: - Students will be able to write a set of instructions, using the sequencing. * Teaching aids: * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Lucky numbers). Say these sentences in the passive: 1. People speak English everywhere. 2. Most children like cartoons. 3. We donot use things carefuly. 4. Children like candies. 5. Mr. Han teaches Maths. * Pre-writing: □ Pre-teach vocab: - (to) soak: laøm öôùt - (to) mash: nghieàn - bucket: thuøng, soâ - wire mesh: löôùi saét □ Complete the recycling instructions (Exercise 1 page: 93) * While - writing: □ Ordering picturess. □ Make the instructions on how to prepare the leaves. * Post-writing: correction.

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Write 9 numbers - Ss choose a lucky on the board. number, they do not have to answers - Tell Ss each any questions but number is for a they get 1 point and questions but 4 of they can choose them are lucky another number. numbers. - Elicit words from students. - Guide Ss to read words. - Check ss' memory "Slap the board". Correct the exercise in the text book. Correct the mistakes.

- Read new words. - Copy down. - Do exercise 1 p. 93. Order pictures. Write instructions.

the the

- Week: 21 - Period: 63 - Teaching date: Lesson 5:

Language focus 3 - 4.

* Aim: - To get Ss to further practice in expressing their feelings using Adjectives. * Objective: - Students will be able to form the structures with adjectives. * Teaching aids: - Textbook, handouts. * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Junbled words) - difficult - important - easy - understand - hard - believe, dangerous - wait. * Presentation: (Language focus 3) □ Pre-teach structures: □ Set the scene: Ba gives Nam a lot of directions at a time so Nam finds it difficult to follow Ba's directions what does he say to Nam? Model sentences:

Concept checking: Form: It + be + adj + to infinitive

* Practice: □ Gap fill (Exercise 3 on page 96) Language focus 4 * Presentation: □ Pre-teach structure: + Set the scene:

T's activties

Ss' activities

Present the Rewrite the Jumpled words on Jumbled words in the board. the correct ones.

- Set the scene to introduce the structure.

Explain structure.

the - Listen to their teacher.

- Have Ss copy . - Give instruction - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue and correct.

- Set the scene to elicit the model.

- Copy down. - Complete the dialogue on page 96.

Nam passed the English exam and his grandparents are delighted at it. What did they write to him?

Model sentence:

Concept checking: Form: S + be + adj + that/ noun clause * Practice: □ Matching:

Explain the structure of the - Listen and copy model sentence. down.

- Ask Ss to do exercise. - Read the letter on - Call on some Ss to page 97 and match go do the board to the words. draw the lines.

* Production: □ gap - fill - Get some Ss to Read and give their answers. complete the letter. (Exercise 4 on page 97) - Give feedback. * Homework: Rewrite the letter beginning write: "Nam's - Correct. grandparents are delighted that he..."

- Week: 22 - Period: 64 - Teaching date:

Lesson 1:

- Getting Started. - Listen and Read 1, 2.

* Aim: - Reading for details about how to express interest. * Objective: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use some expressions to express their interest. * Teaching aids: * Procedures: Content

T's activties

Ss' activities

* Warm - up: (Matching) Match the places of interest in Viet Nam with their names. * Pre-reading: □ Pre-teach vocabulary: - crop - sugar can. - water buffalo. - (to) take a photo. * Pre-questions: 1. Where does Hoa meet the Jones? 2. Is it the first time the Jones have visited VietNam? 3. How do they travel to HaNoi? 4. What do they see along the read to HaNoi? * While-reading: □ Read the dialogue and check the answers. □ True/ False statements. a. This is the first time Hoa has met Tim's family. b. Hoa helps Mrs. Jones with her luggage. c. The Jones family is trweling from the

- Give instruction. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Elicit the words from Ss. - Guide Ss to read words.

- Match the places of interest with their names. - Copy down. - Read the words.

- Check if Ss understand the questions and have them a feu minutes to think about the - Work in pairs to answers the questions. questions. - Read the dialogue and check the - Ask ss to do answers. - Read the dialogue exercise. again and answers which statements are true, which are false.

airport in a bus. d. Shannon has never seen rice paddies Monitor before. correct. e. The car is traveling past farmland. f. Only rice and crn are grown around HaNoi. * Post-reading: □ Correct the false statements. □ Prectise the dialogue. - Week: 22 - Period: 65 - Teaching date: Lesson 2:

- Give feedback. and

- Speak. - Language focus 3 - 4.

* Aim: - To help Ss practise in making suggestions and using "mind" to make requests. * Objective: - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make and respond to formal requests using "mind" and make suggestions. * Teaching aids: * Procedures: Content

T's activties

Ss' activities

* Warm-up: (Game: what does it say?) * Presentation: □ Pre-teach structures: + Set the scene: Remind Ss of the exchanges between Hoa and Mr. Jones and between Hoa and Jim in the last dialogue (and)

- Give instructions.

Guess the information on the board.

- Set the scene to elicit the model - Give the answers. sentences.

Explain structures.

- Listen and copy the down.

- Some Ss repeat Prepare 4 the sentence and □ Form: on page 100 with correct. □ Use: to make and respond to formal cardboards cues including

requests. □ Meaning: Xin ban cam phien...

checks and crosses.

* Practice: □ Cardboard Drill (LF 3) p.109) a. - Would you mind moving your car?  No, of course not. b. Do you mind putting out your cigarette? - No, I don't mind.

- Model the first cue - Listen. 2 or 3 times. Correct their - Practise Ex. 3 on mistakes. page 109.

* Production: T: Would you mind moving your car?  S: No, of course not. □ Mapped Dialogue:

- Demonstrate how - Practise all the to put the exchange exchange. to gether

- Put the dialogue chart on the board.

Elicit exchanges students. Monitor correct.

- Week: 22 - Period: 66 - Teaching date: Lesson 3:

the - Repeat. from Use the information on page 101 to practise and other dialogues.

- Listen - Read 1

* Aim: - Listening and reading for details about the place directions and information about some places of interest in VietNam. * Objective: - Ss will be able to get information from simple tourist achertisements. * Teaching aids: * Procedures:

Content * Warm-up: (What's this place?) * Dalat: - It is called the city of Eternal Spring. - It has a lot of waterfalls and lakes - You can find the most Kinds of flowers here. * Nha Trang: - It's a seaside resort. - It has a very big monument of Buddha. - It has an Oceanic Institude. * Listen: □ Set the scene □ Listen and match the places in the box to their correct positions on the map. □ Correction: * Pre-reading: - Accominodation. - Giant. - Tribe. - Slope. - Jungle. - Limestone. * While-reading: □ Grid (on page 104)  Nha Trang: Flights to HN, railway, hotels, local tranport, tourist attractions. * Post - reading: □ Rewrite the advertisements to make them into short paragraphs, like this: "Nha Trang is a wonderful seaside resort for summer holidays..." - Week: 23 - Period: 67 - Teaching date: Lesson 4:

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Say information

- Guess what this place is.

- Play the tape - Ask Ss to isentify the places. - Correct.

- Listen and match the places to the correct positions on the map. - Give feedback.

- Elicit words from students.

- Copy down.

- Guide Ss to read - Listen and repeat. words. - Check Ss' memory by technique "Bingo". - Ask Ss to read the advertisements about the resors (p.102, 103) (and) - Correct.

- Read 2 - LF 4.

- Read and check the topics mentioned in the grid (p.104). - Give feedback.

* Aim: - Reading for details about some places of interest in VietNam. Further practice in making and responding to requests using "mind". * Objective: - Ss will be able to make some suggestions on some tourist sites in VietNam to foreign tourists. * Teaching aids: * Procedures: Content

T's activties

Ss' activities

* Warm-up: (Bingo) - Resort, beach, caves, lake, mountain, - Elicit words from - Give the words tribe, seaside,... students. - Listen and repeat * Presentation: - Guide Ss to read - Copy down. words. □ Pre-teach structures: - mountain - chinbing - Check Ss' memory - Write the words in - (to) sunbathe by technique "What the correct circles. - a florist and where". - (to) inport ≠ (to) export * While - reading: □ Matching: - Put the poster on - Match the words the board and ask or phrases in Ss to match. column A to column B. - Correct. - Give feedback.

- Guide Ss to do □ grid: (exercise on page 105). exercise.  answers the questions. Monitor and correct. * Post-reading: (Role play) - Tell Ss to ask and □ Model: answers questions A. Where should (Andrew) using the B. he should go to... informations the A. Why? text. B. Because (he studies tribes and he likes Monitor and mountain-dimbing). correct.

- Read the text on page 105 and check (V) the boxes. - Practise asking and answering the questions.

* Language focus 4: * Presentation: □ Revision: (Gap fill)

- Use the right - Put the gap fill words in the box to chart on the board fill in the gaps. ask Ss to do exercise. - Give feedback. - Correct.

* Practice: □ Ordering pictures. - turnoff the stereo. - watch TV while eating. - sit down. - postpone the meeting. - turn on the air-conditioner. - smoke.

- Give instructions

- Correct.

* Production: Play the roles to demonstrate the - Monitor. exchanges based on the models below the pictures.

- Write the numbers and look at the pictures on page 110. - Listen to the situations and order the pictures Give their answers. - Play roles.

- Week: 23 - Period: 68 - Teaching date: Lesson 5:

- Write 1-2.

* Aim: - To help Ss practice in writing a narrative using a guided compostion.. * Objective: - Ss will be able to know how to write a narrative. * Teaching aids: * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Lucky numbers). □ Pre-teach vocab: - Canoe - (to) paddle - (to) hive - (to) overturn - (to) rescue. * While-reading: □ Ordering statements. - Set the scene: Last week, while on vacation in DaLat, the Jones family had quite an unforgetable adventure on Xuan huong lake. What did they do and what happened to them? c, a, g, d, f, b, e (Ex. P. 106) * Pre-writing: □ Pre-teach: (Matching) - (to) stumble: vaêng l6n - (to) go off: nhaän ra - (to) redize: tröôït chaân □ Ordering pictures: (pictures on page 106 - 107) d, b, e, h, a, f, c, g. * While - writing: Write a story about Uyen, using the pictures already

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Elicit words from students. - Guide Ss to readcheck: Jumbled words.

- Copy down. - Read in chorus - Rewrite in the correct forms.

- Set the scene to introduce the situation. - Guide Ss to do exercise 1 on page 106. - Correct. Correct pronunciation errors. Write the vocabulary on the board. - Ask Ss to math them. - Call on some Ss to give their answers and correct.

- Read the first part of the story on page 105 and rearrange the sentences on page 106 to complete the story. - Read the story aloud. - Look at the pictures (p. 106107) Guess the meaning of new words. - Copy down - Look at the pictures and rearrange the events in the

rearranged and the given words.

- Monitor and help correct chronolo Ss with words or gical order to make structures while it a story. they are writing.

* Post-writing: - Comparing - Correction. - Week: 23 - Period: 69 - Teaching date:

- Correct.

- Give feedback.

Lesson 6: - Language focus 1 - 2.

* Aim: - To help Ss practise in using - ed and - ing participles. * Objective: - Ss will be able to use present and past participles to describe things and people. * Teaching aids: * Procedures: Content * Warm-up: (Kim's game) □ Look at the pictures and write the names of the things they've just seen in the pictures. * Language Focus 1:  Presentation: □ Pre-teach: T: What's Ba doing? Ss: He's reading a book. Or: He's sitting under the tree? Who is the boy reading a book?  Model setence:

T's activties

Ss' activities

- Ask questions and - Open their books call on Ss to and look at the answers correct. pictures on p. 108

Elicit the - Answers the target lòch söû questions by saking the - Repeat the model questions. sentence.

- Listen and copy - Concept check: - Explain the form down. Form: Verb + ing  Present participle and use of the Use: A present participle can be used as an present participle. adj to qualify a noun.

* Practice: (Word - Cue - Drill) 1. Mr. Quang/ walk up the stairs. 2. Miss Lien/ carry a bag. 3. Nam / talk to Miss Lien 4. Ba / sit under the tree 5. Lan / Stand by the table 6. Nga and Hoa / play chess  Language focus 2: (Presentation)  Pre – teach : Matching 1. box a. wrap in 2. truck b. dress in 3. lamp c. recycled from 4. doll d. keep in 5. flowers e. make in 6. toys f. paint Where is the old lamp made in?

- Run through the situation again

- Ask Ss to do exercise

- Look at the words in the box and the picture on page 109 to do the matching

- Ask the questions

- Look at the picture and answer the questions

? How much is the old lamp made in - Explain the form and use of past China? participle phrase Model sentence: The old lamp made in China is five dollars (p. p. phrase) - Ask the questions  Practice:  Question answer drill: How much is the box painted green? 2. Truck made from recycled cans 3. Doll dressed in red 4. Flowers wrapped in yellow paper

- Listen and copy down

- Look at their books, listen to the questions and answer

- Week: 24 - Period: - Teaching date:


One period test.   I. Change these sentences into Passive: 1. Ba drew the picture 2. Mr. Nhan repaired the computer 3. Mary wrote a notice on the board 4. Tim’s mother met his teacher at school II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs: 1.The girl……(live) at 50 Tran Hung Dao is my friend 2.The garden……...(water) every morning is full of flowers 3.The cat…….(sit) on the table is hers 4.The vase……..(break) yesterday is my father’s favorite one 5.The woman………(sing) on the stage is my neighbor 6.The book……..(wrap) in blue paper is mine III. Tell what this place is: 7.It is called the city of Eternal Spring has tribal villages 9.It is recognized as a world Heritage Site by Unessco IV. Complete the following sentences: 10.She / realize / her alarm clock / not / go off 11.She / math exam / Friday / and she / get up / late V. Answer this question: What do people do with empty milk bottles?

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