And The Walls Came Down Outline

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 710
  • Pages: 4
“And the Walls Came Down” Joshua 6:1-21 We live in a world were we battle and struggle almost daily. And we need to learn how to fight. (eye for an eye) Let’s learn from the Israelites how to bring walls down. Amen Joshua 6:1-5 Lock down 1. Full alert. 2. Food and water. Jericho 1. Jericho was not the largest city around. 2. But it was known for it walls of protection. Retaining wall about 15 feet and on top of that a wall which was 6 feet thick and about 25 feet tall. The outer wall stood about 46 feet tall. I give you Jericho 1. I give you not I might it’s a promise consider it a done deal. 2. This required huge faith by Joshua and the people. 3. Joshua because he trusted God would do what he said. 4. And the people to trust God by trusting Joshua. 5. I will send the Holy Spirit. The walls will fall 1. God doesn’t need our help. 2. God desires to work with us and through us. 3. Partnership/covenant. (husband/wife)(Jesus/Church)

Joshua 6:6-7 Joshua reminds everyone to keep their eyes on God 1. Once again don’t stop looking at me. 2. Their hearts and minds on God will bring them victory. a. Don’t look at the problems in front of us and be discouraged. b. But plan to take care of the problems being encouraged that victory is yours because God is with you. Joshua 6:8-14 And they were OBEDIENT 1. No hesitation to do what God said to do.

2. Hesitation is delay, delay is lack of obedience, disobedience is lack of trust, and lack of trust is disbelief. Because we can not see the out come doesn’t mean God doesn’t have things under control. This is where FAITH in God comes in. African Impala. Don’t say a single word 1. Be silent the bible tells us the best way to hear God is to be quite. Pss. 46:10 “Be silent, and know that I am God! 1 Kings 19:12 windstorm, earthquake, fire, gentle whisper. 2. God was fighting that battle. a. God is fighting our battles too. b. Exodus 14:14 The Lord himself will fight for you. You won’t have to lift a finger in your defense!” God fought the battle with the Egyptians, God fights the battle of Jericho and He’ll fight your battles today. Amen. Why six days? 1. Trust. Looking at that walls “can be” discouraging and realize that it was beyond them, they knew they needed to depend on God. 2. Endurance to keep doing what God said to do. Remember it made not sense. Joshua 6:15-16 Shout for the promise of God is at hand. 1. It’s time to claim the promise. The question is will you? Joshua 6:17-19 Destroy the city 1. Except Rahab. Joshua makes sure that Rahab is protected and cared for. 2. Because of her faith in God, God found favor in her. Just like us here today. 3. Don’t take anything set for destruction. Why? Occult. Destruction came on Jericho not because they were in the way of the Israelites possessing the land. It came because they rebelled against God. Judgment came on them for their unbelief and rebellion and the Bible tells us that the world will be judge on the Day of Judgment. 4. All the valuables belong to God. First fruits. Joshua 6:20-21 And the walls came down

1. At the sound of the horns. Imagine the people Did this really happen? 1. German excavation in 1907-1909 found on the north a short stretch of the lower city wall which did not fall as everywhere else. a. A portion of the mud brick wall still standing 8 ft. b. Found evidence of houses built against the wall. Rahab And they went straight in. Jericho is a huge spiritual lesson for the Children of God back than as well as today. What kind of walled city are you facing right now? Does it seem unconquerable? Do the walls look to thick and to high? Does it seem impossible? Let me encourage you today by reminding you that I read the end of the story God wins. Will you trust Him to fight your battles today?

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