Angelus Press Catalog 2009

  • November 2019
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NEW PUBLICATIONS F A Catholic Child’s Picture Dictionary

Just the book your children will grow up looking at, reading, and remembering.


A Catholic child’s “pictionary” of 240 inviting illustrations and 420 childlike definitions of all interesting Catholic persons, places, and things from “Abraham” to “Zeal” to which your child must be introduced. That introduction is better made earlier rather than later, especially with the help of Daddy and Mommy. A great resource for the early education of your Catholic child. Bite-sized definitions and charming pictures satisfy the most challenged attention spans. By ages eight or nine, they’ll be reading it all by themselves. Originally published in 1956 by the Catechetical Guild Educational Society with Cardinal Spellman’s imprimatur. We’ve built this to last forever with a big 8½" x 11" durable hardcover that will withstand rough treatment, your children’s book box, and peanut butter and jelly. A title which should become a family standard. A delightful gift. 58pp, 8½ x 11. Color hardcover. 240 four-color illustrations. STK# 8299✱ $19.95

God’s Alphabet Originally published in the 1930.s. So incredibly was reprinted five times! For Christmas 2008, Angelus Press is reprinting this classic in bright, vivid color! Features gorgeous illustrations representing each letter of the alphabet, with a short poem on each page. This book is built with a strong cover stock to withstand a young child’s playtime. 28pp. Color hardcover. Durable pages. STK# 8301✱ $16.95



The Mass of All Time


The prayers, actions, and history of the Mass

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre A collection of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s sermons, classes, and notes on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass–its rites, spirit, prayers, theology, spirituality, and grace. Part One is a running commentary on the prayers, parts, and actions of the entire liturgy. Part Two covers the New Order of Mass and includes commentary on liturgical history, the liturgical revolution and the history of the SSPX’s defense of the old Mass. Here we see the love and depth of understanding that Marcel Lefebvre had for the Mass of All Time. With the release of the motu proprio, it seems there has never been a more ideal time for traditional Catholics AND those who are being introduced to the “Old” Mass to reflect on this side of Archbishop Lefebvre. This book proves his love of truth and the Mass that fueled his battle to defend them.

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325pp. Softcover. Indexed. 795 footnotes. STK# 8249✱ $25.00 $16.95


Ecclesiastical Ministry 44pp. Softcover. STK# 6724✱ $5.00

Pope John’s Council Liturgical Revolution: Vol. II

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Michael Davies Your long wait is over. Finally, Volume Two of the Liturgical Revolution trilogy, POPE JOHN'S COUNCIL, has returned. For those who have read it, it is already a classic. Few books can rival its clarity and objectivity. An incredible pattern emerges: a pastoral Council hijacked by a clique of theological liberals who consign to the trash the documents of the Council Preparatory Committee (of which Archbishop Lefebvre was a member), shut off the microphones of those who attempt to defend the Faith (suffering this indignity was no less than the illustrious Cardinal Ottaviani), and co-opting the media so that their spin became “reality.” Michael Davies spent the last year of his life updating this book. Indispensable to understanding Vatican Council II.

521pp. Color hardcover. STK# 8283✱ $29.95 $26.95


The Problem of the Liturgical Reform 130pp. Softcover. STK# 6740✱ $11.00

Liturgical Time Bombs in Vatican II 99pp. Softcover. STK# 7099✱ $12.00

The Mass for Boys and Girls Fr. Joseph Dunney The famous author Fr. Joseph Dunney dedicated this beautiful book to boys and girls, thus filling the important need of explaining in simple fashion the meaning of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. Starting with a description of the Church, the windows, the Stations of the Cross, and the altar, the book continues with an explanation of the vestments and the meaning of the various colors used on the altar. The Mass itself is then described step by step–what the priest says, what he does–from the prayers at the foot of the altar to the final blessing, with a clear and interesting explanation of each act and word. This book will help young readers to observe the beautiful ceremonies closely and wisely understand them. 171pp. Softcover. Illustrated. STK# 8300✱ $10.95


ANGELUS PRESS is offering two liturgical calendars for one low price. Buy one and get the second for half off. Both together for only $17.95✱ STK# CAL2009✱ ✱ Offer only valid when you purchase one of each calendar. Otherwise, an individual calendar costs $11.95.

Catholic Battlefield Chaplains A liturgical calendar following the rubrics of the 1962 rite of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Dedicated to the memory of the Servant of God, Chaplain Fr. Emil Kapaun, 1st Cav. Div., US Army, it features twelve historic photos, from 19th-century Virginia to the far-flung theaters of war of the 20th century, of Catholic chaplains exercising their ministry. 10¾ x 10¾. Full color with B/W panels. STK# 8297✱ $11.95

There’s plenty of room for your notes and appointment reminders. All the feast days of the year according to the 1962 Roman Missal are listed with class and liturgical color marked along with reminders of days of fast and abstinence. It also includes the latest directory of Latin Mass locations and traditional Catholic schools in the US and Canada.

A Catholic Calendar of Culinary Customs Something new for 2009: A Catholic Calendar of Culinary Customs highlighting the liturgical year with a special dish or dessert to serve in honor of a Saint’s Day each month. Color photographs of each dish are accompanied by a bit of legend and lore about the featured saint. Complete recipes are included for you to expand your repertoire of recipes for celebrating the Liturgical Year feast by feast. 10¾ x 10¾. Full color throughout. STK# 8298✱ $11.95


1962 Roman Catholic Sunday Missal Booklet

64pp. 5½" x 8½". Durable softcover. STK# 6636✱ $5.00 $3.95


In the early 1980’s, Angelus Press printed its first Latin-English Missal booklet. Others have come and gone since then, but we believe that our new edition is the best available. From the durable cover to the two-color printing (rubrics in red), this missalette is a gem. The complete Mass is in Latin and English. Features include: Short Instruction on the Holy Mass; Ordinary of the Mass for High and Low Masses; the Propers of Trinity Sunday; 22 original illustrations to help newcomers follow the Mass; directions for kneeling, sitting, and standing; copious commentary in the margins on the Mass itself taken from St. Thomas Aquinas and the writings of Frs. de Chivré, Gihr, and Beaubien; the after-Mass Leonine Prayers, Prayer for the Sovereign of England, Thanksgiving Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas, Anima Christi, indulgenced Prayer Before a Crucifix, and the Prayer for All Things Necessary to Salvation. Also includes the Rite of Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

(10-pack, STK# 6640✱ $30.00)

For the Visitor at Mass

48pp. Softcover. STK# 8266✱ $3.95 $2.95

25-PACK, STK# 8266X✱ $64.95 1 CASE (150 qty.) STK# 8266C✱ $349.95


Intended primarily for newcomers (Catholic or not) to the Traditional Latin Mass. Forty-seven striking color photos accompany the explanations of every major part of the Mass. Sections include: ● What is the Mass? ● Mass of the Catechumens ● The Introit ● The Gloria ● The Epistle ● The Gospel ● Sermon ● The Creed ● Mass of the Faithful ● Offertory ● The Preface ● The Canon ● The Consecration ● The Our Father ● Holy Communion ● Final Blessing and the Last Gospel ● Prayers after Mass. The photographs are mini-meditations in themselves, clearly evoking the nature of the liturgical actions taking place. The explanations are rich in concise spiritual, doctrinal, liturgical and historical insights. Can be read before the Mass as a preparation or read at Mass as you follow along. Priced inexpensively so that they can be freely given to anyone new to the Latin Mass. Most importantly, you will learn to unite yourself to the Sacrifice of the Altar. This is a form of active participation that is little understood today...consequently, this book will deepen the faith of all Catholics.


Know Your Mass


Fr. Demetrius Manousos A full-color, step-by-step explanation of the Traditional Latin Mass for children yet informative for adults as well. Being given to Catholic priests learning and re-learning the Traditional Latin Mass!

96pp. Softcover. Full color. STK# 1022✱ $15.00 $13.95

The Life of Christ


Fr. Robert E. Southard Presents the life of Our Lord in full color from the Annunciation to His Ascension in a manner easily understood by all. Adults will find the seamless integration of the Gospels informative.

96pp. Softcover. Full color. STK# 8224✱ $15.00 $13.95

Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Fr. Demetrius Manousos Covers the life of Mary in engrossing full color. Starting in the Garden of Eden when God promised to send a woman who would battle Satan...a battle “between thy offspring and hers” through her Assumption into Heaven.

64pp. Softcover. Full color. STK# 8280✱ $13.95 $9.95

The Sacraments


Fr. Demetrius Manousos This book really needs to be seen to be believed. There is nothing better to explain the Sacraments to children. Not only excellent for children, but useful for adult converts. All seven sacraments are covered creatively in full color with one’s Guardian Angel as your guide. A great “family read.”

64pp. Softcover. Full color. STK# 8281✱ $13.95 $9.95

as of catalog publishing date (10/08)



All for the Love of Mothers

Memoirs from a Catholic midwife to teach life’s hardest lessons. 305pp. Hardcover with dust jacket. STK# 8313 $16.00

Lisbeth Burger Short stories by a midwife who knew all the intimate details first-hand. The stories are grippingly historical, but their purpose is educational and moral, making it a book for everybody. Forty years of stories about real people in real situations–false love, courtship, romance, abortion, marriage, dysfunctional families. Thoughtful medicine for public immodesty and ungoverned “feelings.” Mostly unhappy endings, but since when have fairytale endings taught us life’s hardest lessons? Parents, use the living examples in this book to explain the beauty, dangers, finality, order, morality, proper terms, and attitudes of the matrimonial union. Young adults, learn from the experiences of others instead of making your own disastrous mistakes. A can’t-put-it-down easy-to-read book, convincing readers that happiness on earth is only possible when the order of the Divine Creator regarding Human Life is respected. Fully appropriate and necessary material.


Letters to a Mother on Faith 48pp. Softcover. STK# 6594 $5.00 Infant Homicides by Contraceptives 58pp. Softcover. STK# 8251✱ $3.00

Christ Acts Through the Sacraments

On the sources of life and the Catholic’s dynamic journey through life. 183pp. 7" x 5". Softcover. STK# 8310 $12.00

Fr. John Bannon, Confederate chaplain, ambassador to the Pope, advocate in Ireland, Ignatian retreat master. 237pp. 6" x 9". Softcover. 81 photos, maps & illustrations. STK# 8308 $19.95

Fr. A.M. Roguet, O.P. Used and recommended by a teaching order of Catholic Tradition. First available in 1954. THREE PARTS: 1) a commentary on sacramental doctrine made easy and engaging; 2) a treatment of each sacrament one-by-one explaining the ceremonies, seldom understood, and showing how they are not to be isolated but made the fabric of the whole Catholic life; 3) sacramental spirituality in life, by grace, with Our Lady, and from the Cross. Useful for personal study, classrooms, study groups. For advanced junior high and up. Includes 19 pages with 370 study questions pertaining to each chapter. There is no other book we’ve read quite like this. What could be more important than the sacramental life, Christ in us?


To Know Christ Jesus 399pp. Softcover. STK# 6446 $16.95

Exile in Erin

Fr. William Baraby Faherty, S.J. The little-known story of the unsung priest-hero on both sides of the Atlantic, Fr. John Bannon (1829-1913). Coming to St. Louis, Missouri, from Ireland at age 29, Fr. Bannon built a church there, then had to escape it (wearing a false beard!) with the Feds in hot pursuit to chaplain 1500 of his boys enlisted for the renowned First Confederate Missouri Infantry with which his Irish experience led him to identify politically. Three years in the War Between the States with battles at Pea Ridge, Corinth, and his capture at Vicksburg after being cannonballed during Mass, Fr. Bannon found release and was called by President Jefferson Davis, CSA, to seek formal recognition of the Confederacy by Pope Pius IX in meetings with him at Rome. Sympathetic to the Confederacy, the Holy Father sent Fr. Bannon on a secret mission to Ireland to successfully stymie the deceptive Federal recruiters and keep Irish boys from becoming the Federals’ cannon fodder. Hot-as-gun-lead American/ European history with bishops, soldiers, priests, politicians, and even a pope, all in the mix. Includes 81 historic and current photographs, maps, illustrations, and graphs. Great for boys and young men.


Life of Christ

Bishop Sheen’s masterpiece. “Christendom is over, but not Christ.” 476pp. Softcover. STK# 8306 $16.95

Archbishop Fulton Sheen Some say this is the best of Sheen’s 84 books, his poem of the God-Man. The greatest Life told by one of the greatest wordsmiths of the dramatic, especially in the temptation scenes, Christ’s conversations with sinners, and above all the Passion. Sheen’s take on Joseph, Mary, Peter and the Apostles, Herod, Pilate, etc. Bishop Sheen restates old truths in vivid and appealing ways with style, insight, and depth of spirituality, the fruits of his catechizing, meditation, and preaching. A winning combination of Scripture fact, Church teaching, philosophy, reality, and composition of place. The Life of Christ was the prehistory of the Catholic Church, as the Catholic Church is the posthistory of the Life of Christ. Modern parallels drawn from timeless lessons. Need meditation?


To Know Christ Jesus 399pp. Softcover. STK# 6446 $16.95 In the Likeness of Chirst 320pp. Softcover. STK# 6727 $15.00

Mary Was Her Life

Sister Mary Pierre, R.S.M. The life of the party, a dancer, an expert tennis and basketball player, popular, Maria Teresa Quevedo wanted more–eternal glory. She entered Carmel before finishing high school and her cause for canonization is under examination. Mary was her secret. A female St. Dominic Savio. A Spanish bishop is quoted in the book:

The story of “Tersita” Quevedo (1930-50), the Catholic beauty who wanted to become a saint.

The book which you have in your hands is not one to leaf through and set aside for someone else to read. That God has placed it in your hands should be sufficient to assure you that there is something in it written for you. If you are a man, prepare to enter into a beautiful and chaste feminine world. If you are a father, the intimacy of the authentic Catholic family sketched on these pages will delight you. If you are a woman…there are a million things in this book for you. If you are a young girl, walking the same path as that of Teresita, it will fascinate you.

Learn how a holy and happy young girl finds God.

249pp. Hardcover with color dust jacket. Photographs. STK# 8312 $18.00

Little Therese

Fr. Carbonel, S.J. The life of St. Therese written for children, as told to the author by the Little Flower’s own sisters. She was very happy and full of fun, but she never forgot that we cannot always be happy in the world but must wait for the perfect happiness of Heaven. Sometimes, too, she cried as you do, but she bore her little troubles bravely to atone for her childish faults and for the sins of others….God gave her very special gifts; a remarkably quick intelligence, deep power of affection, and great personal charm. But all these gifts are nothing in comparison with her deep love of God, and you can all imitate her in this.

“The finest written for children,” says the head of Our Lady of Victory School. 196pp. 8¼" x 5½". Gold-embossed hardcover. Illustrated. STK# 8311 $7.95

Extremely picturesque with nearly 100 line illustrations and pictures. Simple, real dialogue between Therese and the people in her life. Charming, not insipid. For late elementary reading, but great for storyreading by parents.


How to Tell Stories to Children

Sara Cone Bryant Instructs parents, elder children, and teachers the purposes and art of storytelling in education, how to choose the most “tellable” stories to tell aloud, and to adapt them to your audiences at home and in the classroom. Better than just reading a story, this teaches you how to be a master storyteller, how to voice a story, and satisfy the childmind. Includes select short poems and 33 stories categorized for Kindergarten and Grade 1, for Grades 2 and 3, and for Grades 4 and 5. A favorite since 1910.

When dads and moms and families were their own entertainment centers. 316pp. 6" x 9". Softcover. STK# 8304✱ $17.95

How to Read a Book

Recovering the word. Growing your mind by reading well for instruction and delight. 426pp. 8¼" x 5¼". Softcover. STK# 8305 $16.00

Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren The living classic from 1940, the most successful guide to reading comprehension for the general reader. The antidote to the superficiality and dumbing-down encouraged by Google & Co. Learn the four levels of reading, how to “pigeonhole” a book, X-ray it, extract the author’s message and analyze it. Stop wasting time. The ways to read technical books, imaginative literature, science and math, plays, poetry, history, philosophy. Supplies a classic worth-your-while recommended reading list of 137 authors. Includes 55 pages of exercises and tests for individual or group study at the four levels of reading–Elementary (Newton, J.S. Mill), Inspectional (Dante, Darwin), Analytical, and Synoptical (Aristotle, Rousseau). “Take up and read,” said the angel to St. Augustine.

Home Instructor in Penmanship

F.W. Tamblyn The result of 50 years of instruction in the art of business writing and ornamental penmanship to students the world over. Learn-at-home program combining instruction lessons, exercises, and advice to teach and recover the lost art of expressive handwriting. How handsome and unique is the handwritten letter in a black-hole world of computer-printed and e-mailed correspondence. The Tamblyn Method concentrates on flowing and easy movement.

By America’s most wellknown, beloved, and finest Master Penman. 174pp. Heavily llustrated. Spiral bound. STK# 8315 $24.95

how to practice and breathe ● kinds of pens, papers, inks, and pen holders ● posture of body ● positions of arms, feet, paper, and desk ● movements of forearms and fingers ● principles of lines and curves ● do’s and don’ts ● sequential method ●

Spiral-bound to lie flat. Translucent paper overlays to check angle and size of exercises. Your handwriting skill may inspire home copying commissions! In the depths of barbarism, the Catholic Church once preserved her most precious texts by having her monks copy and illuminate them. The new era of barbarity and illiteracy demands a resurrection of the art of penmanship.


The Education of Catholic Girls

Mother Janet Erskine Stuart, Religious of the Sacred Heart The head of the order (1914) of the girls’ Teaching Sisters founded by Mother Madeleine Sophie Barat and brought to America by St. Philippine Duchesne wrote this definitive book on the accommodations necessary to be made in methods of educating Catholic young women. Favored by the female Franciscans of Catholic Tradition. Mother Stuart says: “Domestic occupations form in girls a habit of decision from the necessity of getting through things which will not wait….There is something in the material duties of home which heal and calm the mind and give it power to come back to itself….The work of the body is good for the soul; it drives out silliness as effectually as the rod….It is a great weapon against the seven devils of whom one is Sloth and another Pride.” ● “The best mental development is accomplished under the stress of many demands. A touch of hardness and privation gives strength of mind and makes self-denial a reality; a little anxiety teaches foresight and draws out resourcefulness….” ● “When girls have by themselves brought to a happy conclusion the preparation of a complete meal, their very faces bear witness to the educational value of the success. They are not elated nor excited, but wear the look of quiet contentment which seems to come from contact with primitive things. This look on a girl’s face give a beauty of its own, something becoming, and fitting, and full of promise.” ● “The services which are the foundation of all home life are in themselves the same in all places and times. There is in them something almost sacred; they are sane, wholesome, stable, amid the weary perpetual change of artificial additions which add much to the cares but little to the joys of life.” ●

“How do you solve a problem like Maria?” answered. “… [We insist on] the teaching of handicrafts, training of the senses in observation. Development of knowledge, taste, and skills which are useful for life, and for girls especially on things which make the home.” 165pp. 9¼" x 7½". Softcover. STK# 8307 $12.95

Wonderful womanly wisdom. Chapters on: ● Religion ● Character ● Realities of Life ● Lessons and Play ● Math, Natural Science, and Nature Study ● English ● Modern Language ● History ● Art ● Manners ● Higher Education

Why Do Catholics Eat Fish on Fridays?

Michael P. Foley Page after page on the surprising Catholic origin of just about everything in holidays, entertainment, the plants and animals, politics, and the English language. Not written specifically for traditional Catholics, but an impressive body of fascinating study proving the indelible yet often unrecognized mark of Catholic belief in the present-day world, even in non-Catholic societies like the US which resonate with the influence of Catholic ways and words:

Unearthing the present and forgotten Catholic roots of what we say and do in everyday America. 214pp. Softcover. Indexed. STK# 8327 $12.95

● The seven black spots on a LADYBUG symbolize the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady ● “GOODBYE” is an Old English variation of “God be with ye.” ● GROUNDHOG DAY comes from a Candlemas tradition ● CHAMPAGNE pioneered by Benedictines ● St. Augustine, Father of SNACK FOOD ● THE TRINITY on the dollar bill ● The game of LA CROSSE is derived from the French missionary word crozier

An interesting thing happens when you read this book. All of a sudden, you become aware that the littlest and most common things and events of the day are echoes of the Catholic Faith and spark your recollection. What a find! Worthwhile table-talk.


Why Catholics Cannot Be Masons

John Salza A Catholic lawyer and former 32nd degree Mason tells all. Why joining Masonry (including the Shriners) is to practice a false religion while seeming to be compatible with Christianity. Its doctrines, history, rituals, oaths, self-curses, and its god. What do the popes say? Does the new Code of Canon Law prohibit and/or excommunicate “Catholic Masons”? Step-by-step process to quit Masonry. How the Church condemns Freemasonry even today (though some falsely claim the contrary). The facts for those needing instruction or convincing.


Duties of the Catholic State 26pp. Softcover. STK# 1029✱ $5.00

What to know and how to get out. 84pp. Softcover. STK# 8320✱ $8.00

Learning the New Breviary

Fr. Bernard A. Hausmann, S.J. The title word “new” is misleading today–it refers to the new code of rubrics of 1960 for the traditional Roman Breviary. This handy, concise and easy-to-read book leads the reader step by step through each of the 8 canonical hours, their contents, special particulars, and how they are said, all the while providing important tips on how to recite the Divine Office with a correct liturgical spirit. An indispensable book for anyone who would like to become better acquainted with the Divine Office.


Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture 844pp. Softcover. STK# 7093 $40.00

Explanation of how to daily pray the 1962 Divine Office. 120pp. 5" x 7". Softcover. STK# 8303✱ $14.00

Low Key Accompaniment to the Vatican Kyriale. 164pp. 10½ x 7¼. Durable comb-bound cover. STK# 8302✱ $38.00


Achille P. Bragers This organ accompaniment book (1957) contains the necessary Kyriale Gregorian chants for the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Ite missa est and more! This is a must-have for organists who play for the traditional Roman Mass! This organ accompaniment for Gregorian chant has in modern notation all of the standard Kyriale modes (I - XVIII), the Credo modes I-VI, and the Asperges (including one ad libitum) and Vidi aquam modes. Includes responses made during sung Mass in both solemn and ferial tone, and even the pontifical blessing as given when a bishop celebrates. And for choirs that are not proficient enough yet to sing the propers of the Requiem Masses a cappela, Bragers provided the accompaniments for their propers and Kyriale and the other funeral functions; i.e.: the entrance of the casket into the church, the absolution ceremony, and the In Paradisum.Includes some of the ad libitum modes for the Kyriale. Bragers published the cantus ad libitum modes for I-XI of the Kyrie, I-III and more ambrosiano of the Gloria, I-III of the Sanctus and I and II of the Agnus Dei. The organ notation is underscored by the Latin words, hyphenated under each appropriate note (which assists with proper pronunciation). Fully indexed, all notations and text are printed in black ink on medium stock paper to ensure durability, while the spacious comb-binding gives the organist easy and quick access.


Joy of Gardening

Dick Raymond The locals here say this is the best book on gardening around. We say gardening is the smart investment. You can’t eat your IRA or your precious metals! So many pictures (in full color) we can’t count them. At-a-glance charts, and great how-to instructions and diagrams make the author’s famous short, wide-row, high-yield, organic methods accessible to everyone. planting wide, multi-crop rows ● preparing soil ● starting plants stop weeds cold ● garden care ● rules of watering ● plants that become next year’s fertilizer ● a vegetable treasury (everything you wanted to know about 16 different vegetables) ● insects and diseases ● trench-planting for earliest and healthiest tomatoes ● using tin cans for sweeter melons ● the advantages of raised-bed planting ● ●

So vivid you can almost smell the dirt and taste the fresh vegetables. More food, better food, safer food, and, if you follow this book, costeffective food. 366pp. 10" x 8½". Softcover. Indexed. STK# 8319 $24.95

Easygoing, folksy, enthusiastic manner. Raymond was a home gardener of 40 years’ experience who inspired thousands in standing-room only classes around the US, radio and television appearances, and best-selling books. A garden is a catechism of virtue and purification of the soul. Gardeners learn once and don’t make the mistake again. Turn any patch of ground into a lush, bountiful vegetable garden. Plan today: garden seed purchases were up 40% in 2008. If all you have is a tight suburban lot, yard gardens are one of the hot things to try. Book includes Resource Guide.

The Story Book of Science

Jean Henri Fabre Renowned Catholic scientist and bugman Fabre said, “After 87 years of thought and observation, I say not merely that I believe in God–I can even say that I see Him.” See (70 illustrations) and read what he meant in this ultimate classic nature book on plants and animals as “Uncle Paul” (Fabre) converses about nature’s wonders with three imaginary children who ask him to tell “true stories.” In 80 chapters, Uncle Paul unlocks the mysteries of God’s creation:

Creation is a classroom and a catechism. Stock up your child’s experiential storehouse of knowledge with this miraculous and marvelous treasure hunt. 438pp. 6" x 9". Softcover. Illustrated. STK# 8316 $14.95

● ants’ underground cities ● spiders’ suspension bridges ● habits of cows and sheep ● length of plants and animal life ● insect venom ● the properties of metals, gold, the iron kettle, metal plating ● fleece, flax, cotton, paper, rope ● thunder and lightning ● clouds ● experiments with cold water and cats ● sun, moon, stars, and sky ● poisonous plants ● volcanoes ● fruit, pollen, bees, honey ● mushrooms ● earthquakes ● seasons ● shells, snails, pearls, caterpillars, silk ● sea, salt, waves

More important than ever (first published in 1917) in a world going virtual. You and your child learn something new every day. If God so takes care of his plants and animals, how much more us?

Fabre’s Book of Insects

Jean Henri Fabre No one “read the book of nature” like the author. This book was the result of countless hours devoted to observing bugs while they hunted, built nests, and fed their families. Suspensefully-written essays blending facts and picturesque folklore. With infectious enthusiasm, Fabre weaves his stories: ● how the scarab beetle sculpts his ball of food for home delivery ● cause of a firefly’s glow ● how the locust sings ● the luxurious home of the cricket, an expert fiddle-player ● the cannibalism of the piouslooking praying mantis ● “grubby” adventures in rotted wood ● the self-denial of a Spanish Beetle

“Catholic Bugman” at his best. 168pp. Softcover. STK# 8317 $9.95

Can bugs teach virtue to us? Maybe.


Forgotten Household Crafts

What His Excellency wants all women to know. How to be the real heart of a real home. Ladies, read a beautiful book and rediscover the glories of your brave and creative womanhood as manifested in your home. 256pp. 7" x 8½". Hardback with color jacket. Hundreds of illustrations. Indexed. STK# 8309 $22.00

John Seymour When asked what books were most essential for young ladies, Bishop Tissier de Mallerais replied, “Books on cooking, sewing, and how to furnish a home.” This is one of those books! The best we’ve come across. Beautiful descriptions, diagrams, and photos of the art of housewifery, the honored vocation, almost sacred. A “home” does not lie in the direction of a take-out way of life and a machine-for-living. This book celebrates the homemakers of past and present and their homes. It recognizes and records the diligence, high skills, and love of sacrificial women who create and nurture the family home, the basis of Christendom. Here are the six chapters with the number of subtitles contained within it and some sample material to be read there: KITCHEN CRAFTS [18 subtitles]: preserves and confectionary, storing food, bottling, canning, baking, salting, pickling, tea and coffee making, ale and beer making, wine and cider making, herbs and spices. DAIRY CRAFTS [5]: making and using cream, butter and cheese making, making ice cream. LAUNDRY CRAFTS [6]: washing linen, drying and pressing linen, dyeing, making soap. AROUND THE HOME [12]: dining and entertaining, candle and oil lighting, gathering and making fuels, waste disposal, controlling pests. TEXTILE CRAFTS [11]: spinning, lace making, mat and rug making, making and repairing clothes, quilting and patchwork, embroidery, knitting, tatting and macramé. DECORATIVE CRAFTS [5]: painting and wallpapering, stenciling, furniture and furnishings, holy days and decorations.

The author confesses that only the man who marvels at the homemaker’s vocation from the outside can write about it because the best and most complete woman is too humble to write of all she does. Hundreds of drawings and period photographs.

Back in the Day

Michael Powell If you have an inkling that the modern world has dumbed you down, that your grandparents or great grandparents knew how to do things you don’t, or you want to increase your repertoire of valuable timeworn life skills, this book will fit the bill. Ancient tips, careworn advice, bygone suggestions, and step-by-step instructions introduce you to the things we don’t know how to do anymore, some useful and some just for fun: fight with a rapier and dagger ● make bread and butter ● find berries in the wild ● pluck a chicken ● read Roman numerals ● write a sonnet ● can food ● read a coat of arms ● make a fire without matches ● set broken bones ● write calligraphy ● besiege a castle ● use an abacus ● make a stained glass window ● mount and dismount a horse (for men, for women) ● thatch a roof ● wear a toga ● hurl a battleaxe ● make a lasso and throw it ●

101 things everyone used to know how to do (and the rest of us should learn). 191pp. 7" x 5". Durable color flex-cover. Hundreds of drawings, illustrations, pictures, diagrams. STK# 8322✱ $7.95

Go to the ant, O sluggard, and consider her ways [which]…provideth her meat for herself in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.–Proverbs 6:6


The Boy Camper

The Editors of Popular Mechanics A book Bishop Tissier de Mallerais wants boys to read because the Catholic Church wants them to grow up to become providers, protectors, and guides. A camping trip or a rough-and-tough pilgrimage are the ideal testing grounds for a boy becoming a man, physically and spiritually. Explore the physical survival adventures in the woods and on the water that boys experienced 100 years ago. Over 160 projects are profusely and whimsically explained, pictured, blueprinted, and photographed under subtitles like:

160 outdoor projects and activities. 255pp. 5" x 7". Durable color flex-cover. Hundreds of drawings, illustrations, pictures, diagrams, and blueprints. Indexed. STK# 8321✱ $9.95

● campground shelters ● forest furnishings ● tent construction and placement ● mastering the outdoors ● outdoor innovations ● angling for the big fish ● the reel deal ● terrific tackle box ● the perfect fly ● cleaning the catch ● canoeing and paddle power ● archery ● campfire grub ● camp kitchen gadgets and appliances ● the open-air feast

War on boredom and couch potatodom. What to do when no Wal-Mart is near you. Buy it; you’ll make it!

The Boy Mechanic

The Editors of Popular Mechanics Women and girls, look for this guy! Guys, what can you make without electricity? With the rawest of materials, a minimum of technology, and a maximum of ingenuity, men and boys used to dedicate themselves to crafting wonderful items, both practical and fanciful. These were skills that revealed an important part of the measure of a man. By recalling them, this book honors those handy and remarkable fellows hard to find in our high-tech era but whom the Catholic Church wishes to return. Wasn’t Our Lord a Carpenter?

200 classic things to build. 272pp. 5" x 7". Durable flexcolor. Hundreds of drawings, illustrations, pictures, diagrams. Indexed. STK# 8318✱ $9.95

make tools like T-squares and sawhorses ● animal-proof gate latch birdhouse made from an old hat ● mission-style candlesticks ● toys like a miniature fighting tank and paper warship ● puzzles ● card tricks ● marksman aids ● Chinese kite ● gardening tips ● bee feeder, portable fences, self-closing gate ● axe handles and heads ● ●

A book to inspire a working knowledge of the general sciences, a proficiency in outdoor skills, and an ability to craft projects in wood and metal. Fascinating and encouraging stuff.

Think Well on It

Bishop Richard Challoner Think with this famous bishop as he nobly considers his soul and brings you to review yours with him. An echo of an Ignatian-style retreat in 114 pages. Each of 31 chapters is another day’s look at an aspect of Catholic truth that, if ignored or treated casually throughout life, will sleep walk you into Hell. Consider the purpose for which you’ve been created, your eternal destiny, the benefits of God, your obligations, the mystery of time, the mercy of Our Lord’s Passion and Death. You may be familiar with the topics, but never as pondered over by a bishop’s own conscience! A book for a happy eternity.


A self-directed retreat on the great truths of Catholicism. 114pp. Softcover. STK# 8314✱ $12.00

In the Likeness of Chirst 320pp. Softcover. STK# 6727 $15.00



Open Letter to Confused Catholics A popular study of the crisis in the Church

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre A popular study of the crisis in the Church written for all to understand. Covers the Mass, Sacraments, Priesthood, the New Catechisms, Ecumenism, etc., and demonstrates the new spirit in the Church which has caused doubt and confusion among the faithful. Has served as a beacon for thousands; certain to become a classic.

163pp. Softcover. STK# 5045✱ $14.00 $11.95


The Case of Archbishop Lefebvre 173pp. Softcover. STK# 6545 $12.95

I Accuse the Council! Collegiality, priesthood, marriage, religious liberty, ecumenism

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre A major player at Vatican II, Archbishop Lefebvre made these 12 official statements at the Council exposing the danger of its documents. He warned that the faithful would become confused, doubting the necessity of the Church, the sacraments, the conversion of non-Catholics, and the necessity of authority. Covers collegiality, the priesthood, marriage, religious liberty, and ecumenism. 89pp. Softcover. STK# 3072✱ $10.00

Against the Heresies

The most important encyclicals of the last two centuries Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre Originally given as conferences to seminarians in Ecône, Archbishop Lefebvre exposes collegiality, the priesthood, marriage, religious liberty, and ecumenism and society from the viewpoint of eleven encyclicals by six popes of the last 150 years. Forms a commentary on some of the most important encyclicals of the last two centuries. In the simple style of his other popular work, Open Letter to Confused Catholics.

351pp. Softcover. STK# 6710✱ $17.00 $14.95

They Have Uncrowned Him The Summa of Archbishop Lefebvre

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre The Summa of Archbishop Lefebvre. Covers the origins of liberalism, the subversion of orthodoxy by Vatican II, the decline of the missionary spirit by dialogue, the bad fruits of post-Conciliar reforms, and his vision of restoration. Includes Card. Ottaviani’s On the Relations Between Church and State and On Religious Tolerance, replaced at Vatican II by Dignitatis Humanae.

264pp. Softcover. STK# 5240✱ $15.00 $11.95


Marcel Lefebvre

Definitive biography of Archbishop Lefebvre

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w 718pp. Sewn NOW softcover with 5 French flaps. $22.9 54 photographs, 16 Maps and Charts. STK# 8035✱ $37.00 $22.95

Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais This is the definitive biography of the Archbishop, written by one of his closest friends. Critics have said: “magisterial,” “well-researched, serious, and honest,” “reveals unsuspected facets. A very complete work,” “a rich, important contribution to contemporary religious history,” “a literary event,” “a landmark.” Influential French Catholic publisher Jean Madiran said, “...the fruit of several years of labor. The book is rich in documentation, often unpublished, and in many theological observations.” Marcel Lefebvre’s (1905-91) life is fascinating. After attending the French Seminary in Rome he joined his brother in the African missions. Consecrated bishop at age 42, one year later he was named the Holy See’s Apostolic Delegate for French-speaking Africa. In 1962, he was elected Superior General of the 5,000-member Holy Ghost Fathers. John XXIII made him an Assistant to the Papal Throne and a member of the Preparatory Commission for Vatican II. At the Council, he was a leader of the Coetus Internationalis Patrum–those bishops who vigorously fought the modernists. In 1968, he resigned his post as Superior General rather than preside over the destruction of his beloved order. He went into retirement in Rome, only to be called on again and again by seminarians seeking his advice on where to get a solid formation. This led to the founding of the SSPX in 1970. All Catholics, particularly those attached to the Tridentine Mass, owe a huge debt of gratitude to this man. We ought to know him better.

Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre Volume I

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This book is certainly one of great historical value. Portrays the dramatic conflict relating to the grievances between Archbishop Lefebvre and the Vatican under Pope Paul VI. Depicts the role of one who had the foresight to recognize that he could not defend orthodoxy and at the same time accept reforms “themselves oriented towards the cult of man.” Completely documented.

461pp. Softcover. STK# 3051✱ $17.00 $9.95

Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre Volume II

This volume covers the story of Archbishop Lefebvre’s relations with the Vatican up to the end of 1979. The negotiations between the Archbishop and the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith form the principal feature of the book.

393pp. Softcover. STK# 3053✱ $17.00 $9.95

Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre Volume III

Covers 1979-1982, the beginning of the pontificate of John Paul II. Davies records many of the Holy Father’s directives, how they were opposed by the Bishops, and why it was necessary for Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX to avoid all compromise in preserving Catholic Truth. Completes the series by considering Abp. Lefebvre within the broader perspective of the crisis in the Church. 461pp. Softcover. STK# 3040✱ $16.95

3-volume APOLOGIA set, STK# 3050✱ $32.95


A Bishop Speaks

Writings and Addresses 1963•1976

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Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre Michael Davies, RIP, continually encouraged us to reprint this book. He said, “You must reprint A BISHOP SPEAKS. It’s a very important work.” He referred to and quoted from his old copy constantly. A chronological collection of key letters, sermons, conferences, and interviews that are critical to understanding his founding of the SSPX, his defense of Catholic Tradition, and his opposition to Vatican II and the New Mass.

312pp. Softcover. STK# 5067✱ $20.00 $14.95

Spiritual Journey

Describes a sanctity simple yet profound Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre Archbishop Lefebvre’s last book. Describes a sanctity, simple yet profound, based on the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas. “Souls find in the Summa not only the light of the faith, but also the source of sanctity.” Originally for priests and seminarians, it is now a popular favorite. In satisfying the intellect rather than the emotions, we’re encouraged to make “a total and unreserved offering of ourselves to God by our Lord Jesus Christ Crucified.” 73pp. Softcover. STK# 4079✱ $8.00

The Mystery of Jesus 29 meditations

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre In these meditations Archbishop Lefebvre speaks about the life of Christ, His mind and will, the love He had for His Father, and His thirst for souls. How can Christ be a pattern for us? Why is it good for us that Jesus Christ is both divine and human? How can His heart be our heart? What was Christ’s mission and what does it have to do with ours?

176pp. Softcover. STK# 5046✱ $13.00 $10.95

The Horn of the Unicorn Biography of Archbishop Lefebvre

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Dr. David Allen White Like a motion picture on paper, Dr. White weaves poetry, Scripture, anecdotes, news, and history into the story of the life of Archbishop Lefebvre. The result is a thought-provoking appreciation of his life from one of America’s most distinguished Catholic writers. INCLUDES 77 PHOTOS–many published here for the first time.

352pp. Softcover. 77 photographs. STK# 8159✱ $20.00 $12.95

Archbishop Lefebvre and the Vatican

Documents and correspondence Rev. Fr. François Laisney, SSPX The documents and correspondence between Archbishop Lefebvre, Pope John Paul II, and Cardinal Ratzinger concerning the episcopal consecrations of June 30, 1988. Includes: Protocol of Accord, Ecclesia Dei, Consecration Sermon of Archbishop Lefebvre, Declaration of Bishop de Castro Mayer, Media Reports, Canon Law, Creation of the Fraternity of St. Peter.

244pp. Softcover. STK# 6719✱ $15.00 $11.95


Most Asked Questions About the Society of Saint Pius X History of the SSPX

Who was Archbishop Lefebvre? What is the Society of Saint Pius X? Weren’t they excommunicated? What are Catholics to think of Vatican II, the 1983 Code of Canon Law, the new Catechism, the Indult Mass, the Fraternity of St. Peter, the New Mass, sedevacantists, and John Paul II? Includes a history of the first 25 years of the SSPX.

130pp. Softcover. 53 photos. STK# 6712✱ $11.00

● Who was Archbishop Lefebvre? ● What is the Society of Saint Pius X? ● Wasn’t the Society of Saint Pius X lawfully suppressed? ● Wasn’t Archbishop Lefebvre suspended from performing all sacred functions, along with all the priests he ordained? ● Why should Catholics have nothing to do with the New Mass? ● What are Catholics to think of Vatican II? ● But shouldn’t we be following the Pope? ● Shouldn’t we accept the 1983 Code of Canon Law? ● Do traditional priests have jurisdiction to hear confessions and perform marriages? ● May we attend the Indult Mass? ● Wasn’t Archbishop Lefebvre excommunicated for consecrating bishops unlawfully? ● Isn’t the Society of Saint Pius X schismatic? ● What are we to think of the Fraternity of Saint Peter? ● What are we to think of the Catechism of the Catholic Church? ● What of the sedevacantists?

The Little Story of My Long Life Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre In January, 1990, Archbishop Lefebvre came to the motherhouse of the SSPX Sisters in France. A few days later, serious heart trouble once again put the prospect of death before his eyes. All the Sisters of the community thus came to be around their founder as he recounted with joyful and moving simplicity the amazing story of his life.

119pp. Softcover. 39 photographs. STK# 7061✱ $11.00 $9.95

Pastoral Letters Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre Written between 1947-68 while a missionary Archbishop of Dakar in Africa, these letters aimed to protect the faith of the priests and faithful of his mission field “and to strengthen them against the seductions of the world.” From “Dangers of Religious Ignorance,” to “The Church and Its Social and Political Evolution” and the profound “Life and Truth.” His consistent teaching shows a life of faith over the years.

148pp. Softcover. STK# 3045✱ $2.50 $1.95

Religious Liberty Questioned Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre Cardinal Ratzinger invited Archbishop Lefebvre to submit a dubia or an official statement concerning his opposition to Vatican II's declaration on religious liberty. This is it. Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Tissier de Mallerais meticulously explore the question of religious liberty and give a crystal-clear picture of what the Church has always taught, what the Second Vatican Council taught, and how they are contradictory. You, too, will be faced with a choice. And choose we must.

178pp. Softcover. STK# 7060✱ $14.00 $11.95



Priest, Where Is Thy Mass?

Interviews with seventeen Catholic priests Seventeen Roman Catholic priests (none of whom are members of the Society of Saint Pius X) explain why they celebrate the old rite of the Latin Mass instead of the New Mass. In question and answer format, these priests tell their trials and triumphs over the Novus Ordo establishment. Inspiring and often heroic examples of fidelity to their priestly vocation. 232pp. Softcover. 15 photographs. STK# 8024✱ $14.00


Is Tradition Excommunicated? 116pp. Softcover. STK# 1018 $12.00

The Liturgical Movement Rev. Fr. Didier Bonneterre The liturgical movement was off to a good start with Dom Gueranger and the monks of Solesmes, but before long, it went woefully off-course. How? Why? Who were the key players? What was the principal error of these liturgical radicals? See how the New Mass had already been conceived well before Vatican II.


148pp. Softcover. Photographs. Index. STK# 7071✱ $11.00 $7.95

The Problem of the Liturgical Reform 130pp. Softcover. STK# 6740 $11.00

Schism or Not? Fr. François Pivert Schism and disobedience....No good Catholic would run such a risk, yet we all hear these accusations. Were the episcopal consecrations of Archbishop Lefebvre an act of schism or not? A complete yet simple explanation written in a conversational style and recommended by Archbishop Lefebvre.

50pp. Softcover. STK# 6591✱ $6.00 $4.95


The Case of Archbishop Lefebvre 173pp. Softcover. STK# 6545 $12.95

Time Bombs of Vatican II Fr. Franz Schmidberger Explains how Vatican II wrought destruction by not clearly defining Catholic Truth, failing to definitively reject error, adopting ambiguous, contradictory language, and establishing teachings very close to heresy. Ideal for non-trads and those who don't understand that the crisis is deeper than the liturgy. 32pp. Pocket-sized, area for stamping. STK# 8104✱ $0.30. 25¢ [individual] STK# 8104X✱ $14.00 $11.95 (50 Pack)


Liturgical Time Bombs of Vatican II 99pp. Softcover. STK# 7099 $12.00

Pope or Church? Dom Paul Nau, O.S.B. & Canon René Berthold These two essays address the degree of infallibility enjoyed by acts of the ordinary magisterium. At the time of Pius XII, when the first essay was written, the authority of the ordinary magisterium was downplayed, especially by the “new theologians”; after Vatican II, it is so exaggerated that some now claim the Pope can contradict and reverse the teaching of his predecessors. Where does the truth lie?

77pp. Softcover. STK# 6715✱ $9.00 $7.95


One Hundred Years of Modernism A Genealogy of the Principles of the Vatican II

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Fr. Dominic Bourmaud, SSPX An Everyman’s survey of the history of philosophical ideas from Aristotle’s sane realism to the existentialists’ insanity. In chronological order, from its roots in Luther’s principle of private judgment through its subsequent developments, it shows that modernism, prematurely declared dead after St. Pius X’s reign, revived after World War II and reached the highest levels of the Catholic Church’s hierarchy.

364pp. Softcover. STK# 5242✱ $25.00 $12.95

The Liberal Illusion Louis Veuillot. Additional material by Bishop Williamson Catholics who read this book will grasp that the crisis in the Church is primarily due not to Vatican II, but to a centuries-long struggle between Revelation and Revolution. Vatican II was a decisive moment in that struggle when power within the Church passed from the servants of Revelation to the victims of the Revolution. Includes a graphic overview and fold-out outline.

146pp. Softcover. STK# 8147 $14.00 $12.95


Liberalism and Catholicism 155pp. Softcover. STK# 6714 $12.00

Baptism of Desire A patristic commentary

Fr. Jean-Marc Rulleau While visiting the US, Fr. Rulleau, (former Professor of Dogmatic Theology in Ecône, Switzerland) could not help but notice the specifically American problem of the denial of baptism of desire. Rising above all polemics, Fr. Rulleau clearly explains the mind of the Church, based upon the Magisterium and the Fathers.

75pp. Softcover. STK# 6722✱ $9.00 $5.95


Is Feenyism Catholic? 128pp. Softcover. STK# 3093 $10.00

Iota Unum

A study of changes in the Catholic Church in the 20th century

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Romano Amerio Archbishop Lefebvre on Iota Unum: “In my opinion, it is the most perfect book that has been written since the Council on the Council, its consequences, and everything that has been happening in the Church since. He examines every subject with a truly remarkable perfection. I was stupefied to see with what serenity he discusses everything, without the passion of polemics, but with untouchable arguments.... I do not see how the current attitudes of Rome can still persist after the appearance of such a book. They are radically, definitively condemned, and with such precision, for he only uses their own texts....The whole is absolutely magnificent. “One could base an entire course on this book, on the pre-Council, the Council, and post-Council....The Popes take a licking...but he recounts their deeds, their words, everything. They stand condemned. In his epilogue he shows how the consequence is the dissolution of the Catholic religion....there must be a remnant; after all, the good God said that the Church will not perish, therefore there must be a...remnant that will keep the faith and tradition.”

816pp. Softcover. STK# 6700✱ $30.00 $23.95 Color Hardcover. STK# 6700H✱ $40.00 $33.95


From Ecumenism to Silent Apostasy Sent to every bishop in the world

The SSPX has sent this study to every Bishop in the world. Covers: The Recomposition of the Visible Unity, The Doctrinal Problems Posed by Ecumenism, The Church of Christ is the Catholic Church, Belonging to the Church by a Triple Unity, Outside of the Church There is No Salvation, Ecumenism Begets Doctrinal Relativism, Ecumenism Turns Souls Away from the Church, and MORE.

63pp. Softcover, STK# 8171✱ $5.00 $3.95


The Problem of the Liturgical Reform 130pp. Softcover. STK# 6740 $11.00

Close-ups of the Charismatic Movement John Vennari The Charismatic Movement is being presented as a “new Spring-time” that brings conversions and priestly vocations to the Catholic Church. However, we need to ask: Is this movement really Catholic? Or is it something strange infiltrating into holy Church. John Vennari attended several important Charismatic encounters and now offers public reports of what he witnessed. Investigative theological journalism at its best. 175pp. Softcover. Illustrated. STK# 8050. $13.95

The Roman Rite Destroyed Michael Davies This booklet exposes the intrigue and hypocrisy which have created the chaos of “liturgical double-think.” Michael Davies exposes steps taken by modernists to completely destroy the Roman Rite. He relates how early warnings by laity and clergy were ridiculed and ignored. With an Appendix on the participation of Protestants in the compilation of the new liturgical texts.

54pp. Softcover. Illustrated. STK# 3084✱ $6.00 $4.95

Sedevacantism The Society of St. Pius X Explains the origin and history of the sedevacantist movement and its various schools, and demonstrates the ultimately absurd consequences of its principles. Sedevacantism follows the prudential attitude of Archbishop Lefebvre by avoiding vain and futile polemics, while at the same time refusing to shift the problem so far into the theoretical realm that no practical conclusions can be drawn.

80pp. Softcover. STK# 8011✱ $9.00 $7.95


Is Feeneyism Catholic? 128pp. Softcover. STK# 3093 $10.00

Cranmer’s Godly Order Liturgical Revolution: Vol. I

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Michael Davies King Henry VIII and Thomas Cranmer understood that if you change the way people pray, then you will change what they believe. Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer (1549) began a process that changed the Catholic Church in England to the Anglican sect. Davies compares these changes to the modern liturgical “reform,” and the similarities are shocking. Cranmer’s Godly Order sets the stage for the next two books of the “Liturgical Revolution” trilogy of which Volume Two is again available.

372pp. Color hardcover. Illustrated. STK# 3069✱ $29.95 $24.95

22 22

The New Rosary Christopher Ferrara Not content with destroying the Mass, Annibale Bugnini proposed to change the Rosary in 1972. Pope Paul VI responded, “[T]he faithful would conclude that the Pope has changed the Rosary, and the psychological effect would be disastrous....Any change in it cannot but lessen the confidence of the simple and the poor.” Yet, in 2002, Pope John Paul II changed the Rosary. Why? 40pp. Softcover. STK 8137. $7.00

The Devil’s Final Battle Fr. Paul Kramer The answer for our times! What really is happening in the Catholic Church? Who and what are behind it? What consequences have befallen and will befall the Catholic Church for not obeying the Fatima Message? This book affects you, your family, your salvation, and your freedom. Now! 278pp. Softcover. STK# 7075✱ $14.95

The Heresy of Formlessness The Roman Liturgy and its enemy

Martin Mosebach A must-read book for people who think and who want to think more. A classy selection to pass on to the Summorum Pontificum crowd. A powerful vindication of the old Latin Mass by an unexpected yet surprisingly eloquent author who is a specialist in social commentary. 210pp. Softcover. STK# 8292✱ $16.95

The Ottaviani Intervention Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani & Cardinal Antonio Bacci One of the most important documents of the Conciliar era. In their oft-quoted letter to Pope Paul VI, the Cardinals conclude: “...the Novus Ordo Missae...represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session 22 of the Council of Trent.” 63pp. Softcover. STK# 8078. $8.00 The New Mass 48pp. Softcover. STK# 3098 $6.00



What is the Society of Saint Pius X? What’s the story on Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre? Why are these priests saying the Latin Mass? Are they really schismatic or excommunicated? What do they say about the crisis in the Church? Includes four popular books to answer the questions of those who are new to Catholic Tradition: ● Is Tradition Excommunicated? ● Schism or Not? ● Most Asked Questions About the Society of Saint Pius X ● Open Letter to Confused Catholics. 4 books. Boxed. STK# 6698✱ $32.00 [A $10 SAVINGS!]



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Even after all of the modern “revisions” of the Bible that are now available to Catholics, the Douay-Rheims version (the only Catholic English Bible in use for almost 400 years), is still the very best ever produced. This is a beautiful imitation leather hardbound edition, which fills the great need for a small (6" x 9") good quality hardbound Douay-Rheims Bible. It is a perfect gift for Christmas, First Communions, Confirmations, weddings, birthdays, etc., and is also great for those who want a portable Bible which is legible, durable, and handsome. ● Size: 6" x 9" x 1½" ● Hardbound Smythe-sewn binding with bonded leather cover ● Gold embossed title and decoration on spine and cover ● Top quality Bible paper ● Maps ● Index ● 32 illustrations ● Family Register pages ● Papal Encyclical at front ● Sharp, clear, and readable text ● Gold and red satin ribbon page markers. 1392pp. 6" x 9". Gold-embossed leather hardcover. Maps, illustrations. Index. Ribbons. STK# 6736✱ $39.95

The Haydock Bible

A larger-print Douay-Rheims Bible A larger-print (12 point) Douay-Rheims Bible from the 1859 edition of Fr. Haydock, whose superb explanations and commentary take up about one-half to two-thirds of each page. The commentary is drawn largely from the Fathers and Doctors of the Church–ABSOLUTELY INVALUABLE. The commentary (which is NOT large print) makes it the best Bible available if you want to understand Scripture. If you want a Bible that is not just the Word of God but will help you to understand the Word of God, then look no further! Old Testament with engravings and illustrations. Record births, marriages, and deaths. Tables (Biblical weights & measures, etc.), Historical and Chronological Index, New Testament with illustrated Bible Dictionary, Historical and Chronological Index and History of the Books of the Catholic Bible. PERFECT FOR CONFIRMATION, WEDDING, CONVERT GIFTS, etc. Printed on fine Bible paper with satin ribbon marker and burgundy leather hardcover. 1,968pp. 8½" x 11". Gold-embossed hardcover, STK# 5456. $125.00

Novum Testamentum

New Testament in Latin (Vulgate) and English A truly unique edition of the New Testament in Latin (Clementine Vulgate) and English (Rheims). Suitable for students of theology and Scripture, for those studying Latin, or for any Catholic who wishes to study the Word of God in the language of Holy Mother Church. This edition brings together two classic versions of the Bible which have served Catholics well down through the centuries. Newly typeset, crystal clear readability with the English and Latin side by side in columns for easy comparison. 546pp. 9" x 10". Gold-embossed bonded leather hardcover. Ribbon. STK# 8226✱ $39.95


Which Bible Should You Read? 104pp. Softcover. STK# 8089 $4.00 Where We Got the Bible 160pp. Softcover. STK# 8088 $8.00


The Great Scripture Commentary

The most complete commentary on the Gospels. 2900pp. 4 volumes. Leather-bound, hardcover. STK# 8284 $199.95

Fr. Cornelius a Lapide, S.J. With this new edition, the full genius of Jesuit Fr. Cornelius a Lapide (LAH-pee-day) is available in English for the first time. Over the last 400 years this has been the most complete commentary in use by the Catholic Church, known for combining successfully piety and practicality. His age was that of the Counter-Reformation, so Fr. a Lapide included plenty of apologetics. His vast scholarship is equaled, however, by his piety, giving freshness and power to his commentary which others lack. He was so known for his zealous holiness that he was buried in a separate place in order to find him more easily when eventually, it was hoped, he would be beatified. He is responsible for receiving St. John Ogilvie (hanged in 1615) into the Church and for administering Extreme Unction to St. John Berchmans. For nearly thirty years I suffer with and for Thee with gladness the continual martyrdom of religious life, the martyrdom of illness, the martyrdom of study and writing. Obtain for me also, I beseech Thee, to crown all, the fourth martyrdom of blood. For Thee I have spent my vital and animal spirits. I will spend my blood, too.

This is a line-by-line reading of all the Gospels, applying history and the richness of the Church Fathers, with from a half-page to two pages of commentary for each line. A Catholic powerhouse. It is known to have made converts.


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The New Testament This pocket New Testament is small and sturdy enough to hold up for years–tucked into a pocket or purse. Perfect to carry with you for “down time”–allowing you to have a moment’s consolation from the Word of God. A reprint of the reliable Confraternity edition published in 1941 with easy-to-read type and a convenient ribbon place-marker. 701pp. Leatherette cover. STK# 8175. $9.95

My Daily Psalm Book The book of psalms arranged for each day of the week according to the order of the Roman Breviary. There is no need to scrape together endless man-made prayers when the Psalms frame the very thoughts of God. The oldest prayers used by Our Lord, Our Lady, and the saints. 153 fabulous illustrations. 370pp. Leatherette cover. STK# 6439. $7.50

My Meditation on the Gospel Fr. James Sullivan 200+ short reflections on the Gospels. Two points each: The first helps us recall the particular Gospel event, the second indicates the grace we should pray for. Plus a meditation to help form resolutions accordingly. Illustrated throughout. Pocket-sized. 627pp. Leatherette cover. STK# 6440. $8.25


To Know Christ Jesus 399pp. Softcover. STK# 6446 $16.95

LITURGY 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal This is the first totally retypeset 1962 Latin-English daily missal for the laity since Vatican II.


1980pp. Sewn binding, gold-embossed skivertex cover. STK# 8043 $63.00



It is the most complete missal ever produced in the English language. We have included everything and have produced a missal that is affordable while being of the highest durability. The Roman Catholic Daily Missal will become your life-long liturgical companion–at Church, at home, and on the road. ● All new typesetting—not a photographic reproduction. Clear and crisp type. ● According to the 1962 juxta typica edition of the Missale Romanum ● 1,980 pages ● All liturgical texts in Latin and English (both Propers and Ordinary) ● All readings in English (Douay-Rheims) and Latin ● All music in Gregorian notation ● Ordinary with rubrics in RED ● Gilt edges ● 5 liturgically-colored ribbons ● Smythe Sewn, rounded back binding with durable, leather-like Skivertex polymer gold-embossed flexible cover ● Rounded corners on pages and cover ● Reinforced 80 lb. resin-impregnated endsheets for extreme durability (which will not tear like printed paper endsheets) ● Fully and thoroughly Indexed ● Printed and bound in the USA ● The finest ivory Bible paper.

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High quality, handmade, vinyl covers made specifically to fit our 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal. Very durable. FITS LIKE A GLOVE.

Why is this the most complete missal ever? ● All the Masses of the Liturgical Year according to the Roman Calendar of 1962—Temporal and Sanctoral Cycles and accompanying rites (Blessing of Ashes, Blessing of Palms, Chrism Mass, and the Blessing of Holy Oils, etc.) ● Complete Holy Week Liturgy of 1962 ● Supplements containing the additional Masses for the United States and Canada ● Feasts of particular Religious Congregations ● Liturgical Calendar ● Table of Movable Feasts updated to 2050 AD ● Masses for the Dead (including infants), Complete Burial Service, Prayers for the Dead ● Marriage Service ● Special Commemorations ● 39 Votive Collects ● 17 Votive Masses ● Common Masses of the Saints and the Blessed Virgin ● Conclusions of Collects ● Rite of Baptism ● The Churching of Women● Rite of Confirmation ● Rite of Extreme Unction ● Various Blessings ● Vespers for Sundays and Feasts ● Compline for Sundays ● Office of Tenebrae ● The Itinerary or Office before a Journey ● Various Devotions and Prayers including favorite Litanies, the Way of the Cross, prayers of the Rosary and others ● Morning and Evening Prayers ● Devotions for Confession ● Litany of the Saints ● Devotions for Communion ● Anthems to the Blessed Virgin ● Hymns in honor of Our Lord and Our Lady ● An explanation of “The Liturgy or Public Worship of the Catholic and Roman Church” ● A Summary of Christian Doctrine ● Kyriale with Tones for the Most Common sets of Masses (I Lux et Origo, II Kyrie Fons Bonitatis, IV Cunctipotens Genitor Deus, VIII De Angelis, IX Cum Jubilo, XI Orbis Factor, XXVII Sundays of Advent & Lent, XVIII Deus Genitor Alme) ● Tones for Asperges and Vidi Aquam ● Tones for three of the most common Credos—I, III, IV ● Te Deum


The Divine Office

The official prayer of the Church

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Contains the official prayer of the Church–the prayers which the Church puts into the mouths of her priests and religious–the prayer of the entire Mystical Body. All of us should be familiar with this collection of psalms and hymns. Our Lord, Our Lady and the Saints prayed these psalms. In timeless Latin with parallel English translations. Beautiful edition with leatherette sewn cover, rounded edges, black text with red highlights, two ribbons. Includes everything for the Hours of Sunday Lauds, Prime, Sext, Vespers, and Compline; Prime, Sext, and Compline for all other days. Individually shrink-wrapped. Latin pronunciation guide included.

221pp. Leatherette sewn cover. STK# 6597✱ $37.00 $31.95

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Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary Latin and English

The best prayer is the prayer of the Church. Here it is–simpler than the Breviary, but essentially the same. Pray the inspired psalms of the Holy Ghost. Around since the 8th century. Hated by heretics, loved by friends of Our Lady. Recited by Sts. John Damascene, Catherine, Vincent Ferrer, Louis of France, Bridget of Sweden. Latin and English. 1914 edition. 193pp. Gold-embosed hardcover. STK# 3003. $22.00

Traditional Roman Hymnal

A massive all-in-one Hymnal for parish use


Contains hymns, responses, chants, and ceremonies of the Traditional liturgy. Eight most used sets of the Ordinary Chants of the Mass–Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei plus three Credos, Tones for the Gloria Patri, Tones for Mass Responses, Asperges and Vidi Aquam. Hymns and chants are proper to the liturgical season and various devotions (Sacred Heart, for example). English translations, Gregorian notation, Litanies, Confirmation and Burial Service. 345pp. Embossed hardcover. 8¼" x 6¼". STK# 6435✱ $25.00


Marriage Mass Booklet Marriage Ceremony and the Nuptial Blessing in Latin and English. Instruction before and after the Marriage ceremony. 52pp. Softcover. STK# 3001C. $3.95

Requiem Mass Booklet Complete Requiem Mass with prayers immediately preceding and following. English and Latin. 64pp. Softcover. STK# 3000C. $3.95

Sacred Triduum Missal


A traditional missal for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of Holy Week according to the 1962 rubrics. Very helpful if you do not have a 1958 or later missal which contains the revised rite of Holy Week of Pope Pius XII. Many people like to use the Sacred Triduum Missal because the type is fairly large and the entire rite is laid out so that you do not have to flip back and forth. Contains the entire ceremonies with parallel Latin and English texts with rubrics in violet. 192pp. Softcover. STK# 8029 $6.95

Baptism Here is the complete Rite of Baptism in English and Latin (which can also be found in our 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missal). EVERY CHURCH AND CHAPEL SHOULD HAVE THESE AVAILABLE TO THE FAITHFUL. Includes: Church Teaching about Baptism, the Serious Obligations of Godparents, the Rite of the Churching of Women, Blessing of a Woman after Childbirth and of Her Child, Consecration of a Child to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Rite of Baptism for Infants and Adults, the Reception of Converts.

63pp. Softcover. STK# 8209✱ $5.00. $3.95 STK# 8210✱ (25 pack), $65.00

2009 Ordo Compiled to assist priests who say Mass and the Divine Office in accordance with the 1962 rubrics. All proper dating of feasts and ecclesiastical activities. US and foreign chapel directory in the appendix. Helpful to laypeople who follow the 1962 Mass daily. Softcover. STK# 5241✱ $15.00

Latin Pronunciation Guide A pocket sized card that explains the importance of the correct pronunciation of Ecclesiastical Latin–citing Pope Pius XI, who in turn cites Popes St. Pius X and Benedict XV. Pronunciation covered in three sections: Vowels, Consonants and Dipthongs. Very useful. STK# 6597P✱ $0.50

Table of Movable Feasts Update your missal to 2040 AD with this chart that fits into your missal. Shows the dates for Easter, Ash Wednesday, Ascension, Corpus Christi, Septuagesima, First Sunday of Advent, Pentecost, and the number of Sundays after Pentecost. On the back: Many common prayers in Latin & English. STK# 6588✱ $0.50. STK# 6588C✱ $30.00 (100 count)


Laundering Liturgical Linens


Everything you need to know

Everything you need to know to care for liturgical linens. Forty step-bystep drawings. How to identify the various linens. Detailed and definitive folding instructions. (Yes, there is a right way to fold and several wrong ways to be avoided.) Glossary of terms. Illustrated quick reference chart. Guidelines and tips for laundering, ironing, and mending. (Just when to use spray starch and how much.) Includes tidbits that even the “old-pros” will find useful. Authored by a SSPX Brother.

12pp. Softcover. Illustrated. STK# 8286 $2.95 $1.99

Serving at the Altar et, okl nd o B ,a CD rving se ard c

Helps the server with correct Latin pronunciation and proper actions within the sanctuary. Consistent review of the recording and booklet will help the server remember his sacred duties and make his serving edifying for others and a blessing for himself. 1) 52pg. booklet, 2) CD—Side 1: Responses and Instructions, Side 2: Responses only, 3) a laminated serving card. All in a molded plastic case with color jacket. 52pp. CD, Card, & Case. STK# 3080✱ $15.00

How to Serve Low Mass and Benediction


Fr. William A. O’Brien Assist at the Sacred Mysteries with precision. Pictures of the sacristy, sanctuary, sacred vessels, and vestments. Teaches the necessary Latin (with pronunciation guide) and the proper movements and responses for serving Low Mass according to the 1962 Roman Missal, Requiem Mass, Mass in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed, Low Mass with two servers, and Benediction. 46pp. Leatherette cover. STK# 5016✱ $5.00

The Chapel Veil


Elizabeth Black and Emily Griswold Is the chapel veil extinct? Apparently not! This booklet gives the reasons, based on Holy Scripture and the Church Fathers, why two college ladies who wear the chapel veil in the presence of Our Lord do so. In these two essays, the chapel veil is shown as a symbol which helps the faithful understand the vocation and identity of woman, both in the order of creation and in the New Covenant sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist. The time has come for a restoration of this traditional practice and for the faithful to understand its true importance. 23pp. Softcover. STK# 8135✱ $3.25

The Mass Explained to Children Maria Montessori Every conceivable element of the traditional Mass explained to children 8-15. ● The Mass of the Catechumens ● The Mass of the Faithful ● The Last Supper ● The Meaning of the Mass ● Introduction to the Mass ● Eucharistic miracles ● History of the Mass ● Activity in Heaven during Mass ● Why we fast for Communion ● Meaning of the altar, altar cloths, crucifix and candles, sacred vessels, bells, incense, vestments, and more! Hundreds of questions answered. 116pp. Gold-embossed hardcover. 36 illustrations. STK# 7028✱ $14.95


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The Mass


Fr. Joseph Dunney Our challenge is to understand the Mass, participate in it and live by its lessons. Fr. Dunney explains every part of the Mass carefully and in depth, highlighting the priest’s role, vestments, altar vessels, and symbols. The text of the liturgy is presented in both Latin and English along with unique and fascinating insights into the history of the liturgy and the Church. Loaded with examples from Holy Scripture and the lives of the saints. Each chapter ends with a series of review questions.

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How to Understand the Mass Dom Gaspar Lefebvre, O.S.B. Unique in that it strongly focuses on the sacrificial aspect of the Mass, explaining it in simple, doctrinal terms along with 39 brilliant illustrations by classic St. Andrew Missal artist Joseph Speybrouck. Each illustration has three parts. In the foreground to the right, we see the action of the priest from the “pew-view.” To the left, we see a close up image of the priest. In the background, there is an historical or eschatological image depicting the action at the altar or the prayer being said. 121pp. Softcover. Illustrated. STK# 8285✱ $16.95

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A Short History of the Roman Mass Michael Davies A compact history of the Roman rite of the Mass from the Last Supper to the missal codified by Pope Pius V, the so-called Tridentine Mass. Describes the historical development of the rite, and encourages the faithful to remain faithful to it. 53pp. Softcover. STK# 4040. $2.50


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The Church’s Year

Explanation of the Epistles and Gospels

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NEW EDITION FEATURES: ● SEWN pages, ● printed HARDCOVER, ● high quality CREAM colored text pages! ● A family heirloom to last generations!


Fr. Leonard Goffine The perfect book for family reading. Part I: texts and commentaries for the Epistles, Gospels, and most other Mass prayers (e.g., Introit, Collect, Gradual, etc.) for every Sunday and Holy Day of the liturgical year. Part II: The Saints–Epistles and Gospels. Focuses on teaching doctrine and morals through the liturgy. Question and Answer format. Almsgiving ● Manner of Following Mass at Home ● Bible and Tradition ● Blessings ● Process of Canonization ● Excommunication ● Detraction ● Education of Children ● Consolation in Sickness ● Love of Enemies ● Indulgences ● Holy Orders ● Why Christ Spoke in Parables ● The Rosary ● Processions ● Relics ● Holy Water ● Temptation ● The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ● Ceremonies ● Regarding the Spirit of the Liturgical Seasons ● Miracles ● Sacraments ● Origins of Church Feasts ● Drunkenness ● Good Intention ● more Hows? Whys? and What-fors? The Church’s Year follows the calendar in effect at the time it was first published (1880), yet all of it is applicable with the use of the 1962 Missal. Totally retypeset. Keepsake edition. “It will bring blessings on any house in which it is kept and used” (Wm. Henry Elder, Archbishop of Cincinnati, 1884). 814pp. 6” x 9”. Printed hardcover, sewn pages. STK# 6720✱ $39.95 $37.95


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The Liturgical Year

Over 7000 pages Fifteen Beautiful Hardcover Volumes ● Ribbon ● Heirloom Edition ● Color Dust Jackets ●

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The Pope Chart Poster A 40" by 28" poster of the history of the Papacy (Peter to John Paul II) showing on one page the direct link Catholics have to Our Lord Jesus Christ through the Roman Pontiffs. Full-color chart, printed in Italy (the same one available in the Vatican bookstore), features a biographical sketch and a medallion-sized image of all 263 successors of St. Peter. The images are reproductions of mosaics from the nave of the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls. Interesting for any Catholic. A proven tool for apologetics, catechism and home and parochial schools. 3' 4" x 2' 4". STK# 8027✱ $19.95

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Private Revelation Peter Valde-Magnus A reminder of the proper attitude Catholics should have toward the wave of apparitions and extraordinary phenomena so prevalent in the world today. Includes analyses of present day pseudo-mystics. References to “The Little Pebble” (William Kamm), Necedah, Bayside, and Medjugorje. 43pp. Softcover. STK# 3107✱ $4.95

You And Thousands Like You Fr. Owen Francis Dudley Originally printed in 1949, this book is perhaps even more relevant today than when it was first written. Written in the form of An Open Letter to the Men and Women of Today, this dynamic book constitutes an excellent apologetic for the Catholic Faith. It shows what Christianity means and involves, and demonstrates how its practice could stave off the impending disaster which looms over our world. Fr. Dudley's presentation is logical, forceful and thought-provoking. He writes in a vivid and dynamic style familiar to his readers. "If certain things I shall say are resented, please believe me that it is not my intention to hurt, but only to draw attention to the truth. A quality of truth is that it hurts when refused; when accepted it no longer hurts". 157pp. Sewn hardcover. STK# 3082 $15.50

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The Triumph of the Church with accompanying Historical Chart

This booklet and accompanying chart prove at a glance that the Catholic Church has always been and is the one true Church of Christ. Explains the many heresies through the ages and graphically presents their origin and progress. For schoolchildren, catechism classes and apologetics. 30pp. Softcover booklet. STK# 5098. $6.95

OTHER CHARTS AVAILABLE Ideal for religion classes, church history students, convert classes, discussion clubs. The Test

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The classic 1954 edition of the best catechism you will ever find. Perfect for adults and children. 193 chapters covering everything you need to know about the doctrine, morals, and practices of the Catholic Church. How can a catechism be complete and yet be for both children and adults? Look at the picture to the left. As young children look at the picture, you read the simple caption and explain it further in your own words. At the same time, there are questions and answers for older readers. The answer in large type is for adults and older children. This is followed by an explanation in smaller text which gives a full explanation for adults. The perfect way to pass on the Faith. Give it to children (be they 3 or 73), teens, adults…all benefit from this catechism that “grows” with you. Abundant Scriptural quotations make it excellent for proving Catholic Doctrine to “Bible-believing” Protestants. It’s also an excellent tool for dealing with liberal Catholics because two subjects of utmost importance are thoroughly treated: the true nature of the Catholic Church (today denied by false ecumenism) and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (today obscured by the New Mass). Profusely illustrated !



Denzinger’s Sources of Catholic Dogma All articles, creeds and dogmas of the Catholic Faith, decrees of the solemn Magisterium, papal bulls, encyclicals, and many decisions of the Holy Office. The final word on doctrinal questions, especially in these times of ecclesiastical anarchy. Scriptural and topical index and a page of 16 corrections that escaped the eyes of editors in previous editions. 653pp. Gold-foil stamped hardcover. STK# 6767✱ $34.95

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The Catholic Church and Salvation Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton By the editor of The American Ecclesiastical Review, this work is divided into two parts. Firstly, he presents, comments upon and interprets the documents of the magisterium pertaining to the Catholic doctrine on salvation and the Church. Secondly, he analyzes the concept of salvation, and shows that the doctrine of salvation is determined by, and depends upon, the very nature of the Church. Includes an historical inquiry into the origins of certain inadequate theological teachings in this matter. 190pp. Hardcover with dust jacket. Index. STK# 8232✱ $18.00

The Catholic Dogma Fr. Michael Muller, C.SS.R. This refutation is not an anti-Feeneyite catechism. The author’s arguments are a positive treatment to illumine those disbelieving in baptisms other than water. Fr. Muller systematically follows St. Thomas Aquinas and the constant teaching of the Church to arrive at his clear and balanced conclusions to this oft-rehearsed question. Though naming names and places of 125 years ago, the forensics and principles are timeless. The 56 pages of PART I confirm the teaching of no salvation outside the Catholic Church. PART II deduces from this first part and in 131 pages defines those who live in heresy without being guilty of heresy. An Introduction of 67 pages sets the stage of the debate. ● What Protestant belief in Christ is ● What Catholic faith is ● Eight kinds of conscience ● Invincible or inculpable ignorance neither saves nor damns a person ● What heretics are not guilty of the sin of heresy ● How God leads to salvation those inculpably ignorant of the truth. 292pp. Softcover. STK# 8290✱ $24.95

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Catechism of the Summa 315pp. Hardcover. STK# 5906 $17.95


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Everything you need to know about this Sacrament


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Carol Robinson How to apply St. Thomas’s teachings to modern society–and why we must do so if we are to have any hope of leaving this world with our souls intact. Not an esoteric philosophical treatise, this book is eminently practical, entertaining, engaging, and highly rewarding.

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Raising Your Children Vol.2, the INTEGRITY series

Confusion prevails about the job of bringing up children. ● Teaching Children to Pray ● Purity and the Young Child ● Creative Activity ● The Dating System ● Crisis of Faith in Youth ● The Vocation of Parents ● Marriage for Keeps ● and much more.

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Fatherhood and Family Vol.3, the INTEGRITY series

Fathers are essential for a Catholic America.The question is, “What do fathers do?” ● Men, Mary, and Manliness ● The Family Has Lost Its Head ● Economics of the Catholic Family ● Afraid to Marry? ● Glorifying the Daily Grind ● The Heroism of the Big Family ● Bringing the Church into Work ● Forward to the Land.

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Dear Newlyweds Pope Pius XII Pius XII addressed scores of newlyweds in the 1940’s. These addresses were not off-the-cuff remarks, but taken together, form a complete course of instruction on married life, which is why Dear Newlyweds is NOT just for newlyweds, but all married couples and anyone contemplating marriage. Inspirational yet full of practical advice.

269pp. Softcover. STK# 6730✱ $15.00 $13.95

Sins of Parents Fr. Charles Hugo Doyle ● 31 Don’ts of childrearing ● 21 character traits of good parents ● the “unbreakable rule” ● three parental attitudes that damage your children ● Why do we shout at our children? ● And much more! 206pp. Gold-foil stamped hardcover. STK# 6762✱ $19.95

Christ in the Home Fr. Raoul Plus Ideal for the engaged, marriage instruction classes, and those already married. A guidebook to finding a happy marriage, keeping a happy marriage, and raising happy children is full of practical and spiritual advice in a series of four meditations: Courtship, Marriage, the Home, and the Training of Children. His section on imparting sex knowledge to children will be helpful to parents faced with this complex duty. 343pp. Softcover. Larger type. STK 8128 $18.95


The Life of Gabrielle Lefebvre Rev. Fr. Le Crom By her spiritual director. The mother of Archbishop Lefebvre, mother of eight children, five of whom entered religion. After the baptism of the future archbishop, she said, “He will have a great role to play in holy Church, at Rome, near the Holy Father.” Describes her commitment to the ordinary way of salvation and what is known of her mysticism.

35pp. Softcover. STK# 6583✱ $5.00 $4.69

How to Raise Good Catholic Children Mary Reed Newland (Formerly: We and Our Children). Shows how classic Christian principles of sanctity can be practiced by every family. Even the littlest ones can be introduced to the practice of virtue. The skills, habits, and virtues that every good Catholic child needs. 224pp. Softcover. STK# 8041✱ $16.95 Children’s Retreat 205pp. Hardcover. STK# 6747 $12.00


Mothers of Priests Fr. Robert Quardt, S.C.J. This book praises mothers responsible for their sons’ priestly vocation: the mothers of St. Bernard and St. John Bosco; Alice Rolls, mother of ten religious; the mother of Pope St. Pius X; the mothers of Lu, that town of 4,000, who gave 500 sons to the priesthood in 50 years. What are the dispositions which characterize mothers of priests?

57pp. Softcover. STK# 6595✱ $6.00 $4.95

Listen, Son & Mother’s Little Helper


These books are more necessary than ever. In separate books for boys and girls, 12 talks to be given by parents to their children about the facts of life–according to Catholic principles. In three parts: 1) ages 9-13, 2) ages 14-16, 3) ages 16-19. Includes suggestions of motives and means for the practice of purity. 75pp. ea. Softcover. $5.00 ea. Listen Son, STK# 5104✱ Mother’s Little Helper, STK# 5105✱

Dressing with Dignity Mrs. Colleen Hammond Challenges today’s demeaning fashions and provides the information you need to protect yourself from the onslaught of tasteless, immodest clothing. Learn the difference between dressing attractively and dressing to attract. Colleen shows how women can accentuate the grace and beauty of their femininity, and that modest need not be frumpy. 138pp. Softcover. STK# 8069✱ $10.00 The Chapel Veil 23pp. Softcover. STK# 8135 $3.25


Some Notes for the Guidance of Parents Fr. Daniel Lord, S.J. ● Seven axioms for parents ● The importance of your child’s first actions ● Training your child’s speech ● How to meet, greet, and eat ● Body consciousness ● Work in your home ● The dawning of adolescence ● Parents must not dodge forming children in purity; what to say and when to say it ● Teaching respect for others ● The road to good manners ● Partnership with your child’s teacher ● Laughter and liveliness in your home. 252pp. Softcover. STK# 8291✱ $23.95


The Valiant Woman Msgr. Landriot Proverbs 31 describes the “valiant woman.” Here is a collection of talks for women...each begins with a theme drawn from Proverbs 31 followed by the moral of the passage particularly suited to the characteristics of the feminine soul. What emerges is an achievable ideal for every Catholic woman. 213pp. Softcover. STK 8141✱ $18.95

Is It a Saint’s Name? This little booklet helps you sort through over 3,000 Catholic names for boys and girls, including the feast day of the saint–so you know when to celebrate your child’s “name day,” a Catholic custom that previously was more important than one’s birthday! 47pp. Softcover. STK# 8217✱ $3.00

The Four Temperaments


Fr. Conrad Hock You can’t form character or cooperate with grace without self-knowledge. Explains the four temperaments: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Learn each of their traits (good & bad–includes a test to determine yours), and how to deal with each. 55pp. Softcover. STK# 6590. $3.00 Friends of the Cross 36pp. Softcover. STK# 6988 $2.25


Successful Fathers

The subtle but powerful ways fathers mold their children’s characters


James Stenson This booklet gives men much-needed directions on problems fathers face, and reveals “twelve commandments of successful fathers.” He details what fathers must do–and not do–in order to instill the Faith in their children. 64pp. 4" x 7¼". Softcover. STK# 8270 $2.99

Preparing for Peer Pressure A guide for parents of young children


James Stenson Gives you a framework for instilling values in your children before they reach age 12. Shows you how to avoid common mistakes; how to detect signs of character weakness in your children, and helps you form your children’s character while respecting their legitimate freedom. 64pp. 4" x 7¼". Softcover. STK# 8269 $2.99

Preparing for Adolescence A planning guide for parents


James Stenson Explains how you can keep your children’s adolescence from being dominated by rebellion and conflict, and how to give your children clear moral direction. Includes a Q & A to help you plan for troubles before they arise. 72pp. 4"x 7¼". Softcover. STK# 8268 $2.99 Dr. James Stenson is a Catholic educational consultant specializing in family life and family-school relationships. He has written several books for parents and regularly gives conferences throughout the world. While we believe Mr. Stenson has many good and worthwhile things to say, a word of caution: He is a supporter of Opus Dei and in this, we must disagree. (Reference our Opus Dei booklet.)


The Christian Father

What he should be and what he should do


Fr. W. Cramer Explains the honor and responsibility of Fatherhood and its necessary virtues. His God-given role cannot be stressed enough. Fathers will understand the great obligation of their vocation which they will be asked to render an account of, and will turn to this book time and time again for advice on raising children, heading their family, and setting a good example. The prayers a father should pray for himself and his family. 208pp. Gold-embossed hardcover. 24 illus. STK# 8230 $18.99

The Christian Mother

The education of her children and her prayer


Fr. W. Cramer Begins at the door of the Church with a mother who has come for God’s blessing. Continues to explain along with this beautiful ceremony, the vocation of Motherhood and the virtues necessary to fulfill it. How should a young woman approach the sacrament of Matrimony? How to provide the proper formation to her children. Includes prayers requesting graces for her family. 165pp. Gold-embossed hardcover. 26 illus. STK# 8231 $17.99

The Art of Catholic Mothering Twelve Catholic mothers speak about motherhood Edited by Maura Koulik How does a Catholic mother instill the Faith in her children? How does she deal with issues of education and discipline? How does she maintain her own faith in the face of life’s challenges? The stories of twelve Catholic mothers. The experiences of these women will inspire all readers, not just mothers! Particularly important for any husband who is determined to place the Church and his family at the center of his life. 112pp. Softcover. STK# 8173 $12.95

Embroidery: Techniques & Patterns Marie-Noëlle Bayard More than 100 stitches, organized by type and illustrated in close-up color photographs, plus a host of patterns and techniques, make this the ultimate reference for embroiderers. It covers selecting the best textiles, preparing the fabric, and choosing the tools. There’s also a complete “Embroiderer’s ABCs” to start beginners off. Presented in simple steps–these beautiful projects range from Jeweled Buttons to a charming Advent Calendar. 256pp. 8 1/4" x 10 7/8". Hardcover with Jacket. STK# 8279 $24.95


Note cards & envelopes in a slipcase with drawer This set includes 15 blank cards (1 each of 15 illustrations of famous saints with their stories) and 16 colored envelopes. Box features gold foil. The Virgin Mary, St. Clare, St. Othilia, St. Gabriel, St. Ursula, St. Mary Magdalen, St. Sofia, St. Joan of Arc, St. Michael, St. Julienne, St. Agnes, St. Catherine, St. Frances of Rome, St. Sebastian Cards are folded to 3 7/8" x 5 1/8", box measures 4 5/8" x 6 x 2 1/16" . STK# 8278 $12.95



Mass Cards for the Living and for the Dead Traditional cards (4½" x 6") with matching envelopes to send those who should know that you have requested the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Tasteful, discreet, apostolic. In stiffened, wrapped packages of 10 cards/10 envelopes.

$15.00/pack of 10. Now $12.95/pack of 10 STK# 3112✱ (For the Living) STK# 3113✱ (For the Dead)

Rules for Discerning the Spirits 20 guiding principles


Fr. Ludovic-Marie Barrielle Since 1533, the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius have been used by millions to deepen their Christian life. This booklet distills the wisdom of the 30-day retreat into 20 principles so you can discern the spiritual influences in your life that are from God from those that are from the devil. Father writes from 40 years of experience as a retreat master.

60pp. Softcover. STK# 4092✱ $6.00 $3.95

Retreat Manual & Family Prayer Book To accompany the Spiritual Exercises

Originally written to accompany the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, this prayer booklet is useful at any time. Contains prayers for use throughout the day, the Stations of the Cross, various meditations and hymns (Latin with English), Examination of Conscience. Excellent for those wishing to keep the spirit of their retreat alive. 54pp. Softcover. STK# 4063✱ $6.00

The Soul of The Apostolate Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard A favorite book of Pope St. Pius X. Outlines the close connection between the active and contemplative life and shows how to integrate them. Jesus as the only Source of divine life. Failure by the apostle to realize this principle creates the illusion that he can produce supernatural life in himself and others without Jesus Christ. Learn: ● dangers of the Active Life ● special temptations of those working for Christ ● steps to grow in the Interior Life ● usefulness of the Mass. 336pp. Softcover. STK# 8257✱ $12.50

My Imitation of Christ


Thomas à Kempis For five centuries this has been the most popular spiritual book after the Bible. Covers the fundamental principles of the spiritual life. Invites us to follow Christ Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Abundantly illustrated by the noted Armenian artist Ariel Agemian. 474pp. Leatherette cover. STK# 6437. $8.00

True Devotion to Mary St. Louis De Montfort True devotion is not saying 50 litanies to Our Lady everyday, but rather a life lived in imitation of Her. Let St. Louis show you the way, as he has done for several saints of the last few centuries. An invaluable classic that EVERY Catholic should read. Provides the spiritual foundation for the Legion of Mary. 215pp. Softcover. STK# 6989. $9.00


The Immaculata, Our Ideal Fr. Karl Stehlin, SSPX On St. Maximilian Kolbe’s life-long apostolate of spreading devotion to Our Immaculate Lady following the method of St. Louis de Montfort. Father debunks the myths of this so-called “Saint of Ecumenism” and shows his concern with combatting heresy, liberalism, modernism, Freemasonry and the need to convert heretics and Jews. 192pp. Softcover. 24 illustrations. STK# 8133✱ $16.95

Who Are You, O Immaculata? Fr. Karl Stehlin, SSPX Our Lady is God’s original idea of creation. Therefore, she must have a central purpose in humanity’s return to God. PART 1: The Law of Action and Reaction, PART 2: God’s Work in the World Through the Immaculata, PART 3: Returning to God Through the Immaculata. Quotes St. John Eudes, Cornelius a Lapide, Bl. Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and Lucia of Fatima. The role of Our Lady in our time in an easy to read format. Militant Catholic theology for this Marian age. 249pp. Softcover. STK# 8234✱ $11.95

Our Lady of Quito (book and CD) Fr. J. L. Micó Buchón, S.J. This image of Mary is well known. Less well known is the miracle associated with the image, when Our Lady literally turned her eyes towards some Jesuit schoolboys. The author relates the history of the prodigy and many of the miracles obtained through Our Lady of Quito. 50pp. Softcover. Illustrations. CD with text and MP3 audio. STK# 8253 $6.95

Rosary Album


Michael C. Buccino A Visual & Scriptural Meditation on the Rosary. Over 200 original black and white illustrations–one for each bead (with accompanying Scripture quote)! It took this father/artist 18 years to his children could pray the Rosary better. Perfect for all ages. 72pp. Softcover. STK# 8196✱ $9.95

Loreto and the Holy House Fr. G. E. Phillips The best work defending the authenticity of the shrine. Our Lady’s house at Nazareth was transported by angels to present-day Croatia in 1291 to prevent Moslem desecration. Three years later it came to Loreto, where it stands today. 151pp. Softcover. STK 8129 $14.95

My Queen and My Mother For those who wish to meditate on the prerogatives of the Blessed Virgin, particularly those who find it hard to meditate. This gem takes the Litany of Loreto and reflects, in the form of prayers, upon EVERY petition and title of the Litany–an easy and fruitful method of mental prayer. 262pp. Hardcover with dust jacket. STK# 8228 $22.00


The Miraculous Medal 227pp. Softcover. STK# 6738 $16.95


The Crucifixion of Jesus Frederick Zugibe, M.D., Ph.D. This medical examiner uses 35 years of experience as a criminal investigator to determine exactly how Our Lord died. Evidence from three continents explore His physical and psychological torments in the Garden and on the Cross. Addresses the controversies surrounding the crown of thorns, type of cross, location of the nails, and precise cause of death. The most current analysis of the Shroud of Turin. 384pp. Softcover. Index. Bibliography. 103 illustrations. STK# 8123 $29.95

The Mystery of the Crown of Thorns A Passionist Father The Crown of Thorns is filled with enormous significance as it relates to the Jews, to Adam and Eve, to Moses, Abraham and Isaac, to name but a few examples from the Old Testament. See the ugliness of sin and the price Our Lord had to pay in conquering it. 302pp. Softcover. STK# 8204. $19.95

Spiritual Conferences Fr. Frederick Faber, D.D. Best known for his powerful sermons. During Advents, Lents, and months of Mary, Fr. Faber would preach on matters of the spiritual life. These “spiritual conferences” became one of his most popular collections: ● how to overcome personal dishonesty ● mistakes made when studying saints ● kindness, the greatest fruit ● why thoughts are a better personal measure than actions ● varieties of death and their dangers ● five kinds of death most precious to God ● three things making up Christian simplicity ● seven varieties of self-deceit ● how self-deceit increases with age ● wrong intentions for going to Confession ● why piety seems ho-hum and what to do about it. 345pp. Gold-embossed hardcover. STK# 8216 $29.95

Guidance in Spiritual Direction Fr. Charles Hugo Doyle For priests, but why not for parents, too? A clear presentation of the principles governing the spiritual life and spiritual progress. Fr. Doyle’s masterpiece you will help you learn the principles of the spiritual life, better understand your confessor’s counsel, and get your kids on the right path. Fr. Doyle quotes heavily from Scripture, Fathers of the Church, and the Saints. An excellent book for spiritual reading, actually. 301pp. Gold-embossed hardcover. STK# 6741 $25.95

Medal or Cross of St. Benedict Dom Prosper Guéranger, O.S.B. Complete explanation of the medal and cross of St. Benedict: origin, symbolism, its miraculous effects throughout history and the rite for blessing this medal. Did you know that this medal is a devotion to the Holy Cross? 140pp. Softcover. STK# 6737✱ $11.95


Christ the Ideal of the Monk Dom Columba Marmion, O.S.B. “If thou wilt be perfect, go, sell all thou hast, and then come, follow me.” This book is for such souls–monks. Part I: general view of the monastic idea and institution; Part II: monastic perfection following the rule of St. Benedict. 463pp. Sewn hardcover. Index. STK# 8053✱ $31.95

How to Pray Always Fr. Raul Plus, S.J. “Our Lord taught us to ‘pray without ceasing.’ Now, how far is it possible to put this ideal into practice?” Father shows how the life of recollection is governed by three laws: to pray well, to turn everything into a prayer, and to develop a spirit of prayer. 130pp. Softcover. STK# 8057✱ $10.95

My Daily Bread Fr. Anthony J. Paone A pocket summary of spiritual doctrine divided into three sections, each covering one of the three steps of spiritual growth: Purification, Imitation, and Union. A perennial classic. 439pp. Leatherette cover. STK# 6438. $8.00

The Rule of St. Benedict St. Benedict of Nursia The 6th century was like ours–wars, Church and society in crisis, moral decadence. St. Benedict sought the one thing necessary that would change the world–Holiness. His Rule has endured for 1,500 years–a guiding light not only for monks, but also for the laity. Learn how to bring the monastic spirit into your soul and into your home. 237pp. Gold-embossed hardcover. STK# 6764✱ $16.95

The Golden Key to Heaven St. Anthony Mary Claret A collection of 35 meditations based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. The meditations are arranged so that they can be followed during a retreat or can be read as spiritual reading when you have just a few moments. 370pp. Softcover. Appendices. STK# 8052✱ $9.95


Cross and Crown Fr. Robert Mäder Meditations of this famous German priest. Father's delivery was so powerful that he was called “The Thunder of the Holy Ghost.” In three parts: 1) Thoughts for Lent 2) Christ's Sufferings 3) Christ the King. A sampling of topics: How to make resolutions, hunger for the Blessed Sacrament, fasting, freedom from money, crucifixion of passions, detoxification through the Blessed Sacrament, obedience to Divine Providence, the “rights of God,” enthronement in the home, the “Queen Mother.” 166pp. Softcover. STK# 6718✱ $14.00

The Backbiting Tongue


Fr. Belet Detraction: telling the faults of others without cause. We often don't even know we are doing it. After ruining someone’s reputation, we justify ourselves by saying, “Well, it’s true!” So little do we see things from God’s point of view! A fascinating little book. 78pp. Softcover. STK# 6735✱ $4.95

The Raccolta

The official collection of all indulgenced prayers This is the official collection of all indulgenced prayers (800+) in 1957. Lots of Latin, many prayers for very specific needs and hard to find prayers. These prayers touch practically every spiritual and physical need. 752pp. Leather hardcover. STK# 6765✱ $39.95

Consecration to Mary


Fr. Helmuts Libietis, SSPX True Devotion to Mary,, by St. Louis de Montfort, is THE book on consecration to the Blessed Virgin. THIS book is the perfect way to make that Consecration. All the readings necessary for consecration preparation are here: the Bible, The Imitation of Christ, True Devotion to Mary, The Love of Eternal Wisdom, The Secret of the Rosary, The Secret of Mary and Friends of the Cross. 330pp. Softcover. STK# 6713✱ $18.00

Novena to the Holy Ghost


Many novena books are heavy on piety and short on doctrine, yet, as St. Thomas tells us, “you cannot love what you do not know.” Each day includes a short definition of a gift of the Holy Ghost, then a meditation followed by a prayer appropriate to that gift, then a Pater, Ave and Gloria followed by the Act of Consecration to the Holy Ghost and the Prayer for the Seven Gifts. This should ESPECIALLY be in the hands of every confirmand, sponsor, parent, teacher, priest, and religious. 24pp. Softcover. STK# 8152 $3.95


The New Regulations on Indulgences Fr. Winfrid Herbst Explains indulgences and the new regulations governing them. 27 prayers and good works for plenary indulgences plus 46 ways to gain a partial indulgence. And a Q&A section on indulgences. 47pp. Softcover. STK# 8072✱ $3.00

Holy Hour of Reparation Excellent for church Holy Hours

First published in 1945, this collection of prayers may be used for public or private devotion. Excellent for church Holy Hours. Contents of this booklet include litanies, acts of consecration, and many prayers. Affordably priced. 31pp. Softcover. STK# 3071. $2.95

Prayers for Priests The Prayer Crusade for Priests uses this little compilation of approved prayers for priests in its apostolate. A nice pocket or purse-sized booklet. 12pp. Softcover. STK# 3002. $2.50

From the Rose Garden of Our Lady


A book of rosary meditations

Each mystery has a beautiful illustration, several paragraphs from the Gospels (or a Father of the Church), ten mini-meditations–one for each Hail Mary. Stop SAYING the Rosary and start PRAYING the Rosary! 95pp. Pocket-sized. Softcover. Illustrated. STK# 8012✱ $7.00

Searching for and Maintaining Peace

A small treatise on peace of heart Fr. Jacques Philippe What must we do to overcome the moments of fear and distress which assail us? How can we learn to place all our confidence in God and abandon ourselves into his loving care? This is what is taught in this simple, yet profound treatise on peace of heart. Taking concrete examples from our everyday life, the author invites us to respond in a Christ-like fashion to the upsetting situations we must all confront. 118pp. Softcover. STK# 8225✱ $9.95


Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence Bl. Claude de la Colombiere On August 21, 2005, Fr. Kenneth Dean held this book up during his sermon and said, “NO ONE should leave this earth without having read this book.” We agree...and you will too. If you follow these instructions, you will become a Saint. Period. 139pp. Softcover. STK# 8139 $7.00


Uniformity with God’s Will 32pp. Softcover. STK# 8148 $2.50

Blessed Be God Frs. Callan & McHugh One of the few prayer books that covers most of the bases when it comes to novenas, pious exercises, prayers, litanies, the Mass, etc. No prayer book has everything, but this one is as close as you'll get... INCREDIBLY COMPREHENSIVE. 754pp. Hardcover. Index. STK# 8164 $30.00

Christian Warfare


This prayer book is guided by the Spiritual Exercises. It has this as a unifying element and is not a haphazard collection of prayers. Includes the full text of the Ignatian Retreat. Prayers, litanies, rule for the SSPX 3rd Order–it is PACKED! And only 3/4" thick! 506pp. Sewn hardcover. Index. STK# 8155 $25.00

Converted by the Devil

Biography of an egregious 17th-century sinner who narrowly escaped death and was at last brought to his knees when he went to the church where the possessed Ursuline Sisters of Loudun were being exorcized. 87pp. Softcover. STK# 7090✱ $4.95

The Sign of the Cross Msgr. Gaume The Sign of the Cross, prayer and symbol of our Catholic Faith, is the image of Christ’s Passion, the sign of the Redemption, and the destruction of the power of the devil on earth. The resurrection is the promise of eternal life won by Christ’s work of the Cross. The Sign of the Cross is proof of Christ’s victory over the world. The Cross is the seat of His power. Wherever the Sign of the Cross is made, one marks himself as a Catholic. There is no miracle that has not been worked under this sign. It is the “nuclear bomb” of prayers which can clear away all enemies and temptations. A collection of historic vignettes and commentary from the Saints, Fathers, and Doctors, with the author’s own meditations and exhortations. An entire book on the Sign of the Cross might seem boring. It’s not. You’ll never make It in haste again. 157pp. Softcover. STK# 8237✱ $9.95



Calvary and the Mass Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen In this 1936 work, Sheen takes Our Lord’s seven last words from the Cross and correlates them to appropriate parts of the Mass. A fascinating book that will give you a new perspective on the Mass: 1) The Confiteor: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” 2) The Offertory: “Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with me in paradise.” 3) The Sanctus: “Woman, behold thy son...behold thy mother.” 4) The Consecration: “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me!” 5) The Communion: “I thirst.” 6) Ite, Missa Est: “It is finished.” 7) The Last Gospel: “Father, into Thy hands I commend my Spirit.” 71pp. Softcover. STK# 8214 $8.00

Characters of the Passion Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Sheen takes you back to Calvary where he dramatically brings to life brief but penetrating characterizations of those who played important roles in the Passion. Their stories teach us about trust, despair, egotism, power, politics, doubt, love, and repentance. To those who may be wavering in their beliefs, Sheen brings comfort and strength. To others, he reaffirms the knowledge that the true Faith is the most powerful weapon in the world today. Written in 1946. 94pp. Softcover. STK# 8258 $9.95

Family Retreat DVD Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen This is the only retreat by Archbishop Fulton Sheen recorded on video. He gives 12 conferences to an audience of all ages on the following topics: Confession ● The Devil ● Love ● The Mass ● Making the Right Choice ● The Our Father ● Youth and Sex ● “Wasting Your Life for Christ” ● Our Lady ● Kenosis ● “Old Pots” ● The Cross.

Preached before a live audience toward the end of Sheen’s active life. In this moving presentation, the Archbishop speaks about topics that apply to everyone. Listen to the Archbishop as he treats, in his usual thorough, articulate and humorous manner, each of these topics. DVD, color, running time 6:04. STK# 8265 $19.95

Lift Up Your Heart Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen “The search for pleasure is a sign of emptiness which the Divine alone can fill,” says Archbishop Sheen. Written to help all those who struggle to ascend beyond the natural level to reach the supernatural. With clarity, Sheen provides guidance in solving the problems caused by the stress of living in our modern world. Simple, practical advice. “One of Bishop Sheen’s very best books!”–Rev. Fr. Christopher Brandler, SSPX 280pp. Softcover. STK# 8259 $16.95



Old Errors and New Labels Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Archbishop Sheen said in 1931, “This book is an attempt to judge contemporary ideas in the field of morals, religion, science, evolution, sociology, psychology and humanism in the light of...‘common sense.’” There is no sympathy shown for those who believe that everything that is modern is best. What is often called “modern” is only a new label for an old error, and that what is called “behind the times” is really “beyond time” and outside of fashions because it is an expression of eternal truth. 222pp. Softcover. STK# 8260 $14.95

Peace of Soul Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Written in 1949, Sheen offers a way for man to bring peace to his soul. He asks us to stop blaming our subconscious for all our ills and to examine instead our conscience; to turn away from the psychoanalyst and turn to God. He defines Freudianism as a revolution against the restraining influences of society. He tears the masks from the false gods of rationalized self-indulgence and misguided social reform, and explains spiritual discipline and Divine authority as means to true freedom. 280pp. Softcover. STK# 8261 $14.95

The World’s First Love Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen This moving portrayal of the Blessed Virgin is one of the best ever written; combining spirituality with history, philosophy and theology. Mary’s whole life is lovingly portrayed in this book that is a never failing source of information, consolation and inspiration. While considering the different phases of Mary’s life, Sheen discusses various problems common to mankind of every age and reveals clearly that every problem can be resolved by recourse to her. 276pp. Softcover. STK# 8264 $14.95

Three to Get Married Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Sheen sets out the Church’s beautiful understanding of marriage in his clear and entertaining style. He presents the causes of and solutions to common marital crises, and tells real-life stories of people whose lives were transformed through marriage. Covers practically every aspect of marriage including the “three basic tensions in marriage.” He emphasizes that Jesus Christ is at the center of every successful marriage. Hence, THREE to Get Married. Ideal for engaged or married couples. 216pp. Softcover. STK# 8262 $9.95

Way to Inner Peace

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen In this classic we find many nearly forgotten age-old truths surprisingly and specifically apropos to the needs of our own times. Rich in psychology and richer yet in New Testament spirituality, these pages will provide an invaluable guide to all those who, for whatever reason, are seeking the way to inner peace. 215pp. Softcover STK# 8263 $7.95



Saint Pius X

Restorer of the Church

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Yves Chiron St. Pius X was a powerful and brilliant defender of the True Faith in the face of the Modernism that was invading the Church and that resurfaced at Vatican II. He restored Gregorian chant, the Curia, initiated the codification of Canon Law, and devoted himself especially to reforming the seminaries in order to form pious, zealous young priests, on guard against the creeping infection of Modernism.

352pp. Softcover. 24pp. of illustrations. STK# 6768✱ $19.95 $13.95

Pius IX

The man and the myth

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Yves Chiron Blessed Pius IX was one of the most interesting and complex individuals to ever become Supreme Pontiff. His pontificate included the proclamation of the dogmas of the Immaculate Conception and papal infallibility, the convocation of the First Vatican Council, the publication of the Syllabus of Errors, the beginnings of Catholic Action, and the development of the foreign missions.

327pp, Softcover. Illustrations and photos. STK# 8126✱ $25.00 $12.49

St. Athanasius, Defender of the Faith Michael Davies St. Athanasius was in exile, a compromised Pope occupied the Chair of Peter, the true Faith was being upheld by laymen, inspired by Athanasius. Are there modern-day parallels in the Church and Her Churchmen? Davies shows the historical precedent for the actions of Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of St. Pius X.

96pp. Softcover. STK# 3056✱ $7.00 $4.95

A Shepherd in Combat Boots


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St. Charbel Makhlouf of Lebanon 96pp. Softcover. STK# 8198 $4.95


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Saint Monica

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166pp. Softcover, STK# 5053✱ $12.00 $9.95

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The Shepherds of Fatima Fr. John De Marchi Our Lady’s message for the whole world was entrusted to three children: children, then, have the right to hear all about it, and are disposed to understand what our Lady wants and to cooperate with her requests. This book is for them. No more enthralling story was ever told–and this story is true! 168pp. Softcover. STK# 8277✱ $12.95

The Theology of Martyrdom Rev. Ronald A. Knox, M.A. We rightly revere the Holy Innocents as martyrs; but those Crusaders who left all and gave their lives with most sincere desire to restore the right of pilgrims to worship in the Holy Land are not martyrs. Why? Fr. Knox explains the criteria for Christian martyrdom with clarity and with examples. He traces for us the evolution of the word and the ideal of Christian martyrdom. 32pp. Softcover. STK# 8191✱ $3.50

CHILDREN & YOUNG ADULTS Illustrated Catechism for Little Children



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First Communion This book complements very well the standard Q&A format of instruction. Chapters include: What Communion Is Why We Need Jesus in Holy Communion Getting Ready for Holy Communion Manna in the Desert The Last Supper Holy Mass How to Prepare the Soul On the Day Afterwards Prayers for Before and After Holy Communion Review.

• • • • • • • • • • 29pp. Softcover. Color illustrations. STK# 8030✱ $8.50

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In God’s Garden:

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Our Saints and Feasts Sticker Album

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ACTUAL SIZE of sticker: St. Catherine (April 30)

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Square Notes:

A workbook in Gregorian chant Sr. M. Judith, O.P. Grouped into five sections (Symbols, Simple Neums, Rhythm, Special Neums, and Modes), Square Notes clarifies the basics of Gregorian chant. Every fundamental of chant is covered with a short explanation followed by written exercises to be done in the workbook–fill in the blanks, identifying notes, writing notation, drawing rhythmic waves, and much more. From the Preface: A thorough and accurate presentation of the fundamentals of Gregorian Chant. However, the theoretical material presented here should never be considered as an end in itself. It is intended only as a gateway to a fuller participation in the Liturgy of Holy Mother Church through a more beautiful rendition of Her official music.

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Marian Children’s Missal The best missal for children ages 4-8


Originally published in 1958, we reprinted this classic in full color. It includes the Ordinary of the Mass in large print English (with 35 color photos), the readings for all Sundays and major Holydays (with 13 color illustrations), instructions on when to sit, stand, and kneel, preparation and prayers for Holy Communion and Confession and the prayers of the priest and responses of the laity for the Missa Recitata (in Latin and English).

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Old World style imported from Germany! Each calendar has twenty-four little doors (one for each day of December before Christmas). Open each door to reveal a charming little picture and a Scripture verse (on the back of the door) related to the coming of the Messiah. The pictures behind the doors are on translucent paper so when held to the light the image is illuminated. Calendars are richly decorated and adorned with glitter. Calendars are reusable year after year. Children LOVE these calendars! Go to for more details and pricing.



Quo Primum & De Defectibus The Tridentine Mass

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Diuturnum Illud (Leo XIII, 1881) On the Origin of Civil Power

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Quo Graviora (Leo XII, 1826)

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Qui Pluribus (Pius IX, 1846)

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Aeterni Patris (Leo XIII, 1879)

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Humanum Genus (Leo XIII, 1884)

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Custodi Di Quella Fede (Leo XIII, 1892)

Guardians of That Faith Addressed to the Italian people warning against the allurements and false promises of the Freemasons. 14pp. Softcover. STK# 5313✱ $2.50

E Supremi Apostolatus (St. Pius X, 1903)

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Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum (Pius X, 1904)

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Pascendi Dominici Gregis (Pius X, 1907)

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Our Apostolic Mandate (Pius X, 1910)

On “The Sillon” Condemnation of a lay movement hyping the ideas modern society holds inviolable: human dignity, liberation from authority, democratization of the Church. 58pp. Softcover. STK# 5310✱ $4.50

Divini Redemptoris (Pius XI, 1937)

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Mystici Corporis (Pius XII, 1943)

Quas Primas (Pius XI, 1925)

On the Mystical Body of Christ Explanation of this doctrine. The Catholic Church: its unity, role of hierarchy, Sacraments, connection of Head and members. Who’s a member? Who’s not?

23pp. Softcover. STK# 5305. $1.15

Mediator Dei (Pius XII, 1947) On the Sacred Liturgy A reprimand to innovators. Nature of Liturgy, especially the Mass. Eucharistic worship. Divine Office and Liturgical Year. Pastoral directives.

Mortalium Animos (Pius XI, 1928)

80pp. Softcover. STK# 5307. $3.80

On the Kingship of Christ Proclaims the Feast of Christ the King. The nature of this Kingship, its advantages, opportunities, and expectations. The relationship between Church and State.

78pp. Softcover. STK# 5301. $2.50

On True Religious Unity Why a loose unity among men on basic beliefs is false unity. True ecumenism is conversion to Catholicism. 16pp. Softcover. STK# 6554✱ $2.00

Fulgens Radiatur (Pius XII, 1947)

Divini Illius Magistri (Pius XI, 1929)

23pp. Softcover. STK# 8117✱ $3.00

Mens Nostra (Pius XI, 1929)

Ecclesiae Fastos (Pius XII, 1954) On St. Boniface The riveting story of St. Boniface, the apostle of Germany, who became the true “Father of the German people” by giving them supernatural life in Christ.

On the Education of Youth Principles to be followed by the Church, State, and Family regarding education. Based on nature and revealed truth. 59pp. Softcover. STK# 6725✱ $4.25 The Spiritual Exercises We live in a world of materialism and activity, so we must turn our hearts and minds towards God in silent contemplation. 23pp. Softcover. STK# 8118✱ $3.00

Casti Connubii (Pius XI, 1930)

On Christian Marriage Necessary reading for every couple planning marriage. Matrimony’s sanctity, blessings, pitfalls. Make saints of each other.

On St. Benedict On the life, times, and message of the Father of Western Monasticism: St. Benedict and his relevancy to the modern world.

26pp. Softcover. STK# 8116 $3.00

Haurietis Aquas (Pius XII, 1956)

On Devotion to the Sacred Heart The two-fold love of Christ’s Sacred Heart–love of God and neighbor–is the essence of the Catholic. ...and of this devotion. So closely are the ends of this devotion connected to the ends of the Faith itself, that Pius XII says that it is hardly a devotion, but more an integral part of the Faith. 46pp. Softcover. STK# 5320. $1.50

43pp. Softcover. STK# 5302 $1.15

Economics and Salavation (Pius XI, 1931)

Quadragesimo Anno–Forty Years After Rerum Novarum A unique edition of Pope Pius XI’s encyclical Quadragesimo Anno, On the Reconstruction of the Social Order. Contains intro by Bishop Richard Williamson, SSPX, with his color graphs and charts to help you gain a deeper understanding of the text. Written partially in response to the Great Depression, the Holy Father sets forth the principles of Catholic social order. This includes the right of a worker to a just wage, the proper balance of capital and labor, the principle of subsidiarity, the twin dangers of economic individualism and collectivism, the inherent problems of Socialism, the distribution of productive property and the restoration of the guilds. 57pp. Softcover. Color charts. STK# 8223✱ $6.00



Lingua Latina, by Professor Hans H. Ørberg, provides Latin that students read and understand immediately. Every sentence is intelligible per se because the meaning and function of all new words and forms are made clear by the context or by illustrations and marginal notes. This DIRECT METHOD, based on understanding from the context, has proved efficient both for self-study and classroom teaching. Students discover that they can read and understand Latin immediately without parsing. Such direct understanding gives students self-confidence and stimulates concentration. It sharpens their faculties of observation and reasoning, faculties that will be greatly needed as the sentences grow more complex. Reading in this way, they move step by step towards reading of Latin literature in Latin with real understanding and appreciation.

Lingua Latina, PART I

Familia Romana 328pp. Latine Disco. Student’s Manual I. In

Lingua Latina, PART II

English. 50pp.

Roma Aeterna 424pp. Instructions Student’s Manual II.

Latin-English Vocabulary I 20pp. Exercitia Latina I. Additional exercises for

Part I. 136pp.

Latin-English Vocabulary II 40pp. Exercitia Latina II. Additional

Grammatica Latina. A Latin morphology. 32pp.


exercises for Part II. 140pp. Index for Part I & II. 64pp. 5 books. STK# 8032. $55.85

5 books. STK# 8031. $45.90

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62pp. STK# 7066T. $18.95

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the first book in the Lingua Latina series. The previous booklet Plautus: Menaechmi is now included here. 80pp. STK# 7066R-6. $12.95

Catilina: Sallustius, Cicero Includes: Sallustii de Catilinae Conivratione, Ciceronis in Catilinam Oratio I, Ciceronis in Catilinam Oratio III.1-17, 29, Ciceronis pro Caelio Oratio, Index Vocabulorum, Index Nominum. 80pp. STK# 1021. $10.95 Plautus: Amphitryo. This comedy can be read by students who have finished Familia Romana. Notes in Latin. 84pp. STK# 7066R-3. $9.95 Caesaris Commentarii de Bello Gallico

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A Heart for Europe Joanna & James Bogle The story of Bl. Emperor Charles of Austro-Hungary, who tried to prevent the slaughter of WW I that destroyed what was left of Catholic Europe and set the stage for WWII. 176pp. Softcover. Photographs. STK# 5167. $18.00

Dollfuss: An Austrian Patriot Fr. Johannes Messner Excellent mini-biography of one of the great Catholic political leaders of the 20th century. As Austrian Chancellor, Dollfuss turned Austria into what was called the “Quadragesimo Anno State.” 160pp. Softcover. Photographs. STK# 8044✱ $12.95


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The Last Crusade Warren H. Carroll Dr. Carroll explains that the Spanish Civil War was an attempt by the enemies of Christ to extinguish the Faith. Nearly 7,000 priests, seminarians, monks and nuns (thirteen bishops) were martyred in just six months of 1936. Read about the heroic resistance that followed, including an enthralling account of the famous siege of the Alcazar, a tale of heroism that should not be forgotten. 232pp. Softcover. STK# 6410. $14.95

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The Kingship of Christ and Organized Naturalism Fr. Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp. Details the contrast between the Church’s social teachings and organized naturalism, which is Freemasonry and other groups working to make what is now called “Secular Humanism” the dominant ruling force in the world. 142pp. Softcover. STK# 6753. $7.95

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The Servile State Hilaire Belloc Capitalism is inherently unstable and the two “remedies” proposed by the world (Marxism and the Servile State) are worse than the disease! Shows how capitalism tends towards Marxism because both undermine the Catholic ideal of a broad distribution of productive property. 207pp. Softcover. STK# 7026. $10.00

Relation of Church and State Very Rev. Bede Jarrett, O.P. Today in America, some people invoke the mythical constitutional principle "separation of Church and State" to inhibit the free exercise of religion. The tension between the authority of God's law on earth and the secular authority has a long and winding history. From St. Thomas Becket to St. Thomas More–even to our own days, this struggle has consumed many great men.

42pp. Softcover. STK# 8190 $4.00 $2.40

The Death of Christian Culture Dr. John Senior Dr. Senior deals with the root causes of how and why Christian culture is dying. An in-depth study of literature, culture, history, and religion alerts men of what they stand to lose, especially as education ceases to be about the truth, and becomes merely an exercise in “ticket-punching.” Ultimately, Senior warns that the treasures of classical and Christian civilization must be preserved and lived, lest they be lost forever. 191pp. Softcover with dust jacket. STK# 8252✱ $17.95

Restoration of Christian Culture Dr. John Senior “Dare we hope for a restoration?” In this compelling “sequel” to The Death of Christian Culture, Dr. Senior answers with a resounding “yes!” He warns of the extinction of the cultural patrimony of Greece and Rome and medieval Europe, owing to the bureaucratization, mechanization, and standardization of life today. He offers ideas for recapturing and living the cultural traditions of classical and Christian civilization by bringing the wisdom of Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas into touch with the social, political, and personal life of “modern man.” 142pp. Softcover with dust jacket. STK# 8256✱ $21.95



Misalito Latin-Español Latin-English missal booklet


The Ordinary of the Mass. Brief notes explain the Action at the altar. Includes prayers for before and after Mass, preparation for the Sacrament of Confession, and the chant notation for the Mass of the Angels. 64pp. Softcover. STK# 8109. $3.95

El Vestido de Gracia Garment of grace

This pocket-sized pamphlet covers the history of the Brown Scapular and many miraculous events that will convince you of the efficacy of the scapular, the veracity of the Sabbatine Privilege, and the protection accorded by Our Lady to those who wear it devoutly. Contains a scapular catechism which answers all common questions. Beautifully illustrated in full color. Excellent for children, and it is guaranteed to strengthen your love of Our Lady and her scapular. 48pp. Full color throughout. Pamphlet. STK# 8112✱ $1.00

El Texto de la Doctrina Cristiana Catechism of Christian doctrine

Fr. Jerónimo Ripalda, S.J . The most popular catechism ever published. It was eventually translated into 47 languages. Padre Ripalda was a personal friend of St. Teresa of Avila and was her confessor for two years. 64pp. Softcover. STK# 8106. $4.95

La Iglesia Católica Tiene la Respuesta The Catholic Church has the answer

Paul Whitcombe A must for resisting the inroads of Protestant sects. Dynamite! Despite its small size this booklet is one of the most thorough, factual, interesting, and well-documented statements available on what the Catholic Church teaches and why. Needs to be placed in as many hands as possible–the issue is the salvation of souls. Great for evangelization and instruction. 64pp. Softcover. 37 color illustrations. STK# 8107. $4.95


Impressive 5½" x 8" size Gold foil-embossed Full-color hand calligraphy inside Elegant cream colored paper, smooth finish Single fold, heavy stock Beautifully patterned envelope with foil lining 16 cards with 17 envelopes Inside Text: The light of the Savior's coming dispels the night. Let all the earth rejoice in everlasting day! May the joy of Christ's birth be with you. Merry Christmas Bible Verse: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. (Jn. 1:5)

Outside Text: COME ALL YE FAITHFUL; COME LET US ADORE HIM Inside Text: Christ, the King of angels, is born again in our hearts! A BLESSED CHRISTMAS Bible Verse: On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. (Mt. 2:11)

STK# 8332 $15.95

STK# 8329 $11.95

STK# 8328 $11.95

Inside Text: Christ is born among us to fill the world with new and lasting peace The Spirit of peace be upon you these holy days and throughout the year! Bible Verse: In his days may righteousness flourish and peace abound, until the moon is no more. (Ps. 72:7)


61 61

El Pan de Cada Dia

My Daily Bread

Fr. Anthony J. Paone A summary of spiritual doctrine so simple that everyone can come to a knowledge and practice of the principles of the spiritual life. It is divided into three books which treat respectively of the three ways of the Spiritual Life: Purification, Imitation, and Union. This book must be read, not only with the head, but with the heart. We must think and pray. 439pp. Leatherette cover. STK# 8108. $8.50

Una Colección Pequeña de Oraciones y Devociones Basicas

Como Rezar el Rosario (How to Say the Rosary) ● La Medalla Milagrosa (The Miraculous Medal) ● El Escapulario Verde (The Green Scapular) ● Déle Mucha Importancia a Su Escapulario (The Great Importance of Your Brown Scapular) ● El Cielo Abierto por la practica de las Tres Avemarias (Heaven Opened by the Practice of the Three Hail Marys) ● 5 Primeros Sabados de Reparacion al Inmaculado Corazon de Maria (5 First Saturdays of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary)

6 pamphlets. In convenient resealable plastic bag. STK# 8113. $0.95 STK# 8113X✱ $45.00 [50 pack]

62 Razones: ¿Por Que la Misa Tradicional en Latin? Sixty-two reasons why, in conscience, we cannot attend the New Mass (also known as the Mass of Pope Paul VI, Novus Ordo, new liturgy) either in the vernacular or the Latin, whether facing the people or facing the tabernacle. Thus, for the same reasons, we adhere faithfully to the traditional Mass. 17" x 11". Double-sided, full color. STK# 8111. $0.50 ea., 10+ $0.40 ea.

Hora Santa de Reparacion Holy hour of reparation

First published in 1945, this collection of prayers may be used for public or private devotion. Excellent for church Holy Hours. Contents of this booklet include litanies, acts of consecration, and many prayers. 31pp. Softcover. STK# 8110. $2.95

Outside Text: UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN Inside Text: Peace and Joy be yours this Christmas and throughout the New Year Bible Verse: A child has been born for us, a son given to us... and he is named... Prince of Peace. (Is.9:6)



These images were featured in the Angelus Press 2004 Beuronese Murals calendar. The cards’ text is from the Postcommunion of the Third Mass of Christmas Day

STK# 8331 $15.95 Outside Text: Christ Is Born For Us Inside Text: Let us rejoice in the newborn king!; A Blessed Christmas Bible Verse: For a child has been born for us, a son given to us and he is named the Prince of Peace. (Is. 9:6)

STK# 8330 $15.95

NATIVITY, 10 cards and envelopes, boxed, STK# 8060✱ Was $7.95 Now $6.95 NATIVITY, 25 cards and envelopes, boxed, STK# 8060X✱ $14.95 THREE WISE MEN, 10 cards and envelopes, boxed, STK# 8061✱ Was $7.95 Now $6.95 THREE WISE MEN, 25 cards and envelopes, boxed, STK# 8061X✱ $14.95


62 6262

The Liturgical Year in GREGORIAN CHANT Music moves minds and souls. In the Catholic Church, St. Pius X taught that liturgy without music is incomplete. Music is not neutral nor can anyone be neutral towards it. Though Gregorian Chant is the foundation of Western music, few appreciate it and fewer can sing it. Yet it is not too late to start. The lyrics and translations are in our missals. These recordings were produced under the direction of Fr. Bernard Lorber, SSPX. Technically excellent recordings let you follow along at home to this great spiritual treasure. Excellent for choirs and individuals learning to sing Gregorian Chant.

VOL. 1: Advent to Epiphany Includes Propers for the Sundays of Advent, the three Masses of Christmas, the Octave of Christmas, the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus and the Mass of Epiphany. 2 CDs in case with booklet. TAP# 6610. $35.00

VOL. 2: Feast of the Holy Family to 2nd Sunday of Lent

Includes Propers for the Feast of the Holy Family, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany, 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, Septuagesima Sunday, Sexagesima Sunday, Quinquagesima Sunday, Blessing of Ashes, Mass of Ash Wednesday, 1st Sunday of Lent, 2nd Sunday of Lent. 2 CDs in case with booklet. TAP# 6611. $35.00

VOL. 3: 3rd Sunday of Lent-Holy Week Includes Propers for the 3rd and 4th Sundays of Lent, Passion Sunday, Palm Sunday, Evening Mass of Holy Thursday, and the Liturgy of Good Friday. Also includes Hymns and Propers for the Blessing and Procession with palms on Palm Sunday. 2 CDs in case with booklet. TAP# 6612. $35.00

VOL. 4: Easter Vigil to the Ascension Includes Propers for Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Low Sunday, 2nd-5th Sundays after Easter, the Rogation Mass, Feast of the Ascension, and the Sunday in the Octave of the Ascension. 2 CDs in case with booklet. TAP# 6613. $35.00

REGINA MARTYRUM PRODUCTIONS produces the finest works of Catholic audio theater. Edifying

and technically satisfiying productions. For young and old alike. Engage the power of your imagination and walk into Church history. Packed with full casts, great music, and realistic sound effects. Great in the car, at story time, suppertime, bedtime, anytime.

Ondessonk: Priest of the Red Man St. Isaac Jogues The “Blackrobe” from France earned the name Ondessonk from the Huron Indians. The story of his birth in Orleans, his studies, spiritual growth, travels to the New World, life with the Hurons, his zeal for saving souls, and his sufferings and heroic martyrdom. EDIFYING! 2 CDs, 105 minutes, STK# 8211. $14.95

The Power of Prayer St. Monica and St. Augustine For 17 years Monica prayed for her son. In the end, her sacrifices and example won for us all one of the great Doctors of the Church. 23 scenes and 18 characters, along with a superb soundtrack, bring this work vividly to life. 1 CD, 68 minutes, STK# 8202. $12.95

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63 6363

VOL. 5: Pentecost-6th Sun. after Pentecost Includes Propers for the Feasts of Pentecost, Corpus Christi, and the Sacred Heart; Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart and Masses for the Sundays between Pentecost and the Sixth Sunday after Pentecost. 2 CDs in case with booklet. TAP# 6614. $35.00

VOL. 6: 7th-14th Sunday after Pentecost Includes Propers for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost to the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost. 2 CDs in case with booklet. TAP# 6615. $35.00

VOL.7: 15th-Last Sunday after Pentecost Includes Propers for the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost to the Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost and the Last Sunday after Pentecost. 2 CDs in case with booklet. TAP# 6616. $35.00

VOL. 8: The Kyriales and Credos 18 Kyriales include Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Ite Missa Est. Also includes Vidi Aquam, Asperges, and 19 organ pieces. 3 CDs in case with booklet. TAP# 6618. $50.00

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Special price on set of 14 CDs (7 Volumes), STK# 6620.



● #2: Catholics in Surrender; Reply to 30 Days; What Keeps Us and Rome Apart ● #3: They Think They’ve Won ● #5: They Think They’ve Won. Henri de Lubac ● #6: They Think They’ve Won. Urs von Balthasar ● #7: They Think They’ve Won. The Montini-Lubac Alliance ● #8: They Think They’ve Won. Cardinal Ratzinger: A Prefect Without Faith at the Congregation for the Faith ● #9: They Think They’ve Won. Pope John Paul II's Pontificate: A Period of Gravest Tribulation for the Church ● #10: They Think They’ve Won. Disobedience to the Infallible Magisterium: Hallmark of the “New Theology” ● #11: They Think They’ve Won. The Triumph of Modernism over Catholic Exegesis ● #13: The Next Conclave, the papabili ● “The Supernatural Extent of Our Doctrinal Battle,” by Bishop Bernard Fellay ● #14: The Supernatural Extent of Our Doctrinal Battle ● #15: “Americanism & Vatican II,” by former St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary Rector Bishop Williamson ● #16: True God, True Faith, True Church; Who Remembers Fatima? ● #17: The Cure for the Present Crisis ● #18: The Next Conclave and Its Secretary ● To Apostasy by Way of Obedience ● #19: “The True Notion of Tradition,” by Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais ● #20: “Papal Primacy on the Skids,” by Romano Amerio ● #21: Pope John XXIII: A Critical Judgment ● #22: The Beatification Process of Pope Paul VI ● The Worship of Idols ● Semper Infideles ● Casting a Shadow on Mary’s Virginity ● #23: A Pastoral Letter Leading to Sacrilege ● #24: The Fideism of Cardinal Ratzinger ● Hostility to Catholicism in Russia ● #25: Evolution or Teilhardism? ● #26: Is Hell Empty? ● #27: Contraception Under Cover of Asceticism ● #28: Vatican Council II: The Great New Approach ● #29 Concerning a Sedevacantist Thesis ● #30 The Non-Christian Religions Are a Preparation for the Gospel? ● Concerning the Renewed Debate About Paul VI’s Missal ● #31 The Memories of a Destructive Mind, Part I ● #32 The Memories of a Destructive Mind, Part 2 ● #34 The Episcopal Consecrations Theological Study: Part 2 ● #36 The Episcopal Consecrations Canonical Study: Part 2 ● #37 The Episcopal Consecrations Canonical Study: Part 3 ● #38 The Episcopal Consecrations Canonical Study: Part 4 ● #39 The Episcopal Consecrations Canonical Study: Part 5 ● #40 Mediator Dei ● Bishop Fellay on Dominus Jesus ● #41 Dialogue or Monologue ● Reality Check for the Post Modern World ● #43 The Catholic Church in Germany After the Consistory ● Cardinals with no Faith ● #44 Clear Ideas of the Pope’s Infallible Magisterium ● #45 What Should We Make of Assisi 1986? ● What Should We Make of Assisi 2002? ● #46 The Self-Destruction of the “Ecumenical” Papacy ● Vatican II: An Untypical Council ● #47 Dominus Jesus and the Religions ● #48 The Ambiguous Accord of Campos ● Pius XII and “Paschal Mystery Theology” ● #49 Okaying Mixed Marriages ● #50 The Errors of Vatican II: Part 1 ● #51 The Errors of Vatican II: Part 2 ● #52 The Errors of Vatican II: Part 3

#54 The Errors of Vatican II: Part 5 #55 The Errors of Vatican II: Part 6 #56 The Errors of Vatican II: Part 7 #57 The Errors of Vatican II: Part 8 #58 Does Card. Kasper Believe That Revelation Ended with St. John or Not? ● #59 “New Theology” Destroys Doctrine of Original Sin ● #60 Overturning Catholic Doctrine and Morality ● Subversion and Conversion ● #61 Reflections on the Case of Fr. Somerville ● #62 “The Ecumenism Trap”: A new book by Fr. George May ● #63 “The Ecumenism Trap” Conclusion ● #64 The Dogma of Ecumenism ● #65 Are the Dead Really Dead When We Remove Their Organs? ● Reflections on the Responsibility of Individuals at the Present Hour ● #66 On the Nature of Modern Thought ● #67 On the Church and the Pope ● #68 Two Key Points for the Church's Recovery ● Historical Change of Course in the Liturgical Reform ● #69 St. Pius X and the Duel Between Modern Thought and Catholic Theology: Part 1 ● #70 St. Pius X and the Duel Between Modern Thought and Catholic Theology: Part 2 ● #71 St. Pius X and the Duel Between Modern Thought and Catholic Theology: Part 3 ● #72 The Benefit of the Doubt ● Enemy Islam: An Interview with the Bishop of Rumbek, Sudan ● #73 The Good Shepherd, the Wolves, and the Mercenaries ● #74 Islam: An Unbridgeable Abyss ● The "Black Legend" ● #75 Free the Mass and the Face of the Earth Shall Be Renewed ● Must We Attend A “Protestantized” Mass? ● #76 Was St. Francis Xavier a Forerunner to Vatican II? ● Neo-Modernists Defend Evolution ● #77 Teachings of the Church Fathers on Limbo ● Reflections on Counterfeit Catholicism ● #78 Limbo in “Limbo” ● #79 Pope Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio ● Commentaries on the Responses of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to Some Questions Regarding the Nature of the Church ● #80 Priests’ Thoughts: Meditations on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass ● Ecumenical Contradictions ● God’s Avenging Wrath ● #82 Two Interpretations of Vatican II? Myth or Reality? ● The Erosion of the Council’s Authority ● #83 Spe Salvi: An Encyclical that Leaves Many Perplexed ● Some Bishops Rebel Against the Pope ● ● ● ● ●


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State of the Union Address Bishop Bernard Fellay On the situation in the Church and the SSPX's current relations with Rome. A transcription of the public conference given by Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX (Feb. 17, 2008), updating traditional Catholics on the state of the Church and the SSPX. Includes the Good Friday Prayer for the Jews and new definitions of Tradition.

✗ ✗

12pp. STK# 8289✱ $2.00 $0.79 10-pack. STK# 8296✱ $14.95 $4.95 (save $2.95)

What Vatican II Should Have Done Bishop Gerald de Proença Sigaud In 1959, in preparation for Vatican Council II, Domenico Cardinal Tardini sent out a letter requesting suggestions from all the world’s bishops. Bishop Gerald de Proença Sigaud, Bishop of Jacarezinho in Brazil sent back this reply on August 22, 1959 to the Cardinal. This response is remarkable for its clarity and foresight. A must-read for everyone! 8pp, STK# 1011✱ $2.00

The Validity of Confessions & Marriages in the Chapels of the Society of Saint Pius X Fr. Ramon Anglés, SSPX Fr. Anglés uses canonical arguments and the notion of supplied jurisdiction to explain the validity of confessions and marriages in the chapels of the SSPX. 32pp. STK# 1015✱ $4.00

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Supplied Jurisdiction and Traditional Priests Bishop Tissier de Mallerais “How can traditional priests administer sacraments when they have had their sacramental faculties removed?” Calm, common-sense approach used to address a difficult inquiry. Recommended reading by priests of the Society. 12pp. STK# 1012✱ $2.00 $0.99



A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture Bishop Frederick Knecht

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The Boy Knight of Reims Eloise Lownsbery

Historical novel set at the time of St. Joan of Arc. Travel in time to Reims of the 14th century with its crafts, guilds, merchants and beggars, nobles and soldiers. 332pp. Hardcover. Illustrated. STK# 8120. $15.00

The Blue Gonfalon at the First Crusade Margaret Anne Hubbard

A panorama of Europe in 1099 set in a thrilling story of the First Crusade. A young man wins knighthood. 187pp. Hardcover with dust jacket. Illustrated. STK# 8119. $14.00

The Blood Red Crescent and the Battle of Lepanto Henry Garnet

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The Case of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: Trial by Canon Law

Charles P. Nemeth, Esq. A canonical study to examine, assess, and weigh the validity of the latae sententiae excommunication of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre written by an outsider. 173pp. Softcover. STK# 6545✱ $12.95

Catechism of the Summa Theologica Fr. R. P. Pegues

St. Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologica made accessible to the laity in a familiar Q & A catechism format. Crossreferenced to the Summa for those wishing to study further. 315pp. Hardcover. STK# 5906✱ $I7.95

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Demonstrates that the world is not irreparably divided into two camps, the capitalist and socialist. This book will change the way you think about economics. 192pp. Softcover. STK# 7092✱ $14.95

Children’s Retreats

A beautiful book on Communion, Confession and Confirmation, for children and the childlike. Charming, yet downto-earth. In the spirit of a retreat. 205pp. Hardcover. STK# 6747. $12.00

The Church and the Land Fr. Vincent McNabb, O.P.

Father makes the case for life on the land–large families, the possession of real wealth over tokens, and the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. 188pp. Softcover. STK# 7086✱ $14.95

Duties of the Catholic State in Regard to Religion Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani

Cardinal Ottaviani of Intervention fame explains why the Church teaches that the State has the duty of professing the Catholic religion and that rulers are to insure that her principles inspire the social activity and laws of the State. 26pp. Softcover. STK# 1029✱ $5.00

Ecclesiastical Ministry Fr. Emmanuel Marie André

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Economics for Helen Hilaire Belloc

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After pointing out the beauty and dignity of the Tridentine rite of Mass and of the Latin language, Davies proceeds to describe how these were expunged after the Second Vatican Council by Church “experts.” He ends with a word of exhortation for everyone to help restore the Mass of our forefathers. 111pp. Softcover. STK# 3067. $9.00



Ethics and the National Economy Fr. Heinrich Pesch Stresses the truth that morality must govern economic life. All facets of economic activity are considered. 184pp. Softcover. STK# 8033✱ $13.95 The Guillotine and the Cross Warren H. Carroll

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Mark Fellows Can the message of Fatima really address our contemporary problems? Essential reading for every Catholic interested in modern history…Fatima is the key to understanding. 345pp. Softcover. STK# 8014✱ $19.17

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Is Tradition Excommunicated?

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Love Does Such Things Fr. Raymond, OCSO

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6868 Mary, Mother of Divine Grace

Fr. Rohellec, Translated by Fr. Denis Fahey The Holy Virgin is invoked under the title of “Mother of Divine Grace.” What is the theological meaning of this expression which the Church puts into her liturgy? Three sections entitled: “Mary in the Acquisition of Grace...the Distribution of Grace...and the Grace of the Priesthood.” 158pp. Softcover. STK# 8167✱ $9.95

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Miraculous Medal Fr. M. Aladel, C.M.

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The New Mass Michael Davies

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The Sword and the Tea (Audio drama in 2 CS’s)

Relive with 15-year-old Michael Brogan the history of Japanese Catholics. 2 CDs, 87 minutes, STK# 3114, $14.95

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