Ancient Chinese Civilization

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  • Words: 1,218
  • Pages: 25

Introduction • Most isolated civilization • East- bordered Pacific ocean • North- Immense Gobi desert • South east-Himalayas mountains and Tibetan plateau • South-jungles impenetratable to invaders • Thus- the isolation and cultural supremacy bred a belief in China’s uniqueness

Origin • Settlement - 6000BC in Huang he valley • Initially- hunters & gathers, & fishing • Crops grown: millet and vegetables • Domesticated: dogs, pigs (meat) • Oxen & horses (labour)

• Social life: • Priestly class assumed political role • Ancestor worship • Closely net family network

Government: • Ancient China is associated dynasties: • Xia (Hsia)- Yu- great ruler • Shang-Founded by Yu • Zhou (Chou) • Qin dynasty (Chin)



Shang: • 1st dynasty or ruling class • Power centered Anyang • Not a nation despite one uniting language

• Government: • Confederation of state • Rulers acted as priests • Military leaders - defend the Northern China from border raids • In peace-time • Monarch performed religious rituals and sacrifice son behalf of the people • Armies composed of aristocrat who fought on horse-chariots & foot soldiers

Shang Dynasty: • Bronze weapons • Writing preserved on bones

• Socio-religious life: • Believed in many gods and spirits that resided in nature, floods, drought • Polytheists but not worship directly through ancestors (ancestral worship common) • Sacrificial worship, & good will sacrificesKings’ burials • Classified into three – • Priests/Kings, officials and warriors • Nobles (fortified houses), artisans, workers • Slaves

• Writing – preserved in bones


Zhou Dynasty: • From North invaded the Shang dynasty • History- Western & Eastern • Invented - “Mandate from heaven” (approval of gods to govern) • Shang dynasty corrupt, cruel & wicked mandate taken away • Indicatorsfamine, drought, (natural disasters) • Mandate of heaven remained as long as rulers ruled with wisdom, justice and honor • Legitimized their authority

Chou/Zhou Dynasty: • Government: • Feudalism • Bureaucratic system of government

• System of government: • Chief advisor (formulated royal policies) • Ministers• 6 administrative departments- in charge of agriculture, war, public works and religious observances etc • Collected taxes

Chou/Zhou Dynasty: • Government: • Feudalism • Divided the land into 100 of feudal states which competed for land and power • Large standing army to oppress rebellion and expand authority • Established a ruler’s responsibility to provide good government • Trusted military and royal leaders with land in exchange for the military services to the rulers & protection

Qin/Chi’n Dynasty: • Located in modern Shaanx • Qin brought an end to the warring period in 221 BC (Zhou)

• Assumed absolute power • Divided his empire into 6 districts all under the control of the central government (each with a military & civil governor) • Centralized government and destroyed feudalism • Forced the nobles to live in palace hence losing touch with the subjects and therefore power • The new structure: King- scholar-officialspeasant farmers- merchants and artisans

Kings, Nobles & Warriors


Peasant Farmers

Merchants, Traders, Artisans (unproductive)

Qin/Chi’n Dynasty: • Social life:: • Family was the basis of the society • Emphasis on filial piety- loyalty of children towards parents as the cornerstone of the society • Women in Chinese society were considered less members of the society • When a woman married she was dominated by her husband, grandfather, father and mother-in law • Women faced many authorities- which limited the achievements of women

Qin/ Chi’n Dynasty: • Achievements: • Standardized measurements and money (use of coins) • Improved communication and transport with a network of roads • Introduced legalism philosophy• Built the great wall of China which stretches 1500 miles (one of the wonders of the world) • Utilized forced labour for enormous projects • Imposed heavy taxes on peasants • Banned private ownership of books •


Confucianism • Started during warring states (403-221BC) – Zhou dynasty • Means of transforming the violence and conflict into stability • Founded by K’ung Fu Tzu/Master K’ung/Confucius • Teacher not a religious leader • Educated in political life and was a scholar and adviser of feudal lords • Concerned civil morality- how people should live, behave towards each other & good government • As a state person hope to put his ideas for reforming the state into practice • Left the job after his effort failed and founded

Confucianism • Five basic relationships: • Ruler and subjects, • Father and son, • Husband and wife, • Older and younger brothers, • Members of a community • Believed that each person must adopted the real ideas of jen (humanity) • People are fundamentally good • Reform state: • Virtues - courtesy, generosity, good faith, hard work & kindness

Confucianism • People should respect one’s social superiorselders and ancestors • Purpose of government & rulers - Care for people • State be governed by aristocracy of the talent and not birth • Knowledge was the key to happiness and successful conduct • Utopia- re-division of the land was not possible • As a pacifists- declared that a true gentleman is a man of wisdom & virtue whatever his social origin

Legalism • Founded by Han Faizi (233BC) • People are fundamentally bad- (Machiavellian idea), evil, selfish & untrustworthy by nature • People are motivate by greed & fear • Government: • Wealthy & powerful state with absolute ruler who will control unruly people with harsh laws & cruel punishments • Concern- power & wealth not welfare • Peoples lives shaped by interest of the state

• Rulers reward those who conform and punish those who do not

Legalism • Rulers could not rule by moral example • People could not be trusted to be good, instead rulers must derive power from strict laws & force

• Occupation: • Agriculture and wars • No Formal education: • Study of history, classical or philosophymake people think become discontent & rebellious • Appointments: • Legalist administrators & promotions merit • Policies that would keep the whole nation productive at work for the good of the state

Taoism/Daoism • Lao, Keeper of archives in the state of Zhou • Dao-means way (way of virtue and nature) • Individual is important• Individual seeks harmony with the universe renouncing all artificial connections • Government • Out of harmony with nature and the ultimate • Believed that government interference & source of iniquity and that if people were left to live by intuition they would live in harmony • Purpose of the government was to promote human happiness

Taoism/Daoism • Emphasized virtues: • Do nothing (humble, meditate) but get in line with nature, universe and the ultimate (Dao) • Avoid pursuit of wealth, political power & learning • Best society is the simple preliterate society life synchronized with rhythms and nature • Fishing than work • Confucius and Legalist worked to change things never worked

• Nature made of Yin and Yan • Yin- female • Yan- Male • Complement each other

Contributions: • sounds but for an entire word PhilosophyConfucianism, taoism, and Legalism • Government- feudalism • Social institution• Filial piety that is where the loyalty and respect of children towards the parent is the cornerstone of the family

• Economy• Large-scale farming




• Writing-means of communicating with spirits • Each character stands not for

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